

Pleasure and delight when pooping

Sometime in the morning (I didn't look at the time) I wanted to go to the toilet to poop. Taking a dump. I did not resist the call, and went to the bathroom. Soon, I took off my pants and briefs and was already sitting on the white throne. At first I farted loudly several times, then slowly the poop began to come out. And I was very pleased to feel it, I was very pleased to poop. She got out, then the rest of the poop began to come out. I really wanted to poop as long as possible. I tried to prolong the pleasure. I didn't push when I pooped, I relaxed. When all the poo came out of me, I sat on the potty for a while, hoping that maybe more poo would come out? But no, I've defecation all. So I wiped my ass and flushed the toilet. After getting dressed, I washed my hands in the sink and went out. I liked to poop so much that day, I even thought, maybe I should eat more to poop longer? But I wisely abandoned this idea. After all, I pooped every day! I'll still have time to enjoy every poop that comes out!


Letting out a little bit of pee

Every now and then I have situations where I'm absolutely desperate to pee. I have often played with the idea of letting a little bit of pee out into my pants to relieve the pressure. Has anyone ever actually tried this? Did it work?

Monday, May 29, 2023


The past two weeks weather much better wake up every morning as soon as alarm sounds wee in the ELEGANCE porta pottie , down stairs make tea sit in garden.
After two mugs of tea go in shed sit on THETFORD 33 pottie have a BM
have been using ELSAN BLUE ROLL to wipe.Came back from Gym last night went straight to bed, woke one for a wee in ELEGANCE POTTIE .When the alarm sounded this morning had a wee in THETFORD ELEGANCE pottie crawled back to bed .
At 9am woke needing the toilet , reached for blue porcelain bed pan pulled down pants sat down immediately had a wee then started pooping
for over a minute then another wee wiped with four sheets shades kitchen towel ,went downstairs and emptied in bonfire , washed under water butt
I have just had another number too in the adventuridge pottie in the van


A leisurely break

In the morning after breakfast I went to the toilet. I went in, closed the door, pulled down my pants and underpants, lifted up the toilet seat lid, and sat down on the toilet. However, the poop didn't want to come out by itself, and I pushed a little. Farting loudly, I felt a poop go out. She crawled out and fell with a splash. Ah, what a relief. Pushed even more, I defecated a few poop, then wiped my ass with toilet paper, got dressed, flushed, washed my hands and left the toilet.

Not Important

Suggestion for Avery

If you haven't done your challenge yet and your friends are aware of it, maybe you should invite them to watch you when you go?


First Post

Hi all,

Very, very long term lurker but first post after deciding to get involved. Thought I'd start with a quick story about something that happened to me today.

I had been out with friends in the city nearby and was heading home at the end of the evening. I didn't have time to look for a public toilet since my train was leaving in a few minutes, but by the time I got on the train I was absolutely bursting for a wee.

Let me tell you, I walked the whole length of the inside of the train looking for a toilet and I did not find a single one. Just as I was starting to worry that I might have an accident before I got home, in the very last carriage was an onboard toilet! Needless to say I rushed in and was honestly pretty much just in time.




Nicole From Germany

Replying to Sandra

Yes, thankfully I've been able! I remember back when I was 17 or 18 I was constipated for two entire weeks - but even then it worked out in the end.

Do you have set times when to go? I really don't - I remember as a teen I often had to go badly at really bad times, like when I was in class...



To the person that asked more about my mom.

She didn't help me too much with actual using the bathroom. Most of it was helping me stand up and sit down getting around the house. The main job she took over from my husband was making sure I didn't fall asleep, which I'm embarrassed to say happened a few times! I used to leave the door cracked at home for him.

During my first pregnancy, I still wasn't as comfortable with my husband seeing me on the toilet, so I was completely fine with my mother's attitude. By the second time I was fine with my family seeing me and I would just leave the door open.

It could definitely be funny. My mom is half my husband's size but she could always make him backup and out of the bathroom. She didn't close the door on him, but she always wanted him standing outside. The only time both of them were with me was during checkups at the doctor's office.

I think the funniest thing wasn't even with my husband, it was with my son. When I was a little girl and went with my mother, one of us would always stand still in one spot while the other was on the toilet. My son definitely didn't stand still and his grandma got fed up with it. She would pick him up and make him stand in the shower or bathtub. It was absolutely hilarious to me because of how well it worked.

MD Dan

Wild Story from Work Trip and Reply to Brandon

Brandon, you can check out page 2864 for the story about the female client on a job site. Most of the stories are on here if you search for them.

My story today is from a work trip I took recently. I went out to an industry conference and ended up having a pretty wild evening with some other people. I had met up with a few people I know but usually only see once or twice a year at these events. One man and two women. The guy is in his late 40s, average build for an office worker, I'll call him Brad. One woman is in her mid 40s, about 5'5" with long brown hair, a small frame and a small but shapely butt, I'll call her Jill. The other woman is about 35, about 5'8" and also has long brown hair. She has a pretty average frame, like an office worker who also goes to the gym occasionally. I'll call her Tina.

