
Car Mom

To Chai

To Chai: I'm glad you liked my posts! Let's see, my daughter is now 8 and her friends are pretty much the same age she is, give or take. Except for one neighbor girl who's a couple years younger than her and likes to come over and hang out and so she has peed in my car a few times. And also I remember the girl who asked me if it was ok if she farted while she peed was 7, although she might be 8 now because that was a while ago and my daughter might have also been 7 at the time. They've pretty much all been my daughter's age because they've all been girls from her class, except the neighbor girl I already mentioned. Hahaha and then of course there's that 38-yr-old! She actually peed in my car again yesterday, by the way, but that's another story. I've actually gotten to the point where it doesn't bother me anymore for her to pee in my car. I actually even told her to just think of it as a toilet. Getting to your other question, my daughter has actually been peeing in the car since she was like 3. The first time I let her do it was in her carseat. It just happened, it wasn't planned or anything. She said she had to pee and I didn't really feel like stopping anywhere so I just told her she could go in her carseat. And so she did. So it was just out of convenience. Then as she got older I just continued to let her pee in the regular seat. Now she doesn't even ask me, she just pulls down her pants and goes. A couple times I'll pull into the parking lot of the place we're going and as I'm getting ready to get out of the car she'll say "wait I'm still peeing!" or if she didn't start yet she'll say "wait I'm gonna pee first!" and then I'll have to wait for her to have her pee. I've never been the kind of person who cares a lot about having a perfectly clean car, so to me a little pee in the seat is nothing, especially the backseat. Its a silver 2002 neon by the way, to answer your other question, and the seats are gray. To be honest its not a car that needs to look pretty, if you know what I mean. It just needs to get me where I need to go, and it does. So as far as I'm concerned, my car has its own built-in toilet in it, and it happens it be the backseat! The girls do it for convenience, not necessarily for fun and excitement like amy from the midwest. You can tell that its a new thing for a lot of them and they're like, "wow, I'm actually peeing in someone's car." But other than that its all about convenience. As far as smells are concerned, I don't really notice it that much so it doesn't bother me. In fact the smell of pee in general doesn't bother me. So that's not an issue for me. And now I can see by this website that I'm really not so weird!


What I learned with babysitting

Back some 25 years ago in the mid-1980s I was a pretty busy babysitter. I might have been the busiest in my high school class. Anyway for kids that had what we now call ADD (attention deficit disorder)a mom told me her pediatrician recommended that the child be taught to wipe, cover with TP or use a seat-gasket each time they used a public stool because they might forget to lower the seat before sitting. One girl, Aimee, who I babysat, had fallen in twice before her parents fired the sitter and gave me the job. Aimee also did the same at home because her brother would raise the seat.

to Car Mom

What do you do if someone is in your car and has to poop?

Adult overnight diapers and the flu

Hi I am feeling dreadful and am in the midst of the flu; I have been wearing adult overnight diapers and have been coughing (and peeing). I have no energy to get up at night so I just lie in bed and pee in the diapers. They hold a lot and the sheets are dry.


Wrong Restrooms

Kelly P- Iiked you story. You should have told that man that Correctol is a womens laxative.


End Stall Em

Sharon's survey/my answers


I'm glad you enjoy my stories. You asked a question as to whether I was in an advanced program at my high school. Yes, I was elevated a grade in middle school and started high school last year at age 13. In my state, the administrators call the program for "Gifted" students. My Dad thinks that term is hilarious. He says the real 'gift' is great-grandma when she wakes up every day. She's 97.

The survey--

1. Do you read when you poop? I almost always poop at school. But they won't let you take like a paperback in with you when you go up to the practors to sign out of study hall. Once last year, however, I went into the end stall and there was the brand new issue of our school's paper on the floor in there. I enjoyed reading it and then left it there for the next user.

2. Do you talk on the phone while pooping? I don't dare take my phone out at school or I'll be in more trouble than I already am. (See story on Page 1921 & 1923)

3. Do you eat, drink or smoke while pooping? No. But I tried bringing a can of Dr. Pepper in from lunch once last year but one of the security guards was in there and she made me take it back to my table. Then I went back in and had my nice legal shit, but when I got done there was no toilet paper in the end stall. I had to walk upstairs to another bathroom and sit and wipe. The bathrooms closest the cafeteria are jammed during lunchtime.

4. After pooping, do you sit or stand to wipe? I continue to sit. That's unless I'm very curious and stand to inspect my contribution early. But that's only occasionally.

5. After pooping, do you usually pee? Sometimes, but more frequently I pee before. Once last year when I had the intestinal flu, I peed and pooped in one instant barrage as I was pulling my underwear down and I was seating myself but still a few inches off the seat. That seat probably still remembers my contribution. Mom called me out an hour after that because I felt like I was also going to hurl.

6. After pooping, how many times due you normally wipe? Perhaps twice or three or four. Sometimes, the squirts are the toughest to clean and the fully-formed craps that expand my ass are a one-wipe win.

7. After you poop, do you ever use moist wipes or wet toilet paper? That would be impossible to do at school, but sometimes I do at home. We have them right on top of the toilet tank.

8. Do you ever inspect your turds? Mom taught me the importance of doing that when I was really young and was sometimes constipated and had a hard time using public bathrooms. Even at home, she asked to see my contributions before I would flush them as I had regular pediatrician appointments and she wanted evidence that I wasn't holding it in.

9. Is your shit ever hard, dry or difficult to pass? Yes, sometimes. And I was just thinking about that Saturday during my four-hour detention at school which, by the way, my "former friend" didn't show up for. So she's probably going to get suspended-out for it. Oh well!


My Sunday Walk & Comments--Part One

To Jaded Jarrod:

Your dad seems to have a healthy attitude toward his and your bathroom needs. Other writers probably wish they have it that good.

To Frantic Francine:

I would report your physical education teacher to the administration. It would also help if one of your parents were to call and make an appointment with the administration. I'm a senior and Student Council member at my school and I know principals take such complaints seriously, especially if it involves that many (100) students.

To Half Dump Denise:

That's very interesting how you faked out your mother with the paper gasket. I don't know if I would have thought of that if I were in a similar situation, but I understand why you did it. That reminds me, if you read my story on P. 1901 you will find that my grandma is into the paper gasket thing too.

