Norovirus In College
Hi, I'm Mathew. I am a 20 year old blonde white guy who goes to college in New Jersey. I posted a story about me and my mother getting food poisoning on page 2674 and thought I'd post another story about me getting sick again, this time with Norovirus
The incident happened only two weeks ago while in class. The professor was giving a lecture when from out of nowhere I was overwhelmed with nausea. The nausea came over me in a wave that blurred my vision and made my head spin, I have never felt anything like it. One minute your fine and the next minute you're not, that's how these stomach bugs strike you. My stomach churned in pain and my mouth filled up with salty saliva. I was in a large auditorium so none of my other classmates nor the professor seemed to noticed my distress. I didn't want to get up in the middle of class as I felt too embarrassed, so with all my might I swallowed the salty spit. My stomach churned and I wretched, I knew that I was about to vomit no matter what so I got up quickly and ran out of the lecture hall. With all my might I held my vomit in until I made it into the men's room. There was another guy in their taking a piss in a urinal. I ignored him and threw up violently into the sink. "Oh man, are you alright" The guy shouted. I ignored him and continued to vomit up my breakfast into the sink. I looked into the mirror and my eyes were watery and my face was flush. "Sorry man" I told him. " I was in class and all the sudden I had to get up to puke!" He said told me it was all right and he hurriedly left. I turned the sink faucet on to wash down the puke but it was really chunky so I had to use paper towels to clean out the clogged drain. I felt another wave of nausea so I left the sink with the water still running and rushed into a stall. I stuck my head into the toilet bowl and vomited up the rest of the eggs and orange juice I had left in my stomach. When I finished I I washed my hands and returned back to the lecture auditorium. As i opened the hall doors the professor stopped reading and looked up to ask if I was ok. I told him I was and I sat down humiliated. No one seemed to mind or notice though.
Around lunchtime I was with friends in the school cafeteria I told them about what had happened when the same wave of nausea overcame me again. I guess it was the smell of all the food that set my stomach off. This time I couldn't even make it to the restroom but instead vomited into a nearby trash bin outside the cafeteria. A Lot of my classmates saw me do it and I am sure some of them had no doubt lost their appetites. I decided to call in sick and return back to my dorm. As I was heading home another wave of sickness hit me, this time in my bowels. I knew I was about to shit myself and there wasn't anything I could do about it. So that's what I did. I totally messed my sweatpants on campus on my way back to the dorm in front of everyone. I went into the dorms restroom and told the janitor there that I was sick, and that I had left a trail of shit behind me. He was pissed but understood. I went into a nearby stall and began to pass liquid diarrhea into the toilet off and on for about 10 mins. That night was awful I had a bucket to puke in as my dorm mate was working on his assignments. He couldn't take it and took his studies into the school library, leaving me with my misery.
I shat myself three more times trying to make it into the dorm lavatories . I just couldn't hold it. I'd be lying in bed when the urge to shit would just overwhelm me. I would clench my cheeks and waddle out toured the toilets but half way there excruciating pain would over take my anus and then the floodgates of pure liquid diarrhea would burst open.On a few occasions other guys were in the stall next to me hearing the pure liquid run out of me. I was too sick to be embarrassed I would just lower my soiled sweatpants, rest my shit cacked ass on the toilet rim and unloaded. I was fine for the rest of the night but in the morning I had to have diarrhea again. I made it to the dorm's toilets this time without shitting myself. But there was already a line of guys in front of the stalls queuing up to take their morning craps. I explained my situation that I was sick and one guy left me take his space next in line. I immediately let out a echoing cannonade of diarrhea, this got some chuckles from some of the guys. I hope no one laughs at them when they catch this bug! I was pretty much fine for the rest of the day, only threw up once and two more trips for diarrhea but what hell!
Victoria B.
Unusual bathroom arrangement
Needed to pay a visit to the student health center at my school today. I'd been dealing with a cough and congested nose the past couple of days and decided that I'd had enough and it was time to see a doctor.
I noticed something odd as I was being shown to the exam room. There was a row of three doors with two sinks between them on the wall across the room from the main desk. I was reminded of what Mina said about toilets in Japan
On each of the doors was the normal unisex bathroom sign. I went into the appointment with a slight need to poop and curiosity that could only be satisfied by doing it in one of the three rooms.
The doctor came in after a nurse went through the normal routine of height, weight (down!), blood pressure, and temperature. He said I had a virus (womp womp) and that all I could do was drink plenty of water and rest for awhile. I thanked him for his time and moved onto my own once that business was concluded.
