
WEDNESDAY I went to pottie in campervan ,unable to poop just a wee.
I spent the day tidying the garden,several times I went into shed and sat on the THETFORD 33 POTTIE ,tried to poop but no success.I went to bed at
at eight pm ,several times during the night used the pottie in bedroom for a wee.
Woke at six pm needed to have a NUMBER TOO sat on jones relax bedpan for ten minutes unable to poop, went downstairs to kitchen with the bedpan and left outside the garage door the stood on the scales I was one hundred pounds made a mug of coffee, drank then made another.The vollrath bed pan was under the table I decided to use it .I sat for ten minutes with the mug of coffee in my hands.Suddenly I began to wee then went a
NUMBER TOO it was really awesome ,after ten minutes I was done ,wiped with four sheets of SHADES kitchen towel .I dressed then took the bed pan to the bonfire tipped and washed under the water butt.It was an enormous amount so I decided to weigh myself again I was now ninety four pounds.One hour later I had to go on the bedpan again ,a much smaller load ,wiped with SHADES kitchen towel


If using the toilet was some concern you should have checked this out when the job was estimated .For many years I carried a bedpan in my kit so I could have a NUMBER TOO as and when I needed ,when I had a larger van I often used a porta potty.
Some people were much more friendly and gave food and drink and accepted that I would need to use the toilet during the time I was on the job.WE all need a bowel movement at different times.Many times I had a number too straight after morning lunch break


Landscaper's poop

I hired a landscaping company to replace mulch around my house with river rock. The crew assigned to my job consisted of 3 men and all looked to be in their 20's. About mid morning one of them knocked on my door and asked to use my bathroom. I was a little surprised by this and taken off guard, but thought it would be a quick pee. However, as it turns out he needed to have a bowel movement. He was in my bathroom for about 15 minutes! I don't like people I don't know in my house unsupervised. My house has just one bathroom upstairs and one in the basement. The upstairs bathroom (the one he was using) also has several medications, etc. in the medicine cabinet. He could have been going through anything in there. After about 15 minutes he came out, gave me a sheepish smile and said thanks. He went back out to work. I went into the bathroom to check things out and I could immediately smell that he did, in fact, poop, and it must have been a BIG one. There were huge skidmarks in the toilet, but worst of all the smell was awful and lingered in the bathroom and hallway for about 30 minutes.

I don't mind at all if a guest in my home (meaning friends and family) needs to go poop but I don't know how I feel about hired workers who are complete strangers. On one hand, if someone needs to have a bowel movement I know they can't help that and they should be able to poop when needed, but I think since I did not know him and he was hired for outdoor work he should have used the facilities at a public restroom somewhere instead of pooping in my house. What do you think?? I can see both sides of the issue.

Regular Mike

Reply to Kristi

Hello, Kristi. I am sorry you've suffered from constipation lately. I know it can be uncomfortable. As my name suggests, I don't struggle with constipation too often. I do however have days when I do not take my daily poop. The reason for this might be because I didn't eat as much as I usually do the day before. Or, perhaps I didn't eat as much fiber as I usually do. And this is almost always a case of me not particularly feeling the need to go, instead of trying to go and not being able to, although the latter does happen from time to time. On these no-poop days I can usually feel some sense of fullness, but it's almost as if I choose to put off the bowel movement until the next day, in hopes that the greater pressure the next day will help to push out all the poop. (You can read my story from a week or two ago about watching in a mirror to see my poop come out a day or two after one of these no-poop days.) I find that I don't really have to do anything special to poop that second day. That is, my normal routines work to help me poop after not having pooped for 48 hours just as they help after only 24 hours after pooping. For me, that usually means getting a good night of sleep, drinking a pint of water upon waking up, and eating my usual breakfast, with two or three cups of coffee.