To Vincene:

I'm so proud of you and the changes you've made in the past couple of years! We should not allow ourselves to fall victim to what Connor, my friend, calls "public toilet terrorism". I just love your words, "I found it was like learning to ride a bike or swim. With each trip I gained my confidence and shook more of my guilt." You're a great wordsmith. What are you majoring in at college? Communication, I assume.

To Just Jerika:

Do you think you will be able to convince Gopi to convert to just sitting down and peeing and crapping like normal? She's done it once already and she survived.

Now this is my story about my Sunday afternoon walk yesterday.

Somtimes I just do things on kind of a spur-of-the-moment basis. Connor backed out of his commitment to work at our city's food bank Sunday afternoon. He called about an hour before he was going to pick me up so I got to thinking that since I had promised a 4-hour shift, I should follow through on my volunteer assignment. The weather was perfect out so after my family had its Sunday dinner, at about 1 p.m. I decided instead of driving to the food bank which is about a mile downtown, I would walk. I put on my best walking sneakers, the faded blue jeans and my school's volunteer club shirt and started my walk downtown. I knew I should have gone upstairs and peed first, but I wasn't sure how long the walk was going to take and I didn't want to be late for my 2 p.m. inventory room assignment.

I got about halfway there, although I lost some time having to cross to the opposite side of a couple of streets because of large dogs that scare me. If the one pit bull had tried a third jump, he probably would have scaled the chain link fence. I came upon a small neighborhood park where 9 or 10 kids were using the playgound equipment and I walked directly to the bathroom building which was small, built with unpainted blocks, but still had what I was feeling I needed--a toilet to pee in. Both bathrooms had padlocks on them. I thought how unfair that was to the kids there and me. I remember saying to myself F@@@! I continued to walk but at a faster pace and I cut across a couple of office building parking lots to make up time and luckily that led me to a gas station. The attendent was about 25 and having trouble with the computer. I asked if I needed a key for the bathroom and without even looking up he asked which one. Like it was obvious and I would think my voice would have given it away. When I specified the ladies, without looking up, he mumbled some words I didn't comprehend but I finally heard him say No. So I turned and went to the back of the store. Sure enough the door was open, I flicked the light on, and with my small purse still over my shoulder, I pulled my jeans down to below my knees, and dropped my thong to knee level. I seated myself and my pee started almost immediately. Like with many public bathrooms, there was some pretty crude stuff carved and painted on the door. There were two crotches that looked to be the work of some artists that had a lot of time on their hands. And as I sat I got to thinking about the current Project Pride campaign our Student Council has at my school to cut down the number of incidents of such vandalism. My friends tell me I'm the most positive person they know, but I admit it may be a losing fight. I grabbed two small pieces of toilet paper off the role and quickly wiped. Then I reached around and flicked the flusher lever. The toilet was just like those most of us have in our homes and I liked not having to put 10 pounds of weight from two hands onto the flusher to get it to activate like in some other places.

Because I was getting thirsty from the heat, I stopped at the cooler and when I had a large bottle of Coke in my hand, and was taking money out of my purse, the clerk now paid attention to me, actually smiled and complimented me on my school choice (he's one of our alums) and I took the opportunity to ask him why he asked me about the gender of the bathroom I was going to use. Ask a good question, get a good answer is something my Dad has taught me and the clerk explained they lock the guys bathroom and control it with the key. He said he has to wipe urine off the seat every time he sits down to shit, and that there's been a lot of vandalism, including someone breaking the sink right off the wall and causing the pipe to unload. I told him we have a lot of immature guys at our school and he joked about me not all directing them to his store. He asked me some other questions about school and myself and I thought he might ask me out. But he turned out to be a really nice guy.

I continued the last 3 or 4 blocks of my walk downtown and because I was probably chugging the pop to fast as I walked, I started to get that bloated feeling I get before I have to crap. When that comes on at school, I leave my class or friends and start walking to the restroom because I often will have 5 or 10 minute wait for a stall. This time, though, with many buildings closed, I got to the big downtown mall with an immediate need and not too many options.

I'll conclude my post next time.

Ustate Dave

Odd Ways Of Going That I Have Seen Girls Do Part 3

After Susan got dressed which she put on a white top and a pair of black eleastic pair of black shorts we went outside. I had some lawn work to do. Not all that much just to mow the far backyard. It would take me only a half hour to do. Susan went over to the old swingset that was in that backyard sat down on one of the swings and watched me mow.

It did take me a little more time then I thought it would as far as I said a half hour. Forty five minutes is what it took me. I put the mower back in the shed and I then told Susan I was all done. Susan said to me; Good I'm glad your done Dave. You can come up to the house with me. I replied back to Susan; Why Susan it's nice outside. Why go in?

Susansaid to me; I have to pee and poop! I thought you might want to come with me! I smiled nw with a big smile. Lead the way Susan! Susan was in a somehwat of a hurry as she hopped offthe swing and walked quickly heading to the house. I followed her and Susan went into the cellar instead of going up the stairs to the backdoor which went into the kitchen.

Susan went straight through the cellar back to the bathroom turned on its light and then she pulled her black stretch shorts right off leaving them on the floor. Susan was pantyless so I saw her cute ass again as I was behind her in the doorless bathroom doorway. Susan stepped over to the toilet and got ready to take her piss and shit.

Now the toilet in this half bath was one of those low ones with the long foward oval bowls with a low tank which wasonly a foot above the bowl. Well there was another reason why Susan was going to use this toilet in a odd way was there was no lid and seat on it! They were both had broken and had been removed and had yet been replaced!

Susan could have I suppose sat her ass down on the toilets thin rim of the bowl to piss and shit but Susan didn't. Susan went stepped forward straddled the toilets bowl to where when she did squat over it her ass was just inside o the bowls rim. Susan was also in a high sqaut too. Susan said to me; Are you ready to watch me go? I said back to Susan; Just wait one moment Susan! I want to get in a better position so I can see you do both!

So I stepped into the bathroom and stepped right over to Susans right side. That gave me a view so that I could see her vagina in the front and when Susan started to shit I could take one sideways step and sqaut down and watch her shit! When I said that and had moved into position standing beside her Susan gigged a little and let go from her vagina a nice short arced yellow piss stream out of her vagina!

Now the color of the toilet was a robin egg blue. When Susan's yellow piss hit the water in the bowl after only a few seconds her yellow piss and the water turned a light shade of green. Susan's stream just splashed noisily. There was no hiss with this piss. Then maybe close to ten seconds time her stream died off right down to a dribble which wetted her crotch and ran off both of her asscheeks.