We went out to dinner after the event reception. We had all been drinking a little bit at the reception and then had some steak dinners with a few more drinks. We knew we'd be drinking so we all walked over to the restaurant instead of driving. After dinner we decided to hang out in the younger girls hotel room for a couple of hours, just talking business mostly and some other topics. While walking back, Jill and Brad were in front of me waiting at a crosswalk and I noticed Jill's butt kept clenching every 10 seconds or so. As we started walking, I briefly noticed a fart smell and figured it must have been Jill since she looked like she was trying to hold in a fart while we were all standing there. I looked over at Tina next to me, and she looked back at me. She had definitely smelled it too and just smirked and shrugged. I mean it happens haha.

Anyway, after hanging out a while, nothing of note happened regarding this forum, and Brad decided to head back to his room to go to bed. Tina and I were still in a conversation but I was planning on heading out shortly too. Jill, who had been talking to Brad, got up and went over to the bathroom in the room right after he walked out. She said, "excuse me for a minute." and closed the door. Tina and I were still talking for half a minute and right at a lull in our conversation, a loud burst of gas followed by 2 plops came from the bathroom. My eyes got wide and I looked at Tina. She covered her mouth, quietly giggling, and said, "Uh oh! Someone had to go bad! Shhh, keep talking!" So we tried to keep up our conversation but another 30 seconds later we heard another fart from Jill, this time a short zipper fart. Tina started giggling again and quietly said, "I think the food is getting to her." We heard toilet paper being rolled off and tried to wrap up our conversation. Jill came out of the bathroom, but neither of us wanted to look at her for fear of embarrassing her. She sat down next to us and sighed heavily. Tina just looked over at her and smiled. There was an awkward silence for a few seconds and Jill just looked at her and playfully said, "Shut up!" and laughed, which was funny because no one was talking. Like she was saying "Shut up!" to the thoughts in her head haha.

I was feeling full and actually felt the need to crap. I was planning on just walking back to my room to do it but I thought it might lighten up the situation a little bit if I did it in Tina's bathroom. I said, "Now if you'll excuse me for a minute" and walked over to the bathroom. Jill's eyes got wide and her mouth opened a bit, she looked slightly incredulous. Tina's mouth opened a little and she just said, "Oh, ok. Sure!" and was trying not to giggle. Like they were both thinking, "Really? Now you?!" The bathroom smelled a little, but it wasn't bad. I sat down and could hear the girls speaking quietly but could hear what they were saying. I peed for around 10 seconds and then I could feel some poop. I pushed a little and a short log shot out with a burst of gas, plopping loudly. Right away I dropped another two logs that also plopped and then farted for about 4 or 5 seconds. I heard complete silence from the room. I could only imagine their faces and holding back laughter. I finished after only a couple minutes and came back out.

Jill was grinning but trying not to look at me. Tina was also grinning but looked directly at me and said, "The food got to you too, huh?" I sat down and there was another awkward silence. Everyone was kind of smiling and trying not to look directly at anyone else. Tina then said, "Well, why you don't you excuse me for a minute too?" and went into the bathroom. Jill started laughing hysterically and Tina just said, "Oh, shut up!" as she closed the door. There was no conversation at this point anymore. Jill and I were just sitting there, definitely trying to listen to Tina take a dump, neither of us even trying to hide it. Jill looked over at me and said, "I don't know why, but we've all just turned into 8 year olds." and started laughing again. I'm sure the drinks had something to do with everyone's giddiness and lack of inhibition. Jill said, "What's funny is I think Brad left because he had to go the bathroom too! He kept holding his stomach the whole time! He should have just stayed and joined in!"

Jill put her finger to her lips and said, "Shhhh." and started listening. We heard one plop from Tina, then another, then a third, and amazingly, a fourth large plop. All about 3 or 4 seconds apart. Then Tina farted a dry sounding fart, sat a few seconds, and farted again. She was done and started rolling off toilet paper. Tina came out of the bathroom, her face red, sat down and sighed. She said, "Well, now that we're all done with the bathroom, I think it need to air out a while! Like maybe a few days!" Jill said, "Maybe next time we don't have so many drinks and a huge steak dinner!" We chatted another couple of minutes, mostly because I really didn't want to stand up right then, if you know what I mean, but it was definitely getting late.

