
I am 16 and in high school. Jiarong is a chinese girl, fair skinned, really cute face adorned with a pair of bright yellow spectacles, and great body..

She was a really cheerful girl but at the same time conservative, she was so exotic to me as girls like these rarely exist in America. To top it off, she aws extremely intelligent and hardworking! She is always smiling, even when she's embarrassed or nervous. And she blushes!! She seems so kind hearted and I have a HUGE crush on her..

One time during camp I had to use a unisex toilet. I was stupid and tried to hold in my poo for 3 days and i think it had converted to diarrhea. I erupted on the can and it was so painful I could usually control my diarrhea to some extent but at that point no matter how hard i tried... even with the minimum strength i used to push, my stomach would gurgle painfully with hot diarrhea burning and bubbling out of my hole...

The worst thing was, we were on an island with poor facilities so the bathroom did not have any door. most people who went into the unisex toilet saw me sitting and despite having another toilet beside mine, no one used it... some gagged, some just walked away quickly.. but i had grown so adapted to telling them it was going to be smelly before the rest of the people came in so luckily i wasnt subjected to as much embarrassment..

Then suddenly, the door flung open! it was jiarong!! she was walking really quickly, and her face looked pale, with her yellow bright specs on it as beautiful as ever. I heard her undo her knickers under her skirt as she lifted her skirt up quickly.

There was a loud thud from beside my toilet. There was a separating wall in between our toilets so I couldnt see what was going on but could CLEARLY hear Jiarong.. She was having the nastiest case of the runs ever, just like mine.. It was spluttering, blurting, bubbling, wheezing.. Everything.. And she was moaning a bit, sometimes in relief, sometimes in pain..

"Hey are you alright?" I asked
"Not sure.. This is embarrassing, just forget everything u hear ok?" She said

Then another stream of diarrhea came out of her hole like a faucet.. "bluuuurrrrrrtttttt, bzzzzzzzz.."... "ERRRHHHH" SHE EXCLAIMED.. it got me so turned on my penis rose up the the tip of the bowl i had to hold it down.. i wiped and went to wash my hands...

i looked at her through the mirror.. her panties were to her ankles.. but the moment she saw me, she lifted her panties to her kneees to cover her bits.. "hey, dont look" she said.. lol.

I tried to stall for time but couldnt. i walked out.

First, I apologize for my french, frenglish or american barbarisms. I think you understood : I'm a Frenchie. I enjoy to read your confidences. I'm been reading your secret stories during many weeks and I wish to share one of mines.
I was in a tour in United States (a long time ago, so I forgot the state where the story takes place) and I spent a good night in a big hotel.
After a shower, I went into the lunch-room. After lunch, as I was before the time of the departure of my motor-coach, I decided to go to the public toilet of the hotel to try to have a poo : I can't have a poo in motor-coaches and I become quickly constipated. Coming in the men's room, i saw two rows of three "stalls", with no doors and only lox partitions. Nobody was there, but I was afraid to become uncomfortable it would be another guy in the room. I'm shy for pooping in public toilets if there are other people when I'm in a closed cubicle. So, no doors, in the sight of anybody... "Well, come on !" I choose the last stall on my right, far of the only door of the room. I pulled my trousers and underwear down around my ankles and I sit down on the bown and I tried to relax. I peed already in the shower (as many men did), so I was concentrated on my poo and I strained. Nothing came. Then , the door opened and a guy came and choose the stall in front of me. He pulled his jeans down around his ankles too, as he sat down on his bowl. Great time of silence. I was petrified on my bowl. He said to me : "Hi, are you shy in toilets I was, too, but I won against that embarrassment, by talking with others. Because of your clothes, I think you come for the Europe... May be are you a Froggie ?
Don't worry, you may strain in front of me and you may push farts, it don't mind me." "Well, you're right, I'm shy for pooping when there is people near me..." And we continued to talk as old fellows and I felt my stomach relaxed. He told a sentence and he strained, I answered, then I strained, and so on. He pushed out some farts ; I pushed out a long fart. Then, i knew i could have my BM and I Strained. He was straining for a long time and he pushed out his poo with a short grunting "Nnngh ! Nngh!", then he wiped, he pulled his clothes up and left, saying to me "Have a goop poop !" "It's time" , I said, "Thank you !" And I pushed out my wished turd, with a relief.
I wipe quickly and I pulled my underwear and trousers up. I washed my hands and I left. I came to my motor-coach, it was time, too.

Have a nice day.

Mommy to be

Status update

Well, I haven't posted here for a couple of weeks, but things are still going well. I'm now 14 weeks in and it's starting to show now, and that's pretty exciting for me, but I think, oddly, my husband is more excited than I am. Today I had two BMs, each consisting of three large pieces. Both my motions were kind of difficult to get started. I hope that's just an oddity and not a sign I'm headed for constipation. I'll remain optimistic and we'll see what happens. Bye all.


Im back(Pregnant pooping 5)

Sorry guys that i havent written in since last Sunday. My internet went down on Monday morning and didnt get it fixed until last night(Monday). Well when i last wrote in i said i thought i was in labour and was given an enema. Well on Thursday i had a check up and was given another enema as i hadnt been since that previous enema on the Sunday. Havent been since then, 5 days ago but i kinda feel like i could go. Im going to try to live poop for you all now. Roll on 2 weeks today when hopefully my baby girl will want to meet me. Haven had any twinges since last Sunday but i want this baby out now. Im really tired and i would just love to poop like i normally do with having to strain.

Anyway back to my live poop. Im pulling down my jogging bottoms and underwear. My tshirt pulled up over my massive bump. I swear its grown since i last wrote in. Well here goes. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, nothing, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, some movement, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhhhh, its coming now, really slowly, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, PLOP, PLOP. Aah that felt good. More to come. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, PLOP, PLOP. Think im done. One more push to see, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no i done. And wipe. All in all 31 minutes, kinda short by my standards recently.

