

A shitty night out with my best friends

Hi everyone, just thought I'd share a story of what me and my friends like to do occasionally!

Last saturday, I was laying in bed when I got woken up by a text. My friend Myranda asked me if I wanted to go to McDonalds for breakfast. She begged me to go with her so I got dressed and brushed my teeth. As I was heading out the door, my stomach started to growl and I knew I had to poo real bad but I told myself I would hold it in since my ride was waiting for me. When we got to McDonalds, I had a McCafe, a breakfast sandwich and a breakfast wrap which filled me up quickly. Myranda was so hungry, she had 2 breakfast sandwich and 12 pieces of chicken nuggets! After breakfast, our two other friends, Francesca and Desiree called us and asked if we wanted to go to the beach for the afternoon. We spent a few hours there and it was nice, we had hot guys checking us out the whole time :) Francesca asked if we wanted to go to Burger King for lunch. Normally I only eat fast food once a month so twice in a day was a lot to take in but we still went. I had 2 double whoppers with large fries because I was hungry again and the others had their fair share of big meals. After lunch, we went to the movies in the afternoon and during the movie, Myranda's stomach was growling so loud that people around her could hear it. It got better as the time passed by and her bowels went away. To top off our day, we ordered a buffet of chinese food then went to DQ for a blizzard. As we were driving down the highway, Francesca let out a huge fart in the car and it smelt disgusting. She said "Sorry girls, all that food is making me stomach upset, I have to drop a deuce.". Five minutes later, we found a small building with washrooms on the side of the highway. Desiree said "Well I don't know about you guys but I have to poo as well so I'm going in. We all walked inside, there were only 4 stalls but thankfully they were all available. We each took a stall and sat down quietly. Since I've been holding my bowels since this morning, I was the first one to crack the silence with a huge fart and an enormous turd emerged from my anus. I looked down into the bowl and it was about 10 inches long around the bowl. Desiree stood up from the toilet because she said it was easier for her to let out her turds. All we could hear were plops and farts, all of us just doing our business. Myranda shit about 5 long turds, making their way up the bowl while Francesca had a long stream of diarrhea. After 15 minutes or so, we all went quiet again. I said "Hey girls, I have an idea! I'm not sure about you guys but I still have to shit real bad so why don't we switch stalls and just add more to each other's piles!". Francesca said "That sounds like a wonderful idea, let's do it". So we got out with our pants down still, I took Myranda's stall, Myranda took Francesca's stall, Francesca took Desiree's stall and Desiree took my stall. In case you guys don't know, Desiree poops out the biggest turds you'll ever see. I had already left a big enough pile but she said she had more coming out. She pushed out about 6 turds that were 2 inches wide and that was it for her. Francesca still let out more diarrhea on top of Desiree's initial pile, I don't think her stomach appreciated all of that chinese food.. Myranda let out more soft turds. They were slipping out of her anus oe by one for about a minute long. Finally, I was the only one left trying to push out this huge turd that spread my anus wide. It took about five minutes before I pushed it all out and I knew this one would clog the toilet. I got up to wipe my butt and felt more turds coming so I sat back down. Desiree asked "Are you fine Jessica? We're all done now and waiting for you!", I replied "Yeah I've been holding this huge pile of shit in my stomach since this morning and all that fast food didn't help, just give me a few more minutes". As soon as I stopped talking, I let out another huge fart and a long thin turd slipped out of my anus. I got up and crouched on the side of the toilet where I let out a few more turds to fill up the bowl. I wiped my butt and left the toilet paper on top of the huge pile. We got out of our stalls and looked at each other's final products. My initial stall had the biggest pile since Desiree pushed out enormous turds that almost reached the seat cover. There's no way the piles were going to flush down so we just left it like that. As we were walking out of the building, a good looking blonde ran up and said "Sorry girls I know it's not appropriate but I've been holding my bowels all day and I really have to go". I replied "No worries good looking, we all had our fair shares in the stalls, take the first one because it is filled the most and I want to see if the turds can pass the seat cover. She rushed in the stall and kept the door open so we could see her. She just had time to pull her panties about halfway down before a 10 inch long turd slipped out just like that. She let out three more turds about 6 inches long, followed by a stream of smelly diarrhea. There was no way someone would survive in here with the awful smell of our poos in the air. The blonde sat back down and stayed there for a few minutes. I asked "Is there something wrong?" And she said " There's a huge turd waiting to come out but I'm having trouble pushing it out, want to take a look?". So I went up and saw her anus spread out wide with poo just sitting there. It slid out a bit more then got stuck again. She kept pushing real hard and after a few minutes it finally came out. "That felt good, thanks for keeping me company ladies, I feel a lot better now!" We thanked her for letting us watch and left a note outside the washrooms saying "Four hot girls stopped by to take a dump, the presents are waiting for you inside.. have fun trying to unclog the toilets because there is more shit than you think.. :)" When we got back in the car, I said "Well girls, it was a fun day and I'm glad we got to let everything out of our systems at the same time because that was definitely a lot of food.. we'll do it again another time!"

I hope you all enjoyed my wonderful story, I will be back with more!

Xoxo -- Jessica

Steve A

HS Graduation And Comments

I had my HS graduation yesterday. It took a total of 2-3 hours. I had to pee at the end, just like most others had to as well. I went before it started to avoid feeling more uncomfortable.

Since I graduated, I will be going to college and I'll have more stories since I'll be living in a communal dorm.


Trucker Girl: You have the most public bathroom experience than most people since your a trucker. Do you have a story where you had to use a unisex or a gender neutral bathroom?

Concerned Dad: He might not be using the bathrooms at school. Is he afraid of germs? If he is, then that could be a reason he refuses to use the school bathrooms. There might be people bullying him waiting in the bathrooms when he has to go. (In between classes, most likely). If he's lazy, I'd discipline him. But, it sounds like a problem either with laziness or that he actually has trouble holding it. It could be a psychological problem as well. Therapy could be an option here. Ask him if he's more comfortable talking to you, his mother, another family member, or a therapist/counseler about his issues. I'd make him wear depends and if he doesn't like it, then he'll just have to do that until this situation gets under control.


Nicks survey


1. How large is your bladder? (Rate 1-10, 1 being tiny, 5 being average, 10 being mega sized)
I'd say mine is slightly bigger than average, 6 or 7

2. How strong is your bladder? (Rate 1-10, with 1 being abnormally weak, 5 being average, 10 being iron strength)

3. About how much liquid do you drink in a day?
I drink quite a lot, probably about 10 glasses of water on average

4. What do you usually drink? What drinks make you pee the most?
Water and tea, tea usually makes me pee (rhyme lol)

5. How often do you pee?
About 6 times a day

6. How often do you have urinary accidents?
Not often, once in about 5 years

7. When was your last accident?
4 months ago

8. Do you usually pee when you poop?

9. How long can you hold a full bladder of urine?
I can go about an hour and a half from the initial urge

10. Any interesting stories related to peeing or urinary accidents?
Not really, I wet the bed a few months ago when I was drunk, so I don't really remember it


1. How often do you poop?
Twice a day, occasionally 3 times

2 What kind of BM's do you usually have? (Talking about consistency, so feel free to use the bristol stool chart, or describe them yourself)
I have soft but reasonably firm poos, logs at number 4 on the Bristol stool chart

3. How large are your BM's
I have big poos. Each individual log varies in size, but I always produce a few when I go for a number 2

4. How would you describe the smell? (None, weak, moderate, strong, very strong, or vomit-worthy)
I'd say moderate/strong, sometimes very strong

5. How often do you have accidents?
Very rarely

6. How often do you clog toilets?
Fairly regularly

7. How do you wipe? (Front to back or back to front, and do you do so sitting or standing)
Front to back, sitting but up on my tiptoes slightly

8. How loud are you during a normal bowel movement? (No noise, quiet, moderate, noisy, very noisy, or extreme)
I'm normally quiet as I don't usually have to strain for my poos

9. How often do you get constipated? What do you do when constipated? What foods and/or drinks make and/or worsen constipation?
I can't remember ever having gone more than 2 days without pooing, so Ive never suffered from bad constipation

10. How often do you get diarrhea? What foods and/or drinks cause or worsen diarrhea?
Maybe once or twice a month, some spicy foods really mess with my stomach, Chinese food doesn't tend to agree with me.

