
pregnant pooper
So I did need to go again. I went shopping at the mall when I felt the need to go getting stronger. I made my way to the toilet and the 4 cubicles were full so I waited. After 1 min 1 became available and I went in. I pulled down my jeans (which im know wont fit me much longer) and my thong and pulled my t-shirt up and sat down on the seat. I was relaxing and about to start a small push when my phone rang. I was my boyfriend ringing to check that me and the baby were okay. I answered him and he continued to talk until I finally said I needed the toilet and he said bye. I was now alone in the toilets as the other 3 people had left whilst I was on the phone. So I began to relax again and pushed slightly. It appeared to be refusing to come out. The urge to go had passed but I know I needed to go. It hadn't all come out in my earlier poop session. I pushed harder and grunted whilst doing so 'uhhhhhhhhhhhh' and the tip started coming out but upon stopping pushing it went back inside. I pushed again for longer 'uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' and someone entered the toilets as I made the grunting noises. I was embarrassed but got over that quickly as my poop was slipping out. The woman entered the cubicle nest to mine as my first plop made a splash. The woman began peeing and my next plop landed with another splash. There was still more to come out so I gave another push and this 1 felt like a massive log. It took ages to slide out but made a splash as it dropped. The woman in the cubicle flushed after her pee and was washing her hands as I began wiping. I flushed the toilet and left the cubicle just as the other woman was leaving the toilets. Another woman entered as I washed my hands and she did a fart. I dried my hands on the hand towel and the woman did a massive plop followed by the start of sloppy plops. Its a shame I had to leave really.

That was yesterday and I went twice. Never usually go twice. Either I didn't get it all out the first time or else its a pregnancy thing. By the amount of poop during both sessions was pretty equal. Its very unusual for me go twice unless I have diarrehea. Anyone else who's been pregnant ever experienced going a few times a day and does it wear off? My pregnant friend has gone the opposite way and is experiencing slight constipation. Anyone else experienced where its harder to go whilst pregnant?

Im due on 3rd May so it'll be on here a bit between now and then with stories. I was wondering if anyone ever live poops on here. Im contemplating doing it so long as im not the only one.

4 week pregnant pooper.


Giant crap

Hi all. Haven't had much going on in the bowel department lately. Gone from urgent diarrhea about a month ago to now back to constipation (and yes I eat healthy-lots of greens, fibre, etc, lots of water, I exercise enough) but my bowels won't co-operate. Went from pooping little pellets to hard chunks to nothing again. And then this past Saturday after lunch, a bottle of water (been drinking tons of ice water since it is sooo hot here) and a large cup of coffee, I felt a strong urge. I felt it turtle-heading and I knew this was going to be a lot considering I hadn't been in days. My stomach was swollen like I was pregnant and I felt sluggish and not very hungry. I was even considering a laxative that morning until I got the urge.

Headed to the bathroom, pulled down my pants and underwear and sat, reaching behind me for the Garfield comic. Relaxed and gave a gentle push and what felt like a monster came out. Only took about a minute to finish. I made sure I was finished first then stood up to wipe and check out my creation. Wiping was messy, but the size of that beast, my gosh! It was the size of my forearm and medium brown! About 17 inches long (the length I was at birth). Wow. I knew it was only about half of what was actually in my body but my stomach felt a lot softer and I did feel better. My husband couldn't believe either how much came out of me. Damn. I kinda wish for the diarrhea to come back. At least then my body will get rid of the poop no problem.

Happy pooping! Hopefully.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015



Hey, it sounds like Rota virus. Just make sure that you drink lots of fluids. If your urine is darker than usual, you are probably dehydrated. Keep drinking fluids until your urine gets back to a shade of yellow that you usually see. Your electrolytes and pH are going to be a little out of whack but will soon get back to normal. Give your boyfriend a "heads up" that he may get it from you as it's highly contagious. It's not one of those ones that you're through with it once you get it. If you are still experiencing any dizziness, (You could pass out at the wheel.)Last but not least, Feel better soon. :-)

Karen C. (the California one)

Weekend blowout

So this is Saturday morning, and I've recently started back with my weekly ritual of cleaning out my digestive system of the junk I've eaten all week; stomach's been feeling kinda yucky from all the greasy food I ate going out to lunch with the guys from work. Last night I took six dulcolax before bed followed by a cup of hot cocoa then drifted off to a peaceful slumber to some ASMR audio selections (having my hair done in a beauty shop--Youtube is great stuff, I love it).

Okay, now for the junk I've eaten all week; let's see, last Monday for lunch I ate a cheeseburger and fries for lunch and a salisbury steak tv dinner for supper. Tuesday I had a BLT from a local diner and an ice cream cone for dessert, and a grilled ham and cheese for supper with a bowl of cream of mushroom soup. Wednesday I had a 2 piece fried chicken dinner for lunch with a piece of strawberry cheesecake for dessert (actually, make that 2 pieces, I just had to order another piece to go to have later with my supper). Thursday for lunch I had a grilled cheese sandwich with bacon with a bowl of cream of potato soup and a Big Mac and fries for supper, and yesterday I skipped lunch but last night I had a carryout consisting of a pulled pork platter with potato salad, coleslaw, buttered rolls, two cans of beer, and baked beans.

For supper each night except friday I've had either a tropical fruit salad or a garden salad with ranch dressing and before bed I've had either hot cocoa or warm milk with Goya Maria cookies with cream cheese spread while watching DVD of old reruns from the 70s; it helps me relax and get to sleep faster. I find it hard to get to sleep on an empty stomach.

Okay, so this morning my guts woke me up at around a quarter past 5am, and the blowouts began. I blew a messy, gassy, but incomplete load into the toilet, then decided to stay awake and so I made my morning coffee.

A half hour later I had another gassy blowout, more liquidy this time, into my toilet. Felt so light and good and clean.

Got into my warmup suit and went to the park and walked three laps around the track, and ran one lap--worked up a pretty good sweat, then stopped by the supermarket to do my shopping for the coming week. Got home just in time for the next blowout to happen; then put away my groceries and took a nice relaxing shower/shampoo. Woke up at around 4pm, had yet another blowout. Cleaned the bathroom then headed to the gym for my weekly lower body workout. Spent twenty minutes on the stairstepper followed by fifty reps on the abduction machine, twenty reps on the pec machine, then thirty minutes on the cycle.

Drank my huge protein shake (a bottle of Vanilla Ensure, three scoops vanilla ice cream, two tablespoons organic peanut butter, four tablespoons Nestle Nido, a dash of vanilla extract, two tablespoons of dextrose, heaping tablespoon of virgin coconut oil, a tablespoon of honey, and a cup of old fashioned oatmeal blended with enough whole milk to make everything creamy yet drinkable, I was really full--the theory is that this adds lean inches to the parts of the body that have been working while shedding fat from other parts of the body) and headed for home--just barely made it home in time for another blowout. Cleaned up the toilet and surrounding areas with 10/1 bleach solution, yeah, it got pretty messy.

Took another shower/shampoo, and am now relaxing here in the living room in my comfy oversize tee and sweatpants watching DVD's of Love Boat. I'll do a coffee enema tonight at around probably 7 or 8pm. Gonna try to eat healthier this coming week and thereafter.

Take care my friends, especially you Brandon my boy!

Anna from Austria

Answering Ashley Survey

1. Physical description of yourself:
Female, white, brunette, rather slim, 29

2. How long does it take you to pee?:
Half a minute to 1 minute

3. How long does it take you to poo?:
between 5 and 10 minutes if everything is all right, when I am constipated it can take more than 20 minutes or more.

