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  • An awkward bathrooom experience.
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The time one of my cousins pooped his pants

Writing my last post reminded me of another story.
One summer I was at my cousin's house when we were kids, and we were playing Mortal Kombat (video game). We'd been playing for at least an hour, and I noticed him getting more and more fidgety, and he started to play poorly, which was rare for him. Finally we end the round, and he yells "I have to poop!" and takes off running for the bathroom. I waited and waited for him to come back, like 20 minutes, then I got up to go investigate, thinking maybe he'd finished, but just hadn't come directly back to the living room.
I got to the bathroom to find the door closed, so I knocked and yelled at him to hurry up so we could get back to playing.After a few seconds he opened the door and asked me to come in, so I did. As soon as I entered, I saw several small plops of soft yellowish poo on the tile floor leading to the toilet. On the floor beside the toilet was his pants, and then next to them his underwear that was full of soft pooh. There was smears of it on the toilet seat where he'd obviously sat down, and pile of mush in the bowl where he'd done even more. He also had streaks of pooh all over his butt and down his legs.
He asked me to help him clean up, but I didn't want anything to do with it, so I told him I would go get his mom. He yelled that he didn't want her to know, but I refused to help him and ran out the door and told his mom anyway. She got mad at him for waiting too long to go and helped him clean up before she made him shower. I guess that wasn't the first time he'd been playing video games and pooped his pants.

Anna from Astoria

Shopping and Sh*tting

Jenny - You question about shopping for new underwear with dirty underwear. One time I was trying underwear at a Nordstrom's, then when I tried on a white thong, I realized the underwear I wore in there (light blue bikinis) had a skid mark. I ended up buying the lacy thong out of guilt. It did look good on me, but it was pricer than I would have liked and was not very comfortable. I was having heard palpitations getting up to pay for them, so worried about the cashier seeing my skid mark in a brand-new undies. I avoided two male cashiers and at least found a female register. I was blushing and tried not to make eye contact with her. She my rang me up and whispered" It's ok, it happened to me last week." I thanked her with a breath of relief and left the store to head home and shower. I think I was texting when I was pooping at the mall before I tried underwear and got distracted from putting in extra wipes with the 1pl toilet paper

Justin-I actually have to poop EVERYTIME I go into a Marshalls! I admit after the above incident, I held it in as I was afraid to poop in public for a month, so I ended up crop dusting all over the store when I thought I was alone. I noticed a college age guy check out my rear after I farted, and I walked away when I noticed his face grimaced.


Hugs all around the forum

Hello all.

I have been off from work a few days. Got some good workouts, amazing food and time with family friends. I had an amazing time with my husband last night which I cannot go into ;)

I am experiencing a lot of spiritual and physically bliss right now… literally … I'm on the toilet now and my poop is feeling soooooo good! So I wanted to give hugs to everyone on the forum right now , with my panties around my ankles and dirty butt… I'm so vulnerable and graceful!

Becky- Big Hugs from me to you! I'm sorry about your suffering. Please do not be judgmental about yourself and your bodily needs. Your body is always evolving and needs what it needs, and you will find a solution. There is nothing wrong with professional help as well. But peeing every hour is not uncommon especially if you are hydrating. , but check with a health care provider if you are having other uncomfortable symptoms. Try not to compare too much to others and focus on your own health. Keep us posted Extra hugs, good vibes and prayer for you

Catherine- I agree with you! I'm pooping next to you in spirit and imagining we are giggling exchanging plops, farts and crackles. It feels so good coming! sorry about the smell though! Maybe you can teach me to wipe myself properly!! haha

Jaycie-Big Hug! hope you are feeling better. Glad you have some nice people in the office to help. Don't feel too embarassed.. Like I mentioned in a previous post, all humans will poop themselves under the certain circumstances and thresholds. It's harder to reach those thresholds in the middle of our lives, but they do get reached !!

Annie-Big Hug to you too! sorry about the constipation

Princess Toadstool Peach-Hugfor your cute posts and your name! Do you like super mario games?

Robtoria- Hugs to both Victoria and Robin! Feel better soon V! Thanks for taking care of our Victoria, Robin

-So grateful in Seattle


Toilet Therapist & Becky's Bladder

Yesterday I visited my therapist. I went there for her to help me with my BMs but it has developed that my therapist finds my assistance helps her with hers.
Anyway she sat me on the toilet and rubbed my lower back and gave me encouraging words and I had a large easy BM but was exhausted after so I sat there whilst she massaged my shoulders. The therapist wears a face mask and gloves....personal protection. Upon me finishing she wiped me but instead of throwing the tp in toilet like everybody else does it is thrown into a bucket next to the toilet. I looked and saw I was not the only person of late to have had a BM. Apparently there are problems with the sewer pipes and I am surprised it has not been fixed! Anyway she decided to swap places. It takes a few minutes for her to produce anything despite quite a bit of effort and then plop , plop, plop....her stools are always very hard and small....anyway she had a reasonable evacuation...I wiped her and that was it.
Now Becky I suggest you see your doctor. I have a very active bladder and can do a wee more often that every two hours. When you wee do you take your time and relax on the pot....try a brief meditation or just relax on every breath and make your body feel like a "rag doll." Also when you have a pee go in to the toilet with the approach of spending a few minutes....but see your doctor!


long gassy dump and bonus pee

been awhile. today i was driving fares around like normal. it hit a slow period so i decided to turn the app off and go take a slow shit. i stopped at a store and found the bathroom. it was 4 stalls with someone peeing in the last stall. i took the second stall. i sat on the toilet. my piss was slow to start. when started it was a steady yellow stream. the other girl finished peeing flushed and left. i was now alone. i let out some quiet farts as my poo moved into place. i relaxed. someone came in and took the last stall again. she started covering the seat in paper. my poo was slowly moving. some more gas came out. quiet but loud enough to be heard. the other girl finished covering the seat and sat down. she did a strong loud pee. my poo started to come out. a thin log slowly slid out and plopped in the toilet. i sighed and did a loud fart. the other lady kept shifting on her paper seat. i felt more in me. i relaxed. i started to hear grunting coming from the other stall. i then heard slow crackling with the grunting. after a few moments i heard 2 splashes. she started wiping. my next log started coming out. it was a long thin log. a lot of gas came out with it. i still felt more in me. i started pushing. nothing. the other woman finished and flushed. as she washed her hands i pushed some more poo out. she left. i was done. i started wiping. there was a chunk of shit on my anus. i picked it off with the toilet paper. i finished wiping. i flushed and it left a small skid in the bowl. i timed myself. i was in the bathroom for 9 minutes.

earlier this week i went on a hike with some friends. i forgot my water and got dehydrated. when we were done i stopped at the toilets to take a piss. my pee was a shade of very dark yellow. it smelled really strong. after my pee i farted once and was done.


Trip to Japan

Hi everyone! It's been a while since my last post, but I recently just came back from a trip to Japan. The trip was so enjoyable, I ate lots of amazing food but what I loved most of all was the toilets. The warm toilet seats with bidets were life changing. I could not believe they even have them in all there public bathrooms. I ate a lot of food on the trip, especially seafood, which makes me poop a lot. I usually poop once every two days but on the trip k found myself having to poop everyday. Unlike back at home, I really enjoyed pooping in public. Not only were the toilets very clean but I found that Japanese women are not afraid to poop in public. Back at home I would rarely hear women pooping but in Japan I often heard farts coming from stalls. The most memorable poop happened while I was shopping at a mall. I felt a strong urge to poop in the middle of the day and headed straight to the washroom. There were about 6 stalls, 3 of which were occupied. I took the middle stall in between two people and sat on the heated seat. As I sat down I heard my neighbour let out a wet fart followed by lots of loose stool. A few seconds later I did the same as I was constantly having loose poop due to all the seafood I was eating. I'm not sure if others are the same but whenever I eat seafood I have soft mushy poop with lots of gas. I thought this was probably why I found that most Japanese women I heard pooping also had loose and gassy stool as seafood is a huge part of their diet. Anywho, as me and my neighbour were going back and forth letting out farts, another women two stalls down from me also let out a loud echoing fart. For the next ten minutes all three of us were farting and pooping very loudly. It was such an enjoyable moment knowing that none of us were embarrassed by this. I finally finished after about 15 minutes and used the bidet clean my butt. After having done such a messy poop using he bidet to clean myself was so relieving. Back home I definitely would've found skid marks in my undies but in Japan that was never an issue. I pooped many other times and heard many women as well. I loved the trip and would definitely go back. I hope I won't be poop shy in public now that I'm back home.


Noisy Poop

Hello! I did a noisy poop after lunch today. It started out quiet, but became gassy. The poop was faster at this point, too. Strangely, I hear voices over parts of one of the piano tracks on my sound machine. Rather than be spooked by the improper filtering of the audio, I think of those voices as ones belonging to happy toilet users. Anyway, after pooping, I only farted when I thought I needed to go poop again later. Bye

Princess Toadstool Peach

Natural Woods Hiking, Natural Toilet and Natural Defecating!

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am going on a nice long nature hike through the woods and back again all on my own. The woods looks so beautiful this time of year! I love the smell of nature and all its wonders. (GRUMBLE!!) Uh oh looks like nature is calling once again. I really have to go do a big dump in the woods. Good thing I brought my own custom toilet porta potty in my hiking bag. I get it out along with a newspaper and a roll of toilet paper just need a special tent so no one will see me release my waste. There we go. Now I can finally get down to business I walk over to the custom toilet porta potty, then I lift the lid, close up the tent, lift my dress up, pull my panties down to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle then sit down on the custom toilet porta potty as I sat I read the newspaper and then I started urinating loudly. Then I begin to push my bowels out, already there is a huge smell as I begin to go poo crawling out of my bottom poo hole like a snake does when it is about to bite you on the… (PLUNK!!!) AHHHHHHHHH yeah that's the ticket! I feel so satisfied after I pooed AKA pinching my loaf getting all that brownloads out of there in no time flat. 5 inches thick, long, lumpy and brown just how I always do them. Once I finished pooing I wipe my bottom and vagina nice and clean and…(WOOSH) Oops my tent blown away. Hope no one sees me in this pose or else I am screw…(???: Hey Mummy what's that lady doing? Is she going stinky? ???: Hush daughter it is not polite to stare.) Well that was awkward. Unmmmm bye bye now! (GULP!!)

Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

Some thank you

Thank you Princess Toadstool Peach for explaining BFF. We four have each three BFF!!

Thank you Robyn for being kind to Victoria when she had unpleasant motion. You are very good wife to her!

Love to everyone.

From Chakamami Family


Pooping out restaurant food

I'm gonna try writing shorter stories, especially for more normal poops.

In my last story I ate at a restaurant. The food was really good and super filling. My stomach was full ever after I pooped. I had a small food baby, but it went away after my stomach digested everything and the digested food sludge was moved into my intestines. I knew from the moment I stepped out of that restaurant, and felt my fully loaded stomach gurgling in my abdomen, that I'd be turning that food into quite a big poop. And I was write!

I felt the urge to poop shortly after lunchtime today. I also was starting to need to pee. My urge to poop was growing fast, so I decided to go to the bathroom. I went to the bathroom by our kitchen (the same one that has received so many of the other giant poops I've posted about). Then, I pulled down my shorts and panties, and sat down on the toilet. I started peeing a nice steady stream that hissed into the toilet. It felt good to drain my bladder. The pee flowed out my urethra and into the toilet bowl below. After 45 seconds, I had drained my bladder and stopped peeing.

With peeing done, it's pooping time! I leaned forward and push. All that healthy food created a very healthy, albeit large, poop. A 2 inch wide soft log immediately began leaving my butthole. It made so much crackling, but it just came out. All the poop I made was just easily coming out my butt. I was amazed. My rectum had become a soft serve nice cream dispenser. After 60 seconds of pooping, my turd fell off with a "splat". I was so relieved. I just laid back, rubbed my stomach, and sighed in relief. It felt so good to have that waste out. I tried pushing, but just farted (trapped air behind my poop). I was all pooped out, which is exactly how I love to feel after pooping.

So I decided to wiped my (quite dirty) butt. This was a very soft poop, and I had to wipe 12 times before my butt was clean. Then I pulled up my panties and shorts and looked at my creation. It was a beautiful poop. It was a fat smooth turd. Think of the cardboard at the end of a roll of kitchen towel. Then make it really long and stretch it from the toilet's drain to the front porcelain. I couldn't even see all of it because some of it was hidden down the drain! But it was a beautiful log of poop. A perfect shit. And I had produced it. I took a photo of it, feeling an unusual sense of pride, then said goodby to all that digested food as I flushed the toilet. It broke in half, briefly revealing some fibers of undigested food, before getting sucked down the toilet.

And that was my beautiful perfect restaurant food dump. Also I'm writing this on the toilet! But not for a poop (that comes later today). I just woke up and my bladder was really full. So I've got my sweatpants and panties at my feet, and I was peeing a lot while I was writing this.

Bye for now!


Really low water level after poop

Got up this morning, went to the washroom, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Microwaved and ate a sub sandwich from a grocery store (it had cheese on it), ate that, an apple and small orange. I had to call my caregiver since there was no medication on the table (they come in one of those blister packs from the drug store). At 9 AM I took them, took my stuff and went downstairs to my room. A few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I finished the water from my water jar, went to the washroom, turned on the light and closed the door.

Walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down (black sweatpants and black boy shorts underwear though I'm not on my period anymore) and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out quite a bit of poop. It felt thick and came out slowly. Finally I was done and I stood up and turned to look. It was mostly in the hole and part of it came out of the hole. Flushed and it went down though the water level was and is really low. Flushed again afterwards to make sure it wasn't clogged. As far as I know it isn't. Washed my hands, picked up my water jar (I brought that with me), pulled my pants and underwear up, washed my hands, turned off the light, went to my room to dry them on the towel (remember here you're supposed to leave things like towels, toothbrush and toothpaste, etc in your room unless you're using it to prevent others from using them) and went upstairs to call my caregiver to let her know that the water level was low. She didn't yell at me but she lectured me and asked me not to call her again (she sleeps during the day and stays up all night). I went back downstairs, refilled my water jar (will microwave it closer to lunch) and now writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, hydrated and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Massage Therapist

In addition to my pooping therapist that I visit occasionally I go to a massage therapist weekly for a normal massage.
As part of the process I get a colon massage and I think it helps a bit as far as keeping those bowels moving.
Has anyone else adopted this course?


Blocked the toilet not long ago and someone is fixing it

It sounds like my poop a while ago blocked the toilet since someone is in the washroom plunging the toilet like crazy and filling the toilet with water (eek! Oops. I didn't mean to. I don't block the toilet that often). Needless to say I feel embarrassed though I appreciate what the person is doing. I will drink lots of water, do stretches and exercises in my room (caregiver won't take me out in case of a seizure) and continue to eat healthy.


Second poop today

About 10 minutes ago I got the urge to poop again. My caregiver knew I was upstairs (she had me eat a couple of crackers, showed me dinner on the table and asked me to jiggle the flusher on the downstairs toilet. I'm not sure why. The water level is low but there's nothing wrong with the flusher). Went to the washroom upstairs after that talk, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed only a little then pushed out a good amount of solid poop. Once I was done I reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, grabbed a small amount (she told me that with her toilet you can't use a lot of toilet paper), put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor, rolled up my sleeves and started wiping. First I wiped my vagina then I stood up and wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Turned around, put the toilet paper into the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. It was a fairly big solid poop taking up quite a bit of the toilet bowl. Not sure how long it was in feet or inches. Flushed the toilet and it went down. Flushed again to be sure. Yup. Went to the sink, washed my hands well, dried my hands on the towel, left the washroom and turned off the light. I was holding my Walmart bag while my caregiver and I talked. I also politely told her that I would eat the meal on the table for dinner since I was full (she intended it for now but I had a sub sandwich for lunch that she had bought me from a grocery store). Second good poop today. I went downstairs, flushed the toilet and jiggled the flusher and went upstairs to tell her that the toilet was fine. Whew. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


PS Lena did you manage to poop yet? I hope you were able to do a good one.


Radu Survey Replies

Hi Radu,

I think I answered one of your surveys before but i see that you posted a couple more. Here are my answers:

Survey #1:

1. How often do you clog the toilet with your poop?

Usually a couple to a few times per week, depends on a number of factors.

2. Have you ever clogged a friend's or family member's toilet with poop?

Yes to both.

