

Sarah's work survey.

Since everyone else is doing it, I'm going to answer Sarah's survey.

1. how often do you poop at work?

Usually once each day I go to work.

2. do you have to hold your poop at work? longest time?

Luckily my job is pretty flexible and I can generally go anytime I want. One recent exception was during a meeting. I was releasing quiet pre-poop farts hoping nobody would know it was me. I think this went on 30-40 minutes. By the time the meeting was over I headed straight for the men's room. By the time I reached the stall I turtle headed right before I could pull my pants down. It was a little closer than I thought but no harm done as I had made it.

3. are you embarrassed to poop at work?

If a coworker I know well is in there, I may feel slightly embarrassed. But if it's a relative stranger it doesn't bother me.

4. when was the last time you pooped at work? what was it like?

Yesterday. It was one of my usual 10 minute sessions when I sit down, fart, push a few small turds out, wipe, get up, and leave. Very unremarkable. About once a week I'll have a much larger bowel movement.

5. have you had to use the customer bathroom?

No. I work in a building that's employee only. Customers and customer bathrooms aren't something I need to contend with.

6. have you heard coworkers or customers poop?

Coworkers, yes. Most go about their pooping as inconspicuously as possible. But a few will take cell phone conversations while they're on the can. The sounds of the men's room must be really interesting to the person at the other end! And there are some guys who would carry cross stall conversations while pooping at the same time. With so many employees working from home on many days, that doesn't really happen anymore. I like the fact that traffic in the men's room is less than it was before the pandemic started.

7. have you had to tell a customer or coworker that you needed to poop?

If I did, it's been a long time and I don't remember. The most I'll say is that I need to use the men's room and excuse myself. If anyone was nosy enough to time my return to figure out if it was number one or number two, that's their business. I could've been interrupted by other things you know.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

I hate stubborn turds. I didn't mind so much of him witnessing it after a while it was the job I did on his poor toilet I was apologizing for.


pooping at work survey

1. how often do you poop at work?
i usually poop at work every day that i'm there

2. do you have to hold your poop at work? longest time?
i don't usually have to and if i did it would only be for a few minutes since most of work is not spent with customers, and i spend time in my workplace when i am off the clock or on shift with other people so there is usually time to go before or after i clock in so i don't have to hold it

3. are you embarrassed to poop at work?
not particularly since the bathrooms are single and the walls are decently soundproof, as well as the smell not usually lingering. it's nice for me since i'm kind of poop shy but disappointing that i don't hear or smell other peoples pooping very often

4. when was the last time you pooped at work? what was it like?
i pooped at work yesterday, it took a few minutes but i don't remember too well what it was like

5. have you had to use the customer bathroom?
the bathrooms for staff and customers are the same so yes

6. have you heard coworkers or customers poop?
maybe a couple of times but it's quite rare, i will smell the lingering odor after they poop sometimes but that's not super common either, though i am aware of when my coworkers are pooping as they often play videos loudly on their phones when they go

7. have you had to tell a customer or coworker that you needed to poop?
no but sometimes my coworkers tell each other for fun about our pooping, but it hasn't ever been necessary


Visualizing to help poop

I was wondering if anyone here has used visualization as a technique to help themselves poop. I remember as a young child feeling constipated and uncomfortable and wanting to poop but it wouldn't come, so in my mind I literally visualized a turd (lol) and just focused on the idea of pooping, and it would always help my bowels move. Have any of you done this? I don't often find myself having to do it anymore, but when I do, it still works.



First time pooping in the woods

Hey all,

Myself and Jake usually go for a walk every saturday morning weather permitting. We call it destressing after a long week at work. I got up, put coffee on and went to wake him up, he was out with the guys the night before and didn't get home until late so it looked like I was solo on this one. I got ready and went on by myself, I took a lesson from Jake's handbook he always carries toilet paper with him just in case duty calls and sometimes it do for him. I don't normally have to go until I get home. It was a beautiful morning I stopped to watch the sun rise and then continued walking. An hour passed when I started to feel a cramp coming on, I said to myself I can make it back to Jake's, so I turned around and started to make my way back. I made it 15 minutes when the pain started to become stronger it looked like nature had other plans for me so I looked around didn't see anyone else walking and headed towards the trees. I went in about 3 ft I could still see the trail in the distance no way anyone would see me here. I took my pants and panties all the way off and hung them on the branch in front of me then I squatted. A gush of pee came out of me instantly and about midway my bum started to open so I spread my legs further apart. As I was finishing up my pee the log was about halfway out so I gave a little push and it fell to the ground. It was only a small one there was more in there. Sure enough a minute later I felt another one coming this one was longer and fatter, I say it was at least 5 inches long and not completely out. I grunted and grabbed on to the tree branch for support. It finally hit the ground and it was approximately 8 inches long and 3.5 inches wide. I peed some more and cleaned up put my pants back on and made my way back to Jake's.
When I got back he was sitting at the table completely green I asked him if he wanted a beer and he nearly vomited. He asked where I was and I told him out for a walk pulled a him and had a crap in the woods. He didn't believe me at first until he seen sap on my pant leg and he said wow I would've loved to see that. I told him maybe next time.