4. What things make you poo?: spicy food, vegetables and coffee

5. What things make you pee?: Every drink..

6. Do you wash your hands after you pee?: Yes.

7. Do you wash your hands after you poo?: Yes

9. What kind of underwear do you prefer (thongs or briefs)?: I am a fan of thongs but sometimes I also wear briefs

Anna from Austria
Dear Mina thanks for your reply. No I now where to go when I have an Number 2 emergency. My number 2 times are a bit odd, so it es very likly that I have to go when I am not a my hotel room. So it is good too know were decent public loos are.

And thanks I am shure I will enjoy my vacation in Japan.


Steven A's survey and a story

1) Would you be brave enough to do a buddy dump with your best friend depending on the situation? Yes, we have. My friend Tlana posts on this board and one in particular she wrote about that we did also included two female cops on Sunday morning in a highway rest area bathroom. Afterwards, all four of us had sodas in the nearby park before the cops were paged away when they received a call.

2) Do you bring toilet paper with you on a hiking trip? I don't do a lot of hiking, but in the past two months, I do put some toilet paper that I've folded in my jeans pocket so when Tlana and I are on our bike rides, we won't be on the toilet in the park having taken our morning poos and without paper to wipe with. It saved us and our undees just last week when we were riding in a fund-raiser.

3) Do you feel bad for people who have an accident in public? Yes, and especially if they are children which Tlana babysits.

4) Pee, poop or farts. Which is harder to hold? For me its pee. And for years I've sometimes battled constipation, which, after 5 days, my mom ends by giving me an enema. (See my story below).

5) Why do you feel time slows down when you're wanting to use the bathroom when you really have to do? Fear, embarrassment, and even taunting of one friend of mine by students when she started to cry since our teacher deliberately ignored her hand when she needed to go to the bathroom.

My story:

My high school, like most I think, has a monthly intruder drill. Its just like a fire drill. The teacher locks the door to the room. Lights are turned off and no one can move about the building. Well in November, about halfway through our intro to journalism class, there were three beeps on the speaker, the lights flickered three times, and the intruder alarm was announced. I was just finishing an assignment on my computer and had intended to be on the toilet and peeing within five minutes. Its an activity class, our teacher likes us, and we're always given permission to leave the room for a valid reason. I know I should have gone before class, but it was lunch, the lines were long, and often the toilets stink really bad because that's when some of my friends take their daily craps. So that's why I decided to wait. All computers had to be turned off and the lights in our room had to be turned off. Each of us had to get into position sitting against the wall and there was no noise allowed. One boy let off a fart noise, which I don't know if it was real or something he did with his mouth, but he was threatened with a referral if he didn't straighten up.

I had a white dress on that I didn't like getting dirty and messed up on the floor. I don't know if it was the high anxiety of what but my pee was starting to hurt as we neared the one hour mark. I was also holding in a couple of farts because I had just eaten, but I thought for a couple of minutes and came up with the brilliant idea of using my right hand to muffle the gas. It worked and luckily the guys on each side of me didn't get a whiff of you know what. The next half hour was tougher on everybody and you could tell why. We had nothing to do but to sit and wait. Our teacher was seated too, right inside our locked door. At about 110 minutes our principal got on the PA, told us that it had not been a drill, but that two men had robbed a business across from our school and were seen running in our parking lot. But until they got the police dogs available in and searched the school (they also had a helicopter hovering) it was considered to be part of a crime scene. Classes were let out for 15 minutes and almost everybody left the room. For me, I hurried through the crowd, ran upstairs where I thought the bathrooms would have less traffic. I spotted a little used faculty toilet, thought what the ****, latched the entry door behind me, yanked up my dress, ripped my panties down as fast as I could, and I contributed a couple of gallons of yellow pee to the toilet. What a relief! Because I didn't want to take one second more and get caught, I didn't flush or stop to wash my hands. I unlocked the door and ran for it, because I suspected there could be a line of teachers waiting. There were two, I think. Luckily, they were senior teachers who didn't know me.

When I got back to class I heard guys talking about some boys dumping in the sinks and other rules that were violated. So I wasn't the only one.

Karen C. (California)

Answers to Steve's Survey

My answers to Steve A's survey. Hi there, Steve? Thanks for the survey, I love these!

1. Why do you think people leave toilets unflushed in schools and in public? Could be a number of different factors; automatic flushing toilets are in need of repair, someone is proud of their huge grogan and wish others to see it, or afraid to touch the flush button, or maybe just in a big hurry. Maybe as an act of defiance?

2. Do you think janitors have it easy or hard depending on where they work? In places like office buildings or where the only people to clean up after are employees where people are more responsible and try not to make a mess and if so at least make an effort to clean up after themselves, it's probably a pretty easy job. OTOH, in places with public bathrooms that are used mainly by customers, it's probably a pretty crummy job because people just don't give a flip that someone has to clean up their mess. This is based on my personal observation of various different bathrooms. The bathrooms that are used by customers in general have always been the worst.

3. What are the thing(s) you think about when you're in a situation when you want to forget about having to go to the bathroom until you can? Hmm, I try to think about things like shopping, being on vacation, my sons, music, etc.

4. In school, did they ever have a lockdown (or something similar) in which you couldn't use the bathroom? What would you do if you had to go during that time when you couldn't use it? No dear, there were no such things as lockdowns when I was in school.

5. How do you think people used the bathroom before toilets and running water was invented? They had outhouses which was a shack built around a hole in the ground; or they simply went behind a bush in the woods.

6. Does it make you jealous when you know that people poop more than you? No.

7. From Catherine's story: Anyone in a relationship, how long did it take you to fart and poop around each other? Who did it first? Did you ever fart or poop around someone the opposite sex? I was married years ago; IIRC we both just did what we had to do with no shame in the presence of the other. My sons, when they were small, have seen me perform every bodily function at one time or another--fart, pee, poop, vomit, and I wasn't at all ashamed, but they seemed fascinated. They really got a kick out of using the tape recorder to capture the sounds of me having gassy diarrhea and throwing up (I'm really loud and nasty sounding when I throw up--just the way little boys like it! HeHe!). Hey, moms are people too, and we have bodily functions just like everybody else!

8. Would you go 1 week without pooping just as an experiment to see how big your poop is without going 1 week? No. If I don't poop everyday I feel sick and then I have to reach for laxatives! However, I might be willing to undergo a week of no pooping if there were a monetary incentive.

pregnant pooper
Hi all. Im new here but over the weekend i discovered im pregnant and ive been reading upon what goes on during prenancy and whilst reading about constipation etc i foumd this site.

This morning i took a dump that eased out without much fuss with 2 massive splashes. I felt so relived afterwards. My best friend is also pregnant. She's 3 months gone (13 weeks) to my 4 weeks and has told me she's having bowel problems. Hopefully i dont have any but who knows. I might have some stories over my pregnancy.

Eta:i feel like i could go again actually. Dont tend to go twice a day but maybe i didnt get it all out earlier and talking about it is doing somethong to me.


going in the woods on a hike and a question for Mina

Today was a totally beautiful day and I went for a hike in the mountains with my friends Kim and Danielle and another friend of ours, Bailey. We all grabbed large coffees in town and then stopped at a gas station about half way where we all went for a pee. My rear end felt pretty full at this time, but I couldn't poop while sitting in my stall.