As it may be of interest to you, I am not the only big pooper in my family. Like others have relayed on here before, it seems both my sister and I inherited the trait from my mom. The first clogged toilets I saw were from my mom, as a young boy. She didn't go every day but I don't think she struggled with constipation. It was usually a couple big, girthy logs and then smaller bits and chunks, also accompanied by a strong, eggy smell with such power that it often stunk out the bathroom, regardless of size. I recall one particular instance where she had taken an especially large movement and had maybe forgotten to dispatch of it at the time. My dad came home from work later and was in shock at its size. I also recall some instances where my sister reported that she had been out in public with my mom. They had gone to the bathroom somewhere together, at the mall or the airport, at a restaurant, and mom had taken a large movement that clogged the toilet there. My sister would also add the detail about how strong the smell was and any potential reaction from other women. Lol.

It became apparent that my sister and I inherited this trait as we grew and our mom was always very loving to teach us how to unclog the toilet. Later, my sister and I shared the same bathroom in adolescent / teenage years and so it was not so uncommon to know that either she or I had clogged the toilet. We didn't see each other's poo often but could hear the plunger, or see and smell the aftermath, if you know what I mean.

3. Have you ever had someone discover that you clogged your toilet? What was his and your reaction to this?

Yes, definitely. Sometimes you just have to fess up to it, if it's at someone else's place and you need a plunger, or to warn someone to not use that stall. Other times, like in a public bathroom, it can be an accidentally discovery. Some people can have light-hearted reactions and other people can be angry or disgusted. The reaction really depends on the person. I recall being scolded by a friend's mom at one point when I was a young teenager after I clog their house toilet. Other times, people can be eager to see it once they know about it.

4. Have you ever clogged the toilet at work or school and someone found it out? What was the reaction of your friends/co-workers to this?

I may have mentioned before that I do have an issue around knowing my co-workers poop habits and them knowing mine. I have clogged the work toilet before and the building management company doesn't stock plungers in each stall or even each bathroom. I reported some encounters on this before.

I have had people at school find a clogged toilet caused by me as well, starting in middle school through university. Again, there isn't too much specific to say on this topic in a general sense other than reactions are varied. Let me know if you want any specific stories, I have a few notable ones.

5. Has anyone ever been impressed by the size of your poop? What was his reaction?

Yes, it seems there are people who enjoy such things, and I don't blame them. It can be a fun thing to laugh about and share.

Survey #2:

1. Do you like to compare your poop with other people's poop?

This is an interesting question. I don't have any friends with this exact interest, so I don't deliberately compare with anyone. However, I have pooped in the same toilet as other people out of necessity and I have seen plenty of poop in my life, so I have some sense of comparison.

There was also what seemed like prevailing medical guidance some years ago that people should poop once a day and it should be of certain dimensions and form, and if not, then it was some indicator about poor health. Anyway, this caused me to research my own productions relative to others so I got a good sense for comparison from there. It turns out there is a wide spectrum of health bowel productions.

2. Have you ever furtively compared your poop to someone else's? What I mean is that she didn't know you were comparing her/his poop to yours.

I can't recall offhand any of these occasions. I'd have to think more deeply about it.

3. Have you ever openly compared your poop with someone? What I mean is a situation where you talked to someone about your poop. You saw him/her and he/she saw your poop, or you had a pooping competition.

My sister and her friends had a pooping competition at one point, as I discovered via her hs yearbook notes from a friend. Apparently, she had two other friends endowed with the same talents and the other girls participating were somewhat in shock by the size of their poops. All three clogged the toilet during the competition, but one friend was the clear winner.

4. If you compare your poop to someone else's, do you enjoy it more when your poop is bigger, or do you prefer it when someone else's poop is bigger than yours?

I do admit it's fun to hear about or see other's big poops, but I can't say I look at it exactly this way.

5. Have you ever felt satisfied when you pooped bigger than someone else's?

Not really. I sometimes wish people could feel the satisfaction of a large and complete evacuation. :)

6. Have you ever felt humiliated/loser because someone pooped bigger than you?

I usually have some kind of vicarious satisfaction when I see, read, or hear about someone taking a huge poop. It's almost the same feeling as ASMR, if that makes sense.

7. Has anyone felt humiliated/losed because they pooped smaller than yours?

I've had people tell me they are jealous or ask what I eat.

8. Have you ever felt turned on by seeing someone else's poop that was much bigger than yours?

What an interesting question. There is a sense of kinship for me for other people who take big poos.

9. Have you compared your poop with that of someone of the opposite sex? What was the result?

I think you can refer to my above comments about my mom and sister as the main people of the opposite sex, and also my wife and a couple exes. I can 100% confirm that women also take very big dumps. I don't think sex / gender and size of the person play a huge role in determining the size of one's productions.

10. Did comparing your poop with someone else's or just looking at someone else's poop make you feel so strongly that you couldn't sleep or thought about it for a long time?

We all have memories of big poops, either our own or other peoples, so clearly they made some kind of deep impression.

6. Have you ever been proud of clogging a toilet?

Not distinctly by itself, but it definitely adds to the poo-phoria at times. Like, it can be this external confirmation that indeed, this is a big poo.

7. Is there anyone in the world whose toilet you would like to clog? Who?

I don't have anyone specifically in mind, but would be happy to try if someone wanted to do it for them.

Hope these were good answers!



Mutual Mega-Bladder Peeing

I'd like to continue with a story I wrote here awhile back about my high school friend Aileen and myself, even though it's about peeing and not pooping. I think exhibitionisistic and voyeuristic peeing goes on in womens restrooms far more than is reported. Read the following.

Immediately subsequent to our highly atypical meeting in our high school girl's gym restroom, she and I struck-up a volleyball team relationship. Although Aileen was a junior and I a sophomore, she began training with me more often over the next few weeks. One Friday morning before school started, she tapped me on the shoulder and inquired if I wanted to practice with her after school; I said sure. Right then my mind clicked remembering our unusual restroom encounter. In-addition by a strange quirk of fate, I hadn't taken my morning pee after getting-up. Even my shorter urinations were capable of rattling my mother enough that she would frequently bang on the bathroom door and tell me to hurry-up or I'd be late for school. It gave me a real phobia about my bladder.

But on that day somewhat counter-intuitively, I purposefully didn't relieve myself in a school restroom during lunch. Normally I was so paranoid about being heard peeing that I never went any longer than was necessary to void what I thought was a minimal amount. Even then I got astonished stares when emerging from a stall. Instead that Friday, perhaps because it was Aileen that I was meeting after class, I quaffed down water between classes and more at lunch. And I do have very healthy kidneys to go with my prodigious bladder capacity. Call it a psychic intuition.

As the bell rang at the conclusion of sixth period I put my books away in my locker and strolled toward the girls gym. Aileen met me halfway there and instantly whispered in my right ear "you don't mind if we go to the restroom first? I haven't had a chance to go all day." I, who was trying not to let on that my own bladder was filled-- and far more than on our initial meeting-- assured her that I had also not peed all day either. She stated straight at me and replied "oh thank god, otherwise I would be holding you up all afternoon waiting for me to finish. At least I'll have some company for awhile." Then a thought struck me like lightning. Aileen was really proud, even conceited about her magnificent bladder. Although she was chatty and light-hearted while voiding, inside she was actually getting-off displaying her endless peeing prowess.

After school the girls locker room was nearly vacant expect for a few girls changing to go in the pool. We entered the restroom area where Aileen and I took stalls alongside each other. As always I needed some encouragement to initiate my stream, but thanks to my friend starting-up like she had turned-on an internal faucet, my own urine stream began cascading loudly into the water below. We began peeing in unison sending reverberations off the concrete restroom walls. I remember we peed in silence for a long time before Aileen spoke through the metal divider. "I'm sure happy I met someone like you." Her words hung in the air as our twin streams continued to flow unabated. It took about five-seconds for the significance of her statement to sink in my mind. I replied with an innocent "why" although I think I knew the answer. "It's just that with my other friends I'm always trapped on the toilet peeing away long after all of them have taken their turns, finished and left." Her confession had the effect of sending an erotic throb to my bladder and strengthening my pee stream even more.

Fortunately I didn't have time to reply since two voices pierced the restroom air; two girls from the swim team. They went into adjacent stalls on the opposite side of the room while we peed on in silence. I nearly wanted to burst out laughing as they initiated their flows, one a start-stop pee'er while the other with just a slow stream. About twenty to thirty later the piddler finished, but courteously waited until her friend continued her intermittent, diminishing pee stream for about another thirty seconds. Through the divider Aileen whispered "see what I mean?" After a mere minute total,the two swim team girls emerged from their stalls after completing their pathetic pees and headed over to a nearby sink area where they loitered talking and brushing their hair after washing their hands.

Subconsciously I just knew what was coming next. I stuck my head close to the metal divider and said "please-please you two, leave." Aileen giggled and replied back "don't worry about it, just keep going." Unfortunately those swim team girls quickly became more interested in what was occurring in our two restroom stalls than any conversation about swim competition. They stood silently at the sink area, listening to our sounds of urine flowing incessantly into the toilet. Suddenly Aileen audibly inquired "Kelly do you want to practice volleyball...if there's still enough time after we're done here?" I swear I was so stunned by that remark I didn't know what to say, but it didn't matter for extrovert Aileen. She continued casually in a slightly louder tone of voice. "Don't worry about it if there isn't enough time. Knowing you, you probably have a lot more to go and I could probably still fill a sink." And with that we heard incredulous squeals and utterances of disbelief like "I can't take it anymore! This is too unreal" as our peeing voyeurs ran out of the restroom.

If there was a memorable conclusion to that second mutual pee it had to have been that I out-peed Aileen, and by a somewhat healthy margin. After taking her own pee for the record book, she finally thinned out to a series of spurts and stops while my stream still flowed, albeit slower. But not satisfied to sit and listen or head for the sink area, overtly friendly Aileen flushed and came a' knocking on my stall. By that time I was way past being modest. I unlatched the stall door as-if I were the peeing queen herself and smiled at Aileen, dressed and bladder drained. She stood at the entrance making animated conversation, becoming increasingly and visibly emotional as my pee flow continued. Eventually it diminished to a very prolonged series of starts and stops. After what had to have been an additional couple of minutes of piddling I reached for a tissue.

"Finally Kelly! Forget about the last time when I said you were just someone who could keep-up with me for awhile. Your bladder is just, just so enormous!!" I shrugged nonchalantly and said, "yeah, I'm sixteen and the freaky thing is I think it's still growing."



Thanks to all for the great posts lately. Here are some replies:

@ Holder Dude - I don't know how you were able to hold it back for so long. Is that something you practiced or just a special talent?

@ Jaycie - Wow, what a crazy story. That food poisoning sounded awful and I also share your general embarrassment about having a big poo at work. Curious to hear if there was any follow up at work, hopefully none, as I think we've all been there before.

@ Catherine - Glad to see you sharing again with some regularity. I always enjoy your candor and enthusiasm on the topic. You made a comment about what's normal relative to documenting your movements. It seems to me that this is much more common than you might think. I actually do think it's pretty normal, especially as an indicator of health. I always thought it was somewhat different if a person didn't make some kind of note about their movements. Maybe those folks were conditioned to feel badly about pooping? In past eras before modern plumbing, I have to imagine this topic was much more front and center. Think about pooping in a chamber pot or outhouse? It's not going anywhere and it's not covered by water.

@ Kenna - Great story about the festival, are Kenzie and Josh related or did circumstances lead to constipation for both?

@ Jessica - I liked your last couple stories. I would be interested to read more if you have time to share. Have you had any more shared moments with the custodian?

@ Anna from Austria - I totally hear you on how annoying that must have been with the two women talking across the stalls. I used to work at a place that only had one stall and one urinal in the mens room for an office of what was probably 20 men. Men would queue to use the stall mid-morning or after lunch and it wouldn't be uncommon for them to have long chats while one pooped. I was a younger employee and was a bit taken a back. My bosses on more than one occasion wanted to chat about some assignment I had while pooping. One gentleman was particularly gassy and would talk between loud farts. I always tried to pee quickly and leave. Luckily, I usually go before work, so I wasn't ever trapped in the stall while someone waiting tried to talk to me.


PJ (He/Him)

Marshall Poop

I have an unbelievable story! Not only is the story something I would read and doubt that is true, but the timing based on our recent forums!!!

I went to Marshall's with my wife to shop for clothes. Of course, both my wife and I both had to poop when we arrived. I had never had to poop at Marshall's before. My wife says it happens to her every other shopping trip to Marshalls. We had laughed as we talked about the social media shorts on all the platforms about the phenomenon of the ladies who have to poop while shopping at discount stores! Well I'm one of gals now!!!

It was a quick, smelly sold poop. No splashes or farts, just crackles, a strong smell and at least 6 messy wipes before the toilet paper looked ALMOST clean. The toilet paper was thin too, so I would probably get some skidmarks if I had worn light colored boxer briefs. I texted my wife "how's the toilet paper in the ladies". And she replied " It's good I'm wearing black panties, but they are going to be riding up :( "

I wiped one more time and flushed all the toilet paper without issues flushing. When I washed my hands, a young brown haired women in a sundress ran in with her hand on her butt " saying...I'm so sorry" and she ran into at stall and pulled her thong down to her calves and sat down before closing the stall. I heard a lot of diarrhea and farting noises. " Oh no!!! she yelled.

"I'm sorry. are you ok, my wife is a physician..or I can just watch the door to make sure no one comes in to give you privacy.."

"I'm sorry..I just really had to go....I think I'm ok....but she dropped a credit card below the stall. " this is so embarassing..can you have your wife buy me the cheapest underwear and shorts in a size 7 and medium ...I...uhh..."

"No worries, I understand," I left the room and guarded the door from other men and texted my wife to meet me when she was done. " Be right there, wiping for the 10th time lol "

My wife came out a few minutes lates. " Is it busy in there?" I asked

"Yeah I got in before a rush" . I got my wife up to speed with the woman's situation and size. She checked in on the woman to make sure she was ok. my wife quickly the woman a running shirt and shorts. She took the woman's credit card because she insisted but did not use it. I head the woman thank my wife. Once we decided she was ok, we left her alone


To Jc

Hi Jc. I hope your diarrhea from that yucky tuna goes away soon. Sounds like you had butt lava. That was the most explosive poop story I read today.


To Lena

Thank you. I've had bowel issues (constipation) since I was a baby (born 2 months early and am on prescription laxatives as well as eating healthy and drinking lots of water). As a baby I used to pull my knees to my chest and grunt. Now I still suffer from constipation but I eat healthy and drink lots of water and as a result go a lot when I finally do go. I hope you can go too. Try drinking a cup of hot or warm water. That should soften everything up.

Princess Toadstool Peach

Still a little bit Sleepy but have to Wee & Poo Nonetheless!

ZzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZ!! (Yawn!) Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach I'm a little bit tired and also sleepy today after a real busy day the other night but I have to get up because I'm needing to do a wee and maybe a poo too. So the sooner I get this done the sooner I get to go back to bed. I take off my nightcap and I walk over to the bathroom for my big but early morning bathroom break then I walk over to the toilet, then I lift the lid, pull my pyjama pants down, give my bottom a little wiggle then sit down on the toilet as I sat I read the newspaper and then my bladder tingles and then within seconds as soon as I adjust myself squatting I then begin to wee tinkling loudly into the toilet "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssshhhhhhhhhh dripdripdrop!" Ahhh feels good now I feel like I'm needing to go poo. I relax, push lightly as I pinch my loaf so all my dump waste comes out of my bottom poo hole then I pooed as well as break wind loudly "TOOT!! PLUNKPLUNKPLUNK PLOP PLOP PLOP PAAARRPP PLOOP FOOMP!!!" Whew already there is a slight chance I filled up that toilet and left quite a smell. Phew! Time to wipe. I wipe my vagina and my bottom nice and clean with toilet paper then I get off the toilet, pull my PJ pants up, then I flush it all down. "FLUUUUSSSSShhhhhhh!!" My what a relief that's over and it went down perfectly well! (YAWN!!) Just need to wash my hands…you know what I'm so sleepy I think I should head back to bed. (YAWN!!) I put on my nightcap on, flop into bed and pretty soon after that is all done and over with I then fall into a long deep relaxing…zzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!

Thursday, July 25, 2024


The day after I ate too many lima beans

I was 16. It was a Saturday afternoon. A big pot of lima beans was served for an early dinner, and I gorged myself on them. I must have eaten 5 or 6 big heaping bowls full of them, as the pot was almost gone and the rest of the family was expecting leftovers for the next day that were now going to be unavailable. Because I ate way too much.

When I went to bed that night, I was constantly farting. That remained the case in the morning and through the Sunday after. I ate the rest of the lima beans that Sunday, another 2 large bowls. I didn't poop all day that Sunday either, but there was lots of farting.

Monday came around, and I was farting all morning as I was getting ready for school. I felt a large, painful weight in my gut. I tried to poop before leaving, but was unable to. I had just transferred to a new school and this was my second week there. Unlike my previous school, this one actually had doors on their bathroom stalls, so I had much fewer reservations about pooping here, even if I might still find it a bit awkward or embarrassing.