11. Would you rather have constipation or diarrhea? Why?
Diarrhoea, because I've had it plenty of times before and it doesn't bother me too much unless my stomach really hurts.

The question about clogging the toilet brings me onto my story, earlier today I was helping my cousin decorate her new flat that she's just moved into, we were painting the living room and both of the bedrooms, i began to feel the need for a poo early on, but I was focuses on the job at hand, after a while we finished the living room and had a break for 5 minutes and a cup of tea.
When we wet about halfway through painting one of the bedrooms I decided I was going to go to the loo and relieve myself, I went to the bathroom, closed the door, pulled my clothes down to my knees and started to read some news articles on my phone -(i pretty much always read something on the loo, is anyone else the same?)- a long poo came out pretty quickly, I farted quietly as it dropped, shortly after I unloaded a second big log into the toilet, the smell was getting bad but I felt lots more inside me, so I stayed sitting and continued to read.
After a couple of minutes my 3rd big log dropped, followed by 3 smaller plops in quick succession, I curled out 7 soft turds one after the other before another log started to poke out, by this time my cousin had come to see if I was feeling ok, I told her "yes, I'm just doing a poo, be out in a few minutes", my 4th long poo dropped but I stayed sitting to make sure I was completely empty, after 2 small poos I was done, i decided to flush before I wiped, but it barely budged, I tried again and water filled the bowl so I shouted my cousin to tell her I'd blocked the loo, I was embarrassed (perhaps understandably so), she tried to unblock it while I wiped my messy bum 6 times, having to deposit the used tissue in the bin, after 5 minutes we managed to unblock it together, we both saw the funny side once all of my substantial pile of poo had gone from the toilet and finished painting the rooms.

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Brittanyyy great story I bet you learned a lesson when your desperate best to head to the bathroom right away without making any stops.

To: Amber great story about your big poop.

To: Victoria B great story.

To: Toilet Car great story it sounds like they had great poops in your car and I look forward to reading more of your stories thanks.

To: Anna great story it sounds like you all had great poops.

Well thats all for now.

Sincerely Brandon T

PS. I love this site


Post Title (optional)boyhood bonding memories

Recently I read a post that brought my long ago memories. One of my best friends growing up never had any qualms or hangups about being seen sitting on the toilet with his pants down when he was a kid (as long as no girls were present. All of my playmates (when we were pre-school) would have three or four of us join him in the bathroom while he would sit on the toilet, drop one or two long brown turds while the rest of us would sit on the edge of the bathtub or whatever and we would have our own little boy social get-together. Nobody thought anything of it. A few years later when we were older and would go off hiking or fooling around in the woods near our neighborhood, it was nothing for us to drop our pants and squat and drop a big long turd. I was probably the shyest about it but I got over it and just took a good healthy shit with my buddies. Nothing better for male bonding than baring your butt and shitting a big long turd.(And seeing who could do the biggest) Today we are all in our fifties and sometimes quietly recall those boyhood memories with a bit of humor.

Victoria B.

Shower poop

Story time, but one comment first.

To Amber: I've enjoyed your posts so far. Keep them coming!

I got into an odd quandary this morning. The day started normally; I woke up, peed, had breakfast, and read for a little bit on the couch. While reading, I had one of those farts that made it reasonably certain that something more was on its way. My buns didn't have the warm, full feeling between them that I associate with needing a number two so I thought nothing of it and headed to the shower. I took my oversized t-shirt and pink polka-dotted purple panties off and turned the water on.

I got in and washed, thankful that yesterday and not today was shaving day. It was in the middle of this that I realized that the fart from earlier had been a warning and that I did need a BM. This put me in an awkward situation: I didn't want to deal with the mess of putting anything I might pass down the shower drain, but I was also soaked and decidedly unenthusiastic about the prospect of a wet toilet seat. It was then that I hit on a compromise: put the seat up, get my wet body out of the shower, and take care of my need by squatting over the toilet bowl.

Being dripping wet wasn't a concern: my bathroom has a tile floor with a drain. I got out and got into a squat, but not before I tried to cheer my poor toilet up by giving myself a playful slap across my butt while standing in front of it. I assumed the position and got ready to go. The first push got everything ready and the second pushed things out of my back door. Three medium-sized pieces fell, one right after the other: ka-plop ka-plop sploosh! That was all I had and hopped back in the shower to wash my pooping parts off. Upon finishing my shower and getting out I remembered that I needed to flush my logs from earlier. They went down fine, albeit with a nice skidmark as a reminder of what I'd done. A quick rendezvous with the toilet brush was all it took to fix that.

That's all for today. Look forward to hearing from everybody soon!
Love, Victoria

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Jemma as always another great set of stories about your desperate poops.

To: End Stall Em it sounds like she was having a rough day luckily you were there to help her out.

To: Amber great story it sounds like you and Shannon both had great poops.

To: Carin great story.

Well thats all for now.

Sincerely Brandon T

PS. I love this site

Winnie the Poo

Urgent Poo After Dinner

Sorry I haven't posted for a while, but I have been enjoying reading everyone else's recent posts. Tonight after eating dinner I thought I could feel a poo coming on, but nothing too urgent. I decided to go get my mail first. My postal box is a hundred meters down the street. As I was walking down there, about halfway there, I got a major cramp and had to quickly clench my buns. When I did that, my stomach made a loud gurgle, and I knew I was in a little trouble of maybe pooing in my panties. I picked up my mail and walked carefully back to the house and went into my bathroom. The moment my bum hit the seat I rapidly evacuated three mushy logs about ten centimeters long, along with some more mush. It pretty much filled the bowl up. Great, I thought, that was fast. But after I wiped up, my stomach was still feeling unsettled and still making groaning noises. Not ten minutes later, I got another call from Mother Nature. I decided I might be having diarrhea so I used my system I have talked about before on this forum with coating my bum with lubricating jelly. Sure enough, that one was one of those "burururururu" types of motions that our very own Mina talks about. Once again, the bowl was completely filled with Bristol Stool Scale type 2 poo. After that wave, again I thought I was done, so I was surprised that 20 minutes later I had to go again. This wave featured a bunch of loud farts along with liquid (Bristol Type 1 lol) poo. My lubricating jelly invention worked great, cleanup was quick and I did not have a sore bum from multiple wipes. Now I feel better and I sat down at my computer to read

Concerned dad

Update and thanks

I just want to say thank you to all of you, for the suggestions you gave. I couldn't have imagined I'd get so much support. I agree with what many of you have said,about coming at this from a patient, rather than angry point of view. After sitting down and processing the situation, I am fairly certain that my son has an issue with being extremely embarrassed to ask about using the toilet. When he was little, we would ask him if he needed to do number 2, or go poop, and he would blush and angrily deny that he had to. My wife( who passed away a few years ago) and I, used to catch him crossing his legs and squirming, or crouched down and clenching his butt cheeks tightly. We even used to jokingly call it his "poop stance"
So I sat down with him yesterday and very calmly said that I wanted to discuss his accidents. I told him i wasn't angry, just concerned. He immediately jumped up from the table and ran into his room, cursing and crying. I'm not going to give up on this, and continue in a firm but loving manner to get him to open up. I hope things go better next time.