When we got to the trail head I needed to pee again. There are two outhouses, but they smelled so bad, even from a distance, that I didn't go. Kim used them for a quick pee and she was making gagging gestures when she came out and told everybody how bad it stunk in there. Then we started out on the hike and I forgot about going to the bathroom until about halfway back.

By now I had a really full bladder and all of a sudden a growing need to do a number two as well. It got worse quickly and I had to squeeze my bumcheeks because my load was pushing on my backdoor so badly. I knew that I wouldn't be able to hold it in until we got back and that I'd better go in the woods somewhere. Just then Kim announced that she needed to pee and I quickly said that I would join her. We walked off the trail for about 15 metres or so and then we each kinda went our own way a bit. I found a flat spot behind a tree where I was pretty well covered. I put my backpack on the ground, pulled down my hiking shorts and rainbow coloured panties to just above my knees and squatted down with my arms crossed on my thighs. Immediately I started to pee a really strong, hissing stream that splattered on the ground between my hiking boots. It was such a relief and felt totally great. I also let out two farts that I am sure Kim could hear from where she was doing her business.

While I was still peeing, my bumhole opened and my first turd started to slowly slide out. It was big and I had to push to get it going. When I looked down between my legs I could see some of my pee running down my bumcheeks and then dripping off the log hanging from my rear end. Yuck, I hate it when pee gets on my bum! After about a minute or so my poop broke off and fell to the ground with a thud. I was also done peeing and started to push out another turd. This one was even bigger and really stretched my hole. Meanwhile, Kim was done with her pee and was heading back to the trail. My second log dropped with another thud. I pushed some more when suddenly I heard Kim calling out 'Anna is taking a big s***!' and then lots of laughs from the other girls. I yelled back, 'Shut up Kim, I am not taking a s***! You're being an ass!'. This was pretty funny because at the very same moment my third turd was hanging from my bum and I was squatting over a pretty big pile of poo that was stinking really bad. Right then my third poop dropped to the ground, I had a wet fart and a much softer log started to crackle out quickly. It also felt quite big, but was much easier on my bumhole. It was pretty long and when it finally dropped I let out a little sigh. I felt very much lighter now. To be sure, I pushed some more and was able to get out two more, much smaller turds. Then I felt totally done. I leaned over and grabbed the squished roll of tp that I keep in my backpack. I used two sheets to do my front and dry my bumcheeks. Then six more to wipe my rear end. When I felt clean, I pulled up my panties and shorts and started to look for some dirt and leaves to put on my pile of poo. It was big, three firm logs and then a long one coiled on top, two small ones and my used paper. Once it looked pretty well covered, I picked up my backpack and walked back to the trail.

When I got there, the girls kept teasing me about having pooped in the woods. I didn't really mind much, since I knew they were just goofing around and we all kept laughing and giggling about it for a bit. Later on, Danielle whispered to me that she also really needed a number two, but that she was going to wait until we got back to the outhouses at the parking lot. When we did, the smell was even worse than in the morning. She went in, but came out just moments later, holding her nose and announcing that she was not going to go there, no way. She had to wait until we made it to another gas station on the way back and I could tell that she was pretty uncomfortable in the car. When we got there, we both went to the bathroom, since I needed to pee again. While we were peeing, Danielle complained that she was an idiot for not going on the hike, how much she hates the outhouses and how badly she needed to go now. I was done and left while she was still peeing, but it took her a good 10 minutes on the toilet and she looked much relieved when she came back to the car afterwards. That's it and I hope you all liked my story.

to Mina: I read your answer to the other Anna's question (I am from Canada) and I also have a question about squat toilets. I have never traveled outside of North America and I have never used one. I know they exist in Europe and Asia, but perhaps they are not quite the same everywhere. In Japan, are those toilets always in their own little rooms or are they in stalls such as the ones we use here in North America? Because, our stalls often have really big gaps and if they had squat toilets you could see peoples' bums and even how they do their business. Or do you have different stalls? I have always wondered.

Also, I like reading your posts and that you are always really nice when you post here.

Matt L

Girlfriend's hangover poo today

My girlfriend Polly knows I like watching her have a poo in the toilet and she's fine with me being there. Polly is 25, small, short blonde hair and brown eyes. We had a long day of drinking yesterday and woke up this morning both with considerable hangovers. After lying around cuddling and chatting Polly said 'I need a poo' and walked into the bathroom. I followed her in and sat on the edge of the bath right next to the toilet. She was wearing just panties one of my t shirts, she pulled her panties down and sat on
the loo. Straight away she peed for a few seconds and then there were a few slow, hissing farts. After that there was silence for a few moments, polly had a look of concentration on her face. After maybe twenty seconds of silence, a sticky sounding crackling noise began, followed by a small splash. Immediately after that was more wet sounding crackling and a loud plop, it sounded like a big turd - after this one polly exhaled with relief. A few seconds later there was a final crackle and small splash. Polly sat in silence for a bit longer, at this point an evil smell began to fill the small bathroom. I asked 'are you finished?' Polly said 'yep I think so. It's a bit smelly...' then pulled off some toilet paper and started to wipe. After two wipes she stood up and pulled up her panties. I also stood up and gave her a hug, as she got off the toilet a fresh waft of her warm, pungent stench drifted up and it was actually hard to breathe with my face above the toilet as we hugged. I could see her brown turds mostly covered by toilet paper. She flushed the toilet, washed her hands and then we went back into the bedroom and very much enjoyed the rest of the morning...

Sister in law's accident

My pregnant sister in law messed her panties tonight, and it was highly satisfying due to the fact that she is not a very nice person and it happened in front of A LOT of people so she was very embarassed. Maybe I'm too pleased but I don't care.

My brother and her invited my girlfriend and I over because their street was having a block party. Even though we didn't anticipate having a really good time we went anyway. Sure enough my brother's wife barely gave us the time of day and made my girlfriend especially feel unwanted and left out,but we still tried to be nice. Well, she got hers.... my sister in law is 8 months pregnant with my first niece. At one point an ice cream truck was on the block and my sister in law was among a group that went to get some. My sister in law was wearing a very tight fitting aqua and white striped maternity dress and you could clearly see her panty line her dress was so tight. That fact made the following a lot worse for her.... as she was waiting in line for the ice cream truck (a few people ahead of me) I heard her groaning loudly. I looked up to see her clutching the bottom of her belly just before moaning "oh my god...". She immediately began waddling home and we all just heard a loud "Brrrmp" come from her. Her hand shot behind her back and she cupped it over the middle of her butt, and she cursed several times, just before a big wet squelching noise exploded from her butt and a big brown bulge appeared on the back of her dress. She stood in horror and disbelief saying "oh god oh god oh god" repeatedly after having just had a diarrhea explosion in her panties in the middle of the block party. A bunch of other ladies there rushed over to "help", just covering her up and what not, and her sister was angrily telling people to look away from her like it was our fault she pooped her pants. She waddled home with a little group of women surrounding her to conceal her accident, and I'm sure they were all holding their breaths. A little bit later when I walked back toward my brother's house in saw she left a trail of poop drops in her wake, that must have been oozing down her legs. Line of the night to my girlfriend who said "shitty things happen to shitty people..."