Jill and I left Tina's room and in the hall, Jill looked right into my eyes, smiled seductively and said, "Well, I bet you'll be thinking about this all night." I said, "I mean, yeah, that was pretty crazy." She kept smiling and stepped closer and said, "Oh? You looked like you were, let's say, a little excited listening to Tina." and she glanced down ever so briefly at my pants and then right back into my eyes, still smiling. She said, "I can only assume you were listening to me too and that it had the same effect." She now stepped close enough we were almost touching. I said, "Yes, definitely." Jill put her hand on my arm and said, "Can I tell you a secret?" I said, "Of course." She said, "I was enjoying it too. And...I kind of intentionally decided to use her bathroom..." she raised her eyebrows and trailed off, biting her lip. I raised my eyebrows and could just say, "Ohhh...I see. I'm glad you had fun." She giggled, finally breaking eye contact, let go of my arm and said, "Well, I guess it's pretty late now. I'm going to let you go. Go back to your room and enjoy the rest of your night." She winked at me and said, "I know I will." She turned around and started walking away, then looked back over her shoulder and caught me looking at her butt. She stopped, followed my gaze, then winked at me again and kept walking away. I had a lot of trouble sleeping that night!

That was the most wild experience I have ever had to date. I don't think that will ever be topped. Well, have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, May 24, 2023


Nicole From Germany--were you able to poop?

I just saw back a few pages (April 16th I think) that you were constipated after your child was born.

Just wanted to follow up and see if you were able to poop after posting that, or if you still haven't been able to go? Thanks

i was walking over to the bathroom because i had to poop and when i got there there was another girl in the stall beside me and we were just chit chatting the whole time while we pooped and it was just nice and weird and then she was asking me about my poop so i was asking her to. it was all weird.


Avery poop challenge question

Hi Avery I love your idea, would you be able to somehow find a way to weigh your poop after you take your mega dump? Thanks


Sarah'sSurvey and Question for MD Dan!

Hey MD Dan I read your answers on Sarah's survey. You had my interest once you shared you had many stories to share of co workers pooping. Can you tell some of them? The one with the young lady client seems like a good start! Thanks…

1. how often do you poop at work?

- it happens

2. do you have to hold your poop at work? longest time?

- often because of shame

3. are you embarrassed to poop at work?

- unfortunately yes

4. when was the last time you pooped at work? what was it like?

- It was a noon poop in a 2 stall toilet, it is pretty sound proof with stone walls all the way down but I really blasted some loud farts in the process that surely rang through. I'm good as long as nobody sees me entering or leaving the toilets…

5. have you had to use the customer bathroom?

- yes, it also holds my preference because it feels more private as you don't know the people coming in or out

6. have you heard coworkers or customers poop?

- it happens

7. have you had to tell a customer or coworker that you needed to poop?

- No!


Trips to the toilet without problems

I always go to the toilet on time, at the first feeling that I want to (if it's not occupied). Because I really like toilets, and I really like to defecate. And pee and poop, but I like to poop more. I try to poop three times a day! It seems fair. After all, I eat three times, which means I must ​poop three times! Unfortunately, I don't always manage to poop three times, but I try. I usually don't get my ass dirty much when I poop, so I don't use a lot of toilet paper. I sometimes got into situations when I was pooping and there was no paper. Fortunately, at all times when this happened, parents or friends were nearby, and I asked them to bring toilet paper to me in the toilet. I've never peed or pooped on the outside. Because it doesn't seem right to me. I try to find the toilet as quickly as possible, and so far I've been lucky and managed to find it in time. I also absolutely don't care which toilet to use - clean or not, with a toilet bowl or a cesspool. For me, the main thing is that he was! And what it will be, it's not so important to me anymore.
I enjoy my toilet time!


To Ryan

Yes! I agree 1000%. Let's all make it happen!

To Elvia

Could you share a story or to of when you mother helped you during your constipation? It sounds funny how fussy she was about your husband checking in on you.


Frieda, Size and Straining

I am not a woman nor am I a large man, but Frieda, what you describe fits me to a TEE. I have been diagnosed with "neurogenic bowel". I have to strain and grunt and push no mater what the consistency of my stool is. Like you I am not necessarily constipated and taking laxatives doesn't help it just gives me diarrhea and I STILL have to struggle to get it out.

I would suggest that your size is not the problem, I'll bet that your having 7 children in quick succession damaged some of the nerves in your rectum and as a result your rectal muscles, the ones that would cause peristalsis specifically while having a bowel movement, are not working properly. In my case it is due to a back injury.

For me, I have noticed that I don't get that "urge" to bear down any more. I'm well aware of a lump of stool in my rectum but there is never any "urge" to evacuate it. If I didn't force it out of me every day it would literally stay there forever.

I've taken to using either my finger to stimulate my rectum to contract, or I use a suppository. And as soon that the suppository starts to stimulate that "feeling" of an "urge" to bear down, I evacuate with one or two strong pushes.~~ JW


Massive amount of poop after breakfast and coffee

Hi everyone. Got up this morning and had oatmeal with zucchini, chili pepper or hot sauce, egg and other vegetables and after breakfast took my medication and went downstairs. Finished a jar of coffee (black) and a jar of water when I got a major urge to poop. Went to the washroom next to my room, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my dark sweatpants and light purple underwear down and sat on the toilet. Gave a gentle push and a huge thick amount of poop came out. Was done within about 20 seconds. What a relief! When I was done I lifted myself slightly off the toilet and looked in the toilet at it. It looked huge! Grabbed my toilet paper, took a small amount and wiped well. Tossed it in the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned around to look. WOW. This thing covered a lot of the toilet! About 2 1/2 feet or so and fairly thick. Damn. Flushed the beast down the toilet, washed my hands and that's that. Hopefully later I can go more. Never know.

