
Will's Girl
You all know me as Will's girl, just cause i don't wanna say my name and Will is my boyfriend. Ok now. This happened last summer. Me and my friend Logan went to Six Flags this summer. He's my best friend, but he grosses me out so he's not a possible candidate for ever being a b/f, which is cool. Anyway, I was wearing a one piece bathing suit which is real small on me, and a pair of cheap-ass black short shorts from target that were cotton. Anyway, we drove there, like an hour. Then we get to six flags, and we're standing in line for a rollercoaster. I started getting major stomach cramps, and it was like 90 degrees. We were in line for like half an hour, and my stomach was killing me. We finally got on the ride, but the ride made it so much worse. In the middle of the ride, I had to shit, and shit bad! It was horrible! We took a loop, and I thought I was gonna loose it cause i was jarred everywhere so much. Then we took a major sharp turn, and the g's just squeezed it out of me. I felt like a long fart that just squirted out diarrhea into my bathing suit and just filled all the cracks and seams of the cloth to my ass. The ride finally stopped, and I said "logan, I shit my pants." He just started laughing, and I said "what can I do?" Well we started walking towards the gift shop so I could buy a t-shirt. I got it. Gooey shit was just packed in my suit. I walked into a bathroom, went in a stall, took my shorts off. They weren't damaged, thank god, but they were so short and loose. Like a really short cheerleader skirt! I changed into them, no underwear, and the t-shirt. My stomach didn't feel much better, so I got on the toilet and pushed, but to no avail. It just burned. SO I got up, told Logan we were going home. I looked aweful. My skirt-shorts were just short, black and trashy, and my t-shirt just tacky. We got into the lot, left, and about 10 minutes into the way I feel a major presure in my stomach. I tell Logan to pull over at the next restauraunt. I refuse to go in gas stations. I had to fart, and when I did, there was a liquidy eruption that I couldn't cut off. Diarrhea just started pouring into my skirt-shorts and when I tried to cut it off, it just burned to much. While this was happening, I go "oh my god logan, i'm shitting my pants!" I didn't have any f???ing underwear on either so there was nothing to hold it in!!! We finally FINALLy came to a restaraunt, we passed so many g????n gas stations. I got out, and chunks of shit just splattered on the pavement and slid down my tan legs and into my shoes. It was really sick!! I went in, and the f????g girl's bathroom was out of order, so I went into the guys. I shitted some more and wipped all the shit I could off of the horrible horribly revealing, horribly stinking, horribly filthy feces-soaked shorts. It wouldn't have been as bad, if something could contain it. cause now it was just obvious cause I had nothing to keep it in. I rode home with logan in misery, filthy shorts sticking to me, shit drying on me, windows down. It sucked. WHen I got home I shit some more, took a shower, went to bed.

ShortSkirt Girl:
Sometimes it varies on how you sit on the toilet, or what your toilet is like. I typically squeeze out several wide fat ones, but sometimes on different toilets, usually ones at other peoples' houses, I can only get out some small slivers. Also, how often do you poop? That can make a difference too. I usually go every other day.

Welcome! You are a lot like me; I'm very casual and relaxed when I'm pooping too, and on a couple of occasions I've forgotten to wipe too, although I would usually realize it right away. I often do homework on the toilet too: read 5 pages and then push one out. What sports do you play? I hope you keep posting!

Love to all,

Hi, Roberta here again. Just wondering: have any of you peed underwater while swimming somewhere other than a swimming pool? (lake, ocean, etc.) And would peeing through your swimming suit stain it or make it smell later? Thanks.

Hi everyone. I've been reading here for a few months. I'm 16 years old. The main reason I'm writing is to tell you about my little sister Lily. She's 13 years old. Lily has Cerebral Palsy and uses a wheelchair. She's actually lucky. She doesn't have any problems mentally, it's all physical. She has pretty good motor skills with her hands except that her right hand is quite a bit weaker than the left and her handwriting isn't great. Lily also has a bit of a weak bladder, although that has nothing to do with her CP. She gets constipated occasionally; the doctors aren't sure if her CP causes that.
Our parents have always been pretty lenient about the toilet. We've never been punished for an accident, and they've even encouraged us to go in our pants in some situations. Lily is a bit different in that area though; she goes in her pants at least once a week. It's pretty much become a normal part of our lives. I've pretty much taken over from my parents as far as Lily's toileting goes. I've always been facinated by people's bathroom habits, and it provides us an interesting sister-sister bond. I must admit though, my parents willingness to let me take over caring for Lily's bathroom needs might have something to do with the fact that I don't mind cleaning her up after she poops. LOL.

So...Enough boring details. How 'bout a story or two?

When Lily was 10 and I was 13 our house was damaged by a tornado. We had to stay in a hotel for a month while they fixed our house. It was sort of an exciting experience in itself, but Lily's presence made it even more so. See, at our house the bathroom has a bar on the wall so that Lily can hold on to keep her balance while she's on the toilet. Obviously the hotel bathroom didn't have that, which meant someone (usually me) had to go to the bathroom with her to make sure she didn't fall. It only took me about a week to figure out that if she only needed to pee it was easier to let her do it in the bathtub where she couldn't fall.
We also shared a bed since there were only two in the room. One night I woke up because I needed to pee really bad. I started to get out of bed but then I realized that the butt of my pajamas were already wet. I brushed my hand across the front of them and noticed that they were dry. It took me a few seconds to realize that Lily had wet the bed. I decided that since the bed and my pajamas were already wet with Lily's pee there wasn't much point in me getting up, so I laid back down and relaxed my bladder. It took a few seconds for my body to get the message but pretty soon I was wetting the bed just like Lily had done. The hot liquid flowing out of me and pooling around my butt felt really good. I became really relaxed. That's when I realized that I kind of liked peeing in my pants. Needless to say our parents were very confused and a little amused when they woke up the next morning and saw their two obviously wet daughters.
One day near the end of our stay in the hotel Lily and I decided to take a walk around the inside of the hotel. Actually, I was pushing her wheelchair but you know what I mean. About 10 minutes into our walk I said something that made Lily laugh. After laughing for only a few seconds she suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong Lily?"
"Don't make me laugh again." Her voice was really strained as she spoke.
"Okay. Why not?" At this point I had stopped pushing her and was kneeling down in front of her.
"I have to go number two and it's almost coming out. If I laugh again I'm going to have an accident." She seemed really freaked out by the thought of pooping her pants, even though she had just done it two weeks earlier in the car after school.
"Lil, what's the problem? You poop your pants all the time and it's never bothered you before."
"I know, but...None of the kids in my class have accidents."
"No one in your class EVER has an accident?"
"Well, ok. A couple of kids have but not nearly as much as I do." She looked like she was about to cry.
"Do they tease you?"
"No. Not really. They understand. I just feel like such a baby sometimes."
"You're not a baby Lily. Even kids in my class still have accidents."