Sleep, proper hydration and nutrition, and a reasonable amount of exercise will all contribute to regularity. Many people find that a little caffeine helps as well, especially near the desired time of the bowel movement. But, it is not essential to regularity. I have very rarely used laxatives. When I have, the type I have found most effective is Epsom salt, or magnesium sulfate, dissolved in water (obviously, plain Epsom salt, without added essential oils). However, the chemical solution and the water it draws into my colon tends to stick around for several hours after I've passed the actual poop. And I find that I have to make one or even two or three more trips to the toilet to poop out the rest of the fluid. That can, of course, be irritating, inconvenient, and even uncomfortable. My own advice would be not to worry at all if it has been less than 48 hours since your last poop. As you no doubt have found, the very effort of trying to make the bowel movement occur can be tiring. I would suggest relaxing and going about your day. In fact, try not even to think about your problem. Keep drinking water, and eat the foods you would normally eat. And spare yourself the hassle of taking supplements or using procedures to force a bowel movement. Your body will do the work it needs to do to prepare you to poop. When the time is right, your body will let you know! You can sit on the toilet or squat over the floor, whichever you prefer. And while, as you expect, the beginning of your poop might be a little bit slow, it will happen. And though it might hurt just a bit, it probably won't be truly painful. You will get through it! And then you will be able to look at your poop and see what you produced. You can be proud of yourself for pooping the poop that you poop.

So, relax, Kristi. I am sure that you can poop soon and get well from the cold and get back into your routines. And thank you for wishing us a good poop. I hope you have a good poop as well.


Desperate Man

Recent Accident

Hello everyone. This is my first post, but I have been reading for years and years. I'm a 31 year old male who is pretty athletic and I'm not too bad looking. I recently had an accident and thought I would share.

A few weeks ago, I was on my wah to work when I noticed I had to go number 2. I have really bad public bathroom anxiety, so I don't poop in public. I normally have no problem holding it in, so I thought nothing of it. I work evenings, and work alone so I wasn't worried about having to hide my urge from others. I was fine the first half of my shift, but about halfway through, I noticed a sudden urgency. It was getting to the point where I had to clench my cheeks at points and was constantly farting. I was considering going and finding a bathroom, but was too scared and I kept telling myself I could hold it in.
I had made it through my shift and was cleaning up and putting everything away. The need to go was getting bad, and I was doing the poop shuffle. I thought about going and using the bathroom, but I work in a public facility and was worried someone would come in. I live alone, so in the back of my mind I wasn't worried about someone being home when I got home being super desperate to go. I got everything put away and made it out to my car. I was turtle heading at this point and couldn't stand straight, but I was determined to make it home. It was still daylight out, so I didnt want to act to suspicious. Sitting down in the car helped keep everything in, but I kept having stomach muscle spasms and there were points wherey body was pushing, but the car seat was stopping it from coming out. I made it home barely, and I just had to make it inside. I knew standing up out of the car was going to be a struggle. I have to park in the street in front of my house, and walk up to the front door. I got out of the car and had to stand there for a moment and clench. Hopefully, none of my neighbors could see me. I made it through the cramp and started walking up the sidewalk. I made it about halfway to the door, when I got another cramp. I clenched my cheeks and kind of bent my knees forward and knew I was going to have an accident. Luckily I was in boxer briefs and kind of tight jeans so I knew it wouldn't run down my legs. Ii was worried my neighbors were watching, so I stood straight up and just walked to the front door. As I was walking, the poop was coming out. It was giant and solid and definitely made a bulge. When I got to the front door, I was hidden away from anyone seeing me si I just felly let go. It was the most relieving and biggest poop of my life. While I was pooping, I let go of my bladder and just stood their sighing in relief. It was a euphoric feeling. I went inside and cleaned up and have learned my lesson about holding it in as long.


Splattery poop about an hour and a half after breakfast

Hi everyone. Got up this morning, had to go to the washroom (including a fairly big thick solid poop) and went upstairs for breakfast. Had spicy soup or water made with bananas, beef or pork and mushrooms. Microwaved it first for 4:30, took it carefully to the table and ate slowly. Took my 9 AM medications afterwards. Went downstairs, put my Walmart bag on the bed, grabbed my water jar and jug and went back upstairs to fill both.