Spring Break Neglect

Earlier this month pretty much all of the school districts in our city celebrated spring break. It was anything but a break for me and my working colleagues at the regional mall. Because the weather was cold there were a large number of students hanging out at our mall, some of them for 10 or 12 hours. Many of them were hanging around in groups of 6 or 7, or more. Sure they spent money at the food court and the movie complex adjacent to our mall, but they sure made their presence known in the bathrooms.

By about noon on the first day my customer service kiosk was getting calls, texts and emails from shoppers about the students hanging out around the bathrooms. Sometimes 4 or 5 students took stalls next to one another, sat around and messed around until customers were lining up to use the facilities for a legitimate reason, started complaining. That led to security being called to basically clean the crowd out. I told one group they had five minutes of get done and then leave. This caused them to call me some really bad names and some of the customers waiting for a toilet to get irate. Unfortunately we didn't have the number of female security guards needed for the large group, so the city police were brought in to escort several of the students out.

That's when the complaints came that they had messed up the toilets. Craps from two, three or four persons left unflushed in a now-clogged bowl. Deliberate peeing on the seat and in front and around the sides of the toilet. The seat was practically hanging from the side of two of the toilets. Personal hygiene items were tossed about. While the bathroom was being fixed up, and that took closing it off for a couple of days while parts were brought in, I felt sorry for the older shoppers who now had to walk two blocks down the mall to the next nearest bathroom. I gave one older lady with a cane a ride on our cart down the mall because she never would have made it on her own. I think she finally got seated on a toilet just before the river came.

Later that week each time I had to take my bathroom break and leave the kiosk to the attention of a security employee, I was grossed out by either a non-flushed or otherwise vandalized toilet. Nothing like holding my pee, while waiting in a line of impatient shoppers, when 8 of perhaps 10 toilets were not usable.

Sarah questions:

1) 2 or 3 times a week, depending on my shift length and whether Spencer was hogging our apartment bathroom when I had to leave.
2) I've held my poop at work for up to 2 or 3 hours. I have to text a security guard to come and relieve me when I need a break. In the 5 years I've worked at the mall they have always been short of employees.
3) No, not really. I got over most of that a few years ago in high school.
4) Yesterday at 1 p.m. at the food court restroom. It was long, but moderately soft because I occasionally use a laxative. So does my boyfriend Spencer.
5) Yes, most every time. There's only one employee break room, locker and toilet room and that's two floors down.
6) Yes, I train college interns interested in commercial management work. I especially remember Maggie. Her poops came on fast and scared me.
7. My mother is the worst offender. She would continue to drag me through a store and talk and talk. Spencer taught me to use immediacy in my language. Like: in 30 seconds I'm going to need to do a blast-out and I would prefer it be with me on a toilet!

For Angelina:

Spencer sees me on the toilet about once a week. I'm usually up first and he's usually saying he doesn't know if I'm going to be a short or longer sit. I remember about 10 years ago when he was visiting my parents house after a hot day of laying sod. Dad told me to give him a bath towel. I did. He was sitting on the toilet, taking a shit with a nest of toilet paper between him and the seat.

For Steve A:

About a week ago I got the uncontrollable urge you wrote about. I was in the elevator at the Hall of Justice where I had to pay my auto tax. None of the buttons started to move the elevator. Emergency button didn't work either. Finally I figured out I had not pushed the proper floor button. I almost wet my pants,though.

Anna from Austria

pooping at work survey

I am going to answer Sarah's survey

1. how often do you poop at work?

Every day I am at work

2. do you have to hold your poop at work? longest time?

When I have to go I just go. But I had to hold my poop for about 5 to 10 minutes sometimes when I had a meeting with customer that I did not want to interrupt.

3. are you embarrassed to poop at work?

Not all. Have been a morning pooper since a I was a little girl. So pooping at school, university and now work is something I would consider natural. I do not think much about it. That does not mean that I do find it embarrasing from time time but that feeling does not block me from using the toilet at work

4. when was the last time you pooped at work? what was it like?

