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Doing Number 2 at work

Does, anyone here take their daily dump at their place of work every day? I can imagine that for instance their rigid starting time for work precludes them shitting at home before setting out for work.

MD Dan

Replies and a Story

Catherine: I'm so sorry. I wish you and your family all the best.

Greg: Sounds like an awesome experience. It reminded me of a similar experience I had in college.

I was about 21 or so and went to visit a friend of mine who was going to college in another state. I'll call her Jen. I spent the day with Jen (short, curvy, and blonde), her friend and roommate Amber (a little taller then Jen, brown hair, athletic and also curvy), and some other people at a fair that was going on. Lots of fair food and drinks were consumed. That night, we went over to a party and spent most of the night continuing to drink, play games, and eat terrible food (typical college fun). We finally made our way back to Jen's place to crash and no one was in a coherent state. I crashed on the couch while Jen and Amber went to bed in their rooms. At about 4am, I woke up with a terrible stomach ache and headed to the bathroom, which was in a small hallway between both bedrooms, very near the couch (small college apartment). I sat on the toilet and had an eruption of loose poop. After a few minutes, I had another smaller eruption with a lot of gas and was done.

While I was wiping, the bathroom door suddenly started opening and Amber, still half drunk, walked in. She must have been so out of it she forgot I was there because she saw me and jumped back. She snapped awake enough to mumble, "Oh, sorry! I didn't see the light on!" and shut the door. I came out a minute later and she was curled up on the couch. She apologized again and said she just really needed the bathroom and was in a hurry. She quickly went into the bathroom and shut the door. It being 4am, it was super quiet in the house. I heard Amber lower her pajamas, sit on the toilet, and then what sounded like 5 or 6 logs quickly empty out of her and make soft splooshes in the water. She flushed the toilet, wiped, and then flushed again. She must have really had to go because she was done in less than 2 minutes. She came out and curled back up on the couch holding her stomach next to me, saying "I shouldn't have drank so much...ugh". I said, "Yeah, me too." She asks what time it is and when I tell her it's a little after 4am, she says, "What? Oh my god, I'm going back to bed" and goes back into her room.

A few minutes later, Jen's door opened and she rushes out of her room and into the bathroom. I quickly move to listen and heard her throw herself onto the toilet, then explode with a huge load of mushy poop and farts. She sighed loudly and said, "Ewww, it's in my pants! Oh god..." I guessed she was laying in bed and some of her poop came out before she realized what was happening. She flushed the toilet and sat for another minute and I heard a long stream of semi-solid poop come out of her followed by a long and loud fart. She started wiping (which took a while) and then flushed again. Right after that I heard her turn on the shower and went back to the couch. She came out about 15 minutes later, attempting to conceal her underwear she was carrying (I'm assuming she rinsed it off in the shower), and quickly rushed back into her room. A few hours later both girls made their way out of their rooms and we spent half the day just laying around trying to recover.

That's all for now. Take care!

Mina, for Chakamami Family

Survey of David P

Mina needs quite long time for this one...
Key is: H = Hisae (Chae), K = Kazu[mi], Ma = Maho, Mi = Mina.]

Q1. How often do you usually go for a poo?

A1. H: Often once in a day, sometimes twice, three times or more when I am a diarrhoea. K: Usually once in the morning. Sometimes a second one in the afternoon. Ma: 2 or 3 times in a week. Mi: about 5 times in a week. All four of us like to do after a breakfast in the morning.

Q2. When you feel a urge, do you go at once, or hold it in, and if you hold, how long you hold?
A2. We all go as soon as we possible, but in office, sometimes we have to hold if we talking with visitor. But Maho never have urge in office.

Q3. What is size and shape of your usual poo?
A3. Lots variety (Mi, H, K). Long logs (Ma).

Q4. How much effort is it need to do a poo?
A4. No effort at all, I sit on loo and 10 seconds later it is full of my poo (H). But I stay sitting, that is the way of my three crushes, and I don't do effort, I wait, and few minutes later another cascade of poo (also H).
Some effort at first (K, Mi). Like Hisae, we stay sitting, and after waiting, usually very little effort for second defecate.
Lots of effort (Ma).

Q5. Have you ever done poo that got stuck in middle or started to go back?
A5. Sometimes (Ma). Never, or very rare (Mi, K, H).

Q6. What position do you usually sit when you doing a poo?
A6. Usually lean forward, and raise bottom (all of us). Sometimes take off socks and climb on loo and squat (K, Mi, and especially Ma).
When we using our potties, always we squat, of course.
Once Hisae decided to poo standing, like cow or horse. She is little bit crazy. (OW!) We enjoyed to watch (she defecated a very very lots) but even most of her mierda landed in loo, there was splash, so after she finish, we said her "Chae you will clean this loo", then she said "happily I do", and she cleaned with singing songs.

Q7. Do you have any particular habits or struggles?
A7. We don't think so. It is depend on our mood a lot.
Sorry, yes, suddenly we remember. Sometimes we kiss to crush with sitting on loo to do a poo. But when poo threaten to come out, we stop a kissing. After poo comes out, we kiss again with waiting for next poo.
One more. After wash with washlet, one of crushes dry our bottom with paper. But when one of us is sick, she dries own bottom.
And one more. When defecate of one of us is very wonderful, we have tearful face, and after, in tatami room, we kiss to her a lots.

Q8. Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo?
A8. "Grunt" is noise of pig?? If it is so, then never. But Kazu often moan, especially just before or just after her produce come out from bottom. Otherwise, we are quiet.
Hold our breath? Quite often (Ma). Not very often (other three). But Mina do this more oftener than Hisae or Kazu.

Q9. Do logs make big sound when hit water?
A9. Usually. When we fitted new loo, we choose loo which is easy to make big sound, because we like to hear.

Q10. Do we feel embarrass when we poo in public?
A10. Never. Poo is normal! Poo is very good for a health! Sometimes, but not often, we go to shopping mall for our morning poo. Many loos, so we can stay long time, very lots of plops and splats and horrendous fragrance. Who care if other woman say "those girls are round a bend". Of course we are round a bend. Round a bend is OK!!

We hope these answers make you happy, David P. By the way, we think pushing style is different for different people. And sometimes, log come out so fast, it can't stop, so it shoot round back of loo and land in sewer system like rocket. We all have this experience except Maho. So maybe your poo also did like that style. You don't need worry. (But blood is not good.)

And we hope everyone is very fine.

Love to everyone.

Chakamami Family (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina; typist is Mina)

To not weird, just autistic,

Thank you for sharing your experiences! It's wonderful and a relief to connect with other neurodivergent people here and see similar stories being shared. I've written a fair few stories about accidents I've had due to my ADHD on this site. Like you, I can get hyperfocused on something and not realize I have to go until it's too late. I also sometimes struggle with interoception. There's been times when I've either barely made it or had an accident when I can look back and realize, yes I was feeling vaguely uncomfortable and shifting or fidgeting around but it just didn't break through my conscious thought enough to tell me, 'you need the bathroom'. I have not been diagnosed with autism, but I've noticed as you describe, when I am feeling overwhelmed it can add to my struggle of just going. Sometimes I can find the bathroom an overwhelming sensory experience, it's hard to describe. I've also learned a lot of techniques to manage this, and medication has been a huge help so I've been accident free for many years now - not without a few close calls though! I would love to hear more from you about how you handle things, or more info on how your autism and ADHD affect your life and bathroom experiences. I'll keep sharing mine too!


Poo at work and bathroom experience on a date

Hi all. I've got one main story and a short funny incident to share this time. Yesterday I felt a minor urge to poo while on the way to work, so I knew the loo would be my first stop when I arrived. Our lab does have a single person loo, but it has very poor ventilation. We found out the hard way that if someone does a smelly poo, it will stink up the place for a good while afterwards, so we only use it if we need a wee.

I got to work, dropped off my belongings, then went out to the main science building and headed off to the toilets. I think a class period might have finished right around that time, as all four cubicles were taken and I could hear and smell that all four ladies were pooing. I was starting to have to go pretty bad myself so I hoped someone would finish soon.

Luckily I only had to wait a few minutes before I heard someone start rolling off loo roll. She flushed and exited the cubicle and I took her place. She looked quite embarrassed, and when I got in the cubicle I saw why - she'd left behind a bunch of marks all over the toilet. There also wasn't a lot of loo roll left either, but it seemed like just enough for me.

By that point I was really desperate, and I started pooing right away after sitting down. My poo came out as one big piece and hardly took any time at all. When I went to wipe, I used all the loo roll that was left and had to finish off with some tissues from my purse too.

The much shorter story is from later in the evening. Yesterday was Valentine's Day so Kevin and I hired a babysitter and had a date night. I had worn a nice, long evening gown, a decision I slightly regretted later when I needed a wee. My dress was long enough that it was difficult to hike up. It's the sort of thing that shows why girls usually go to the loo together - you've got someone who can help you with your dress.

Right, so, that's me done. I'll post again shortly.


To Mjd

That was a horrible experience, probably the worst I have had and it was so vivid, it happened over 10 years ago, I am a poo at home girl, but if I gotta go in public I will.

More larger ladies get constipated quite regularly I'd imagine, but then again they must also have much heavier loads, my loads this week haven't been that big. And bigger girls must also have quite unhealthy diets too, which would explain they're constipation.
I work out, so I have a nice figure but even I can still get constipated with good looks, I blame dehydration.

I have written once about my closest friend, Kelly and how she tried to help me.
I remember when we were in our teens and kelly walked in on me lots of times with her phone filming Me on the loo and messing about, taking away my magazine and leaving me red faced with embarrassment, and laughing at every fart and plop, and every puuush, and laughing at the smell, laughing at my hairy creature hehe, it does make me wonder what happened with all the footage, i'm sure she deleted it. those were the days, sadly and we're grown up now but we still have fun

I have been constipated around Kelly numerous times over the years, although I still find it embarrassing, the last time Kelly came over to my home, she put her finger up my bum after I got into a squat position
We are fine being naked around each other, it's partly why we're so close but Kelly was feeling around for my poo, and then she started stimulating my rectum until it came out.

I normally don't poo around anyone, but Kelly has caught me often, if I'm with friends I just give up after a few minutes so they don't think I'm pooping.

We sometimes go to festivals and we have peed and pooped together outside our tent, sometimes Kelly's just covering me and vice-versa.
I remember one year at the festival, it was the first night and I couldn't poo because I was with my friends all day, not having any alone time took its toll on my stomach, so I woke up, got out of my sleeping bag left my tent, I went around to the back, I dropped my thong and squatted down, I still had my top on, but no bottoms.

I could hear drunk people nearby, partying into the night so I had to be careful and my stomach was aching so badly it was full of gas, I was ripping loud pffffs I'm sure others could hear me.
But my poo wasn't coming so I started pushing a little, "gg-uuuuuhhhh" I was panting and I could see people moving between tents, "jeeee-uhhh" I was getting more desperate to finish "mmmnnnnnmggggg" and these little pebbles plopped onto the grass, I waddled back inside the tent for loo paper and wiped once, disposing the paper outside. End

We have all been sick this week in work, the winter has finally taken its toll on us and we all got colds/flu, as a result my poos have been more looser, requiring no real effort, my stomach was aching on Friday so I had a poo as I finished for the day, I went into the ladies, walked to the end table, picked up my magazine and went into the end cubicle, unbuckled my belt, pulled my trousers and pink thong down to my ankles, and sat down and I was looking at myself in the mirror opposite, checking my face and blowing kisses, I opened my magazine and within 5 minutes of pushing and grunting my poo slid out, it was a medium sized log, wiped my bum twice and my vagina. Time to go

Anna from Austria

pooping outside in the cold sort of

Hi everyone.

I had a 3 days ski vacation from last friday to Saturday evening.

On Sunday I had a interesting and not very pleasent experience. For some reason I could not do my usual morning poop before going on the ski slope. So I had to during skiing. It was a weird feeling focusing on skiiing and not to poop myself in the pants at the same time.

I could made to toile facicilty just in time. The facility was not the neweset and there was no heating. Could have been worse though at least there was toilet paper.

I took one the stalls, pulled down ski clothes and attemped to sit down. The toilet seat was so cold that I could not bear to sit on. So I had to hover poop. I tried to place my butt right above the toilet bowel nature took its course. I farted and then without any affort my backdoor started to open up and a big turd fell into the toilet. Then I had to pee, 2 more farts and another small fart. Then I was done and to clean myself with lots of tp. It was one of my standard poops which are always on the soft side. I left a massive stench in the toilet but could avoid skidmarks in the toilet.

The poop smell iself was intriguing. It smelled a bit different due to the cold air. Hard to describe.

Anyway i was lucky I made it in time. This was the worst desperation situation so far. The urge itself was not the problem. Had to deel with bigger urges already. But the combination of the urge and focusing on skiing was more exhausting that it would have normally been.

@Ellie M interesting story. I am coffee lover but I always take coffees to go so I do not spend much time in shops per se. But i would not be surprised if some pooping acitivities happen there quite often. I am also among the people that have to poop after having some coffee.

greetings from Austria


Chris D.

Playing outside

When I was young we would play outside pretty much all day in the summers and only come home when it was time for supper, so I got used to relieving myself outdoors. I drank as much lemonade, juice, and water as I could since it was incredibly hot, and I would go pretty much anywhere that had a tree or bush (I lived in a rural area so that was pretty much everywhere). If we were in the woods we had no problem whipping our penises out in the open and letting loose. Most of the girls had no problem popping a squat, but they preferred to choose a bush or tree a little further away. Sometimes one of the girls would be a bit shy and we'd tease her by not giving her enough privacy, but it was all in good fun. If I had to go #2 I would just walk a little further away. Sometimes I would be so engrossed in the fun that I didn't realize I had to go, and it let to some frantic moments.

Monday, February 17, 2025


Short story

My husband Carl went out with his friends celebrating a birthday of one of his buddies. They had a huge bbq (our state is fairly warm and it barely snows). Carl lovessss meat. He stocked on quite a bit of it. They had lots of fun without any problems, until my hubby came home. Within half an hour of him being home I held his hand while he had extremely brutal diarrhea. I rubbed his back and the torrent of liquid flew out of him accompanied by cramps. I also held the trash can for him while he was vomiting.

That night in bed he shit his underwear in his sleep. Poor thing was so embarrassed but I made sure he knew it wasn't his fault and that he's just sick. When he was awake he went to have more diarrhea in the bathroom. I didn't come with him because at that point the smell was making me feel unwell myself, but I did make chicken soup for him while he was fighting with his life in the bathroom. This event took place two weeks ago, he recovered smoothly, but still doesn't wanna talk about it which is understandable. Carl has had food poisoning a couple times in his life, he jokes that he's cursed when it comes to food lol.


To Leah

That sounds like a horrible experience in the public loo! I bet you wanted to just grunt really hard and just get the poo finished after that. No wonder you are a poo at home girl!

It's interesting that you state that you aren't a fat girl - I have always wondered if fat girls get more constipated than thinner girls? I once heard an ex who was a bigger girl and she was really struggling. I remember her saying there hadn't been much 'toilet time' after she emerged from her ordeal.

Have you ever been constipated when your friends have been around or have you witnessed any of your friends constipated? What about a partner? Would you let someone help you go?

How have you been pooing this week? Constipated?