Now it was time for me to take my step back and squat down to watch Susan shit. So I did just that. Now that I was squating I wasn't down low enough to see Susan's asshole. I was just about to say to Susan that I coudn't quite see. Susan said to me then; Dave can you see? I chuckled a little and told Susan you have to get up or I'll haveto move behind you and lay down on the floor to watch!

Susan giggled little and lifted up her ass higher. Now I could see her asshole; Susan you're good now! She giggled again and as she giggled she let out a long loud brrrrrap of a fart! Good thing I wasn't right behind you Susan! I said to her. Susan did a little hard laugh. Then I saw her asshole sread open and a blunted rounded stub of a brown shit poke out from herasshole about a inch in length. Susan started her shit!

Susan would give a slight push with a soft grunt. Her shit would move with the little hard push along with having a little piss either spurt or dribble out of her vagina. The spurts of piss or dribbles of piss would be a quick couple of seconds. Her shit would move a inch or a little more. If her piss was a spurt it would hit the water in te bowl makeing a splash. If it was a dribble it would drip off of her or wet her shit and drip from it makeing slight pattering splashes in the toilet.

Susan wond up doing these short hard pushes in a quick series one after the other letting out the soft grunts each tme,having the spurts of piss or dribbling piss out of her vagina, and having her fat shit gain a inch or more on each of the pushes she did. After doing six of these pushes Susan stopped wth a good eight incher sticking down out off her asshole.

Susan had dribbled some piss from her vagina on her last push so right now there was only her slightly heavy breathing and the sound of her dripping piss off from the blunt end of her shit dripping in the water in the toilet. Susan gigged a slight giggle hearing the light dripping of her piss into the toilet. Then Susan aske me if it was dripping off her poop. I don't feel it on me! Susan asked. I told her it was dripping from her shit. Susan giggled a harder and longer giggle.

Then she gave a grunt and push and her shit alog witha a good spurt of piss oyt of her vagina and her shit moved a good three inches and it dropped right down hitting the side of the bowl with a thud, slid down into the water hardly making a splash, but her piss spurt did make a good splash when it hit the water. This spurt lasted for a good four five seconds and it died off agin wetting her crotch and dripped off her asscheeks.

Susan was done. As she reached for the roll of toilet paper which was on top of the toilets tank Susan looked down seeing her shit laying there in the bowl said loudly; Gee no wonder why I had to push s much! That is sure a fat one! Looks hard too! Then as she rolled off toilet paper from the roll Susan let out just a little giggle and said; I'm going to have wipe off more pee then poopI think this time!

Since I could see her her asshole and her cheeks of her ass there was no dingle berries or skidmarks anywhere on her asshole or cheeks. But Susans crotch and both of her lower parts of her asscheeks were wet from her piss. I let out a chuckle and told Susan she was right. You're mainly wet with piss. I don't see any shit! That made Susan giggle a short hard giggle and I saw her hand come through with toilet paper and she did a quick wipe of her asshole and dropped the paper into the toilet.

Then Susan reached bak through and dabbe away at her bottom left asscheeek, turned the paper over and dabbed her right lower asscheek, dropped that paper and last wiped her crotch moved upward and did her vagina. Then she stood up and I moved out of her way so she could step back. Susan did push the button on the toilet tank as she stepped back. With a roar her shit spun around and around with the light green water and her shit dissapeared out of sight.

Susan picked up her black shorts off the floor and slipped them back on. Susan asked what I thought about her peeing and pooping that why in the toilet as we walked back through the cellar. Different Susan! I said back to her. Susan laughed a short laugh. Then Susan said to me; You should see when I have to piss in that toilet and how I do that! When Susan said this to me she paused let out a shorthard giggle after saying piss and then went on saying the rest of it. So I asked Susan would she sowme me how she would piss in that toilet. Susan said; Dave I sure will! So I had something definte now to look forward to again. I hope that it would be soon too! To be continuied.


A Trip to the Forest Part Two

To New Guy - Yeah, I'm really lucky to be together with Claudia. She and Nadine are very outdoorsy girls. Their parents and grandparents often went camping with them when they were childs, so they are used to go to the bathroom outdoors. Before I met Claudia I had never ever done a poop outdoors. Claudia was a bit shy at first about doing it in front of me, but now it's ok for her.

So here is what happened that day after we all had visited the woods empty our bowels: I had to paint the front door of the house and to fix the drain pipe of the shed. Claudia and Nadine took the car and went to the butcher's in the village to buy some supplies at the grocer's. Ten minutes later they were back and went into the house. I was just standing on my ladder and fixing the drain pipe when the two of them came out of the house. Nadine was holding the roll of t.p. They went behind a small hedge behind the house. I could see everything from my point of view, but they couldn't see me! Both were undoing their belts and pulling down their pants. When they had squatted I could see their bare asses and their streams hitting the grass below them. They wiped, tossed away their paper and stood up. Only then did they see me. Nadine laughed: "Your boyfriend watched us!". When I had finished I went down from the ladder and pissed into some dirt on the edge of the woods.

It was evening now and Nadine proposed to walk into the village to visit the local pub. It was now rather cold so we all took our coats. We had to walk about twenty minutes to get to the pub. When we arrived there were already some farmers in the pub. Nadine and Claudia went to the bathroom while I ordered beer for the three of us and something to eat. The beer and food were delicious and we danced all evening. They had music from the 70s which we all like. We also had a lot of beer. At two o'clock the pub closed and the owner, an elderly man, asked us to leave. I had used the bathroom some minutes before, but Nadine and Claudia hadn't, as it turned out. Both were rather drunk and I could see that they both were holding their bladders. They just didn't want to squat right there in the village where the street lamps were on. Nadine had lighted a cigarette to relax. As soon as we had left the village and turned into an unpaved country road that only farmers used, both stopped behind me. I looked back and saw them both undoing their belts and squatting down in the middle of the road. They immediately started peeing and pissed like racehorses. There was a loud sound when their streams hit the dirt. I didn't see anything because I didn't turn round so they could pee in peace. The road had a bit of a downward slope and when I looked down I could see two massive streams approaching my feet in the moonlight. The girls were still watering the road. Finally they stopped. I heard them pulling up their pants. When I looked back I could see them both zipping up their pants. There were two enormous puddles of piss in the dirt. The pee was still running downwards. In each of the puddles a tissue was laying. A bit drunk we all went on. Nadine told me that a few years ago Claudia had taken a massive shit in the middle of that road while walking home drunk from the pub. It is interesting what people tell you when they are drunk. Anyway we arrived at home and went to bed.