On the ride to school, by insides were loudly churning while I held in farts to keep from stinking up my father's car. As I get dropped off and walked to the entrance, I knew I'd have to take a quick poop, at least as quick as I could for the circumstances. I still had 5 minutes before my first class was to begin, which would hopefully be enough time to avoid tardiness. Each footstep caused the solid mass docking in my rectum to churn and slosh about, putting unwanted pressure on my sphincter, while gas kept silently blowing out. My walking moved my buttcheeks back and forth and each time my legs passed each other, another fart would escape. The pressure was painful. I could smell the trail of stink following me as I rushed into the nearest Boys' room with only seconds to take a seat, hoping that at least one stall would be available.

A group of about 10 boys conversing near the sinks stared at me as I rushed in. I hurriedly rushed to the nearest stall and latched the stall door. This was not my first time pooping at this new school as I'd already gotten into the habit of doing so each day since the first day, thanks to no longer having to put up with the doorless stalls and stall-less toilets at my previous school. And I'd even pooped with a few other boys in the room already, including having pooped in adjacent stalls next to at least one person by this point and having exited a stall with a few boys washing their hands at the sinks after seeing my shoes/pants/ankles and having heard me poop and/or wipe my butt. But I was still nervous about pooping in a stall with a large crowd of boys in the room just hanging around not even using the restroom for its intended purpose, but instead as a place for socializing. I rightfully worried I would be singled out as the pooper and maybe harassed or bullied. Since I was the new kid at this school, all attention was on me as I stood in that stall, frantically unbuckling my belt and anticipating much needed relief of my bowels, feeling sick with embarrassment at what I was about to do in front of this unwanted crowd.

It was an emergency. It was bad enough that even if it was an open toilet nightmare like I had used at a military base earlier that year(See "Semper Fi", page 2955), I'd have still sat down out of desperation in front of this crowd. But I had the luxury of a stall with a door, and not one of those stupid half door setups either. It was bad and I had no choice, but at least the privacy was conducive enough to avoid total humiliation. Time was of such essence that my choice was the nearest stall, the least ideal one from a privacy standpoint out of all the 5 other stalls available in the room. My bowels weren't going to wait another second. I was thankful to have a stall door, gaps be damned.

As I got my belt loose, I hurriedly dropped my pants and underwear all the way to my shoes, and before I could even seat my skinny, hairless butt down all the way, I felt a wave of pain rushed to my lower abdomen as what I feared to be diarrhea was forcibly exiting my butthole.


With my butt now fully seated and my ankles fully exposed by the 1 foot gap at the bottom of the stall, the longest, loudest, most embarrassing fart I'd ripped at this new school to this point, and for possibly my entire two years there, had just involuntarily roared on out with a presence and fury that shook the walls and echoed about the restroom with an obnoxious rancor, as if to spite me. My legs involuntarily quivered at the relief of this pressure release while everyone in the room went quiet. I felt so embarrassed. That fart was so loud it interrupted their conversation, and the room was now so silent you could hear a pin drop.

But that was just the opening salvo, and it was too late to halt the flow. The non-gaseous matter involuntarily came rushing out as soon as the fart ended.


It was some of the loudest crackling my butt had ever done. It felt like the diarrhea I thought it was, but it was anything but. A wide, exceptionally smooth, yet somewhat messy log of crap forced my buttcheeks apart and smeared itself all over on the way out as it rapidly exited. It felt extremely wet, extremely heavy, sloppy, and kept on pouring out. I could feel the load lighten on my insides at a rate of an ounce per second as more and more of it rapidly and loudly slid out, uninterrupted.


And the conversation was still stopped. To my slight horror, the realization finally set in that they were all listening to a massive log of crap involuntarily slide out of my butt, after seeing me enter the stall and drop my pants to my shoes. They saw my face and spiked hair before I entered the stall, saw that I was wearing all black, and knew who I was. I stood out among teh rest of the students plus I was "the new kid".

After a very awkward 10 seconds or so had passed since the long, loud fart, while the otherwise silent restroom seemed to amplify the embarrassing noises my body was generating as I was defecating, one of the students then said,

"Yah, that's the new kid. He's weird."

Another then said,

"...and it's not because you're stinking us all out by taking a huge, dirty, disgusting dump!"


There was some muffled laughter.

Another kid remarked, "Hey new kid, how old are you?"

I felt so uncomfortable. I didn't answer his question. I sat there in embarrassment as poop was loudly and involuntarily pouring out of me.

"He's a junior. He's in my 1st period class."

I didn't like the fact that they were talking about me, while I was taking a shit near them. It mad me feel vulnerable and slightly violated. I didn't know what they were going to do. I recall the culture of bullying at my previous schools, and how anyone who needed to poop at school was in an extremely vulnerable and possibly dangerous situation. As a result, my sphincter involuntarily pinched it off early out of nervousness.


But I couldn't hold it back. It remained uninterrupted as yet more kept sliding out at the same pace as earlier, loud crackling echoing about the Boys' room as the matter audibly smeared itself against my butt on its way out.


There were a few awkward chuckles regarding the situation. They definitely heard the poop sliding out of my ass and there was no secret what I was doing less than 10 feet from where there stood. The silence and context of the situation made the sound of the poop crackling its way out of my butt that much more awkward to me and probably everyone in the room. It sounded gross on a visceral level, and it was loud.

One boy yelled, "You, the kid taking a giant crap, you look 12!"

Then another pleaded,

"Please, don't tease him. He's shy. We're embarrassing him."

That kid wasn't wrong. I was not liking the attention I was getting and it made me nervous. They knew that I knew that they knew what I was doing in that stall, and everyone could hear it as I sat there with my pants on the floor and legs exposed, the involuntary movement thereof broadcasting to anyone looking at my shoes how serious of a bathroom emergency this was. They knew what was going on. It was a full frontal assault on all of their senses in some way. But I was powerless to do anything else as my body dictated what needed to be done, as it kept forcefully sliding on out of me...


"Sounds like he really had to go."

Another kid remarked,

"We've all been there."

"Sorry. We didn't mean to bother you."

And just like that, then they continued their earlier conversation as if I wasn't even there. No one was harassing me. No one was trying to stare at me through the gap between the cubicle and door. No one was making fun of me or imitating my noises. No one was deriding me. No one was trying to perform some kind of other rude prank. And I feared all of those things would happen. Yet there I sat like a fool with my pants on the floor and bare legs in full view of everyone else in the room, a solid turd loudly and forcefully crackling its way out of my butt and making my legs involuntarily quiver with relief as each log dropped and a new one immediately rushed forth to take its place. The poop felt so good, one of the best I ever felt, in spite of the less than ideal circumstances(the ideal being total privacy without an audience).

This relatively chill environment was very much unlike my previous school.


I continued extruding out yet another massive, wide, wet log composed primarily of post-processed lima beans. There was lots of loud, gaseous emissions accompanying the mass as it slid out, but I couldn't help it. Trying to slow the flow would only cause pain, and there wasn't much point in doing so as I was trying to hurry and not be late for my first class. And everyone in the room no longer seemed to care what I was doing. It was loud enough that they all definitely heard it, but they paid me no mind as I loudly and hurriedly voided my bowels less than 10 feet from where they were standing.

After about 2 minutes, everything was out. The final log dropped in with a *BLOOSH* and I started wiping. And wiping. And wiping. The toilet paper roller rattled and squeaked as I rolled generous amounts of cheap 1-ply off of it to wipe with. I was in a hurry but was still able to take at least a minute to wipe, making 5 or 6 passes before getting clean(I'm a thorough wiper and avoid underwear skidmarks).

I got my pants back on, buckled my belt, and looked into the toilet briefly. The entire toilet bowl was full of light-brown dirt logs, one of them forming a coil pile in the center of the bowl. I flushed and it all went down cleanly. I exited the stall and the students all briefly looked at me as I approached one of the sinks. We could see each other in the mirror while they continued talking, and I washed my hands.

They seemed to accept what I just did in their presence as perfectly normal and acceptable and didn't seem to care anything further about it. This NEVER would have been the case at any previous school I attended, stall doors or not.

One of the kids then asked,

"Hey new kid. How old are you?"

I answered,


He remarked,

"What!? I'm a freshman and you look younger than me!"

One of my classmates then said,

"He's in my AP Physics class."

"I'm in that class too. 1st period."

The warning bell rang and we all exited the Boys' room to get to our first class on time. As we made our way to class, there was no awkward eye contact or staring, no snide remarks, no comments on the smell or the loud farting and plopping they were all just subjected to by me, nothing. I sat next to two of these students in my first class, and saw more of the same students that shared the restroom with me that morning in other classes. During the rest of the day, I never heard so much as anyone mention that I pooped or farted at school.

It was now that I realized that pooping in the Boys' restrooms was 100% socially acceptable here at this new school, without question. I was not fully expecting this. But, that was now the new world in which I found myself. It was a massive improvement to my quality of life. No more doorless stalls, no more bullies, no more holding it in all day. All restrooms had normal size stalls with normal size doors, for at least the minimally acceptable privacy I was used to seeing almost everywhere else(except for the locker room, which had a half wall which still covered everything but the user's head as they sat, still making it marginally acceptable, my use of which will be told later). Someone would deliberately have to stare at me through the gaps to invade my privacy, and I don't recall anyone there ever doing so. It was nice.

Because of this inviting toilet environment, and because my home bathroom had so many family members competing to randomly use it at any given time, school became my preferred place to poop. I ended up pooping there hundreds of times for the two years I was enrolled, in the presence of virtually all of my fellow male classmates at one time or another. A once or twice a day sit down session in a stall was typical for me, usually soon after lunch and sometimes again at the end of the day before leaving. No one ever harassed, belittled, or otherwise made fun of me for it outside of the rare jovial and/or bemused comment acknowledging what I was in fact doing(nothing ever mean-spirited or egregious). And lots of other boys used the stalls to poop, even in an adjacent stall beside me. No matter who else was in the restroom while I was seated, there was never a need to hold back. I was free to let it all come out as it normally would, noise, smell, and all. And I didn't need to wait for everyone to leave before I could exit and wash my hands. Whoever was at the sinks and saw me leave the stall after blowing it up, never judged me for it, and the presence of other students just hanging out in the restroom never deterred me from seating myself in a stall either.

It was because of this school that I got comfortable pooping in public. Pooping in a public restroom stall at college or the workplace later on was rarely ever uncomfortable because I became so used to it, and the same could be said for any random public restroom of adequate privacy. This was regardless of who else was in the room with me, including people I saw every day. And I have this second high school to thank for that.

The partitionless bowl-style urinals were another story though. I found peeing at this school more awkward than pooping, by far, because I found it less private and didn't like standing there holding my unit out in front of everyone in full view. But when peeing, I kept my eyes on the task at hand, and assumed my fellow male students standing shoulder to shoulder next to me did so as well. This was a preferred tradeoff vs the doorless stalls at my previous school, by far.

Princess Toadstool Peach

Baby Rosalina and Baby Peach Potty training Outside together

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am once again babysitting Baby Peach and Baby Rosalina. They are potty training still today and I'm hoping they will be able to go wee or poo in their potties. So later on I packed up their potties and I took them for a little pram ride outside in the sunshine. It was such a beautiful day out here. Until all of a sudden Baby Peach and Baby Rosalina told me they had to make a poopoo and a wee too. So I got out their potties, put them down in the shade, and got Baby Peach and Baby Rosalina out of their prams, pulled down their pants and their Huggies diaper nappy pull ups and then sit them on their potties as I made up a story about potty training to them to get them to go. The story was about a little tiny girl named Polly who was young as Baby Peach and Baby Rosalina who was learning how to use the potty and go wee and poo into it. As I told my story Baby Peach felt a tight squeeze. I stopped the story and then before I could say anything else "FOOMP!!" She done a big poo in her potty. I was overjoyed and then I helped her clean up using the flushable wipes I had in my pocket. Baby Rosalina didn't do anything expect but a small noisy fart but that was OK. Anyway I'll see you later. Bye bye now!


I hate my body and my pathetic bladder so much

Guys, I am so pathetic. I'm a laughing stock. I drink water when I'm thirsty. That's it. But I pee more than anyone I know. My roommate is often gaming for idek how long, and she maybe goes like twice in 8 hours? Me, it's between every 1-2 hours. Even though it's extremely hot where I work and I SHOULD be hydrating, and I do (so I should be sweating it out, right? No peeing necessary?), yeah, I have to pee every 2 hours. This isn't normal.

I'm not diabetic. I don't drink caffeine at work. I legitimately don't know what's wrong with me. I hope I don't have overactive bladder, because then I have to give up 80% of my diet.


Robyn & Victoria Butt Phlegm

I have had butt phlegm (or mucus) only a few times and not for very many years. My butt mucus is very thick and sticky and has an awful smell.
The first time was when Ii was a teenager, I woke in the early hours of the morning with an urgency to shit. before I got to the toilet mucus came out of my bottom but I could not shit! This went on for a few of days so I told Mum and she gave me Agarol...a well known laxative. She gave it to me first thing in the morning and late that afternoon I rushed to the toilet and monster turds thundered out of my bum!
I have had two situations a long time ago and I know I was very tired and been working very long hours. My bum was producing mucus and just leaking out...this time I was not constipated. Each time it resolved in a day.
No butt phlegm since!


To Annie

Sorry to hear about your bowel movement problems. I myself have been constipated over the last two days but I feel like I'm about ready to go.


I couldn't stop it

Im 35 and I have IBS. I was camping with my girlfriend 25 when I woke up at 4am dying to poo

As I stood up outside the tent all hell broke loose no cramps or anything just liquid shit in to my boxers . Luckily I had wet wipes I always do so I stood outside cleansing off the best I could then I walked to the campsite showers . Thank god they had showers and finished cleaning myself .

Now here's the thing I genuinely like crapping my pants but that was embarrassing and luckily she was fast asleep I will be telling her when she gets up . I just hope she doesn't laugh


A Big Poop at a Restaurant

I'm currently sitting on the toilet at a restaurant. My family and I went out to have dinner, and the food was awesome. However, I last pooped the day before (before I ate a big dinner) and I had a sandwich for lunch, so a lot of digested food was already heading south if you know what I mean. I was fine until the appetizers arrived, and then suddenly something solid started pressing against my butt, and it wasn't small. I didn't really want to take a shit while at this restaurant, so I tried holding it. As I ate my main course, my stomach filled up with delicious chicken and pasta and my body filled my intestines with more and more digested food. I could feel stuff shifting in my abdomen as the food I ate two days ago was compacted into a thick brown stinky turd. I ate a Big Mac for lunch 2 days ago. And now I could feel my body squashing what remained of it into my rectum. Eventually, I was done with my main course. But an even fuller rectum. I had to take a shit soooo bad. I thought we might be home soon, but then we ordered dessert. That was my sign that I needed to use the restaurant bathroom.

I excused myself from the table and found the ladies room. There were a 6 stalls, and 2 were taken by pooping girls (lots of good food can really make a girl need a fat dump). I took the third stall, pulled up my skirt, pulled down my tights, and sat down. While I was typing this, I peed for 50 seconds. I drank a lot (but haven't peed since lunch) so it was light yellow. Ok, time to take a giant shit. I'm relaxing and lightly pushing and it's coming out. Oooh it's big and solid. This needs to come out though. So I'm still pushing and it's still moving out of me. I'm breathing quickly, and more pushing. It's stretching my butthole, but it's still coming out. I'm rubbing my stomach now. I think I've been pooping for about 30 seconds now. More is still coming. I'm let out kinda quiet grunts. Oh part of it just broke off but there's still a lot more coming. It's starting to crackle and get softer. Ughhh come on get out of meeeeee. Ahh it just plopped. Whew wow that feels amazing to have pushed out. A single monster turd just slowly sliding through my intestines and out my butthole. I let out a sigh of relief. At this point both of the other girls have left, and 2 girls came into pee. Another girl is currently pooping (I heard the plop) and seems to now be pushing another log out. Back to my poop though, it's time to wipe! First wipe is kind of dirty, second is cleaner, third still shows some poop, fourth is clean!

I've stood up, and pulled up my tights and underwear. The poop is two giant logs. They're both 2 inches wide and quite smooth, and a light brown color. The smell isn't bad either, just a strong earthy/poopy smell. The first log is 24 inches long, and the second is 14 inches long. It's such a big, perfect poop. I actually enjoyed pooping this out. Well, I always enjoy pooping, but this one especially just felt really amazing getting pushed out. I must say though, I think there's more food sitting in that toilet than there was on my plate. Kinda ironic: I come to a restaurant and end up pooping out more food than I ate. Anyway time to flush. It's one of those powerful toilets like what we have at school, so it should be powerful enough. I flushed, it's all swirling around, and it's all gone. Time to wash my hands and get back to eating.