Ellie M

Coffee Shop Experience

I've recently got into stopping at coffee shops on walks or after the gym and made a bit of a habit of trying new drinks. However I have a bathroom story from a recent trip to Starbucks, I was in there for an hour or so and had a couple of drinks while catching up on things on my phone, while there I noticed a young woman a few seats down. She had me of those green healthy juices, which she had while listening to some music, I started to notice her foot tapping and as I was putting my rubbish in the bin and going to make a trip to the ladies myself, I heard her quietly matter to one of her friends who was staff there "toilets?" and as I was near the counter I heard the barista respond "down and to the left". She was in the bathroom for a good few minutes so I already had a feeling she needed more than just a wee, and as she exited and I went in my suspicion was confirmed as there were tiny streaks on the toilet and a strong smell of poo in the room! I quickly did my business (only needed a wee) and left feeling relieved and continued my walk. Wonder if anyone else is a frequent visitor to coffee shops and has similar stories? It seems to be the one place women (such as myself) are more comfortable going for a poo, either that or the coffee makes it an inevitable! Speak soon x :)

Emma two

Constipation and relief while running

I'd been constipated for about a week and the laxative I took before I went to bed last night didn't seem to be doing anything to get my bowels moving. I remembered reading an article about a marathon runner who pood herself while competing. She was making good time in the race and didn't want to stop to use the porta potty and risk losing valuable time. She carried on running and ended up pooping her pants three times before winning the the marathon white her running shorts full of poo. I decided to try going out for a run in the woods and I took a toilet roll from the bathroom and set off down to the woods. As I got closer to the woods I felt a cramp in my stomach and a desperate and urgent need to have a poo. I sped up my pace trying my best not to poo myself before I reached the privacy of the woods. I made it just in time and I found a nice secluded spot where I felt nothing once would see me even though the woods were deserted. I quickly pulled my leggings and knickers down together and squatted under a large oak tree and relaxed my bottom. My poo came out quickly as it was soft and the relief of it was pure heaven. I pushed out some more poo and that felt even better now everything was out of me. I created a huge pile of poo which isn't surprising as I'd been holding it for a week. I wiped so lot to get myself clean and pulled up my knickers and leggings and ran back home feeling so much better.

Guy From Canada

Poop Accidents

Hey TS crew we dont seem to have many poop accident stories anymore?

Introduction to School Toilets

Back when I was a young 14, my first week of high school was trauma producing. I had never crapped during my years of middle school. Peed yes like most of my friends like 1 out of every 3 days. But I moved my bowels at like 5 p.m. when I got home. I probably could have gone right after lunch, but the toilets were Intimidating to me. Lots of noise, confusion, and like no privacy. All but one of the girls' rooms had the toilet door taken off. The toilet paper was gross. When the teacher talked about anarchy in a social studies lesson, I would have contributed something but I knew I would just be setting myself up for more bullying. I was lucky in that my tot (time on toilet) was almost always 45 seconds or less. I could never have done the necessary shit in that time. Never! Sometimes one girl would be sitting for her shit and 2 of her friends were messing around with her and causing trouble. When a teacher walked through rather fast she made a couple of announcements like a pep rally after school or some dumb club meeting. A lot of stuff got overlooked and that was disturbing to me. Until mom asked me about pee stains in my white undies, I didn't give her much information because I wanted her, no didn't want her to overreact because I had to survive another 7 semesters.

Comment for Steve A:

Yes there was conversation across stalls. Especially during lunch period and passing periods between classes. Some horrible things were said by my peers that I was hopeful would get them suspended. No luck!

Comment for Anna From Austria:

Sometimes music was played in the bathroom in junior high, but if a teacher walked thru (and they did frequently) it would be taken and you had to pick it up from her after school. At first I thought that rule sucked, but now I understand.

Comment for David P:

I think long pushes must be needed to give the sitter a better release time. 20 seconds is probably got to get a piece of shit out. The hardest thing, I think, is the lack of concentration and lack of privacy while you are seated.

Hope you guys liked my story!


David P survey

1:How often do you usually go for a poo?
Typically every day after breakfast, but sometimes more than that and also sometimes nothing for the whole day and even two days in a row.

2:When you feel the urge to poo, do you always go straight away, or do you sometimes hold it in? If you hold it, how long do you wait before going?
I usually go as soon as I feel the urge, but can comfortable hold it for quite some time if needed.

3:How would you describe the size and shape of your usual poo? (log, long snake, thick, small etc?)
Usually starts with a few pebbles or balls and then a large mass that's tapered at the end.

4:How much effort does it take for you to do a poo? Do you find yourself having to push hard, or does it come out easily on its own?
I try to let nature take it course to avoid problems with the butt, but it can sometimes take 5-10 minutes to start. If I'm really constipated I sometimes need to push quite a bit.

5:Have you ever had a poo that got stuck halfway out or started to go back in when you stopped pushing? What causes that? How did you manage to get it out?
Yes, every now and then. Very annoying. Just usually try to wait a bit and often it starts moving again by itself.

6:What position do you usually sit in when doing a poo? Do you lean forward, go on tiptoes, sit up straight, use a footstool, or do anything else to help?
Just sit slightly forward and reading on the phone while waiting, when it's time I put down the phone and lean forward a bit extra.

7:Do you have any particular habits or struggles when going for a poo that you've noticed?
Not really

8:Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo?
Not normally as I try to avoid having hard stools, but if that happens, yes, some huffing and puffing is needed, but not really vocal "grunts".

9:Do the logs when they hit the water make loud plop sounds or make no sound at all?
Depends on the toilet I guess. At home there are loud plops at the beginning, while oddly the larger mass slides down little less loud.

And 10
10:Do you feel embarrassed about pooing at work or in public or do you just go wherever?
I prefer to poop at home, but can go at work. It is embarrassing, especially if I can hear a colleague in an adjacent toilet

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Anna Beth

Oh Wow

I am so gassy today. I think it was the beans I ate last night. So when I went to pee today, I really needed to release. Well it was a booming fart that could be heard outside the break room! One of my coworkers later told me, "Anna Beth, you farted so loud! We could all hear it!" I was so embarrassed. I have farted out loud twice since then. No poop yet!


Answer to Curious Monster

Q1. Do we like to talk, when we defecting? Or do we concentrate on our defecate?
A1. A bit of both. Sometimes we talk, sometimes we quiet and concentrate.

Q2. Do you comment or describe course of poop?
A2. It is not need, because we sit so all our crushes can see what we producing. Maho sometimes comment when her mierda is difficult to come out.

Q3. Can you defecate in front of someone who can see you. when was last time? In front of whom?
A3. Ms or Mr Curious Monster, we advice you to read posts of Mina, they are everywhere this site. You will know answer of this question with a vengeance. Last time was this morning, in front of one crush. Mina with Hisae in beige loo, Kazu with Maho in green loo. Maho is often constipate, but this morning she was success, and Kazu enjoyed to see her large turds drop in loo with big ploop noise one after another. It was seven large turds and some little ones, Kazu said. That is correct, Maho said. At a week-end, all four of us together, in green flat. Maho and Kazu talking little bit, but when turd coming out slowly from Maho's bottom, Maho stopped to talk.

Q4. Were you cheered or supported by someone when you pooping? When was last time?
A4. Always yes! Last time was this morning. "ploop!" "Yiiiii!" is very common noise in our flats in morning.

Q5. Have you ever supported.... same with Q4.
A5. Same with A4.

Q6. Have you ever been so constipate that you give up and get off loo?
A6. It is happened to Maho sometimes. You can read page 3128, she gave up three days in row. Then fourth day, it was Saturday, her visit to loo was very very wonderful, and we all cried with our emotion. Kazu and Mina also have experience, but more rarer. Hisae never. (OW!) (CHAE, TAKE AWAY YOUR NASTY FINGERS from Mina's bottom.) By the way, Tuesday this week Mina also gave up in morning, but she was success after her lunch. See A7.

Q7. When was last time you defecated away from your home? Where exactly?
A7. Tuesday, Mina defecated in office loo, after huge lunch with colleague Mari. Mari also defecated, and both of us did huge defecate, sit on loo very long time, many many plops, and flush twice. We have nice boss, she is woman. She never mind if we are back to work after lunch with late a few minutes, we say "our body feel comfortable" and she understands this mean. She always say, you will work better, more efficient, after huge defecate, so take your time in loo, both of you. (She said this long time ago in ladies room, when she met us just after we come out from cubicles which gave horrendous fragrance.)

We all hope these answers are satisfy to you, Ms/Mr Curious Monster. Hisae now kissing Mina's back of neck, other crushes are saying "Uuuuuu".

Of course, tomorrow we will all do our motion in front of one crush, and on Saturday, in front of all three crushes.

We hope that everyone is very fine.

Love to everyone.

Chakamami family (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

Emma two

Late for work and desperate to go

I was running late for work this morning and I was busting for a poo but I didn't have time to go before I left for work as I would miss my bus and end up being even more late for work. I quickly got dressed and ready for work and ran out of the door to catch my bus. I saw the bus coming and I started running the bus stop but I missed it. The next bus was due in 15 minutes and I was doing a poo dance as I waited for it. When it turned up my heart sank when saw it was NOT IN SERVICE and I was now half an hour late for work and I had to wait another 15 minutes for the next bus. By the time I eventually got to work I was an hour late and I was getting desperate for a poo. My supervisor told me off for being an hour late and I couldn't go to the toilet now even though I was so desperate for relief. I started working keeping my bottom clenched tightly trying my best not to have an accident in my knickers but it was difficult to keep control. Af half an hour I was bursting and I knew if I didn't get to the toilet soon I would end up pooping myself so I decided to go. I stood up and walked carefully towards the toilets but my supervisor called me back and told me I'd have to wait until break time as I was late for work. I told her I was desperate to go and she told me I wasn't a baby and she was sure I could wait. I couldn't and I ignored her and carried on to the toilets holding my bottom. I made it to the toilet just in time and as soon as I sat down I relaxed and pushed out a huge load of soft poo into the toilet. I can't even begin to describe the relief of it when I finished. All I can say is that I got there if you know what I mean!


Poop just under an hour after breakfast

Hi everyone. I hope you're all doing well. I'm semi-constipated but I went to my exercise program yesterday morning. I get picked up and dropped off and others can do that, take the bus or get dropped off by parents, etc. I live with my caregiver until I get housing. Got up this morning, had a hot soup with vegetables, etc and I think a bun for breakfast. Around 9 AM I took my medications, took my water jar, Walmart bag and went downstairs to my room. Stomach felt very full and uncomfortable. A few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I grabbed the Walmart bag and water jar, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, left my room, put the flip flops on out there, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, walked in, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet finally. Relaxed and peed for about 30 seconds then pushed and a semi-solid poop flew out. Pushed again and some mushy poop poured out. The washroom really stunk. Pushed back my sleeves, reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, took some off the roll, put the toilet paper into the Walmart bag and put the Walmart bag on the floor then finally started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then stood up and wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. The toilet was filled with a broken poop with mushy poop surrounding it. It stunk. Flushed the toilet and the stinky mess went down. Went to the sink, washed my hands, turned off the tap, grabbed my Walmart bag and water jar, filled my water jar, opened the door, turned off the light and walked to my room. Turned on the light outside of my room, opened the door, took the flip flops off, went into my room, put the flip flops on in here, dried my hands on the towels and came to bed to write this. I have filled my water jar and microwaved it so that it's hot. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and that you're having a good day and week.

Happy pooping and peeing!



To Amber

Regarding your question about pooping at work. I've only done that a few times, mainly because I like to do it at home before work. But on the few times I did poop at work, somehow this older guy would apparently have to poop at the same time and he'd be in the next stall. (Only 2 stalls in the restroom at the post office).

Anyway,this guy liked to carry on a conversation while we're pooping, which always made me uncomfortable, because I like as much privacy as possible. So while this guy is chattering away and I'm just giving one word answers, I just finish up as fast as I can and get out as quickly as possible.

I think that's one of the reasons I trained myself to poop at home, plus the fact the bosses started keeping track of how long we were in the bathroom. They didn't want us gone from our area more than 5 minutes.

So now I poop at home and take as much time as I need. I was just never really comfortable pooping in public. It doesn't bother some people, and others it does. Either way is okay, whatever you're comfortable with.

Happy pooping, everybody!


Steve A

Question about openly talking about related topics

How often do you openly talk about or have witnessed a conversation about pooping or any related topics?

Even though I've heard my share of people openly talking about having to use the restroom and some of their stories/experiences, it all depends on the situation and what comes up in everyday conversation.

For example, today at work, a coworker of mine told me that she really had to poop, but since business was slow at the time, she was able to go, but it threw me off guard initially, since I haven't heard someone be that open towards me in awhile.

Later on, another coworker of mine used the restroom as well, and when he returned, the topic of having to poop came up between all of us, ranging from using porta potties to pooping outside, which was unexpected, yet interesting at the same time.

Anna Beth

To Amber

No stories to tell, but today I took a monster dump in the women's restroom at work. It's my time of the month and I didn't go yesterday. I drank a Celsius on the way to work and when I arrived I was ready for the toilet. It started out solid but got softer and just made this big mound in the toilet that came out of the water. Did it ever smell!!!

Steve A

To Amber (Public Pooping Stories)

Even though there have been several times where I've pooped in public places (including today at a gas station on my way to work) my most memorable one occurred during my high school days (I also posted this story several years ago on here as well):

Since I used to have a regular pooping schedule back when I was in high school, I usually went in the mornings before school started.

However, some days, I didn't have time before my classes started, which meant that I had to wait until I had time to do so.

On this day, I wasn't able to go until gym class, and once I was able to go, it was a single log that was a little over a foot long, and me being a little immature at the time, I decided to leave it unflushed for someone to notice after swimming.

So when we all came back to the locker room after class, someone went into my stall and they said, "Someone SH*T in here and its huge!" which led to people checking it out and asking if it was me who did it.

Even though I tried to deny it, they eventually found out it was me, since I was a little late for attendance and was the last one who left the locker room.

Some people thought what I did was funny and awesome, along with some people who were surprised and asked, "Did that come out of you?!?" One person also took a picture of it and said, "I'm instagramming this SH*T!" I also got a few high fives as well.

Outside of that experience, I don't have any other public restroom experiences, unless something eventful happens in the future...

Ellie M

Running/Marathon Stories

Haven't posted in a while but came back on recently as I've recently taken up running, small stuff like 5/10k runs but interested in doing half or full marathons soon and wondered if anyone has any toilet related stories of running events?
Those that I've been to so far have had enormous queues for portaloos and often involve sights of people finding other areas to relieve themselves, I wondered if anyone else has experienced the same?