Last friday. It was a normal poop for me. At first I peed for quite some time then I did a small fart, then my first turd came out, then some more louder farts and another log.

5. have you had to use the customer bathroom?

No we do just have bathrooms for the office workers.

6. have you heard coworkers or customers poop?

Customer no, co workers maybe. It is hard to tell because the walls between the toilet stalls are quite thick so it is not easy to hear much.But I am quite certain that I still herad something that sounded like pooping noises from time to time.

7. have you had to tell a customer or coworker that you needed to poop?

No but I had some deperation moments from time to time. I had to hold my poop for 5 to 10 minutes until the meeting was over.

Should I get into situation where I am not able to holde it another longer I would tell my customer only that I have to the bathroom. I would never tell them which number I have to go.

That's something I never do in general. Even when I am with friends, female or significant other I j ust tell them I need to to bathroom without any details.

greetings from Austria



Response to Angelina

From the day I met my husband (before he was my husband obviously!) to the first time he saw me on the toilet was over a year I'm sure. When he helped me during my first pregnancy. My husband has never asked to watch but we still share the bathroom just for convenience. I don't personally know any other women that let their husbands or boyfriends see them.

You've already gone in front of your boyfriend before. Are you suddenly uncomfortable with it?


Skipped a day!

I'm typically a once or twice a day pooper. My usual time is around 10 am. If a second session is needed, that's usually before bedtime. But yesterday I didn't poop at all. I tried going around my usual 10 am time but only a little gas came out. I gave up and left the toilet after a few minutes. All evening I didn't feel an urge to go, not even a little. But I'm sure I'll go today as I can already few the need building. I can't imagine only pooping once every five days or longer.

One of the endearing and enduring quirks of this site is that the word ???? is replaced with four italicized question marks. I can say Tommy, Timmy, and Tammy, but I can't use U as a vowel. I wonder why????



This morning woke @ 6am went a wee in ELEGANCE portta pottie ,went downstairs made and drank two mugs of tea brought in washing from line. Swept front drive suddenly had to have a number too , climbed into van pulled the portta pottie from under bed.
Immediatly realized it was the THETFORD 345 and not the ADVENTURIDGE
now desperate , pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants and pooped as I was sitting down , started weeing then pooped again , sat for ten minutes before wiping . The bowl was covered in shit so filled the pump top tank then poured water around the bowl .I hope today will not be as eventful as yesterday. I took potty to drain and emptied went into garage selected the spare ADVENTURIDGE placed under bed .
I went into house made another mug of tea returned to van , pulled the pottie from under bed a paper towel rear of bowl , pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants sat on pottie and drank tea I had a wee and a fart tomorrow I will finish this course of tablets so my bowels will return to an early morning NUMBER TOO


My Friend Toni

Today Toni tooted during a wii bowling competition. She was embarrassed sine the fart was loud. My Pooh was runny a few times today. Wikki Stix are a fun rediscovered toy from school. Although I have changed one of my pass times, I still love The toilet stool site.

Big Chief

Response to anonymous poster

I really enjoyed your story about your girlfriend and her mother and sister shitting with the door open. When my wife and I were just dating and she was in college she had a friend named Amy who would crap with the door open. My wife lived in an apartment by herself while we were dating and Amy was a classmate that she met while she was going to school and she would hang out at my wife's apartment. She would take a poop with the door open when she was at my wife's place. When I would go there for the weekend there would be tines when she would hang out with us and would party and things like that. I was surprised when she would pee with the door open even while I was there. She had no problem doing that but just never pooped while I was there. One weekend when I went to visit we went to the bars with friends and after the bars we continued to party at my wife's apartment. Amy stayed over with us that night. My wife (girlfriend at the time) and I slept in her bed and Amy slept out in the living room. I wake up in the morning and had to pee really bad. So I get up and put my underwear back on and walk to the bathroom and notice when I was heading to the bathroom that the light was on. I get there and there is Amy sitting on the toilet totally naked reading a Cosmo magazine with her glasses on. My wife had a lot of Cosmo magazines in her apartment and would take one to the bathroom with her when she needed to shit. She just kept the door shut. Lol. I was surprised to see Amy sitting there shitting while I was there. I had a surprised look on my face and turned red and I even apologized to her. I wasn't surprised she was naked because I had seen her that way many times. The bathroom didn't stink and after I apologized to her she told me her stomach was really hurting her and that this happens to her often the next morning if sh drinks too much. I needed to pee really bad so I just told her I would pee in the sink if she didn't care. She then told me she didn't care and that she was about really start pooping because she felt it coming on. The sink was next to the toilet so I turned my back to her a bit because if I was looking at her I may not have been able to pee. Lol. I rinsed the sink and washed my hands and told my girlfriend that Amy is on the toilet. Then Amy leaned forward a bit and turned the magazine over and moaned in pain and then unloaded some major projectile diarrhea. My girlfriend heard it from her bedroom and started laughing. Amy laughed a bit and said she was so hung over and her stomach hurt so bad. She pooped out more diarrhea. It was violent diarrhea. It smelled awful in there. Amy said she needed to flush and apologized to me for the smell. I told her not to worry and just sit until you get it all out. She stood up to look in the toilet and asked if wanted to see and I said yes. The toilet was completely brown and slushy. The nastiest poop I have ever seen. She flushed then lifted the toilet seat and she splattered the bottom of the seat too. She sat back down and after 5 minutes of reading and talking with me because I stayed in the bathroom with her she had more diarrhea. Just loud and gassy. Overall she was probably on the toilet for a good half hour just pooping her intestines out. Having a poop like that I guess I give her credit for doing that in front of me because most people wouldn't. My wife has never pooped in front of me with the door wide open like that.