Update now that I'm home: dessert was really good and I answered my mom's question of "are you ok? What took you so long?" with "I just took a giant shit". My dad was happy to hear my digested waste didn't clog the toilet. That's all for now, happy pooping and peeing!


Farmer's Market

I was at a farmers market this weekend and the toilet situation was interesting to say the least. They had a few mobile toilet blocks but behind them was a little raised platform made of pallets with small square hay bales underneath. If you only needed a quick pee you simply climbed up the steps, squatted and went. It was amazing!


Petro's Survey

I will respond to Petro's survey in general terms as opposed to answering specific questions.
Pooping can be very difficult for me due to a neurological condition...hard poos and I get very, very exhausted to the pint I almost black out...I can also have trouble getting off the toilet.
Occasionally I go to a therapist (like yesterday) and prefer to poo in her presence as it is much easier and safer.
I take Osmolax every day (just about) and it really helps. Even a very large but easy movement can be exhausting.
Sometimes I fart during pooping and sometimes before.
My turds are variable...they can be big and thick and hard or long and thin but often small and many or mushy.
Sometimes I have to push a lot but if I am well stocked on laxative I can sit there, relax and it just seems to come out of its own accord.
I mostly do grunt when pooping and do so in public also...I find it helps and stops me holding my breath.
Expect for when I see the therapist and regular use of public toilets etc I poop by myself.
I use suppositories but I find the Osmolax takes that need to only occasional use...I have used Fleet enemas and years ago I have had enema sessions at a clinic when constipated with great relief and years ago colonics.
I do not sit on the toilet without the therapist thinks I should sit on the toilet when I wake up. I actually do that because I sit to wee except when in public toilets. I find sitting helps me empty my bladder ( I have bladder issues) and both when pooping and weeing I often meditate just for a few minutes.
Yes, I am sometimes happy as opposed to being proud of my productions and I find a good BM feels wonderful to almost a point of euphoria (occasionally).
I always pee when I poop.
Yes, I have done some big hard stubborn turds that have been over one foot long and hurt my bum for a couple of days.
I poop maybe every couple of days to four times a day. Whist I poop in the morning it can be any other time during the day also and sometimes in the middle of the night I wake up to poop. I usually get up once or twice during the night to pee.
Yes, I enjoy a good wee but a good poo is better.
I should say on several occasions I have sat on the toilet for a wee and ended up doing a substantial poo as well.
I have pooped outdoors many times (but not for years) and find it liberating and relaxing and refreshing!
I have pooped in front of others when I use to deep sea fishing....indeed we all did it and thought nothing of it. I use to fish with a fella who pooped every time.
As to pooping when I was a child....plenty of stories.
I am Australian....I have been posting for....I do not know how long...could be 15 years....i posted as Thunder from Down under then Constiguy and now and for a long time Thunder.


Festival constipation

Hey all, it's Kenna again with my latest update. Josh Mackenzie and I recently attended a music fest for 4 days and you basically just camp right there on site. We all shared our tent which is pretty big and has a room divider so Mackenzie could have her own space and privacy. There's really nowhere else to go the bathroom except porta potties so Josh was a little nervous about having to go poop on this getaway since he always has a hard time going. He hadn't gone in a couple days leading up to the trip so he figured he definitely would at some point during the fest. I brought all the necessary stuff with us,wet wipes, suppositories and Vaseline in case Josh needed it. None of us pooped the first full day we were there. Kenzie and I just go together usually and share a porta potty. I knew if Josh needed my help going poop we would have to get creative since we couldn't really share a stall with how busy it was. Mid afternoon the second day we were sitting around our campsite when kenz said she had to use the bathroom and asked if I wanted to go too. I told her sure and we headed for the nearest porta potty. Once there the line wasn't too bad and we got into one pretty quick. Kenz locked the door and told me she had to pee but might need a number two also as she could feel one building up. I just had to pee so I did that quickly and then let her take her turn. She took off her shorts and panties so I could hold onto them without them touching the floor. She hovered herself above the toilet and began to pee. After that she wiped herself and stayed hovering while she started to push to see if she could poop. "I haven't pooped in a few days, this might not be easy" she warned. "Take your time girl, no rush!" Her face began to go red while she tried to go. She pushed and pushed for a few minutes but nothing was coming out. "Damn, I might have to wait and try later, it's not moving" she said. "I need to wait until the urge gets stronger, I don't think I can go yet" she grabbed her pants and panties from me and put them on. We left the porta potty and headed back to camp. After dinner I had to go poop and asked Kenzie to come with me. On the way o told her I was going to poop and asked if she felt like trying too. "Well I may as well at least try for a bit" she said. We got to the porta potties and headed in. I took off my shorts and thong and Kenzie held onto them. I got into position and peed first then began to concentrate on my dump. I was in a half squat half hover over the toilet. Pretty soon after a couple harder pushes my turd was on its way. It moved with each push but not very much. Kenz and I made small talk and I grunted softly at the ends of my pushes. I gave a long drawn out push and squeezed a couple more inches of my log out. Two pushes later it came out and I turned to look at it. It was probably 10" long. I could feel more in my butthole and got back into position. I pushed again and the next poop started coming. It was a little softer than the first and came out pretty quickly. It was the same size as my first turd. I pushed again and felt done. I wiped twice and was clean. I switched spots with kenz and she hovered over the toilet. She peed again and sucked in a breath. She gave a long drawn out push, breathed in and repeated this a few times when she stopped to rest. "Whew, I am constipated!!" She announced. "It's just not coming out, I'm having a really hard time getting this to move!" "Did you bring suppositories Kenna?" "Yep I have them back at camp, Josh hasn't pooped in 4 or 5 days so he will need one when he goes too I'm sure". Kenz pushed a few more times, and gave up. "Can you help me try later?" She asked. "Yeah of course I can!" "Thanks Kenna, I appreciate it!" We headed back to camp. She told me she would try again after dark for hopefully more privacy and it wouldn't be so hot out. We sat around a fire and had a few seltzers waiting for it to get dark out. She texted me from across the fire that her urge was getting worse and she wanted to try again soon. I texted back and asked if she wanted a suppository, and we could get that in first, wait while that worked and then head to the bathroom to try. She said yes. I told Josh I had to pee and of course kenz said she would come too. Josh also came with this time but took a separate porta potty obviously. I snuck a suppository and Vaseline in my purse and we headed to the toilets. I asked kenz if she wanted to do it herself but she said I should do it because I could see everything. I got out a supp and coated it in Vaseline. She took her shorts down halfway and pulled her thong to the side exposing her butthole. "Ready"? "Yes, just do it" she replied. "I need you to push gently just to open yourself up a Littleto make this easier" she started to push and her anus slowly dilated. The big brown hardened tip began to show but was definitely stuck and looked too big for her to be able to get out, no wonder she couldn't pass it! I gently tried pushing it into the the very hard end of her poop but it wasn't easy! She whimpered a little and cringed. "Almost there, kenz, hang in there" she sucked her anus closed around her turd and supp. Josh was waiting outside for us and we walked back to our site. We hung out for awhile probably 45 minutes or an hour and it was getting late at this point. Kenzie got up and said she was going for a walk and asked me to come with, obviously I knew what she meant and I got up to go with. Josh also got up and said he would go with, Kenzie hesitantly told him "ummmm actually can her and I just go? I actually have to poop and wanted to look for a better spot than the toilets" Josh replied "oh sorry, I'll leave you two alone for that, my bad" "don't worry, you didn't know" replied Kenz. I grabbed the wet wipes and we headed out to look for a better spot for her to try and go. There are some wooded areas nearby and some empty bleachers so we decided to check by them. "I really need to poop Kenna, I hope this comes out this time"! "It will, girl. I'll help you do it" I reassured. We finally arrived at the bleachers but luck wasn't on our side as there were people drinking and smoking on them just hanging out. "Damn it" muttered Kenzie. "Its ok, those woods over there should be private enough and it's dark, I'll help cover you" another 5 minute walk and we got to the "woods" which was only a few rows of trees but offered just enough protection at night where a person could have privacy. We wandered into the middle of these trees and made sure no one was around. "Ok let's do this" Kenzie said. She lowered her shorts and panties and moved into a squat. I got in front of her and she turned her butt away from the venue just in case. "I'll keep a lookout, just focus on pooping Kenz, concentrate" we were behind a tree as far as we could get and Kenzie braced herself against it. She peed a little first and then sucked in her breath as she prepared to push. I gave her my hands to squeeze and she began to bear down against her stuck turd. It crackled a little at her hole as she began trying to force it out of her. "Nnnnn, urrrgh" she gently groaned. "Cmon, push, you can do it, go slow hunni" I coaxed. "Its going to be slow, it's incredibly hard" she responded. She began squeezing again and I looked under her butt and saw her anus bulging out really far and the poop crammed near the exit. It slipped back in and she whimpered. "Ugh, please come out, it has to come out" she wailed. After several agonizing minutes with her anus to almost the bursting point she finally gave a few excruciatingly hard and long pushes and in one motion the tip all of a sudden slid past her hole. "Nnnnnnngggghhhh" she kept going so she wouldn't lose her progress. She was practically panting and stopped to rest. "Oh my god" she whimpered. "It hurts so bad Kenna!" She was practically in tears. "It's coming now Kenz, keep going, it will be out soon, I'm right here for you" I looked behind her and this turd looked like a cob of corn sticking out it was that massive. I couldn't believe she managed to push it past her hole without it needing to be removed manually. She got ready to push again and went into a deeper squat. I coached her while she pushed making sure to keep her as comfortable and relaxed as possible during this ordeal. She was having a major issue getting it to keep coming out so I suggested using Vaseline around her hole to hopefully help it slip out a little easier. "Yes, I'm desperate, anything that might help, it feels like I've got a pole jammed up my ass" I gently began working Vaseline around her poop making sure to ask if it hurt or she wanted me to stop. "Im going to keep doing it as you get more to come out if you're ok with that" I said. "Yes I just need this out" I instructed her to push and she began to strain once more. She was shaking with effort and whimpered during her tries. "This may be the hardest poop I've ever had" she said. About 5 minutes later she had moved it another inch or so. I re-applied Vaseline every time she made progress. She was starting to win the battle but it was slooooowww. She huffed and puffed and strained and after another 10 minutes the main blockage dropped from her with a loud thud. "I think I broke my butt" she sighed. She recovered for a minute and then started pushing again. Another turd crowned and she was able to pass it a lot easier. It was still really thick but only took her a few minutes. She dropped a few more turds and finally was done. She gingerly wiped her very sore anus and we walked back to camp. "I really hope I'm cleared out now, this is rediculous, I have not been that comstipated I'm not sure ever" Josh was still by the fire when we got back. We had been gone 45 minutes or so. "Feel better"? Asked Josh. "Yeah I do, thanks!0 Kenz answered. She didn't elaborate but later Josh asked if she was ok when we were getting ready for bed and I just told him she had been comstipated and had a difficult time going. We went to bed and the next day after breakfast Josh finally had to take a dump too. We went in the tent and I loaded him up with Vaseline before he headed to the porta potties to see what he was up against. I waited outside for him. A couple minutes went by and he texted me saying his was hard, hurt, and was stuck too. He tried to go thruout the day but couldn't. I'm sure it was hard for him to concentrate and stuff also in the porta potty. Long story short we waited til after dark again so I could help him. We told Kenzie we were going for a walk and she asked if we had to poop jokingly. Josh actually admitted that he did, and that he'd been trying all day with no luck" "awh I'm sorry, I hope it comes out this time, good luck"! Kenzie said. He thanked her and we headed out. I gave him a suppository in the tent before we walked. Like kenzies poop, Josh's was really hard and big too. We got to the spot as Josh squatted and I crouched next to him. He began pushing and his hard turd appeared on the threshold but wouldn't come out. After 10 minutes or so, with lots of patience, pushing, and coaching, his finally started comin too. It was not as huge as kenzies was but it was thick, dense and very hard. He pushed and pushed and it slowly moved. I coached him and encouraged him and it took 10 solid minutes of straining and breaks when he finally pushed it out. It was about a foot long and made up of tiny pebbles all stuck together,he wasn't done and pushed more. This next poop was the finisher but it took him 5 minutes or so to start getting it out. It was longer than the first but equally fat and hard. He dropped it after another 5-10 minutes of pushing and breaks. He gently wiped and we went back to camp. Kenz asked if he felt better and he replied "much!!" Kenzie and I pooped the next morning, she went first and had just a little trouble starting her first poop but everything came out much smoother than her first poop did. Mine was nothing to write about, I only pushed 7-8 times and had out a couple feet of poop which is a lot for me!! Overall we had a lot of fun, just some toilet troubles in the middle of it!! Hope everyone else is doing ok, and I'll try to post again soon!! Xoxox Kenna

Sunday, July 21, 2024


Accidentally blocked the toilet

Hi all. Have been having constipation issues with my stomach so have been eating as healthy as possible, trying to drink enough water, eat enough fruit, etc. A few minutes ago I got an urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door, walked to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first a lot then pushed out 2 ish rock hard poops. They didn't feel very big. Stood up, turned around, flushed the toilet and they didn't go down. The water level went down though. Oh crap! Pulled my pants and underwear up, washed my hands and went upstairs to tell my caregiver was blocked. She didn't understand so she told me to send her a picture through text. I went downstairs and did that. She reacted to the picture with an angry face/emoticon. I replied sorry. She refuses to buy and keep a plunger in the washroom because of viruses. So she will have to call a plumber or ask her son to help her. In the meantime we will have to use her upstairs washroom.




Jenny-Okay. I do that too. I usually make sure the soap is nice and wet (we use shared bar soap in the shower here or our own soap when washing our hands after using the washroom), rub it between my hands and wash my hands with the soap on my hands.

Catherine-Thank you!


Very hard crap that caused low water level in toilet

Got up this morning, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a packaged sub sandwich from a convenience store here that I microwaved for 30 seconds since it had cheese in it. It was hot and good. Took my medications at 9 AM and took my stuff downstairs. For lunch I microwaved and ate pork, cauliflower, chili peppers, green beans, etc on rice. It was good and took a while to eat. After lunch I took a tea bag from the cupboard (she wants me to have tea at lunch since that's the time I don't need to take medication), refilled my water jar and jug, took that and my Walmart bag and went downstairs to my room. I felt an urge to poop so I took my bedroom flip flops off, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, closed the door, turned off the light and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a fairly hard prickly feeling poop out of my butt. Somewhat painful but was a relief to get it out. Finally I was done so I stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up (no TP) and looked in the toilet. There was a solid, hard-looking poop in the toilet probably around 2 feet long. Flushed the toilet and it went down but the water level was low. I washed my hands and went upstairs to tell my caregiver. She gave me a minor lecture saying there's nothing we can do about that since there's supposedly a clog underneath that. Oh well. Am drinking more water now (refilled my water jar and jug earlier) and finishing my tea and taking it easy for today. Hopefully everyone's day or night is going well. It's Friday here. Please stay hydrated, cool, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Reply to Becky


As long as pee accidents are all you are dealing with they won't smell at all, especially if you stay hydrated. :)


Petro's Survey

I will respond to Petro's survey in general terms as opposed to answering specific questions.
Pooping can be very difficult for me due to a neurological condition...hard poos and I get very, very exhausted to the pint I almost black out...I can also have trouble getting off the toilet.
Occasionally I go to a therapist (like yesterday) and prefer to poo in her presence as it is much easier and safer.
I take Osmolax every day (just about) and it really helps. Even a very large but easy movement can be exhausting.
Sometimes I fart during pooping and sometimes before.
My turds are variable...they can be big and thick and hard or long and thin but often small and many or mushy.
Sometimes I have to push a lot but if I am well stocked on laxative I can sit there, relax and it just seems to come out of its own accord.
I mostly do grunt when pooping and do so in public also...I find it helps and stops me holding my breath.
Expect for when I see the therapist and regular use of public toilets etc I poop by myself.
I use suppositories but I find the Osmolax takes that need to only occasional use...I have used Fleet enemas and years ago I have had enema sessions at a clinic when constipated with great relief and years ago colonics.
I do not sit on the toilet without the therapist thinks I should sit on the toilet when I wake up. I actually do that because I sit to wee except when in public toilets. I find sitting helps me empty my bladder ( I have bladder issues) and both when pooping and weeing I often meditate just for a few minutes.
Yes, I am sometimes happy as opposed to being proud of my productions and I find a good BM feels wonderful to almost a point of euphoria (occasionally).
I always pee when I poop.
Yes, I have done some big hard stubborn turds that have been over one foot long and hurt my bum for a couple of days.
I poop maybe every couple of days to four times a day. Whist I poop in the morning it can be any other time during the day also and sometimes in the middle of the night I wake up to poop. I usually get up once or twice during the night to pee.
Yes, I enjoy a good wee but a good poo is better.
I should say on several occasions I have sat on the toilet for a wee and ended up doing a substantial poo as well.
I have pooped outdoors many times (but not for years) and find it liberating and relaxing and refreshing!
I have pooped in front of others when I use to deep sea fishing....indeed we all did it and thought nothing of it. I use to fish with a fella who pooped every time.
As to pooping when I was a child....plenty of stories.
I am Australian....I have been posting for....I do not know how long...could be 15 years....i posted as Thunder from Down under then Constiguy and now and for a long time Thunder.