Princess Toadstool Peach

Filling up my new porcelain white toilet with my Pee and Poo

Hello everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am getting ready to try out my brand new porcelain white toilet. I already brought myself some rolls of toilet paper and a newspaper so I'm ready to get started on filling this baby up. After eating a fibre and prune lunch I head over to the bathroom, lock the door, went over to the toilet, there I lifted up my dress, pull down my panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and then sit down on the toilet adjusting myself and squatting as I read my newspaper tapping my high heels as my blond dapper vagina floodgates open up flowing out a lot of yellow pee wee tinkling into my new toilet "Tinkle tinkle TSSSSSSSSSSSSsssshhhhh dripdripdrop!!" Then with my stepping footstool I relax and push saying to myself "OK let's fill up this toilet with my waste dump!!" And then out a massive brown pile of poo straight from my bottom poo hole "PAAAARRRRRPPPPPPPPPP CRRRRACCKLLE PLOOP PLOP SPLASH KERSPLASH PLUNKPLUNKPLUNK!!!" I have to admit though I may of eaten some rather spicy jalapeño buffalo chicken wings for my supper along with a cup of coffee the strongest brew in my entire castle that's why I'm pooing so much odd disgusting smells today. I wipe my bottom and vagina clean with toilet paper then I got up standing, pulled my panties up and my dress down and then I flushed as all my loaves I pinched and my pee went down my brand new toilet with a fond gurgle. "FLUSSSSsssshhhh!!!" Then I wash my hands. Glad that's over I cannot wait to tell my boyfriend Super Mario Mario about this he's going to be so jealous. OK see you soon bye bye now!

David P

Pooing at work two days running!

Firstly thanks for the answers to my survey. I found them interesting. I have a question for Laura. Firstly thanks for being so honest, I just wondered why do you stick your finger up your bum? don't you find it gross or smelly? does poo ever stay on your finger? why don't you do the sit and push harder and longer method?

This week has been unusual. Normally, I go every 3-4 days, but suddenly, I found myself needing to poo at work two days in a row, something that never happens. I don't know why my bowels decided to change things up, but they did, and I had no choice but to go with it.

Tuesday, I was feeling anxious in the morning, and as the day went on, I started getting that uncomfortable sensation in my stomach. I knew what it meant. I needed to go. At first, I tried to ignore it, but the feeling wouldn't go away. Holding it in would only make me more uncomfortable, so I decided to head to the top floor toilets, where it's usually quiet.

I sat down, trousers around my ankles, heart racing slightly. I don't always get an urge, so sometimes just sitting isn't enough. I had to push for a few seconds, holding my breath slightly. Then, it happened, a solid log slid out, hitting the water with a loud plop. The sound echoed in the empty cubicle, making me cringe a little, but at the same time, I felt relieved.

One small dot of blood on the paper, but nothing concerning. I cleaned up quickly and left, feeling oddly accomplished. It might sound silly, but after years of avoiding public toilets, just being able to do this at work feels like a win.

The next morning at work, I was surprised to feel the need again. Why so soon? I had a big poo Monday night, then again yesterday.

I held off for a while, but the feeling grew stronger. This time, I had to go to first floor toilets as I slipped away from my desk and was in a rush, it is a much busier area, which made me more anxious. I got into the cubicle, sat down, and tried to relax, but I knew I needed to push again just for a few seconds, same as before.

This time, I felt it shoot out fast, and I heard a loud noise as it hit the water, maybe mixed with a fart. But when I looked down… I couldn't see anything. That made me worried for a second. Had I really gone? But the messy toilet paper and the feeling of relief told me I had.

I rushed to wipe and flush, nervous that someone would walk in at any moment, but thankfully, the bathroom stayed empty. Walking back to my desk, I felt proud of myself for handling it, but also puzzled. Why did my body decide to go back to back like this? Stress? Diet? A change in my schedule? I'm not sure, but I'm glad I didn't hold it in like I used to.

Maybe this is my body's way of finding a new rhythm, or maybe it's just a random fluke. Either way, I handled it, and for someone who used to avoid public toilets at all costs, that's a victory!

Let's see what tomorrow brings shall we.

Just one quick question, I read all the time we should not push but everyone on here seems to push to poo and pretty much every time I go I need to hold my breath when sat on the loo and give a long push while the poo is coming out, always out in less than 20 seconds and just one long push. Is this type of pushing ok?


David P survey

1. How often do you usually go for a poo?
Generally once a day, I'll have a fairly large bowel movement either right after waking up or before bed.

2. When you feel the urge to poo, do you always go straight away, or do you sometimes hold it in? If you hold it, how long do you wait before going?
If I feel really packed, I'll poop straight away. I can hold it when I have to, like when I'm at work, but after a couple hours it becomes rather uncomfortable. I can deal with a very full bladder for hours, but holding back a dump isn't quite so easy.

3. How would you describe the size and shape of your usual poo? (log, long snake, thick, small etc?)
Generally thick and long. I eat very well, there's very little I consume that's processed, so my dumps are pretty healthy.

4. How much effort does it take for you to do a poo? Do you find yourself having to push hard, or does it come out easily on its own?
I don't often have to push hard, if at all. I like to sit there and let it come out on its own time. I'm a voracious reader, so that helps pass the time when I've got a really sizable shit on deck and don't want to rush it.

5. Have you ever had a poo that got stuck halfway out or started to go back in when you stopped pushing? What causes that? How did you manage to get it out?
About four months ago, I spent nearly 45 minutes on a toilet at work-nearly the entirety of my lunch break. It just wasn't budging. When it did, it was particularly painful because not two days ago I had gotten a tattoo RIGHT above my buttcrack, a stanza from "Alone" by E.A. Poe (I've mentioned him before, I'm a big fan) and the area was still very tender and sore. I bit down on my lower lip to stifle a scream as it finally snapped off and broke and splashed loudly into the bowl, followed by some semi-soft shit and then I doused the load with a short, hard stream of pee.

6. What position do you usually sit in when doing a poo? Do you lean forward, go on tiptoes, sit up straight, use a footstool, or do anything else to help?
I lean forward, resting my arms on my thighs. When I'm at home my pants are around my ankles, in public they're at my knees.

7. Do you have any particular habits or struggles when going for a poo that you've noticed?
I still struggle with shyness sometimes when pooping in public, especially if there's another woman there also pooping.

8. Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo?
Only if it's especially large.

9. Do the logs when they hit the water make loud plop sounds or make no sound at all?
Depends on how dense and thick they are. Sometimes they're loud, sometimes they're nearly silent.

10. Do you feel embarrassed about pooing at work or in public or do you just go wherever?
I used to be extremely phobic about pooping in public bathrooms. During school, it was a nightmare. I sometimes waited until the end of the day and would duck-walk to the girls to shit. I lived ten minutes away, so I didn't have to worry about catching the bus.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Anna from Austria

trainee girl at work

I want to share a story about a new trainee girl at work.

She is nice and is learning fast but she has the weird habbit of always playing loud music on her smart phone when she is using the bathroom.

At first I though this is just a young people thing that a old gal like myself ( I am in my late 30s already) cannot unerstand.

Last friday the ladies room was very busy and I had to use the stall of the trainee girl right after she left it.

I was greeted by massiv poop smell and big skikmarks. It it never occurred to me she was using the music to cover her pooping noise. It worked well. I have been with he in the same ladies room quite often since she works at our company and I have never heard nothing other than the music.

I have to add that her method is also very modern to cover her sound. Other women tend to flush as often as they can to mask their poop noises. A method that is way less elegant and it also quite obvious what they women have in mind with their multiple flushes.

That is my story for today.

Greetings from Austria


Anna Beth

To Amber

No stories to tell, but today I took a monster dump in the women's restroom at work. It's my time of the month and I didn't go yesterday. I drank a Celsius on the way to work and when I arrived I was ready for the toilet. It started out solid but got softer and just made this big mound in the toilet that came out of the water. Did it ever smell!!!


Big, easy poop

Just got back from the washroom after a big, soft, easy poop. I had fruit this morning for breakfast (my caregiver went to sleep afterwards), took my medications around 9 AM. I don't remember what was for lunch (if I don't write everything down I can't remember. It's because of my stroke and brain surgery in summer 2013). Got a major urge to poop a few minutes ago so I grabbed my Walmart bag off the floor, put my feet into my bedroom flip flops (my legs were on the bed), grabbed the Walmart bag, went to the door, took my flip flops off, opened the door, went out of my room, put the flip flops on out there, closed the door, turned off the light, walked to the washroom across from my room, turned on the light and walked in, closing the door. Carefully walked to the toilet since it was getting harder to hold. Got to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet finally. Relaxed and my bladder let go. I went for about 30 seconds. Finally pushed and a big, easy poop came out easily. What a relief. It felt like it was a lot too. P.U. When I was done I pushed back my sleeves, reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, put the Walmart bag on the floor, took some toilet paper off the roll, put the toilet paper into the Walmart bag and started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then stood up and started wiping my butt really well until there were no marks. The toilet paper was really messy. Put the toilet paper into the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow. There was a big poop in the toilet, somewhat solid, somewhat soft that took up quite a bit of the toilet. It was medium brown. Around it was the toilet paper. Flushed the toilet and it went down. Went to the sink, washed my hands, turned off the tap, grabbed the Walmart bag from the floor, went to the door, opened it, turned off the light, walked to my room, took the flip flops off outside my room, turned on the light, opened the door, walked into my room, closed the door, dried my hands on the towels in here, came to the bed and have been writing this for quite a while. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. I have my exercise program tomorrow yay!

Happy pooping and peeing!



To Amber

Regarding your question about pooping at work. I've only done that a few times, mainly because I like to do it at home before work. But on the few times I did poop at work, somehow this older guy would apparently have to poop at the same time and he'd be in the next stall. (Only 2 stalls in the restroom at the post office).

Anyway,this guy liked to carry on a conversation while we're pooping, which always made me uncomfortable, because I like as much privacy as possible. So while this guy is chattering away and I'm just giving one word answers, I just finish up as fast as I can and get out as quickly as possible.

I think that's one of the reasons I trained myself to poop at home, plus the fact the bosses started keeping track of how long we were in the bathroom. They didn't want us gone from our area more than 5 minutes.

So now I poop at home and take as much time as I need. I was just never really comfortable pooping in public. It doesn't bother some people, and others it does. Either way is okay, whatever you're comfortable with.

Happy pooping, everybody!

Steve A

Question about openly talking about related topics

How often do you openly talk about or have witnessed a conversation about pooping or any related topics?

Even though I've heard my share of people openly talking about having to use the restroom and some of their stories/experiences, it all depends on the situation and what comes up in everyday conversation.

For example, today at work, a coworker of mine told me that she really had to poop, but since business was slow at the time, she was able to go, but it threw me off guard initially, since I haven't heard someone be that open towards me in awhile.

Later on, another coworker of mine used the restroom as well, and when he returned, the topic of having to poop came up between all of us, ranging from using porta potties to pooping outside, which was unexpected, yet interesting at the same time.

Curious Monster's Survey

1, Can you talk with someone while you are pooping? Or do you needed to absolutely concentrate to your poop?
This happened in 7th grade. My best friend and I had just gotten off the bus. She had said she had taken a laxative the night before and it was ready to work. So she and I stopped in the first bathroom, took cubicles next to one another. I did about a 15 second pee; Marcy dropped her jeans and hit the seat hard. The thud was just enough for her to blast it out. It started as just a couple of drips and then it sounded like a tornado.
Her first words: "F***, I feel like I've blown my insides out."

2, If you are talking while pooping do you even comment, describe the course of your poop?
This happened at the swimming pool when I was about 14. While getting out of my street clothes, the girl on my right asked me what the bathroom was like since I had just used it to pee. She asked me if I had used like the 3rd toilet in the row. I said I had and that someone had done a full-up dump in it. She just laughed and we had a nice conversation while we undressed.

3, Can you poop in front of someone who can see you? When was the last time you pooped in front of someone and in front of whom specifically?
Earlier this year at a freeway rest stop. I couldn't believe that the two toilets, while they had partial panels between them, had no privacy doors. Mom got on me for sitting flesh-down on the seat without toilet paper under me; she squat stands over the toilet without her body touching it.

4, Have you ever been supported and cheered on the toilet by someone as a adult while you pooped? By my babysitter years ago who held my hand when I was constipated.

5, Have you ever supported and cheered an adult on the toilet while they pooped? When was the last time this happened to you? This happened when I was child-sitting for this 6-year-old boy for three days one summer. Mom was happy I gave him the support to have success on our toilet because we had only one bathroom.

6, Have you ever been so constipated that you were on the toilet trying to poop but couldn't poop, so you ended up leaving the toilet? When was the last time this happened to you?
During the first week of high school I sat down 2 or three times a day to crap, but was not successful because of the lack of privacy as I sat.
That was in the second floor bathroom which was huge.

7, When was the last time you pooped somewhere outside your home and where exactly was it? At the mall at noon today.


Curious monster's survey

Because people on here love making surveys!

1) Can you talk with somebody when you are pooping? Or do you need absolutely concentrate to your poop?
Talking makes it harder for the poo to come out, but sometimes it has to be done

2) If you are talking while pooping do you even comment, describe the course of your poop?
I could do but would rather not

3) Can you poop in front of someone who can see you? When was the last time you pooped in front of someone and in front of whom specifically?
Yes I can, same as below and it's my best friend kelly
4) Have you ever been supported and cheered on the toilet by someone as an adult while you pooped? When was the last time this happened to you?
It must have been a few months ago
5) Have you ever supported and cheered an adult on the toilet while they pooped? When was the last time this happened to you?
6) Have you ever been so constipated that you were on the toilet trying to poop but couldn't poop, so you ended up unsuccessfully leaving the toilet? When was the last time this happened to you?

7) When was the last time you pooped somewhere outside of your home and where exactly it was?
In a pub loo last Saturday night (it is Monday at at time of writing)


David P survey

1:How often do you usually go for a poo?
I typically go every morning once or twice but usually once a month I get quite constipated and dont go for days.

2:When you feel the urge to poo, do you always go straight away, or do you sometimes hold it in? If you hold it, how long do you wait before going?
If I am home I try to go right away, if im out or whatever I hold it, I cant go in public anyways. When I do hold it I immediatley become constipated until the next day minimum.

3:How would you describe the size and shape of your usual poo? (log, long snake, thick, small etc?)
My morning poo (first) is usually difficult to pass pebbles. About 20 minutes later when I go the second time it is very soft and skinny.

4:How much effort does it take for you to do a poo? Do you find yourself having to push hard, or does it come out easily on its own?
The first pebble poop of the day takes quite alot of effort and I have to push and strain. Sometimes I have to push around down there with my hand to help myself out. The softer poo comes out easily. When im constipated its really difficult and painful :(

5:Have you ever had a poo that got stuck halfway out or started to go back in when you stopped pushing? What causes that? How did you manage to get it out?
Yes it was horrible. I was SO desperatley constipated, I had been pushing forever, it was half way out, I was exhausted from pushing so took a break. It went all the way back in... i was crying because i was so desperate to poop. It never came out until a day and a half later.

6:What position do you usually sit in when doing a poo? Do you lean forward, go on tiptoes, sit up straight, use a footstool, or do anything else to help?
I use a footstool. When im constipated or having trouble getting it out I have to rock back and forth while holding and pushing my ????.

7:Do you have any particular habits or struggles when going for a poo that you've noticed?
Im not sure.

8:Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo?
I dont hold my breath but i do grunt when im having touble or when it finally comes out and it feels so good finally being rid of a big poo and i cant help but moan

9:Do the logs when they hit the water make loud plop sounds or make no sound at all?
Yes when its pebbles it makes lots of little plops and splashes. When its soft there is no sound.