MD Dan

Sarah's Pooping At Work Survey

I thought I'd answer these questions from Sarah. To preface, I work in construction (mostly in the office now, but used to be in the field) and this has been the source of some interesting bathroom experiences.

1. how often do you poop at work?
About 3 or 4 times a week. Sometimes I need to go at the coffee shop on the way into work.

2. do you have to hold your poop at work? longest time?
Not usually, unless I'm out in the field. Then I'll need to hold it until I get back to the office or if I think the client will be okay with me pooping in their bathroom. The longest I've ever had to hold it was probably around 6 hours or so. Very uncomfortable.

3. are you embarrassed to poop at work?
Not usually. It has happened if I've had to use a client's bathroom in their house.

4. when was the last time you pooped at work? what was it like?
Today. There were only a couple other people and they were outside. The poop was on the softer side and there was a good amount of gas. I let out about 4 soft pieces and farted a lot before, during, and after. It was definitely a loud one.

5. have you had to use the customer bathroom?
We don't have a "customer" bathroom in the office but I have definitely had to poop in a customer's bathroom in their house before. I have several stories on this site regarding some of these episodes. I usually try to avoid pooping in a customer's bathroom unless I get the feeling they'll be okay with it. It's weird but I can usually get a good vibe from someone that tells me they wouldn't mind. I have heard of some customers getting outright mad at workers for using their bathrooms before, so I try to be careful. I have had the occasional customer that I'm pretty sure either enjoyed the fact that I pooped in their bathroom or were at least entertained by it. I have also had to poop in porta-potties on job sites about 3 or 4 times.

6. have you heard coworkers or customers poop?
Oh boy, have I! I have a couple stories on here about one of my co-workers and me pooping together in bathrooms next to each other. I also have a few stories on here about some female customers I have heard pooping, pooped right after them in the same toilet, or who have heard me pooping. One time I pooped in a porta-potty with a young female client also pooping in the one next to me.

7. have you had to tell a customer or coworker that you needed to poop?
Yes, though I'm not usually blunt about it, they would be able to figure it out by reading between the lines. One time I had let a fart slip and the customer (~40yo woman) definitely heard it and shortly after I asked her if I could use her restroom. She smiled and said, enthusiastically, "Yeah! Go for it!" almost cheering me on. I ended up clogging her toilet and had to ask for a plunger. She laughed and got one for me. It was a light-hearted moment but also pretty embarrassing at the same time.

Thanks, Sarah, for the survey. Hope you have a great day!

Toilet_gu y

Sarah survey

pooping at work survey

i have worked fulltime as a ride share driver for a long time. i always use bathrooms at businesses and parks for when i need to go. i am curious about people with normal jobs. how does pooping at work work for you? Yes

1. how often do you poop at work? 4 times

2. do you have to hold your poop at work? longest time? Maybe two hours after lunch

3. are you embarrassed to poop at work? No

4. when was the last time you pooped at work? what was it like? Last week, it was satisfying

5. have you had to use the customer bathroom? Yes

6. have you heard coworkers or customers poop? Yup

7. have you had to tell a customer or coworker that you needed to poop? Nope


Sarah's survey

1. how often do you poop at work?

Maybe once or twice a week. I'm a morning pooper so I usually get my pooping done at home.

2. do you have to hold your poop at work? longest time?

Luckily no.

3. are you embarrassed to poop at work?

I'm not because on the top floor of our building we have this private bathroom. There's a men's and a ladies one. It's a locker room and shower and then there's a little room with a toilet and sink so I go in lock the door to the toilet and sit and poop. I'm a male so I use the men's. I never use the regular bathrooms to poo because if someone else comes in I'll know who they are.