Bad Day at the Office

Hey guys,

I have recovered from my last embarrassing post but yesterday I had another very embarrassing incident at work this week. My name is Jayce, I'm 24 years old and started my new job at a marketing firm.

I've been working here for about 3 months now and our office has around 20-25 people. Today for lunch I packed a tuna salad sandwich, usually my favorite, and had it around 10:30 this morning. I was running late for work today and didn't have a chance to eat breakfast. The sandwich tasted slightly different than normal, but I shrugged it off and kept eating, I was so hungry.

Around 11am I started feeling some pressure on my stomach. I began to worry just a little because I don't enjoy pooping in front of others. Especially my coworkers who I am still trying to make connections with. In the coming minutes the cramps and gurgles only grew worse, I was beginning to think the Tuna Sandwich may be the culprit. I knew I was going to have explosive diarrhea in the coming minutes and my mind was racing. "What are my coworkers going to think if they hear what's going to come out of me?" At my desk I let out a few silent farts that really STUNK. My desk mates began to look around but I tried to keep working.

Once all of them left for lunch around 12, I knew this would be my best time to go. I had been sitting for what felt like an eternity, trying to hold back this gas and diarrhea. As I got up a wet fart escaped my rear and forced me to move my hand to my butt. I speed walked to the bathroom, hoping no one was in there, and wouldn't disturb me.

To my surprise, no one was in the restroom. Our office bathroom has 2 stalls, 1 being normal and the other being handicapped. Both face the entrance to the restroom, so when someone opens the door, you will be seen through the cracks in the stall. I was so desperate at this point that I flung the restroom door open and entered the normal stall directly in front of me. My stomach was howling at this point. I bent over in pain, struggling to keep all of this in before sitting. I closed my stall door and accidentally let out a loud wet fart. I sit down on the toilet and try to get as comfortable as possible, but as soon as I was seated someone opened the door. My coworker Lydia had come back from lunch and took the stall directly next to me. I barely talk to Lydia but I didn't want her to hear the beast that was about to come out of me. She began to pee as I sat there.

I could feel the diarrhea pressed up against my butt, one false move and it was all over for me. She peed and began to wipe. My stomach let out and audible gurgle that made me lose all control of the battle. Mushy diarrhea began flying out with uncontrollably loud farts behind it. I moaned on accident as it all came out and sat in embarrassment of what has just happened. Lydia paid no mind tho and flushed and washed her hands. As she was leaving she did peak back to see through the crack in my stall. I was sat there so vulnerable, dress pants and panties at my ankles, legs spread apart, and sweat dripping down my face. She left and I got back to my disgusting business. A blasted out another wave of diarrhea that toppled me over causing me to spray the back of the seat and a bit of the wall with my sharts.

I reeked in the bathroom at this point and I still wasn't done, I had been in here for 25 minutes… 2 more people entered and my control has completely left me at this point, I blasted 2 waves back to back with thundering farts along with it. They knew who was responsible for the stink at this point and I just sat in shame. The one lady waiting on a stall peered into my stall and I couldn't help but let out more diarrhea and moan under my breath. I felt like I was close to done so I began to wipe, taking another 10 minutes, totaling close to 40 minutes at this point. Once I was done wiping I turned around to survey the damage. The bowl was filled with mush above the water, basically creating a pile of crap like from Jurassic Park 3. Splatter marks all over the side of the bowl and on the back of the toilet seats. I even managed to create splash marks and spray on the wall behind me, people who peered through the cracks probably saw the damage as well… I pulled the lever to flush and the water didn't even move and inch. I had completely clogged the toilet beyond repair it seemed. I decided to just exit the stall and begin to wash my hands. Panic set in as 2 more people came into the restroom. One entering the handicap stall and the other in complete shock of the damage I had caused and back away and commented "someone blew that toilet up!" My face went burnt red as I tried to not make eye contact with her. As I dried my hands the other girl flushed and her friend entered the handicap stall.

I left the bathroom and sat back at my desk, nobody seemed to notice it was me but I could smell the bathroom all the way from my desk, which is about 50 feet away from the bathroom. As I got back to work, my stomach began doing somersaults again which told me I would need to go to the bathroom again very soon. I thought it would be a good idea to release a fart to relieve the pressure but I followed through big time. I felt a rush of diarrhea enter my panties with a loud wet fart behind it. I sprinted back to the restroom. As I entered I noticed the handicap stall was still taken and I would have to use my clogged / obliterated stall. Before I made the choice to enter my stall, I accidentally sharted again, I felt diarrhea leaking down my leg and I saw a trail begin to form on the floor. I raced into the stall. Pulling down my completely ruined pants and panties, which lead to more diarrhea ending up on the floor. I was still shooting diarrhea out uncontrollably before sitting down, I was spraying it like a fire hose all over the floor, on the walls of the stall, and all over the toilet. I sat down in my own feces and let loose! The lady in the stall next to me seemed disgusted but offered to tell the boss I was sick and send me home and said she'd grab a pair of back up pants and underwear for me. I was so grateful for her generosity but I was so embarrassed and it was only about to get worse.

I began to feel nauseous and gagged before realizing I was about to throw up. I mustered up the strength to get off the toilet to turn around and vomit into the diarrhea filled toilet. I didn't realize it in the moment but I had also followed through while vomiting, spraying a diarrhea trail behind me. The entire bathroom was a disaster at this point and I had no strength to move.

The woman came back with underwear and pants for me. She helped clean me up which was so nice. I cleaned up and got out of the office as fast as possible without out looking anyone in the eye. I have been at home since with what I assume is food poisoning from the tuna sandwich:/

I am so scared to go back to work on Monday, I haven't heard anything from my boss, but I imagine he found out something happened. I love being able to share these stories with people but I do not enjoy it in the moment. I hope this sickness passes. I've been back in forth between my bed and toilet the whole day. I hope it all passes soon.




Over the last weekend I had a spell of constipation. For three successive days I did not do a number two. After the first day without a shit I took a laxative. Nothing happened. By the end of the second day I still had not shat so I took a second laxative. Next day still no shitting, so late in the day. I took a laxative and another one just before going to bed. It turns out that this was something of an overdose because the next day after all this I shat twice. On the day after that, another three times. The last three were a bit tiresome because there were really sharts rather than a normal defecation, with blasts of gas blowing small shit particles all over the inside of the pot. I was delighted with the first result but clearly sharting is very undesirable because you have the continual lingering thought that next time you fart, you will spray shit particles in your underpants.

Friday, July 19, 2024


To Cammie:

Hi, Cammie!
Now I'd like to ask you some questions which are related to your pooping as you were a young child (last time I wrote that I had this intention). Some of them are going to be the same as they were last time, but not all.
1. As you were a young child, was pooping usually difficult or easy for you? Had you to strain a lot for pushing your poop out? And how was it in your school time, and later, as you were a teenager?
2. Did you usually fart at those times before you started pooping?
3. As you sat down on your potty chair/on the toilet for making poopoo at those times, had you to push a lot, before something came out, or everything fell out at once?
4. As you were a young child, did you usually grunt while pooping or did you poop more often quietly? And how was it with it in your school time, and later, being a teenager?
5. As you were a young child, did you always poop alone? Did you ever use enema or suppositories at those times? How was it in your school time, including your teenager time?
6. As you were a young child, did you usually poop as you felt you had to do it? Did you ever sit down on your potty chair/on the toilet and try to poop without having an urge for it? Were you be able to poop in that case? And were you be able to poop by such attempts (if you had those ones) in your school time, including your teenager time?
7. As you were a young child, had you ever a situation as you sat down on your potty chair/on the toilet for poopoo and started pushing, but couldn't push your poopoo out? And had you situations as you had to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, was it pleasant or unpleasant for you?
8. As you were pooping in your childhood, did you usually push one big turd out, or did you more often push several ones out?
9. As you were a young child, did you ever push a huge poop out? If you did, did you make it often?
10. Did you like pooping as you were a young child? If you had to push a big poop out, did you take it for good? And did you like pooping in your school time, including your teenager time?
11. If you pushed a big poop out, were you proud of it? Did you use to show it to your mom/dad in such cases?
12. To what age did you poop on your potty chair? How old were you as you began to poop on the toilet?
13. As you were a young child, did you make your poopoo in the presence of your mom? If you did, was it often? Or sometimes? And if you did it in her presence, did she often comment your pooping? Did she ever encourage you by doing it, if she saw it was difficult for you?
14. To what age did you poop in the presence of your mom/dad?
15. As you were a young child, did you ever see your mom pooping? If you did, did you comment her pooping somehow in such cases? And did you ever poop together with her (that's to say, do a teamwork!)?
16. As you were a young child, did you ever try to poop after peeing?
17. As you were a young child, did you make your poopoo every day or more rarely?
18. As you were a young child, did you poop at some certain time of the day or was it at different times as a rule?
19. As you were a rather young child, did you usually poop as you felt an urge for it? Or were you more often put on your potty chair/on the toilet and told to try making poopoo?
20. As you were a young child, did you ever make your poopoo with your siblings (if you had them) or with somebody of your age?
21. Did you ever poop outdoors at those times?
22. Do you remember any poop story from times, as you were a young child? If you do, could you tell it? I already told such one just on Christmas on the page 3043, if you noticed.
I wish you happy pooping and peeing!

Princess Toadstool Peach

Big Morning BM Bathroom Potty Break Before Breakfast Time!!!

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I spent the night with my BBF best friend forever Princess Rosalina's house we both slept in our beds until 9:45 AM until both of us needed to go use the bathroom together so we walked over to the bathroom to go do our most royal of business together. Unfortunately there was only one toilet but luckily I had brought a plastic white potty in case of a wee or poo problem emergency. I slid the potty next to the toilet both need of doing a really big poo and maybe a wee too as well. Rosalina being a germaphobe usually when she's in public covers the toilet seat with 6 squares of toilet paper before she does her business but when it's her own toilet she just takes a deep breath in and out lifting up her dress, lowers her panties to her knees and gently squats down on the toilet. I on the other hand lift up my dress, yank down my panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and then sat down on the potty adjusting myself squatting as I read the newspaper as Rosalina just hummed to herself waiting. I had a funny feeling that I was going to fill up the entire potty with my waste just the same as Rosalina was going to fill up the toilet with her dump too. Until I started to wee same with Rosalina tinkling loudly then all at once the gas build up, the pressure build into our bowels and then before we knew it we both pooed. Big thick 5 inch ones for me and 4 inch chunky ones for Rosalina. There was lots of breaking wind too followed by loud splashes here and there. But nevertheless we managed to continue on pooing happily. Until it was time to wipe! I wiped and looked and saw a series of large hard turds in the potty, while Rosalina looked at hers as she wipes her vagina and bottom they were huge chunky ones with a foul rather big pongy scent added to them as well! Phew. I got up, (before flies got into the house) emptied the full potty into the toilet and me and Rosalina pulled up our royal panties and lifted down our dresses then we flushed. Thank goodness it went down quicker in a blink of a eye. But still we closed the toilet lid, rinsed and washed the potty clean ready for next time we needed to poo. And washed our hands with liquid soap and warm water. Then headed down for breakfast. Bye bye now!


Response to Petro's survey

Sorry that I don't respond sooner, as a mother of a 9-year-old daughter and two sons of age 7 and 4 I'm fairly busy. Oh, and I lived in Germany all my life!

1. Is it usually difficult for you to poop?
Me: For many years it was but it's gotten better over the last four years.
2. As you're pooping, have you usually to strain a lot for pushing your poo out?
Me: Yes.
3. Do you usually fart before you start pooping?
Me: Sometimes.
4. As you go pooping, do you usually push one big turd out or do you poop several ones out as a rule?
Me: usually about to.
5. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you usually to push a lot before your first turd comes out? Does it ever occur with you during pooping, that everything falls out at once?
Me: Yes, this morning it did.
6. Do you usually grunt while pooping or do you poop more often quietly?
Me: when I'm public, I try to poop more quietly.
7. Do you always poop by yourself? Do you ever use enema or suppositories?
Me: No, I don't use them
8. Do you usually go pooping as you feel you have to do it? If you sat down on the toilet and tried to poop without having an urge for it, would you be able to poop in that case?
Me: No.
9. Had you ever a situation as you sat down on the toilet for pooping and started pushing, but you couldn't push your poo out? And had you often situations as you had to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive as a positive or a negative thing?
Me: Negative
10. What is your poop schedule? At what day time do you usually go pooping?
Me: Usually in the morning.
11. Do you usually poop every day or more rarely? If you poop every day, do you do it one time a day or more than one time?
Me: I try to go daily, but sometimes I leave day out.
12. Do you like pooping? If you push a big poo out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive thing?
Me: Yes.
13. If you've pushed a big poo out, are you proud of it?
Me: Eh, not proud, but surely like the feeling.
14. As you produced your biggest turd approximately in the 12th grade, was it very difficult for you to push it out?
Me: It was back in 2008/09, and yes, I do remember my anus hurt all day.
15. Do you ever try to poop after peeing?
Me: Sometimes.
16. Do you usually pee in the morning after getting up? If you do, do you also try to poop after it?
17. Do you like peeing? If you pee a lot of urine out, is it pleasant for you?
Me: Yes.
18. Can you stand up for peeing? If you can, do you often stand up for peeing?
Me: No, I'm a woman after all, he he.
19. Do you often make a buddy dump with somebody nowadays?
Me: Whenever it happens. I'm a stay at home mom, so I don't poop in public anymore like I used to, but me and my daughter did it a couple times and I also did with my husband and even with my older son when we went camping two years ago.
20. Do you ever poop outdoors? As you do, do you make an outdoors buddy dump with somebody of your friends?
Me: Like I said, I do while camping, and yeah, sometimes I cannot hide.
21. I'd also like to ask you: do you live in USA, if it's not a secret?
Me: No
22. And I'd also like to ask you: may I ask you some questions about your pooping and peeing as you were a young child?
Me: Eh, maybe. I remember once when I was 8 I took a poop in front of two boys from my class.



Jenny-Okay. I do that too. I usually make sure the soap is nice and wet (we use shared bar soap in the shower here or our own soap when washing our hands after using the washroom), rub it between my hands and wash my hands with the soap on my hands.

Catherine-Thank you!

Victoria and Robyn

Victoria's Accident

Hey guys!

Last Thursday Victoria had to experience one of her least favorite parts of IBS: mucous in her bowels. Here she is.

Something I ate must not have agreed with me because after a gassy afternoon the fart that punctuated it gave me that familiar wet, slimy feeling inside my tush. I suspected there was more and ran to the bathroom where I tore down my shorts and panties and heaved myself onto the toilet seat for a #2 that gave me more of that same feeling and those same farts. Better in that out, I thought, shuffling my cheeks into a more comfortable position and dropping shorts and underwear to ankle level. That was when I saw it.

In the very bottom of the seat of the white floral print Victoria's Secret undies I was wearing, right behind the crotch, was a small puddle of green mucous. It looked like someone had used them to blow their nose and the sight of them was so upsetting that I started spiraling. I'd just had a rear hole accident that may have ruined my panties and as the hot lump in my throat that always means tears are on the way formed I felt so gross about my body, inside and out. Would the panties be okay? Would they have to be replaced? What would Robyn think?

It didn't take long because she was in the bathroom with me as soon as she heard a sob, putting the stopper in the tub drain and drawing a bath while I finished up my BM. Robyn then turned to me, saying nothing but giving me a forehead kiss and, after gesturing towards the tub, started to wipe off my face as I recovered from my crying. With a lean towards my ear Robyn whispered, "I love you" and then at normal speaking voice asked if I was done.

I was and almost began cleaning up my poor behind when Robyn asked me to stand up and bend over. "Sweetie, don't worry about it. I'm going to wipe you and once you've been wiped take your shorts all the way off and hand me the panties. Then I'll need you to take your tank top and your bra off, set them on top of the lid with your shorts and get that booty of yours into the tub. No questions. No ifs, ands or but(t)s, Mrs. Ourreallastname."