The next morning I woke up while the girls were still sleeping. I drove to the village to go to the baker's. The place of the girls' peeing break came into sight. Their spots were still wet and I could clearly see the tissues in the middle. I went to the baker's and drove back to the house.

To be continued


Shouldn't have sneezed

I am typing this from my phone in the ladies bathroom in my office at work. I have been working on a project and it is almost 5 oclock and I have been putting off going to the bathroom to try and finish before leaving. A few minutes ago I had to sneeze and I did but when I sneezed I suddenly felt my crotch get wet and had to squeeze my legs together to stop the flow. I quickly ran into the bathroom and into a stall. The crotch and first 1/3 of the butt my pale purple panties are now dark purple and very wet and I have a wet spot the size of a baseball on the back of my grey skirt. I'm not sure what I'm going to do now!

Teacher Tammie

Story of Jolita

Before I get to my newest story, I want to comment on Half Dump Denise's latest posting. While she was with her family on a vacation, at a rest stop, she was told by her mother to use a toilet seat protector--sometimes called an ass-gasket--but although she tore one off and faked using it, she treated the public toilet the same as she does her bathroom at home and because she wasn't uptight about sitting directly on the seat, she unloaded a three-day load of crap. I don't believe deceiving a parent is always right, but in this case Denise was probably more comfortable on the toilet and this caused her to be successful. I believe she said her bowel movement included three 10-inch logs. Congratulations, Denise!

I know myself that I'm not a successful in using bathrooms at places such as Chicago's O'Hare airport because they now have those seats with a cellophane cover on them that rotate before you seat yourself. They are much smaller and lower than the regular seats that were replaced and they just frustrate me. When I'm comfortably seated, I can do better.

Just last month we had this girl, Jolita, up at school who I counseled and then referred to our school nurse. Jolita had a pass from study hall to use the bathroom that I patrol just two doors down from my classroom. I had already seated myself in one of the stalls and had just lowered my slacks and thong and seated myself for a pee when I curiously noticed that someone had walked into the stall to my right. I heard the door being latched, saw some really grungy athletic shoes and then jeans drop all the way to the floor. Next blue boxers, that looked like boys boxers dropped all the way to the floor, and I could hear someone's butt putting weight on the seat. Although I had some papers to grade and a trip to take all the way to the office, I continued to sit quietly when my pee ended (after about 3 minutes because I hadn't gone at home before rushing out to school)and I tried to think what was wrong on my right. The boxers told me it might be a guy using the wrong bathroom and violating school policy. There was no sounds whatsoever coming from the stall and no movement. I listened for a fart or two of anything but it wasn't to come.

I flushed, went across the room and washed my hands, and immediately took care of my errands at the office. On going back to my room, I stopped back in the bathroom I saw the same figure under the stall making no sound or movement. I knocked on the door to see if she was sick. This 7th grader named Jolita partially opened the door for me and was just sitting there and surprised that she would generate any attention. She said she wasn't missing a class and as we got to talking I told her she had been seated on the stool for at least 45 minutes. She said her parents are upset with her because she has been constipated since school started and that seating herself during free time is the best way to get her bowels moving. She said she hadn't had a stool for the past eight days. Right then and there I knew that I wanted to take her to the nurse and that's what I did. The passing bell rang as we walked to the office and I dropped Jolita off with the nurse and raced back to my class. I was late and a colleague who was waiting for me at the door had taken the first couple of minutes of my class. As I was thanking her in the hallway, she made a really brilliant remark that at least Jolita wasn't a clogger. That's the single biggest complaint we have about our bathrooms.

The nurse later e-mailed me that she had called Jolita's mother and that a doctor's appointment had been made. However, for Jolita's sake, I hope she does become a clogger and the sooner the better.

Kirsty (Wendys girlfriend)

Daring place to poo

I was driving home from work last night when I felt the worse age to poo ever. I was so desperate I knew I wouldn't make it home & I didn't want to mess myself in the car so I had to look for a place to go. There was a bus shelter just up the road but it didn't provide much cover. I stopped in front of it & sat in the car while I tried to decide whether I could get away with pooing behind it. I could feel the poo pressing against my anus by now & I had no choice. I got out of the car & ran behind the bus shelter pulling my jeans & knickers down on the way. I heard a wolf whistle from a passing van & I didn't feel confident about doing it here. I didn't have time to think right now because my anus was opening against my will & my poo was coming out. I managed to get my clothing down just in time & I leant against the bus shelter with my back to it. Withing the space of 20 seconds it all came out making a huge pile on the grass. I quickly pulled my clothes up without wiping & got back in the car & drove off with a dirty bum. I'm not sure if anyone saw me pooing but the relief was worth the risk.

We were having breakfast this morning when Wendy announced that she was busting for a poo. I followed her into the bathroom & as soon as she sat down she peed a huge stream followed by a lot of soft mushy poo. I loved the sight of her relieving herself & she loved being watched. When she was done she wiped herself & we went back to finish our breakfast.

Wendy (Kirstys girlfriend)