Remembering summer camp bathrooms

The other afternoon my longtime friend Danni and I met for drinks during happy hour at our new favorite bar. After the first two rounds we were still waiting for a couple of guys from her workplace, she said he had to pee and ordered me to come in with her. She told me I should have at least "half a tank" to drain, but I knew she basically just wanted company on the toilet. This bar, which I've written about before, has two open toilets attached to the wall in the small ladies room and a metal divider between the toilets that's no higher than our hips. She says it is like the bonding she remembers from the girls rooms in our old high school, but since we've been friends for more than 20 years I'm willing to oblige her wishes. While we sat and peed, I told her I still felt uncomfortable peeing without a normal stall for privacy, and about three seconds later the thing I feared happened: a guy about our age who had started with the drinking long before we got off work, stumbled through the doorway throwing the door all the way back that came close to hitting my knees. He took a couple of looks at us, then looked back at the front of the door, and started to apologize, but I was quick up with one hand on the door lock as I closed him out. Danni had her legs spread pretty wide with her clothing at floor level; mine was just above my knees. She said she was sorry that she hadn't checked the lock, but I admitted it was my responsibility too.

I was done, but Danni said she hadn't crapped for two days and she was hopeful that the liquor would "lubricate her anus." So I told her the awkward situation we just had experienced reminded me of a summer camp I had attended at the end of 7th grade. It was a very rustic place. Each of the bathroom buildings were like what I described to my parents as enlarged clothes closets. There was like an extended wooden bench with about 5 trap doors. Each was like a toilet. You would flick the wooden top up and seat yourself over the foot-long opening and do your thing. I think your waste went directly onto the ground a few feet below. By the second time I used one of those I made sure I didn't move my legs much or slide forward or back because I had picked up two slivers when I moved a little the first time I had used one. When I got back to the games, a girl from one of the two bunks under mine, examined my back butt and by pulling up my shorts an inch or so, was able to pull the sliver out. Problem was that it hurt bad and there was a little blood on my underwear that my mom asked about when I got home at the end of the two week camp. I also told Danni that those bathrooms didn't have any lighting unless you could reach up and pull down some dumb chain hanging from the ceiling. One night, at 3 a.m. after waking up on the top bunk of three, I felt diarrhea ready to burst inside me, and in my pajamas and bare feet, I climbed down, walked far enough to really bash up my feet with rocks and cinders on a concrete parking lot to get to the bathroom building. It must have been cloudy because I don't remember any light as I ran the final stretch to the bathroom building, seated myself on the first "toilet" that I had to feel my way to with my hands and while I sat waiting for another outburst, this boy who was probably half asleep walked in on me. He was really surprised because he had his organ out and was ready to spray. We both screamed at like the same time and he ran out and found his way to the boys' building, I assume.

Danni showed her great humor in asking me if the guy was cute. At that point, I saw she was going to be successful with her crap because she got off the seat, lifted it up and reseated herself on the bowl. Sure enough, she started dropping 'em, as usual.


Most recent experience

I just went and took a leak in a field, on the way home from work!

I was needing to go anyway towards the end of the day, but I carefully avoided the toilet and even drank extra tea to build up The Urge as strongly as possible. All along the walk from the office to the bus stop, I was looking for a likely place; but I ended up going in this field I have used before. There was a 2 metre high hedge between the field and the road. I put my rucksack down on the ground, lowered my jeans and knickers and squatted down. The long grass tickled my bum. I relaxed my muscles and began piddling into the dirt; a trickle at first that soon developed into a healthy stream. I could hear cars and pedestrians passing by on the other side of the hedge, but knew they could not see me.

Finally, I was done; so, after allowing a few seconds for the last drops to drip off and for my legs to get used to the idea of it, I stood up, rearranged my clothing, picked up my rucksack and continued on my way to the bus stop with a renewed spring in my step.

Sometimes, it just feels really good to pee somewhere other than a toilet!

Mikayla S.

Post-Constipation BM

Hi guys. This is my first story.

So I was constipated for about a month before it happened. The pain was so bad that I could barely sit down in a chair. I tried eating more fiber, but nothing would end up coming out. Whenever I tried to push it all out, I could feel my anus clench tighter. Then one day, my bowels cleared themselves completely, all in one dump.

I had just gotten back from school that day. The pain was almost unbearable. I laid down on my bed, rubbing my bloated stomach, trying to take my mind off the waste that had built up. Suddenly, I felt abdomen loosen and felt the poop make its way into my rectum. I sat up with surprise. I let out a long fart inside my skintight jeans. I walked down the hall to the restroom. I wasn't able to sit down on the toilet, so I just stood up over it and spread my cheeks apart with my hands. Two more long farts escaped, then a massive, rock hard stool passed through my anus. I ended up clogging the toilet bad, but it was worth it.

Thanks for reading!
Mikayla S.



To Victoria B : Nice story seem you had a relieving poop.....Looking forward to your next post. I always enjoy your stories.

To Brittanyyy : That was very funny.....i really enjoyed your story....hope to read more posts from you...

To Amber : Another interesting post from you....looking forward to more interesting stories

To Anna from Canada : Great stories as always.....I have missed your stories glad you posted one :)....

That's all for now...Hope everyone has a nice day and happy pooping to you all

Gerald :)


Weird girl at McDonald's

So today I was at McDonald's with a friend from school and I had to pee. I went to the bathroom and there were two stalls, except one of them didn't have a door. Luckily, no ones was in the stall with the door, so I walked in, closed the latch, pulled my shorts down. and hovered above the toilet. The pee was fairly short and took about twenty seconds. As I was peeing, someone else came into the bathroom. I wiped my front one time and then left so the lady could go. She was probably about 30 with black hair. I was at the sink washing my hands then fixing my makeup when a girl from my school walked in. Her name was Hannah shes a junior in high school medium size with blonde hair. I don't think she saw me, but I watched her in the mirror. She pushed on the stall with the door, and realized someone was in there. She said "sorry" and went into the stall with no door. She pulled down her jeans down to her knees and sat right down and immediately there were some loud plops in the toilet. She must of had to go really bad. As there were some more crackling sounds coming from her, we made eye contact in the mirror. It was a little awkward and Hannah immediately looked away. As she was pooping, the lady next to her flushed and then left the stall. I moved away from the sink and starting putting my makeup back in my purse so the lady could wash her hands. Hannah was still pooping, and I heard a fart and then some more plops. I almost left, but I kind of wanted to see the rest of Hannah's poo, so I returned to the sink and pretended to do more makeup. Hannah grunted and pooped for another minute or so, with her face down. She was in good shape and had a slim belly, but her thick thighs spread over the edges of the toilet seat. She then stood up, with her pants still down at her ankles. This next part is kind of weird. The girl stood up and faced the toilet, so I could see her bare ???? bottom. She grabbed toilet paper and began to slide it up and down her crack, in full view of me. I usually sit down when I wipe, so it was very strange for me. It was especially strange that she faced her bottom to me while whiping like that. My theory is that she didn't realize that I had recognize her and was trying to hide her face. She wiped about five times, and as she wiped I stood on my toes and got a view of the long brown poops in the toilet. There were a lot of them, and the smell started to hit me. Hannah wiped one more time, and she leaned over the flush the toilet. As she leaned over it stretched her cheeks apart and i could see her booty hole. It was a little gross, and I left at that point so I could give her some privacy at the sink, and maybe she would go on believing that I didn't recognize her. I went back to my table, and when my friend asked me why I took so long, I told her the weird story. She thought it was very funny. 30 seconds later, we watched Hannah leave. Pretty awkward if you ask me. Anyways, see you later friends :)