Monday, August 24, 2015

Brylie, Tessa's younger sister

School accident

Hi everyone, it's Tessa's younger sister, Brylie here. For anyone who's wondering, I'm 12. Today I'll tell you the story of an accident I had at school today. So I was in science class today, and we were watching a 45 minute presentation. I was sitting next to my best friend. About 25 minutes in, I asked to go to the bathroom. But my teacher said I could probably hold it until the presentation was over. Five minutes later, I felt a poop start to force its way out. I tried to hold it back in, but I was powerless to do anything, and it slid into my underwear. Three more swiftly followed. I tried to hide what I'd done, but my best friend has a keen eye, and spotted the bulge in my jeans. She whispered in my ear: "Did you just... poop your pants?" My face turned bright red as I said yes. She replied, "Don't worry Brylie. Your secret is safe with me. In fact..." At that point, I heard her start to strain, and then she sighed. I looked at her, and it was evident she had also just released a massive poop into her pants. Luckily, no one else noticed through the rest of the presentation, and when we went to the bathroom to clean up after, no one seemed to notice.


The Theory Of Laxativity

Would this website be interested in developing a Theory Of Laxativity?

* The variables helping you go to the bathroom are laxatants.

* The variables preventing your going to the bathroom are constipants.


To Tessa:

Hey Tessa, that's quite an irony. I posted a looooong time ago about a double accident as a middle aged guy. The only consolation: It's extremely unlikely that I will run into any of the people involved in the situation. The funniest part is living what I've heard in stories here about the rush to find a place to go, then when I did find one not being allowed because it was for employees only and the person told me that they might get fired. And then...... about 2 minutes after I got back in the car to get to a place just down the road, I lost it in my underwear, not once, but twice! The irony here was that after the first accident, I was at a big chain store and actually considered getting diapers just in case. Boy, I wish I had!!!!! No, it wasn't pee, but it was rather wet. LOL

just another girl
Not very long ago I had a rather strange experience, the likes of which have never happened to me before. I woke up one morning needing to go to the bathroom, as is common for me, and this time the need was quite strong. I had eaten a lot the night before, so I assumed that it was a result of that, but didn't know what was really about to happen. I went in, shut the door, pulled down my pink pyjama pants and underwear, and sat. First I peed a bit (not as much as normal) and as soon as I'd finished that, my stomach started to cramp slightly. I thought that that was just because I had a big load wanting out - sometimes that can cause a bit of discomfort - and so I dismissed it. A few moments later I felt my poo starting, and it felt nice and solid. It slid out with a good "plop" and I let out a sigh of relief. I wasn't quite empty though; I felt as though there was more to come, so pushed gently, expecting that it would be another one like that. Much to my surprise it wasn't - it was anything but. It turned out to be a big squirt of nasty runny slop. I was shocked because it was the last thing I'd imagined would happen. Another cramp came and I let some more out, and then I felt as though I was empty. I had to wipe myself quite a few times, and had no other choice but to open the window after flushing because of the evil "rotten egg" diarrhoea smell that I had left behind. (Ugh!)

I have no idea what caused that, as I didn't have any more incidents like it for the rest of the day. Perhaps I ate something the night before that didn't quite agree with me. To this day I don't know why it happened, and maybe I won't ever know...

J.A.G ~


To Bella Jean

Hey Bella Jean

Great story about your massive urgent poop at the bookstore. I liked your description of the sound effects and what was happening etc. I'm glad you got some much needed relief and felt better afterwards.

You wondered why it was the case that you hadn't pooped for three days whereas normally you poop twice daily; and when you did it was very soft/sloppy rather than hard/firm. I thought I would provide some feedback as to why that was the case- which might be of interest to you . I am assuming that you just hadn't had the urge to poo for three days rather having the urge but not being able to pass any poop.

Sometimes it is the case that waste material entering your colon i.e. large bowel takes some time to reach the lower rectum. I suspect that over the preceding three days much of your colon had gradually filled with poop but that little of it had reached your rectum. If your rectum had remained mainly empty then you would not have experienced the urge to defecate. However, it is likely that your sigmoid and descending/transverse colon were quite full by the time you visited the bookstore.

Drinking the coffee possibly stimulated your sigmoid colon (which is just above the rectum) to quickly propel some of its contents into your rectum thereby rapidly filling it and causing you to feel a sudden need to poop. I presume that the initial load of wet farts you did were likely due to you not being able to fully relax your anal sphincters due to embarrassment. When you did "let go" as the lady next to you was peeing the bunch of soft logs you passed was probably the contents of your (very full) rectum being expelled. It's likely that these logs piled up in the bowl and provided a "platform" for the mushy poop to rest on. The mushy poop and soft pieces that you passed next were probably from your sigmoid colon andthe lower aprt of your descending colon. After some wet farts they would have entered your rectum and been quickly expelled.

Once the colon - or large bowel as it is often known - starts to empty it can contract quite vigorously hence the cramping you were experiencing. The loose/sloppy poop that you passed would have come from further up inside your colon - probably your descending colon. The contractions helped propel it down towrds your sigmoid colon then into your rectum and out into the toilet bowl. It is common for gas (from bacterial fermentation) to be in the colon and for this to be expelled alongwith the poop hence you can get spattering of the bowl - this is quite common during bowel movements - especially very large ones.

You mentioned that during wiping you got a strong urge to poop again. This was probably caused by poop (and gas)filtering down from further up your colon (possibly the transverse colon) down into your rectum (after passing through your descending and sigmoid colon). It rapidly filled your rectum hence the sudden urge to poop again.

I hope you (and others) found this explanation useful - if you have any questions feel free to ask. I'd like to reassure you that there is nothing abnormal with having very big bowel movements like you had. For some it is usual, for others it is an occasional experience. The important thing is that you were able to have your bowels well open and fully emptied. The diarrhea you described was probably not true diarrhea just loads of sloppy poo coming out very quickly. As for noise and smell I'm sure the other ladies understood and have had similar experiences themselves.

Hope you'll post again


To Mina. I like your stories about going to the toilet in Japan. As I am planning to come to Japan in 2016 for vaction, I wonder how common these japanese squat toilets are in the public in big cities like Tokyo for example.

Would be a bit akward going Number 2 on them. If they are common this type of toilets can't be avoided as I belong to the persons how have to Bms a day.

That's all for the moment. But I will contribute some stories in the near future.

Greetings from Austra



I pooped in the library and survey answers

Today I was studying in the library when I felt a need to poop. I kept working for about 15 minutes and then I really needed to go, so I decided to use the washroom in the back of the floor where I was on. There are only two cubicles and both were taken when I got there, so I waited. Shortly after, another girl came in and stood in line behind me. We smiled at each other and she mock-rolled her eyes at the occupied cubicles seemingly annoyed at this remote bathroom fully occupied. But I could see she was only kidding around. I have seen this girl at school before, she is a chubby, bigger girl with long brown hair, a very pretty face, totally beautiful brown eyes and nicely tanned skin. I think she is a bit younger than me and we have never really talked. So we just passed a minute or so in silence until the girls in the stalls finally wiped and left, both at the same time. The brunette girl took the right stall and I the left. I closed the door, hung up my bag, pulled down my white string and pushed up my blue, flowery summer dress. Then I sat down on the seat, which was still warm from the girl who had had a pee in the stall before. I relaxed, let out a little fart and then started to pee. I had a look under the stall and the other girl had already pulled down her white jeans and white thong all the way to her sneakers. She also started to pee with a hissing stream. While I was still peeing, I leaned forward, put my arms on my thighs and started to push. I could feel my backdoor open and then my first turd started to slide out. It was a short one and plopped loudly into the bowl below my bum just as I finished my pee. Immediately there was a poo smell in my cubicle, but it was not too bad. I knew that I had more to come out, so I settled in and started to browse my phone. Meanwhile, the chubby brunette in the cubicle next door had finished her pee. There was about a minute of silence, and then three small plops in rapid succession as she started to take care of a number two as well. Meanwhile, I had another poo, which was longer and made a crackling noise as it slid out of my bumhole. It also made a pretty big splash in my toilet. From my neighbour I heard an audible sigh, then two more splashes as she dropped two more poops and then she immediately started to work the toilet roll. She wiped four times as I pushed out another turd, this one ending in a pretty loud fart. My neighbour flushed her toilet and left the stall to wash her hands as I did one final poop. After that I felt totally empty and started to wipe. I did my front and then used six pieces to clean my poopy bum. I flushed the toilet and went to wash my hands. When I was at the sink the other girl was long gone and I considered that she had had one of those really lady-like poos. Real quick, no audible farts and almost no smell. I rarely have them, but I feel great when I do. I carefully washed my hands and when I left another girl rushed in and took my stall. When I went back to my spot, I could see the brunette sit by herself and looking really absorbed in her books. I also went back to work feeling much relieved.