With that she began the process of rolling off toilet paper and wiping me. I was myself again; all the worries and self-consciousness about spreading 'em after my accident were gone. Robyn was as gentle and thorough as ever and after she finished wiping me gave my cheeks a couple quick spanks as if to say good as new. As she was putting the lid back down on top of the toilet seat I stepped out of my shorts and pooped (muscoused?) panties and handed them to Robyn by their scalloped white waistband after she flushed.

My tank top and bra joined the shorts on top of the seat and I hopped in the by-then full tub. Robyn left the bathroom without a word as I slid myself under the water to chest level, feeling the water envelop my body and the sensation of being clean again.

I lost track of time in there. It could have been fifteen minutes or it could have been half an hour. Either way my bath was hitting the spot and I felt all the anxieties and worries leave my body to float in the water, eventually to go down the drain like my messy #2. Suddenly Robyn reappeared holding my soaked undies in her hands. She took her left hand off and then as she was turning them inside out I saw it. They were not only salvageable but the area in the seat and crotch that I'd mucoused in was spotless! I married a sorceress!

That's all for now but we're not leaving without wishing all of you so many hugs and kisses. See you again soon!


Anna from Astoria

Jenny's Questions

Does anyone feel awkward when they walk out of a restroom stall/cubicle at the same time as a stranger after listening to each other, pee, fart, poop and wipe?
I was a late bloomer. The popular girls were always nice to me, but I just felt so awkward around pretty, athletic girls ( and guys) as a "band geek." The only sport I played as a kid was tennis. I was not part of the sports culture in elementary and junior high, but my mother convinced me to join the high school tennis team as a freshman, and I was pretty good. My sophomore year I grew in height and muscle. In my tennis skirt, on the outside, I looked like I would blend in with the cheerleads. On the inside I was still a skinny band geek, despite the confidence I gained as the top tennis player in the distinct, let alone the high school.

One time I did not have time get to my secluded toilet by the band room for my afternoon poop, so I had to use the locker room. I had never pooped next to a another soul in school. If another girl was in stall, I would either just pee or just wash my hands and leave and hold in my poop. But I was feeling a little warmth between my cheeks fearing and accident and staining my white bloomers. There were three stalls. The end stall was taken by one of the cheerleaders based on the socks. It smelled like poop but I did not hear any noise from the toilet. Looking back, the poor girl was probably as poop shy as me as I took a seat. I did not think of that as I can feel my heart racing and my cheeks (both sets) sweating from nervousness and trying to hold my BM. I took the 1st stall to give one stall between the two of us and tried to slowly drop a log with as little noise a possible. The log dropped with a loud crackle and splash and I expected a laugh from the cheerleader, not realizing she was likely holding in her bowels, maybe bladder unit I left. Suddenly I heard another cheerleader come in and take the second middle stall. Somehow, she knew who we were from our shoes and socks. She greeted the other cheerleader whose voice I recognized then middle cheerleader greeted me " Hey Anna, looking forward to your match? you are going to kill it!" I said thanks unrolled some toilet paper wiped once and flushed and tried to leave the restroom swiftly without looking Like I was running away.

I later ran into the two cheerleaders new the tennis courts. They were very kind and gave the whole team rice Krispy treats. Most of the time they focused on supporting basketball and football, but sometimes they would cameo and support the smaller sports. I remember I did horrible on the set as I was trying not to pull out my sticky wedgie from my swift wipe. After my first set, swiftly went into the now empty girl's locker room, wet a wet towel under the sink and scrubbed my half wiped crack, then finished my poop. After I left the locker room the two cheerleaders were heading back into the locker room and smiled and cheered me on. I blushed as I walked away from them. But after than, refreshed from finishing my poop and cleaning up ( mostly) I won two sets in a row 6-, 6-0). Gradually I become more comfortable pooping in public, but this was the peak of my anxiety

To Poop Holder Dude:

Great story, give us more! How many feet would you guess that second log was that coiled out of you forever? Sounds like it had to be enormous, from the amount you ate!


To SquatSpotter

I am leaning towards diapers. But how bad do they smell? I can get in trouble for bad odors at work (and I'm very self-conscious as it is). I currently don't feel comfortable staying hydrated, but it's making me feel terrible.

I'm thinking part of it is anxiety. I am ALWAYS aware of my bladder and worried about being away from home. I try so hard to control how much I drink, but it's just not working. If there is a smell, I just don't know what to do.


Diarrhea Accident as a Child

One summer when I was about 6 or 7, I was running around outside with my cousins, playing in the pool at our house. I remember I felt the sudden urge to poop, but ignored it for as long as I could before I finally ran inside to go.
When I finally sat down on the toilet, I let out one of those really long poops that stayed together in a single turd. I remember looking at it before I flushed and it wrapped around the bowl almost two times around. I went back outside to play, but not five minutes later I had to go again. I held it in again because I'd only just gone and I didn't want to miss the fun with my cousins. We were running around playing tag and I remember I was running away from who was "It", and I got so focused on that, that as I was sprinting, I suddenly felt something warm sort of drop into my board shorts (it was the kind of bathing suit with that mesh underwear on the inside), then I took a few more steps and felt this slippery feeling between my cheeks, and I realized I'd let some out in my suit.
I kept right on running straight back to the bathroom, where I carefully pulled my suit down half-way to reveal thick but mushy yellow-brown pooh smeared all over the inside of the mesh underwear part, and because it was mesh, some had gotten on the inside of the shorts too. I panicked then because it was such a mess, but I knew I had to clean up, so I first lowered the suit to the floor, and panicked some more because in doing that, a few globs of the soft pooh fell out onto the rug in front of the toilet, and also on the back of my calf.
I stepped out of the suit and got a big wad ot toilet paper, then bent over a bit as I tried to wipe my bum, but the paper slid out completely covered in mushy pooh. I threw all that into the toilet and got another wad and did it again with the same messy results. I was grabbing another handful of paper when I suddenly had to go quite urgently again. I quickly hopped on the toilet seat just in time as a rush of more soft pooh came out all over the dirty paper I'd thrown in there.
Just then I heard a knock on the door and it was my Dad asking if I was ok (I think i might have been in there longer than I thought). He cracked the door open and I sheepishly told him I'd pooped my pants. He then came in fully and asked me if I had diarrhea. I said I wasn't sure, but he looked at the mess in the toilet and said he thought I did. Then he asked me if I was done and I said I wasn't sure about that either, because I could feel sone pressure builing up again. He told me to lean forward, so I did, and he flushed he toilet while I waa still on it, because it was already so full. Then he left me sitting there while he went to get me a clean bathing suit and a bag to put the soiled one in.
While he was gone, more poop came out with a few farts and created a mushy pile at the front of the bowl.It was now much more runny and I remember watching it slide down into the water in the bowl.
My dad came back and saw I had done more, and told me to push to get it all out, so I did, and it was a bit embarassing to have him stand there while I grunted out three more waves of soft, sloppy pooh and farts.
When I was finally done, he helped me wipe, then made me get into the shower to rinse off while he cleaned the toilet and removed the soiled rug to wash it.
I ended up not going back outside to play, because I still didn't feel great, and that turned out to be the right choice, because I ended up having to run to the bathroom 2 more times within the next hour to make more soft diarrhea.

Princess Toadstool Peach

My Dally Morning to Bedtime Routine

ZzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZ!! (Yawn!) Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am talking about my morning and night routine. Every morning after I wake up out of bed, make my bed, get off my nightcap, I do my morning exercises, I get myself a nice cup of coffee from my coffee maker have fibre fruit and yogurt for breakfast then I go to the bathroom for a quick good morning bathroom break I drink my coffee, brush my hair then my teeth then I give my pube private parts a quick shave and then I walk over to the toilet, then I lift the lid, pull my pyjama pants down, give my bottom a little wiggle then sit down on the toilet as I sat I read the newspaper and check out what Garfield is up to along with his dog friend Odie and human owner Jon Arbuckle. I wee for a little while then I push out my dump pinching my loaf. I feel it peeking out of my bottom poo hole as my bowels grow stronger and hot gas builds up my body. Then I pooed. OOF! That was quite heavy. But my pooh poos are often very thick and 5 inches filling up the toilet so much. Then I wipe both my vagina and bottom with toilet paper. Then I get off the toilet, pull up my PJ pants, then flush it away. It goes down thank goodness after I wash my hands! Then the rest of the day goes just as I planned, I go have a shower, get dressed, I hang out with my boyfriend Super Mario Mario for a bit of "Fun", then see my friends Rosalina, Zelda and Bethany Mild for a milkshake, have a good lunch of roast beef, broccoli and crispy roasted potatoes and gravy along with fresh fruit salad for desert. Then after a quick tinkle, I go to take a quick nap for a bit after doing yoga and going for a jog with Rosalina then afterwards I wake up watch the Super Mario Bros Movie on TV. (Best movie!!) then after the movie I head to Mario's house for dinner. He usually makes me this amazing chicken Alfredo dish and it's so ????! Then I head upstairs of my tallest tower by candlelight, put my candle on my bedside table, go brush my teeth, have a bath, put my Pjs on, shave my pubes then go for a another enormous poo in the toilet, OOf and I mean it too! Then I head over to bed, say my prayers, flop into bed, squeeze out the pillows, settling myself, stick my feet outside the blankets and sheets, put on my nightcap, tuck myself in bed, count sheep until finally I yawn and fall..ZZZZZzzzzz!!


Short update and replies

Hi everyone. No big poops lately (been constipated and on my period) so I have been eating as healthy as possible and drinking plenty of water to soften everything up. Hopefully at my program or after my program today I will be able to do a big satisfying poop. I will also drink coffee at my program too (they have tea, coffee and water set up at the program for people to help themselves). Weather is raining and thundering but I will be going in and out of a van to get there (we get picked up and dropped off for it).

Now for some replies:

Jenny-I would put the soap on a face cloth/washing rag, get it all wet and soapy and clean yourself that way. I sometimes do that if TP isn't enough and I do that too while showering. Feels better.

Catherine-Thank you!

Hopefully later I can do a good one



Youngest daughter incident

I'm 68 and in the process of helping my youngest daughter move into a new condo. She recently turned 31. Well, we had just finished getting a bunch of boxes and things moved into the place, and we were driving over to the lowes because she needed to get blinds and curtains. She was acting kinda funny in the car, like seeming stressed or uncomfortable and shifting in her seat a lot, but I didn't say anything. We were almost to Lowes when she tooted audibly, then got the giggles about it. She couldn't stop laughing and I said "what are 8 years old?" Which made her start laughing harder. As she laughed there were tears going down her face and she was squeezing her legs and clutching her stomach, I was stunned how funny she thought a fart was at her age. Then as she was laughing she kept tooting more, and was gasping like she was trying to talk but couldn't. After a moment she started to get her composure back, and by then the whole car reeked. I thought it was just because she was farting like a machine gun, but then she filled me in and said "I literally just pooped in my pants." Sure enough we pulled into the lowes and parked, we got out to check the damage and the seat of her jeans was puffy with a big egg shaped wet brown spot on them. It was surreal to see, but I still sprung into dad mode just as I would if she were little and rushed to wrap a jacket around her waist and form a plan. We got back in the car and went to the wal mart nearby where she was able to get new pants and underwear and wipes etc, and I got some cleaner for the carseat. By the time she was finished changing her pants I had the seat taken care of, and just like that it was all taken care of and we went to Lowes and shopped for blinds like nothing happened. She forbid me from telling her mom or sisters. I imagine she will tell them herself when she feels the time is right, since it is pretty funny that she pooped her pants laughing too hard at her farts, lol.


Response to Justin re Discount Stores, stories

Responding to Justin's post about needing to poop when entering discount stores:

I haven't experienced this myself, but your question reminded me of a couple of stories. During the summer after high school, my friend (who was in college at the time) and I went to Target for whatever reason. As soon as we walked in, she pretty much made a b-line to the bathroom and I joined her. I just needed to pee. We took nearby stalls and sat down to pee. I wiped, went to the sinks to wash my hands, and from the stall she told me she had to poop and she'd be a while longer, blaming her gluten allergy. I decided to give her some privacy, and so I left the bathroom and sat on the bench right outside of the bathroom. I wound up playing on my phone for a bit. After 15 minutes of not hearing from her, I popped my head into the bathroom and asked if she was okay. It smelled horrible. She said she was fine, and so I went back to the bench and continued to play on my phone. She wasn't out for another 10 or 15 minutes. I think she went home right after that, since she was feeling sick.

Another time, at that same Target (I think I was by myself), I went to the bathroom to pee. Immediately, I was hit with the strong smell of poop in the relatively busy bathroom. I took a stall next to a woman who was already in there. As I finished up peeing, the woman in the next stall asked me if I could hand her some toilet paper beneath the stall. It was pretty clear by the smell and the sounds she was making that she was pooping, and so I made sure to give her extra toilet paper before cleaning up and leaving. I've run out of paper after pooping in stalls before, and it's miserable, and so I wanted to make sure she was covered.

I don't go to retail stores too often to be honest. I know you mentioned gym bathrooms. The gym bathrooms I've used have usually been busy, and are often smelly. My hypothesis for why the rate of needing to poop at these retail stores is because usually, when my friends and I have decided to go to these discount stores, it can be an hours-long activity - maybe we'll start at a Marshall's, then go to a TJ Maxx, then to a Ross, and maybe stop at a discount store. Being away from home all day makes the likelihood you'll feel the need to poop in public higher. I have probably pooped in one of these kinds of stores at least a couple of times in my life and I just don't remember, and I vaguely remember waiting for other friends of mine to finish pooping at these stores.

David P

Questions and quick story

Hello all I don't have much to say so haven't posted in ages. I just generally am having an easy time going for a poo and go pretty much every day. First I want to reach out to Jasmin K and a question aimed at everyone.

Jasmkn K - I miss your stories and would like to know how you are getting on? How are the toilet visits?

Abbie - I seriously miss your stories. I used to look forward to reading them each week and it's been like 3 years now without an update. I truly hope you read this and return. How are you?

Now for a question aimed at everyone - in the old posts by Abbie I used to read a lot about her giant hard logs getting sucked back up when stopping straining. I am curious why the poo would go back inside as this isn't a problem I tend to get and can't remember having this since I was a kid. I wonder why it does that? I was always wondering why and was always very impressed with the determination needed to keep pushing to stop it going back in. Also anyone have any stories of this happening?

Here is a quick story, At the weekend we went away on holiday and stayed on a camp site. I hadn't been for a poo for a couple days before so on the Saturday I woke up and as soon as my eyes opened the urge hit me. I went into the bathroom and locked the door. I usually have a squatty potty at home to put my feet up onto but in the lodge I didn't so I just sat on the toilet with my feet flat on the floor. The tip came out easily. It was hard and hurt. I was determined not to push at all so I just sat there. I looked between my legs and the tip just sat there stretching my hole and not budging. Still determined not to push I just sat there and after 2 long minutes I could feel something moving. I looked between my legs again and ever so slowly the turd started to move and got softer and started to slither out. It landed into the loo without a sound. I wiped and flushed and washed my hands. Later in the morning I felt like I needed to go again but had already left the house. My anus felt really full but luckily after passing some farts the feeling went away. Good as I hate going in public. We did some sea side activities and had a really good time. By the time I got back to the lodge the pressure had returned. I went to sit again and nothing would come out so I began to strain and actually passed a very thin stringy bit which took so much wiping to be clean.
All for now.
David P



Hi everyone! I hope everyone is doing well and dooing well!

Eternally Curious: I don't know if this relates to what you are looking for but my whole reason for posting on this forum is my own personal obsession with my bowel habits. I do think that I am not normal when it comes to this, but here goes:

1. I used to be obsessed with photographing and journaling ALL of my bowel movements. This stopped when I married and started living with Alan back in 2016. But I still have the journal and photos stored on a thumb drive. Now, I only keep photos of the best ones or most interesting ones.

2. I will never courtesy flush. I must see the whole load regardless of the smell.

3. Though it's only happened less than ten times in my life, I have a thing for genuine "solid" accidents.

Regarding your comments, do you consider yourself anxious? It sounds like your thumbsucking is a comforting response to your mother, who made you anxious. If you sought a therapist, could you discuss other times when you revert to thumb-sucking and casually mention the bathroom? Either way, I hope that you find what you need to feel better and live the wonderful life that you deserve!

Jenny, back at you, sistah! I think I was always shy to look at my teammates' panties if they were changing. I do remember one or two mentioning skidmarks. I guess I was more interested in whether a teammate had done a really large bowel movement more so than the condition of their underwear. But I am sure that you are not the only one who got skidmarks. And between the two of us, you are not the one obsessed with solid accidents...LOL!