I knocked on one of the doors and entered after not hearing anything from the other side. Inside was a cabinet hanging on the wall opposite the toilet and the stool itself, matched in color by the walls. I gave a sigh before dropping my jeans and panties to my ankles and sitting down on the contoured seat. I wasn't there for long before I opened up. Ka-plop, ka-plop, ka-plop, ka-plop! I flushed right after that first delivery and began peeing shortly thereafter.
A big turd began to work its way out of me as my pee died down. It was more than halfway submerged before silently breaking off and with it I was done. I wiped, having to resort to huge handfuls of stuff not deserving of the noble title of "toilet paper", flushed, and got dressed again before walking out. A passive-aggressive look from someone awaited me, the price of my two-flusher. I washed my hands secure in the knowledge that she would've been waiting much longer had I not flushed that first time!
(I've been somewhat lightheaded while writing this and it's time for me to lie down. Hope it's not too terrible!)
Thursday, November 09, 2017
First of all apologies to everyone for a long absence but I've had a lot of different things to juggle with.
Blob. Thanks for your iron mine peeing story. I guess we can all get caught short in awkward places and I think it's pretty likely the lady in question needed to go so badly that holding it in any longer just wasn't possible.
Catherine. Good to see you around. Hope you and Alan are both keeping well, not forgetting the youngster either. Trust you're keeping regular and managing some good poos.
Today I had a rather large breakfast - in fact too large - at my local Toby Carvery. Later on I met a friend for lunch and had an omelette which I thought would be light but turned out to be more filling than expected. After she left some four hours later I went to the loo and did a huge, pan busting poo. I still felt fairly full though. After a light tea of tinned fish (kippers) and a bread roll, washed down by a mug of tea, I found myself in need of another urgent poo which was rather on the messy side and hit the back of the pan. Somehow I think I'll have to rein in a little on my eating!
Best wishes to everyone, especially the Annas.Blob
Not a sighting but funny
Yesterday I was on a guided tour of an iron mine, the guide was talking about women and children working down in the mine, when a lady in our group asked about them needing to use the toilet. The guide said that they would just go to a worked out part of the mine and go there. This reminded me of a few years ago when on another tour this time down a (dry) roman lead mine.
Our group had been walking for about 20 minutes in the mine and our guide had stopped to talk about something. There was a father and mother with a small boy in the group, the mother took the boy by the hand and walked back along the tunnel and around a corner, a few seconds later the boy ran back to his father. The father asked were is your mother, with that in a loud voice the boy said 'she's having a wee wee'. a few minutes on the mother rejoined the group and the group moved on. At the end of the tour we all had to turn around and go back the way we came in.
As we walked out pasted the point we had stopped earlier, just around the corner in the path was a large puddle with a stream running from it and a big white paper tissue in it. I tried to look at the mothers face to see if it was red but the tunnel was to dark to see it clearly.Don
Quick bathroom break at habitat restore
Hello people of TS Forums, its been a really long time sense I've posted here. My name is Don and I'm a senior in High School.
For the past couple months, I have been working on my Service Learning Project. It's just a project where you have to volunteer in the community. I have been working at the local Habitat Restore, in case you don't know what that is. Its just a place where people come and drop off furniture, appliances, and other Home Necessities. And they sell it for a low price. So I work every Monday for 2 hours in the morning. So today I had sweep duty, I was assigned to clean up over by the unloading area. So I did that. I was making good progress so far. I kept on sweeping, a small urge was coming on( I needed to do a Number 2). And I just continued on working. About 5 minutes later, it was getting stronger, so I thought for a minute if I could hold it until lunch time. And I just decided I would go now. So I went to the restroom, I walked into the restroom. This restroom was set up in the one Urinal one toilet format, no one was using the toilet so I went in. Btw, this restroom was clean and had a nice sent. I locked to door behind me, I unzipped my pants, dropped my boxers and sat on the seat. Took a quick second to relax. And then I hunched over a little and gave a slight push to begin the process. My backdoor opened up, i hymed a song i lije and I just let it flow out of me. The turd was soft and didn't hurt my anus what so ever. It didn't curl as it wasn't that big. And it splashed barely and didn't really make any noise. I stinked up the bathroom a bit, but they had air freshener so it was good. I wiped once and there was a mess so wiped again and I was good. So stood back up and looked at my poop, it was about 4 inches long with a light brown color. I left some skid marks, and I did some air freshener and flushed. It look less then 2 minutes on the toilet. I washed my hands and left to go back to work.