Holding it for a week

When I was 16 I once held my poo in for a week & I got realy constipated. I felt very uncomfortable. I felt full & bloated. I spent over an hour on the toilet, pushing as hard as I could but the poo was too big to pass. I was desperate for relief & in the end I had to take a laxative before I went to bed. I got up the next morning with a desperate urge to poo so I ran to the toilet & sat down with a thump. I relaxed & let my bowels do all the work. I felt the poo moving down to my anus & stopped. I pushed out a small soft poo which broke off & fell into the water with a plop. Unfortunately that was all I got out. The rest was hard & wide & in spite of me pushing with all my strength it wouldn't come out. I gave up after that & went to school feeling desperate to go but unable to pass anything. Well during morning lessons I felt realy gassy & knew I would soon have to visit the toilet. I sat in class for about half an hour passing gas & suddenly I felt a warm sticky sensation between my bum cheeks. I couldn't belive it! I was 16 years old & I 'd actualy pood my pants in class. I ran out of the room holding my bum & made my way to the toilets. As soon as I got into a cubicle I undid my skirt & pulled my soiled pants down. I turned round to sit on the toilet but I couldn't hold it & a huge poo came rushing out & landed on the back of the seat. I panicked & sat too far back on the seat ending up sitting in my own poo. It made a terrible mess & I lifted my bum up quickly. I was still going all that time & the poo exploded all over the back of the toilet & the cistern. I basicaly destroyed the toilet & when I finaly seated myself properly it had stopped coming out. I felt relieved but still full of poo. I loved the relief so much & decided to hold the rest for later & cleaned myself up & went back to class. By lunch time I needed to go really badly again & ran to toilets but not the same ones as before. I used the toilets in the P.E. block as they were on the far side of the school field. I wanted to make things interesting & "failed" to make it in time & right in the middle of the football pitch, I opened my legs & bent my knees slightly. A pushed out a huge poo of about 9" & then another one about 12" long. Then there was some diarrhoea followed by some soft mushy stuff & another more solid poo about 10" long. It was a huge relief & words can't even begin to describe the feeling. It was like a cross between a realy big orgasm & a dam breaking, releasing a huge lake. The intenseness of the experience was like a wonderfull dream.

When I was 18 I hadn't pood for 3 days & I was getting realy desperate. I loved the feeling & wanted to wait a bit longer but I got too desperate to hold it any longer. I was at home fortunately & ran to the toilet holding my bum. I didn't quite make it in time & soiled my pants a little. The feeling was so hot I didn't care & I sat on the toilet without pulling my panties down. I didn't need to push at all. My bowels did all the work & it came out realy fast. My underwear filled up like a balloon. I had poo all over my bum & it came out past the leg elastic of my panties. I kept going for ages & the relief was as amazing as the smell. The cleanup was quite a task but it was worth it.

new guy

some comments and other stuff

To: Anny the reason I dont write many stories about me is because not much of anything intresting about my bathroom habits but when something does I post it. Loved your last story man that turd must have hurt comming out but I bet you were glad to get it out and please contiue to post more stories there really good.

To: Wendy & Kristy loved your guys stories Wendy another great buddy dump story please keep them coming. Kristy I bet that girl was beyond desperate great story please contiue to post more.

To: Upstate Dave another great set of stories you must have some kind of lucky charm because you always seem to be in the right place at the right please keep the stories coming.

To: Canadian Kelly great story that must have been pretty embarrising but at least your boss tina was nice about it and alowed you to go home and change and you were a true friend to Angela in helping her out please keep the stories comming.

To: Natlie great story man that must have been a very desperate poop I bet you felt better after that please contiue post more stories.

A question for all the girls and women have you ever come in to a bathroom and get hit a unholy smell I mean a smell so bad if you nose could jump off your body it would to get away from that smell but you couldnt hold anymore so you just had bear the smell and try and finish as quickly as posible I know this question is kind of confusing I wasnt sure how I would right it.
now a quick story about me having diarrhea one time i was at home watching tv when I felt the need it wasnt a desperate need but it did feel kinda weird but i thought nothing of it so I went to bathroom and sat on the toilet I thought it was just gonna be a normal dump but the first piece was like a cork holding everything back after the firtst solid piece there was a blast of diarrhea it wasnt a big blast just suprising I wasnt expecting I would have diarrhea because I rarely get diarrhea maybe once every few years which is usualy caused by something I ate not agreeing with me but that dosent very often. As ive said before I hate having diarrhea but I enjoy hearing someone else having it.

Sincerly new guy ill post more tommorow after this site been updated or later today if something happens.

PS. again I love this site.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wendy (Kirstys girlfriend)

Girl in class

I used to know a girl at school called Rachel. She was 15 & was very shy about pooing if anyone knew what she was doing. She would often hold it for several hours & I could always tell when she was desperate by look on her face & the stiff way she walked. There was one time in class where she must have held it for a few days. She kept fidgeting in her seat & farted several times. She went bright red & It was clear she really had to go. The smell of poo filled the air & it was definately not a fart. She just sat in her seat untill the lesson was over. We all filled out of the room & went to our next class, but she stayed behind. I waited for her while she reluctantly stood up. She had a big bulge in the back of her skirt & she peed herself too. When she was done she ran off deeply embarrassed & went home.

Peed on floor

I took the train and used the washroom a few times. I did not know that I should have sat back further since once I began peeing, half of it went onto the floor. The toilet was lower and rounder than I anticipated. It is impossible to stop peeing at full flow so I just continued and got some paper towels to mop it up.


Big poops for Thanksgiving weekend

To the un-named poster-Good thing I only experienced a tiny bit of leakage. When I changed my underwear at Burger King I put a pad in my panties just in case and didn't have any more problems or leakage. I would never litter in any case.

New Guy-There's been plenty of times where I've been desperate. I used to suffer frequent diarrhea a few summers ago in which I would have to find the nearest toilet wherever I was. This would sometimes happen during grocery shopping where I had to leave my then-boyfriend (now husband) standing in the grocery store while I ran to the nearest restaurant or coffee shop to explode in the toilet. I'm not exactly sure what caused the diarrhea, whether it had something to do with my period or diet change but it meant a lot of toilet trips. I'm glad you like my stories :) I hope you can post some yourself. I'd like to hear some :)

Now on to a story:

My turds have been quite huge this weekend. Friday I had to go to the bathroom pretty bad and passed a really big, fat monster of a turd. It was kind of hard and stretched my butt when it came out. It was about as thick as a sweet potato and huge about 12 inches long.

Saturday I had to go again only this time the turd was bigger and much softer. I thought it was soft like diarrhea because I heard plopping but I was surprised when I saw the size of it! I'm really skinny and 5'10" and this one was HUGE! Mine are usually pretty big but this one was one of the biggest I've ever passed. It was really long, in an L shape and smelled really bad like rotten eggs. Let's just say my stomach feels better! ;)I hope there'll be another big poop tonight (Sunday) after Thanksgiving dinner!

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians on the Toilet!