Happy pooping and stay safe!


Monday, May 22, 2023


School recess pooping, again

I wanted to poop as soon as the recess bell rang. I was glad - at least on time. So I immediately went to the toilet, and not alone, which is surprising. I walked into the first toilet cabin I saw. After making sure that the toilet roll was large, I pulled down my white pants and briefs, and sat down on the toilet. Farting, I defecated poop. A couple of splash were heard. A few poo fell into the toilet. I also had to push to make a big poop. Then I wipe my ass with toilet paper, sighting of relief, got dressed, flushed, and went out.


To Joe & Jam

Yes, Joe, I too think it's amazing that you saw that in that restroom. Like you said, it might be just a joke, and there might not be any pee fights in there on Fridays. However, like you, Jam, I too would be open to the idea of trying such a thing. I don't know why, but I think it could actually be a fun experience. It might be a good way to let off some steam at the end of the week, and also to just relax and bond with other guys. I mean, why not? As long as it's with a decent group of guys, not anybody nasty or unhealthy or anything, why not? I think we as a society have gotten too uptight and afraid of each other's bodies, especially guys. I say why not let loose once in a while? We're washable and our clothes are washable. Not only that, but we use urinals all the time. I honestly don't think a pee fight would be any less safe than using a splashy urinal. I remember there was a post on here a while ago about a guy who ended up sharing a sink with another guy, and it ended up being a pleasant experience. He even talked about how he didn't mind the splashback. So I say, let's have more pee fights! I wonder what would happen if more restrooms had that written on the wall. Maybe a new trend of Friday pee fights would sweep the nation! As long as we're willing to wipe it up when we're done.


Dear Thunder

Wipe a bottom of someone as adult?? We do very often! Usually after our crush washed her bottom, but sometimes before. We love to do!! I am happiest woman in world when Kazu or Chae or Maholin is cleaning my bottom. And if their bottom is dirty, I am happy to clean well. They all say same thing.

We hope you enjoy with therapist!

And we hope everyone is fine and having satisfy time on lovely loo.

Love to everyone.

Maho Hisae Kazumi Mina


pooping in movies

Hi Everyone :) I'm not sure if I'm in the right place to ask this, but do you know any movies where someone poops? Here are some movies with pooping scenes that I know:

The Four-faced liar(2010)
Ingrid goes west(2017)
Fools Rush In (1997)
Indecent Proposal (1993)
The Change-Up (2011)
Detroit Rock City (1999)
Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004)
American Pie(1999)
Dumb & Dumber(1994)
Final Destination (2000)

TV series:
Broad city
One Way or Another
Orange Is the New Black

Wiping Bottom Survey Story

The last time I had my bottom wiped for me was when I was a sophomore in high school. My family's apartment had only one bathroom. There were 5 of us sharing it. Before starting my walk to school I had just sat down on the toilet when my kid brother threw the door open, pants down saying he was going to crap himself. He wasn't into drama. It looked pretty real so I quickly exited to my room. My crap was knocking, if you know what I mean, but I had to grab my backpack and start my walk to school.

Although I wasn't supposed to walk through a park, it was a short cut and it was getting more obvious by the minute that I was going to have to 1) crap there, 2) take a tardy, 3) and get hassled with my study group because we had an exam coming the next hour and I was missing.

I was lucky the park toilets were located right along the path I was walking. I walked in, kept my backpack on to save time, dropped my jeans and seated myself on the only toilet that had a seat that wasn't busted off. My best friend once said that my craps were in 3 acts, kind of like a play. I was satisfied with the first one. It was pretty solid and hurt a bit coming out. Something told me that my butt hole was messy by the expulsion. Then I looked at the panels on each side of me and there was no toilet paper hanger. I had white panties on that I realized would soon me formerly white.

The flusher handle was leaking. I pulled my panties and jeans up and hoped for the best. I felt some moisture between my legs, but didn't want to dwell on that. I got to my school within 10 minutes and felt act 2 ready to open. I was already tardy so I headed to the first bathroom I passed and figured at least one toilet should be open for an emergency.
Wrong. Legs under each door. My explosion was waiting like a bomb. Finally, a cheerleader walked out looking so confident that it almost made me feel sicker. I took my seat while examining the loose crap streaks in my panties. The explosion came with probably a cups worth of diarrhea. Now my butthole was stinging. I closed my legs together to try and keep the smell down.