That is my story, tomorrow I will tell about my first floater in a while. And will tell you about my morning peeing habits!Victoria B.
Responses and story
To Tyler: It's on here somewhere; I can't remember the page number.
To Sammie: More times than I can count!
I was out at the bars on Friday night, having a few drinks with some friends when I got a call from my friend Brooke. She had just gotten off from work and wanted to hang out. I told her that I was past the point where I could drive. No problem, she said. "I'll just pick you up!" What she didn't know was that the line to the bathroom was eight or nine deep and that I was perilously close to peeing my pants!
I recognized Brooke's car and got in. There were still four people in line for the women's room and I didn't want to make Brooke sit in her car and wonder where I was for half an hour. "Hurry, I need to pee so bad I could burst!" were my words to her upon getting in. It was about 25 blocks to her house and I did not under any circumstances want to pee in my new high-waisted black jeans. Brooke gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder and we took off. "We'll make it. I know we will."
25 blocks became fifteen before the urge really started to hit me. "I'm not so sure about this," was my hesitant, through-gritted-teeth description of the situation. By this point, I had graduated from crossing my legs to grabbing onto myself, giving me the worst front wedgie (for the male-identified in the audience: it does happen and it's awful) imaginable and only reminding me of my desperate need for a toilet. "You've got this!" Brooke said. "I believe in you, Victoria!" Another five blocks and we were there. All that stood against me was a pothole in the road and hitting it brought out my worst fears of losing control. I made it though.
Brooke parked her car in the driveway and dashed ahead of me to unlock the door. Entering, she flipped the light on in the bathroom, put the seat down, and said "All yours!" before taking a seat of her own on the edge of the bathtub. Brooke is a close friend and I felt comfortable letting her see me on the toilet. I staggered in triumphant and dropped my jeans and pink underwear (the ones that say "Feminist" across the rear) to my ankles and sat. The relief was overwhelming; I'd go so far as to call it orgasmic.
I came within about a minute of a serious accident and had nevertheless beaten the odds. My pee loudly hissed its way into the bowl for what seemed like an eternity. I had my eyes closed and glasses off and just concentrated on letting go. I wiped, got dressed and flushed once it was finally done. The next surprise came as I was washing my hands in the sink. Brooke got up from the tub, pointed towards it and said, "I have to poop. Like, right now. You're welcome to stay." How could I refuse such an offer??
Poop amongst friends
Hey all....haven't been on here in way too long but had a great pooping experience this past weekend so thought I'd share...
We had been out at a party with some friends, and we're on our way home with our friend Molly. My wife declared she needed to poop, and was calling the main bathroom when we got home. Shortly thereafter I felt my bowels stirring myself and called "no. 2" in our second bathroom, which in actuality is just a toilet behind a curtain downstairs. Not much privacy, but no big deal with family and friends. Gets the job done. At this point Molly made it known she would need the toilet too. No worries, I reassured her, I would hold it. No, she insisted, I had "called it" first.
We arrived home and my wife ran for the upstairs toilet. Molly and I headed downstairs. I quickly headed towards the "bathroom" with Molly right behind. Now I have pooped in front of Molly before (we're longtime friends), so I wasn't really concerned about dropping my drawers in front of her. No sooner had my bare butt hit the toilet seat then I immediately started expelling soft chunks of poop into the toilet with loud plops. Molly had on her best game face as she did a "happy dance" next to me. I honestly for a moment considered spreading my legs and offering her a buddy poop but we had never done anything quite that personal.
I assured her I'd go as quick as possible. Finally I felt I'd expelled the last of my waste, and I quickly set to wiping. I gave a few quick swipes, and flushed as I arose. Molly's pants were already down, and her butt cheeks settled down with a large fart, then an explosive burst of poop. She continued on for a moment, sighing with relief. "I don't think you could have finished a moment sooner" she remarked as she cleaned up. She arose, flushed, and we proceeded upstairs to meet my wife, who had had a little less urgent, yet no less satisfying dump!
McDonald's poo
This morning, I went to McDonald's to have breakfast. Almost immediately after I finished eating, I realised that I needed to do a poo. I went into the bathroom, only to find that the toilet was absolutely filthy and was almost overflowing because it was blocked in some way. I knew that I couldn't wait until I got home, but neither did I want to use that dirty, nasty toilet.