And 10
10:Do you feel embarrassed about pooing at work or in public or do you just go wherever?
I feel embarassed and unable to poop anywhere but home usually. If noone is around at work i can sometimes go.. If I am home alone i can go but if anyone is home i sometimes cant also. Its frustrating and causes constipation.

Anna Beth

To Austin - Most Memorable Poops

What makes a poop memorable? Is it the size? Is it the location? Was it embarrassing?

I eat healthy, but I tend to lean towards constipation if my body gets a little out of whack or during my time of the month.

During my high school graduation, which was indoors at a local basketball arena, I felt the need to poop. I don't remember going that day and the ceremony was at night. The urge grew stronger. It wasn't going to be a lot, but it felt like it would be a dry one. At the end of the ceremony, we all gathered in a mass huddle to throw our caps in the air. When I tossed mine and tried to catch it I lost control and a dry poop, maybe a little bigger than a golf ball, shot into my panties. It was very dry and I honestly could not smell it underneath by gown and dress. The urge to get the rest out was strong and I pushed two more golf balls out. So, I had three golf ball sized dry turds in my panties in all my graduation pictures. No one ever knew! As soon as I could step away to the bathroom, I emptied them into the toilet, wiped only a few times, changed my panty liner and went on about my celebration! (Shhhh...I've never told anyone this!)

I got a little constipated when I went to college. I don't think I went to the bathroom for about five days during the first week on campus. I told my mother and she suggested a laxative to try. Before I went to purchase the laxative, I got a tremendous urge to use the bathroom. My stomach cramped and I had this tremendous urge to push. I found a single bathroom near the admissions office and went inside and for what felt like several minutes pushed out a turd that looked like two Idaho potatoes smashed together. As soon as that passed, my stomach was still cramping and I began to fart loudly and long. I released some soft stool and felt so much better. It was exhilarating! And then I flushed. It went nowhere. The bathroom smelled and I had just clogged the toilet that female visitors to this university used. I felt embarrassed and proud at the same time. I opened the door and the coast was clear. I left as soon as I could. But my curiosity got the better of me. I decided to come back about 30 minutes later and I saw an out of order sign on the restroom. Hehe!

I hope those are what you are looking for, Austin!


Memories from college

I'll start by introducing myself: I'm Greg, 46yo and I've had a interest for bathroom stories for as long as I can remember. This is true especially for the ones related to number two.

One of the story that I remember vividly happened during my senior year of college. I must have been 21-22yo back then. It all started when I met up with my friend Abigail for a few drinks. After having some drinks, we met up with other friends and went out, partying late into the night. As time came to go home, she offered me to crash at her place, since it was more convenient.
I woke up somewhat dizzy next morning. It took me a little while to realize that I was in Abigail's living room. She shared the house with three other roommates. I got up and went to the kitchen to grab some water. One of her roommates was there, drinking coffee. She was called Mel if I remember correctly and she was a rather short, skinny brunette. We made some small talk then I went back to the living to lay down. Shortly afterwards, Mel went to the bathroom that was nearby. Since the house was quiet, I heard her locking the door, opening the toilet lid and sitting down on the toilet. I even remember hearing her pulling down her panties. She farted, peed a little bit, then started pooping. She passed several turds in quick succession by the sound of it. She then wiped and flushed. She washed her hands and went back to her room.
I took my chance to go check the situation in the bathroom immediately. The smell was pungent! But apart from the smell, there was no evidence that Mel just had a big shit in this toilet. I peed, washed my hands and left the bathroom. Just then, I bumped into Abigail. She had woken up quite hungover. We exchanged a couple of words, but she then told me that she had to use the bathroom. As she got in the bathroom, she exclaimed that I had done quite a number on this bathroom. I was taken aback, so I said that I was sorry about that. It wasn't my fault but I didn't want to throw Mel under the bus.
Abigail then closed the door and farted loudly right away. She then had what sounded like a big case of the runs. The alcohol excess from the previous night had obvioulsy messed up her digestion.
As I was listening, Abigail's other roommate Lynn (maybe?) came home. She had shoulder-long blonde hair, had nice curves and I considered her to be very attractive. She was wearing sportswear as she had been working out. She went straight to the toilet, but it was locked and Abigail shouted she'd be right out. Lynn went to the kitchen and had some water.
After a couple of minutes and some abundant wiping, Abigail flushed and exited the bathroom. As she was still very tired, she told me that she would return to her room but that I was welcome to have breakfast by myself or sleep some more as well. I thanked her and she went back to her room.
As she was leaving, I heard the bathroom door being locked again. Since I was left on my own, I resumed listening. Lynn had a short pee and went silent. I assumed that she had to poop as well and couldn't believe my luck. Indeed, a couple of seconds later, I heard a long but quiet fart. The fart was soon followed by a loud plop, then another plop. By the sound of it, these turds must have been large. Lynn soon wiped, flushed and went back to her room as well.
I seized the opportunity to go back to the bathroom. The smell was exactly the one you would imagine after what this poor toilet experienced in the span of maybe fifteen minutes. Lynn's turds left some big brown streaks in the bowl. They must have been massive. And the toilet seat was still warm.
This was definitely one of the most lucky days of my life. Let me know if you like me to share some other memories.
KR, Greg


Huge thick poop that was easy to flush

I have felt bloated and uncomfortable all day (a bit constipated. It happens sometimes despite a healthy diet, lots of water and exercising in my room and at the exercise program. Remember that I get taken there and back because of the memory loss from my brain surgery and stroke). For breakfast I had eggs, sausages, toast and coffee. It was coffee from the coffee machine. I took my medications close to 9 AM. At noon I went upstairs for lunch. Had a small plate of kiwi, a banana, a big apple and a jar of warmish hot water. Finally a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, left my room, put the beige flip flops on out there, closed the door, turned off the light, walked to the washroom, turned on the light, went in, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Finally relaxed and peed first then pushed out a thick, long poop that seemed to keep coming. It was relieving to get it out and surprising too because of the size. When I was done I reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper, took some off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the bag on the floor and finally started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then stood up and wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. It was messy. Turned, tossed the dirty toilet paper into the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! The poop in the toilet was giant and thick! It took up a lot of the toilet bowl, was VERY thick and was about medium brown. Damn. Flushed the toilet and the poop and toilet paper went down. Flushed again to be sure. Yup. Went to the sink, washed my hands and turned off the tap. Grabbed the Walmart bag from the floor, opened the door, turned off the light, left the washroom and went back to my room. Took the beige flip flops off, turned on the light (it's outside my room), opened the door, walked into my room, closed the door, put the flip flops on, dried my hands on the towels in here and came to the bed to write this. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy pooping and peeing!


Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Been a long while / Catching up

Hi all. Dunno if anyone remembers me, but I used to post here like 10-ish years ago. A lot's changed since last I posted. I went back to uni and got my PhD and I now work in a chemistry lab, I got married and we have a 3-year old daughter. I turned 30 last month, meanwhile Hannah's currently quite excited because her birthday is in two weeks.

But, anyway, enough of that, on to matters pertaining to The Toilet. The main loo in our house is just off the hallway. Our bedroom also has a small ensuite, but there's a bidet fixture in the main loo so I always go there when I need a poo. Hannah is nearly potty trained but she sometimes wees the bed, and she's not the best about realising when she has to go. So our rule is, unless we have company over, we don't fully close the door to the main loo so she can always come in and use her potty.

This morning after eating breakfast, Kevin, Hannah, and I were watching telly. I'd been feeling a slowly building urge to poo. After letting off a fart that was a lot louder than intended, I laughed and excused myself and went to the loo. I sat down and weed, then adjusted myself to get comfortable for a poo. I let off 2 medium-sized logs, then Hannah came in to the bathroom. She said she had to poo and asked if I was pooing too. I said yes. I could tell she must've really had to go, as she immediately pooed out like 10 small pieces back-to-back. I sat for a few more minutes and did 3 more pieces, the last of which was long enough that it didn't make a plop. I flushed and transfered over to the bidet and finished with a quick pass of the loo roll just to be sure I was clean.

While I was using the bidet, Hannah finished pooing and dumped the contents of her potty in the loo and flushed it away, then took my place on the bidet when I went to wash my hands.

So, yeh, that's me, with a short story about this morning's poo. Until next time.


David P's survey

This sounds just like my kind of survey!"ahem" so I'm going to give it a go:

1:How often do you usually go for a poo?
It depends on how my stomach is feeling but generally it's every two days, can be messed up if I am on my period.

2:When you feel the urge to poo, do you always go straight away, or do you sometimes hold it in? If you hold it, how long do you wait before going?
I always try to go straight away if I can, otherwise if I hold it in I run the risk of being constipated later on if I've held on too long. I can hold it in for up to say, 24 hours later.

3:How would you describe the size and shape of your usual poo? (log, long snake, thick, small etc?)
I would say a big fat log, along with pebbles.

4:How much effort does it take for you to do a poo? Do you find yourself having to push hard, or does it come out easily on its own?
Sometimes I don't push at all, but many times I have to push very hard and it's a big effort.

5:Have you ever had a poo that got stuck halfway out or started to go back in when you stopped pushing? What causes that? How did you manage to get it out?
I have recently posted a story about my Xmas eve constipation blues, where my poo was stuck halfway out.
I think it's caused by the sheer size of the poo getting stuck in the rectum, I got mine out by pushing, grunting, moaning and crying and waiting for it to start moving.

6:What position do you usually sit in when doing a poo? Do you lean forward, go on tiptoes, sit up straight, use a footstool, or do anything else to help?
I try to sit straight on the middle of the bowl, if I'm in pain I bend forwards while pressing my stomach, apart from reading and filling in puzzlebooks I lick my finger, open my legs a little and put my finger up my bum, I find it helps stimulate my poo.

7:Do you have any particular habits or struggles when going for a poo that you've noticed?
I come in with a few magazines and open them on my lap, I sometimes need to change my tampon, I play with my fingernails, other people can add to my struggles, especially in public loos.

8:Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo?
Yes, more often than not, I still hold my breath and push when I'm in public but I try to do it quietly.

9:Do the logs when they hit the water make loud plop sounds or make no sound at all?
Yes, often I hear little plops hitting the water or a huge splash that goes up my bum, which is a very messy clean up.

And 10
10:Do you feel embarrassed about pooing at work or in public or do you just go wherever?
My work is very comfortable as I am one of only a few women, I pee and poo with the cubicle door open, mostly nobody bothers me but I have been caught out a few times by the cleaner.
I won't poo in public unless it's an emergency, it can be awkward but at least I go after a few pushes,sometimes i can't poo in public and I have to give up and try later.

And that is Mr done, happy posting!

Anna Beth- Most likely it is the caffeine!! I usually try to poop when I get home from work or after I wake up and before I go to work. It almost happened again yesterday, I drank a Celsius and an hour later I had to poop super badly, luckily this time I could hold it until I got home. But most likely it's like coffee and all the caffeine just stimulates your bowels!

Now a question for everyone! Does anyone here have any good stories about pooping in public bathrooms or at work? I've got a few of my own, I have a fear of pooping at work and a lot of the time hold it until I get home. I'm hoping that reading a few stories will not only help me but also entertain! Hopefully we have some good ones, and I will share a few of my own!!

Thank you!!


Princess Toadstool Peach

Cannot wait to fill up my Brand New Toilet later on this day

Hello everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach and today I got some brand news to share. I got a new white porcelain toilet. My other one broke due to someone AKA Princess Rosalina using too much toilet paper when she was wiping. I really love the sound it makes "FLUSSSSssshhhh!!!" It's really neat. I'm so looking forward to using it later and planning to do a long pee and even a enormous poo inside of it. I just sure hope I can fill it up the more and more I can. See you then when I do so. Bye bye now!



Thank you, he looks like a sweetie. My oldest nephew hasn't met him yet (he's at his dad's-a different dad) but he's 5, almost 6 and a sweetie. The baby is a sweetie too. I'm childfree. Yeah that poop was unsatisfying. My most satisfying ones are ones that are big and solid or soft that don't require straining or pain. What about you? Do you like soft or solid poop when you're going? I don't always go every day. Depends on the amount of warm water I drink, what I eat and how much I exercise in my room.

Princess Toadstool Peach

Answers to David P''s Survey

Hello everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach and today I will be answering David P's survey so let's get started.

1. How often do you usually go for a poo? Usually when I wake up, have a shower, sometimes before lunch or morning tea or before bedtime

2. When you feel the urge to poo, do you always go straight away, or do you sometimes hold it in? If you hold it, how long do you wait before going? 5 minutes that's a new record. I always have time to use the restroom right this second before any accidents.

3. How would you describe the size and shape of your usual poo? (log, long snake, thick, small etc?) 5 inches thick brown and lumpy. Sometimes I like to release huge anaconda shapes too.

4. How much effort does it take for you to do a poo? Do you find yourself having to push hard, or does it come out easily on its own? No effort just relax sitting on the toilet, bucket, potty, etc while reading the Garfield comics in the newspaper.

5. Have you ever had a poo that got stuck halfway out or started to go back in when you stopped pushing? What causes that? How did you manage to get it out? I give my bottom a small shake and then slowly but surely it comes out. My BMs never get stuck inside my gorgeous and beautiful bottom. Well almost never get stuck. Good thing I have my Squatty Potty footstool

6. What position do you usually sit in when doing a poo? Do you lean forward, go on tiptoes, sit up straight, use a footstool, or do anything else to help? Sometimes I adjust myself squatting on my high heels and of course my Squatty Potty footstool does wonders you wouldn't even imagine.

7. Do you have any particular habits or struggles when going for a poo that you've noticed? Only when I have a annal fisture ever have one? It frickin sucks!!

8. Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo? I sometimes grunt when making a huge large one that could fill up my toilet.

9. Do the logs when they hit the water make loud plop sounds or make no sound at all? Oh yeah lots of noise. You can even smell them as they land. Pee-eww hahahaha.

10. Do you feel embarrassed about pooing at work or in public or do you just go wherever? No of course not. Nature always calls when you gotta go you gotta go.

OK that's all the questions done and defecated I mean dusted. See you next time bye bye now.



Thank you! He's a sweetie! My most satisfying poops are big ones that are soft or that don't require straining (I eat a very healthy diet, drink plenty of warm water, do stretches in my room and go to a once a week exercise program for people with acquired brain injuries). Basically any poop that doesn't make me uncomfortable or strain. I've had constipation issues off and on since I was a little baby.


David P survey.

I mostly lurk on here from time to time.
---- -----
1. How often do you usually go for a poo?
I usually go once every other day to every 3 days.

2. When you feel the urge to poo, do you always go straight away, or do you sometimes hold it in? If you hold it, how long do you wait before going?
Sometimes I hold it, usually for an hour. I try to go at home, or a toilet that still has manual flushers as I don't like the splash of automatic ones.

3. How would you describe the size and shape of your usual poo? (log, long snake, thick, small etc?) I would say it comes out thick in one piece, a thick log.

4. How much effort does it take for you to do a poo? Do you find yourself having to push hard, or does it come out easily on its own? 90 percent of the time it comes out easy, like toothpaste. It only takes about 5-10 seconds.

5. Have you ever had a poo that got stuck halfway out or started to go back in when you stopped pushing? What causes that? How did you manage to get it out? I don't remember, I'm sure this has happened. But usually it comes out with one push.