Steve A's survey:

1. I think I might, though I have never done it. I am going on a backcountry hiking trip with my very best friend this September and I have considered maybe trying to have a buddy dump with her in the woods, but I don't know if I will be brave enough.

2. I always bring TP when I go on hikes or mountain biking. I often have to use it, mostly for quick pees but sometimes for a number two as well. I also always carry tissues in my bag, just in case.

3. I have never seen anybody have a accident in public, but I imagine it would be totally humiliating. So, of course I would feel really bad for them.

4. My poo is hardest to hold in. If I am really desperate, I also get bad cramps, so it also really hurts.

just another girl

Answers to Steve A's Survey

1. Would you be brave enough to do a buddy dump with your best friend, depending on the situation? I've honestly never thought about this, but I'd probably only do it if it was a choice between that or having an accident - I'm quite shy about other people watching me go so I don't think I'd do it in any other context

2. Do you always bring TP with you when you plan a hiking trip, just in case? Yes...because one never knows when something might happen, and isn't it strange that the moment one forgets it at home or doesn't bring any that it's needed the most?

3. Do you feel bad for the people who have accidents in public? Yes - it's never happened to me before but I certainly feel bad for them because it must be absolutely awful to have everyone knowing what you did and then facing possibly being laughed at or mocked by those people who are particularly nasty (and there's always somebody like that out there - there's always a person who will use the opportunity to be rude and unkind).

4. What is harder to hold in when you really have to go, Pee, Poop, or farts? I am quite good at holding in pee because I have a strong bladder and have always had since I was a child - I only wet my bed once. If I'm needing to do a poo I can hold that in nicely as well, although that is quite dependent on whether it's a nice solid one or a squirty runny one (or something in between) because it's easier to lose control of the second one than it is of the first one. I always tend to get a bit farty when I have to do a poo - as I think many people do - but can hold it in if I'm in a situation that requires me to do so. However, that isn't always the case; if I need to go very badly I may accidentally let out a few rather nasty silent but deadly ones before I can stop myself (normally my farts aren't all that bad but just before a poo they stink - even by my own standards).

5. Why do we feel that time slows down as we're waiting to use the bathroom when we really have to go? Example: Bella Jean's Bookstore Story
I don't know - it's probably psychological, or perhaps it happens because when we don't have to go and are relaxed and comfortable time passes quickly, but when we do have to go it isn't enjoyable, which makes time drag. Also, perhaps unconsciously we are trying to make the time go more slowly so that it's more time until we have an accident. I don't really know why though.

J.A.G ~

Mr. Clogs

Pooped (liquid) in my undies by accident

Hello everyone, yesterday I had a misfortune while making it to the toilet to poop. Fortunately I was home but it was quite messy, good thing it was liquid and easy to wipe up. I felt my stomach rumble about 5PM, this was residue poop from this morning. I made may way to the bathroom. I took off my shorts and I was about to take off my underwear (black Jockey Men's thong) that's when I had this unfortunate accident in underwear. Some poop started dripping on the floor and on the edge of the tub, yuck! I finally sat down on the toilet to relieve myself and clean up the mess between my butt and clean up the poop that had leaked out. Wiped up the liquid poop from the thong I finished my business, washed my hands and left the bathroom. This was not intentional and was an accident. I went back to my room and took a nap. I hope you enjoyed my post and happy peeing and pooping everyone.

--Mr. Clogs


Diarrhea for Four Days

Hey all! It's been nearly three months since I posted--mainly because nothing notable has been happening with my bowel movements. But lately I've been kind of sick. I've had diarrhea for four days. It hasn't been particularly painful or explosive--just really urgent and frequent.

I'm currently living with my long-time boyfriend, Barrett. We both have suffered from mild constipation, so we have laxatives and such in the medicine cabinet. On Sunday I couldn't pass a bowel movement. I didn't want to take a laxative just yet, but I felt really bloated and gross that entire day, so I took a dose of Milk of Magnesia. NOTHING happened. Even six hours after I took it, I still couldn't shit, so that night I went to bed feeling VERY gassy, bloated, and uncomfortable.

On Monday, I woke up and still felt really bloated, but now I had a rumbling stomach and a dull churning sensation in the center of my belly. I figured that this was just because my bowels hadn't moved, so I told myself that if I hadn't passed a movement by the time I got home, I would take a double dose of MOM. I got dressed for work, and went on about my day. As the day went on, the churning in my stomach grew progressively more intense, the grumbling became more constant, and I began passing gas. By lunch time I felt like I needed a desperate poo, but I also felt like I couldn't quite move my bowels yet. I also felt like I was going to vomit. I asked my boss if I could go home, since I felt awful. She allowed me to leave and I drove back to Barrett's house. I laid in bed clutching my belly all day, when suddenly, at 4PM I bolted out of bed and ran to the toilet because my stomach lurched. I sat on the pot, and loose, watery diarrhea poured out of me. Wave after wave of diarrhea came, and I couldn't move for 20 minutes. Once it finally ended, I cleaned up and went back to bed. That didn't last long--20 minutes later I was holding my butt cheeks and dashing back to the restroom with really urgent, messy shit. The wave passed in five minutes--rather quickly--but left me feeling drained. I grabbed some water and drank gently so it wouldn't run through me, then I went back to bed. Barrett got home at 5:30 and saw me lying in bed.

"Hey baby. Long day at work?" He asked as he kissed my forehead.
"No, I actually came home from work early because I was feeling sick."
"Is it your stomach again, Shay?" And I nodded as I groaned because I felt a surge of runny diarrhea move through my bowels.
"Ohhhh God, I'm going to be sick again," I moaned as I bolted to the restroom. I got to the toilet just in time to relieve myself. Mushy brown diarrhea oozed out of me, and my stomach gurgled and bubbled. Barrett massaged my stomach as I was shitting.
"Shhhh. It's okay Shay. Just let it all out." I started crying because I was so embarrassed about being sick with diarrhea in front of my boyfriend yet again. Barrett wiped my face and just held me as thick, muddy, diarrhea flowed out of my butt like a river. After about 10 minutes on the pot this wave was over, but I was feeling rather weak. Barrett made me drink a small glass of water followed by a small glass of Powerade, and he turned the fan on to cool me down, as I was very hot. We watched some cartoons together, and after about an hour I was in the bathroom again. This bout of diarrhea was much more watery and much louder than the first two, and the gurgling in my belly was much more intense. It also ended quicker. Barrett made me some tea and helped me lie down so I could go to bed because I was EXHAUSTED. I woke up two hours later with more gurgling and a VERY intense urge to have an immediate, wet bowel movement. I tried to make it to the toilet, but I ended up losing my bowels in my pajamas. Barrett helped me clean up.