I will ask "Beth" about skidmarks and see if she has anything to add to this conversation. Maybe I can introduce her to the forum!

As for summer, being from the Deep South it is always hot and humid and I make sure to drink plenty of water. But I am really glad that you got all that out, even though you had to work at it!

I hope you are well, Jenny! I feel that if we knew each other in person we would be great friends!

Ellie M,

I am so sorry that you have been experiencing the symptoms that you have. I had IBS-like symptoms as a preteen and have managed them with diet, exercise, prayer/meditation all my teen and adult life (I'm 43). Of course, back then it was sometimes referred to as a spastic colon. I hope that you can find help so that you can live your best life!

1. When did you realise you had a condition/decided to get a diagnosis? As a Preteen

2. How do you manage it within a working environment? (E.g are you embarassed needing to go number 2 around colleagues, try to wait until it's quiet at all?) I go at home in the morning and the evening. I have trained my body for these bowel habits.

3. How do you find it while traveling to new places? I'm a frequent visitor to new towns or countries and often the worry of finding a toilet can be nervy! Foreign countries tend to have "pay to use" bathrooms - idk if anyone has experiences or stories of this? When I travel I tend to get backed up. Of course, I've been managing my symptoms so I haven't really had any issues with urgent diarrhea unless I'm sick.

4. Are you comfortable mentioning it to friends or family? Not only saying you have the condition but when you need the loo, can you feel open to talk to anyone... If I have to go I am going to go. Yes, I get a little embarrassed, but again, I have done well as an adult.

I don't feel that my answers are that helpful. But I hope that they can at least help you to know that there is help and you can get your bowels to a point where these symptoms are no longer a worry!

Prayers and warm thoughts are with you, Ellie!

Radu: At 43 I would not be near as mortified about my bowel movements! I am quite proud of them and I do enjoy them. So, I imagine that if I clogged a toilet or had a noisy movement, I would be a little embarrassed but would have a more "it is what it is" attitude! I hope you are well.

To Anthony T: If you are still on this forum I would love to know more about the airplane accident that you posted.

And to everyone else, I hope you all have some wonderful, memorable bowel movements!

Love to all!



Responses and a story

Hi everyone!

To Catherine: Yes, I definitely know this experience! Happened to me the other day, I had a weird stomachache and just felt off until I sat on the toilet and a huge poop came out, I felt yards better afterwards! Love the cleansing power of a good dump. I'm glad you felt better too.

To Justin: Not quite the same, but I've heard of this in other contexts. I worked in a shopping mall once and our storage room was underground, accessed by a long hallway lit with fluorescent lights. One of my coworkers always complained that she had to poop when we went down there. She figured it was the lights that did it. Many a time we'd work down there until she ran upstairs in a panic, clenching and sweating with the effort of holding it in. She never had any accidents as far as I knew, though.

I wanted to share one of my accidents from my later teen years, the type where I could have held on, but let it out for convenience reasons. This particular accident was an odd one, because it happened in public which is always so much more embarrassing, but also letting it out on purpose gave me a bit of control over it, which made it less embarrassing.

Anyway, I was about 17 and had started a job at a little supermarket. It was one of my first closing shifts so I was still learning the ropes. I'd been busy all day and of course neglected my bathroom needs without intending to. As part of our closing regime, the one bathroom (which was outside the store, like a gas station bathroom) was cleaned and locked about a half hour before we left. It was within this half hour that I realized how badly I had to go and that a big poop was now banging at the back door. Usually I was not very shy about my bathroom needs because having an accident was MUCH more embarrassing, but this was one of the rare situations where I was a bit self conscious, being a new employee and all, so I just kept my mouth shut and crossed my legs. Besides, I was pretty sure I'd seen some public bathrooms a few blocks away on my walk in so I thought I'd just go there.

So finally we close up and I head off towards the bathrooms, about two blocks away. I had to wait at a red light at each street, and both times I felt my poop start to turtlehead forcefully. I knew I was near the end of my tether. I approached the bathrooms and my heart sank as I realized they were locked. I took a deep breath and tried to think.

It was still a half hour walk home from here, and I knew there was no chance of me making it. I wasn't super familiar with this area, so I wasn't sure whether there were any other public bathrooms between here and home. I did know that I'd pass through a much busier part of town on my way back, where going unnoticed would be much more difficult.

My thoughts were interrupted by another sharp cramp and I gasped as I felt my poop try to come out again. I had to squirm and cross my legs and bounce a bit to keep it in. Just then I saw a passing man give me a sympathetic look and I realized what was happening - I was potty dancing desperately in front of a locked bathroom in public. I blushed and knew I had to figure this out, fast. Then I noticed a small corner park across the street and had an idea. I figured if I was going to shit myself, which at this point was guaranteed, I might as well try to get some privacy for myself. I headed over to the park and looked around. There were a couple of benches, one of which had two older men sitting on them. In the back corner was a big patch of flowers and a rosebed which backed onto some hedges. I made a quick plan - I would pretend to examine the flowers, and poop myself where nobody could see me.

I walked past the two men, my heart beating fast. I remember it felt weird, it was just like getting up from the couch during movie night and walking past my family for a bathroom break, except the bathroom was going to be my underwear, and I was gonna do it in public. I remember thinking 'they don't know I'm going to poop my pants'. I walked over to the flower area. I was turtleheading hard and knew it was only a minute or two from a genuine accident anyway. I knelt carefully in front of the flowers, before swinging my legs from the knees down outward slightly, in kind of a W shape, which I sat a bit further into. I tried to focus on the flowers. Immediately my stomach cramped sharply and I didn't try to hold back. A huge poop started spreading my cheeks apart and pushing into my pants. I tried keeping a poker face as I felt it push out then spread down and across my butt in a warm mass. It felt good to have a bit of privacy and control over a bad situation, but of course I felt tremendously self conscious to be going to the bathroom in my pants in public. It felt super weird, it's hard to describe.

Finally I finished, and stood up carefully. I discreetly felt the back of my pants and of course the bulge was huge, it felt like I'd pooped two pounds! I had a sweatshirt in my bag, so I fished it out and tied it around my waist. My face was beet red. I walked out, past the men again who didn't seem to notice me, and headed home. I remembered the man who'd seen me in front of the bathrooms, and felt super self conscious. I couldn't help but worry if someone had seen me, and how it would look: I had potty danced in front of locked bathrooms, having an obvious bathroom emergency, before walking across the street and squatting in the corner of a park for a few minutes with a red face, then tying a shirt around my waist and walking off. If anyone had been paying attention it would have been super obvious what I had done. I just hoped nobody had noticed me.

The walk home was definitely the worst part, usually my accidents took place either near or at home, so I was used to being able to clean up right away. I felt like a toddler with a full diaper, walking all that way with my loaded pants. Having an accident was always a shameful experience, but having to keep my full pants on for another thirty minutes kept the shame live longer than usual. I tried keeping a distance from people as best I could so they wouldn't be offended by the smell. Of course once I got about 10 minutes further I saw a fast food place I could've gone into, lol. But to be honest, I wasn't even sure I could have made it ten minutes, probably not.

I got home and my family were all in the living room at the back of the house, so I was able to get upstairs and clean myself up without anybody knowing, which was a relief.

Thanks for reading!


Best poop ever

Hello all. Very simplistic title I know. I also imagine it's a topic that's been discussed maybe hundreds of times on here. I'm in my 40s, but despite the thousands of times I've pooped in my life, there's one that stick out as the best one I've ever taken. It felt so wonderful during the act and I felt great for hours afterwards.
It was the summer of 2019. I was working 3rd shift. My then wife had cooked this curry chicken, ????, and something I've never had before - quinoa. I ate it at my desk before I started working. I work at a hospital, so a couple hours after eating, I'm letting off highly toxic farts at my cubicle. Thankfully I was the only one in my department so I could fart freely, loud and proud. They STUNK. Then the urge to poop hit me so I went to a nearby bathroom across from my work area. The moment I sat down this gassy explosion of soft, dark brown, sausage like poop filled the toilet. So glad no one else was there cuz the bathroom was lit to the fullest. As I was thinking this poop is so spectacular, all of a sudden all this muddy poop came pouring out of me on top of the monstrosity already there. This wasn't diarrhea as some people would believe it to be - just a large, toilet-bowl filling dump that stunk very much but felt very good. The quinoa I ate for the first time in my life caused it. I've tried to eat it again to have another poop like that, but it hasn't happened.
So again, out of 40+ years of pooping, that one stood out. I love taking soft, gassy, and relieving poops so that one was perfect - to me at least. Can you all think of a poop you've taken that was so memorable for the right reasons - like one that you wish you could take at least on a weekly basis? That quinoa dump was mine. Take care and happy pooping.

PJ (He/Him)
Eternally Curious- I believe not everyone gets skidmarks, but a lot of people do. Maybe even a majority of people. I have heard the analogy if a bird pooped on you would you clean it up with just a paper towel or would you clean you dirty dishes with a dry sponge. It amazing what kind of mess we clean up with literal dry paper. My wife and I often thought about this potty training our child. She is a pediatrician and noted we clean our young children with wet wipes and they get cleaner than their parents who wipe with just toilet paper ( not including when they poop themselves. I don't think anyone likes getting skidmarks, but it's not something to shame others or feel shame about. Rather if it is uncomfortable. consider wet wipes, bidets, sprays and even a mirror on the toilet lid so see you wiping job when you poop. Like my wife says, we can see when we clean our children butts but not our own so its kind of guess when we are clean. There was a survey on this forum this last month about skidmarks in the toilet and in underwear. I think it supports there theory that Some people may just have easier poop to clean up depending on their poop composition and chemistry. Some people can just wear tight white briefs and thongs and seldom get skidmarks, but its no shame to get them as you can read on this forum. My wife is a smart, attractive physician and I just saw her skidmarked lace panties this morning (sorry honey, 'we're anonymous here though!)

No shame in therapy either. You don't even have to bring up the skidmarks right away, or even at all. Please take care of your mental health regardless of the issue.

Jenny- Everyone in my house is taking longer to poop. I myself had to push out poops more than I am used to and I feel like I am going bust a blood vessel. I am working on the fruit and fiber myself. My wife the physician is also straining on the toilet right now next door.

Catherine - I generally feel better from shorter poops than longer poops. my longer poops are ether hard to pass, or diarrhea. I'm glad your long messy poops are satisfying

Justin-I have seen those social media trends on pooping in stores. My wife says it happens to her a couple times a year. My unexpected poops are usually at the gym myself as I do not like to poop at the gym and they are filthy, smelly and have the thinnest toilet paper. I either get extra poop on my boxer briefs, hands ...or both


Bad Day at the Office

Hey guys,

I have recovered from my last embarrassing post but yesterday I had another very embarrassing incident at work this week. My name is Jayce, I'm 24 years old and started my new job at a marketing firm.

I've been working here for about 3 months now and our office has around 20-25 people. Today for lunch I packed a tuna salad sandwich, usually my favorite, and had it around 10:30 this morning. I was running late for work today and didn't have a chance to eat breakfast. The sandwich tasted slightly different than normal, but I shrugged it off and kept eating, I was so hungry.

Around 11am I started feeling some pressure on my stomach. I began to worry just a little because I don't enjoy pooping in front of others. Especially my coworkers who I am still trying to make connections with. In the coming minutes the cramps and gurgles only grew worse, I was beginning to think the Tuna Sandwich may be the culprit. I knew I was going to have explosive diarrhea in the coming minutes and my mind was racing. "What are my coworkers going to think if they hear what's going to come out of me?" At my desk I let out a few silent farts that really STUNK. My desk mates began to look around but I tried to keep working.

Once all of them left for lunch around 12, I knew this would be my best time to go. I had been sitting for what felt like an eternity, trying to hold back this gas and diarrhea. As I got up a wet fart escaped my rear and forced me to move my hand to my butt. I speed walked to the bathroom, hoping no one was in there, and wouldn't disturb me.

To my surprise, no one was in the restroom. Our office bathroom has 2 stalls, 1 being normal and the other being handicapped. Both face the entrance to the restroom, so when someone opens the door, you will be seen through the cracks in the stall. I was so desperate at this point that I flung the restroom door open and entered the normal stall directly in front of me. My stomach was howling at this point. I bent over in pain, struggling to keep all of this in before sitting. I closed my stall door and accidentally let out a loud wet fart. I sit down on the toilet and try to get as comfortable as possible, but as soon as I was seated someone opened the door. My coworker Lydia had come back from lunch and took the stall directly next to me. I barely talk to Lydia but I didn't want her to hear the beast that was about to come out of me. She began to pee as I sat there.

I could feel the diarrhea pressed up against my butt, one false move and it was all over for me. She peed and began to wipe. My stomach let out and audible gurgle that made me lose all control of the battle. Mushy diarrhea began flying out with uncontrollably loud farts behind it. I moaned on accident as it all came out and sat in embarrassment of what has just happened. Lydia paid no mind tho and flushed and washed her hands. As she was leaving she did peak back to see through the crack in my stall. I was sat there so vulnerable, dress pants and panties at my ankles, legs spread apart, and sweat dripping down my face. She left and I got back to my disgusting business. A blasted out another wave of diarrhea that toppled me over causing me to spray the back of the seat and a bit of the wall with my sharts.

I reeked in the bathroom at this point and I still wasn't done, I had been in here for 25 minutes… 2 more people entered and my control has completely left me at this point, I blasted 2 waves back to back with thundering farts along with it. They knew who was responsible for the stink at this point and I just sat in shame. The one lady waiting on a stall peered into my stall and I couldn't help but let out more diarrhea and moan under my breath. I felt like I was close to done so I began to wipe, taking another 10 minutes, totaling close to 40 minutes at this point. Once I was done wiping I turned around to survey the damage. The bowl was filled with mush above the water, basically creating a pile of crap like from Jurassic Park 3. Splatter marks all over the side of the bowl and on the back of the toilet seats. I even managed to create splash marks and spray on the wall behind me, people who peered through the cracks probably saw the damage as well… I pulled the lever to flush and the water didn't even move and inch. I had completely clogged the toilet beyond repair it seemed. I decided to just exit the stall and begin to wash my hands. Panic set in as 2 more people came into the restroom. One entering the handicap stall and the other in complete shock of the damage I had caused and back away and commented "someone blew that toilet up!" My face went burnt red as I tried to not make eye contact with her. As I dried my hands the other girl flushed and her friend entered the handicap stall.

I left the bathroom and sat back at my desk, nobody seemed to notice it was me but I could smell the bathroom all the way from my desk, which is about 50 feet away from the bathroom. As I got back to work, my stomach began doing somersaults again which told me I would need to go to the bathroom again very soon. I thought it would be a good idea to release a fart to relieve the pressure but I followed through big time. I felt a rush of diarrhea enter my panties with a loud wet fart behind it. I sprinted back to the restroom. As I entered I noticed the handicap stall was still taken and I would have to use my clogged / obliterated stall. Before I made the choice to enter my stall, I accidentally sharted again, I felt diarrhea leaking down my leg and I saw a trail begin to form on the floor. I raced into the stall. Pulling down my completely ruined pants and panties, which lead to more diarrhea ending up on the floor. I was still shooting diarrhea out uncontrollably before sitting down, I was spraying it like a fire hose all over the floor, on the walls of the stall, and all over the toilet. I sat down in my own feces and let loose! The lady in the stall next to me seemed disgusted but offered to tell the boss I was sick and send me home and said she'd grab a pair of back up pants and underwear for me. I was so grateful for her generosity but I was so embarrassed and it was only about to get worse.

I began to feel nauseous and gagged before realizing I was about to throw up. I mustered up the strength to get off the toilet to turn around and vomit into the diarrhea filled toilet. I didn't realize it in the moment but I had also followed through while vomiting, spraying a diarrhea trail behind me. The entire bathroom was a disaster at this point and I had no strength to move.

The woman came back with underwear and pants for me. She helped clean me up which was so nice. I cleaned up and got out of the office as fast as possible without out looking anyone in the eye. I have been at home since with what I assume is food poisoning from the tuna sandwich:/

I am so scared to go back to work on Monday, I haven't heard anything from my boss, but I imagine he found out something happened. I love being able to share these stories with people but I do not enjoy it in the moment. I hope this sickness passes. I've been back in forth between my bed and toilet the whole day. I hope it all passes soon.