6. What position do you usually sit in when doing a poo? Do you lean forward, go on tiptoes, sit up straight, use a footstool, or do anything else to help? I usually lean forward, I used to have a footstool before I moved to the place I am now.

7. Do you have any particular habits or struggles when going for a poo that you've noticed? I notice I'm done rather quickly, it's the wiping that takes a while.

8. Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo? Usually I grin and bear it, pushing down.

9. Do the logs when they hit the water make loud plop sounds or make no sound at all? Due to the length, and I guess the thickness, it's usually a thud or no sound at all. The smell, that's a different story, it's very noticeable.

10. Do you feel embarrassed about pooing at work or in public or do you just go wherever? Despite most of my poos in public because the toilet at home is rather weak and I clog it quite a bit, I do feel a bit shy in public. Or rather, I feel vulnerable. (The toilet at home, the cistern takes a while to fill up. -- I had a former housemate that on a couple occasions left a turd, a small one behind because he didn't want to wait for the toilet to fill up. A couple of times I've wanted to leave it after one flush, but it'd really stink up the place.)


Re: Kimberly CH survey

Q1: Whats your most bizarre poop experience (ie caught short on a hike etc)

A: It would have to be pooping outside in front of a coworker while doing work at a field site, as opposed to the office. The restroom at the park we were doing our job at at was locked and I desperately had to go. I typed up a full story on it. See Page 3079 "Pooping with a different coworker, Old Man Karl Pt 1" and "Pooping with a different coworker, Old Man Karl Pt 2", specifically part 2 for the actual event, but also part 1 for the events leading up to it.

Q2: Memorable childhood poop incidents ?

A: Very many. I'll list the top three that immediately come to mind:

-Age 10. The very first time I clogged a public toilet was during a school field trip at a courthouse. I haven't told this story yet.

-Age 13. I had diarrhea at my middle school and all the stalls were doorless. I got excused from PE class to use the restroom, only to get poop in my underwear before reaching a toilet. Then I got briefly intruded upon by the cleaning lady who listened to the caca-phony of noises I generated as she stood outside the boys' room. See "My first time using a doorless stall", page 2875.

-Age 16, I took a massive emergency dump using a military barracks latrine in front of a crowd of people. The toilets were out in the open and there were no stalls or paritions of any sort. Everyone could see, hear, and smell what I was doing, and they saw me wipe. It was very embarrassing. See "Semper Fi", page 2955.

Q3: Have you wiped someone else's behind & do you remember what it was like ?

A: I have not.

Q4: Have you ever seen someone pooping outside of the bathroom (like out in the world)

A: Yes. At a camp site at age 11, I once walked upon a girl of about 13 laying cable in the woods. I could see a large log coming out of her butt as it formed a coil on the ground and she had her pants at knee height as she squatted. She didn't see me and I turned the other way.

Q5: Most unexpected poop experience ?

A: I once was at the library and had to take a poop. It was filthy, greasy, smeary, loud, and messy, as well as very big. Unbeknownst to me, the entire time I was seated on the toilet, some pervert in the adjacent stall was watching me through a hole in the wall and pleasuring himself, discovered while I was wiping up and after he already saw everything I did. See page 2876, "The Stalls Have Eyes".



I hope you are well, I was constipated on Thurs day afternoon, I felt fine when I left work but I had a stomach ache as I was walking home.
As soon as I got in the door I was straight on the loo and I was stuck from 2:45pm until 3:30pm, I had multiple little plooops for half an hour after I tried pinching off the main poo, I couldn't do that even with all the straining and grunts this poo was so stubborn and my bum was getting sore from sitting for so long, and all the struggling was making me all flustered and hot so I took my blouse off and fanned the smell. But I kept pushing, and pushing my abdomen and slowly it started coming out, and it came out with a splash and curled above the water line and clogged.
I am not a fat girl but my gosh, this is not like me at all, I am taking laxatives more regularly now, maybe I'm not taking enough. Hmmph

RE: public loo's It's hard to know really, I don't normally use public loo's to poo in unless I'm about to have an accident, I am very much a poo at home kind of girl, work is different because it doesn't feel like a public loo.

But I remember one time I was in a town, I just came off a bus I headed for a loo block, one of several in the town, this block is on a quiet street and only had three cubicles and a sink/mirror. So I walked to the last cubicle, put the latch across the door,i hung my handbag on the hook, the door and walls are high apart from the tops and bottoms, I took out a woman's own magazine, unbuckled my belt and pulled my jeans and panties down to my ankles and placed my magazine on my lap and sat my bum down on the seat.
I immediately let out a big booming fart and sighed"aaahh" I could feel it up there. I could hear some people outside on the street talking and eventually I heard someone walk in and go into the loo beside me, the door shut but I'm concentrating on my mag.
Someone else came in and peed, and left quickly, but I was giving gentle pushes, gentle "uuuuh's" and my poo was coming when I turned a page I noticed something in the corner of my eye, I looked up and left and I saw someone's head at the top of the cubicle divider, but it was the camera I noticed as I screamed at the top of my lungs and they quickly ran away. I had my poo and wiped my bum quickly, it must have been no longer than 15 minutes

There was one time when I was in an airport in the evening, I had to excuse myself at the main entrance I went to the ladies and there must have been a row of 10 cubicles, the one at the far end was occupied so I took the one next to it. I sat down and peed but for a while it was quiet, and then I could hear some light grunts, I couldn't poo as I was too distracted by what I was hearing so I had a little "play" whilst pushing, I was quietly grunting myself, I don't remember hearing any plops but the woman rolled off loo paper and wiped, and she left before me. I had quite a big poo and the cleanup was messy. Have a good one.

curious monster

small survey

Hello everybody! Here is small survey:

1) Can you talk with somebody when you are pooping? Or do you need absolutely concentrate to your poop?

2) If you are talking while pooping do you even comment, describe the course of your poop?

3) Can you poop in front of someone who can see you? When was the last time you pooped in front of someone and in front of whom specifically?

4) Have you ever been supported and cheered on the toilet by someone as an adult while you pooped? When was the last time this happened to you?

5) Have you ever supported and cheered an adult on the toilet while they pooped? When was the last time this happened to you?

6) Have you ever been so constipated that you were on the toilet trying to poop but couldn't poop, so you ended up unsuccessfully leaving the toilet? When was the last time this happened to you?

7) When was the last time you pooped somewhere outside of your home and where exactly it was?


Anyone else??

I shared a story recently about shitting with a partner while camping. Has anyone else done this? I mean I'm sure people do but I see and hear things every now and again just wondering how commonplace it is


Response to DavidP's Survey

Hi! I just wanted to respond to DavidP's survey, I do not have any recent stories that would be interesting.

1. How often do you usually go for a poo?
I try daily. Sometimes I am successful upwards of three times per day, other times I do not push anything out for periods of 3 to 4 days.

2. When you feel the urge to poo, do you always go straight away, or do you sometimes hold it in? If you hold it, how long do you wait before going?
I usually drink a lot of water if I start to feel the urge. I feel like having a full bladder helps me poop. Usually I do not try to hold it.

3. How would you describe the size and shape of your usual poo? (log, long snake, thick, small etc?)
Most of the time they are little balls (like larger rabbit pellets), but sometimes they are long snakes or logs.

4. How much effort does it take for you to do a poo? Do you find yourself having to push hard, or does it come out easily on its own?
It depends, but most of the time it requires some effort and a lot of pushing.

5. Have you ever had a poo that got stuck halfway out or started to go back in when you stopped pushing? What causes that? How did you manage to get it out?
I do not really experience this. It could be because if that happens to me I just "pinch it out."

6. What position do you usually sit in when doing a poo? Do you lean forward, go on tiptoes, sit up straight, use a footstool, or do anything else to help?
I lean forward most of the time.

7. Do you have any particular habits or struggles when going for a poo that you've noticed?
I pull my butt cheeks apart before I start and sometimes rock from side to side.

8. Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo?
No, I tend not to make any noises besides the noises my butt makes.

9. Do the logs when they hit the water make loud plop sounds or make no sound at all?
That depends on the amount of water in the bowl, but most of the time there are some sounds.

10. Do you feel embarrassed about pooing at work or in public or do you just go wherever?
If I am around someone I know, I feel embarrassed. If I am around strangers, I do not really have any shame.

When I have more stories (or time to type up stories), I will be back!

Skidmarked from a walk
What do you do if you sit for a crap and then find there is no TP on the roll?

I just pull my underwear back up and if I notice a skidmark I will post about it here.

To Anna Beth

Anna Beth I hope that dump u took at work came out ok. What's your most memorable poop u took? I pooped today it was nice & smooth I read the paper while I pooped. Looking forward to hearing back from u! My name is Austin by the way!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Hi! To Anna from Australia: sorry you had poopy underwear. I'd be embarrassed to ride the bus like that. Anyway, I was slightly desperate for a poop this morning. It was sloppy. Mom's farts sometimes sound like a duck lol! Bye.


Reply to Catherine

Sorry to see you go and read the news about your mum.


To Leah

That was an interesting story about trying to poop at the leisure centre - it's hard knowing that there's people going to hear you and needing to deal with a stubborn, hard poo! Luckily you didn't have to push or grunt too hard in that instance. When was the time that you had to push and strain the hardest in public? What's the longest session on the toilet you've had in public? Have you ever heard anyone else struggling at the same time to give you comfort?

I noticed you mentioned that you were constipated again yesterday - was it a particularly big one? Were you at home when you finally managed to go? How hard d have to push?

Skidmarked from a walk
What do you do if you sit for a crap and then find there is no TP on the roll?

I just pull my underwear back up and if I notice a skidmark I will post about it here.


David P's survey

This sounds just like my kind of survey!"ahem" so I'm going to give it a go:

1:How often do you usually go for a poo?
It depends on how my stomach is feeling but generally it's every two days, can be messed up if I am on my period.

2:When you feel the urge to poo, do you always go straight away, or do you sometimes hold it in? If you hold it, how long do you wait before going?
I always try to go straight away if I can, otherwise if I hold it in I run the risk of being constipated later on if I've held on too long. I can hold it in for up to say, 24 hours later.

3:How would you describe the size and shape of your usual poo? (log, long snake, thick, small etc?)
I would say a big fat log, along with pebbles.

4:How much effort does it take for you to do a poo? Do you find yourself having to push hard, or does it come out easily on its own?
Sometimes I don't push at all, but many times I have to push very hard and it's a big effort.

5:Have you ever had a poo that got stuck halfway out or started to go back in when you stopped pushing? What causes that? How did you manage to get it out?
I have recently posted a story about my Xmas eve constipation blues, where my poo was stuck halfway out.
I think it's caused by the sheer size of the poo getting stuck in the rectum, I got mine out by pushing, grunting, moaning and crying and waiting for it to start moving.

6:What position do you usually sit in when doing a poo? Do you lean forward, go on tiptoes, sit up straight, use a footstool, or do anything else to help?
I try to sit straight on the middle of the bowl, if I'm in pain I bend forwards while pressing my stomach, apart from reading and filling in puzzlebooks I lick my finger, open my legs a little and put my finger up my bum, I find it helps stimulate my poo.

7:Do you have any particular habits or struggles when going for a poo that you've noticed?
I come in with a few magazines and open them on my lap, I sometimes need to change my tampon, I play with my fingernails, other people can add to my struggles, especially in public loos.

8:Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo?
Yes, more often than not, I still hold my breath and push when I'm in public but I try to do it quietly.

9:Do the logs when they hit the water make loud plop sounds or make no sound at all?
Yes, often I hear little plops hitting the water or a huge splash that goes up my bum, which is a very messy clean up.

And 10
10:Do you feel embarrassed about pooing at work or in public or do you just go wherever?
My work is very comfortable as I am one of only a few women, I pee and poo with the cubicle door open, mostly nobody bothers me but I have been caught out a few times by the cleaner.
I won't poo in public unless it's an emergency, it can be awkward but at least I go after a few pushes,sometimes i can't poo in public and I have to give up and try later.

And that is Mr done, happy posting!

Responses to David P's survey

1. How often do you usually go for a poo?
Almost daily. If I miss a day, I definitely unload the next.

2. When you feel the urge to poo, do you always go straight away, or do you sometimes hold it in? If you hold it how long to you wait until going?
In grade school I tried to hold it in until I got home. With the exception of a couple of times (I had accidents in class) it was probably worth it.

3. How would you describe the size and shape of your poo?
Softer in mornings, somewhat formed. After that, larger and harder.

4. How much effort does it take for you to do a poo?
Not much except when I'm involved in a Zoom meeting. At school, I was pretty depressed at times because there was almost no privacy. In that situation, about one time in three after a few minutes on the toilet I would just get up, pull up my jeans and walk out of the bathroom. I even got some harassment for that!

5. Have you ever had a poo that got stuck halfway out or started to go beck in when you stopped pushing? What causes that? How did you manage to get it out?
Mom and my sister and I were traveling. It was a cold November day on the Interstate. I was 8, I think. The seat was very cold at the rest stop. It started to come out. I spread my legs more. Dropped my underwear all the way to the floor, reseated myself a couple of times, but still no crap. Mom took me into the ladies room. After breaking off the one piece, she gave me a suppository up my butt, and made me sit back down, remain calm, and within a few minutes my large crap shot out of me. Sitting on a white rather than black seat, a warm seat, and a privacy door to shield me, certainly worked. My older sister was surprisingly sympathetic but most of the time she just had to pee. Mom later lectured me about planning for regular craps and around my school schedule.

6. What position do you sit in when doing a poo? Do you lean forward, go on tip toes, sit up straight, use a footstool, or do anything else to help?
Today as an adult at home I sit with my legs spread. At work and other public places, I will start with my knees at 10 and 2. That's with a privacy door.

7. Do you have any particular habits or struggles when going for a poo that you've noticed?
As an adult, I gotten use to sliding farther back on the seat and using my right hand to aim my penis into the bowl. If I push too hard, I will usually splatter into my clothing.

8. Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo?
Not any more because I'm adult. Yes, I did that when I was younger and had less confidence.

9. Do the log when they hit the water make loud plop sounds or make no sound at all.
There is some sounds when I'm crapping at home because our bathroom is adjacent to the master bedroom and my girlfriend has noted them. She, on occasion, will set off some noise with her morning crap. But I've got other things on her if she tries to tease me.

10. Do you feel embarrassed about pooing at work or in public or do you just go wherever?
Since high school and several K-12 incidents, I've become much more efficient and discreet.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

David P

Pooing Survey

1. How often do you usually go for a poo?

2. When you feel the urge to poo, do you always go straight away, or do you sometimes hold it in? If you hold it, how long do you wait before going?

3. How would you describe the size and shape of your usual poo? (log, long snake, thick, small etc?)

4. How much effort does it take for you to do a poo? Do you find yourself having to push hard, or does it come out easily on its own?

5. Have you ever had a poo that got stuck halfway out or started to go back in when you stopped pushing? What causes that? How did you manage to get it out?

6. What position do you usually sit in when doing a poo? Do you lean forward, go on tiptoes, sit up straight, use a footstool, or do anything else to help?

7. Do you have any particular habits or struggles when going for a poo that you've noticed?

8. Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo?