That's all for now.

hello everyone! i hope that everyone is having a Good year so far! yesterday was a really busy for me! i worked plus hungout with a good friend of mine and was gone all day long! on my way home last night at exactly 11:23pm i stopped by a gas station that was close by near my apartment! i went to the womens! i have used the bathroom here on a regular basics!~ so i went the womens odd enough the door was open! then i noticed as i was walking in the mens bathroom was shut and there was a sign that read" OUT OF ORDER PLEASE USE THE OTHER BATHROOM"! that meant that a man could use this bathroom as well! okay there was a valid reason, however iam not comfortable with the idea of some man just walking in while i having to take a shit! the idea plus thought just gives me chills! this bathroom only has two stalls! the second one is handicap with alot more privacy! i should have chosen that one but i didnt! so i took the first stall! pulled down my black skirt and my white panties! i began peeing! then almost instantly i could feel my first load come out nice and slowly! seconds lately i was completley done! i wiped only two times! this time i put a small amount of dirty tiolet paper! when i opened the tampoon despencer i could tell that other women had previously used this stall! it was pretty full! i put the remainder of the tiolet paper in the tiolet! then when i went to pull up my white panties i noticed a stain on my panties! i pulled up my panties and pulled up my skirt! i got up too see what the results were! i was quite amazed! there was a turd that was extremely wide in width that spread out several yards and i also noticed that that was a turd about 5 inches long that stuck out of the hole! i left the stall without flushing! i went to the sink to wash my hands two times in a row! i left the bathroom and i purchased a 1 liter of Dr. pepper to drink and a slice of cheese and peppernoi pizza to eat to have as a snack!



to Brad: i really enjoyed your post! sounds like you got a thrilling surprise by throwing away that out of order sign away! it sounds like the idian women left a nice gift for you! i lookforward to your next story! please take care and God bless!
to Christine(FL): i really enjoyed your post! we live in the same state! iam very sorry to hear about your terrible stomach ache that you have exprienced! iam also sorry to hear that your constipated and that hasnt let up! i hope that you feel better soon and that your constipation clears up really soon! sounds like your gonna have an extremely huge dump that you will experience in the near future! if things dont clear up by the middle of the week then i would advise you to make an appointment with your doctor! i lookforward to your next post! please take care and God bless!
to Blythe: welcome to this forume! congradulations on your first story! you did a Great job sharing with everyone! sounds like you had an interesting experience at the furniture store! it also sounds like the mom of the two younger kids is not a Good parent too them at all! that was very kind of you too offer to take the young girl to the ladiesroom after the fact that she unfornately had an accident that could have easily been prevented! thats really cool that you have a huge crush on the young kids older brother! i wish you the best of luck on your first date to dinner! i lookforward to your next story! please take care and God bless!
to Karen: i really enjoyed your post! sounds like your oldest son had alot of fun taking a dump in his pale blue bin! iam glad that you didnt punish him! iam sure that this memory will stick in his mind forever ! i lookforward to your next story! please take care and God bless!
to PooperGirl: i really enjoyed your post! thats cool that you had a bucket in the tent and behind as well! sounds like you and Lisa had a good cleanout the first night ! Sounds like on the second night that you had a good bowelmovement! sounds like that Lila was shy as well! but she did have a good cleanout as well! it also sounds like on the third day that lia had a fun time peeing in a bush! i guess that she wanted to hold in her poo as long as possible! in the end it sounds like that Lia had to suffer from her bad choice of holding her poo for like four days! its too bad that she had to return home with a messy bum and like messy underwear! hopefully this bad experience will be a lesson for in the near future! i lookforward to your next post! please take care and God bless!




i'm back

Hello everyone, my name is Ellie and I used to post on here a long time ago. I don't know if any of you were around then, but I used to post about my brother Kev and sister Little Lou and how we would pee in front of each other, etc. Anyway, I got busy as did my siblings and we eventually stopped. Kev went to college, than I did and we didn't see each other as much. Well the other day, Louisa (little Lou) called me and asked me what the name of this site was. I guess she was telling her girl friend about it and wanted to know. I had forgotten all about it so went to check it out. Imagine my surprise that it is still up and running and people are still posting! It has changed a lot, but it is good to be back. I read over some recent posts and there are some interesting posters on here! What I noticed is that back when I was posting, it seemed there was a more sense of community. We all knew what was going on in each other lives and shared more than a story and then a comment about it. I would like to get the site back to that feeling. I felt like family back then. If any of you are still around, let me know! Kendal, Lawn Dogs Kid, Louise, and many more. I still pee standing up if any of you are wondering and have perfected it. Lou taught her girl friend and it something we all enjoy doing together still. Anyway, this is getting kinda ling, just wanted to re-introduce myself. I will be posting again soon!

Today at school I had to do an emergency poo at lunch! At break I was pretty urgently needing to go but there was a massive queue and the bell went before I could get a seat. I thought I could hold it through next lesson, and I did- barely! After ten minutes or so the urge went away a bit, but then in the last fifteen minutes it came back strongly! The teachers normaly don't let you go in the last ten or so minutes of a lesson so I clenched my cheeks tight and held it. The bell finally went and I hurried to the loos needing to go really badly. There were four girls waiting and they all looked pretty anxious to be on a toilet. After a few minutes I finally got a much-needed seat and started to let out my number two. Two logs came out rapidly followed by an embarassingly loud trump! I was far from the only girl going poo but it was still loud enough to make me blush! I pushed put four more small poos and a bit more quiet gas and felt much, much better after!


Reply to Christine in FL

Christine, it's fairly normal for otherwise regular people to miss a day or two on the pooing front. However five days without 'doing anything' is pretty rough if you're not used to it and I can imagine you feeling fairly grim. I hope the situation's resolved itself since you posted and you're back to some sort of normality. I don't know what your diet and daily routines are like. However as a rule of thumb, eating plenty of fresh fruit and veg usually helps to make constipation less frequent or likely. Keeping well hydrated and having plenty to drink is also important as is a decent amount of exercise. I find good brisk walks help to keep me regular. As indicated in other posts I've made, I'm not a big fan of medicinal laxatives, other than as an absolute last resort. They work by disrupting the natural functioning of the bowel and whilst they might work as a short term fix, used on a regular basis I think they're likely to cause as many problems as they solve. I've found generally that constipation's a self limiting condition which normally resolves itself naturally without any medical intervention being necessary. However if it starts to become a long term problem which isn't resolving itself, I'd have a chat with your doctor about it in order to eliminate any possible underlying causes which might need further investigation. Good luck. Let me know how you get on.

Emma F
Abbie & Leanne- more grear posts from you recently! Keep them coming!