"I really hate that you have to see me like this. You always have to help me when I get sick."
"Honey, don't forget that you've helped me too. Everyone gets diarrhea. Don't be embarrassed."
"I'm in my late twenties, and I just shit my pants. I'm not supposed to be embarrassed?" I asked, and he laughed.
"Well, it's understandable. But I'm saying that it's just me, so don't be upset." He kissed my forehead. I moaned as my stomach gurgled again.
"Mmmmmmm, my stomach."
"Are you okay? Are you gonna be sick again?"
"I don't know, but I need a toilet just in case." So Barrett took my hand and led me to the bathroom where I sat on the pot. About two minutes later, my bowels quivered, and I had more diarrhea. This wave lasted for five minutes. After I cleaned up, Barrett fed me some saltines and made me drink water, and we both went to sleep.

I woke up three more times that night to have urgent diarrhea, and each day since I've been on the toilet at least eight times. The diarrhea is really watery, and the gurgling in my stomach--though it isn't getting worse--isn't getting any better. I only took one dose of MOM, so it can't be that. I haven't vomited at all, and other than the very first day, my body temperature has been normal. Barrett has been taking care of me and hasn't gotten sick, so I honestly don't know what's causing the diarrhea. I'm not stressed at work, and Barrett and I have eaten the same foods, so it can't be food poisoning. I'm just hoping this subsides soon so I'm not running to the toilet with diarrhea all day!

Bye for now,

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Irma great story it sounds like you had a really good poop and it sounds like had to go a lot as well and I look forward to your next post thanks.

To: Anna great pooping story.

Well thats all for now.

Sincerely Brandon T PS. I love this site


To Victoria B. - French curve seats

Thank you for answering! Well, my European toilet (=no pool of water about 8 inches underneath you, just a small and deep pit with the water 16 inches below you, with the waterway inlet at about floor level; see it that way: while American toilets are like "pools", European ones are more like "wells"; #1 is silent, but #2 can get awkwardly noisy if you aim for the pit, unlike what happens with American toilets that look pretty silent on the "plop" or "splash" side. In addition you can't have a look at your loads and tell the amount and lenght. You can get how a European toilet would look if you imagine an American toilet with a deeper waste inlet and no narrow coiled pipe on its back, although i think that the Toto lacked it because i'm yet to find that coiled piping on a Japanese toilet) is actually elongated. The trouble is, the French Curve seat i bought (nearly the only one i ever saw in years of shopping at home improvement stores in my country) was designed for round bowls, not elongated ones. As you can guess it got pretty uncomfortable over time and it was also made for low tank toilets, not high tank old ones like mine, where the seat rests on the wall when raised (seats made for low tank ones like the one you can find in nearly every American house stay vertical instead). Not to add that it lacked the cheek opening effect (good for large and held back loads i must say, i obtain this effect simply by leaving the seat raised and sitting on the porcelain instead because the toilet is large enough and the rim isn't too small and it's flat; going that way is also apparently quieter) due to it being too small.

Speaking of french curve seats, i must thank you also for pointing the right commercial term (French Curve) of these seats (my searches show seats which are exactly like the one i bought and they're also slow and soft closing so they look pretty durable compared to wooden ones). Will see if there's a correct translation to it in my tongue (but i doubt it), so i can also ask for them in home improvement stores (they can order more seats than the ones they show).

End Stall Em

My Bad Morning Start

Last Saturday I woke up at the normal time and knew it was going to be a very busy day for mall workers such as me because of all the back-to-school activity. One top of that we had a talent show for about 300 7 & 8 year old dance school students who would perform as part of their school's team which could have up to 12 members. So management wanted me to come in two hours early. I didn't have my crap the previous day so I felt kind of stuffed when I sat down on my toilet at home. And despite doing several exercises, I was only able to pee. So I started my drive to the mall with a cup of coffee next to me, and about 20 minutes into the trip, I started to feel activity in my gut. Luckily, I was only a mile or two from a park restroom I've occasionally stopped at. I walked in, probably the only person in the foggy park at 6 a.m., and I slowly lowered my tight-fitting jeans and underwear, gingerly seating myself on the toilet seat which I could only partially see because the light was out. As I did my usual pushing, I got to thinking that again my sit was going to be futile. I did finish my coffee, got one fart blast out that suddenly caused some birds to chirp, but otherwise after 10 minutes I accepted my sit as again being futile.

I finished the drive and as I was nearing my entrance I felt the coffee doing its task inside my gut. Again I was hopeful and after using my swipe card at the entrance, I walked faster toward the closest bathroom. It was right to the end stall, latch the door, down with the jeans and underwear, and plant my butt on the large black seat that I was readily awaiting. Again, hope edged into despair as I was now looking at the messages on my phone to take my mind off the obvious. But then I got to thinking about how many friends have complimented me on how expeditious I was and with regularity in my daily craps school and at so many other places. So I gave up, made myself presentable, and didn't even try to cover up my failure with a flush because I was the only one in the restroom. It was kind of unusual for me, but I didn't even stop to wash my hands. I took the escalator up two floors and had a 10 minute walk ahead of me to the main area of the mall where my kiosk is and where the stage and set for the contest should have been set up. Some of my friends think I'm joking when I say coffee goes right thru me, but it does and I was about halfway through my walk when two maintenence men, who like to flirt with me, tried to start a conversation, but I told them unless they had an extra mop, I had to pee, and fast. They were apologetic, although one said after cleaning up all the messes left in the guys' bathrooms qualified him well for the task. I tried not to laugh, but it didn't work, as I broadened my steps to the nearest bathroom, which in our mall are spaced almost as close together as those in airport terminals.

I bolted for the end stall, but the creaky bent door with hinges that needed oil, wouldn't cooperate, so I ripped my jeans and underwear down and slid my butt onto the seat. And none too son. Some of my initial stream dripped onto the floor between my legs and onto the bowl where the seat cutout is. I was a little farther back on the seat than normal
but it seemed to be more comfortable as my strong stream continued past a minute without letting up, and before it did, the first of three crap logs of four inches each dropped. Suddenly I hunched over on the seat as I became a little nauseated and with my face into my thighs, I let go of a poof of what a friend back in junior high called "soft serve". Then there was another, and another, and I figured the bowl was pretty full. While I was elated at finally being able to go, I knew there was huge mess awaiting my wiping skills. I pulled off a mitt-full of paper and did my initial wipe. I stood to inspect it and to my surprise there was even chunks of soft poo hanging on it. Over at least five minutes, I used all the rest of that roll, and I went into the next stall, seated myself and did another round of what I think was 5 or 6 mitts. By then the coarse paper was irritating my butt and the fact that there was a tiny amount of blood didn't phase me. I flushed both stools, washed my hands--wishing I could shower immediately because I just didn't feel clean--and then walked the rest of the way to my kiosk. I immediately logged in on my computer and received a pop-up telling me to report to my supervisor. All this and I was only starting my day.