We sat in silence for a minute or so.

"Okay, now that we've got that all straightened out. Why don't you go ahead and go? You'll feel better. I promise."
She shook her head no.
"Why not?"
"I'll get in trouble." Her voice had changed from sad to whiney.
"Lily, you know better. I only remember you getting in trouble for having an accident once, and that was when you pooped in the tub right in the middle of your bath, and you didn't even really get in trouble. They just told you to tell them when you need to go."

After hesitating for a few seconds she decided that I was right. She grabbed ahold of my hand and squeezed it while she grunted and pushed. About 3 minutes later she was done. We went back to the room after that and took a bath together. Since her poop is usually pretty dry and solid there wasn't much mess or smell, although she did push so hard that she managed to get a small wet spot on the front of her pants. For the rest of the day we pretty much just laid around in our pajamas watching TV and talking. Lily needed to pee twice during that time. The first time I took her to the bathroom and she used the toilet. The second time I just went and got two really thick hotel towels and placed them under her so that she could pee without getting up.

Since that's pretty much all of the exciting stuff from our hotel stay I'll post this now. I'll try to write more in the next couple of days.

Happy holidays everyone.


OK, the XENICAL blurbs at the end of the drug company ads is the understatement of the year. If you wanna lose wt, and go on Xenical, watch out. That stuff is scary. First of all, I got really bloated. I felt like I weighed even more taking the med, than before. Then, my first dump was more like the Exxon Valdez. There was a BRIGHT ORANGE later of GREASE (all of the fat I didn't absorb) on the top of the toilet water. Thank goodness there weren't any helpless little ducks in there! That was bad enough, but the part in the TV ads about anal "leakage" was the understatement of the year. If I even FELT like I had to pass gas, then I found I had to run and sit on the toilet. It was about 50/50. If I didn't do that, I might be able to fry catfish in my skivvies. Has anyone else tried this crazy stuff? It's AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yea, I lost weight, but just couldn't stay on it with the side effects! Anyone else tried it?

anyone one here seen that "The underground comedy" comercia on comedy central? because the commercial shows that the tape has "super models on the john taking a @#$%!" and i was wondering if that scene on the film is any good. anyone know what im talking about? just curious

Mouse - (sorry for the double post) in that story did you only pee or did you poop too? just curious

Silly Girl
One time I caught cute blue belly lizards. I heard that if you kiss a frog that it may turn into a prince so I tryed kissing those to see what they would turn into.
All I got was Salmanela. I woke up at midnight throwing up and soiling my panse. Whenever I told mom I had to go to the bathroom she told me to hurry before I soil my panse. The next morning it still was bad, mom had to throw away my under panse and clean up the out house and I kept appoligizing to her. Luckily when we drove back it did not hit me again and mom told me that if it does to let her know and I asked her what good it would do if their is no bathroom and she told me that we could still pull over, because she much rather that I got that mess on the side of the road then in my panse and all over the car seat. A few days later after driving back from camp,we had to drive back to Helena Montana from Sacremento California. Luckily it did not hit me on the way back otherwise mom would have made me go on the side of the road and then I considered it worse then going in my panse, even though that was the summer before fifth grade.


I am watching "Hack". O'Shansky's son is being held hostage asks to use the bathroom in a "safe" house. The bowl is not hooked up and he refuses. So his captor gives him a choice: Go or wait it out.

eli: In high school, we had these stalls with short doors that you could look over. They were standard Board of Education issue. As you got taller you could see over good. See my earliest posts.

Silly Girl: I used to be afraid to move my bowels at school because I was afraid to fart. That is why I held my bowels until I got home. In high school, I farted for the first time when I had my first bowel movement in the high school bathroom. I used to stink the place good, sometimes.

ShortSkirt Girl: A high-fiber diet of vegetables and fruits, protein and water will give you bulk. Also, add flax and seeds to your diet. Plus, adopt a vigorous exercise regimen, like running, biking, tennis, swimming.

a gal: I can pee standing or sitting. I pee standing if the bowl is not clean or I am in a hurry.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our friends.

I am trying to determine what was the earliest movie to show a female poop scene. I read somewhere that the 1930 movie L'Age D'Or has a scene which shows a woman having a bowel movement. Can anyone confirm that this movie has such a scene? If so, I'm sure this is the earliest well-known movie to have such a female poop scene.

If not, does anyone have a good idea of the first mainstream movie with a female poop scene?


Louise: Here are my answers to your newest survey.

1.E Always pee in the shower. If I'm coming in from the pool, with my suit on, (how I shower), I pull the crotch aside and pee.

2. D I will pee in any sink if the stalls are full.

3. A No, as I do not have a bidet.

4. D I often pee anywhere I am, if it is easier than finding a bathroom.

5. H all of the answers!! I just peed the other day behind the school dumpster during recess(I am 13.)

6. peed in a dumpster, peed in someone's yard(behind a bush), pooped and peed in trash can(not my family's)

6a. 1 yes, 2, we don't have street urinals in the US. Story: all the stalls in the ladies and mens were full, so I just pulled my pants down about 1 foot, walked over so my pussy was above it, and peed. My boyfriend (with me) thought it was so cool.

7. 3 I usually only have to pee if I am completely full. I kindof like peeing on the floor, anyway

8. 5 I pee on the floor, into the sink, or into a trash can(like you said.)

8a. 4 I go on the floor almost every time if the toilet is gross.

I was in a bathroom the other day. It was SO disgusting that I peed on the floor the farthest away from the drainn that I could, even though it was in the open part of the bathroom. I just squatted and peed.

Upstate Dave
Well its Christmass eve and I want to wish all here on the forum Happy Holidays. There is a related tv commercial on tv now with Santa going down chimnies delervering gifts. He comes down one and just before he gets out of the fireplace you see his legs and feet dangleing and the announcer is saying; Where will you be when your diarreha come back? You should have taken Imodium ID! Meanwhile the family dog has his boot clamped down so he cant get back up to get out.

To Anthea-
Hi, I really liked your story. What a nice lady she sounded like....hope to hear more from you soon!!! Merry Christmas and happy new year.

To Pissypants -
Nice stories......sometimes I used to not eat anything for the morning and afternoon either because I was always worried about getting stomach cramps while taking a test at school. One day though, I discovered that it wasn't the smartest idea because my ???? really hurt while I was in the middle of a quiz and I couldn't really concentrate. I got a bad grade, so from that point on I always had a snack before school. I also had to pee real bad during a test once from all the water I had drank throughout morning, but luckily I was able to wait until I finished the test. Hope to hear more from you soon.......Merry Christmas!!!

To Susan -
Haha, good job on making your 20 bucks!! Pooping in your pants for money sounds like a fun thing! Merry Christmas to you.....

Small story tonight.....I was at my friends house last night and we both had to pee. It was late, her parents were already in bed, so we both went into the bathroom together and timed each other peeing. She won...she had 25 or so seconds and I only had around 20. It was fun though, maybe we'll try it again sometime.