Today I had my last exam and near the end I started needing a poo. When I finished I went to the loos and took one of the free cubicles. I sat down and eased out three long turds. I heard another girl was pooing as well with a few plops from another cubicle. I finished with two little bits of poo and then a fart. I wiped and left.

When I wear skirts I usually have my underwear at my feet when I'm on the toilet, and most of my knickers are cotton, but it doesn't really matter because I still do the same with them!

Nick (ibs)

Reply & School story


To Lee: Thanks very much for replying to me. I have had a few instances where I have had diarrhoea very quickly after having eaten, especially if I have had alcohol so it is possible that that is what the case was with you. Do you also have ibs then? How long have you had to deal with it? You mention that you were at this a college? I'd be interested in hearing any stories you have to tell.

To Duchess: Again thank you for replying to me. You have raised a couple of interesting questions for me. Working at school is hard for me....not least because I usually find it very embarassing to excuse myself to go the bathroom.....I often make excuses in order to avoid this embarassment. So when I am teaching in my classroom I do not like to leave it for anything.

I have considered wearing protective underwear......and in fact have had to do so over the last two months as I have had some bedwetting issues due to the stress. I would however feel very self-concious about wearing such garments in public although I think this might be worthwhile.

I had an accident in my classroom a couple of months ago. I have a Year 11 tutorial for twenty minutes between lessons 1 & 2 which is always an awkward one. They were meant to have assembly this day but it was cancelled at the last minute and I found myself quickly trapped and needing to go. I should of course just have left the classroom to go to the toilet, but this is something I find very difficult to go. With about ten minutes left of the tutorial I was in dire straits and ended up dismissing them early. Most of them had left, but there were about four or five who were late on their way out and it was then that my bowels simply emptied. It was absolutely dreadful as you can imagine. I simply had to run for the toilets (only just down the corridor to add insult to injury). A truly terrible moment.

Thank you for your interest.....I would be very interested in any stories you have to share yourself. In the meanwhile take care.

Nick (ibs)

When I was 3 and knowing when to go and what to do, I was having a bowel movement on the home toilet, not on the potty. My mother took me to the toilet. I raised my red plaid dress, pulled down my white cotton panty brief to my ankle and perched myself on the toilet with my little ankles together and my knees apart and one hand on my pussy. I was amazed as I was getting the feel of a bowel movement that did not go in my clothes. I remember my rectum opening 5x to drop these huge brown logs that stinked. I remember that long buzzing fart. Then, my mother said, "You are making pee-pee." I felt it. Bowel movements cause bladder pressure to release. After that, I looked forward to using the toilet. I was now a big girl! I was so happy to have bowel movements and urinate in the toilet like all the other females. I have experienced it all: regular bowel movements, constipation, relief, enemas, laxatives, diarreah, long pees, short pees, farts, cramps, noise, smells, etc. At home, school, church. work, playgrounds, camp, airplanes, buses, trains, ferries, stores, eateries and unusual places.
Casey: That sounds like my bowel movements when I was a girl. I could eat 5 giant hamburgers at once and they would sweep through me in two hours. But, I used a toilet.
To that guy who got the case of the shits in the middle of the night: I guess that is when the virus attacks you. I had them. They are not fun. They used to scare me to death. Nothing but dark brown water gushed out of me with cramps. I would stink up the bathroom and my bowels could be heard dwon the hallway. Sometimes, I could not decide which part of my anatomy to put on the bowl. My parents used to stay up with me all night. Then, I was home for a week. I could catch up with Courageous Cat and Tintin.
I am taking probiotics. My bowel movements have been thick. I will tell you more later.

Skirts,dresses, and panties.
This is a question for the high school and young adult women that wear skirts and dresses without pantyhose but with just panties.
When you pull your skirt or dress up to sit down on the toliet
do you have your panties:

(1) At your feet down by your shoes? Yes, most times.
(2) At your thighs or knees? sometimes, if I must sit on the toilet quickly.
(3) Right next to your pubic area so no one can see anything if they
walk in on you? sometimes, same as above. I do not care if anyone sees my underwear.
Also what is the fabric of panties that you choose to wear and
does it matter on what skirt or dress that you wear? mostly cotton, although I have a drawer full of silk and nylon. I wear cotton almost daily. Sometimes, I will wear nylon or silk. If it is cool and I wear a dress or skirt with heavy material, then it will be a synthetic.If it is warm or hot then I will wear cotton panties under my cotton dress or slip. I wear a slip because I got to business daily. My mother taught me to wear a slip, so that my dress or skirt would hang properly. I am a lawyer in court and I must look my best. Defendants fight over me. I am the best dressed in court. Judges also want me in their trial parts so they can get a look. They are such dirty old men!

When I was in HS, we girls could be seen from the south and east wings while we were changing clothes in the north wing gym. I discovered it from my science classroom as I saw girls and even my English teacher changing in the locker room. She liked to play basketball with the girls. She wore peach, pink, white and black panties, as well as a slip of a matching or contrasting color. She had a body that would not quit. I liked changing clothes next to her. She and I shared a bathroom experience when I had an episode of diarreah. She was taking a piss.

jpc: I have held my pee a few times, but I have stopped. I am an athlete who drinks lots of water all the time. It flushes me out. Sometimes, I will pee 3x in an hour. I pee a lot during the day, at the office and court. Next to the court is a five-star hotel. So, I duck in there when I am on the street. Otherwise, I will use the single toilet behind a closed door in the courthouse.

Proud to Pee: I stand over the toilet to pee a lot. I do not have to sit. I just let down my pants and panties to my ankles, spread my legs or squat and pee. I do that a lot in the park when I am running and I am away from a public toilet. Surprisingly, the female toilets are clean because we girls are not slobs like the boys. Even the homeless girls are pretty neat about themselves. If I pee in the park toilet, I turn up the seat before I stand or squat over it.