Accidentally blocked the toilet

Hi all. Have been having constipation issues with my stomach so have been eating as healthy as possible, trying to drink enough water, eat enough fruit, etc. A few minutes ago I got an urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door, walked to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first a lot then pushed out 2 ish rock hard poops. They didn't feel very big. Stood up, turned around, flushed the toilet and they didn't go down. The water level went down though. Oh crap! Pulled my pants and underwear up, washed my hands and went upstairs to tell my caregiver was blocked. She didn't understand so she told me to send her a picture through text. I went downstairs and did that. She reacted to the picture with an angry face/emoticon. I replied sorry. She refuses to buy and keep a plunger in the washroom because of viruses. So she will have to call a plumber or ask her son to help her. In the meantime we will have to use her upstairs washroom.



Anyone ever buy new underwear, while wearing dirty underwear

Justin-I can attest to pooping often when shopping at Marshalls! My husband and friends have sent me this social media short videos (what are they snapchats, I'm too old for TikTok, but I see these short viral videos in a vertical format for YouTube and IG) referencing this phenomenon. They are always these Millennial women joking about pooping in a discount store. Maybe its to coffee or the hydration from all the Stanley cups. Here's my made-up conspiracy theory: I have at times been inspired to buy some cute underwear at Marshalls as 1) they are a bargain and good quality 2) Umm the toilet paper at Marshall is cheap in quality... hahaha.. Nordstrom toilet paper...much better!. Any ladies (or guys) spontaneously buy new underwear knowing they are walking around with skidmarks? I'm pretty sure I did that last January or February...and I bought DARK underwear too!

Catherine-Probably not you, as you never get skids! you are probably wearing the same underwear you did in college cause you booty is so sterile hahaha! Just kidding gal!

Wow, I am glad you felt better after such a long poop! My best feeling poops are 5 minutes or less. Probably the one's were I am barely "prairie dogging" and I find a toilet just in time, or sooner. My bowels evacuate swiftly and completely . Honestly if they last more than 15 minutes for me, I am not feeling well nor am I feeling immediately relief after with my rare diarrhea or constipation. When I pooped my pants (twice) in grad school I was having frequent diarrhea and did not ever feel better after completing my BM. For the first incident, I was sitting on the toilet for 35 minutes ands still felt horrible. I went to bed, work up feeling sick from both ends and ended up vomtting in the toilet but pooping my pants. The Second grad school incident I also pooped for long time with diarrhea for over 30 minutes. Walked way to do something else, then "sharted" despite my butt being sore from sitting on the toilet so long less than an hour before! So I have pooped myself recently, but I will share in a different post...

Eternally curious - Nice to meet you! As you may have read in this forum, especially my posts "Skidmarked in Seatle," underwear skidmarks are relatively normal and benign for me and many others. I still get embarrassed about them from time to time, but I will paraphrase Catherine from 7/13/2024, a little embarrassment is normal and human. It's an emotion we all feel. I personally have learned to embrace embarrassment and a way to cultivate my personal values ( not everyone's) of humor and humility. I have three degrees, am attractive by some standards, I still skid my white underpants because my husband likes to buy me light colored underwear!!! Sometimes embarrassment is a safe form me of excitement like why people like scary movies and roller coasters: You can face fear but still be safe. But I am no mental health counselor, that is just my experience. I am sorry you felt shame throughout your life. I recommend therapy for anyone with a pulse, whether you talk about this issue (skid marks), related issues (shame and thumb sucking) or something completely different and private that you do not need to share if you do not have to. Please always be safe and take care of your mental and physical health, which is a form of caring for others health. Blessings to you and your loved ones "Eternally curious!" Also note as embarrassed as I get about staining my undies as an attractive and successful woman, I realize having to wipe with a piece of paper is like trying to clean of coffee stain off my desk with a dry towel. It's kind of hard!

Skidmarked in Seattle


Update & Replies

I mentioned in my last post that I had been suffering with an off ???? recently and just wanted to provide an update, I have actually come on with a super bug which seems to be doing the rounds in the uk at the moment. It's had me pretty bed bound all week and also caused quite often diarrhea. Yesterday morning I had a lot of meetings at work so took some Imodium to stop this, now this worked well, however I now haven't had a poo in over 24 hours which as you know from my previous post is pretty abnormal for me!!

Feeling slightly concerned when it does come it might be pretty bad as that's what happened when I have taken Imodium before. Just hope I'm home or somewhere comfortable.

Justin - I saw your post on women needing to poo when visiting places like Tjmaxx etc. it's a weird phenomenon & totally true haha! I can't put any reason on it, but it's the same with me whenever I go to any shopping centres/malls/etc… I will usually find that my stomach becomes more active and I'll need to make a visit to a bathroom almost every time.


Comparison Survey

1. Do you like to compare your poop with other people's poop?
2. Have you ever furtively compared your poop to someone else's? What I mean is that she didn't know you were comparing her/his poop to yours.
3. Have you ever openly compared your poop with someone? What I mean is a situation where you talked to someone about your poop. You saw him/her and he/she saw your poop, or you had a pooping competition.
4. If you compare your poop to someone else's, do you enjoy it more when your poop is bigger, or do you prefer it when someone else's poop is bigger than yours?
5. Have you ever felt satisfied when you pooped bigger than someone else's?
6. Have you ever felt humiliated/loser because someone pooped bigger than you?
7. Has anyone felt humiliated/losed because they pooped smaller than yours?
8. Have you ever felt turned on by seeing someone else's poop that was much bigger than yours?
9. Have you compared your poop with that of someone of the opposite sex? What was the result?
10. Did comparing your poop with someone else's or just looking at someone else's poop make you feel so strongly that you couldn't sleep or thought about it for a long time?

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Eternally Curious

Other Associated Habits?


I'm curious if anyone has other habits besides having skidmarks in their panties? For example, my mom shamed me about having dirty panties AND being a thumbsucker, which resulted in me sucking my thumb in the bathroom when I noticed that I had stains.

Even as an adult, it is all associated to me. While I try to stay clean, my panties are usually dirty. I have even wet myself on purpose while sitting there. And this all ends up being fodder when I'm having private moments.

I know, I likely need a therapist, but there is no way I can bring this up in person.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

Catherine- hey sistah! It was so strange for such a classy restaurant to be out toilet paper. I have pooped there in the past and they have the softest toilet paper I have ever used in a public restroom; probably softer than the Costco toilet paper I use at home. Probably why I didn't think twice to wear white under wear that night! My butt would have been as clean as yours Catherine if the rolls were not empty! haha . I like to wipe until I am clean too, but I have wiped up to 20 times a not felt clean wiping or felt clean (enough?) and still left a skid. ( I'm not " man splaining.. just the facts :) The only time I "punt" on purpose is when I am working out at the gym and I know my big sweaty booty is getting a shower soon. Did you ever see any of your volleyball teammates get any skid marks in the locker room after a pre or mid practice poop? High school sports and college is when I realized I'm not the only cute butt who gets skidmarks. I'm a very clean and borderline OCD nurse practitioner, but my husband actually finds it endearing I get occasional skidmarks..well sometime more than occasional ! He has joked the skids are side effect of a big athletic booty and I MAY be in good company when we see a lot of athletic rear ends like a professional womens's soccer or volleyball team.

Summer pooping:
Anybody else getting a little more dehydrated with the summer heat? Seattle is superhot in the Summer lately. Also , I probably have not kept up with my 80 Oz of water lately, and probably slacking with my fiber and eating a lot more carbs. What does this have to do with this forum you ask? Well normally I poop very quickly and easily, but I really had to push out my poop the other day. It was a lot of poop and I swear I was turning read pushing out the poop. I was home, so I was making some of the grunting noises that I have heard in public restrooms. I was actually worried was going to pass out on the toilet from pushing … or injury myself in other ways. Once I got the first three turds out, everything else came out soft and formed. I seriously filled the toilet. I started to catch my breath like I had just lifted weights...I flushed before the pile touched me back! gross! I flushed and I had never seen the toilet so filled with skid marks. I wiped 6 times then flushed again. Surprise, surprise, i needed a plunger

Skid marked from Colombia-How about that Argentina/Columbia Match? I actually thought I posted about the time I got sick in grad school twice and pooped myself. this was in 2010. At that time I had pooped myself as an adult twice within a year. I pooped myself recently, but I will need to post about that again later...but it was random and uneventful basically...

Annie-I have used soap to clean up at home when I was short or out of toilet paper at home, but I use liquid soap. and my hands. I know some people use a wash rag, loofa or a bar of soap. I always used gel soap since I had roommates because I was afraid of sharing bar soap. How does everyone clean their bum in the shower or bath? I put some gel in my hand and go up in there. does anyone use the bar or cloth in their butt? I do use a loofah, but it does not go in my crack..I'd done want it to look like my underwear...hahaha

Skidmarked (and sweaty) in seattle


???? troubles ain't fun

I've shit at least three times today 'n at least two were soft 'n mushy (not quite full on diarrhea but close).

Not sure if I ate somethin' my ???? didn't like or whether I was just in need of a good clean out or what, but I haven't felt good all day. Gonna baby my ???? (read: eat safe, easy to digest stuff) for the rest of the night 'n see if that helps.



Poop and TJ max

I have been some seeing some Social Media short video trends (IG, TikTok, You ube) about the phenomenon of women having to poop immediately once they walk into a discount store in the US such as a Marshalls, Ross, TJ max or even a Target.

I have seen quite a few different video skits about this, so I am guessing this is a common experience that many women relate with? None of the videos are posted by men. Do any of the women posters here get the reference? Has anyone personally experienced this or noticed that the restrooms always smelled like poop?

As a male who has used a few Marshall's restrooms, they always seem clean and unused when I go. The only personal experience close to this I have seen is nearly every guy at the gym takes a crap before or during their work out. I myself hate pooping at the gyms but I have held some poops in and crop dusted a few times at the gym. I guess in high school basketball all the star players took huge dumps before every game. I was bench player and I always found a restroom away from the locker room


To Becky

Hey Becky. I found out that their's a surgery to correct your small bladder to make it larger. It's called a bladder augmentation. Whatever you decide, I hope you find a solution that works for you. Last week I heard a staff from ???? pooping. Miss ???? did a quick and somewhat smelly poop. My farts have been smelly sometimes, but nothing exciting. As far as my poop not being perfect is concerned, I'm not worried about it anymore. Scrolling this site has been great. My favorite latest story was the 7 day poop holding entry. Loved all the suspense! All for now.


An Underrated Type of Poop

Hi Toiletstool,

Let's begin this story by saying that I overdid it at a cookout this weekend at our church. Let's also begin by saying that I love fresh fruit. And, in the Deep South, summertime means peaches, nectarines, and plums. I love them all. Alan and I had already gone to get fresh peaches the weekend of the 4th, and I had been indulging on them all week. I made a cobbler for the family, but I like them fresh.

Then, at the cookout, we had others bring so much fresh fruit. I ate my share of burgers, baked beans, potato salad but overdid it on the fruit. From grapes, to blueberries, to strawberries and fresh peach slices, I indulged.

Well, Friday night I went to bed with a stomach ache. Then, Saturday morning I woke up and just didn't feel good. I was gassy, crampy, and bloated. I knew what was coming.

About an hour after I had gotten out of bed and had a nice strong cup of black coffee, I could feel everything head south. I was sweating, cramping and trying not to have an accident as I made my way to the toilet. And when I sat down I had the biggest, gassiest, grossest dump I've taken in a long time. It took about 30 minutes to complete this ordeal and the toilet was a mess.

However, after I flushed I felt fantastic! I was no longer bloated. I felt light and energized.

So, I wanted to ask if anyone has ever had an experience like that when you felt sick on your stomach but after one major trip to the bathroom you felt amazingly better?

I hope everyone is well!

Love to all!


Princess Toadstool Peach

Answering my own survey questions

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am answering my own survey questions. So let's get started! Have you ever squatted over a potty and watch yourself poo? Oh yeah tons of times it feels good to have a big thick 5 inch poo in a white plastic potty in every morning or bedtime!

2. If outside, would you rather do a wee in the grass or a poo behind a bush? I love doing both especially when the grass is nice and long but sometimes I like to squat behind a bush and then begin to pooing nice big ones too!

3. If clogged up what do you do to get all of your thick brownloads out? Drink plenty of warm coffee and eat lots of fibre and fruit. 4. Would you rather use a potty or poopoo in your panties? I love using a potty the most pushing my BMs into it. I never defecated my panties but I did once but that's another story for another time.

5. Do you often have a best friend with you to keep you company while you are pooing? Sometimes my best friend forever Princess Rosalina and other times Princess Zelda or Bethany Mild.

6.Does your wee end in a couple of drips and drops like mine? Yes of course sometimes one drip or two drops I don't know I always lose count.

7. Have you tried defecating or urinating in a Huggies diaper pull up nappy or in a bucket? Oh yes I done both I even once defecated in a Huggies pull-up diaper nappy before I pooed the rest of it out into a bucket. It smelt quite rancid! Pee Eww!

8. What is your go-to food before having a big thick BM pooh poo? Plenty of fruity fibre and lots of coffee. I may warn you it might make you break wind a lot.

9. Do you ever try filing up the toilet with your BMs? Absolutely! The best part about it is making sure it goes down when you flush it. Ok that's it for today. Bye bye now!



The first time I had shit myself, except for a couple of sharts was quite some years ago when I had prolonged constipation. I had been taking laxatives etc and I had a colon x-ray whereby had had to drink this flavourless fluid
Anyway the x-ray went ok and I was driving home and as I turned into my street I got this sudden urgency to defecate and I totally lost it....poo just shot out of my bum filling up my undies and suit pants. Fortunately nobody was at home and it was a very warm day whilst a cleaned myself off with the hose and then hosed out my pants thoroughly and put them through the washing machine. The trousers came up quite good!
This was my first bowel incontinence episode and it did not upset me too much because it gave me a much needed and giant poo!
Now since then I have had a few such occurrences when constipated and the laxatives kick in...I have to be quite constipated though. Once again when this has happened nobody was at home...lucky!
Now there have been other occasions when constipated and the laxatives start and have been near a often I sit on the throne and note some small amount of poo in my incontinence underwear. If I get the toilet paper before actually releasing my bowels there is quite a bit of poo that leaks out. Last year I had a successful constipated BM and she wiped me undies were clean also .....later that day I had a sit on the toilet and my undies were a little soiled and my bottom was dirty as if I had not been properly wiped....yet I was properly wiped! I seem to get leakages when constipated. I also have trouble holding my urine etc and that is always worse with constipation.
Thanks for rading this

Ellie M

Suspected IBS & Survey

Hey! Haven't post in a year but still a frequent reader on the site. Just a reminder for everyone I'm a 23 year old now from the UK :) I've recently been beginning to suspect I might have developed IBS or a similar condition. It's kind of a weird thought as I've always been regular in that department but never really thought it was a hindrance or anything!

The past few months I have noticed it to be more prominent though, more often having a upset stomach, and finding that generally 9 times out of 10 my bowel movements have been more soft and not having to push and struggle. I also notice on average I am regularly having 5/6 poos a day.

Again this comes with often stomach cramps or diarrhea on occasion, but most of the time it's fairly tolerable bar the odd bad days, but with no change in diet or anything I'm wondering if I have a mild version of IBS or similar - I was wondering if there was anyone out there who has IBS, Crohns, Colitis etc… who would take part in my survey below to answer some of the questions I'm curious about how others face it:

1. When did you realise you had a condition/decided to get a diagnosis?

2. How do you manage it within a working environment? (E.g are you embarassed needing to go number 2 around colleagues, try to wait until it's quiet at all?)

3. How do you find it while traveling to new places? I'm a frequent visitor to new towns or countries and often the worry of finding a toilet can be nervy! Foreign countries tend to have "pay to use" bathrooms - idk if anyone has experiences or stories of this?

4. Are you comfortable mentioning it to friends or family? Not only saying you have the condition but when you need the loo, can you feel open to talk to anyone

Thanks all!! Look forward to reading any replies :)

Monday, July 15, 2024

Steve A

Food Service Jobs Affecting Bathroom Habits (Survey)

After working various jobs since 2020, I've decided to move up as a shift lead/kitchen manager at a restaurant that I've been working at part time on and off (in between my other jobs) and I've noticed something about my bathroom habits ever since I started working a regular full time schedule:

Since my restaurant serves some healthy/organic, non-GMO, & non-frozen foods, I've been making some better food choices for some of my daily meals (since we get free meals every shift):

As a result, I've been pooping at least once a day, maybe skipping a day or two (which is getting more rare for me to go more than 2-3 days without going) which means that I must be doing something right since I already enjoy eating healthier and being smart with eating overall (even though I still enjoy occasional snacking and some "not as healthy foods"

However, for anyone who worked in food service:

1) How did the food (& your weekly schedule) affect your overall health and bathroom habits, depending on what type of food your restaurant served?

2) Did any of your coworkers have similar issues from question 1?

3) Did you ever get sick of eating the same types of food, if you ate for free or had a discount?

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