**i realize that I accidentally said "ankles" instead of "knees" in my last post. Hannah's jeans were around her knees the whole time :)

Thursday, June 09, 2016


Whoops :/

Did something pretty embarassing and silly this morning. Woke up needing to poop, it was pretty urgent. I had a dream about pooping that i woke up from which always results in waking up needing to go. I still stayed in bed for a minute trying to hold it becausw i was really tired. After about 5 minutes i realized i was about to make a mess in my bed so i got up and started walking to the bathroom as quick as i could. I was halfway down the hall when i realized i didn't have my phone, and i guess I'm one of those people who hates being on the toilet without it.... sooo i squeezed my cheeks together as tight as i could and turned back to my room to grab my phone... and the second i got back to my room i lost control and i pooped my underwear. It was fairly loose and mushy and it burst out with this big "bllorrrpplt" noise. It felt really hot and felt heavy in my underwear. I stood there in a daze feeling a mix of shock and relief, then i just laughed. I felt legitimately embarassed even though no one saw, i guess just because I'm 19 and I've never pooped my pants before so i couldn't believe it. Anyway, i grabbed my phone and then waddled really carefully to the bathroom and couldn't stop a second, smaller wave from coming out on the way. I was scared because it felt like it was squeezing out of my underwear between my legs and i thought it was gonna go down my leg and get in the floor.


5-year-olds & public toilets

Last week I ended up with a very last minute babysitting job that I hadn't expected. It was mascot day at our ballpark and our pro team had an afternoon game where children got in for free and there were dozens of clowns and inflatable mascots both on the field and in the stands. Kyrie, a single mother with a 5-year-old son who will be starting kindergarten this fall, fell behind in studying for a summer school college class test and she needed me to take her Brandon to the game while she stayed home and crammed for the test. She paid my way and then some so I couldn't refuse the deal. It took two transfers on the city buses to get us down there and Brandon had to wee at the first transfer stop. There was a C store/gas station right there so I led Brandon to the back of the place. We had to wait about five minutes for the single-toilet restroom to open and I took Brandon in, lifted the toilet seat from the guy before him who it smelled like someone had shitted rotten eggs, and then I locked the door on my way out and let Brandon do his thing. I heard him flush and complimented him on it, but had to send him back in to wash his hands. I don't think his mom requires that of him much because he was really surprised.

While we were doing that we missed the bus so it was another 15 minute wait. We sat on a bus bench in the hot sun and he was getting bored but finally the bus to the stadium came. About 15 minutes into the 30 minute ride he started to tug at my blouse and said he was ready for his "Number 2." I assured him he couldn't do it on the bus and he had to wait until we got to the stadium. I tried to amuse him by pointing out people and buildings we were going by and luckily a number of police cars and ambulances rolled by us with sirens on and that helped him keep his mind off his need. When we finally got off the bus at the stadium and there was a crowd of 15,000 or 20,000 there already seated, I knew the bathroom thing was going to be a challenge. I was worried about his confidence and safety if he went into the mens room on his own, so I told him after we got into the stadium that I would take him into the ladies room. The first one we ended up walking buy because lines were extending outside into the hall and actually causing chaos in front of one of the concessions stands. It didn't help that an old guy who seemed like he had too much to drink almost fell on us and of course splashed a good amount of his beer on Brandon and me. So we continued to walk until we came to the next ladies room and I quickly led Brandon in. Immediately Brandon broke from me and ran down to about the fourth toilet. The stall door was closed, legs showed someone was on the toilet but what attracted Brandon was the big duck headpiece that was sitting under the stall door and in full view of the kids. Brandon wanted to stand by the stall and get down on his knees and look at the headpiece and I also noticed he was peeking in on the person on the toilet. I probably sounded rude as I pulled him away as I tried to explain to him about privacy.

At that point, I heard Brandon fart and grab between his legs. I was worried that he had already messed himself. His shorts were light enough colored that a soft crap would have been very much noticeable. So I pulled Brandon down about 10 stalls until a stall door opened and a girl about my age who I think goes to my junior high came out. I pushed Brandon into the stall, the seat was down of course, and I quickly yanked his clothing down and told him to get up on the stool. I know the seat was big and obviously high for him, but once he was sitting on it kicking his feet wildly, I started to feel better. He sat for a couple of minutes and I tried to get him to calm down and push. His tiny organ was over the front of the stool and I showed him how to point it into the toilet. However, that was not before he made made a few splashes onto the underwear, shorts and shoes. I started to get upset as he moved his butt around a lot on the seat, but when I heard some splashes, and he jumped off to see what he had done, I could see he had contributed some brown balls to the bowl water. Then came one more and from the noise of the splash, I could tell it was the largest. He reached for the toilet paper and got a strange look on his face. The squares were small, pre-cut ones stacked in a holder. I told him to use one at a time and to show me how well he wiped. Well after two of them, I was satisfied that he was clean. So I pointed to the flusher and with his clothing at shoe level, Brandon waddled over to it and by putting the weight of both of his hands on it, he flushed it.

So before we went up to our seats, I told him I had to wee. I had him stand face close to the door and told him not to turn around. Of course, he found a reason or two to disobey me and saw me as I dropped my shorts to my knees and took the seat. He must have found the sound of the pitter-patter of my pee into the bowl to be amusing because he turned around three times to see what was happening. I told him that was inappropriate and that I needed my space. He asked me some dumb question about whether I was going to fill the bowl with pee, but my stream went long enough to probably give his imagination a workout. Then I decided I could divert his attention by having him recite his numbers and that bought me the time necessary to finish, wipe, quickly flush and get my clothing up before he turned around. We enjoyed the first part of the game, but a rain delay after about an hour into the game had most of us with kids crammed into the basement area away from the storm. However, the mascots came down and I took Brandon's picture with three of them.

Because he had a lot to drink and eat, when the game resumed he needed to go to the bathroom again. Although I needed to pee again, I held it because I didn't feel good about him watching me. I had to run for the toilet as soon as I opened the door to his house.

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Jemma as always another great set of stories about your desperate poops.

To: End Stall Em it sounds like she was having a rough day luckily you were there to help her out.

To: Amber great story it sounds like you and Shannon both had great poops.

To: Carin great story.

Well thats all for now.

Sincerely Brandon T

PS. I love this site


Nicks survey


1. How large is your bladder? (Rate 1-10, 1 being tiny, 5 being average, 10 being mega sized)
I'd say mine is slightly bigger than average, 6 or 7

2. How strong is your bladder? (Rate 1-10, with 1 being abnormally weak, 5 being average, 10 being iron strength)

3. About how much liquid do you drink in a day?
I drink quite a lot, probably about 10 glasses of water on average

4. What do you usually drink? What drinks make you pee the most?
Water and tea, tea usually makes me pee (rhyme lol)

5. How often do you pee?
About 6 times a day

6. How often do you have urinary accidents?
Not often, once in about 5 years

7. When was your last accident?
4 months ago

8. Do you usually pee when you poop?

9. How long can you hold a full bladder of urine?
I can go about an hour and a half from the initial urge

10. Any interesting stories related to peeing or urinary accidents?
Not really, I wet the bed a few months ago when I was drunk, so I don't really remember it


1. How often do you poop?
Twice a day, occasionally 3 times

2 What kind of BM's do you usually have? (Talking about consistency, so feel free to use the bristol stool chart, or describe them yourself)
I have soft but reasonably firm poos, logs at number 4 on the Bristol stool chart

3. How large are your BM's
I have big poos. Each individual log varies in size, but I always produce a few when I go for a number 2

4. How would you describe the smell? (None, weak, moderate, strong, very strong, or vomit-worthy)
I'd say moderate/strong, sometimes very strong

5. How often do you have accidents?
Very rarely

6. How often do you clog toilets?
Fairly regularly

7. How do you wipe? (Front to back or back to front, and do you do so sitting or standing)
Front to back, sitting but up on my tiptoes slightly

8. How loud are you during a normal bowel movement? (No noise, quiet, moderate, noisy, very noisy, or extreme)
I'm normally quiet as I don't usually have to strain for my poos

9. How often do you get constipated? What do you do when constipated? What foods and/or drinks make and/or worsen constipation?
I can't remember ever having gone more than 2 days without pooing, so Ive never suffered from bad constipation

10. How often do you get diarrhea? What foods and/or drinks cause or worsen diarrhea?
Maybe once or twice a month, some spicy foods really mess with my stomach, Chinese food doesn't tend to agree with me.