Answers to survey questions asked

Steve A's survey:

1. Would you be brave enough to do a buddy dump with your best friend?
Yes, I've done a buddy dump with my best friend Kamdyn like 10 times this year. At first, we would go into the bathroom at our school together at about 10 o'clock in the morning, get stalls next to one another and crap. Then this summer at the beach we did it together twice, but I don't know if it was the swimming water or not but Kamdyn's crap came all at once and was much faster. Then she had to stay seated in a doorless stall bathroom for like 10 minutes while I finally got my crap to drop. We also did one once at WalMart, but Kamdyn's mother drove us there and was not very patient when she waited for us. Just last week we were out riding our bikes and Kamdyn forgot her key for her house where we would go to the bathroom and to cool off because it was almost 100 degrees out. So at about 11 we both had to crap so we rode over to a gas station about three blocks away. All the pedaling didn't help, so when we got there we both decided to share the one toilet in the ladies room. I sat on the toilet from the left side and Kamdyn sat on it from the right. With our backs right up against another, Kamdyn's crap came all at once and faster, but mine started before her's ended, but the four pieces were harder and made more noise as they plopped into the water. I had just got done wiping and she beat me by about 5 seconds when she flushed. The water rose an inch or so but the swirl never came and the flush cycle ended without anything going down the drain. We were lucky nobody was waiting at the door when we left the bathroom because we would have been embarrassed by the toilet jam we had created.

2. Do you always bring toilet paper with you when hiking? No because I've never hiked.

3. Do you feel bad for people who have accidents in public?
Not if they are sick or my friends. At school some of the teachers really suck because they don't allow us to use the bathroom during class time.

4. Is it harder to hold in pee, poo or farts when you really have to go?
For me it is pee. It makes me sore and hurts me.

5. Why do you feel time really slows down as you wait to use the bathroom?
Because its painful to hold it. And you don't know how long a person is going to remain on the toilet that you want to use. But if they have their underwear down to their feet, its not a good sign. Eventually, they will leave, its just not knowing when and if there's going to be a puddle under me then.

Gordonzola's survey:

What do I do while I'm on the toilet?
at work: I don't work
at home: I'll often have my ipad to use.
school: I'll often have my ipad to use, although it startles me when I'm on the toilet,and am using the media and I look up and see a teacher's eyes through the cracks looking at me. Telling me to hurry up is also rude, I feel.

What bothers me the most in using a public toilet?
1st--no toilet paper
2nd--doorless stalls
3rd--no stall separation

Victoria B.

A few responses

To Mina: That was probably the best toilet I've ever used and you deserved the acknowledgement. I always look forward to reading your stories!

To VeeTwo:
I did a bit of looking online and the concave, cheek-opening seats are called French curve toilet seats in some places. The one you tried to install sounds like the one I sat on in the coffee shop: closed-front, plastic, and sloping downwards towards the inside of the seat. I'm sorry to hear that it didn't open you up like it did me. Does your toilet have a round or elongated bowl? The seat I used was installed on an elongated toilet and that might make a difference.

Until next time!

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Tessa great story.

Well thats all for now.

Sincerely Brandon T

PS. I love this site


Department Store Dump

Hey all. Irma here! For those of you who don't know me, let me introupe myself. I'm 38 years old and single. I'm about 5 foot 6 with blonde hair and a buxom build. Anyway, this past Saturday I had a poop experience that was rather awkward. I had the to myself so I went to the mall. I got a mani-pedi and what not. Girls stuff really. After.eating lunch I went to JC Penny to see if there was a sail.on women's clothing. All of a.sudden I had the urge to poop so I went to the Ladies room to empty my bowels. When I got in, one of the stalls had what sounded like a woman and her young daughter in it. I grabbed the empty one next to them. I pulled down my pants and thong to my knees and sat. I squeezed and made a soft fart noise and let out a sigh of relief. Then the first piece creeper out and landed in the toilet with a "kirplop". I lethink out another sigh of relief. Juse then I started to pee. As I was peeing I heard the little girl in the neXT stall ask " What was that mommy?""That's another woman. She is making poop just like you are." The older woman said. "Why?" " " Because she has too" said the mother. I smiled s little then pushed. I soft piece made it's way out of my buttons with a crackling noise. "She is making funny noises" the little girl.said laughing. "Leave her alone, she is trying to go potty." A few minutes later the mother helped the girl clean up while I was still crapping away. I pushed out some goopy poop and then peed a little more. Finally I was done
As I was grabbing some toilet paper I noticed.the little girl peaking into my stall. The mother yelled at her to stop. "Sorry, he is curious" the mother said. "It's okay" I said. "I didn't think anything of it" I said as I was.wiping myself. The mother and daughter left. I flushed four times. Then washed my hands and left. It was.interesting to go to the bathroom with commentary. Well, that's all. Have a!

Dear Anna:

In big city like Tokyo or Kyoto, loos where you squat are not common so much now. But in some tea rooms especially old ones, you might find.

Good place to find loo where you sit down are: Large supermarkets like Aeon Mall or Al Plaza, or convenience store like Lawson, Seven Eleven, Family Mart or Circle K. They don't mind you use even you don't buy something, Hisae often run in there when she has emergency. Department stores also useful.

In big railway station, you can find loo to sit down. In small stations, often squat loo, so avoid those. But stall for disabled person is always sit down type.

Public loo in street is usually for squat, so you want avoid. In park also, but in big park like Ueno Park, or famous temple in Kyoto, you can find loo to sit down, easy.

I hope you have good time in Japan and no loo problems so you have no stress.

Dear Victoria B: Thank you for lovely words. I am happy read them.

Hisae is coming my flat tonight. Maybe we have good time, and she give me nice massage, because I didn't do motion today or yesterday, so I think -no,sure - I do tomorrow. Big one. I don't need go work, I can take long time.

Love to all you.


Saturday, August 22, 2015


Department Store Dump

Hey all. Irma here! For those of you who don't know me, let me introupe myself. I'm 38 years old and single. I'm about 5 foot 6 with blonde hair and a buxom build. Anyway, this past Saturday I had a poop experience that was rather awkward. I had the to myself so I went to the mall. I got a mani-pedi and what not. Girls stuff really. After.eating lunch I went to JC Penny to see if there was a sail.on women's clothing. All of a.sudden I had the urge to poop so I went to the Ladies room to empty my bowels. When I got in, one of the stalls had what sounded like a woman and her young daughter in it. I grabbed the empty one next to them. I pulled down my pants and thong to my knees and sat. I squeezed and made a soft fart noise and let out a sigh of relief. Then the first piece creeper out and landed in the toilet with a "kirplop". I lethink out another sigh of relief. Juse then I started to pee. As I was peeing I heard the little girl in the neXT stall ask " What was that mommy?""That's another woman. She is making poop just like you are." The older woman said. "Why?" " " Because she has too" said the mother. I smiled s little then pushed. I soft piece made it's way out of my buttons with a crackling noise. "She is making funny noises" the little girl.said laughing. "Leave her alone, she is trying to go potty." A few minutes later the mother helped the girl clean up while I was still crapping away. I pushed out some goopy poop and then peed a little more. Finally I was done
As I was grabbing some toilet paper I noticed.the little girl peaking into my stall. The mother yelled at her to stop. "Sorry, he is curious" the mother said. "It's okay" I said. "I didn't think anything of it" I said as I was.wiping myself. The mother and daughter left. I flushed four times. Then washed my hands and left. It was.interesting to go to the bathroom with commentary. Well, that's all. Have a!