So I pulled my skirt and panties down and squatted down next to the toilet. My anus opened and I pushed out two big poops that were fairly solid, and I accidentally let a dribble of pee out as I did so (oops). Then I wiped with some tissues that I had in my handbag, and sprayed some perfume to try to cover up the smell of what I had done. I felt so much better but also slightly guilty about not using the toilet.
In the end, I decided that I would use some more tissue to pick up my poo and put it in the toilet, so that at least nobody else would have to do that for me. I made sure to wash my hands very thoroughly after that!Just Jerika
Hovering, Seat Covers & Long Walks
I'm on campus most of the day between my classes and with my study partner in my math class, which is the hardest gen ed requirement I can imagine. Me and the girl who sits next to me in class study together, but with different class schedules, it is an hour here and a half hour at another time thing. Sometimes we use a study room in the student union. Sometimes we use the study lounge in the library. That's fine until Heather has to go to the bathroom. Then time is wasted big league.
If we're working in early afternoon right after lunch. She will call a break after 20 minutes for her crap. For a simple crap she will not use one of the nearby bathrooms. Last week she was in heals from a professional development class simulation she had done and Heather literally walked from the library to the administration building six blocks on the other side of campus. Then she goes up to the 3rd floor because there is a community conference center there that has these seat covers she puts on the seat. She must have been gone about 40 minutes. A couple of times she made the long walk over there just to urinate. She said she would not be long, but when she came back, she was mad because of the long lines for each cubicle on the floor of our building and that there wasn't enough toilet paper in her first cubicle to put over the seat. So she want downstairs to another bathroom. Then Heather said she'd like to learn to hover.
As for me, I go to the closest bathroom, identify the first empty cubicle, drop my jeans, take my seat, wipe, flush, wash my hands and then I'm ready to take on more math problems.Lynette
Hi everyone, I just stumbled upon this website, while looking for A raised toilet seat for my husband who is recovering from A hip replacement surgery. After reading A few posts I decided to share one of my embarrassing moments. It happened 47 years ago in October 1970. I'll never forget it because shortly after this experience I married the love of my life. I was in my last year of high school and Halloween was vastly approaching. I decided to go as a hippie(original I know). I walked downtown to get some supplies when I seen Tom walk towards me. Tom went to my school and was on the football team. I wasn't one of the cool kids so I thought for sure he would walk right past me. Guess what he didn't, he stopped to talk to me. We must have been talking for at least five minutes if not more. When he was leaving, he invited me to A Halloween party at his house later that night. I got the supplies, went home finished the costume and got ready. The whole time I was getting ready, I had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I thought it was just nerves so I didn't think anything of it. As I got close to Tom's house I got that familiar feeling, find a toilet and FAST. I couldn't go into Tom's and stink up his bathroom so I went into the trees next to his house. I pulled my pants down and threw them away from me so I wouldn't get them dirty. I squatted and before I had a chance to push diarrhea just started streaming out of me. Luckily I had TP in my purse. I finished pooping and started to pee when I heard voices. Oh shit what am I going to do I mumbled. I tried to pee faster but it didn't work. Next thing I knew Tom opened up the tree branches and saw everything. I was mortified. I got redressed and ran home crying. I never thought I would hear from him or anyone at that party again. A few days went by and my house phone rang. Mom answered and screamed out Lynette it's for you. I ran to the phone and here was Tom. We talked a little and he asked me out on a proper date. We went for a coffee and then the movie theater. After that night me and Tom were inseparable, we got married in July 1971 and raised three daughters and two sons together. Every now and then around Halloween Tom will bring up that story just to try and embarrass me but it don't work.