11. Would you rather have constipation or diarrhea? Why?
Diarrhoea, because I've had it plenty of times before and it doesn't bother me too much unless my stomach really hurts.

The question about clogging the toilet brings me onto my story, earlier today I was helping my cousin decorate her new flat that she's just moved into, we were painting the living room and both of the bedrooms, i began to feel the need for a poo early on, but I was focuses on the job at hand, after a while we finished the living room and had a break for 5 minutes and a cup of tea.
When we wet about halfway through painting one of the bedrooms I decided I was going to go to the loo and relieve myself, I went to the bathroom, closed the door, pulled my clothes down to my knees and started to read some news articles on my phone -(i pretty much always read something on the loo, is anyone else the same?)- a long poo came out pretty quickly, I farted quietly as it dropped, shortly after I unloaded a second big log into the toilet, the smell was getting bad but I felt lots more inside me, so I stayed sitting and continued to read.
After a couple of minutes my 3rd big log dropped, followed by 3 smaller plops in quick succession, I curled out 7 soft turds one after the other before another log started to poke out, by this time my cousin had come to see if I was feeling ok, I told her "yes, I'm just doing a poo, be out in a few minutes", my 4th long poo dropped but I stayed sitting to make sure I was completely empty, after 2 small poos I was done, i decided to flush before I wiped, but it barely budged, I tried again and water filled the bowl so I shouted my cousin to tell her I'd blocked the loo, I was embarrassed (perhaps understandably so), she tried to unblock it while I wiped my messy bum 6 times, having to deposit the used tissue in the bin, after 5 minutes we managed to unblock it together, we both saw the funny side once all of my substantial pile of poo had gone from the toilet and finished painting the rooms.

Victoria B.

Shower poop

Story time, but one comment first.

To Amber: I've enjoyed your posts so far. Keep them coming!

I got into an odd quandary this morning. The day started normally; I woke up, peed, had breakfast, and read for a little bit on the couch. While reading, I had one of those farts that made it reasonably certain that something more was on its way. My buns didn't have the warm, full feeling between them that I associate with needing a number two so I thought nothing of it and headed to the shower. I took my oversized t-shirt and pink polka-dotted purple panties off and turned the water on.

I got in and washed, thankful that yesterday and not today was shaving day. It was in the middle of this that I realized that the fart from earlier had been a warning and that I did need a BM. This put me in an awkward situation: I didn't want to deal with the mess of putting anything I might pass down the shower drain, but I was also soaked and decidedly unenthusiastic about the prospect of a wet toilet seat. It was then that I hit on a compromise: put the seat up, get my wet body out of the shower, and take care of my need by squatting over the toilet bowl.

Being dripping wet wasn't a concern: my bathroom has a tile floor with a drain. I got out and got into a squat, but not before I tried to cheer my poor toilet up by giving myself a playful slap across my butt while standing in front of it. I assumed the position and got ready to go. The first push got everything ready and the second pushed things out of my back door. Three medium-sized pieces fell, one right after the other: ka-plop ka-plop sploosh! That was all I had and hopped back in the shower to wash my pooping parts off. Upon finishing my shower and getting out I remembered that I needed to flush my logs from earlier. They went down fine, albeit with a nice skidmark as a reminder of what I'd done. A quick rendezvous with the toilet brush was all it took to fix that.

That's all for today. Look forward to hearing from everybody soon!
Love, Victoria

Student (NL)
Another nice morning camping in the wilderness. We have been living in a tent for over three weeks now. This night we have been staying on a place where several other campers also stay. Among them two mature female bikers. When out peeing this morning I saw one of them squatting behind a bush with shorts at the knees. Could see her white ass and legs. Obviously taking her morning dump.



To Amber: Great story from you. Guess you and your friend Shannon felt relieved after that poop. Hope to read more stories from you soon. Happy pooping:)

To Carin: That's was an interesting story from you..

I miss stories from Tarja hope she posts and soon if she's reading
that's all for now....have a blessed day everyone and happy pooping to y'all

Gerald :)

Student (NL)
Funny to see how many tourists who are going to toilet in the bushes. Almost every day we have seen someone. We have also seen that professional drivers sometimes use the nature. Both men and women!

Curious jake
Question to Victoria B:

What bugs you about the occasional outdoor BM while wearing a thong as opposed to any other type of underwear ?


To AJ Green

It's a hard thing to deal with even with other adults. Why don't you either send her a priority email, or leave a letter explaining the situation. Just explain that you have certain medical issues and that having access to the men's (faculty) bathroom is something that would really help in dealing with the issues. Ask her if there's a possibility that you could get a key for that bathroom with the understanding that it is not to be made available to others. If that doesn't work, you can try pointing out that lack of access to that room means that you would be away from the kids longer. Explain that you're not comfortable with having to use the bathroom for the students because of these issues. Hey, it's a long shot, but it might work. I would only use that as pretty much a last resort. Good luck.