Happy holidays to everyone!!!!!!!!!!

Amy L.
hi im 16 5'3" have black hair im really skinny .well anyways i took the biggest crap of my life today .(hadnet gone in lil over a week)omg it hurt soo bad .well i got up this morning and looked in the mirror and saw my stomach was buldging out a lil and i started to worrie so i went on the rest of the day feeling like an over stuffed turkie. around lunch my friend jess came over and she asked me what was wrong and i told her i need to use the bathroom but it woudlent come out. so she told me not to worry and that everything was going to be ok . she wated around with me until i could go she suggested that i eat something to hurry it along so i ate a huge hambuger. after we got done eatting we went to the bathroom i ask jess to stay with me .i pulled my panites down to my thighs and sat down on the toilet and jess sat down on the floor. i could feel it wanting to come out so bad but my lil butthole wouldent open that wide. i could tell that it was going to hurt really bad i started to push and push but nothing happed it was splitting me in two jess came and put her hand on my thigh she said push as hard and as long as u can so i strined my lungs out and it started comeing little by little it was really hard and nobbie it felt like i was shitting out an eggplant it was so big. i finally got about 4in of it out of my little body then i stopped to rest .jess was so sweet to me during this hole ordeal. anyways i started pushing again and it wouldnt move i tried soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard but nothing it was ripping my lil hole. god it hurt ,i started crying and jess calmed me down and told me that i could do it so i pushed soooo hard that jess said my vaines in my nack where popping out it slowly started moving again and it fell out one soiled chunk hitting the water 2 min later. my butt hole was stinging for 20 min .after all this i gave jess a hug and thanked her. we coudlent flush is b/c it was to ended up being a hard knobbie solid pice of crap we took a pic of it and measured it out to be 2.5" by 8" and i think i even saw a lil blood .tell me what u think

Hi all. I am posting from my laptop at home now. You want a good movie bathroom scene huh? Rent the movie Van Wilder! There is a scene near the end of the movie where this dudes girlfriend gets pissed off at him at puts something called Colon Blow into his protein shake just before the dude has to take his medical board exams. The scene is hilarious as hes farting and the other students reactions to it! Then finally as his exam is over and he is walking to find a bathroom he gets met by the people who want to interview him for medical school. The look on the guys face is classic. Finally he cannot hold it anymore and pulls his pants down and explodes into a waste paper basket causing the female interviewer to throw up and run from the room. It was hilarious and that movie is hysterical anyway for other reasons. I highly recommend it!

A Random Stranger
I am just curious about female pooping habits. I used to be a lurker around here, and though I haven't read recent posts. I remember the general feeling was that girls poop more often. Even if I'm wrong about that being said, I wonder if its true anyway since I'm working on a theory. See, I only poop every so often. I wait untill I gotta GO and that can end up being once a week, or even less often. No I dont hold it for certain times or places to go, its just that I dont need to go that often. my loads arent that large, maybe one log a foot long.

but recently I started sitting down to pee and found something strange. Sometimes when I sit on the toilet when I only have to pee and have no urge to poop whatsoever, as soon as I sit I feel something and when I finish peeing, pass a log with relative ease. I find it curious that I dont need to go and then all of a sudden my peeing session has become a pooping session as well. Do any females here experience similar happenings? I would greatly appreciate any response and if anyone is interested in my theory I would gladly respond with any other details needed.

Thanks - A Random Stranger

Christmas morning poop:

Last night on Christmas Eve we had alot of food. I had calamari, linguine with olives and anchovies and scrod, then salad and Christmas cookies and coffee.

This morning I had eaten some Christmas cookies and coffee then I had the urge to go to the bathroom. I went into the bathroom at about 9:30 am and had a BM. It was light brown, almost orange and smooth and a pretty good size. It was also on the smelly side but not over done, kind of like tomatoes a little. I only had to wipe 1 time and got dressed and went back to preparing the Christmas dinner.


ShortSkirt Girl
TO SURVEY GIRL: thought I'd add my answers to your survey. I'm a 36-year old married female by the way.

1. Do you enjoy pooping? Yes, I look forward to the anticipation of having to go, and find it relaxing/pleasureable when I'm doing it.

2. What position are you in when you're pooping? Sitting, standing, etc.? Sitting usually, with my thighs slightly apart and a fiarly straight back. If I go anywhere other than the toilet (i.e. outside etc., I usually squat on my haunches although I have done it completely standing up.

3. Do you get stomach aches before you poop? Not usually - unless it's my period. Usually I just get a nice 'heavy' feeling in my bowels.

4. Do you make grunting noises while you're going? My husband says he's heard me make little 'grunting' or sighing noises if I'm really concentrating on going.

5. About how many times a day do you poop? Usually once or twice: After breakfast and then again sometimes in the late afternoon, before I go out for an evening or before I go to bed.

6. Do you look forward to sitting on the toilet and going? Yes, I think it's a nice 'ritual' and I love the feeling of emptying myself

7. Do you find pooping relaxing? Yes - I do a lot of good thinking on the toilet!!

8. Do you ever push on your stomach to get the poop out? Never tried that - maybe I should. If I'm really having a tough time, I tend to raise myself of the seat a bit.

9. What are two signs that you have to go (besides a stomach ache)? Well I guess farting is a dead give away, and my stomach grumbling

10. Do you ever have to catch your breath after pooping? Yes, I have done when I've made a unusually big BM

11. Have you ever had sucha difficult time pooping, that you cried afterwards? No, not that I can remember.

12. Do you like to take as long as neccessary on the toilet, or do you get it done as fast as possible? If I'm at work, or doing chores around the house, I'll go as quickly as I can. If I can relax and enjoy the sensation I'll take my time.

13. How do you feel about having someone in the bathroom with you, like to keep you company? I often share the bathroom with my husband and don't mind sharing with close girlfriends. The only thing that embarrasses me is if I know I'm going to be flatulant or that it's going to smell bad!

14. Have you ever got off the toilet, thinking you were finished pooping, but then realized as you walk away that you weren't done? Sometimes I do, yes. But usually I know when I'm done.

Hope it helps!

I'm driving home one night and I live near a mall where I hit major traffic to the point where I had spent 30 minutes and had only moved a short distance, and of course I was starting to feel the urgent need to do a bm, I had a pretty stressfull day and for some unknown reason I just pushed and pooped in my pants , I've never done anything like this ever and now the problems started " oh god how can I go home like this " the bm was pretty solid but now I was desperate to pee " there's no hiding it when you have peed yourself " I made it to the mcdonalds and when I got out of the car the reality of it hit me , I tried to non chalantly walk to the bathrooms but if the smell didn't give me away the way I was waddling would have .. I threw my panties away and cleaned up the best that I could but even so my pants still had a slight smell. I guess one thing is for sure " whatever your stressed about you will forget in a second after you poop yourself."

pee-pee girl
I love peeing and shitting outdoors i like to do it when nobody is home.When im on the computer or something and i hafta pee i dont feel like getting up i just pee in a cup or a baggie and it turns me on.