A few minutes ago I got a major urge for a soft/runny poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the floor, pulled my dark sweatpants and greyish high cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then relaxed. A bunch of soft poop splattered into the toilet. No farts or anything, just splattering poop that was stinking up the washroom. Was done within about 30 seconds. Reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper, rolled up my sleeves (to avoid accidentally getting on them), took some toilet paper, put it back into the Walmart bag, put the bag on the floor and started wiping. I wiped my vagina first (front to back) then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a fairly big mess of soft diarrhea-type poop (because of my diet, water, prescribed laxative and stool softeners). P.U. Better out than in though. Flushed the toilet and saw poop flakes floating in there so flushed again. Picked up the Walmart bag, left the washroom, went upstairs to wash my hands, came downstairs, took my flip flops off outside my room, turned on the light, opened the door, came into my room, put those flip flops on, dried my hands on the towel, came to the bed and now writing this. Hopefully everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. And hopefully after lunch and dinner I will poop again.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Wednesday, March 27, 2024


School/Public Bathroom Survey

1. What did your parents/older siblings teach you about using bathrooms away from home?
My parents taught me to avoid using public bathrooms if possible. My dad said that I would get sick for using them, or that I would get bullied, or that I would get creeped on or assaulted. My dad was (and still is) a helicopter parent. As a result, I would "hold it" all day.

2. What fears did you have when you first had to use a school bathroom?
How were they overcome?
I had the fears my dad instilled on me that I just mentioned. On top of that, I was afraid of being judged (especially for pooping). By high school I had gotten over my fear of peeing, I can't really explain why. I didn't poop at school the entire time I was there; I only started to poop in public during college, and even then I would go to the most isolated bathrooms I could find.

From elementary to high school, if I had to poop and I couldn't hold it I would call my parents and fake being sick so that they would check me out. I don't know how I sustained this for so long.

3. What did your teacher say or do that was positive or negative about using the bathrooms at school?
I can't remember anything.

4. Did you ever get commended or disciplined when you used a school bathroom?
Not that I can recall, no.

5. Did your parents ask about how your bowel or bladder needs were being addressed at school?
No, never.

6. How old and under what conditions were you when you got over your fears about public bathrooms?
I'm still getting over it, but to be honest not until I was 19 or 20.

Gender: F
Age: Mid 20's


I'm helping little boy

Excuse me for the long lack of stories! I have been busy studying and doing various things. This story happens at the beginning of March. I been in the big shop, I had been to the big shop before, and I already knew where everything was. Suddenly, an unknown little boy ran up to me and spoke to me.
"Excuse me, can you help me, please?" I asked him what happened, and he said: "I need to use the bathroom, but I don't know where it is. I asked adults, but they were rude to me! And my parents are too busy choosing a new TV, so they didn't even hear me! Please, can you help me?"
Of course, I helped him. I knew where the bathroom and we went there. Soon, we arrived and this boy asked me to guard his stall while he was using it. I agreed. It looked like there was no one else in the toilet except for us, so I could hear what this little boy was doing in the toilet. First, I heard murmuring and understood that this boy was peeing. He peed for a few seconds and when he finishes, he farts, and as I understood, accidentally. Then, I heard loud flushing sound. After flushing the toilet, he stays in the toilet for two minutes and I think he tucked his pants. When he came out the stall, he looks happy. He thanked me and even hugs! I felt touched. Then, he asked me for another favor: "Take me to my parents, please! They are in the electrical department. By the way, I forgot to tell you my name: Kyle."


To Steve A and Kristi

Hi Steve. Thank you :) I'm on quite a few medications, some with high doses (my anti seizure medications). I'm also on stool softeners and laxatives (both prescribed) so between that, a very healthy diet, lots of water and coffee once a week at my exercise program I tend to crap a lot. I have pooped tons even as a skinny little girl...most of the time back then I clogged the toilet.

To Kristi-Please try drinking warm or hot water and maybe try stool softeners. Those along with a very healthy diet help me poop lots. I hope you get some relief soon.