toilet car

Creamy poop explosion

Hello everyone, haven't posted in a while but I've been lurking! Since my last post, many bladders and bowels have been emptied in my car! I have PLENTY of stories to share if anyone wants to here them! A few new people have used my car since my last post. I figure I would tell about the most recent girl who used my car, Arielle. Arielle is one of Amanda's friends. She is 18, has dark red hair, C cup boobs and a good sized butt. She has a fairly athletic body, with just a little chub around the belly. I had met Arielle a few times before, but I never really knew her. Well a couple months ago, Amanda told her about how she pees in my car. At first she was kinda weirded out, but after Amanda told her about it some Arielle became more interested. Amanda told her about how other people have gone in my car, and how I let people poop in it too. Well after a couple days of Amanda convincing Arielle to try it, Arielle broke down and agreed to do it. So the next day, I picked Amanda up and we drove to Arielle's house. I had spent time cleaning my car good, so that it didn't smell too bad. I am pretty good at this point with cleaning the poop stains in the seat. Arielle came outside and got in my car. I could tell she was excited by how many questions she asked. "You let people pee and poop in here?""I can go in here?" "Does it smell bad?" "Won't it make a mess?" Me and Amanda answered this questions as best we could for her as we drove to our usual secluded spot. I put the car in park. Amanda told Arielle she could go first. Arielle asked where she should go. Amanda told Arielle that her favorite spot was sitting on the console, since she could go on the stuff in the front of the car, such as the dash, windshield, etc. She warned her of the splashback, and I told her it was ok if some got on us, just try to not do it intentionally. So with that, Arielle was ready to go. She took off her shoes and socks, pulled her black leggings off, then pulled down her thong. Arielle climbed up onto the console. "Im so excited" she said. She spread her legs, so that each foot rested in mine and Amanda's lap. And then she relaxed. We waited. All three of us looked at her, waiting for her to start. "Sorry I've never done anything like this before!" she said. Amanda told her it was fine, to just take her time. We kept waiting. Then, it started. A small spurt came out onto the console. Then she started going. A thick yellow stream came out of her, which arced onto the radio. It splashed back onto her crotch and thighs. Then she was going full stream. It picked up and was hitting the dash, then the windshield. The loud sound of the pee hitting the windshield and the hissing sound of the pee coming out of her filled the car. Her pee had a very strong smell to it. "This is awesome!" she shouted over the noise. And it was. She was truly soaking the front of my car. It splattered all over everything! Arielle used her hands to aim her pee all over the windshield. She peed full force like this for quite some time, maybe 20 seconds or so. In that time, she peed all over the front. Finally, Arielle's stream began to die. As her stream tapered off, she let out a fart. It made a loud sound hitting the plastic of the console. We all giggled at its sound. Soon only a small trickle of pee came out of her vagina. We all surveyed the damage she dealt to the car. Pee ran in streams down the windshield into a big puddle on the dash. Droplets of her pee were all over the dash, the radio, the windows, Arielle's thighs and legs. The cupholders had quite a bit of pee in them. "I didn't think I would get this much on me!" she said. We all laughed. Arielle farted again. I asked her if she was going to poop. "Oh yeah..I've been holding it for a couple days actually." She told me. She closed her legs. She then replanted her feet in the front seat, leaned forward and put her hands, so that she was squatting over the console. "ok I'm gonna poop" she said. She farted a few more times. By now the rich smell of her farts filled my car up. I heard cackling as her poop approached. She sighed and grunted. Her face turned red from the effort. The poop began to emerge from her. It was dark brown and firm. The fumes from her poop hit me and Amanda both. The turd slid out slowly until it touched the console. It started to coil out on the console. And it kept coiling and coiling out of her. Finally she clenched her sphincter and pinched the turd off, after it was around a foot long. She resumed pooping, pushing more out on top of the first turd. "That's a lot" said Amanda. Soon the pile was touching her ass. She pushed another 6 inches out, which was softer and left a poop smear on her left cheek as she pinched it off. Her ass was pretty dirty at this point, but she was done at least. Amanda opened the glove box to get a napkin, which she handed to me. I wiped the poop of Arielle's butt and threw the napkin in the floor. Arielle then carefully climbed into the backseats. Her large pile of poop was quite a sight on the console. She was certainly proud of it! Now Amanda got ready to go. She unbuttoned her shorts, pulled them down along with her panties. She then turned in her seat, facing back, and began to pee all over the back of the seat. Amanda's pee sprayed out all over the seat, really soaking. She then faced the passenger door and hosed it down. Pee ran all down the door into the floor. She farted several times as she peed. Then her stream tapered off. Amanda then raised her butt up and rested it on the dash. Her face turned red as she began to grunt and push. Creamy poop gushed of her onto the dash. She cut a big fart, which caused creamy poop to splatter out of her onto the windshield. It was about a handful's amount that hit the middle of the windshield. Arielle shouted In surprise of it, and even I was shocked. Amanda then pushed again, and creamy poop shot of her asshole in wide spray all over the dash and windshield. It was accompanied by a symphony of farts, sounding like BRRT FRRRt FRRRRTTTT PFT PFT! I remember that we had eaten a big Mexican dinner the previous night, so it was coming out of her know all over the dash of my car. Spicy food like that makes her poops agitated like this. Another wave came out of Amanda onto the dash, though it wasn't as forcefull. Then she was done. A thick layer of poop coated the windshield. I couldn't even see outside from it. The light brown poop was very creamy looking. I noticed pieces of corn in the thicker pieces of poop. The dash was also covered in the poop. Amanda's butt was pretty dirty from it. We used a napkin to clean her off first. Then I took a napkin and wiped away some of the creamy poop off the windshield, enough so I could see to drive. There was still poop all over the windshield, but at least I could see. So we drove over to my house to clean. I picked up Arielle's poop first from the console. It was fairly firm overall, and took a few handfuls to get out of the car. Arielle and Amanda wiped down Amanda's poop with towels and window cleaner which took a long time. It took a few hours to get it all cleaned. Then I dropped Arielle off. Hope you enjoyed the story, more is to come!

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Student (NL)
Funny to see how many tourists who are going to toilet in the bushes. Almost every day we have seen someone. We have also seen that professional drivers sometimes use the nature. Both men and women!

Curious jake
Question to Victoria B:

What bugs you about the occasional outdoor BM while wearing a thong as opposed to any other type of underwear ?

Student (NL)
Another nice morning camping in the wilderness. We have been living in a tent for over three weeks now. This night we have been staying on a place where several other campers also stay. Among them two mature female bikers. When out peeing this morning I saw one of them squatting behind a bush with shorts at the knees. Could see her white ass and legs. Obviously taking her morning dump.

Hi, it's Anna from Canada here. I am sorry I have not posted for a while. I was busy with school and also had a boyfriend and then we broke up which sucks. But now I am all better. Also, one of my roommates, Kim moved out and we have a new roommate, Gracie. She is super nice and a tall blonde and pretty athletic girl. We all love hanging out with her. If you haven't read any of my older posts, I'm a 21 year old university student from western Canada. I'm a short and cury blonde who wears glasses. I'm a bit chubby but pretty fit and I love the outdoors. I also have a story to share.

Today was a gorgeous day and I went to the mountains for a hike with Danielle and Gracie. We all picked up coffees at McDonalds on the way out of town. When we got to the trailhead I really needed to do both things. I put on my boots and went to the outhouse. A cute guy went into the little stall on the right and I took the left one. I quickly pulled down my hiking shorts and undies, plopped my bum on the seat and started to pee. I could hear the guy pee as well and then he left and was replaced. The other person peed as well and then also pooped after just a couple of seconds. I also needed to push and big turd crackled out of my backdoor and fell into the toilet pit with a big splat. I could hear two more loads drop from my neighbour's bum and also two small farts. I farted as well, a little louder, and let out two more poos. Then I carefully wiped my front and backside, used some hand sanitizer, pulled up my shorts and left. Gracie was already waiting to use the outhouse. I'm not sure, but I think she probably heard me having my poo and farting on the seat. But oh, she took a couple of minutes also, so I think she needed an urgent number two as well. By the way, the other person using the outhouse with me was a blue-haired girl my age who was there hiking with her boyfriend. That's all for today, I hope you liked my story ok.

to Mina: I am so sorry I wrote so little in the last couple of weeks. I will try to be better. Many hugs to you and all your friends. I love reading your stories.

to Anna from Austria: I read your gym story and really liked it. I am also going to the gym more often again now and I have lost four pounds which I am quite proud of. I also often need to poo after a workout and many other women and girls do as well in my gym. It's normal I think. Oh, what's really exciting is that I will go to Europe in July and will visit Austria as well. So looking forward to it.

Monday, June 06, 2016


reply to concerned dad

Hey concerned dad, your son's behaviour reminds me of my own when I was younger. won't go into specific details but I have learned thru therapy that such behaviour can often be a sign of trauma, such as abuse of some kind.

I know it isn't easy but I would really try not to be angry with your son, I doubt he wants to behave like this. I would try and speak to him about what is going on, not just in relation to this issue but the other things in his life. It seems school is the common factor in his behaviour, so maybe there is something going on there, bullying for example.