9. Do the logs when they hit the water make loud plop sounds or make no sound at all?

10. Do you feel embarrassed about pooing at work or in public or do you just go wherever?

To Catherine: I'm really sorry about your mom and what your family is going through. It's been wonderful having you around all these years. I hope that someday in the future we can hear from you again. Rest assured you'll be greatly missed, and never forgotten by all your friends here!

Anna Beth
I did a really nice dump yesterday at work. It started off long and solid. As it was coming out it went from solid and formed to mush. It felt really good but smelled terrible. Today's dump wasn't as memorable, just two pieces that came out together, but still nice.

Amber, that sounds amazing! I'm jealous! If I have already taken a dump, then the Celsius won't make me go again. If I am backed up or have one on deck, it stimulates my colon and gives me a strong urge to go. Could it be the caffeine?


It's so good to hear from you, it sounds like you have had a really rough time of it lately, I feel so sorry for you, at least you have a nice roommate to help you.
I think a lot of people would have refused to do all the things your roommate did, and the intimacy and embarrassment, I was in a similar situation to yourself a couple of months back, so I can reciprocate and I just hope you thanked her afterwards, hopefully now you are back to a regular rhythm because that sounded extreme, even by my standards. Are you going to keep taking laxatives to stay regular? I was constipated again today it's so frigging annoying.
Take care

David P

Constipation cleared

Saturday I got an urge to go for a poo, I was pushing for a while but nothing happened so determined not to push any more as apparently it is not the right way to do it (more later), I sat on the toilet, nothing would budge, I sat there maybe 5 minutes and only the sensation of something happening but no movement. I then got out my foot stool and popped my legs up, sat up as straight as I could, leant my hands behind my back and massaged with my fingers in a circle motion either side of my anus for ages, I could feel the turd in there. After 5 mins of massaging and a few false starts, it began to come out, slowly but surely it slithered out and made a loud sploosh as it hit the water. Next day had some left over hard bits. Today I was sat at my computer and felt an intense urge to go but held off the first time as wanted to get stuff done despite how hard it was to hold it in, attention seeking turd, felt like saying calm down it's not all about you lol but later after eating lunch it returns and my anus felt so painful and sharp stabbing pains so I knew I just HAD TO POO!, I went to the bathroom. This time straight away grabbing for my footstool. I got in a squat and relaxed my quivering muscles, I looked between my legs and in no time at all a massive log came shooting out without me having to push at all! I looked into the toilet and it was a fairly soft log and even mushy at the end and coiled up like a big fat snake. I felt about a stone lighter after and felt amazing. Constipation over!!!

I am just amazed that all of us go through experiences like this all the time but nobody ever says anything at all. I have to be secret at home and discrete when I go for a poo at work and feel like I have to go up to the top floor just to take a dump and drop a log. I used to be way too scared to do a poo at school and only started getting the courage to go at uni when I was in my mid 20s and now at work I just don't give a shit haha pun intended. My best poos are done at home like these two, but now I don't mind going at work or in public, but I feel more tense sat there on the public toilet and also no foot stool, so it's a case of get in there, sit down and push until it's out sort of thing! but needs must.

I wanted to ask does everyone hold their breath when they push to do a poo on the toilet? I have been doing that all my life and just read that is the wrong way to do it, anyone know that?

Strict Bathroom Times In Grade School

This was in the '60s. There were about 700 of us in the K-6 grades. The rules were strict. This was done by classrooms, like about 4 at a time were excused for a bathroom break. This was the only way to be excused except if you puked or had a seizure. Even then, a parent was called. We were given like 5 minutes for the break. The bathrooms were close to our classroom and that is about all that went right. There were still waits for urinals. Those that were not mature enough to wait their turn, would unload over the toilet, often not lifting the seat first. If the janitor was there on a given day he would reload the toilet paper and paper towels. Otherwise, the holders were fisted a lot. Misuse resulted in the half-doors being taken off the toilets. I think a hall monitor was picked to watch over each genders' toilets. It didn't really work because there were several shifts and most didn't give a damn. When I just took my morning crap, found there was not toilet paper and a friend threw me a roll just as our teacher rounded the door. He accused us of messing around. That is why our attitudes were so bad!

Jessica W

To Catherine

Sorry to hear, but do what feels right to you.

I had several close calls, but never an actual accident ever since I was little. My shits most of the time are indeed enourmous tho, ha ha.


Yesterday, I went shopping with mom at our local mall. We had visited a few stores and stopped off at the food court for lunch. After lunch, we continued our shopping and I started to feel like I might need to poop. I tried to hold it until we got home, but as mom was trying on new shoes, the urge became unbearable. I walked down one of the empty isles as my body took over and started pushing. I still wear diapers because of my autism so I walked back to mom and hoped that we would go home soon. As we were in line at the cash registers, mom asked me if I had a accident, and took me over to the family bathroom to change.

Anna Beth

A Long Thick Sausage

That's what I did today. It curved around the water perfectly. It felt sooooo good!


Replies and Kimberly's Survey I & II Responses

@ Annie - Congrats on the new nephew. Thanks for sharing your most recent stories. I read that one of your more recent poops was small and unsatisfying. That's the worst! What are ones are most satisfying for you? Do you go every day or less?

@ Tricky - Great set of stories as usual, thanks for all the time and effort you put into writing them up.

@ Catherine - Totally understandable, it sounds like that will be time well spent with those you care about most. Hopefully, you continue to have a healthy outlet for your interests here, not always the easiest thing to find in real life.

@ Zane - Yes, I have noticed when people seem to be holding it in. They often have a deliberate, intense crossed-leg stance, or heavily shifted to one side. I recall one girl in my high school who would always stand like that and one day my friend asked her that very question you posed. Her face turned bright red, but she denied it. I guess it would be an embarrassing question to ask someone, even if they didn't need to go.

I was also in a running store one day some years ago. I was trying on new shoes when I noticed an older woman in the same section with that stance. I got up to walk around in the shoes. Maybe she didn't think I would return, but evidently, she passed some serious gas while I did my test walk. It was of room-clearing strength. I saw her a few minutes later at the register and she paid me no mind. Lol.

@ Megan - Thanks for sharing the story about the bathroom visit at your sister's.

@ MD Dan - Thanks for the updates.

Survey I

1. Whats your most bizarre poop experience (ie caught short on a hike etc)

The most bizarre happened to me at an airport bathroom. I lived a couple hours from a major airport I had to take for work travel, which often required me to fly a couple time zones over. My routine on these days was to awake super early and try to catch the first flight out so as not to lose the whole day to travel and time change.

Without going into too much detail, this particular day I found myself in dire need to use the bathroom by the time I arrived at the airport. I honestly thought I would lose it in my pants walking from the garage to the terminal. Thankfully, I made it to the large restroom in baggage claim. It was still before 6am and I was the only one in there. My stomach was doing backflips from the energy drink I had (normally I don't have these but it was the only thing with caffeine in the house I shared at the time), and it had be a couple days since I last went.

I had just the passed a large, oversized log when I hear this strange commotion coming from the bathroom entry. It sounded like panicked whispering, like a whispering yell. All of a sudden, this man dressed in jeans and a yellow cowboy cut button shirt rushes past my stall in a fevered walk. He's on his phone and clearly agitated about something. I feel a desperate need to go again, but I hold it back due to the stress of the moment. He paces back and forth in front of the stalls several times over, talking into the phone in the same manner. His conversation starts to make sense.

Apparently, he parked his car curbside and went to retrieve several suitcases of narcotics. During that time, the airport traffic security / police were now parked at his unmanned car, a big no-no for the passenger pickup area. Anyway, he was now scared he was going to get questioned, and possibly arrested for any number of things, given the quantity of drugs in these suitcases, when he returned to his car.

So here I am, literally caught with my pants around my ankles, holding back the rest of a major poo. The bathroom already stinks from my initial release. I wasn't sure if this guy would suddenly realize he wasn't alone, or the DEA would rush in and I'd be trapped in the middle of the confrontation. Well, none of that happened thankfully. The man finished his call, washed his face with water, and left just as expeditiously as he entered.

I ended up releasing several more solid pieces before I had a terrible bout of diarrhea for another 10 minutes. The automatic flusher went off as I tried to wipe and the toilet clogged. I finished cleaning myself up and had an otherwise uneventful trip, but I man I sure was scared for about five minutes with that frantic man.

2. Memorable childhood poop incidents ?

Several come to mind, not sure exactly what type of story you want. I think the most embarrassing happened when I was in fourth or fifth grade. I had a huge movement at my friends house and it clogged their toilet. My friend's mom was not understanding about it and mentioned it in front of my friend's and their parents when we got picked up later. I was so embarrassed but thankfully, one of my friend's mom changed the subject.

3. Have you wiped someone else's behind & do you remember what it was like ?

I have kids, but I've never wiped another adult's bum.

4. Have you ever seen someone pooping outside of the bathroom (like out in the world)

Yes, I've lived in several major cities where unhoused people use the sidewalk or park spaces. I also camped at beaches and lakes where people had to use the outdoors. Thought, I accidentally saw these people, I always turn away to give them privacy.

5. Most unexpected poop experience ?

Stress sometimes makes me have to go suddenly, usually before a big standardized test back in high school.

Survey II

1. Have you sharted/most most memorable "don't trust a fart" moment

I was in high school at the time. My friends and I had just finished dinner at Olive Garden. We went into one of these big electronic stores next door, and I accidentally sharted. Suddenly, I realized what I had been feeling wasn't just gas, but urgent diarrhea. I found the bathrooms and proceeding to have several explosive rounds over the next twenty minutes. Then, I ditched my underwear in the trash. Well, employees started the closing process while I was in the bathroom . I found most of the lights off in the story when I exited the bathroom. I rushed to the front of the store to find that most of the employees were leaving and presumably, the manager was about to lock the doors. My friends were standing outside, totally confused about my disappearance.

2. Most unpleasant poo experience

I told this story before, but in 8th grade we went on multiday overnight class trip. I don't suffer from constipation but sometimes I just don't need to go for several days. For whatever the reason, that happened on this trip. Unfortunately, a terrible urge hit me on the bus ride home (8+ hours). I pleaded with the teachers to make an early rest stop, but they were unrelenting about keeping the schedule.

Anyway, I had to use the bathroom on the bus. It was one of these tiny bathrooms, with a flimsy, folding door. I hoped it would at least be quiet and not smell too bad, given that my classmates were feet away from me, with a tiny barrier in between. Even though the relief was great, my face was flush with embarrassment the whole time. As it were, I had a major movement that the waterless toilet couldn't flush. Not only that, but it stunk up the back part of the bus for the rest of the trip. To make things more unpleasant and embarrassing, one of these popular girls made a point to call me out in front of anyone in ear shot at the end of the bus ride.

3. Memorable poo experience with a loved one / partner

I dated this wonderful woman in college and many nights we would stay over at each other's place. I can't remember the occasion, but I think I had just got home from practice, needed to shower, and get to class. I had to use the bathroom first and passed a huge, oversized log. I put the lid down and flushed, then hopped in the shower. I didn't even think to check the toilet after the shower.

Later in the day, we're both back at my place. She goes to the bathroom and comes back, says something is wrong with my toilet with a bit of a disgusted look. I am wondering what could possibly be wrong? I lift the lid and much to my chagrin, there's my dump from earlier. It had barely moved, too big to flush without help. Anyway, it took some time to fix and she was very understanding about it.

4. Have you ever pooped in anything that wasn't a toilet ?

Yes, outside in the woods and in a trash can.

Hopefully, these were good answers!

Small School Teacher
Any one ever wonder how many people actually visit this site? I know there a handful of people that post, but how many people do you think come to this site frequently and just read? If you do, I would love to encourage you to post! It's anonymous. You can describe yourself or not. Your choice! I would love to hear from those out there that sit in the shadows.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025



This morning woke at five got out of bed needed to wee and poop so lifted lid on THETFORD 245 POTTIE opened the slid then closed leaving it slightly open. Rinsed then paper towel on back of bowl,took off my pants
then sat down I could here the wee trickling into lower tank ,leaned forward arms round my knees and pushed ,my bowels opened and passed three loads it was awesome ,sat and enjoyed the satisfaction feeling of a good crap for a few minutes.then pulled the slide for poop to drop into tank.
I tore three sheets of paper from the toilet roll dispenser then wiped,tore another three and wiped then another two and wiped I got off of pottie as I was now done after being sat for ten minutes then rinsed closed slide put on clean pants picked up phone then went downstairs.
I carried out all my usual activities until ONE PM had dinner then had to use the pottie again for another BM ,I have just emptied the pottie. It is much easier to poop in the pottie as it is lower than a toilet no need to use a TOILET STOOL and use less toilet paper.Depreciation of pottie its replacement ,cleaning toilet paper adds up to five pence per poop



This morning woke at five got out of bed needed to wee and poop so lifted lid on THETFORD 245 POTTIE opened the slid then closed leaving it slightly open. Rinsed then paper towel on back of bowl,took off my pants
then sat down I could here the wee trickling into lower tank ,leaned forward arms round my knees and pushed ,my bowels opened and passed three loads it was awesome ,sat and enjoyed the satisfaction feeling of a good crap for a few minutes.then pulled the slide for poop to drop into tank.
I tore three sheets of paper from the toilet roll dispenser then wiped,tore another three and wiped then another two and wiped I got off of pottie as I was now done after being sat for ten minutes then rinsed closed slide put on clean pants picked up phone then went downstairs.
I carried out all my usual activities until ONE PM had dinner then had to use the pottie again for another BM ,I have just emptied the pottie. It is much easier to poop in the pottie as it is lower than a toilet no need to use a TOILET STOOL and use less toilet paper.Depreciation of pottie its replacement ,cleaning toilet paper adds up to five pence per poop

Jessica W

To Catherine

Sorry to hear, but do what feels right to you.

I had several close calls, but never an actual accident ever since I was little. My shits most of the time are indeed enourmous tho, ha ha.


Princess Toadstool Peach

Time for a Quick Pee and maybe a Big Poo too before Lunch!!!

Hello everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach and today I went to the restroom just before my lunch break I grabbed a newspaper and headed off to the women's restroom, checked if any of the stalls were free and there was right in the middle, I went inside, locked the door, went over to the toilet, there I lifted up my dress, pull down my panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and then sit down on the toilet adjusting myself and squatting as I let out a loud stinky breaking wind noise "PAAAARRRPPP!!!" It felt so good just taking some time off and doing what my body does naturally. As I read my newspaper I could hear two twin tennis player woman both grunting trying to defecate. They must be really clogged up in there I thought and then I started on my long stream of peeing "TSSSSSSSSSSSSsssshhhhh dripdripdrop!!" That felt so good. Then I began my poo it was a long smooth brown thick shape and took a while to get out of my bottom poo hole but after a while it felt totally great and worth my every moment. "CRRRRACCKLLE PLOOP PLOP SPLASH KERSPLASH PLUNKPLUNKPLUNK!!!" Woo that took a long time but hey doesn't matter. Time to wipe. I looked and saw there was no toilet paper. Darn! I hate it when that happens. I looked around my stall for a spare roll but the only roll I could find was on the sink next to my stall. What kind of person would put that there? You know it might be soggy if someone knocked it into the sink and switched on the tap. But I was feeling desperate to get cleaned up before my bottom poo hole got crusty and start to itch. I unlocked the door and waddled to the sink panties around my ankles and got the toilet paper as another lady got ahold of it too she looked fierce and probably wanted to start a fight but she saw my vagina and fainted. True story! Apparently people don't like it when I shave my pubes but it's my pubes so I can do what I like with them so there. Humph! I waddle back to the stall, lock it and sit my bottom back on the toilet I was using and then I began to wipe my vagina between my legs and my bottom front and back. Then I got up, pulled my panties up and my dress down and then I flushed. "FLUSSSSsssshhhh!!!" I may of left some skid marks and one of my brownloads inside the bowl but still I got out of the stall and washed my hands nice and clean stepped over the lady that fainted and said to myself "Maybe I should eat less fruit and protein bars for morning tea." And that was my bathroom break before lunch I'll see you guys later. Bye bye now!