Fairly big poop shortly after coming home

Hi everyone. I hope everyone is having a good day so far. Today was my weekly exercise program so I got up as usual (by myself), got dressed, brushed my teeth, microwaved breakfast for 4 minutes and 30 seconds, ate, took my medications at 9 and was picked up for my program around 10 AM (all this without bothering my caregiver who's sick). Had a cup of coffee (black) there, had a good class, a good lunch and a talk with a woman there (one of the participants). Overall a good class and I felt happy. Got picked up soon after lunch, came home, filled my water jar and jug and got the urge to poop. Grabbed my Walmart bag from my room, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, walked outside my room, put those flip flops on, closed the door, turned off the light and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out quite a bit of solid thick poop. Was done within 30 seconds to a minute. Reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper, took some off the roll, put the toilet paper back into the Walmart bag and put the Walmart bag on the floor. Wiped my vagina first (front to back) then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks. Put the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a fairly big poop in the toilet, very thick, somewhat dark. I'm just glad it's out. Flushed the toilet, grabbed the Walmart bag off the floor, walked to the door, turned off the light, grabbed my Hello Kitty mug from my room and went upstairs to wash my hands and make a cup of tea. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and having a good day and week so far.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Anna from Austria


I want to answer a survey this time

1. What did your parents/older siblings teach you about using bathrooms away from home?

It was said it is something normal and my mum and older sister also did it regularly in the public. Their credo was when you have to go then you have to go.
2. What fears did you have when you first had to use a school bathroom?
How were they overcome?

It felt weird at first because at Kindergarden It seemed that I was the only girl that had to go in the morning hours.But then one time I heard the loud poop of one our Kinder Garten teachers. Hearning her did help me to accept it as something total normal.

3. What did your teacher say or do that was positive or negative about using the bathrooms at school?

Neither nor. We were allowed to use the bathroom wheneve we needed it also during class. it was like this from elementery school to highschool.
4. Did you ever get commended or disciplined when you used a school bathroom?

5. Did your parents ask about how your bowel or bladder needs were being addressed at school?

No we never talked about stuff like this. I also never had real issues. I am not a fan of using a public bathroom but since I always have to in the morning pooping at public bathroom is something normal to me from early age.

6. How old and under what conditions were you when you got over your fears about public bathrooms?

I was 5 or 6 when I heard my Kindergarten teacher poop which helped me to see it as something normal to do in the public. But it was not really fear just feeling not very comfortable doing it .
Gender: F
Age: 38

greetings from Austria



First ever awkward poop at school

It was kindergarten. I was 5 years old.

In the classroom, the kindergarten class had access to two single-person bathrooms, one designated for boys, the other for girls. There was a frosted glass window at the upper mid-section of each door, probably so the teachers could look in to see what is going on, without the details of what the user is doing being visible.

I had just eaten lunch and the cafeteria food did not agree with my digestive tract. Class had not started yet as there was a recess break after lunch. I'd used this bathroom many times before, and was not as comfortable with the nearby multi-user Boys' rooms that the older kids used, so I walked passed a group of female classmates standing by the bathrooms, went into the Boys', shut the door, and proceeded to poop.

I blasted out diarrhea and it echoed about the room. Outside, I heard laughing.

One of the girls remarked "<My name omitted>'s going poop!"


"I can see him inside!"

I continued blasting diarrhea. It was quickly over, and I started wiping.

"He's wiping his butt!"

Eventually, I finished.

I flushed, washed my hands, and exited the room to a group of 4 female students from my class standing around, laughing.


One of the girls held her nose.

"It smells!"

Recess ended soon after. No one mentioned anything about it after that I knew of, but I was embarrassed.

Hi, my name is Chloe. For my first post here, I thought I would recall a story from my School days way back in 2006.

I was on the girls rugby team at school and we were in the finals with another local school. The two people who'll come into later I will name ''Big Mary'' and ''Rachel''. Big Mary was a heavy set girl with an attitude problem who was often the bane of teachers, Rugby was a way for her to unleash her violent urges without getting her in trouble. Rachel was a tall, slender girl who funnily enough bore a strong resemblance to a fictional Rachel (Jennifer Anniston). The two barely interacted and needless to say, it would soon turn nasty.