Scared.: I used to wait until everyone left the bathroom when I was a little girl because I did not want to be the one with the loud and smelly bowel movements. My bowel movements were huge and often painful. I was that way at church and in school. So was another girl. So we were company for each other at Sunday School. I used to hate the bus terminal. The bathroom was huge and frightening to a little girl like me. It was like a rat maze with about 20 stalls. I once went into the stall and just could not release. I sat on the bowl sacred. I came out and got on the bus with my mother. We went to my godparents' house. When we got there 45 minutes later, I felt at ease. I went into the upper level bathroom, lifted my khaki dress with the butterflies, my white slip, pulled down my pink panties to my knees and put my skinny behind on this huge bowl. I had no comic books to read. So I had to play with my garments and myself. Did my stomach ever hurt. I just squeezed and pushed out eight huge baked potato-sized brown stools and I peed a real long time. I was in second grade. My folks asked me if anything was wrong. I called out that I was fine. I was in there for about 30 minutes. Each piece was murder to evacuate. They crackled as they were pushed out. Plus, I stinked up the place and I let out a loud squeaky fart. When I was finished, I took lots of paper and wiped myself good through the front and the back. I then pulled up my underwear, let down my dress and slip and flushed the bowl. It was real loud. Then, I went to play with their cat.


Holding too long

Last week I was caught out again. I was actually at home. I had been doing various jobs, mostly in the kitchen, more and more needing to go but continuing to put it off. Just when it dawned on me that if I didn't get to the loo there would be a disaster, the phone rang. It was my brother who went on talking and I could not get him off the line. Yes, as he talked, suddenly I couldn't hold it anymore. I just stood there trying to sound intelligent while weeing copiously in my knickers and jeans.

I have remembered an occasion in London about three years ago. I don't go to London that often but was there for a meeting connected to my work. Several colleagues and I ended up having dinner together and then went our separate ways to where we were staying, which for me was in West London. Before setting out I felt a slight urge but, as usual, almost without thinking, put it off. I had to get two tube trains with a bit of a wait between the first and the next. By the time I got out of the first train, I was needing to wee quite badly. If I could have done, I would have gone to the loo at that point since I now realised I was entering the danger zone. But, as at most underground stations, there were no toilets. I was walking up and down the platform with my hand in my coat pocket discreetly holding myself. It must have been obvious to anyone who gave me a second thought that I was bursting. On the second train I sat with my legs tightly crossed and my hand pressing through my pocket. I really began to think I might wee myself sitting on the train. Somehow, I made it to the station. Getting up, a little spurt dampened my knickers. Another followed as I left the station. I had about a quarter of a mile to go. Less than half way, I realised I was about to burst. I just managed to scuttle into a side turning and stand with feet apart weeing through my knickers and tights while hoping nobody would see me. Then followed a wet walk the rest of the way though I cannot claim that that was a new experience!


big accident

I've been reading this site for a few weeks now and love the stories but now I thing it's time I shared one of my own. I'm a 14 year old boy and I love having a really good poo. Well yesterday I was walking to school when I felt a pain in my belly and knew I was in for some runy diarrhea very soon. I hate having a poo at school but I was desperate and it was better than doing it in my pants. I sped up my pace as the urge got worse but then I felt my lover belly push down into my bum and I nearly did it in my pants. I felt really sick and weak so I couldn't walk fast. I had about a mile to go and knew I wasn't going to make it to school in time so I phoned my mum to come and pick me up come take me home. She asked if I something was wrong and I told her I didn't feel well and needed to go home. She said ok and five minutes later she pulled up in The car. I got in but as I did I squirted a little bit of diarrhea into my pants. My mum could smell it and asked me if I'd done anything. I felt my face burning red and told her I'd farted but she knew I was lying. She just said to try and hold it untill we got home but I wasn't sure if I could. After an agonizing few minutes we were home at last and I jumped out of the car leaving the door wide open and ran up to the front door holding my bum with both hands. I had to wait on the doorstep while my mum closed my door and locked the car and by the time she opened the front door. I felt my hands getting wet. I couldn't hold it any more and diarrhea flooded my pants and ran down my legs. I felt so sick I even peed myself and it went on for ages. When it stopped I felt like I would pass out and my mum had to help me up the stairs and into the bathroom. She undressed me and got me into the shower and cleaned me up. She got me dry and I put a dressing gown on and went to bed to rest.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

John H

Bursting to go updait Post Title (optional)

hey all sorry its taken me so long to get back on here and let you know how I got on.
I posted last Friday after eating a large meal and I had been holding in a load for around 3 hours.
As I said in the last post after I had eaten the food my need to go really increased but I wanted to get a few jobs done around the house before going to the bathroom and letting it all flow out.
After dinner I done the washing up and by the time I was drying the dishes I was letting out farts to eas the pressure on my whole.
There was a moment where I thaught I had lost control but somehow I managed to hold it back.
When I was changing the bins I knew I couldnt hold it much longer so I didnt even tigh the top of the binliner and I headed for the bins.
I had only gotten as far as my hall when I knew that it was near the point of no return and at the same time an idea hit me and I dropped the bag of rubbish on the floor, unbuckled my belt and dropped my trousers and boxers and held the opening of the bag to my ass and let go a long log.
It hit the rubbish in the bag with a thud and was followed up with some long loud farts that eckoed around my hall.
I pushed and more softer poo followed up and dropped into the bag.
The smell was rising at this stage and I noticed how diferent it smelt than when I go in the toilet.
Needless to say I felt lots better and I went into the bathroom and wiped myself.
Then I tighed up the bag and took it out to the bins.
I have to say that I enjoyed taking a dump that didnt include the use of the toilet.
Afterwords it got me thinking about how much I enjoyed going in the bag and I would like to hear stories from people who have went to the toilet in strange places.
I would like to maybe try some ideas if people are kind enough to share them with me as I have already now went in a bag and in the bath and I am running out of ideas.
Looking forward to suggestions and stories.
ps really enjoying all the stories that are been posted up here each day.
Keep them flowing, John H

Hello everyone. I am fourteen and I live in England. On Saturday morning, I decided to have a bath. I ran my bath and put in some bath oils, and after about ten minutes I was quite relaxed. I heard a knock on the door and my mum asked if I was using the loo. I answered "No, I'm having a bath." She then opened the door and said "Oh good, I need a poo very badly" and sat down on the loo.

She farted two times and I heard a big splash. She peed for a long time with two splashes while she was peeing. She gave a sigh and a small moan followed by another splash. She let off a quiet but long fart, and then three quick loud farts. One more big splash and then she started to wipe. She wiped one time on her front, then her bum, folded the paper, and wiped her bum again. She rolled another few sheets of paper and wiped her bum one last time.

She closed the lid of the loo, without flushing, and left the bathroom. I stayed in the bath for another half hour longer and when I got out, had dried off, and was fully dressed again, I went to flush the loo, but I couldn't resist the urge to look at my mum's poo. She had left behind five pieces of poo, each of them about ten to twelve centimetres long.