I am a 14 year old male. Nick (pg. 154) I really loved your story. Sure I would like to hear more. Write another one for later on page 154. How old are you?

Hey All!

Sorry, haven't posted in a while, but today I've got a story to satisfy both pee and poop lovers and even fart lovers, if there are any:P

Last weekend I was going to be home alone for the two days, so I decided i would hold my pee and poop as long as i could over the weekend.I hadn't been for a poop in 2 days, so i was due for one.

As soon as i woke up on saturday morning i had to pee, like i do every morning, it wasnt too bad, so i just ignored it.

At about 10 am my poop urge came along and by then i really had to pee.My bladder was throbbing and my muscles were getting tired from holding for about 2 hours.I set myself a target to hold in all bodily waste until 3pm.

At Noon i was absolutley busting for a piss and my asshole was getting tired and sore from holding.I didnt think i could last another minute.My bladder was about to explode in my panties.

Somehow i managed to hold everything off until 2pm. But by now i was in a lot of pain and discomfort, i really wanted to piss, but wanted to hold my poop longer.I decided it would be ok to go and pee but hold my poop.

I went to the toilet, pulled down my thong and before my ass could hit the seat piss started spraying out, i quickly plonked my butt on the could seat and let my pee come out in full force. It was gushing out really fast and going straight into the water really loud. It felt so good, i leant back and moaned. I pissed non-stop for about a minute, after i finished, i was so relaxed, i forgot to keep my asshole shut and accidentally let out a really loud, booming fart that echoed in the bowl. The fart startled me and reminded me to tighten my asshole.I tensed, but as i did it sent a sharp pain through my gut and my hole was really sore and tired and desperate to drop this load, so i just gave up and relaxed, to get ready for a good dump.

My asshole opened up and an airy fart was released, with no stink.I sat there waiting for my poop to start stretching my hole. It wasn't moving by itself so i gave a push, but all i could push out were big farts, i couldnt stop fartin, but it felt really nice.I farted until i couldnt fart anymore and eventually felt some solid pressure on my butthole.

I started to push, but my hole just stretched as if it was rubber. I let the big, fat turd stretch past my hole. The big poop felt gr8 as if moved out of my butt, i enjoyed every second of it.It finally dropped out and made a loud splash in the water and got pissy water all over my butt.I could feel another log in there ready to give me pleasure and relief. I started pushing, but it was really fat, i strained even harder and a hard, dry, thick log nearly tore me open. I pushed as hard and as fast as i could to get this shit out of me after an inch or two it got smooth and moist and slid out easily and thudded on the porcelain. I moaned in pleasure after that, i was done and it felt gr8.

I looked in the bowl.My first log was 2" thick and about 10" long. My second log was stuck on the side of the bowl and was about 12" long and 2.5" thick. It was a really good dump and piss.

The End.

Love Mel.D


SURVEY GIRL: here are my answers from the survey.
1. Do you enjoy pooping? Yes, I love it.

2. What position are you in when you're pooping? Sitting, standing, etc.? squatting, sitting bent over, standing

3. Do you get stomach aches before you poop? most of the time

4. Do you make grunting noises while you're going? yes.

5. About how many times a day do you poop? twice, one in the mornig and one at night, sime times more or less depending on how much i ate the day before and if I'm sick.

6. Do you look forward to sitting on the toilet and going? yes, because it feels very good, espically if i do a big load.

7. Do you find pooping relaxing? yes.

8. Do you ever push on your stomach to get the poop out? if i do a big load.

9. What are two signs that you have to go (besides a stomach ache)? farting, and a pressure in my stomach

10. Do you ever have to catch your breath after pooping? yes, if I do a big load.

11. Have you ever had sucha difficult time pooping, that you cried afterwards? When I'm constipated

12. Do you like to take as long as neccessary on the toilet, or do you get it done as fast as possible? as long as neccessary, and sometimes longer

13. How do you feel about having someone in the bathroom with you, like to keep you company? I like it, it gives me someone to talk to.

14. Have you ever got off the toilet, thinking you were finished pooping, but then realized as you walk away that you weren't done? yes.

Jane (& Gary)- you are absolutly right, I'm a Christian.


my answer is d.

2-Have You ever peed in a sink?
b- yes at home
c- yes in a public bathroom
d. in both

3 Do you ever peed in the bidet?
a- no
b- rarely
c- sometimes
d- often
e- always

4.How often did you happen to have to pee outdoor?
d often
d, i live on a farm so i often go outside if i'm doing chors

5. In urban area have you ever happen to pee in one of this palces?
a- between or behind parked car on the street a parking lot
c-in a parking garage a stairwell
e. behind-beside a dumpster
f-in a secluted corner of a street
g- in a doorway
please write a short sentence about the last tiem u rember about having to pee in one of these palces-
Yesterday i had to go really bad whe shopping so i walked outside behind the dumpster and realsed a flood.

6- Tell one or more unusual places where u peed:
in a phone booth

6a. only for the ladies:
1-have u ever peed in a urinal at the men's?
2-have u haver peed in a street urinal?
1-yes, many times, 2 what is a street urinal?

7-what do u do if you find a toilet closed (both sexes) when u are bursting?
1-hold it anyway hoping to find an opened one soon
2-try to find a secluted place to pee
3-pee near the closed toilet because your bladder is too full

8-Expecially for the ladies (man opinions are welcome too, anyaway):
What do you do if needing to go badly u go into a public toilet or portaloo and find it awfully dirty, unclean smelly or even with a clogged toilet.
1-even if u are bursting u are disgusted and go away trying to find a better one (if you can hold it so long)
2-like number 1, but needing to pee badly you find a suitable palce to pee quickly (not a toilet)
3-you don't care anyway, plug your nose with a hand and use the disgusting toilet, at maximum you hover with your bum over teh rim to not get dirty
4-You try to use the toilet anyway, hoveing higher and further form the disgusting toilet . As conseguence your pee often hit the toilet's rim or seat, or even splashes on the floor. You don't care too much as it is disgusting and soaked anyway
5- You pee somwhere else into the loo or stall, like in the sink (if possible), into the waste bin, over a drain or squat directly on the floor. See 8a
5- mostly into the uinal for the men to use

like in teh previous case, after waiting in queque for public toilet (or portaloo) in a crowded place, u find that the toilet is in tremendous dirty conditions, really disgusting, but you have to pee too badly to go away and wait longer, what do u do?
a-plugging the nose u decide to try to pee in the toilet anyway (even if clogged), assuming a technique like in 8.4
b-You have to pee somwhere inside to avoid using the disgusting toilet:(if possible give this otpion a priority or a frequence):
1-the sink (if possible)
2-the waste bin
3-a drain on the floor
4-go directly on the floor
b-1 mostly, 2 sometimes, 3 if there is no sink or if the sink is too high, 4as in #3, but there is no drain.