After we emerged victorious, we were in the changing rooms adjacent to the toilets. I'd gotten changed and had gone to the toilets to do my hair and makeup. A couple of other girls were stood there chopsing and one of the four stalls was occupied. There was a faint odour so it was obvious someone was having a poo. The two girls left and the door shut. As soon as the door shut, a faint plop could be heard. Soon enough, Big Mary came in and was chopsing with Lindsay, her shorter reedier sidekick. I was about to leave when Big Mary yelled ''Who's the skank having a minging shit?!''. Soon enough, she had wheeled around and kicked the door to the stall in and sat inside was Rachel, her face one of utter shock and terror, mouth agape and all. To make matters worse, as soon as she made eye contact with BM, A lenghty turd could be seen exiting between her spread legs into the pan with a wet booming fart for emphasis.

Rachel jumped up to close the stall door, knickers and shorts round her ankles and covering herself with her rugby shirt, only to find that Mary had somehow destroyed the lock. Mary taunted her for a couple of minutes saying stuff like ''I can smell your arse'' and ''Good god, what have you been eating?!'' whilst Rachel was still pooing. Eventually she left and it was quiet for a few minutes. I took this as an opportunity to have a quick piss, there was no toilet paper in my stall but I carried tissues on me to do the trick. As I washed my hands, I could see Rachel exit her stall, crimson faced. She turned to me and gave an awkward half smile and left for the changing rooms. I noticed her shorts had a whiff and morbid curiosity got the better of me so I checked her stall to find the poor girl had no toilet paper as well and had to wipe her bum with her white gym socks which sat in the toilet covered in skids.

Thankfully, nothing came of Mary's bullying for the rest of the week and Rachel seemed alright when I saw her in the corridors with her friends. Whether they had run ins again I don't know (They were Year 11's and I was in Year 10) but I thought I'd post this as a reminder that UK School toilets are not only anarchic for the boys. Any other girls had or witnessed this experience?


Re: Additional questions

Q1. What did your parents/older siblings teach you about using bathrooms away from home?

A1: I was taught to go whenever I needed to. As a small child, my grandmother used to always force me to try to go before leaving the house so I wouldn't have to go in public.

Q2. What fears did you have when you first had to use a school bathroom?
How were they overcome?

A2: My first fears were being bullied, especially while defecating. I got used to pooping at school every day, and my classmates picked up on my habit. In 2nd grade, I was taking an exceptionally large, noisy, and messy poop and one of my classmates kicked the stall door open on me. One of the students got the teacher and she came in and put a stop to it. I was extremely embarrassed that she and some students saw me in the stall with my pants down during the ordeal, but she shut the door since I couldn't reach it from where I sat. But even that didn't stop me from pooping at school. I continued to do so nearly every day, until middle school. My middle school introduced me to doorless stalls. I stopped pooping at school then after on my first day, I saw students being bullied for doing just that. I was not comfortable pooping at school again until Junior year of high school, when I relocated to a new high school that had doors on the stalls, where I resumed my habit of pooping at school every day.

Q3. What did your teacher say or do that was positive or negative about using the bathrooms at school?

A3: The presence of a teacher in the bathroom did one thing, which was to assure I would be able to poop without anyone bothering me. This was a very positive thing as far as I was concerned. So much so, that I was able to confidently blast out diarrhea in a half stall where everyone in the restroom could see me from the torso up as I sat on the toilet(see "A High School Poop Story", page 2870), without worry of harassment.

Q4. Did you ever get commended or disciplined when you used a school bathroom?

A4: I did one time in the second high school I attended(which had stalls with doors), because the teacher asked me what took me so long, and I told her bluntly "Numero dos". It was a Spanish class. The class found it funny, but she reprimanded me for being gross.

Q5. Did your parents ask about how your bowel or bladder needs were being addressed at school?

A5: Yes. In middle school, they picked up on my pattern of rushing to the bathroom after school to poop. That is where they learned there were no stall doors and that I held it all day to avoid my classmates having to watch me poop, and possibly harassing/bullying me while at my most vulnerable.