Constipation update

Hey all. Thanks for the concern over my constipation.. I ended up calling in sick from work the next day. I was too constipated I looked pregnant and felt awful. Well I had to try. After my roommate went to work I sat on the toilet trying and trying to no avail. I was in there for hours without realizing. By lunch I really was pushing and crying. To my horror I heard a knock at the bathroom door and my roommate asking if I was okay.. breathless I answered "oh uhh... yes i'm okay, dont worry about me" she said she really had to pee.. nothing was happening for me anyways so I got dressed and let her in. She saw my set up, water, phone, pillow, laxatives. I was so embarassed as she looked around in shock I started crying. She said "hunny whats going on? Itll be okay" I said "im so embarassed to have you see me like this. But I am so constipated, I havent had a good motion in over a week and it hurts. Ive been pushing all day and nothing comes out" "oh hunny, im sorry, why dont you take a break from pushing and go lay down". I did, i guess i fell asleep because when i woke up she was back and standing by my bed. I quickly pulled my blankets over my stomach but she saw it it. "Hunny you look seriously pregnant" i said "i know, i need relief so badly.... i need it out of me" she told me "lay down, im going to rub your stomach and massage you" im shy so even tho i desperately wanted this i said no, but she insisted.
She began massaging my destended stomach... it felt so amazing. "Mmmmm, thankyou this feels so good" sometimes i got the urge to push so did while in bed. She felt me pushing and suggested i sit on the toilet. So off i went pushing and pushing, crying and grunting. She finally came in. I was totally nude and sweating by this point. She began massaging my stomach again while i sat on the toilet pushing. Sometimes shed rub my back. She eventually even applied vaseline to my bumhole which was so raw and sore. I audibily moaned when she did this. I was SO embarassed i told her to leave. But she didnt. She actually began massaging it in slow circles around my rim. I continued moaning. Finally with this librication and how relaxed this made me I felt it coming out. First little pebbles pouring out. Then a few golf ball sizes followed by a long smooth log that was so long. The ending was basically water from all the laxatives. My roommate was with me holding my hand the whole way. I was panting and exausted. She helped me shower and get dressed them helped me in bed where she applied more ointment to my sore bum. I cried again in embarassmemt but was too exhaused to help myself. She got in bed with me and rubbed my back until i fell asleep.

Wow what a night. The next day we didnt mention it and pretended like it didnt happen.. but since then, when ive gone to the bathroom she always asks if its going okay, and so far so good.



Today (thursday) after work I took another dose of laxative, my bowels are too hard again, got the plops and I clogged my loo on Wednesday night, I sleep in the nude so I sat straight down and it slid right out and curled out of the water, but it was stubborn and wouldn't go down so I left it as I was half asleep and luckily it flushed down today when I got home from work.

I literally had the nightmare before Christmas, as you know my poo was kind of soft to begin with, I didn't push as I could feel it slowly sliding out, and then it stopped, it was just hanging halfway out for a long time.
I was frustrated but at least I had my magazine to occupy me, I was picking at my fingernails too, my nail file was too far to reach so I just focused on reading about fashion trends, I was getting some dress ideas for spring and summer like I had all the time in the world, but even I had to "hhhhhnnnnggggg" my bum was getting sore with this poo hanging and even painful, I was just stuck in place until I could get the rock hard poo moving, my bum was stretched wide.

Have I had any big ordeals?
I was on my way to the leisure centre and I felt like I needed a loo so I went into the bus station loos and they are disgusting and vandalised, the main door is always open and there are four loos, they were all occupied I huffed and went over to the sinks, I think the others were peeing and the first loo opened up, a young girl in her 20's came out and I turned around and went In, I pulled my jeans and thong down to my feet and took a seat, the others were finishing up and I realised there was a big hole in my loo door and I could clearly be seen by anyone outside and a bunch of teens came in and stared at me through the hole, I found it hard to get my pee out and I produced a soft small poo that plooped into the bowl, I wasn't finished but wanted to leave so I quickly wiped and I pulled my clothes up as I stood up, the girls were at the sinks but messing around, and shouting, I just quickly walked out and I washed my hands at the leisure centre.

I got to the leisure centre for my swim, I changed into my cossie and made my way to the ladies room, the room on the left is loos, the right for showers, it is open, no door so sound travels well.
I went Into the first loo, the first of three, I had to pull my cossie down to my ankles so I am in the nude, and sit down on the seat, I had my bag with me so I took out my emergency magazine and held it in front of me.
I start with a big booming fart as I listen to the people in the changing village, it's just a room with individual changing cubicles, I can hear some children outside and people talking, and I give a little push "ggggaaaahhh" "uuuuuuuhhhhh" I hear footsteps approaching and some women went into the showers, I hear the water turning on and the ladies are talking to each other, I could feel the poo coming so I grunted again after a few minutes and I heard a voice say "did you hear that" "hahaha" I heard from the other.
And then I heard someone else come in, I heard a bucket drop, damn it's the cleaner, I then hear the mop being wringed and they start cleaning the floor, I saw footsteps and the mop being swished around, it even came into my loo and hit the front of my foot.

I could feel it coming so I pushed "uuuuuhh" until it came out and splashed my bum I shrieked "aaah" by this time I felt all hot and sweaty from the showers and I could hear air freshener being sprayed by the cleaner. "Uuuhh that stinks" I heard someone say as they walked out.

I wiped my bum several times and got ready for my swim.

I prefer harder poos over runnier one as harder ones are more reliving and you feel much better too, knowing that your empty.

Skidmarked from a walk

Reply to Catherine and toilet stool in general

Catherine- I don't reply you much or maybe I never do because there's so MANY people on here. So I just pick a few. Anyways I'm sorry to hear about your father. I lost mine a year ago on Christmas due to colon cancer. It started with bloody poops but he regularly had skidmarks in his whiteytighties. I felt embarrassed to see a grown man poop himself in front of those pretty nurses. He pooped himself multiple times before passing away. Unfortunately I called around to have anointed ministers pray for him and they were all BUSY enjoying Christmas :( I felt so sad.

Also Catherine- I enjoyed your story of trying to get your kids ready for school but you the mom has an accident. How long did it take you to clean up? Did you hop in the shower? Did you pee when you pooped? Did you throw the panties away?

Toiletstool- When was the last time you pooped butt (pun intended) didn't wipe or use a bedit!

Toiletstool-Your worst skidmark ever?

Toiletstool- Your last skidmark and why did you get it?

Toiletstool- In your opinion would it be fair if when you're potty training your kids and you have an accident of your own. Do you go back into pampers or diapers temporarily with them?

Toiletstool- How do you feel if you're potty training your kids while you yourself have an accident? Would you be more likely to let them graduate into regular underwear?

Jessica- I enjoy your post too about how you poop but don't wipe.

Anna From Austria- I enjoy your stories.

Nina- I enjoy your stories too.

I really wish I had natural stories like you guys but sadly no. I am left out, I only have a few half way decent things at BEST to share a year :( BUTTTT I started making love stories. I had to remove the parts where she poops herself (most people don't like that). Relax my email isn't personal, but if you send anything or ask for a story you can receive.

Princess Toadstool Peach

Snap, Crackle and Poop a Lot into the Toilet this Morning!!!

Hello everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach and today after my ???? delicious Rice Bubbles breakfast with brown sugar and milk I had some urgent business to attend to. I walked upstairs to the bathroom holding a spare roll of toilet paper and a newspaper, went inside, closed the door, went over to the toilet, there I lifted up my dress, put the toilet paper on it's holder, pull down my panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and then sit down on the toilet adjusting myself and squatting reading the newspaper I felt like a big poo was about to come out of me I needed my footstool for this I pushed my footstool over to me using my feet then I put my feet on it and squatted as well as pushed until all my thick and solid brown poos entered the bathroom toilet filling it up in a snap, crackle and poop "PFFFT PLOOP PLOP SPLASH KERSPLASH PLUNKPLUNKPLUNK PLIPPLOPPLIPPLOP! PARRRPPPP!!!!" I filled up my white porcelain toilet in no time flat with one massive dump waste feeling awfully quite proud. After pinching my loaf I began to wipe my bottom front and back it was messy and smelt awful but I felt great, got off the toilet, pulled up my panties, lifted down my dress and saw my smelly logs I dropped. Phew! I knew Rice Bubbles with brown sugar weren't such a good idea maybe I better try normal sugar the next time. Then I flushed the toilet sending those disgusting devil doughnuts on their way to the sewers Bon voyage!! Then I washed my hands. Gotta go everyone see you next time. Bye bye now.


Some responses

First and foremost, to Catherine: Oh I am so sorry to hear your tragic news Catherine! Wishing so much love and care to you and your family during this difficult time. I am also so sad to hear you are leaving here permanently. I have so enjoyed talking to you and this place won't be the same without you, at all. I want the best for you, so if staying off social media is best I support that but a part of me will always be hoping that you'll come back some day.

To Nytecat: Yes indeed, with a combination of ADHD meds and other coping techniques I've managed to get my accidents, along with a lot of other issues under control. There have been some close calls along the way, but generally speaking my accidents are a thing of the past, touch wood! I am actually going through a meds break/change right now but so far things are going really well, so I hope that stays the case.

I've forgotten who posted asking about sharts, and I actually have a story to share about that. I recently sharted for the very first time in my life! And no, I am not counting it as an accident (my eight year streak stays in tact!). I've been away travelling for work since Christmas, and it's not unusual for me to get a bit of diarrhea when my body is adjusting to time zones. I had the runs one morning and felt an episode coming on while I was in a cafe. I got up and queued for the bathroom, which was occupied. I felt a fart brewing, and lord knows what I was thinking, but I just thought 'surely I can let this fart out'. So I did, and OF COURSE it was liquid. I felt warmth back there and quickly clamped down on things. the bathroom opened up and I walked in now deeply annoyed with myself for being so foolish. I pulled down my pants to inspect the damage and was astonished - panties clean! The shart had stayed contained between my cheeks. It felt like a real miracle! I was delighted to have gotten away with it. My diarrhea continued all day and I had to take anti-diarrheal medication that day and the next. I'm back home now and all systems have returned to normal, thank goodness.


Overslept this morning after dinner had a NUMBER TOO in the Jones relax bedpan dropped it into the bonfire washed pan under the water butt.
as it has rained most of the day been working in house.
I washed up put away the crockery as I leaned over I needed to go a toilet so went out to van and sat on the ADVENTURIDGE portta pottie for fifteen minutes having a NUMBER TOO ,today has been a good clearout as I have been taking LAXIDO for six months I am now having a BOWEL MOVEMENT ten times a week and feel the benifit.
I much prefer to use the pottie for a NUMBER TOO as I get the satisfied feeling ,all my potties are second hand the seller only used for NUMBER ONE during the night I wonder where they go for a NUMBER TOO !!

Skidmarked from a walk

A wise man said

Not all peepee times are poopoo times, but all poopoo times are peepee times!

Violetta from Germany

My answers to the Kimberly C.H's surveys:

1. What's your most bizarre poop experience (i.e., caught short on a hike, etc.)?

Oh yes, I remember it very well.... it was in hospital where I had to poop in a toilet stool next to my bed, right in front of a younger nurse
See my story on page 2940.

2. Memorable childhood poop incidents?

I remember my friend at the age of 5 showing me her poop in the toilet that she had just made.

3. Have you wiped someone else's behind & do you remember what it was like?

No, only with my children

4. Have you ever seen someone pooping outside of the bathroom (like out in the world)?

Yes, I once saw a woman wiping her bottom at a rest stop. You could see it a bit through the trees.

5. Most unexpected poop experience?

Yes, that was at an alpine hut where we took a break on a hike...
See my story on page 2927.

2. Most unpleasant poo experience

See my hospital experience

3. Memorable poo experience with a loved one / partner


4. Have you ever pooped in anything that wasn't a toilet ?

Yes, I once had to poop in a lake. Because I was shy of the toilet, I went into the water behind a bush on the shore so that no one could see me there. I quickly pulled my swimsuit to the side and pushed it. It only took a few seconds for me to relieve myself.

Comments, as requested


I like your criteria for wiping or not wiping. Most of my craps, whether they have been long and hard or not surprisingly soft, occur at a range of places like from my school, the park where the toilets are high and awkward to sit on, the mall, theater, etc. So I pretty much have to wipe. I don't actually expect that much but sometimes I will wipe when I'm seated waiting to completely push out the last log. Last week, for example, my only at-home crap, was like 3 attached balls. That took me 4 or five wipes because my mom gets on me often on laundry day for one of two things. First, doing my craps elsewhere than at home. She just doesn't understand that I'm not as repressed as she was/is. Around Christmas, I was with her a full day shopping and she had to crap but she held it until like 3 p.m. when we finally got home. "Craps are best saved for home," she says. Second, she will pee in a public place but she straddles the toilet without touching the seat. Also, she uses her foot to flush. I would think that her foot action would damage the flusher. I imagine a person pushing the flush lever down and it breaking off in their hand.



I've just popped home (Saturday night) to use my loo, my home is about 10 minutes from the city centre and I was on a bus, I told my friends I would meet them a little later, I got home pulled my skirt and thong down to my ankles and had a good pee, about 10 minutes later I could feel myself pushing about 5 plops followed by a big splash "phew!" I wiped my bum several times and washed my hands and went straight back out. Laters xx

Yesterday, I went shopping with mom at our local mall. We had visited a few stores and stopped off at the food court for lunch. After lunch, we continued our shopping and I started to feel like I might need to poop. I tried to hold it until we got home, but as mom was trying on new shoes, the urge became unbearable. I walked down one of the empty isles as my body took over and started pushing. I still wear diapers because of my autism so I walked back to mom and hoped that we would go home soon. As we were in line at the cash registers, mom asked me if I had a accident, and took me over to the family bathroom to change.


To Catherine

It saddens many of us that you made this descision, but I think it is indeed the right time to make this move. Hope you will all be strong. Prayers are surely on the way!


Response to Jessica W

Not that urgent. If I have to go, I don't typically hold it until I get home unless there's just no bathrooms at all around.

David P


Hi I might be constipated not sure but other than some pebbles and chunks I haven't had an actual poo in 6 days now. I have just gone 3 days without even any pebbles. Just passed 2 small rabbit pellet! I started getting constipated a few weeks ago when I hadn't been for 2 days and then had to do a poo at work and was a small log and chunky and hard then since then its been like this.


Anne Beth

Hi! This is a response to Anne Beth's quick post.