4. when was the last time you pooped at work? what was it like?

One day last week. It was a good poo. Lots came out. I sat on the toilet for a good 10 minutes.

5. have you had to use the customer bathroom?

No luckily I don't have to worry about that.

6. have you heard coworkers or customers poop?

Co workers yes. I recall one time going to the men's room to pee and a coworker was sitting in the stall pooping. It really stunk in there. Lol!

7. have you had to tell a customer or coworker that you needed to poop?

Coworkers yes, clients no.

Running man

London Marathon

I have just taken part in the London Marathon it still surprises me how open runners are about going to the toilet in the open both men and women.
When I got to the start area I went on a gentle jog to keep warm and find somewhere to have a poo before I start the race there was already large queues for the portoloos as I was going I could see lots of Male and Female runners relieving themselves as I past by as they stood or squat in bushes.
I got to a area where there were a lot more bushes and decided to go in as I entered I saw a male and female squatting together I was just about to turn around and leave when the both said it's ok we are here to do the same so I move a short distance away from them pulled my short down and into a squat I glanced over at them and could only see the male as he was blocking my view of the female they had to be in there 30s but hard to tell he was tall and lean and she was petite like a young girl's body he was just starting to wipe as I let go with a plug first then a coil of loose shit as the male stood up I could see he had done a similar shit.
When he moved I could see the woman now she was squatting very low and straining to relieve her self there was definitely a turd coming out but being so low a squat I could not tell what I quickly wiped and stood up but still need to have a wee.
As I was having my wee I over heard the female say to the guy it's on its way I will certain fill better when it's out with that she raised her bottom up and Jesus there was something large lump under her with that I finish a took off on my jog I went a bit further when I turned I saw the both come out and head to the start area.
On the way back I pop into the bushes we had been in to where she had been to see what her end produce had been at first there was only mine and the other guy shit but there was a couple of pieces of paper and some leaves covering something I got a stick and removed the leaves to find a huge turd very nobly at one end smooth and taped at the other end. I put my foot against it and it was longer than my large shoe and as wide as my thumb in length I was in ore that a petite woman running could produce such a beautiful thing far bigger than I have ever seen even my wife does some big one but not in her league.

Steve A

Sarah's Pooping At Work Survey

After working my fair share of jobs ever since I was able to start working at 14-15 years old, I've had several bathroom related experiences that I've posted on this site.

1. how often do you poop at work?

It usually depends on the time of day and my shift for the day, but I usually went during my breaks and sometimes while I was on the clock since I wasn't able to wait until my break without feeling uncomfortable or risking a potienial accident.

2. do you have to hold your poop at work? longest time?

I only remember a few times when I had to hold it for awhile at work.

One time I had to hold it for awhile when I used to work at a grocery store (I was door watching for our store's mask policy during Covid) and after about an hour or so into my shift, I developed an urge to go, but since I had no one to relieve me, I had to wait until my break around noon time (I started around 9 am) I eventually made it but felt uncomfortable during my time holding it in as usual.

Another time was when I worked at a dining hall during my time at college. I developed an urge as soon as I started my cashier shift, even though I should've asked someone to cover for me before I started my shift. Unfortunately, I had to hold it for about 2 hours or so until we closed for the weekend. After we closed, I was able to use the bathroom and didn't have any issues as a result of holding it in for that long.

3. are you embarrassed to poop at work?

I never feel embarrassed when pooping at work since everyone else will probably have to go at work at some point during their shifts. However, it'll be their choice on going at work or holding it in until they're done for the day...

4. when was the last time you pooped at work? what was it like?

My last poop at work might've been a couple of weeks ago, but I was able to go during my break and it was satisfying for me to go instead of having to hold it in until later on...

5. have you had to use the customer bathroom?

During my time at the grocery store, I've used both customer and employee bathrooms out of convenience, depending on when I had to go during my shift.

During my time at an Amazon Warehouse, all of our bathrooms were for employees.

During my time at Chipotle, we only have customer bathrooms, which means that we all have to share the same bathrooms.

6. have you heard coworkers or customers poop?

I've used the bathroom with customers and employees whenever I had to go.

7. have you had to tell a customer or coworker that you needed to poop?

Coworkers and managers will always let each other know that they'll be using the restroom so that we know, which helps us wonder where they are instead of just disappearing without saying anything...

Tuesday, April 25, 2023



Ramona, I thought your story was interesting. I've had shits like that plenty of times. If you want I'd share a story or if anyone else is interested.

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