Yes there was toilet paper, but the cut out squares didn't keep me from getting crap on my right hand. I think I did about 10 or 11 wipes until I ran out of paper. So I stood up, quickly flushed, but the flush was super slow. I was walking fast to my locker when I passed the nurses office. I had to wait about 10 minutes until she could get to me. Halfway through my wait, I got another gas attack and I hurried down the aisle to single toilet room. Within 10 seconds of seating myself on the small homelike toilet, act 3 came out in a blast. Same pain and same smell. Then there was some more dripping. There was a knock on the door and the nurse asked permission to enter.

I started to cry. She said I was not in trouble. She would excuse my first hour absence. She flushed and I started to feel light headed. I showed her my messed up panties. She told me to wait. Then she came back in with a hand full of much larger towels. She told me to stand with my hands on the sink and my butt extended. She used several of these super towels to wipe me. She seemed surprised by how messed up I was. But she said I was lucky that I didn't have the accident in class. She convinced me that after about three bouts I was probably cleaned out. She took off my panties and threw them and the towels in this special barrel like can that she opened with her foot.

At the beginning of 4th hour I was taking my midday piss before gym class, when I thought about the embarrassment I had been through that morning and how the nurse had wiped me. When I got home I found that the nurse had called my mom, but my mom was pretty understanding. My mom also talked to my brother about planning ahead and not rushing me. I did get some irritation around my hole. The nurse had been a lot more thorough with her wiping me than I would have been.


Sarah'sSurvey and Question for MD Dan!

Hey MD Dan I read your answers on Sarah's survey. You had my interest once you shared you had many stories to share of co workers pooping. Can you tell some of them? The one with the young lady client seems like a good start! Thanks…

1. how often do you poop at work?

- it happens

2. do you have to hold your poop at work? longest time?

- often because of shame

3. are you embarrassed to poop at work?

- unfortunately yes

4. when was the last time you pooped at work? what was it like?

- It was a noon poop in a 2 stall toilet, it is pretty sound proof with stone walls all the way down but I really blasted some loud farts in the process that surely rang through. I'm good as long as nobody sees me entering or leaving the toilets…

5. have you had to use the customer bathroom?

- yes, it also holds my preference because it feels more private as you don't know the people coming in or out

6. have you heard coworkers or customers poop?

- it happens

7. have you had to tell a customer or coworker that you needed to poop?

- No!


Link between size and straining to go?

I am a 63-year-old woman who had 7 children in very quick succession. Needless to say it took a huge toll on my body and I think it contributed to aging prematurely. Part of the problem was I kept gaining a tremendous amount of weight with every pregnancy and before I could lose the weight I was pregnant again. By the time I was 40, I looked closer to 50+, LOL. But I wouldn't give up my big family, grandchildren, and husband for anything.

I'm sorry to say that at my age, I have not lost the weight. That's a separate story and I am working on that with my doctor. I also think that all this girth contributing to a lot of trouble on the toilet. This is nothing new, but I'd like to share my experience, and see if there are other women of size that may be having the same problem.

I am beginning to think there might be a connection between being so fat and straining to go. I am typically enthroned on the toilet for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, twice a day. Once in the morning and before going to bed. And let me tell you, that evening session exhausts me so much I fall right to sleep after. LOL. Sorry if TMI but my husband has longer I'm used to hearing me from behind the bathroom door as I grunt and strain while reading my crafting magazines. He always make sure my reading material is right by the toilet because he knows how long I will be in there. I used to be embarrassed because I MUST make noise as I strain. But luckily, my husband is sympathetic.

Understand I'm not necessarily constipated. Even softer movements take a tremendous amount of effort to expel. And when I finally emerge from the bathroom, I'm a sweaty mess, and usually have to sit or lay down for a while to recover. I don't have any gastrointestinal conditions that are making it so difficult for me to go. I do think part of the reason it takes me so long is that I get very tired in between straining and I must stop and rest in between.

My sister suggested buying a squatty potty as she also suffers from strenuous movements but although quite overweight, she is much smaller than me. I do not have the strength to squat. I must sit on the toilet. The best I can do is lean forward as far as I can while I strain but my huge belly impedes that somewhat. My sister also has grab bars installed on either side of her toilet to assist with getting up and sitting down. I'm thinking of installing them on mine as well. When I tried hers, I also realized that the grab bars could double as a way to brace myself by gripping them as I grunted. In fact, gripping the grab bars worked better than leaving way forward on the toilet.

I approached my doctor and asked if there was a connection between obese women like my sister and I and having to strain so long on the toilet. She said there have been some studies linking obesity and constipation but it's by no means a certainty that an obese person will have these issues. She suggested taking over-the-counter laxatives, etc but again, I'm not always constipated. No matter the consistency I will always have an arduous time. So I'd love to hear from some other large women, their experiences, and if they have any of the same problems I do. How do you deal with it? Not looking for medical advice.

Thanks! Take care!