To concerned dad:

I think that you need to get to the bottom of this. You both need to understand that it's not about the actual deed, but why it's happening. Is he actually becoming incontinent? Is there something going on at school like bullying? If you have a really good relationship with him, find some time to sit down and talk with him. Don't take anything for granted. There may be something that is happening and he's more than embarrassed, he's afraid. Find that way to talk with him so that it's really easy and comfortable for him to open up about it. If this continues, especially if it's fecal accidents, the school will likely step in and say that he has to wear some type of protection, whether it be some kind of pull on or full fledged diapers. This will be particularly true for the fecal accidents as it will be deemed a public health issue. There is also the possibility that if he doesn't cooperate, they may suspend him from school. The most important thing here is that he's okay physically, emotionally, and psychologically. One thing that you can do to help is to ascertain whether his accidents are laziness/poor planning, or whether there is an actual issue with control. If it is the former, see if you can coax out of him what's happening. If you do have to resort to getting him back into diapers, be sure that he understands that it's not punishment. Good luck and please keep us informed of what's happening.

Victoria B.

ThatGirl's questions

1. I'm a bit north of Mexico. Same continent though!
2. An occasional outdoor BM is something to savor. It's not something you want to do on the days when you're wearing a thong, of course.
3. I've had issues with constipation before and it really helps to drink plenty of fluids and eat your fruits and vegetables. Bananas are particularly good! The diarrhea might have something to do with your period.
Good to have you here! I look forward to hearing more!

Love, Victoria



Hello wonderful people been a while and can see a lot of wonderful stories have been posted too since I have been away. Been busy tho..... Just want to say a big welcome to all the new people on this forum keep the stories coming.

To Vincene : Love your stories....especially the previous one about your teacher...keep the stories coming and happy pooping

To Mina : Always feel happy after reading stories from Mina and her wonderful friends keep the stories coming. Always great stories from you and happy pooping

To Catherine: Congratulations and wish you all the happiness in your marriage. Always great stories from you and looking forward to more of your great posts and happy pooping

To everyone else you all make this site great!!!
Love y'all and your stories
wish y'all a blessed day and happy pooping....

Gerald :)


Must be something about going to the bank....

Hi there!,
So Friday morning, 1030am, i had an appointment
With my bank.

Lately my bowels have been worse. Very loose, very frequent and very smelly.

I got up at 9am and had my first wee and poo of the day.
It was a desperate one so as soon as i sat down i plopped about 3 logs out before my desperate wee started. As i was weeing i plopped out a further 6 plops. Wiped front to back 5 times and got myself ready to drive in to town.

Arriving at the bank, at 1020, i felt the urge for my second poo of the day. I very quickly became desperate.
I fidgetted and lifted my butt to clench numerous times.
I was wearing grey and blue tracksuit bottoms, a blue top and grey hoody.

My appointment arrived and all i could think of was how desperate i was for this massive poo.

I was in the appointment for 15 minutes then left and headed to the nearest loos. Debenhams was the place.

Entering the loos i took a free cubicle and locked the door.
Pulled my trackie bottoms down and red G String and sat down.
My plops immediately came crackling out of my butt. 18 plops in quick succession. It stank. I stood up and looked at the mess i created. Mushy light brown curly thin logs all piled up from the bottom of the loo all the way up to the water level. I wiped 7 times and flushed leaving skids aplenty.
Washed hands and drove home.

Hubby surprised me with some adult diapers for me to wear he had bought me off the internet so i am going to start wearing them for a while until my bowels improve.
Jem x

To Concerned Dad

Talking with your son

Foremost, be tactful and gentle about how you broach the subject with your son. Pre-teen boys have a LOT of pride and are very self-conscious. Talking about things like that is not just embarrassing for them but it hits at their masculinity in a time it's very fragile. I would actually suggest that his mother, if she is around (as you make no mention of his mother in your post), might be better to talk with him at first. That has nothing to do with you as a father and it isn't me labelling you as a bad father, but, as I said, teenage boys have a delicate ego when it comes to their masculinity and soiling oneself certainly doesn't promote their masculinity. Boys tend to be more emotionally open to their mothers rather than fathers, especially since boys, as they are developing their masculine image, often reflect or measure their masculinity against their father, so, dealing with an issue that they believe causes their father to see them in a less than masculine way can be very difficult, awkward and troubling for them.

If the mother isn't around, you need to be very delicate about how you handle the situation. You need to go into the conversation with a very long, patient temper. Do not yell or raise your voice, even if he did lie to you. The last thing he needs is his father railing him when he feels most vulnerable. Understand there could be a wide range of reasons for him having these accidents. Stress, especially new situations, such as starting at a new school, can instigate accidents. Other life changes, a death in the family of someone he was close to, a divorce, etc. can also instigate it. It can be a way in which children may even seek attention from their parents.

It's also worth keeping in mind that he is at an age that he is developing sexually, as well, and it's worth knowing that he may be developing a fetish towards accidents, the root of which can be all over the board. If you suspect this might be the case, so long as it isn't causing problems at school or otherwise, I would not even get too deep into that discussion. For starters, at 13 years old he's old enough to have at least some privacy in his life. Second, he's too young to adequately express or understand the psychological complexities of something like that. At this stage he would merely know that he enjoys it. Third, you yourself are likely relatively uneducated in regards to that sort of fetish, so, you'd be shooting in the dark as well.

The biggest thing is to just make sure he's sanitary, regardless of whether it's stress, attention, physical, or sexual reasons spurring what's happening. He's old enough that make sure he understands it's his responsibility to adequately and sanitarily clean up the mess.

Be careful and patient, don't press too hard, make sure he knows it isn't anger, disappointment or even disgust motivating your actions, but concern for his well-being. Absolutely make sure he understands that you want to make sure he's doing okay, that if he needs to see a doctor he will, and that you care about him.

Patience is your ally in this situation. Anger and a raised voice will shut the conversation down in a heartbeat.

End Stall Em

Ariel's graduation

Last weekend my parents and I traveled to my cousin Ariel's high school graduation. They live about 90 miles from us so my parents and I made the drive to their city. Ariel is two years younger than me and she's an only child so she was really nervous about the ceremony. There were about 650 in her graduating class and the ceremony was in the big city auditorium with about 10,000 seats. Spencer and I had gone there recently to see the final tour of Black Sabbath, a band his dad likes and he bought us the tickets. Traveling with my parents is something I hadn't done since I started college. I volunteered to drive, which they liked, but my mom nagged me about going to the bathroom before we left home and even asked in front of my dad if my bowels were regular. That so reminded me of when I was in grade school.

So we made the drive and when we got to the auditorium I texted Ariel. She and her parents were just arriving, but they had been assigned to another parking lot and she and I decided to meet up in the bathroom on the downstairs level where the graduates were told to assemble with their robes on. So I went to the very back of the bathroom and waited by the mirror as the place got more and more crowded with graduates. A couple of girls came running in and as soon as they punched open a stall door, they were on their knees throwing up into the toilet. The coffee I had with my mom was ready to come out and since that physics me, I texted Ariel that I was taking the very end stall. Just as I was about to latch the door, she came running in and was apologetic as I seemed surprised that she wanted in. So I dropped my underwear, hiked up my dress and placed my butt on the seat. Ariel seemed so surprised. I asked her why. She said she finds public seats to be offensive and in all four years of high school NEVER shitted at school. That was as I was both peeing and crapping at the same time in order to speed things up and give her the seat. I stood and as I wiped, she helped hold up my dress. I was able to see my about average production in the bowl. I reached down, flushed and moved to the side because she said her pee was hurting her pretty badly.