Well I'm Back
First of all If you like a good pooping your pants intentionally read Tara's on Pg. 1168
Since I have had more and more public Accidents I've been wearing Diapers and they're great! I doesn't matter how much you pee you just stand in one spot and let loose. I've also taken a dump in them and they're great for that too.
Now to my story.
Since Julie is the only one who hasn't pooped or peed her pants on purpose we dared her to do it and shee agreed. We gave her a pair of Hannah's old white Panties and some towels. She walked forward so she was standing over the towels. Now what? She asked. Just Relax we told her. She was obviously nervous. Okay here it comes she said. Then the front of her panties started getting wet. and started dripping on the floor. Pretty soon a strong stream was making the panties very wet. Okay I'm done she said. Now poop we dared her. She moved back over the towels and began to push A small buldge began to appear. It grew bigger and bigger until there was a soft ball sized mass in the back of her panties. She was finished THAT FELT GREAT she screamed now we have Julie on board.
Post Later

Punk Rock Girl
Well, here's my latest bowel related misadventure.

I was visiting some of my relatives on Long Island. My aunt had made these Swedish meatball hors-d'ouvres which were quite delicious. Everyone was wolfing them down. Unfortunately, there was something not right about them, because within an hour, everyone who had eaten any was suffering from explosive diarrhea.

Everyone high-tailed it to the bathrooms. I was standing on line at the downstairs one, listing to someone shit their guts out, when I realized I was about to shit my pants. I raced outside into the backyard and behind a clump of bushes.

I yanked my pants and underwear down, squatted, and sprayed liquid shit out of my ass for about five minutes. It was horrible. One of my cousins did the same thing. When the wave of the shits was over, I went back inside with sticky shit squashed between my butt cheeks, and got back on liv=ne so I could get in the bathroom and wipe my ass.

Not my best day!



Dave from Upstate NY
To Buzzy: Great story from the mall, I wish I could have had a seat with you guys. Keep the good stories coming.

Bryian-Glad you liked my story.

I'ts pretty cool to hear the stories of the guys at college. They bring back some memories. There was one guy who lived directly scross the hall from me. He was very handsome and was really friendly. Not to mention, he was a runner and was in great shape. He would always take a dump before his shower. He would strip down to his white briefs (he always wore white briefs) and I remember watching his feet as he would dump. He would enter the stall, and I'd see his briefs drop to the floor. Then he would go up on the balls of his feet, and place his feet near the base of the toilet. I'd see his toes curl a little bit, and his heels go up a bit. When he was finished dumping, I could tell that he wiped from the front by the way his knees wold spread. He would then stand, turn to the side, and then wipe again. Then he would flush. I could always tell when he was on the crapper by the way his feet were positioned.

mouse - that pad thing is no joke. If the girl is using one of those super-duper tampons extended use (i.e. going a long time not changing) could cause TSS (toxic shock syndrome in case you didn't know, it was a big thing a while ago, then it died down because tampon companies now put warnings to prevent lawsuit) Just thought I'd let you know.

- a lurker.

em dubya
Hey, here's some answers to surveys and other mis.c ifno that you might like to know.
1. Do you enjoy pooping? Yeah, it feels good.

2. What position are you in when you're pooping? Sitting, standing, etc.? Usually sitting on the toilet but I've pooped standing into my underwear.

3. Do you get stomach aches before you poop? not usually.

4. Do you make grunting noises while you're going? usually a few.

5. About how many times a day do you poop? usally once but sometimes I'll skip a day

6. Do you look forward to sitting on the toilet and going? ya, it's kinda rare and it's good

7. Do you find pooping relaxing? yes.

8. Do you ever push on your stomach to get the poop out? I have but I usually don't.

9. What are two signs that you have to go (besides a stomach ache)? presure and an urge to clench my cheeks together.

10. Do you ever have to catch your breath after pooping? not usually.

11. Have you ever had sucha difficult time pooping, that you cried afterwards? no.

12. Do you like to take as long as neccessary on the toilet, or do you get it done as fast as possible? usually as fast as possible unless I feel like taking a while.

13. How do you feel about having someone in the bathroom with you, like to keep you company? I've never had the opportunity, but I think I'd be OK with it if they were.

14. Have you ever got off the toilet, thinking you were finished pooping, but then realized as you walk away that you weren't done? ya, sometimes so I usually wait, go to another bathroom, and finish.

Thursday, December 25, 2003

em dubya
Here's another survey. It's Franco's.
C, I wouldn't really be opposed to D either

2-Have You ever peed in a sink?
b- yes at home
c- yes in a public bathroom
d. in both
A nope

3 Do you ever peed in the bidet?
a- no
b- rarely
c- sometimes
d- often
e- always
I've never even used a bidet, but I have seen them

4.How often did you happen to have to pee outdoor?
d often
somewhere between b-c but usually only in the summer

5. In urban area have you ever happen to pee in one of this palces?
a- between or behind parked car on the street a parking lot
c-in a parking garage a stairwell
e. behind-beside a dumpster
f-in a secluted corner of a street
g- in a doorway
sorry, never have n any of these

6- Tell one or more unusual places where u peed:
nothing really unusual, just toilet, outside, and my underwear

6a. only for the ladies:
1-have u ever peed in a urinal at the men's?
2-have u haver peed in a street urinal?
please tell a short anecdotes about it.
sorry, I'm male

7-what do u do if you find a toilet closed (both sexes) when u are bursting?
1-hold it anyway hoping to find an opened one soon
2-try to find a secluted place to pee
3-pee near the closed toilet because your bladder is too full
never happend to me but I'd go for 2 probably

8-Expecially for the ladies (man opinions are welcome too, anyaway):
What do you do if needing to go badly u go into a public toilet or portaloo and find it awfully dirty, unclean smelly or even with a clogged toilet.
1-even if u are bursting u are disgusted and go away trying to find a better one (if you can hold it so long)
2-like number 1, but needing to pee badly you find a suitable palce to pee quickly (not a toilet)
3-you don't care anyway, plug your nose with a hand and use the disgusting toilet, at maximum you hover with your bum over teh rim to not get dirty
4-You try to use the toilet anyway, hoveing higher and further form the disgusting toilet . As conseguence your pee often hit the toilet's rim or seat, or even splashes on the floor. You don't care too much as it is disgusting and soaked anyway
5- You pee somwhere else into the loo or stall, like in the sink (if possible), into the waste bin, over a drain or squat directly on the floor. See 8a
I'd go for 1 or 2 probably

like in teh previous case, after waiting in queque for public toilet (or portaloo) in a crowded place, u find that the toilet is in tremendous dirty conditions, really disgusting, but you have to pee too badly to go away and wait longer, what do u do?
a-plugging the nose u decide to try to pee in the toilet anyway (even if clogged), assuming a technique like in 8.4
b-You have to pee somwhere inside to avoid using the disgusting toilet:(if possible give this otpion a priority or a frequence):
1-the sink (if possible)
2-the waste bin
3-a drain on the floor
4-go directly on the floor
Please indicate more than one option an tell a short sentence about an experience.
never had that happen but still probably the floor or the sink

Well, what describe my habbits I usually sit when I'm at home to pee. My poop is usually hard or semi-hard and I seldom have squishy poop. I often only wipe twice or so and I'm done. The idea of going in diapers seems interesting but I ahven't (since of I was a baby, of course.) I don't think I could share my ideas with people who know me, but if they started talking about it and said they liked it, I'd probably say I did too. Well, that's all. Let me know if you have any other questions you want me to answer. Keep posting everyone!