Family Dump

Family Dump
I recently went shopping with my uncle and dad. We was shopping when my uncle said "I need a piss" my dad said he did to. I thought a perfect opportunity for a dump. We arrived at the men's room. We was the only ones in there. They had a row of urinals as you went in, and around the corner a row of 7 doorless toilets. My dad and uncle went to the urinals, while I went to the stalls. I was just sitting down when my uncle came round the corner "oh your taking a dump, I may as well join you, was going to hold but..." he took the stall next to me and quickly sat down. We both farted loudly. My dad came round laughed and stood and chatted to us while we dumped. I was grunting loudly, with my dad laughing. My uncle had finished and was already wiping as I was still pushing

They both stood in front, encouraging me. They joked when I farted and commented on the sound of the logs. I stood to wipe which got a laugh. "You take after me with the size of that between your legs"my uncle laughed. My dad was proud I still wore tighty whites saying they was proper mens pants. I went to wash my hands. It was a good family male bonding session


Gym Toilets

My local gym has some strange toilets. You enter and the first thing you see is a row of 7 doorless toilets with showers around the corner and lockers and benches in the middle in front of the toilets

One day i entered and it was a full house and it was loud! Farting and shitting loudly. I came in and said hi to a couple of people i know, and got changed into my gym kit. I was on a treadmill when i felt the familiar feeling. I went into the toilets and they was full. I sat on the bench in front waiting. One of the men knew me and said " i will be soon, its like a waterfall" Everyone laughed at that, with the occasional fart and grunt. He was already naked, so he wiped and let me sit down. And i was loud! One bloke asked me if i was alright. I was on there for 30mins, with people waiting and swapping places. A father and son came in. The father got changed while the son came and sat on the toilet next to me. He was grunting loudly. The father said "you ok, sound blocked up" Mid-grunt he said "i don;t know what i have eaten but its been 2 days now" He pushed really loud, with a loud fart "Its coming" The father was sitting on the bench in front, giving him encouragement. It was the loudest splash i have ever heard! He then had what sounded like the runs, as the log had blocked him up. His father laughed and said "see you on the equipment. I started wiping, the same time as the son. I called it a day at the gym as my stomach was hurting. While i was in the showers, and getting dressed, the toilets were still full!


My homeless toilet story

I became homeless for a while a few years ago after losing my job and a major falling out with family, so was living in a tent in the woods. The first day i set up my tent, and knew i needed a poo. I was walking a little bit from my tent and stumbled on another encampment .Just a tent and a campfire. A bloke came out of the tent in just some red briefs, with a hole and one testicle falling out, and said "hey what you doing, we don't want any trouble" I was a bit shocked, but was honest and said I just need to find a place to go to the toilet. I still had clean clothes on for now so didnt look homeless so i think he thought i was just passing through.

He just smiled and said "why didn't you say, I was heading to the toilet right now for a dump, follow me" I followed him, he was farting saying how he had the runs. We arrived at this clearing, with just 2 logs facing each other. He said "there you go, sit on there". He walked over to one and pulled his briefs down , and sat down with his cock resting on the log, pissing onto the floor in front. I walked to the other log and sat down, pushing my cock and balls behind and just exploded. He laughed, in between grunting and farting. About a few mins in, another bloke in just some loincloth, just a piece of cloth covering his cock but his balls still on show, came over and sat next to the bloke and exploded as well. We spoke for a few minutes about how they became homeless, how long etc. They said a year. They originally squatted over holes but found this more comfortable. Another friend of theirs who was also just wearing those old big tighty whitiey briefs , walked over to me and said "is this log taken?" I laughed and said no. He sat down next to me and started grunting really loudly, saying the food he has been salvaging from bins is making him constipated. They had the biggest skidmarks I had ever seen! He noticed me looking and said "well it's just the three of us and if I wash these then I would be completely naked while they dried.

It went quiet for a few minutes with all of us grunting and farting. I was still exploding out shit, same as the bloke in a loincloth. The bloke next me to was grunting so loudly and strong he was going red!

I asked what they used for paper, one of them said it depends on the type of poo. If it's hard, they don't wipe but if it's runny then leaves. I rummaged through my bag and found a pack of tissues. 3 of us stood to wipe. The other bloke was still sitting there grunting he said "I'm going to be a little while" I went back to their encampment. They said they spend most of the time in their tent as they have no clothes apart from what they was wearing as they had burn them for warmth as they was desperate in the winter. The other bloke joked " this loincloth is all I have to wear". All 3 of them slept in this tiny tent with a 2 sleeping bags, so 2 have to share. They said its awkward as they sleep naked to try and preserve the life of their only briefs. He said the amount of times he has woken up to a morning wood pressed against his back was terrible. The bloke with a hole joked, well these are falling apart already, so I will just make a temp loincloth with the remaining pieces.

One of them said its bad trying to shit in the winter as its so cold but with no clothes its a quick job

I decided to come clean and admitted i was homeless as well, and set up camp a few mins away. The red briefs bloke just smiled and said welcome to the club and bring your tent here. I moved my tent to their clearing. I had a couple of spare briefs of my own so let use them as well.

