

Questions for Avery

Hi Avery, I just read your most recent story about the poop you had during lunch and have some questions.

1) With 2 logs with 18 inches long 2 inches wide and then 15 inches long and 1.5 inches did those not clog the toilet? Seems hard to imagine they didn't but I'm curious to know??

2) Reading your story about the huge dump you had at school on page 2997 I saw you mentioned that your friend mentioned how small you are in amazement for pooping so if you don't mind me much do you weigh and how tall are you?

3) Regarding that same massive poop at school from being constipated, how many pounds of poop do you think you dropped if you had to guess?

4) How many days had it been since you last pooped when you took that massive crap?

5) Have you ever purpose held in your poop for a long time just to be able to poop more when you later go?

David P

Reply to Sarah and update on a footstool

Sarah: great story of your public toilet visit, wow a 7 inch poo good on ya girl that is pretty big. I can't make poos that size! But how gross that woman leaving without washing her hands. I don't get people that do that especially when they have had a poo that is real dirty! I can't answer your poo at work since I am a student but I used to work before uni so I had to poo a few times over my time at work. I would hold it when I first started but when I found most people in my office would poo at work I also joined in as well. I was embarrassed so I did not go if I could help it but I probably went for a poo at work several times. I never said to any of my coworkers that I needed to have a poo but several others would say when they were off for a poo!

A quick update, since getting back from hols my bowels have got a bit more regular and stable. My poos have still been soft, they are formed into logs but not hard like I used to have them (Oh I so wish I could get a hard fat log again!) But my IBS has been somewhat ok, I had a flare up yesterday when I had to go a few times that day but not watery poo all very soft logs. But in the week generally just once a day. The biggest help has been I found a step stool in the house and now I prop my feet up on that when I got for a poo. I also go up on tip toes on the foot stool to make me even taller and bend forward slightly. That has made such a big difference as instead of having to strain to finish off the final bits of my poo. My log just slithers out without needing to push and I haven't had my usual problem of some smaller poos getting stuck behind and needing to strain them out, it all comes out as one big snake! It is a bit uncomfortable in that position as the seat hurts your bum as it is not designed to be sat at that position but it defo helps you open your bowels. The only problem is the sounds of the plops can be much louder, I have had a few very loud plops but usually my poos make a splosh or squelch sound but even those have been louder on the footstool. I recommend you all to use a footstool for your poos.

David P

I hate stubborn turds. I didn't mind so much of him witnessing it after a while it was the job I did on his poor toilet I was apologizing for.

Spring Break Neglect

Earlier this month pretty much all of the school districts in our city celebrated spring break. It was anything but a break for me and my working colleagues at the regional mall. Because the weather was cold there were a large number of students hanging out at our mall, some of them for 10 or 12 hours. Many of them were hanging around in groups of 6 or 7, or more. Sure they spent money at the food court and the movie complex adjacent to our mall, but they sure made their presence known in the bathrooms.

By about noon on the first day my customer service kiosk was getting calls, texts and emails from shoppers about the students hanging out around the bathrooms. Sometimes 4 or 5 students took stalls next to one another, sat around and messed around until customers were lining up to use the facilities for a legitimate reason, started complaining. That led to security being called to basically clean the crowd out. I told one group they had five minutes of get done and then leave. This caused them to call me some really bad names and some of the customers waiting for a toilet to get irate. Unfortunately we didn't have the number of female security guards needed for the large group, so the city police were brought in to escort several of the students out.

That's when the complaints came that they had messed up the toilets. Craps from two, three or four persons left unflushed in a now-clogged bowl. Deliberate peeing on the seat and in front and around the sides of the toilet. The seat was practically hanging from the side of two of the toilets. Personal hygiene items were tossed about. While the bathroom was being fixed up, and that took closing it off for a couple of days while parts were brought in, I felt sorry for the older shoppers who now had to walk two blocks down the mall to the next nearest bathroom. I gave one older lady with a cane a ride on our cart down the mall because she never would have made it on her own. I think she finally got seated on a toilet just before the river came.

Later that week each time I had to take my bathroom break and leave the kiosk to the attention of a security employee, I was grossed out by either a non-flushed or otherwise vandalized toilet. Nothing like holding my pee, while waiting in a line of impatient shoppers, when 8 of perhaps 10 toilets were not usable.