Online Status-related somewhat

Somewhat related, I guess. This was back before the days of Facebook, but a girl I had become friends with online were on Instant Messenger one night when she sent: "Be right back - mother nature calling on line two!" I'd never heard that one before, or since. :)


Out of order prank

Im a sophmore at Virginia Tech, pooping has always interested me, especially females pooping, My part time job is a janitor at one of the halls, there was an out of order sign on one of the stalls in the womens restroom so, I took the sign and threw it away then turned on the lights, when I came back to clean the bathroom I saw the light was on, and then I see my sociology professor leave, she is in her 30's, Indian, bout med build, nice figure I guess she was grading papers late. After she left I went in the restroom and the smell hit me so hard, I looked in the broken toilet and there was about 8 to 12, yellow turds about 3 to 5 inches long, skinny and they floated.

Christine in FL

Constipated Again

I don't know why I keep getting constipated.
After my last episode, I had normal poos for the next two days. A little hard to get out, but at least I was managing to go to the toilet. But for the last couple days, my digestive system seems to have stopped working completely. It hadn't been bothering until this morning, when I woke up feeling uncomfortable and sick with a swollen belly. I realized that it'd been five days since I'd had a poo. I was still in bed, so I rolled over onto my back. The weight of my ???? seemed to be pressing down on me, and I massaged it for a while. I felt no urge to go but went and sat on the toilet anyway. I strained and strained, but nothing came out.

Hi everyone my name is Blythe and I am new to this forum. I have read up on the stories and have my own I would like to post. Before I start, I will introduce myself. I am 21, blonde hair, blue eyes, 115 pounds, 5'7 and i love pee stories.
Anyways I was at a furniture store this weekend looking around because I just moved into my own apartment. The store is huge with a big showroom upstairs. The only bathrooms are downstairs and it takes quite a bit to get from one end to the other. I was upstairs looking around when I overheard a little girl tell her mother that she really had to use the bathroom. Her mom told her too bad, she should have went earlier when they were downstairs. The little girl replied she did not have to go then. I felt bad for this girl, especially since I was in the same boat. I also had to use the restroom but it was very far away and I too did not need to use it when I was down there. The mom told her daughter that she did not want to walk all the way back downstairs and she would have to wait. The little girl appeared to be about six or seven years old, by the way. I was debating telling them mom I would take the kid to the bathroom since I had to go too, but did not know if that would be weird, when across the store I saw this boy from one of my classes. I have a huge crush on him and forgot all about my bathroom needs and went over to say hi. We started to talk and I was excited he seemed happy to see me. We were discussing our class when the little girl came over. Her pants were soaked and she was crying. Dean, the boy I like, turned to her and said, "Cassie what happened? DId you have another accident?" The little girl, Cassie was still crying and said that her mom told her to come over and bother him about it because she was really mad. She had turned around and I could see she had a big bulge in her pants and smelled like poo. The poor kid had peed and pooped herself. Dean turned to me and introduced me to Cassie, who turned out to be his little sister. He bent down and told Cassie it was okay, she should have come to him sooner. He tied his jacket around her waist and they headed for the bathrooms. I said I would come with since I really needed to go at that point. We made the long walk down and Dean explained to me that their mom was not very nice and could not be bothered with things like taking her own kid to the bathroom. He said he was the primary caregiver of Cassie, which is why he did not move away for college. We reached the bathrooms and I told Dean I would go in with Cassie and make sure she cleaned up okay. He thanked me and said he would wait outside. We walked in and Cassie took one stall and I took another. I immediately let out a torrent of pee, it felt amazing! I came out and washed my hands, but Cassie was still in there. I asked her if she needed help and she let me in her stall. Her underwear was filled with poop. Like completely filled and weighed a ton. I threw those away and asked her to turn around. Her entire bottom was caked with poop. I wet some toilet paper and helped her wipe herself. It was really gross, but I felt bad for her and again, I have a huge crush on her brother. Once she was all cleaned up, she put her pants back on. They were wet, although I did my best to dry them with the hand dryer, and smelled like pee but she did not have another option really. We exited the bathroom and Dean was there waiting. He picked Cassie up, regardless of her pee pants and said their mom was outside waiting. He thanked me for helping Cassie, since he could not go in the women's bathroom. I like him even more now! And he asked me out to dinner, so I am really excited.
Anyway, sorry this story is so long, I just wanted to share. Hopefully you enjoyed it!

1. Have you ever peed your pants? Yes
2. How many times? many times
3. What ages? until age 6, then at age 11. THAT WAS IT!
4. Stories See my earlier posts about school and day camp
5,6,7,8 same as 1-4 but with poop
5-8. many times at home about age 3 in a dr.'s office. I did not know how to ask. That was the end.
For the guys: I never messed in my pants, but I've had to make #2 at my boyfriends' homes. See my earlier posts. I ate too much junk food at a movie or did not go at school.

Hannah: My cousin is a bus driver, He used to get non-lavatory buses on charters and on long-distance schedules. If he had a child who needed to use a toilet, he would either go to the next rest stop or drop off at the next exit where there would always be a McDonald's. Now, he gets all lavatory equpment. That can be excruciatingly uncomfortable. He always tells them at the outset of a charter to use the bathroom at the church or school.

Jenny: How old are you? That is what a good healthy bowel movement should be. 20 inches is not bad at all. I can still do it. When I was a little girl and a teenager, I used to sit on the toilet for 30 minutes at a time just pressing them out. From nursery to 8th grade, I used to have these thick heavy and sometimes painful bowel movements. 4th grade was murder. I was not the only girl. My classmates would not hold their bowels. So, they would move their bowels at school. One girl, who was very shy, would wait until after dismissal to make #2. She would duck out of line and go to the toilet. I had to stay at school because I was failing in math. I would encounter her when I would go to urinate. I am surprised that I am not dead from holding my bowels for long periods, especially at school. I just could not bring myself to do use the school toilet. When I got home, was in the bathroom for 30 minutes.

postman: My cousin's 14 year old son was sick as a dog Christmas night. He was over it in 24 hours.