Zip's story about the guy taking a dump hovering over a doorless toilet reminds me of an experience I recently had in college. One of the men's bathrooms in a classroom building has 3 doorless toilet stalls with relatively short and narrow partitions as well. One time I walked in to take my morning dump and to my suprise saw a guy squatting on the middle toilet. His sneakers were on each side of the toilet seat and he was squatting over the opening with his jeans and shorts around his ankles. By the smell in the bathroom I could tell that he had already dropped some of his load. He was holding his dick down with his right hand and was peeing into the bowl when I was walking by. I stopped for a second and looked at him and said, "Wow, that's a creative way to take a shit." He laughed and said that's what he was most comfortable doing. He was from Southeast Asia and had grown up that way. I had to shit pretty badly so I went into the next stall, dropped my pants, and started my dump. I could see his head above the short partition. He farted and dropped another log into the toilet. It made a loud splash. I asked him what he did if had diarrhea; wouldn't it splatter all over the seat and his pants. He said that if thought he was going to have a loose shit he would sit on the toilet seat. I could then hear him ripping off toilet paper and wipe himself. He put his feet back on the floor, flushed the bowl, and put his pants back up. He got some wet paper towels and proceeded to clean the toilet seat. He smiled at me as he walked by and said "Later, man" and left. I wonder if anyone else has ever seen something like this?

Louise (from France)
Sailing Instructor,
I'm an experience sailor, a long time experience diver and we have a small boat, so I have a good pratice and experience about peeing on boat, peeing with scuba equipement and pooping too (I don't like it).
Peeing in wet swimsuit is a normal thing to do, better and very pleasant (warming) into th e water, if u need to go badly u can pee in the swimsuit even out of the water, better washing with a hose ora boat shower while doing it!
I have a lot of pratice in peeing on race sailboats, or small ones, or small boats, all don't have toilet on board, so you have to learn how to pee discretely, safely and esily.
The most common way (for me, my sister, and friedns) is to pee sitting on the boat side rail directly in the water, even sitting near the engine is good too, in other circustance a girl can pee discretely into a bucket (i did it sometimes) or directly on the board deck, in a place were it is washed by the water from sea waves, or washing with hose after u have peed.
Hubby has a small boat for years, so all members of my family, my sister family and my closest friend are all well trined in peeing from the boat, bot sexes, and in presence of other people...
A dry suit is terrible. You have to pee before putting it or remove it quickly it to pee, wihch is a hard thing to do, not easy, you are exoposed quite naked to low temperatures to pee (u use dry suit in cold weather), unless u have a toilet or a warm shower on board..Rarely I or some friends (both sexes) have to pee in teh suit wile in the water or out while sailing, it is awful!!, because you have about a litre of warm piss moving inisde your suit and filling the booties. Anyway there is no opening to pee quickly so if u can't hold it you are obliged to piss yourself into the dry suit..It's waful because you smell of piss when you remove the suit, and you have to wash carefully the suit and the booties (and any underwear if u have it) to get rid of the pee smell: terrible..
I never seen someone pooping in suit, wet or dry, it is a too disgusting thing to do..
Having to poo on boat without toilet is much worse than having to pee, fortunately it happens very few times, the solution are about the same to pee: hang your bum out of the boat sitting on the side and go into the water or go into the bucket than wash it, they are the only 2 ooptions and they are "unisex"...
I'm not shy to pee on a boat in presence of other people (family or friends),instead I'm terribly ashamed if it happens, rarely (and fortunately it's very rarely), that I have to poop on the boat with other people, expecially if not form my familly...more than from the thing itself it is awufull the fear of macking a strong smell or loosing few loud farts...terrible!

Kisses and marry cristhsmas


My last post was on page 1202, I have been away for awhile on holidays.
My daughter still has her boyfriend and has not been pooping her pants as often as she used to. She still does it when the opportunity arises, usually when she is at home or out shopping with me.
As for me, you may remember I tried pooping my pants to try and understand my daughter. I did not really like the experience but I peed my pants at the same time and I did like that feeling. I peed my pants a couple of times on purpose since that first experience while I was at home alone.
Last week my daughter who poops her pants (she will soon be 18)caught me peeing in my pants. Last Friday after my two daughters went to school I thought it would be a good time to wet myself so I locked the door and went into the kitchen and totally soaked my jeans. I then continued to do the house chores. My eldest daughter did not have any classes that day because there was a teacher's workshop. She came back home and unlocked the door with her own key. I did not hear her until she came into the bedroom where I was making the bed.
She startled me and I quickly turned around and the look of surprise that came on my daughters face is hard to describe. She said Mom what have you done and before I could answer she said you peed your pants.
I was really embarrassed but my daughter started to laugh and said it was great and that she loved it. I was going to change into dry clothes but my daughter insisted that I keep it on. Not only that but she also peed in her jeans as well. There we were mother and daughter with wet jeans on. I then told her about my pooping experience and how I started to pee my pants. She said I should have told her sooner.
She is hoping that I will try pooping my pants again with her, I did not say no never, but I didn't give her much hope of that happening.
We both spent the rest of the day until abou 3 o'clock in our wet jeans, I made her promise not to tell my youngest daughter, I can only take so much embarrassment at a time.
She is making all kinds of plans for us to have wetting trips together. I told her to slow down I have only peed my pants at home and doing it in public is something I am not ready for yet, but knowing my daughter she will probably have me peeing my pants at the mall before long.

To Mouse: Liked your story

To Buzzy: Loved your old were those guys?

To eli: Loved your always have cool lucky

To Chelcie: Liked your story

To Susan: Liked your story

To Sailing Instructor: Enjoyed your story

To pissypants: Thats cool what you saw on tv and i liked your story

To em dubya: Liked your stories

To James: Sounds like a cool movie

To BILLY-BOB: Enjoyed your stories

To 23 year old black male: Loved your you think any one knew you were pooping?