Q6. How old and under what conditions were you when you got over your fears about public bathrooms?

A6: I always used urinals for peeing. As long as I had at least a stall with a door, I never had a problem pooping in a public restroom with other people around. Doorless stalls scared me away from pooping at school. I eventually got over that fear when I had to face it enough times during emergencies where my only alternative was my pants. The turning point that made me stop holding it if I had to poop and didn't have what I considered adequate privacy was when I had an emergency at a bus station as an adult, where the Mens' room had no stall doors(See page 2882, "Nowhere else to go... my intro to shameless pooping"). More than 20 people saw me poop there. After that, I've since been able to use any doorless stall or stall-less toilet to poop in a multi-user public restroom without any shame or embarrassment, even with other people in the room. If I'm somewhere and I need to poop, I poop, even if it's at a city park or a bar or similar place and anyone who walks in can see me on the toilet.

Steve A

To Coda (Summer & Weekend Getaway Camps)

I've attended my fair share of summer and getaway camps during my childhood all the way through high school.

Even though all of them had proper and fully functional restrooms for everyone, my only memorable experiences happened during a few youth group weekend trips at a retreat site.

For my youth group weekend retreat trips, I remember some of the guys going back to the cabins after dinner to poop, along with someone accidentally walking in on me since one of the stall door's didn't have a lock on it.

Furthermore, I don't remember anyone clogging or "destroying" the restrooms during any of my camp experiences, even though I may not have been present during that time...

Anna from Austria
I have a question for my fellow ladies.

What do you do when you clog a public toilet? Do you report it and admit it was you? Or do you report it and prentend it was somebody else? Or do you just ignore it?

It rarely happens to me fortunately but when it happens I act like a bad girl and just ignore it.

I am curious about hearing your replies

greetings from Austria



Huge dump while camping

Hi everyone,

My name's Lena, I'm 24, slimmer, have brown wavy hair and guys have told me I have a nice butt. I went camping for the first time of the season last week, my boyfriend and I have a pop up camper. It's small, and has a kitchenette but only a small chemical toilet out on the open that we only use for emergencies.
I usually poop every morning, and tend to get gassy when I eat a lot of heavy foods. We had been grilling a lot of bacon, sandwiches, and eating a lot of junk food since we were on vacation, and I hadn't been able to poop in a couple of days. The second night we were camping I had a greasy cheeseburger that I knew probably wouldn't agree with me. Before we went to bed I was farting like crazy, and they were getting louder and wetter. I could feel my stomach starting to grumble and felt like I had to poop, but when I went to the bath house, I just couldn't get anything to come out. We went to bed and I was still ripping loud farts with my stomach turning.

Around 2 in the morning I woke up drenched in sweat. My stomach hurt, and when I sat up I could feel my bowels start to shift, and felt a fart about to come out. I knew if I tried to walk to the bath house I would end up pooping my pants, which I have a history of. I lied there for a second, thinking about my options, and knew a massive dump was on its way whether I was ready or not. I stood up, with my boyfriend still sleeping, and slid out the chemical toilet from under the sink. I pulled down my pants, and as I lowered them, I let out a huge bubbly fart. I knew if I didn't get my panties down that instant I was going to have a big accident. I slammed my panties to my ankles and squatted down to sit on the toilet. A huge wet fart boomed into the toilet, and I felt my stomach convulse as a log of mushy poop started to crackle out. I didn't even have to push, as the poop crackled out, touching the bottom of the shallow toilet. The small size of the toilet was one thing I didn't account for, but it was too late to worry. The log curled up, and spread around the bowl as I sighed in relief. I could feel my bowels shifting as the poop was rushing out. Eventually it broke off, and I didn't even get a break before a huge fart erupted out, and I uncontrollably started to spray mushy poop out into the bowl. It splatted against the mound that the long log made, and the smell was really starting to get overwhelming. Somehow my boyfriend hadn't woken from the noise or the smell, but I was starting to get antsy. The flow tapered off, and I farted again as it slowed down. The smell of fresh, soft, mushy poop was overbearing in the small camper, and I knew I needed to get rid of it soon. I stood up to start wiping, and when I made the first pass, my wrist had poop on it. Sure enough, I pooped so much that the toilet was full to the brim, and some got on my ass when I shifted my weight to stand. At that point I knew it was a lost cause. I picked the toilet up, and carried it to the woods behind the campsite, grabbing a trowel from the toolbox of my boyfriend's truck on the way out. I dug a hole and dumped the toilet out as best I could, pulled my now poop-stained leggings up, since I don't wear underwear to sleep, and walked over to the bath house. I hosed the toilet out and skittered back to the camper, and joined my boyfriend back in bed after changing my pants. I felt so much better after letting loose in the little toilet. I hope you enjoyed my story, more to come soon.