UKN: I was a transit worker's daughter. My father was put his way through school driving surface vehicles. I would like to visit London. I feel sorry for that poor boy who messed himself. God knows what was going through his mind. I do not like using subway toilets unless I have to. The last time I sat on a subway toilet was when I was about 26 years old. I used to at the local station near my high school. Sometimes, I took a pee or #2. I've seen girls deperate for both in public places. I was with the little girl of my father's dep't chairman at college. We were running around the place and we were both 12. We were way on the other side of the college exploring the place. Suddenly, she said, "We gotta find a bathroom. I have to make pee and #2 bad." We walked the hallway until we found a female toilet in the women's physical education dep't. It had five stalls, the last being one without a door. She took that stall, lifted her dress, white slip and pulled down her pink cotton panties to her ankles. She held her clothes in her hands and squatted over the bowl with her legs opened. I asked her if she wanted to sit on the toilet. She said that she never would sit on a public toilet. She went, "UH" and pressed five heavy thick brown logs along with a long pee that lasted almost 60 seconds. Plus, she stinked the place. The logs splashed into the bowl like boulders. I asked her if she was comfortable that way. I told her I only squat to pee or #2 if the toilet is unclean. We talked about girls' bodies. Then, I gave her paper from the dispenser to wipe herself. She was very meticulous. When she was finished, she pulled up her panty and fixed her dress and cotton slip.

Postman: That is expected after a stomach flu. I was like that in elementary school. I was happy to have a firm bowel movement after days of diarreah and drinking horrible liquids. I would never drink those juices and soups now. They are poison.

Longest fart you've ever done? 10 seconds

Largest poop you've ever done? 30 inches-five logsx6 inches. I have some larger. That does not include laxatives, enemas, and diarreah.

Longest pee you've ever done? 120 seconds
see my many stories. I did a lot when I was a girl.

to the 13 y/o: You must be a girl from what it sounds like. I was fortunate to got to a religious school where there were cleanliness standards and we could go anytime we pleased. See my earlier posts. You are normal. Don't worry. Enjoy being a 13 year old girl.

to the 13 y/o boy: That is so nice. I gave my classmate Jamey an erection when he spied on me while I sat on the toilet and peed in the classroom toilet. We were in kindergarten. I did not know what it was but I excited him. When I came out, I rubbed his erection through his short pants and even reached under to his little white briefs. We both giggled.

Anne (David's Wife): I remember those schoolgirl days. I used to hold mine in for long periods of time in elementary school. In 4th grade, I used to be constipated. I dreaded moving my bowels due to the pain, the noise and the smell. My mother and the school principal would not allow me to wear my skirt or jumper short. It had to be knee-length and I had to wear a slip. You were lucky to save the undewear, not to mention your uniform skirt. In 7-8th grades, I decided to use the school toilet for #2 when it arose. I had to go home a few times with full bowels. FINE. I made it home. "But, what was going to happen tomorrow," I used to think while I sat on the toilet in my school uniform at home in the afternoon.

ASSley P.: See my earlier post when I ate junk food at the movies and had diarreah at my boyfriend's house. I was barely in my 20's. I was on the bowl, just letting it all run out while my boyfriend watched.

Michelle: Take your time. Make the time. I move my bowels before I leave the house. That is my first AM order of business at home ever since I was a girl. I do not want to be caught short. I've had to use subway toilets which I do not like.

jpc: about Michelle, I used to hold my urine for long periods of time. I could because I was little and could bear it. I do not anymore. When I get the urge, I go. My cousin died of renal failure because he held his urine for long periods of time. My father and mother did not like when I did that. My father was a transit worker before he became a lawyer and a judge. He would stop his bus or streetcar anywhere to use the bathroom. He though nothing of stopping at a subway-el station or any public place that had a clean bathroom. He told me how he would stop his streetcar and hold up other cars on the line behind him. He could get back in his car and resume his run and still keep his time. Today's transit worker cannot do that. I miss my old man everyday. We were very close. I was his one and only child.


Replies and an old story

To Online Status: Well, it's been a long time but from memory the worst part about being pregnant for me was feeling like I had to pee all the time, I didn't have too bad of morning sickness either time but I made up for it with not being able to leave the house for fear of having to urinate. Never peed in my pants but of course I kept my trips rather brief when I did have to go out, at the supermarket I'd shop first for nonperishables and then I'd have to use the bathroom in the store, then I'd get the rest of the items. And don't even get me started about the horrible gas. I craved peanut butter and chocolate milk so much and it seemed that those two foods gave me such bad gas.

To: Brandon T: Thanks, I'm feeling a lot better now. I'm convinced that it was either the pecan pie or the pineapple Swiss burger but I'm more inclined to think it was the pecan pie because, one, I'd never eaten pecans before and two, it was so extremely sweet after I'd been off processed sugar for a time.

Here's a funny story not about me but about my oldest son. When he was ten he took a blue plastic pail into his bedroom closet and had a BM in it and left it in there. I found it when I decided to locate the source of the stench in his room while I was vaccuming. I found the bucket and it was obvious what was in it. I was so disgusted that I took the pail and threw it in the backyard as far as I could. I asked him why he would do such a thing and he said he had to go so badly and both bathrooms were occupied at the time, so I didn't punish him but I told him if he ever had to do that again he shouldn't leave it in his room. And here's the funny part-days later his younger brother was talking to one of his pals to invite him over for the weekend cookout at our house and he told his friend "oh, and when you come over here if you see a blue bucket in the yard whatever you do don't touch it … my brother sh** in it and it had corn in it, too".



Here is another class poop for you.

Once my class went camping in England to see what England was like.We were all exited about going we had to get to school at 6:30 am so we could catch our plane.We were flying to Manchester and then driving down to dorset and it was a very long drive.We all had a poo before we left.We packed our bags and left.We had a few toilet breaks on the way.We got on our flight and eight hours later we were in Manchester.Then we took the bus all the way down to Dorset.A few hours later we made it to Dorset we were staying there for two weeks.We went to our camping spot and the camp didn't have a toilet surprisingly so we used a bucket that was behind mine and Lias tent.We didn't have much time before we went to bed so we got ready to go to bed.Me and annabelle used the bucket before we went to bed.Annabelle did a long poo and it smelt gross and I just did a pee.Then we went to bed.