To James: Loved your story

To anthea: Enjoyed your story

I had a nice dump yesterday..Friday and saturday i went to parties so i had been eating...i went to bed saturday night with a slight urge i woke up on sunday feeling really full and i knew i had to poop so i sat on the toilet and a log started to come out slowly. I stood up when i was done and saw i had like 4 logs or so 2 logs were 8 inches and the other to were maybe 5 and i had a few smaller chuncks
Then last night i pooped two more times this time it was much softer...i wiped alot both times

Guy with long blonde hair
Hey, I've been reading stories from this site for a long time but I have never submitted a story before. Well I finally got the courage to do so. I don't know how good a writer I am so let me know how you like it.
Anyway I'm a male, 15, really long blonde hair, about 5'5". But to my story. Well when I was about 3 or 4 I was afraid to go #2 and would always hold it in. Well I live on the water and one day I was swimming when I felt the need to take a douche. Well as I said before I was afraid to take a dump so I ATTEMPTED to hold it in. However I soon realized that I couldn't so I just pulled down my swimtrunks and let it go. Fortunately for me it sank because my parents were there.
I'll post another story once something comes up.

Sarah- you always have such good stories please post more

em dubya
Alright, time for some feedback.

Mouse-I've had one of those car trips where u hust gotta go bad, too. Great post.
Buzzy-funny post, that'd be kinda fun to be with two others who enjoy pooping
eli-I hate it when a tured just won't come out. That must have sucked for that other guy. great post
ShortSkirt Gitl-I have to think that diet is mostly what makes big turds, but I also think some people just make bigger poops 'cause that's the way they are
Chelcie-I like to go outside, too. Great story
a gal-I'm not sure just how you pee standing but hey, I think it's great.
Susan-I'd say that's almost worth $20 :) good post
April-great to hav eyou here as a new poster! I kinda like to space out while I'm on the toilet sometimes, too. Keep posting!
Sailing Instructor-I haven't been in a situation like that but it should make for a great post. Keep posting
Silly Girl-Makes sense, if the bathroom stinks, people will go to classs. You're really jsut doing them a service :) keep the posts coming
pissypants-great stories and ideas. I dunno about that stain defender stuff from the inside. let me know if/what you find out. keep posting
And to everyone else, great posts! Keep them coming!

Hey, does anyone out there have any ideas on what/how to pee? Just using the toilet is getting kinda boring. Let me know what you think. Also, if yu have any questions a guy like me could answer, let me know and I'll do my best. Happy Holidays all!

New toilets are very stingy about water usage and sometimes don't eradicate larger pieces of excrement. Such was the case this afternoon. I clogged the toilet with a turd of epic proportions. I inacurately assumed that by attrition it would eventually succumb to flushing... no such luck. Yet again it was up to me to engineer a solution. I considered plunging... ineffective without having it splash on me... combined with the fact that such tasks are simply best left up to others, I did what any rational person would do and I called building maintenance. I identified myself using my supervisor's name along with a protracted explanation and apology. They sent someone to investigate and I hid. I will now spearhead a worldwide protest against water saving toilets.

Hi Toidyteers!! Sari just went into the toilet. I think she has to poo. Yep, she is straining to the music of the Beach Boys,LOL! Meghan is by the door singing with her. Ah, there was a sound of relief. Toilet paper is spinning and the toilet has been flushed. My dear daughter has a look of sheer joy on her face. Well, wouldn't you? FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS, TIM AND SARAH, RIZZO, AMY, JANE AND GARY, ADRIAN, BRYIAN, PV, and all of the posters here!!



em dubya
Hi all, I'm just looking for surveys and I found another one so I'll fill it out.

A survey for the guys:

1) Do you ever wee sitting down on the toilet? If so when? Usually when I'm at home if I'm not in a hury
2) When you wee standing up in the toilet do you usually wee out of the pants fly, pull the pants down a bit and wee over the top, pull the pants down to my ankles, take my pants off? Why? Usually through the fly because it's easiest
3) How do you get rid of drips after you wee? OFten I'll shake it a little or just let it drip
4) Do you ever wipe yourself after you wee to get rid of all drips? no
5) Do you usually make your underwear wet from drips after you wee - if so how wet? a little spot or two
6) Have you ever left drip marks on your pants after you wee that have been seen by someone else? If so when, and who saw, and what did they say? not that I can remember
7) When you wee at a public urinal and someone wees next to you, do you (always - if so why, sometimes - if so say when, never - if so why)
(a) Look at the wee coming out of their bodies? no, I think it's kinda rude
(b) Talk to them? sometimes, if I know them
(c) Notice how often they look at the wee coming out of your body? sometimes, 'cause I don't really want them to
(d) Stop weeing as fast as I can and leave? I usually just try to go as fast as I can anyways
8) Have you ever weed in front of someone else? If so who? nope, only in public toilets. I'm kinda shy that way. I have weed where someone can see my back outside, though (I was with some friedns)
9) Has anyone ever complained about you weeing in front of them when they didn't want you to wee. no
10) Has anyone (doctor, nurse etc) ever asked you to wee and then you can't. Please describe. I haven't really had to do many pee specimens but once when I was little (like 4 or so) I had to pee in a cup so I had to go into the bathroom and fill it.

For what it's worth, when my penis is fully erect, it's about 18cm long but it's usually about 8-10 cm. I pee in the shower and I have pooped in there on occasion. I'm about 5ft8-10in and I'm (duh) male. Just thought u might like to know. Let me know if I can answer any more questions about me or guys in general. Happy Holidays!

Most of the bathrooms in my school are unlocked again, and really not much interesting stuff to say, so I think I'll share a past story: one of the two most intense times I can remember having to pee since first grade.

When I was 13, my family went on a road trip that lasted over four hours. Before the trip, I'd gotten into an argument with my mother, so when she asked me if I'd gone to the bathroom, I just pouted and didn't go, even though I knew I should have. (I probably hadn't gone for about two or three hours before this, when I woke up.) I don't remember exactly what happened, but I do know that I ended up falling asleep before the halfway pit stop for lunch, and nobody bothered waking me up. Nobody considered that I might have wanted to go when they went inside, got their own relief, and bought all the food. Anyway, I started to dream about searching for toilets and stuff, but weird things would keep happening and I would be unable to find toilets, or their lids would be glued shut (I don't remember the dream exactly, I just know that this was the gist of it). By the time I woke up, I reeeeeaaaallly had to go. On top of that, we were in the middle of a traffic jam caused by a car accident up ahead. I asked if we could make a rest stop next chance we had, and my parents agreed. However, fifteen minutes and five feet later, I couldn't keep my legs still. I felt like I was about to explode. My brother kept teasing me and making little hissing noises. I was considering covering myself with a blanket, taking off my pants, and just using a cup at one point, but fortunately, the traffic magically cleared up when we got past the bottleneck and we were well on our way to the next rest area, a small restaurant. Once we got there, I was ready to pop, so I rushed out of the car to look for my sweet release, only to find a line of four or five women between that release and my pained sphinters. It was a single occupancy bathroom, so it took a while, but finally, with the help of a bit of dancing and knee knocking, I was able to get in and... a long, long stream of relief poured out of me. It felt soooo good to finally let it out. The manager forced us to buy something on our way out for using the bathrooms, though.