To Kristi

Kristi good to hear that u finally pooped hope it came out smoothly. I pooped today too I had to push a little bit get my poop out. When was you last poop in public? My name is Austin by the way


To Kristi Advice for constipation advice

Hello, Kristi
Emily here sorry to hear about your constipation. I know it sucks and it's embarrassing and it's miserable. I get it a lot and to help me go when I push really hard and it won't come out no matter what I don't use enemas or suppositories but when I do know there is poop up there that is really hard and stuck and won't come out after pushing hard. I end up doing this digging technique called splinting. I looked it up on Google and then I followed the steps and tried it. It's really easy if you want to try it, but it's a very effective way and will get it out. so try sitting on the toilet having your pants off or at your ankles and spread your legs really wide and scoot back on the toilet seat lean back and sit up once you're in that position just relax and breathe and try to insert one or two fingers or your thumb or middle finger which I use the best into vagina and against the lower inner back wall of it feel for a hard lump, which is the poop once you feel it press your fingers downward on it towards your hole and push really hard and that should start evacuating and popping out the poop. If you have tried first, putting your pants around your ankles and legs spread wide and toes pressed hard the floor and push really hard or leaning forward or back and reach around and pull your cheeks apart and push hard. If all else fails, then try the digging technique called splinting, which explained how to do in the beginning. Hope this advice helps and you can try it. It works for me all the time. Let me know how it goes.
Hope it gets better.

I will post a story next time when I had a hard time at my friends house the other day

To Chris D.

Dang that sucks that you had a legit accident at church, any other accidents?


To Steve A

Thank you for your comment. It's taken years and years of trying different things to make my bowels regular (have had constipation issues since I was a small baby). I've tried fibre, exercise (which I love but need help to go out and come back because my brain surgery and stroke from 2013 caused memory issues. I go to a once a week exercise program which other people and I are picked up at home, driven to and brought home from). Between that, laxatives and stool softeners, a very healthy diet, lots of water and exercises in my room I poop very well. And some of the medications I'm on (anti seizure) make me very tired so I fight that off and sleep at night.

Princess Toadstool Peach

A Really Long Wee + A couple of Farts/Massive Thick Poos

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I been drinking a lot of juice, milk, water and other liquids as well so now my bladder tingling feels like it could burst like a balloon my bowels are also shifting forward too. So you know the drill I rush over to the bathroom, walk over to the toilet, lift up my dress, pull down my royal panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and then I sit down on the toilet adjusting myself squatting on my footstool and then I read the newspaper waiting for my wees and my poos to come out. Then I begin to break wind loudly "PAARRPP TOOT POOT!!" Then finally I relax letting all of my wee flow out of my vagina bladder. "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssssssssssshhhhh drip-drip-drop!!" Wow that was the longest time I pee wee tinkled for. Right now for a big poo! I grunt clutching onto the toilet seat beginning to push as I take a huge dump AKA pinch my loaf. (TOOT…PAAAARRRPP FAAAARRRTTT PLUNK PLUNK PLUNK SPLUNK PLOOP PLOP SPLASH!!) Ahhhh that feels so good! Time to wipe and taking care of the paperwork. I start to wipe my vagina bladder between my legs 1st and then my bottom after all those thick 5 inch heavy poos with toilet paper. Then I throw away the paper into the toilet and then I get off the toilet, pull my panties up, lift down my dress and then I flush the toilet (FLLLUUUUSSSSSsshhhhh!!) Ah that was quite relaxing. Now time to wash my royal hands. Anyway see you next time bye bye now!