I was there for over a year myself. My clothes did get a bit tatty, resulted in a loincloth to preseve my only decent set of clothes for interviews. One of the blokes came into my tent and sleeping bag to make it less cramped in the other one as my tent/sleeping bag was bigger. During the heat, i have to admit we all just walked round naked. Before i used to shave, manscape but i became a hairy bear.

Saturday, May 20, 2023


Really soft poop shortly after lunch

Hi everyone I just got back from the washroom not long after eating lunch and had been sipping warmish hot water. I had a healthy lunch (homemade) with plenty of vegetables and I think beef with rice. Semi spicy and a good amount. Got an urge to poop a few minutes ago so I went to the washroom, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and light lavender ish boy shorts and sat on the toilet. Gave a gentle push and some (not a lot) of soft poop came out. Was done within about 20 seconds. When I was done I took some toilet paper and wiped well. Tossed the paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and flushed. Washed my hands and that's that. Still sipping warmish hot water every now and then to stimulate my bowels so everything else comes out. Hopefully it will later.

Stay safe and happy pooping!


Comments & Additions to Other Postings

Boys bathrooms at school and guys peeing into the heat register:

This wasn't really a prank done at the end of the school year. But at my junior high, while I was seated on a toilet taking a shit during a class, a guy from another class came in, flipped up the screen to the heat register located under the window, and he took off the knob for setting the temperature and fan speed, put his penis into the opening and pissed for about 35 or 40 seconds into register. Then he zipped up and hurried out. I watched the button of the register to see if some of the pee would leak out. It didn't. I sat a few minutes longer than normal watching for the pee leak to happen it didn't. I wiped, washed my hands, and as I was leaving I could see a slow stream starting to drip from the bottom.


Challenge part 1: prepare

So I've decided on my challenge: I'm going to fill the toilet with my poop! I'm going to eat a bit more than normal and hold in my poop for as long as I can. Then, when it needs to come out, I'll go the bathroom and fill the toilet with the digested waste my body made. It's gonna be big, it's gonna be smelly, my farts are going to be crazy, and it'll definitely hurt when I sit down and push it through my butthole, but it'll be a cool challenge. Oh yah I'm also gonna get quite bloated as all those digested meals gather in my abdomen.
Anyway, preparation started today. I got two entrees for lunch, and ate everything. With my stomach nice and full, and digestion underway on one of the first meals for this mega-dump, I excused myself to the bathroom to empty myself of any poop before my body started work on the mega-dump. Lauren came with me because she was feeling really full. As we walked to the girls bathroom, she said she'd eaten more every meal recently, and hadn't pooped in a few days, so she wanted to empty her bowels.
We entered the bathroom, and took the neighboring middle stalls. The bathrooms were surprisingly empty, so we could let loose and not disturb anyone. I started by peeing like Lauren. I peed for 20 seconds, she peed for 23 seconds. Afterwards I relaxed, and my poop started coming out. I started lightly pushing to keep it coming out. Meanwhile Lauren grunted lightly, and let out a very loud trumpety fart that lasted 4 seconds. Immediately she said "ohhh yes that was nice!" I heard crackling then 5 seconds later a plop, then again, then again, then again. On Lauren's second poop, I finished my dump. It was a single 15 inch long 1 inch wide log. Lauren meanwhile gave a sigh, farted a few more times like she already had, then sighed. I was nearly done wiping when she finished pottying and said "ohhh that felt so good! I just pooped out 4 huge turds." She started wiping, and wiped for a while. Meanwhile, I finished, so I pulled up my black leggings and white panties, flushed my potty away, and washed my hands. Finally, she finished wiping, pulled up her purple panties and green leggings, and opened her stall door so I could see her creation. There were four big logs, each 14 inches long and 2 inches wide, sitting in her yellow pee and surrounded by used toilet paper. She patted ear stomach, said "glad that's out of me, no wonder I had to go so badly!" Then she pulled the flusher as all but one log and toilet paper went down the drain. She flushed again, and the rest went down, leaving one medium skidmark. She washed her hands and we left, feeling relieved.
Looking forward to the challenge, bye for now!


Reply to Frank

One outdoor pee is much like another outdoor pee. I remember times when I peed with other women, and with boyfriends in view, but not watching. Sometimes they protected our privacy. The perfect boyfriend did once talk about it, and he was interested in how desperate I was ( answer, certain to wet my knickers before we got back if I hadn't gone then, but I just said that it was very urgent. Once two of us had to get out of the punt because we thought we could get home without saying anything, but we were too full. The sensation of letting a great flood out is always exciting, even today. I've never found anything special about wet knickers.


Potty break at school recess

At school, I really wanted to poop. I wanted to, already when the lesson was coming to recess, so I decided to wait a little. As soon as recess rang, everyone ran to the dining room, and I ran to the toilet. However, I'm not the only one! As I saw, three more pupil were walking in the same direction. I didn't know what affairs they need do, but it didn't matter. I went into the first toilet I came across - and immediately came out of there. There was no toilet paper. I went to the toilet nearby and there was a roll of toilet paper. Not full, and not particularly big, but I really wanted to poop, and I decided: this will do. After locking the door, I lifted up the lid of the toilet seat, and pulled down my pants and briefs. I sat down on the toilet and relaxed. With a loud fart, I defecated three large soft poop. Then I wiped my ass, and fortunately the paper was enough for me. I flushed in the toilet, got dressed, washed my hands and left the school bathroom.