Poop from Norway
To: Bryci, I loved your story about the pooping contest you had with your sister, I am 15 years old like your sister btw (:
Now, a question for you and your sister, Bryci;
Have you or your sister ever had a "poop spot" outdoors, where you pooped over and over again? (:

To: Feral girl, I luuuuv all of your stories, especially the one where you pooped out of the window! I'm also very excited about pooping and pissing outdoors too! I have pissed out the window, but never pooped, cuz there are someone who lives in the floor beneath us! -.-


Out House Madness at State Park

This isn't really much,but I'll get to the point.When I was five or six,Me and my family was at a state Park in Ky.Where the big arch is at.Me and my Dad and some boy and his Grandfather was waiting out side an outhouse to go pee.It was one of the outhouse that you can flush.They were some man in there,he was talking to someone,Like he thought someone was out there and he was talking to them.He was telling someone to stay there or something.5 minutes later he came out of there,big guy,not to friendly looking,age between camelflaug pants.He looked at us and walked off.An hour later Me and my Family walked pass that outhouse,and my mom Says,Boy!That Bathroom stinks.

Kelly P
Here is my answer to "Myself's" question about peeing or pooing first, and a couple more related questions that I've always wondered about.

Normally I pee first. Maybe that's because pooing is usually hard for me to get started. Occasionally, if I have a big firm urgent poo just waiting to come out, it seems to press on my pee tube. Then I poo first and immediately after I gush pee. It doesn't matter if it's at home or in a public toilet, except that I'm much more likely to be constipated on a public toilet. I don't like to do both pee and poo at once, though. That just feels like I'm not in control or something. Anybody else have that feeling?

My husband is the same about peeing first except with an urgent hard poo. I don't think it's surprising that his poo can squeeze his pee tube, but it's always seemed a bit surprizing for me with the vagina that has muscles in between the pee and poo holes. So when you answer, please give your gender.

My other question is whether having a big firm poo, but not too hard, feels really good as it comes out? Mine certainly does, and my husband says his does, too. I suppose his pushes on his prostate, but I'm not sure why mine feels good. Maybe it presses on my g-spot. Anyway, I'd like to hear if it feels good or not for other people of both genders?


A Block Away

Worst grownup experience? About 10 years ago, I fell asleep at the bustop with my bus fare in hand. Of course, I dropped my money and could not find it. So I had to walk home. About half way home, I started to feel sick. About 6 blocks from home, I spotted an outhouse and made a beeline for it. Unfortunately, it was locked. Not occupied, but locked. And the 6 blocks left only had a couple of small stores with no bathrooms. Made it to the last block, and pooped my pants. Not diarrhea thankfully, but one long turd estimated about 18 inches long. Hobble home and try to make it to the bathroom before anything else happens, and while trying to pull down my undies, and get the previous poo into the toilet, then the diarrhea starts over everything. Literally ten full minutes of pooing.

I can't remember whether I went to work the next day, but I do remember I threw the underwear out as a lost cause.


Half Dump Denise

Oh that's not have to tell us the secret that made you more "productive"....pretty please?


Love to hear about accidents...and not accidents.

Yes Whinnie, keep the stories flowing.

Jaded Jarrod

Information for Half Dump Denise and others

I enjoyed your story about how you faked out using the ass-gasket when your mom was in the stall next to you at the interstate rest stop toilet.

You see, us guys have a lot less privacy. Many of our stalls don't have doors. So it's easy to see who users and who doesn't My Dad doesn't use the seat gaskets when they are available and when they are not available he doesn't cover the seat with toilet paper either. I saw him use a seat gasket to crap only once and that was two summers ago when I went to Mexico on a week-long business trip with him. Otherwise, he's kind of shameless and just sits down and shits in public like he does at home.

For example, a couple of Saturdays ago I went with him to the mall because he had to get some tools. He had squatted down and was looking at tool located near the floor on a display. That caused his crap to drop and he called for a shit break. I told him I had better pee to while I was thinking about it. So he lead the way to the other side of the store where the toilets were. There were four urinals and three stalls. None of the stalls had doors. There was a guy about my age on the first stool. He had his briefs down all the way to floor and I couldn't believe how much of himself he was showing. His dick was laying over the front of the bowl and if he would have pushed his crap hard, he would have splashed his pee into his underwear. There was an appliance salesman on the third stool. What was different about him was that he hadn't taken his suit coat off. Here he was sitting with his red-checkered boxers down to his knees, his hairy thighs on the seat, and his kind of draped over the back of the stool.

I heard my dad say something about not having a choice of which stall to use. He walked into the one vacant one, dropped his jeans and I don't think he was on the seat for more than 5 or 10 seconds until I heard the gas blast, then some splashes and I heard him confidently say "awwwwweee." As I got done peeing, I noticed that behind each toilet there was a metal holder, with seat gasket papers you could pull off and use. However, neither my Dad nor the other two users were sitting on one.

However, and I wrote about this last spring, some guys, though not a lot of them, are laying toilet paper over the seats at my school because of the accident my friend Ethan had. It wasn't an "accident" actually because someone had spread a type of construction glue over the seat and he sat in it and got stuck down. Now me and Ethan as well as our bike riding partner Maddie (who's a girl)no longer sit directly down on the seats at school. We put toilet tissue on them first because our school doesn't have the gaskets available.

So for the girls reading this, us guys have a lot less privacy. And even when there's paper available, many don't use it to cover the seats with. So seat papers aren't used that much.

End Stall Em

Sharon's survey/my answers


I'm glad you enjoy my stories. You asked a question as to whether I was in an advanced program at my high school. Yes, I was elevated a grade in middle school and started high school last year at age 13. In my state, the administrators call the program for "Gifted" students. My Dad thinks that term is hilarious. He says the real 'gift' is great-grandma when she wakes up every day. She's 97.

The survey--

1. Do you read when you poop? I almost always poop at school. But they won't let you take like a paperback in with you when you go up to the practors to sign out of study hall. Once last year, however, I went into the end stall and there was the brand new issue of our school's paper on the floor in there. I enjoyed reading it and then left it there for the next user.

2. Do you talk on the phone while pooping? I don't dare take my phone out at school or I'll be in more trouble than I already am. (See story on Page 1921 & 1923)

3. Do you eat, drink or smoke while pooping? No. But I tried bringing a can of Dr. Pepper in from lunch once last year but one of the security guards was in there and she made me take it back to my table. Then I went back in and had my nice legal shit, but when I got done there was no toilet paper in the end stall. I had to walk upstairs to another bathroom and sit and wipe. The bathrooms closest the cafeteria are jammed during lunchtime.

4. After pooping, do you sit or stand to wipe? I continue to sit. That's unless I'm very curious and stand to inspect my contribution early. But that's only occasionally.