Erin: You shitted a lot like me when I was in high school and college.

DeepCloudNine: You should be so lucky in Houston. Some of our college restrooms in New York are disgraceful when they are not clean. There are strict health laws governing their cleanliness. I use seat covers most of the time. I used to use toilet paper.

Silly Girl: I was in 8th grade. I went shopping with my father and I was letting off silent ones and one loud buzz. My dad found me out and looked at me as if I came out of another world. He asked me if I had to go. I told him that I could wait until later.
In high school, I used fart before I had a bowel movement, usually in the morning after breakfast.

Jane (& Gary): Good to hear from you. I see things haven't changed with you. You had a close call in Nordstrom's.

Amy: I would have not wasted a good shit and piss in my good white panties. I would have savored sitting on the bowl at the gym.

Sarah (California): Take the Oriental physic. You will be better for it.

Some responses-
TO ELI-Cool story doing a community dump at the student center-sounded like quite a production!How could you get away with seeing these guys poop without them getting a but pissed off?Good stuff-I too have often went into a bathroom where the stall were full and at first there is no sound and I let out a fart and all of a sudden everone else lets loose!-it's great-i enjoy being the inspiration for the otheres to poop!
TO COPROLOGIST-Yup,I agree,there's nothing like being in a busy bathroom when you gotta go bad and let loose with all the other guys doing the same.I do it as much as possible,esp. at the gym where everyone seems to enjoy letting it all cut loose! speaking of that,i just got back from the local mall doing some last min shopping and while I was there,i had to take my morning dump.Now normally,i don't like dumping in shopping mall seems to attract the wrong sort that I dont' want any part of--enough said.Anyway,i figure it was pretty early and I had to go pretty bad,so I found a mens'room that had 3 stalls and I was the only one in there,so I took the end stall and as i was cleaning of f the
seat,i heard someone else come in and as it turned out ,it was 2 guys that knew each other and they were talking about had bad they had to go and each one took a stall and at this point,i was starting to sit on the bowl as they were cleaning off the seats and I relaxed my anus and let out 2 tight farts and i heard the 1 guy say"and we're off" and then I heard him grunt and let out a long fart that hissed and then i heard the crackling of the poop coming out his butt and it sounded like quite a load as i started to push out my own poopwhich also crackled ,but not nearly as loud as his.Then I heard the other guy let loose with a lot of loose stuff ending with an explosive fart.Then I heard the 1 guy say "man we're doing some serious shittin''and he laughed as i ened my rope of poop with a wet fart.This was fun stuff -we all sounded like we had to do pretty good.then the guy who exploded started to wipe.i guess he was done,but the guy next to me stall had some pooing to do as i heard him groan a bit and let out a wet fart followed by what sounded like a lot of mush.then I had to go and I started pushing out some soft stuff with a few farts in between and for a few seconds, we were doing a poop duet as you could hear us both farting,grunting and ploping,letting out our was great.then he ended his poop with a long wet fart and some real loose stuff then came out as i waited for the tail end of my poop,he started to wipe and the other guy flushed and went to wash his hands and he said"sounds like syncronized shitting" and we all laughed.then he said"hey greg,i'll meet you outside by the front doors" and he left.Then as this guy was wiping I had to poop more and let out another fart and then let out the tail end of my BM with was a lot of loose squgglies and wet farts and this guy i the next stall said"i'll tell ya, there's nothing like a good dump to start the day,don't you think?"I said"Yup,it quite a relief" as i was grunting slightly as i was pushing out the tail end of my poop.Then he said"hey have a good time,see ya" and he left.Then i started to wipe and clean up.It was a fun poop with these guys
I really enjoy pooping along with other guys,i don't know what it is,but it's great to know someone else is pooing along at the same time and probably enjoying it the same way as long as it doesn't get weird-- Usually I avoid these places,but this was a fun dump.Then I went to finish up my christmas shopping feeling cleaned out and ready to carry on with my day.That was fun! Great stories,all! BYE

Wow. You guys are great, I loved the stories you all wrote this past few days. Anyway its Friday, my last day on campus. My car is packed up and later this afternoon I will be headed home for the Christmas break. But before I drive off I must relate one more story from last night. I was done with my final and it was getting close to 7 PM and I felt something stirring in my stomach. OK time to take a dump but where should I go, the Student union is 1/4 mile away and the library is on the other side of campus so I figured I would have to go in the math science building this time. I walked in to the sound of a young male moan. It was loud and long kind of like "aaaaawwwwwwwwwwww" for about ten seconds. I thought to myself that must have been a log and a half! Wish i had gotten there sooner. Anyway I locked myself into the stall next to him and took my shirt and my t-shirt off so I could dump unhindered. I began to let out an enormous turd that made my crotch feel like I was going to split in half. I then jerked my head way back and moaned in a loud sigh of relief. As I did I could hear the kid next to me strain and then I heard the crackling sound I am so familiar with. Then a plop as though a cannonball hit the water followed by a very loud meaningful moan one can only make when one is oblivious to everything around him. I had to see who it was ( my curiosity had gotten the better of me) so I wiped my butt and slowly stood up and peaked over the side which by the way was not that high. In this bathroom a normal sized dude could look over the stall wall and see the guy next to him completely on the toilet. Well I saw who it was, this guy was in my calculus class and in the band. I remembered him from the football games, he plays the trombone. He had his shirt in his mouth and he was biting it as he was dumping. This guy wears glasses but he did not have them on. He was a blond guy but now he was completely deep red almost purple, not just his face, his entire body. He was rocking back and forth moaning and biting that t shirt while he let out these deep turds. I had to sit back down because this made me have to crap real bad again. It was so intense I thought I was going to pass out, the log was so big that it took about ten minutes to eek out of my butt with me moaning with each effort and the sound of agony next to me. Finally it plopped into the bowl and I was done. I needed a nap by now. The guy in the next stall had wiped and was gone at this point. I was so involved with my own poop that I did not notice a thing. I wiped and put my clothes back on and headed back to my dorm to take a little nap then commence studying for my last final. What a way to end the semester!

ShortSkirt Girl
Hey guys! I love to read everyone's descriptions of their BM's etc, but I'm getting a really big complex about it:(

Unlike most other posters, my poop is usually a fairly small ammount, and consists of a number of crescent shaped turds, light brown in color and around an inch to two inches long, littering the bottom of the tiolet bowl. I'd really love to push out the size and girth of turds some of you have described. My husband makes really big ones, and I thought it was just a guy thing, until I read postings from other girls who have described really bulky BMs.

Can anyone reccomend ways my eliminations could be a bit heftier? Is it diet, excercise or frequency that adds to the ammount pooped out? I'm a 36 year old female, in good health and average height and weight.

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