Hi everyone, I just stumbled upon this website, while looking for A raised toilet seat for my husband who is recovering from A hip replacement surgery. After reading A few posts I decided to share one of my embarrassing moments. It happened 47 years ago in October 1970. I'll never forget it because shortly after this experience I married the love of my life. I was in my last year of high school and Halloween was vastly approaching. I decided to go as a hippie(original I know). I walked downtown to get some supplies when I seen Tom walk towards me. Tom went to my school and was on the football team. I wasn't one of the cool kids so I thought for sure he would walk right past me. Guess what he didn't, he stopped to talk to me. We must have been talking for at least five minutes if not more. When he was leaving, he invited me to A Halloween party at his house later that night. I got the supplies, went home finished the costume and got ready. The whole time I was getting ready, I had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I thought it was just nerves so I didn't think anything of it. As I got close to Tom's house I got that familiar feeling, find a toilet and FAST. I couldn't go into Tom's and stink up his bathroom so I went into the trees next to his house. I pulled my pants down and threw them away from me so I wouldn't get them dirty. I squatted and before I had a chance to push diarrhea just started streaming out of me. Luckily I had TP in my purse. I finished pooping and started to pee when I heard voices. Oh shit what am I going to do I mumbled. I tried to pee faster but it didn't work. Next thing I knew Tom opened up the tree branches and saw everything. I was mortified. I got redressed and ran home crying. I never thought I would hear from him or anyone at that party again. A few days went by and my house phone rang. Mom answered and screamed out Lynette it's for you. I ran to the phone and here was Tom. We talked a little and he asked me out on a proper date. We went for a coffee and then the movie theater. After that night me and Tom were inseparable, we got married in July 1971 and raised three daughters and two sons together. Every now and then around Halloween Tom will bring up that story just to try and embarrass me but it don't work.
Brandon T
comments & stuff
To: Mina it sounds like you had an upset stomach and lucky you made it to the bathroom and avoided an accident and I hope you feel better.
Well that's all for now.
Sincerely Brandon T
PS. I love this site
Jessica B.
Hello everyone!
To Mina: Yeah, I also like writing, but sometimes I can't help but fear to boring other posters on this site. I always try to leave plenty of "left characters" when writing a story.
To Uncle Harry: Thank you very much for your compliment. I motivates me to keep writing. Unfortunately, I didn't make myself clear enough: I just spent two days hiking with Helen, which was more than enough. Now it already snow again, so I suppose next camping trip will take place in spring.
To Brandon T.: Thanks, and indeed, we had fun.Catherine
To Victoria B, RE: Almosts
Victoria B,
My "almosts" seem to be almost each time I go! You may remember, I have shared stories of times when I did clog the toilet, times when I forgot to flush, and an instance when I did not attempt to flush!
It's a great question, though! I hope you are well and I love your stories! Again, I celebrate your healthy diet change and its affect on your bowels!
Timed Toilet
I was catching the bus home when I had this intense feeling to poop. I had been holding my poop in since school. I got off the bus and tried to look for the nearest bathroom. Unfortunately, the only one was one of those timed public toilet nearby on the opposite street. With my guts gurgling, I hurried to the toilet. I saw that the vacancy light was blinking green, meaning it was free. I pressed the button to open the door and went into the hi-tech bathroom.
Inside, there was a single toilet, a sink, and two hooks for clothing items. The toilet paper was dispensed from a machine with a button that had to be pressed; it only gave out about 5 sheets at a time. I hung my bag and jacket up on the hooks, lowered my pants and underwear to my ankles and took a seat on the toilet. I groaned as 4 thick, firm logs crackled out of my butt, hitting the bowl below with a thud. The relief was fantastic, but seeing as how close I came to pooping myself, I figured I should have gone at school or something.
I had been sitting for about 5 minutes, pushing out some loose poop and farting some gas out, all the while I was on my phone, playing games. This passed the time further, and about 3 minutes later, I figured I was totally empty, and went to wipe. I turned and looked over at the dispenser, which required me to press a button and then wait for 5 or so sheets to SLOWLY come out. I pressed the button and waited.
While waiting, I noticed a sign above the door, along with a small light. It read: "If this light starts blinking, please exit the toilet immediately". This got me thinking; what was the time limit? My question was answered a minute later, when a voice informed me that I needed to exit immediately. Keep in mind that I was still wiping my very dirty butt and waiting for more paper to roll off.
While I was cleaning, the voice telling me to hurry up stopped, and I thought I was clear; I was far from it. The door to the toilet suddenly opened, exposing it partially to the streets. I was slightly out of view, but if anyone came remotely close to the public toilet, they'd see me sitting there.
Funnily enough, this happened. I was still busy wiping my ass while the door was wide open when I heard quick footsteps turn and begin approaching the public toilet. A woman in her early 30s appeared at the toilet doorway. She saw me instantly, and apologized. I tried to wipe quickly, but the dispenser was on a cooldown. I would occasionally see the woman sneak a peek before looking away. I tried to pretend not to notice.
I decided that I didn't want to keep the woman waiting, so I stood up and washed my hands before the toilet automatically flushed. I came out of the toilet, looking very red, as the woman entered the toilet after me. She managed to close the door, and I hurried home.