for Kristi

Sorry to hear about your constipation. When did you last drop one? You may require some laxatives.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024


Sunday evening at 8pm I needed a NUMBER TOO.went up to bedroom placed a paper towel on back of THETFORD ELEGANCE POTTIE .Took off my jogging bottoms and pants sat on pottie had a wee then two minutes later a load of poop it sounded like a bag of marbles falling this happened four times then had another wee.I stood up looked through my legs the bowl was full to within two inches of the seat it looked like a vegetable broth.
I pulled the slide as I sat back down then had another wee I sat a few more minutes before wiping the toilet paper was wet no poop on it.I rinsed the bowl put down the li clea underpants then climbed into bed I put a bed pan in the bed if I needed to use it.Several times I used the pottie during the night for a wee.
The alarm woke me I got out of bed went to kitchen switched on kettle
went to campervan sat ON ADVENTURIDGE pottie after a few minutes went a NUMBER TOO ,wiped with ELSAN BLUE toilet roll ,went back into kitchen made and drank tea.
I have had stir fry every day for past ten days. Was sundays poop the meal I had three hours previous or the meal I had SATURDAY ??


To Jasmin K:

Hi, Jasmin!
My name is Petro, I'm almost 41. I was born and I grew in Ukraine, but I already live in Germany constantly during 23 years, that's to say, since 2001. Once (in December, p. 3043) you answered some of my questions, but these questions were asked to the other person (Nicole from Germany). I'd like to ask you some more questions, which are related the pooping in your childhood, if you don't mind.
1. Did I comprehended right, that it was usually very difficult for you to do a poo in your school time? Had you to strain a lot for pushing your poo out? And how was it in your pre-school time? And was pooping also very difficult for your younger sister?
2. Did you usually fart at those times before you started pooping?
3. As you sat down on your potty chair/on the toilet for doing a poo at those times, had you always to push a lot, before something came out?
4. As you were a young child, did you always poop by yourself? Did you ever use enema or suppositories at those times? How was it in your school time, including your teenager time?
5. As you were a young child, did you usually do a poo as you felt you had to do it? Did you ever sit down on your potty chair/on the toilet and try to make a poo without having an urge for it? Were you be able to poo in that case?
6. As you were pooping in your childhood, did you usually push one big turd out, or did you more often push several ones out?
7. As you were a young child, did you ever push a huge poop out? If you did, did you make it often?
8. Did you like making a poo as you were a young child? If you had to push a big poo out, did you take it for good? And did you like doing a poo in your school time, including your teenager time?
9. If you pushed a big poo out at those times, were you proud of it? Did you use to show it to your mom/dad in such cases?
10. To what age did you make a poo on your potty chair? How old were you as you began to do a poo on the toilet?
11. As you were a young child, did you make your poo in the presence of your mom? If you did, was it often? Or sometimes? And if you did it in her presence, did she often comment your pooping? Did she ever encourage you by doing it, if she saw it was difficult for you?
12. To what age did you make a poo in the presence of your mom/dad?
13. As you were a young child, did you ever see your mom doing a poo? If you did, did you comment her pooping somehow in such cases? And did you ever make a poo together with her (that's to say, do a teamwork!)?
14. As you were a young child, did you ever try to make a poo after peeing?
15. As you were a young child, did you make your poo every day or more rarely?
16. As you were a young child, did you make a poo at some certain time of the day or was it at different times as a rule?
17. As you were a rather young child, did you usually do a poo as you felt an urge for it? Or were you more often put on your potty chair/on the toilet and told to try making a poo?
18. Did you ever make a poo outdoors at those times? And your sister?
19. Do you remember any poop story from times, as you were a young child? If you do, could you tell it? I already told such one just on Christmas on the page 3043, if you noticed.
20. And I'd also like to ask you: in what city do you live, if it's not a secret?
I wish you happy pooping and peeing!

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