Sarah questions:

1) 2 or 3 times a week, depending on my shift length and whether Spencer was hogging our apartment bathroom when I had to leave.
2) I've held my poop at work for up to 2 or 3 hours. I have to text a security guard to come and relieve me when I need a break. In the 5 years I've worked at the mall they have always been short of employees.
3) No, not really. I got over most of that a few years ago in high school.
4) Yesterday at 1 p.m. at the food court restroom. It was long, but moderately soft because I occasionally use a laxative. So does my boyfriend Spencer.
5) Yes, most every time. There's only one employee break room, locker and toilet room and that's two floors down.
6) Yes, I train college interns interested in commercial management work. I especially remember Maggie. Her poops came on fast and scared me.
7. My mother is the worst offender. She would continue to drag me through a store and talk and talk. Spencer taught me to use immediacy in my language. Like: in 30 seconds I'm going to need to do a blast-out and I would prefer it be with me on a toilet!

For Angelina:

Spencer sees me on the toilet about once a week. I'm usually up first and he's usually saying he doesn't know if I'm going to be a short or longer sit. I remember about 10 years ago when he was visiting my parents house after a hot day of laying sod. Dad told me to give him a bath towel. I did. He was sitting on the toilet, taking a shit with a nest of toilet paper between him and the seat.

For Steve A:

About a week ago I got the uncontrollable urge you wrote about. I was in the elevator at the Hall of Justice where I had to pay my auto tax. None of the buttons started to move the elevator. Emergency button didn't work either. Finally I figured out I had not pushed the proper floor button. I almost wet my pants,though.

Re: pooping at work survey

I used to work in a large office building. Each floor had a mens' room and womens' room adjacent to each other, both of which had frequent cleaning by the janitors.

Q1. how often do you poop at work?

A. Two to three times a day is the norm for me. I poop about an hour after each meal, plus on some days an additional one in the afternoon or evening. I eat like a horse and have a fast metabolism, and that is the unavoidable result. On any given work shift, this means I poop at work at least twice and on most days three times, or if I work overtime, three or four times is almost certain.

Q2. do you have to hold your poop at work? longest time?

A. Generally, I don't have to hold it. If someone is cleaning the mens' room or both stalls on my floor are taken, I can just walk up or down the stairs to the next floor. There are exceptions.

When I had to do work out in the field where there was no restroom, I did have to hold it sometimes. My longest time was about an hour while riding in a car to a location. Because there was no building or rest stop in sight, and I didn't want to poop outside on the side of the road in front of two of my female coworkers. We eventually came across a gas station.

Another time, I was driving to a location for work, had to poop, and stopped at a rest stop. All of the mens' room toilets were lined up in a row, with no dividers. Some of them were in use, and the only open nes would have required me to sit next to someone pooping, almost close enough for our knees to touch. This was 15 years ago and at the time I was rather squeamish about using doorless stalls or open facilities of that sort(I no longer am today), and the most adventurous I'd been when pooping in public up to that time was to use half stalls where I was visible from the torso up. This was too much. I opted to hold it and it took about 10 minutes to find a gas station, which fortunately offered the standard degree of privacy.

Q3. are you embarrassed to poop at work?

A. Generally, no. Although I did have a few embarrassing experiences pooping at work. On more than one occasion, I got walked in on by the cleaning lady while farting and plopping away in a mens' room stall. Usually the janitors knock, but there were a few occasions where they didn't. The first time it happened was in 2008. I was wearing headphones listening to music and didn't hear her knock. She dragged her cleaning car in and started cleaning while I was pushing a fat log out, and when she heard me farting, she left and waited outside. On other occasions, I've heard janitors come in without knocking or asking if anyone was present and start cleaning, and I had wrongfully assumed they were male, and kept pooping away, only to exit the stall and discover the cleaning lady heard me pooping the entire time and saw my feet and ankles under the stall. I've also clogged the toilet at my office multiple times, on two occasions with a cleaning lady waiting outside for me to finish, forcing me to admit I was the culprit. On more than one occasion, I've had to ask someone to hand me some toilet paper because there was none, including once when a cleaning lady who was waiting outside for me to finish was kind enough to come in and hand me a roll from underneath the stall(I thanked her when I left the restroom, as she was waiting outside the mens' room).