Day 2

I woke up and the whole class were making breakfast I needed to poo first so I went over to the bucket and sat on it and pushed and a few solid poos came out so I wiped and had breakfast.I noticed that lia wasn't acting normally so I asked her what was wrong and she took me into the tent and said she needs a poo but she is to shy to go In front of everyone I was surprised because I thought she was going to say she missed her family.And then I asked her how desperate she was and she said quite desperate.Then mrs Mullany said that we were going swimming in the lake today.We all went in our tents to chane into our swimming gear and went swimming.After a few hours we went back to camp and had dinner of curry and rice.It was then bedtime so I went to the toilet and saw mrs mullany wiping her bum right in front of me.I then took a small pee and went back to bed.I woke up in the middle of the night and lia was farting like mad and they were so loud that I couldn't get back to sleep.

Day 3

I woke up the next day and I saw lia changing her clothes she didn't know I was awake and she went outside and sat down and read a book.I then came out a few minutes later and asked her if she still needed a poo and she said she did.And I said that she couldn't hold it in for two week but she thought she could.Fifteen minutes later the rest of the class came out and started to have breakfast.Lia was rubbing her ???? as it rumbled loudly she must have been really desperate.Mrs mullany said that we were just playing around the campsite today.Me and lia needed to fill up the water bottles and on the way lia said she needed to pee and I said shall we go back to the camp but she refused to use the bucket.She went behind a bush and I followed her and she stood up and pulled her trousers down and peed.She peed with gaps inbertween I guess she didn't want to poo.We went back to camp and had dinner and then went to bed.

Day 4

Lia had been holding in her poo for four days I don't know how she did it.I woke up and ruby was sitting outside so I joined her.Ruby mentioned that lia wasn't acting normal and I said that she was afraid to use the bucket.Lia then woke up holdin her stomach in agony.And we both said that she should poo now and we wouldn't mind.She then moaned at us and walked away.Mrs mullany came out her tent and said that we wernt going anywhere today again and then she sat down and stared reading.A while later me and lia were walking around and talking and all of a sudden lia ran and went Behind a bush so I decided to follow her.When I looked I saw her undoing her belt and then she pulled down her dark jeans and purple knickers and squatted over a small hole in the ground.Then about two seconds later she did a massive fart and a ton of runny poo came out her bum along with more farts.She then pushed a tiny bit and twenty poos came out I guess she gave up holding it in.She then did another huge fart and she pushed and groaned for 30 seconds and poo splattered everywhere and all over her trousers and knickers.And then tons more poo went everywhere.She then realised that she didnt have any toilet paper so she asked me to go back and get some.So I did and I returned and lia wiped her bum that took about fifteen wipes.and then she pulled up her knickers and trousers that were covered with poo she was really embarresed.

Se you soon




What was the best toilet poop scene everyone saw in movies besides Dumb and Dumber,And Not Another Teen Movie?Mine was Van Wilder.

1. Have you ever peed your pants? Yes
2. How many times? many times
3. What ages? until age 6, then at age 11. THAT WAS IT!
4. Stories See my earlier posts about school and day camp
5,6,7,8 same as 1-4 but with poop
5-8. many times at home about age 3 in a dr.'s office. I did not know how to ask. That was the end.
For the guys: I never messed in my pants, but I've had to make #2 at my boyfriends' homes. See my earlier posts. I ate too much junk food at a movie or did not go at school.

Hannah: My cousin is a bus driver, He used to get non-lavatory buses on charters and on long-distance schedules. If he had a child who needed to use a toilet, he would either go to the next rest stop or drop off at the next exit where there would always be a McDonald's. Now, he gets all lavatory equpment. That can be excruciatingly uncomfortable. He always tells them at the outset of a charter to use the bathroom at the church or school.

Jenny: How old are you? That is what a good healthy bowel movement should be. 20 inches is not bad at all. I can still do it. When I was a little girl and a teenager, I used to sit on the toilet for 30 minutes at a time just pressing them out. From nursery to 8th grade, I used to have these thick heavy and sometimes painful bowel movements. 4th grade was murder. I was not the only girl. My classmates would not hold their bowels. So, they would move their bowels at school. One girl, who was very shy, would wait until after dismissal to make #2. She would duck out of line and go to the toilet. I had to stay at school because I was failing in math. I would encounter her when I would go to urinate. I am surprised that I am not dead from holding my bowels for long periods, especially at school. I just could not bring myself to do use the school toilet. When I got home, was in the bathroom for 30 minutes.

postman: My cousin's 14 year old son was sick as a dog Christmas night. He was over it in 24 hours.

UKN: I was a transit worker's daughter. My father was put his way through school driving surface vehicles. I would like to visit London. I feel sorry for that poor boy who messed himself. God knows what was going through his mind. I do not like using subway toilets unless I have to. The last time I sat on a subway toilet was when I was about 26 years old. I used to at the local station near my high school. Sometimes, I took a pee or #2. I've seen girls deperate for both in public places. I was with the little girl of my father's dep't chairman at college. We were running around the place and we were both 12. We were way on the other side of the college exploring the place. Suddenly, she said, "We gotta find a bathroom. I have to make pee and #2 bad." We walked the hallway until we found a female toilet in the women's physical education dep't. It had five stalls, the last being one without a door. She took that stall, lifted her dress, white slip and pulled down her pink cotton panties to her ankles. She held her clothes in her hands and squatted over the bowl with her legs opened. I asked her if she wanted to sit on the toilet. She said that she never would sit on a public toilet. She went, "UH" and pressed five heavy thick brown logs along with a long pee that lasted almost 60 seconds. Plus, she stinked the place. The logs splashed into the bowl like boulders. I asked her if she was comfortable that way. I told her I only squat to pee or #2 if the toilet is unclean. We talked about girls' bodies. Then, I gave her paper from the dispenser to wipe herself. She was very meticulous. When she was finished, she pulled up her panty and fixed her dress and cotton slip.

Postman: That is expected after a stomach flu. I was like that in elementary school. I was happy to have a firm bowel movement after days of diarreah and drinking horrible liquids. I would never drink those juices and soups now. They are poison.

Longest fart you've ever done? 10 secon


First time seeing Nina on the toilet

It was a few weeks after we moved in together. I had listened to her peeing and pooping a few times before, but this event marked the first time I got to be in the room and see her going. We had run out of toilet paper, and I went to the closet to fetch another roll, only to find that, oops, I'd forgotten to buy a new pack and we were completely out.