Anne Beth- I drink a Celsius everyday pretty much, and I had one at work the other day and it has never affected me before like it did that day. I drank it and within half an hour I had to poop super badly. I was still in the middle of working and had to go badly and I was farting so much. I didn't even make it to the employee bathroom I made it barely to the customer bathroom (I work in retail). Then I sat down and pushed out this big poop that stretched out of the water a tiny bit and curled around the porcelain a little bit. It was well over a foot long, maybe 16"-17" long. Then I also pushed out a few tiny turds and mush. I haven't pooped that big in a long time, and that was one of a handful of times I pooped at work.

Does drinking a Celsius always do that to you? This is the first time it happened to me!!!



Saturday Morning Routine

I awake after a big week...all my weeks are big and busy.
I sit on the toilet...sometimes my bowels move...mostly not.
I then go to the shopping center for a massage....I have a milk shake first.
The massage place is professional and masseuse comes from Taiwan. her name is Abby and her English is very limited but her massage skills are excellent...I get a normal massage and then stretching and a vigorous colon massage to help me poo.
Sometimes I go to the toilet in the shopping center and I am always the loudest grunter...sometime I go and sometimes not. I might end up having a BM later in the morning.
Today I have had a couple of days of hard poop constipation and I upped my laxative dose quite a bit.....I actually did a poo at the shopping center before the massage and then the massage which was great...felt OK bowel wise and then driving to work got the urge and a bit came out in my Depends..... got to the toilet and had a big release...felt great.
I have a massage every Saturday!


To Mina

Where I am in Australia it has not been too hot…. Only one bad day so far and then a cool change at the end. Anyway, I like your BM story . I really need someone with me at times when I have a hard constipated poo. I go to my therapist but it is only occasionally that I am able to see them. There are a few therapists that help me out but as I have to travel there mostly I have to deal with it myself Thunder

Alarm woke me at seven o clock ,had a wee in the bedroom pottie then went downstairs to kitchen.I filled the kettle as soon as it was luke warm poured into glass with LAXIDO powder then drank ,put kettle back onto boil then brushed my teeth and washed .
I really needed to have a NUMBER TOO before I did any thing else,so I went into garage lifted the lid on the THETFORD POTTIE put paper towel on back of bowl pulled down my pants and sat down. Immediately had a wee then my bowels opened ,passed a few small logs then several loads of mushy poo
the result of not pooping yesterday a large bowl of ALL BRANN breakfast, carvery for dinner a visit to the G Y M three senna tablets after exercise back home a large plate of eggs and mushrooms only weeing once during the night .
I wiped with interleaved KIMBERLY CLARK TOILET PAPER then stood up ,the
bowl was again full to within two inches of the rim.ANOTHER REALLY GOOD SHIT,I pulled up my pants put my foot on the flush pedal and watched it drop into the lower tank . I went back into kitchen made and drank my tea ,dressed then emptied the pottie in outside drain.


Re: Jessica, not wiping after a poop

There's been a number of times where I've used a toilet and had nothing to wipe with. Three stand out:


1) I'd say the most memorable instance was when I was 8, taking a poop after school. I recall it being a very big and messy poop that took me 10 minutes, and I worried I was going to miss my bus home. I finished, and there was no toilet paper in my stall. I walked around with my pans down and checked all of the other stalls and here was none there as well. No paper towels either. I remember it being a messy movement, but pulled my pants up and got on the bus to go home.

The kids on the bus definitely smelled it, but they could not pinpoint the source. Everyone was talking about how it badly smelled like poop.

It stained my underwear with poop smears and my mother noticed it in the laundry later that week. The underwear were ruined as the thick brown stain covered most of the backside and underside, and they were still crusty after the first wash. She was angry with me for not telling her that I "pooped my pants" because she washed the other clothes with this pair of underwear. Except I didn't poop my pants. My butt was just that much of a mess from having no toilet paper to wipe with at school.


2) Another instance I can recall was taking a poop at a girlfriend's house when I was 16. I'd been holding it in all day because of the doorless stalls at school, and this was the next best place I was going to get to lay cable aside from being home. The walls were paper thin and sound traveled, and not wanting her to hear all my bodily noises, I waited for her to go onto the porch to wait for her sister to get home from school before I headed to the nearby half-bathroom to take a hurried crap when no one was around.

The half bathroom was a narrow hallway with a washer and dryer and a toilet at the very end about 10 feet from the doorway, and the nearest sink was outside in the kitchen.

I took my poop, finished, and found that there was no toilet paper anywhere in this room. I was too shy to wait for them to come back in the house and ask from the toilet for either of them to come into the room and hand me something to use. They'd see me on the bowl for sure if I did that, in which case I may as well have gone at school in front of my male classmates in a doorless stall earlier that day as hat would be preferred to my crush seeing me on he can. I'd have wiped with my hand and washed it in the sink, except there was no sink, and I wasn't going to do that where they washed the dishes or risk exiting the room and my girlfriend seeing poop smeard on my hand. I pulled my pants up without wiping myself.

I refused to sit down on her couch after because I could feel the warm, wet squishyness between my buttcheeks. I made up an excuse to leave and walked home. Walking smeared it everywhere. The inside of my butt was an absolute mess with dried poop caked on my skin that was difficult to remove once I got to take a bath at home, but I managed to spare my underwear.


3) I was 24. I was driving on a long distance trip through the desert and stopped at a gas station to take a much needed crap that I'd been holding in for hours. I got the key to the single-toilet unisex restroom outside. It was just an outbuilding with a vault toilet and some hand rails, with a lockable door, with no sink. I took a big, smeary, messy crap. No toilet paper. I waited to see if someone would come by and knock on the door, so that I could ask them for something to use. Been in this situation a few times already by then and had to open the door so people could hand me something, so I was no longer shy about doing this, but after 30 minutes, no one showed up.

I pulled my pants up and returned to the store. Before giving the key to the cute but middle-aged female cashier, I asked her if she had any paper products here. She did not, as they were all sold out. Without telling her and two other customers present of my predicament, I returned the key and washed my hands in the sink by the cash register before leaving. There were no paper towels, or I'd have wet them and asked for the restroom key again.

In my car, I sat in a mess of my own poop that squished and caked into my underwear and skin, feeling disgusting. I'd have to deal with this until I could get to a rest stop to better clean myself, and change my underwear. About an hour later, I found a rest stop. This rest stop Mens' room offered zero privacy. It had an open ceiling and doorless entry. Just a zig-zag wall guarding any users from view to the outside, a lone trough urinal, a sink, and a seatless aluminum toilet, all out in the open. The underwear was a total loss, but some wet toilet paper allowed me to clean my butt standing next to the lone partionless sit-down aluminum toilet I was depositing the paper into as I stood there with my pants down, cleaning my rear with my right hand, my left hand holding wads of wet toilet paper. My butt was a mess and took a thorough cleanup.

Fortunately no one walked in on me for the next 5 minutes or so that I was pulling/rubbing off soft, sticky, dried crap from my butt. I had to make repeat trips to the sink to wet more toilet paper and keep wiping. The toilet was full of browned toilet paper by the time I was confident I was clean enough to pull my pants up, my ass now very wet.

It was a close call too, because by the time I had redressed and was washing my hands shortly after disposing of my soiled underwear, a father and two preteen boys walked in. One of the kids and the dad went to use the trough urinal, while the other kid sat on the toilet and immediately started exploding. Had they came in 30 seconds earlier or a bit more, and they'd have seen me standing there cleaning my ass with my pants down, letting it all hang out. Lucky me, I had the place to myself for the entire time that privacy was needed, and not wanting to stick around for the show, got out of there as I heard the kid on the toilet blasting diarrhea and screaming at his now hysterical brother not to look at him while their father remained silent.

A shower never felt so good when I got to my destination. I had to go commando until I could get to the hotel my employer put me up in, and there were some small light-brown poop stains on the inside of my dress slacks because my cleanup job was not as thorough as I thought. Keep in mind I had a hairless butt at the time, so it must have been an extremely messy movement for all of hat wiping with wet toilet paper to not have gotten rid of everything.

Sunday, February 2, 2025


Answer to Jessica's question

Jessica, I want to say that you and I have some similar habits. I, like you, for various reasons, allow myself to skip wiping after I pee or poop. I visit public toilets almost every day and quite often find myself in situations where there is no toilet paper. I have already written here before that I have not considered it a problem for me to exclude wiping after using the toilet during the day since childhood. I agree that many people may be shocked by such behavior, but I think there is nothing wrong with it. The amount of poop that may remain around the anus cannot cause any harm, except perhaps to stain panties, which can then be washed.


Story about Mina's defecate, for a change

We hope everybody is in pink of health.

Mina felt she was being unfair, because she always tell about motions of her 3 crushes, but never her own motion. Reason of that was, Mina's motion not so interesting. But on Saturday, lucky!! because Mina did interesting motion. Three crushes were moved so much that in tatami room Mina received more than 100 kisses!

Perhaps you wonder, why we always do best defecate on Saturday? Reason of that is, we sometimes hold back urge in bottom on Friday because Saturday we don't go work so we can do all together. But Hisae never hold back (she did a few times). Her body system is enviable, even she does defecate a lot, her intestine immediately starts to produce new mierda with big volume. We are all like that but Hisae is especially (Kazu also).

Anyway here is story. Mina asked to be second after Hisae because she got message from her bottom, it said, "I am in a hurry, sit on loo." Crushes said OK. Mina sat on loo and Maho squatted next her. Almost immediately, Mina's bottom domed out and expelled large puree for perhaps 10 seconds. Bururururururururu. Maho gave gasp.

"Minappé that was beautiful."

Kazu and Hisae could see from door, so they agree with big voice.

"Are you going to do again?" they ask Mina while she doing wee.

"Perhaps yes"

Kazu squatted next Mina instead of Maho, to be fair. After few minutes, Mina gave big breath and pushed. Burururururururu! New puree, same size with before one. Mina relaxed.


Perhaps I do one more... Please wait." Hisae squatted next Mina and did massage. Felt good!!

Aaaah... feel good...aaaah....Bururururururururururururu! Third puree pour out big volume from Mina's bottom. Kazu and Maho have tears on face. "Minappé, beautiful. I love you." "Minappé, me too, I love you. Beautiful."

"Have to flush now. " Mina stand up. She can feel six eyes staring to her bottom. Hisae flushed.

"Will you do more?"

"I think so" Mina sat down again.

Hisae started massage again. Kazu and Maho murmur each other. "Beautiful...Beautiful..." They stare to Mina with greedy eyes.

Aaaah...Bururururururururu. Again huge puree. What did Mina eat?? Kazu squatted next her and gave her strong kiss. Mina felt so happy that kiss and her bottom reacted so next puree came out very soon. Burururururururu...BRRAPPP! Noisy o-nara.

Eyes said, "Mina almost finish, but not quite." So Maho squatted next Mina and hoped for next puree. After few minutes, it came! Maho gave huge kiss to Mina.

But that was last one. Mina produced little pieces for about five minutes but no more big puree. All good things come to end, Mina learned in Wales.

But even it was end, Mina felt so warm. How a pleasure to do so big defecate in front of lovely crushes. Mina crying because she was moved by their tearful happy face. I (Mina) love my beautiful crushes so much!!!

Huge mountain of mierda from Mina in green loo but after washlet all crushes dried her, so paper on top of mierda mountain. But amazing, after one flush, all gone except few little pieces.

Then Kazu sat down and her beautiful bottom defecated huge mierda for ten minutes and then Maho sat down and her beautiful bottom defecated huge mierda for ten minutes but this post too long so we don't give detail. Actually both of them were on loo for little more than ten minutes.

And then... Mina already told this part so she doesn't tell again.

Catherine, we are sorry you have to leave. And we are very sad to hear your news about mother. But you are doing right thing we think. We always love you forever.

Anna Beth, we are happy you did pleasure motion. But we don't agree that soft defecate is dirty. Well, whole world is dirty, but it is pleasure to make clean again after dirty. We four enjoy to make ourselves, and our crushes, very clean after huge defecate. And we think your friend gave you compliment, really. Beautiful huge turd, how wonderful you must feel, she thought surely.

Just Another Girl, we are happy you come back! And you have good attitude to children about toilet (though we are not qualify to say that because we are not mothers). Everyone does motion, so it is not need to be shame, and not need to mock to person who does motion. Health is come first.

Elvia, we are happy your son getting better!

Very cold weather in north, Asia and Europe and America, and very hot in Australia, everyone please be careful, don't catch a flu or a heatstroke.

A lot of love to everybody.

Chakamami Family

Anna Beth

Big Poop

I had a really big dump today. I didn't go yesterday. So I went for a Celsius and it did the trick. When I arrived at work I made it to an empty stall just in time to let go of a turd over a foot long and two inches thick.

It was an amazing experience!


Weekend with Diane, part 2

Continuing on from part 1, I was equal parts intrigued and worried after Diane's toilet visit. I had overheard a lot from the lounge, and the intrigue came from this new very private side of Diane that I had been exposed to for the first time. The worry was from my own bowel needs. If I could hear her having a poo, she would hear me too if I went. I hoped I wouldn't need to go and could hold until I got home the next day. Since this is part 2, I'm sure you can guess that I couldn't hold that long!

I woke up bright and early on Sunday morning, with my bowels following a few minutes later. They must have hit snooze for a few extra minutes in bed instead of waking up when I did. I tried to ride it out for a few minutes to see if the urge would die down, but alas it did not. During that time, I had two thoughts - "I have to go now!" vs "What if Diane wakes up?" battling it out in my head. I went to check on Diane, who had left her bedroom door open the night before. When I saw that she was still asleep, I made my decision. "I have to go now!" was the victor. Any time spent dawdling was time Diane could wake up and hear me, so the sooner the better.

As I headed towards the toilet, I couldn't believe that I was about to have a poo at Diane's house. I felt I was taking a big risk here, but it had to be done. I went into the toilet and locked the door behind me, lowered my pyjama trousers to my ankles and sat down. I pushed because I wanted to be done as quickly as possible, and the soft crackling of my poo beginning to emerge was almost immediately obscured by three loud plops in quick succession as my poo fell into the water. I was grateful that my body had acknowledged the self-imposed urgency of the situation, but also mortified at how loud it sounded. If the previous day was anything to go by, the sound must have carried outside the toilet, and I further added to it when I got up and the toilet seat fell down with a bang again! That thing must have been very adhesive if it stuck to me when I'd sat on it for only a minute or two!

I took a look in the toilet and saw three thick logs, each one fitting across the hole from left to right, with small spaces for water between them. I wiped and flushed, begging it would go down. I couldn't bear the thought of having to tell Diane that I had blocked her toilet. The thought of Diane hearing me having a poo was bad enough, but her actually seeing my poo would have been unbelievably embarrassing! Luckily it did all go down in a single flush, and I saw while washing my hands in the bathroom that Diane was still asleep. I couldn't believe my luck. I had conquered my pre-trip fear and had a poo at Diane's house without her knowing!

Thinking sensibly now and not in a panic, I'm sure nothing bad would have happened if she had heard me, she wouldn't have thought less of me or teased me. Although we have since lost touch, she remains to this day the only friend where I've had a poo at their house, even if it was driven by necessity rather than being confident enough to go openly and them knowing what I'm doing, without me trying to hide it. Could that change some day? We'll have to wait and see. If it does, it might be material for another story!

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