Q4. when was the last time you pooped at work? what was it like?

A. The last time I was at the office I pooped at work. No one came in and I had the restroom to myself, which is the best circumstance I could hope for in that situation. I prefer privacy, even though I'll poop in any restroom when the need arises regardless of who is there(not even doorless stalls dissuade me these days, although they used to).

Q5. have you had to use the customer bathroom?

A. My office doesn't have a customer bathroom.

Q6. have you heard coworkers or customers poop?

A. I've heard most of my coworkers poop. The mens' and womens' rooms were positioned adjacent to each other and there is a vent between the two, so I've also heard my female coworkers peeing and pooping, and they've heard me as well.

Q7. have you had to tell a customer or coworker that you needed to poop?

A. Yes. One time, I was working in the field with a coworker. I told him I needed to use the restroom. He told me it was acceptable to pee outside. I then told him I didn't need to pee, which gave away what I needed to do. We found a restroom at a nearby park, but it was locked. It was an emergency, I'd been holding it for about 30 minutes at this point, and the poop started to force its way out towards my underwear, so I ended up having to quickly poop outside. It was a desert during winter and I had nothing to wipe with but money(I only had $20 bills, and only had one pair of socks for the two days I was going to be out), so we then drove to a gas station so I could get my butt cleaned up. I kept my messy buttcheeks clenched well enough that nothing smeared on my underwear, and the gas station's restroom was a lockable unisex single occupant facility with a sink and plenty of paper towels and toilet paper, allowing me to do a much needed thorough cleanup. It was embarrassing at the time, and this coworker joked about my ordeal with other coworkers.

A similar circumstance happened while driving to a location, alluded to in the 2nd question. I felt a need to poop in the middle of a drive and asked if we could stop somewhere so I could use the restroom. The two coworkers I was with were both female, and the driver said there was nothing for the next hour and she would stop to let me pee outside. I then revealed I didn't need to pee, and opted to hold it. I didn't want to poop outside in a desert with no coverage in front of them. When we got to a surprisingly busy gas station, the restrooms were outside. They were single toilet facilities with no running water, set up like an outhouse, with a separate mens' and womens' facility. The wooden door was set up like a standard restroom stall door. I could see that both were in use, because there were shoes, pants, and ankles visible in each from where we were waiting in the truck. The mens' side opened up, a little boy came out, and I went in. It took about 10 minutes for me to finish, as it was a very big dump and needed lots of cleanup. There was nowhere to wash my hands. One of my coworkers gave me some hand sanitizer to use and she asked me if I felt better.

Of course, at the office, I have pooped in the vicinity of all of my male coworkers, which wasn't merely telling them I needed to poop, but actively demonstrating it. And it was done so on perhaps more than 1,000 occasions over the time I've worked there given how frequently I poop at work.


Reply to Mr Curious

Regarding the most unusual item to have wiped with.I once used some Bubble
Wrap when I took an Outdoor shit one day.I have to say it was pretty useless,as the bubble kept popping .I now would never use anything other than Toilet Paper and always keep it in the car.