I told Nina and then I walked to the store around the corner to buy toilet paper. When I returned I put the rolls in the closet and grabbed one to put in the bathroom. Nina was using the toilet, so I knocked and opened the door just a crack. I told her I had some paper and held out my hand. She replied that she was still going at that moment and asked if I could bring it to her. This was perhaps my greatest fantasy, so I had to take a second to calm myself and answered sure and I went into the bathroom. As I approached to give her the paper, I noticed the wonderful aroma of her poop. I was thrilled and wanted nothing more than to stay with her, but I restrained myself and left the bathroom.

For a few days after, that experience stayed in my memories. I thought about it and I finally worked up the courage and I told her about my interests. She seemed a bit put off at first, but that was a better result than I was expecting. I was afraid that she would think I was a freak and leave me, but instead she respected my interests as a difference in opinions; just something I was into but she wasn't. But then much to my surprise, after she had thought about it, she decided to let me watch the whole show, from beginning to end.

I'm out of time for now though, so I'll post again tomorrow with the continuation...

I went to watch a basketball game at another university this afternoon. I needed to have a poo quite badly since I didn't get the chance when I left school. Unfortunately I was seated in a bad spot so it was going to be hard to get out and down the bleachers to use the washroom. I held it in until the game finished. By the time it was over I was bursting to go. It took a while to exit out but eventually I made it out of the stadium. I went to try and find a washroom that was a bit out of the way since I knew the main washroom in the stadium would be quite busy. I went through the empty hallways of the school until I found a bathroom a bit further away but it too was quite busy. The men's washroom had 8 toilet stalls and no urinals. 6 of the 8 stalls were being used but everyone was seated having a shit by the sounds of it.

There was one handicapped stall that I had my eye on at the end and the toilet flushed just as I approached it and a guy about 18 years old came out. I went in and it smelled really bad. The toilet was full of skidmarks and it looked like he had just had a good shit. I locked the door and dropped my jeans as I unrolled toilet paper and line the seat. I dropped my boxers and sat down on the toilet. I released some farts discreetly before I started to push out a very thick turd. It took about 30 seconds for it to come out and land in the bowl. I got up and saw it was quite long, easily over a foot long. I sat back down and pissed as I unrolled a few wads of toilet paper. The bathroom was quite busy with toilets flushing often so I was able to release a few noisy farts. I felt a lot better and much relieved after I was done. I flushed the toilet and left to wash my hands.


To Nick (ibs) and other stuff

Nick: I totally feel your pain man. It has happened before to me, but in a bus from school. Hope you get better and wish to hear more about your IBS stories. Here's one from me anyway.

This happened yesterday. In the morning after the first few periods of History lesson, I had this bad, squirmy feeling in my bowels. I quickly went to the bathroom, and sat down. I pushed and groaned, but nothing came out. Then a small drop of poop, the size of a small piece of thread. My stomach felt a bit better, but I felt really worried about having constipation. After school, my dad took me to lunch, and we had Japanese food. It was a set course, so it came with a promotion, which was a sake/ wine paired with the food. I had many sips (or gulps) of the alcohol paired, but I didn't take gallons cause the taste always is bitter. After lunch we were walking around the mall, and I had the same queasy sensation. I thought that it would probably be another few poop marbles, so I ignored and the we went home. All the way home my stomach just grew more and more queasy, and at home I literally needed to explode. I quickly ran to the bathroom, fumbled with my pants, sat down and had really explosive diarrhea. I sat there for 10 minutes, non stop diarrhea coming out, with loud farts and all. My dad came over a few times to check on me, and when I was finished we saw the products. The toilet was almost full to the brim, with brown soft water. I flushed and wiped 7 times.

Has anyone experienced this before? Either was it the alcohol or my bowel and IBS?


Biggest poo ever

When I was a teenager, I was really embarrassed about having to poo. I hated going for a poo anywhere except at home in our private bathroom. Even then, if we had company over, I'd hold in my poo. Problem was, many times I would be holding in a poo to not have to go in public, and then when I finally got home, the urge was gone, and I couldn't poo. So one day, when I was 17, I was walking home from school and I got the urge to poo and I hadn't been in over a week then. I made it home and rushed to the bathroom, yanked down my school uniform skirt and began to unleash a very urgent poo.

I let out many large pieces of poo before I got a moment to stop and flush. The flush didn't quite sound right and I looked between my legs and a lot of my poo wasn't flushed away. I still had more to poo out, and I had already blocked the toilet. I continued to poo even more and more. Unbelievable amounts of poo were coming from me. I flushed a second time, but it was for nothing, as the huge mass of poos I had deposited didn't even budge. I didn't know if I'd ever stop pooing, but then finally I did.

The toilet was totally blocked just with my poo, so I didn't dare wipe. I grabbed the toilet brush, flushed, and forced some of my poo down the drain. I repeated the process four more times and then I could wipe and gave a final flush to take my paper away. So it took a total of seven flushes for my massive poo, but in the end the toilet was working okay.


Oh gawd...

So i had been on the toilet at the theme park for 5 minutes now, loading it with floaters and diarrhea. I was wiping but as soon as the paper reached my butt... i pooped on my hand! diarrhea was all over my hand! It stunk, and i realized i had a problem: I had to wash my hand. i couldn't go to the sink because i was on a school trip. i counted as many as 11 different people coming in and out while i was on here. if someone saw me I'd be ridiculed for life... no sinks not an option.
I could wipe my hand with paper but, unfortunately, there was only quarter of a roll left. and the poop had dried on my hand.
so i made a decision: i was going to wash my hand... IN THE BOWL!
I gagged as my hand entered the pooey water. i tried to stay clear of the chunks and floaters but many touched my hand. i shook my hand in the water and the diarrhea came off. i then wiped and washed my hands in the sink. the day then carried on as normal.

Natalie X

Skirts, dresses and panties

Survey answers:

When you pull your skirt or dress up to sit down on the toilet
do you have your panties:

Depends what I'm doing, if I go for a piss then I usually just leave my underwear at my knees. If I'm taking a dump then they often end up on the floor, either due to movement or me manually putting them there.

Also what is the fabric of panties that you choose to wear and
does it matter on what skirt or dress that you wear?

For me I don't care whatever dress or skirt it was I would generally pull it up rather than take it off.
Most of my frenchies are cotton, all my thongs are silk, except for my t-back ones.

Random survey I must say >.<
Natalie x

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