5. After pooping, do you usually pee? Sometimes, but more frequently I pee before. Once last year when I had the intestinal flu, I peed and pooped in one instant barrage as I was pulling my underwear down and I was seating myself but still a few inches off the seat. That seat probably still remembers my contribution. Mom called me out an hour after that because I felt like I was also going to hurl.

6. After pooping, how many times due you normally wipe? Perhaps twice or three or four. Sometimes, the squirts are the toughest to clean and the fully-formed craps that expand my ass are a one-wipe win.

7. After you poop, do you ever use moist wipes or wet toilet paper? That would be impossible to do at school, but sometimes I do at home. We have them right on top of the toilet tank.

8. Do you ever inspect your turds? Mom taught me the importance of doing that when I was really young and was sometimes constipated and had a hard time using public bathrooms. Even at home, she asked to see my contributions before I would flush them as I had regular pediatrician appointments and she wanted evidence that I wasn't holding it in.

9. Is your shit ever hard, dry or difficult to pass? Yes, sometimes. And I was just thinking about that Saturday during my four-hour detention at school which, by the way, my "former friend" didn't show up for. So she's probably going to get suspended-out for it. Oh well!

Upstate Dave

Odd Ways Of Going That I Have Seen Girls Do Part 7

Well I didn't get down to see Barbie the next day. I had to stay home and get my chores dne that day. I did call Barbieand she told me over the phone that she didn't take a shit so I didn't miss anything. I heard Jeannie in the background and she luaghed loudly and she also told me that Barbie hadn't shit which Barbie told her to shutup loudly! Jeannie did for Barbie. Barbie asked me would I be there tomorrow and I told her I would. She then said to me; See you in the morning and then she hung up.

Well it wa the next orning and I ate breakfast without takeing my morning piss before I ate. As I walked down to Barbies I felt the urge to shit start building for I always had to shit after breakfast so I was right on time for thatnow too besides needing to piss. So when she came to answer the door after I had arrived and knocked on the side screen door I told her that I had to piss and shit.

Barbie was dressed lready n a different summer dress then she had on the other day. She smiled for she knew that I liked pissing and shitting up behind her white barn. So she slipped outside and we both ran together up behind her white barn together and went back alongits back end and into thewoods behind its end.

Barbie told me right after I was done takeing my pee and shit we would have to go back inside and she would show me in the bathroom off the livigroom how she would take her oddway of shitin. I do have to go this morning! Barbie said to me. Ilaughed and said bak to her; WEll I sure do have to go and do both. It will not take me long to do both too! Barbie smiled and then she laughed.

I pulled on my belt hard which it unbuckled. I popped my snap and I yanked me jeans down fast and hard down past my knees. Barbie was standing in front of me as I took care of my jeans pulling them down. Barbie let out a short hard giggle for my penis was erect and it was saluting her!

I told Barbie you better move if you don't want to be in the way of my piss stream when I start pissing! Yeah I better Dave and Brbie hurried and went around in back of me. Back here is the safest and I can see you do both! I smiled and I sqauted down in a high squat for her and I knew that when I would start to shit I had to be high off from the ground with my ass! I always took long shits!

It took me a few short moments to start which I started to piss first. I wasn't holding my penis this time. Barbie also liked to see me piss without holding myslef. Not seeing that I was going to hold my penis Barbie let out another short loud giggle and said to me; Good you're not going to hold yurself when you go! I let out a short laugh myself.

Then I started my piss. Out from the end of my penis I sent a low long upward arcing piss stream with a wide head and a long twist in my goldden yellow piss stream. It came down a good six feet in front of me and made the dry leaves on te ground crackle quite loud till they did get wet with my piss. Then there was just the muted sound of my piss as it continuied to wet them. The only other noise was from Barbie for she was giggleing while I pissed.

Well I pissed like this for about ten or so seconds. Then I felt my ashole being pushed open so I was starting now to shit too. Isaid to Barbie; You better look down! I'm starting to shit! My piss stream lost a lot of its force dropping, came back towards me, but still was hard enough its shorter arc was still over my pulled down jeans and I was wetting te leaves now about a foot and half out in front of me.

Now my asshole had stretched out real wide which I felt that it had been. I could feel its warmth on the inner parts of my asscheeks and it was comming out fast makeing a crackle as it was moving. Brbie said loudly; I see it Dave! It sure is a fat one! You don't have to tell me that Barbie!I said back to her. It sure does feel like one to me! Barbie then said excitedly to me; Dave its almost down to the ground!

I thought to myslef; Already that long?!!! Then I heard a soft flump under and behind me. Barbie let out a hard giggle and said to me; Dave it just broke and you're still shiting! Barbie was right for my shit was still comming out which I could feel that it was. Also too this shit was quite ripe! I could smell it pretty well and it stunk!

Then I felt my asshole suddenly close alng witha second dull thud. I farted one short fart and my piss stream suddenly shot out like it had when I first started pissing and this time I did reach down and held it. Barbie behind me giggled hard and asked me if I had to shit some more. No I'm done Barbie I said back to her. So Barbie came around from behind me and stood at my side and watched me piss till I had stopped.

After I had stopped pissing I stood up. I took a couple of steps forward and then took a look at my shit laying there on the ground in the leaves. It sure was a fat two pieces laying there! Soda can size in fact! Both pieces! It was a dark tan,smooth, first piece with a smooth blunt front end,the back end was jagged for where it had broken. The seocnd shit was jagged on its front end and the back end was smooth and blunt.

I fished a couple of napkins out from my jens back pocket. I squated back down and wiped my ass several times using both napkins that I had. I droped them down after using them. Then I kicked leaves and dirt over the napkins and my shit. But before I pulled up my jeans I still felt that I could piss just a little more and I did. Just a couple of short quick spurts and that was it. I was done. Then I pulled up my jeans and took care of them.

After that I said to Barbie; Ok down to the house and it's your turn. Barbie said right back to me. Let's go and we better hurry. I really have to go now seeing you go! I hope I can make it for it's going to take some time to get setup for what I'm going to do! So we both ran down to the house and went right in. We went straight to the livingroom and the bathroom off from it.

Barbie let me in first and then she came in shut the door and locked it. She did a quick look over at the roll of toilet paper first. I hope there is enough there on that roll for what I have to do! Barbie said to me. Let me make sure. Barbie then unlocked the locked bathroom door and shot out through the doorway and I heard her run out to the kitchen. I heard a bang and her running back to the bathroom and she came in with a full roll tossed it to me and she turned around slammed the bathroopm door shut and locked it again. Then she said to me; I have enough now as far as toilet paper! I'll end it here right now and will continuie it for one more finishing part. Then you'll find out what Barbie does! Upstate Dave

Chai Roba

Thanks Car Mom!