Dinner dump

Given that I take care of most of my bathroom needs at school (especially poop), my home toilet doesn't see much use from me, other than my morning and before bed pees, or my weekend poops. Occasionally, if I have a big dinner or wasn't able to take a dump at school, I'll need to unload into my home toilet as well. Today though, was a weekend poop after a big dinner.
We had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner today. It was a large plate of spaghetti with 6 large, heavy meatballs that I could feel sitting in my stomach. I ate all of it, leaving me very full. I hadn't yet pooped, so I knew pretty soon I'd need to use the toilet. I went up to my room and scrolled through stuff on my phone, as my stomach worked to digest everything I just ate. Clearly a lot of stuff was happening, as at the same time, I realized I needed to make some space for the spaghetti and meatballs. An urge to poop began forming, and given that I wasn't doing anything, I went off to the bathroom to dump a fresh load of digested waste. I closed and locked the bathroom door, pulled down my black shorts and pink panties, and sat on the toilet. I didn't have a massive urge to dump, but I knew there was stuff in me that needed to come out. I started off by peeing. Out my urethra came a light yellow stream of pee that trickled into the toilet. My bladder was quite full, so I peed for quite a while. It was nice to relieve myself of that strong tingling urge I'd been ignoring for most of the day; letting all that waste flow out of me felt so nice. Anyway, after 45 seconds, my pee stream died down and stopped, signifying the now empty state of my once stretched to capacity bladder. At that point, my bowels were loaded with waste, and I was ready to poop it all out. I relaxed and let out a 3 second long airy fart, then felt my butt open as crackling began, signifying the turd exiting my body. I barely pushed as it steadily came out. After 15 seconds, it tapered off and fell into the toilet bowl with a plop. I felt like there was more in me so I pushed, and nothing came out other than a fart. I relaxed for a minute, just to give my intestines time to push any last minutes turds into my rectum for excretion. After 2 minutes, I pushed again, and let out a fart, but no solid stuff. I wiped my front twice and my back 4 times, then stood up, pulled up my panties (leaving off my shorts since I was gonna get ready for bed), and then taking a look at my creation. Sitting in my yellow pee, with some toilet paper surrounding it, was a 14 inch, 1.5 inch wide log. It was quite smooth, clearly newly formed and freshly dumped. With my potty all done, I flushed it all away, and watched it get jolted as the toilet started filling with water, before being swirled and flushed away with a glug-glug-glug noise. Ahhh so satisfying! I returned to my room to finish my bedtime routine, typed this up, and now I'm gonna sleep. That poop that didn't want to come out will probably get dumped by me during lunch at school tomorrow. Bye for now!



Heyo! First time posting here but been lurking around the old posts for a couple years now. I still see a few familiar faces around but not too many. Always loved the vibe of this place and kinda wanted to finally come out of hiding, so here I am :D!

Anyways, I have a story from... seven or eight years ago? Something like that, not sure. The concept of time has always eluded me. Family had to take a trip about two and a half hours away to a city and happened to be on the way back when this occurred. For context, I had been having ???? troubles since the day before but things had gotten better, or so I was foolishly hoping. So, we were on the way back and maybe forty or so minutes after we left the city, I realized I would not be making it home. This was not ideal because I knew I was not in for my normal, nicely solid passing. I asked if we could stop somewhere and, fortunately, there's a bunch of little speedbump towns in between home and that city. One of them had a gas station with a bathroom I still remember. (At least it was a nice bathroom. All clean!) So, I went in with anxiety spiked, and sat down to do what I needed to. As expected, what I left there was more the consistency of soup (sorry to those who may be eating while browsing) than what I'm used to. Finished up in around five minutes, left and then had the pleasure of explaining to my dad why I didn't tell them my ???? was acting up. Thankfully, he soon forgot about it. Bit of Pepto Bismol later and we were on our way again! Thankfully, that seemed to be the last of my unhappy ????. A few days later, I was back to normal.

That's all from me! I look forward to continuing my browsing on this site (I've actually learned quite a bit from you folks) and hope y'all have a nice [timezone]!

Sunday, April 23, 2023


pooping at work survey

i have worked fulltime as a ride share driver for a long time. i always use bathrooms at businesses and parks for when i need to go. i am curious about people with normal jobs. how does pooping at work work for you?

1. how often do you poop at work?

2. do you have to hold your poop at work? longest time?

3. are you embarrassed to poop at work?

4. when was the last time you pooped at work? what was it like?

5. have you had to use the customer bathroom?

6. have you heard coworkers or customers poop?

7. have you had to tell a customer or coworker that you needed to poop?

Doing what's done daily in every home & away

Me and Lisa have been friends for more than 10 years, and we're also dating and do a lot of our studying together. We're seniors in high school, involved in school activities, and we spend a lot of time at each other's house.

Compared to my parents, Lisa's are much more liberal. Some time back I went over there to hang out with Lisa on a non-school day. While walking down the hall to her room where the gaming system is set up, you pass the bathroom. I stopped before I got to her room right after her parents had moved into the house because to my right her mom was sitting on the toilet crapping away with the door wide open. Hearing me stop, her mom called out and told me not to worry about her "doing what's done daily in every home".