However, she extended the process by at first taking a wad of toilet paper and wiping the seat down, and then I had to trade spaces with her twice as she pulled off toilet paper sheets and carefully placed them over the four sides of the seat. She seemed so focused and sat very tentatively, almost afraid to move as I took her robe and tried to put her head through the opening. Her stream started strong and went for just over a minute as she held onto her thighs as part of the process. She suddenly lowered her head to between her knees and said she was feeling nauseated. I told her she could throw up from that position into the bowl. Ariel said she hoped it wouldn't happen since she hadn't thrown up since grade school. She stood up, I pushed her liners into the toilet and she quickly wiped. Another girl started pounding on the door saying we were making her late for the line up, and as Ariel got flustered, I helped her with her robe. I walked her to the assembly hall and then went up to the general seats and sat with my parents.

After the 3 1/2 hour program ended, Ariel texted me that she was heading right back to the bathroom. Now her diarrhea was ready to blast. So I left my seat before they started the march out and I had the first stall ready for her with the paper liners down too as she came running in I quickly grabbed the bottom of her robe as she positioned herself over the seat and then dropped her butt onto the paper. Almost immediately she gave off the first of six or seven ferocious blasts that almost made me gag as I held her robe as high up as I could. She must have wiped for about five minutes as I continually held her robe up. Finally, she stood quickly, but almost lost her balance as she was straightening her robe to go back to her family and friends for pictures. Later as I dropped my parents off back home, I texted Ariel not to worry about how needy she thought she appeared to be. I promised her we would get together later this summer.

Anatomy Student

To concerned dad

Your son's purposeful messing himself could be a psychological issue, not problem, just something he's dealing with. 13 is a strange age and there could be a problem adjusting to school or embarrassment in using school bathrooms, a physical issue, a newly found fetish possibly, or some kind of anal fixated behavior (like what I deal with).

If his grades are slipping, or any teachers/students he has issues with are a factor that you know about, I would start there. Maybe he is starting to care about his image to his peers more and doesn't want anyone at school to know he poops at school. Since it's obviously happening after school on the bus (logic dictates a teacher would figure out someone shat oneself in class) maybe he just holds it in and loses control sometimes.

There is a chance he is having problems with a food allergy, IBS, or some kind of incontinance. If you think this is the case ask him about it.

There is another chance that he is trying new things or perhaps has discovered a fetish of some sort. I'm not implying he has and if so there isn't anything wrong with it, but it is a possibility. Hiding soiled underwear in a bag is strange behavior, but it could just be compulsory behavior to prevent you from finding out.

If he's like me, then he probably gets easily discouraged and feels these accidents are making you disappointed. I have a longing to make my parents proud but focus on my failures. My dad had a short temper and a very controlling attitude when I was young, so now I have some messed up charachter defects that I've been working on. Maybe try not yelling or over-reacting the next time this happens, but rather talk it over to try and find out why. If he's shy (or introverted) he won't want to open up at first, but be patient.

This type of behavior isn't normal, but what is normal? He's most likely under some form of stress like anxiety or depression. Just be supportive of whatever he does, and try to talk to him. Don't jump to conclusions or accuse him of anything. First find out the problem, then help him fix it. If this persists for a month consult a psychologist to get a professional opinion. I wouldn't worry though.

I'm not a doctor, just an anal, obsessive compulsive musician that studies the human body for fun.

AJ Green

I need advice please!

Ok so here is my issue and I'm begging for help and advice. I have IBS and serious stomach and digestive issues. I'm a teacher. I teach elementary school during the day, but I also teach ESL at night to adults. Teaching English to people who have come to the US and wish to learn the language and get a job etc. It's a great job with great people and it's rewarding and I get to work with my wife at this night job so we can work and still be together. The problem is with the bathroom. First of all, ALL other employees (we aren't a large staff for this program) are women. I'm the only man- even including the supervisor and custodian. There is a faculty ladies room available in the part of the high school where the program takes place but not a faculty men's room... The other parts of the building are locked so as to increase security as we aren't in a terrific area. Anyhow, the only available men's room is a student bathroom... Now if the bathroom was only used by the adult students and I, I'd be ok with it (or as ok as I can be based on my extreme discomfort with public restrooms) however, at the same time as our adult school program there is also an alternative High School program running. That program is for high school students that weren't able to make it in day school- usually due to extreme behavior issues. The program allows them to take classes at night in very small classroom
settings with supervision and less (or different ) structure. So this week (many times), and the very few other times when I've been unable to hold a diarrhea attack I've had to use this shared mens room. The students are difficult to manage in terms of behavior so I pray that none of them will be in the bathroom when I need to use it, and so far I've been super lucky but with the way I've been feeling, my luck is bound to run out. Now, add to that the fact that there are three stalls but only the first stall closest to the door (which means as soon as you walk in people know that you're using it- hope you know what I mean? I like to get as far away from a bathroom door as possible) well only that stall ever has toilet paper and of course it needs to be cleaned almost anytime if you have to use it. So I rush like crazy in there which doesn't allow me to feel much better afterwards. Plus there's never any soap nor paper towels! So I don't know what to do. I've attempted to talk to the supervisor about it but I'm embarrassed as all heck and she's literally never free to talk in private between other coworkers in her tiny office and secretaries and then of course endless discipline problems that she has to deal with. So, I have tried to work up the courage to talk to her but to no avail. Over the years I've made many hints and tried to make it clear but no one has ever quite gotten it. I often say how disgusting that bathroom is and how the kids destroy it. Or gee I'm glad I didn't need to use that disaster zone today. Stuff like that. Once there was soap and paper towels. ONCE! Like 4 years ago and I made comments to the boss like omg there was soap and towels and I'm in disbelief! What's the occasion??! Lol and stuff like that. My wife has told me to use the ladies faculty room and she would wait outside so no one goes in but then I'll be seeing my coworkers when I come out and that would be awfully embarrassing. Of course I'm sure you're thinking that I need to get over the embarrassment already and believe me I wish I could!!! I've certainly tried!!!! If I could get to ask for access to the faculty men's rooms, I'm doubtful that they would allow access to other parts of the building for security reasons anyway. The administration is trying to prevent kids from slipping away or others from sneaking in through other doors and then fights breaking out. This has become a real problem for me and I don't know what to do! I try to go before I leave the house but I've been getting these severe flare ups on the ride in to work lately. Can anyone please help? What can I do??

Today I had a poo with my best friend, Shannon, we've known each other since primary school, she is 5'4", blonde hair, and has a great figure.
We decided to have a lunch date together because we hadn't seen each other in a few weeks because of uni, so we went to a nice Italian restaurant where we both had big pasta dishes and shared a large desert. After lunch we decided to have a look around the shops, when we were looking at clothes in the first shop, I started to feel the need for a big poo, it wasn't urgent right away, so I didn't mention it, about half an hour later i could tell that id have to go soon, when Shannon said to me that she had to go for a poo, I said that I did aswell, so we went to the loos in the shop we were in.
There were 4 empty cubicles, so Shannon took the last one, and I went in next to her, we were talking as we each pulled our shorts and knickers down, I could see hers at her ankles, mine were at my knees. We continued chatting as I let out a crackling poo, she dropped 3 logs in quick succession as my 2nd was easing its way out, I farted loudly as it dropped which caused us both to giggle, at this point another lady came in and took the first cubicle, as she sat down Shannon pushed out another log and began to wipe, I still felt more inside me, I dropped another log as Shannon flushed, the other lady was only peeing, so she left, I opened my cubicle door and let Shannon in, we talked over the next 5 minutes while I had 2 more logs, I then wiped 4 times and flushed, leaving a big skidmark at the bottom of the bowl. We went back to the shops and then to the park to sit in the sun for a while, a very enjoyable afternoon!

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