Thanks for sharing the details, Car Mom! And of *course* you're not "so weird," thank goodness for the Web to reassure you of that! In fact I think it's really great that you can be relaxed and casual about it, and obviously, your passengers (of all ages!) are a lot more comfortable for it!

If you don't mind me asking yet more: do the girls always scoot to the center, to avoid sitting in the pee after they're done? Also, are there other places besides your car where you let your daughter or her friends pee, either at home or about, if the bathroom isn't handy?

Thanks again for sharing your stories, they're interesting and fun to read!

Upstate Dave

Odd Ways Of Going That I Have Seen Girls Do Part 7

Well I didn't get down to see Barbie the next day. I had to stay home and get my chores dne that day. I did call Barbieand she told me over the phone that she didn't take a shit so I didn't miss anything. I heard Jeannie in the background and she luaghed loudly and she also told me that Barbie hadn't shit which Barbie told her to shutup loudly! Jeannie did for Barbie. Barbie asked me would I be there tomorrow and I told her I would. She then said to me; See you in the morning and then she hung up.

Well it wa the next orning and I ate breakfast without takeing my morning piss before I ate. As I walked down to Barbies I felt the urge to shit start building for I always had to shit after breakfast so I was right on time for thatnow too besides needing to piss. So when she came to answer the door after I had arrived and knocked on the side screen door I told her that I had to piss and shit.

Barbie was dressed lready n a different summer dress then she had on the other day. She smiled for she knew that I liked pissing and shitting up behind her white barn. So she slipped outside and we both ran together up behind her white barn together and went back alongits back end and into thewoods behind its end.

Barbie told me right after I was done takeing my pee and shit we would have to go back inside and she would show me in the bathroom off the livigroom how she would take her oddway of shitin. I do have to go this morning! Barbie said to me. Ilaughed and said bak to her; WEll I sure do have to go and do both. It will not take me long to do both too! Barbie smiled and then she laughed.

I pulled on my belt hard which it unbuckled. I popped my snap and I yanked me jeans down fast and hard down past my knees. Barbie was standing in front of me as I took care of my jeans pulling them down. Barbie let out a short hard giggle for my penis was erect and it was saluting her!

I told Barbie you better move if you don't want to be in the way of my piss stream when I start pissing! Yeah I better Dave and Brbie hurried and went around in back of me. Back here is the safest and I can see you do both! I smiled and I sqauted down in a high squat for her and I knew that when I would start to shit I had to be high off from the ground with my ass! I always took long shits!

It took me a few short moments to start which I started to piss first. I wasn't holding my penis this time. Barbie also liked to see me piss without holding myslef. Not seeing that I was going to hold my penis Barbie let out another short loud giggle and said to me; Good you're not going to hold yurself when you go! I let out a short laugh myself.

Then I started my piss. Out from the end of my penis I sent a low long upward arcing piss stream with a wide head and a long twist in my goldden yellow piss stream. It came down a good six feet in front of me and made the dry leaves on te ground crackle quite loud till they did get wet with my piss. Then there was just the muted sound of my piss as it continuied to wet them. The only other noise was from Barbie for she was giggleing while I pissed.

Well I pissed like this for about ten or so seconds. Then I felt my ashole being pushed open so I was starting now to shit too. Isaid to Barbie; You better look down! I'm starting to shit! My piss stream lost a lot of its force dropping, came back towards me, but still was hard enough its shorter arc was still over my pulled down jeans and I was wetting te leaves now about a foot and half out in front of me.

Now my asshole had stretched out real wide which I felt that it had been. I could feel its warmth on the inner parts of my asscheeks and it was comming out fast makeing a crackle as it was moving. Brbie said loudly; I see it Dave! It sure is a fat one! You don't have to tell me that Barbie!I said back to her. It sure does feel like one to me! Barbie then said excitedly to me; Dave its almost down to the ground!

I thought to myslef; Already that long?!!! Then I heard a soft flump under and behind me. Barbie let out a hard giggle and said to me; Dave it just broke and you're still shiting! Barbie was right for my shit was still comming out which I could feel that it was. Also too this shit was quite ripe! I could smell it pretty well and it stunk!

Then I felt my asshole suddenly close alng witha second dull thud. I farted one short fart and my piss stream suddenly shot out like it had when I first started pissing and this time I did reach down and held it. Barbie behind me giggled hard and asked me if I had to shit some more. No I'm done Barbie I said back to her. So Barbie came around from behind me and stood at my side and watched me piss till I had stopped.

After I had stopped pissing I stood up. I took a couple of steps forward and then took a look at my shit laying there on the ground in the leaves. It sure was a fat two pieces laying there! Soda can size in fact! Both pieces! It was a dark tan,smooth, first piece with a smooth blunt front end,the back end was jagged for where it had broken. The seocnd shit was jagged on its front end and the back end was smooth and blunt.

I fished a couple of napkins out from my jens back pocket. I squated back down and wiped my ass several times using both napkins that I had. I droped them down after using them. Then I kicked leaves and dirt over the napkins and my shit. But before I pulled up my jeans I still felt that I could piss just a little more and I did. Just a couple of short quick spurts and that was it. I was done. Then I pulled up my jeans and took care of them.

After that I said to Barbie; Ok down to the house and it's your turn. Barbie said right back to me. Let's go and we better hurry. I really have to go now seeing you go! I hope I can make it for it's going to take some time to get setup for what I'm going to do! So we both ran down to the house and went right in. We went straight to the livingroom and the bathroom off from it.

Barbie let me in first and then she came in shut the door and locked it. She did a quick look over at the roll of toilet paper first. I hope there is enough there on that roll for what I have to do! Barbie said to me. Let me make sure. Barbie then unlocked the locked bathroom door and shot out through the doorway and I heard her run out to the kitchen. I heard a bang and her running back to the bathroom and she came in with a full roll tossed it to me and she turned around slammed the bathroopm door shut and locked it again. Then she said to me; I have enough now as far as toilet paper! I'll end it here right now and will continuie it for one more finishing part. Then you'll find out what Barbie does! Upstate Dave

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