One night when we studied late for an AP exam I slept over downstairs. When I got upstairs to pee, Lisa's older sister Tiffany, who had also been my babysitter, was on the toilet with the door open. She had her clothing all the way to the floor and kind of apologized to me. I tried not to directly look at her, but at four years older, she was too hot to ignore. I could see her face as she did a mighty push and something like a boulder splashed into the bowl. She looked between her legs, laughed, and the clapped her hands once. Then she stood, did a fast wipe, and then re-seated herself. A little push went into another piece falling into the water, something she called "the last bullet in the chamber."
I laughed and told my dad about that one. Lisa walked up behind me, and Tiffany made a really nasty remark about not having to get chlamydia off the toilet seat at her junior college that day. Lisa told me later that Tiffany is a drama queen who needs to be deflated.

Lisa's mom drove us to school when we were in the 9th and 10th grades. On many days, if we didn't stay later for activities, she also picked us up. It was really embarrassing to Lisa, with me there getting into the car too, to have her mom question her about whether her bowels had moved that day. Then there would be questions such as Wasn't this day 5? or Did you remember to take your laxative last night? Let's see, did you drink the two water bottles I put in your backpack?

One day which I think was right after the week of fall break and Lisa had been going pretty regularly at home her mom started with the reminders again. Lisa blew up and was as mad as I've ever seen her. We were in a large traffic jam in the parking lot and Lisa just aggressively yelled out the time of the crap, bathroom location and stall number, and that she had gotten a picture of it. She took her phone out, had the picture up and it showed a large black seat, a crap of about a foot long and pretty wide in the water, and Lisa asked if she should give it a name, date and file number. Her mom just laughed it off and made a joke about getting tranquilizers for her along with her laxative pills. At first I thought it was funny for the moment, but I later saw it was hurting Lisa. The next week Lisa got a Saturday morning detention period for being tardy to a class several times. She was sometimes downing three water bottles a day, but there was a shortage of toilets to use during the five-minute passing period. She had been treated for a urinary track infection a few weeks before that. Then she started to get down on herself for a while.

Tiffany was kind of wild and definitely expressive. One night after school she picked Lisa and me up. She was pissed that we were running late in getting out to her car and she had been holding in a pee for some time. Since she hated the school toilets and the outside doors to the school locked behind you when you left, she walked to the side of the building, squatted over and did a deliberate and open piss. Since it was still daylight out Lisa and I joked with Tiffany that her piss was probably captured by the security camera.

For Mr. Curious:

The most unusual item I've wiped my bum with after having a poo came at school just before a pandemic hit. There were handbills taped to the guys' room mirrors about various types of jobs we could learn about at an online website. My choice was Working With Your Hands! I should have checked for paper before sitting down for my shit. But when I saw that yellow ad paper I got off the toilet and took it down. I tore it in fourths and worked it pretty hard. I got a little soft crap on my knuckles, but it could have been worse.


Reply to Imogen

The Princeton Art Museum has a gouache by the 19th century French artist Gavarni of a couple in carnival dress relieving themselves ( their title) which reminded me of your story about peeing with no underwear.Peeing and pooping in the street must have been normal, as in India today,when there were no public toilets, or when you had to pay to use them.

Emma two

Accident in class

To Gabby

I was desperate for a poo in history once. I was thirteen at the time and I thought I could hold it until lunchtime which was an hour away. Ten minutes later I was desperate and I thought about asking to go to the toilet but I felt embarrassed to so I held it. Another ten minutes later I wasn't just desperate for a poo, I was bursting for a poo and I just had to go. I felt my face burning red with embarrassment as I put my hand up and when Mr Brown, (not his real name) asked me what I wanted. I asked him if I could go to the toilet and he asked me why I couldn't wait until lunchtime instead of disrupting the lesson. I felt even more embarrassed when I told him I was desperate for a poo. He said if it was a number two, I should be able to wait half an hour and I didn't want to embarrass myself any more than I already was. I told him I would try and sat with my bottom clenched tightly praying I could make it until lunchtime. Fifteen minutes later I was losing control of my bowels and the only reason I didn't completely poo myself was because I was sitting down. The obstruction caused the pressure to increase in my stomach and it hurt so much I leant forward and lifted my bottom of the seat. I pushed to get it over with as quickly as possible and I filled my knickers in about fifteen seconds. The relationship of it was incredible but everyone knew I'd pood myself. I sat down again and it all got squished up around my bottom making a lot of mess. I'd never been so embarrassed but the relief of it was so good it was worth it. I was sent to the sports hall to get a shower and I got myself cleaned up and got dressed without my knickers because they were ruined. I threw them away in the bin in the changing room and went to lunch.