Mushy Relief

Hey all! iIt's been a while since I've last posted-I last posted on page 2490 about having a stomach bug and my boyfriend Barrett helping take care of me. Haven't really had any interesting stories until now, so I thought I'd come out of hiding and share lol.

This is my current situation, actually. Been having some diarrhea today, but it has been relieving. You know when you've had to shit for quite a while, and it all just finally floods out? That's how I've felt each time I've been on the toilet today.

For those who don't get how relieving diarrhea can be sometimes, think of the worst bout of constipation you've had and think about if you would've rather been stopped up or just let it all out. That's how I felt. Constipation in my case is so much worse than diarrhea, and I've been really constipated lately, so this is one of the few times the runs are welcome.

Ever since I was young my stomach has been sensitive, and I've had more than my share of bouts of diarrhea as those who read my posts know. Usually, I'm not too keen on having diarrhea, because when I can't predict the flow or control it myself, it can be pretty messy and painful, and it makes me feel pretty sick.

But I also have frequent bouts of constipation, and since I was young I've had to take laxatives to relieve it when it got really bad, and when it gets bad it makes me wish I had diarrhea.

Recently, the bouts of constipation have been more frequent and they have been getting worse. I was constipated for two weeks recently. It's not that I didn't poop at all, it's that I was barely pooping and my stools were hard and dry. Natural remedies like prunes help when I get like this, but to clear the block I usually end up having to take a magnesium medicine to move my bowels or an enema. I tried not to resort to artificial means, but I was just so sick and bloated and my stomachs aches from being so full of poo.

I decided to go a gentler route than laxatives though, and eat sugar free candies because they also can clear a block for me in a pinch.

Starting Sunday, Barrett has been out of town for work and won't be back until Sunday, so I have the place to myself all week and can relax and let it all flow through me while he's gone. So on Sunday I ate massive servings of sugar free candy, consuming probably 120 grams of sugar alcohols-the stuff in sugar free candy that gives you the bubble guts and runny poohs. The average person only needs to consume 50 grams to make their bowels move, so you can imagine how desperate I must have been for a poo to consume over twice that amount.

The candy did loosen my bowels and give me urgency, and my poops were pretty loose and splattery, but I still felt full for one and for two I still wasn't passing a lot of stool when I went. I repeated my candy binges on Monday and Tuesday, eating an average of 100 grams of sugar alcohol each day-so now 300g of sugar alcohol-but I could barely go. I could feel poop stuck inside my rectum, and I was straining to push out even what should've been diarrhea so bad my left side was starting to hurt. I figured I must have a minor block in my lower intestines, so I got an enema. I planned to take it Tuesday night but fell asleep so I took it this morning when I woke up instead, today being Wednesday.

The enema helped clear the hard stool sitting right at the base of my anus, and it also helped activate the sugar alcohols that had been sitting there accumulating for days.

That, plus another 75gs of sugar alcohol from more sugar free candy and about three servings of prunes, and all day I've been running to the toilet with watery, mushy diarrhea. When I poop it feels like I'm dumping cake batter into the toilet-not completely water, but muddy and loose, like a paste that mixes with the water when it runs out into the toilet. It comes splattering out as well, and the urgency is powerful. If I don't go to the toilet as soon as I feel the need to pop, I'll definitely shit my pants, and I like having the feeling of being bursting and needing to release all the weeks of backed up poo inside me.

My stomach has been very gurgly and gassy, and it's been churning everything inside me. I've had to fart a lot, but haven't had any accidents in my pants so far. I even ate some more sugar free candies while typing this right before bed just to make sure my bowels are cleared out.

Once this ends, I'll be regular again, and that's the best reward. But the relief I've felt has definitely been unmatched. Very happy that slowly all this shit that's been inside me is coming out, and satisfied with how easy to pass it is. Everything is really mushy coming out, so I don't have to strain, it just gurgles right out of me like a steady stream of molasses running from my bowels and out of my hole. No matter how much I wipe, my hole feels loose and wet, and the partial loss of control makes me feel like I'm being cleaned out.

Really glad I decided to use the candy instead of laxatives for this clean out.

I'm feeling my stomach bubbling up something nasty, and I'm starting to feel a watery, heavy load of butt mud trying to push itself out of me, sitting against my hole and making me squirm. I need another messy, urgent shit pretty soon, so I'm gonna go before I mess myself. I feel so close to exploding and squirting a big load of liquishit into my undies, so hopefully I do make it to the toilet. Can't wait to let this load out, I still feel so full inside!!

I'll post again with updates or my next story.

Ciao for now.

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