Hey all,

I don't have any poop stories to share tonight maybe tomorrow. I just have a question if/when did you start letting your significant other watch you while you were using the bathroom? Myself and Jake have only been together for three months and up until the other day when I was severely constipated I used to just close the door or wait until I got back to my apartment if I could, now when I go pee he asks me if he can watch and I say well it's nothing you haven't seen before so sure. Is it too soon?


To Angelina

What great relief you had....when it happens to me it is so pleasurable!
Feel so much better after.
Jake sounds great....take all the help you can get when dealing with such a stubborn shit...there may be a time when you can return the favour.
No need to apologise too is just a bodily function.


Outdoorsy Girl's Survey

Outdoorsy Girl's Survey
1. Do you feel any embarrassment or anxiety when realizing that you have to poop outside?
A bit, but anything's better than using a public bathroom!

2. Do you tell your friends when you have to go away to poop?
It depends how close they are. Towards family, I generally do.

3. How often and when do you mostly poop outside?
I did often as a kid, but now it's about once a month to every two months

4. Do you practice LNT partly or fully?
Only partly. The last time I crapped in the forest, I used leaves to cover the turds

5. How is your posture when pooping (squatting, bending forward, standing, etc.)?
Bending forwards.

6. Do you discuss your poop with friends afterward?
Used to, but not anymore

7. Have you spotted (none, some, many of) your friends or family when pooping?
Oh yes, many, including my sister and my Aunt.

8. Did they discover you?
Not directly, but I can suppose the ycould imagine what I was oding

9. Have anyone seen you when pooping outside?
My daughters have multiple times when they were little.

10. What type of poop do you mainly do when outside (size, form, color)?
Usually huge logs, normal to dark brown

11. Have you seen the poop of anyone you know outside.
Of my sister, multiple times.

12. Have you seen people you do not know when pooping outside?
No, thanks God!

13. (Gender and age, are not necessary but if you want to share.)
F, 38

Mr Curious

Delivery car driver

Thank you for your reply to my question regarding outdoor pooing in lay-bys and outdoor locations. In my experience, it s mainly truck drivers, people on the road all day, and tourists with children most likely to be seen pooing in public. I've seen people squatting by their cars on several main roads in the UK , where there is no other option. Other than petrol stations and the occasional service area, we have practically no public toilets anymore. If you are desperate, you'll poo where you are. Large public events with not enough toilets are also places you'll find people taking other options.
My next curious question is, what's the most unusual item you have wiped your bum with after having a poo? I've seen socks, handkerchiefs and pages from newspapers used and left by the poo, leaves are pretty common too.

Steve A

Questions about Inconvenient Urges

How often do you get an urge to go, but it's not during an ideal situation (for you)?

At work, while driving/stuck in traffic, at a concert, hanging out with friends, etc...

For example, I got an urge to go as I was leaving for work today and it got stronger as I was driving closer to home. Luckily, I made it, but another question I have is:

If you had the ability to control when you had to go (preferably #2) would you control your urges or continue to let them come at random times?

For my answer, even though it would be nice to control them, I think it would save everyone from being stuck in unfortunate circumstances depending on where you are and when you have to go.


Fairly hard poop after coffee

Hi everyone. Got up this morning and had a homemade soup and sandwich on French bread. Took my meds after and got my coffee (black)and warm water which I slowly drank. Just a few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I went to the washroom, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled down my black pants and dark grey underwear and sat.

Gave a push and a hard poop came out. Didn't take long, maybe 20 seconds. I peed then peeked under me into the toilet. A fairly big hard poop sat in the toilet. Flushed first then got to work wiping. Once I was done I flushed the toilet paper, stood up, pulled up my pants and underwear and washed my hands. I'm hoping after I drink more water I can go more later but softer. Still better out than in.

Happy pooping




Just reading the stories longtime reader, seeing new faces of the course the last year.

Avery great stories.

Sarah great stories

Annie great stories

It's a beautiful thing is to sit upon the toilet and let the bottom does it thing rather you are at home or away from home, to see others around the world to let it go freely.

Mina and friends great bond friendship I love it.

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