Victoria B.

A few responses

To Mina: That was probably the best toilet I've ever used and you deserved the acknowledgement. I always look forward to reading your stories!

To VeeTwo:
I did a bit of looking online and the concave, cheek-opening seats are called French curve toilet seats in some places. The one you tried to install sounds like the one I sat on in the coffee shop: closed-front, plastic, and sloping downwards towards the inside of the seat. I'm sorry to hear that it didn't open you up like it did me. Does your toilet have a round or elongated bowl? The seat I used was installed on an elongated toilet and that might make a difference.

Until next time!


Answers to survey questions asked

Steve A's survey:

1. Would you be brave enough to do a buddy dump with your best friend?
Yes, I've done a buddy dump with my best friend Kamdyn like 10 times this year. At first, we would go into the bathroom at our school together at about 10 o'clock in the morning, get stalls next to one another and crap. Then this summer at the beach we did it together twice, but I don't know if it was the swimming water or not but Kamdyn's crap came all at once and was much faster. Then she had to stay seated in a doorless stall bathroom for like 10 minutes while I finally got my crap to drop. We also did one once at WalMart, but Kamdyn's mother drove us there and was not very patient when she waited for us. Just last week we were out riding our bikes and Kamdyn forgot her key for her house where we would go to the bathroom and to cool off because it was almost 100 degrees out. So at about 11 we both had to crap so we rode over to a gas station about three blocks away. All the pedaling didn't help, so when we got there we both decided to share the one toilet in the ladies room. I sat on the toilet from the left side and Kamdyn sat on it from the right. With our backs right up against another, Kamdyn's crap came all at once and faster, but mine started before her's ended, but the four pieces were harder and made more noise as they plopped into the water. I had just got done wiping and she beat me by about 5 seconds when she flushed. The water rose an inch or so but the swirl never came and the flush cycle ended without anything going down the drain. We were lucky nobody was waiting at the door when we left the bathroom because we would have been embarrassed by the toilet jam we had created.

2. Do you always bring toilet paper with you when hiking? No because I've never hiked.

3. Do you feel bad for people who have accidents in public?
Not if they are sick or my friends. At school some of the teachers really suck because they don't allow us to use the bathroom during class time.

4. Is it harder to hold in pee, poo or farts when you really have to go?
For me it is pee. It makes me sore and hurts me.

5. Why do you feel time really slows down as you wait to use the bathroom?
Because its painful to hold it. And you don't know how long a person is going to remain on the toilet that you want to use. But if they have their underwear down to their feet, its not a good sign. Eventually, they will leave, its just not knowing when and if there's going to be a puddle under me then.

Gordonzola's survey:

What do I do while I'm on the toilet?
at work: I don't work
at home: I'll often have my ipad to use.
school: I'll often have my ipad to use, although it startles me when I'm on the toilet,and am using the media and I look up and see a teacher's eyes through the cracks looking at me. Telling me to hurry up is also rude, I feel.

What bothers me the most in using a public toilet?
1st--no toilet paper
2nd--doorless stalls
3rd--no stall separation


To Bella Jean

Hey Bella Jean

Great story about your massive urgent poop at the bookstore. I liked your description of the sound effects and what was happening etc. I'm glad you got some much needed relief and felt better afterwards.

You wondered why it was the case that you hadn't pooped for three days whereas normally you poop twice daily; and when you did it was very soft/sloppy rather than hard/firm. I thought I would provide some feedback as to why that was the case- which might be of interest to you . I am assuming that you just hadn't had the urge to poo for three days rather having the urge but not being able to pass any poop.

Sometimes it is the case that waste material entering your colon i.e. large bowel takes some time to reach the lower rectum. I suspect that over the preceding three days much of your colon had gradually filled with poop but that little of it had reached your rectum. If your rectum had remained mainly empty then you would not have experienced the urge to defecate. However, it is likely that your sigmoid and descending/transverse colon were quite full by the time you visited the bookstore.

Drinking the coffee possibly stimulated your sigmoid colon (which is just above the rectum) to quickly propel some of its contents into your rectum thereby rapidly filling it and causing you to feel a sudden need to poop. I presume that the initial load of wet farts you did were likely due to you not being able to fully relax your anal sphincters due to embarrassment. When you did "let go" as the lady next to you was peeing the bunch of soft logs you passed was probably the contents of your (very full) rectum being expelled. It's likely that these logs piled up in the bowl and provided a "platform" for the mushy poop to rest on. The mushy poop and soft pieces that you passed next were probably from your sigmoid colon andthe lower aprt of your descending colon. After some wet farts they would have entered your rectum and been quickly expelled.

Once the colon - or large bowel as it is often known - starts to empty it can contract quite vigorously hence the cramping you were experiencing. The loose/sloppy poop that you passed would have come from further up inside your colon - probably your descending colon. The contractions helped propel it down towrds your sigmoid colon then into your rectum and out into the toilet bowl. It is common for gas (from bacterial fermentation) to be in the colon and for this to be expelled alongwith the poop hence you can get spattering of the bowl - this is quite common during bowel movements - especially very large ones.

You mentioned that during wiping you got a strong urge to poop again. This was probably caused by poop (and gas)filtering down from further up your colon (possibly the transverse colon) down into your rectum (after passing through your descending and sigmoid colon). It rapidly filled your rectum hence the sudden urge to poop again.

I hope you (and others) found this explanation useful - if you have any questions feel free to ask. I'd like to reassure you that there is nothing abnormal with having very big bowel movements like you had. For some it is usual, for others it is an occasional experience. The important thing is that you were able to have your bowels well open and fully emptied. The diarrhea you described was probably not true diarrhea just loads of sloppy poo coming out very quickly. As for noise and smell I'm sure the other ladies understood and have had similar experiences themselves.

Hope you'll post again


Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Tessa great story.

Well thats all for now.

To Mina. I like your stories about going to the toilet in Japan. As I am planning to come to Japan in 2016 for vaction, I wonder how common these japanese squat toilets are in the public in big cities like Tokyo for example.

Would be a bit akward going Number 2 on them. If they are common this type of toilets can't be avoided as I belong to the persons how have to Bms a day.

That's all for the moment. But I will contribute some stories in the near future.

Greetings from Austra


Sincerely Brandon T

PS. I love this site

just another girl

Answers to Steve A's Survey

1. Would you be brave enough to do a buddy dump with your best friend, depending on the situation? I've honestly never thought about this, but I'd probably only do it if it was a choice between that or having an accident - I'm quite shy about other people watching me go so I don't think I'd do it in any other context

2. Do you always bring TP with you when you plan a hiking trip, just in case? Yes...because one never knows when something might happen, and isn't it strange that the moment one forgets it at home or doesn't bring any that it's needed the most?

3. Do you feel bad for the people who have accidents in public? Yes - it's never happened to me before but I certainly feel bad for them because it must be absolutely awful to have everyone knowing what you did and then facing possibly being laughed at or mocked by those people who are particularly nasty (and there's always somebody like that out there - there's always a person who will use the opportunity to be rude and unkind).

4. What is harder to hold in when you really have to go, Pee, Poop, or farts? I am quite good at holding in pee because I have a strong bladder and have always had since I was a child - I only wet my bed once. If I'm needing to do a poo I can hold that in nicely as well, although that is quite dependent on whether it's a nice solid one or a squirty runny one (or something in between) because it's easier to lose control of the second one than it is of the first one. I always tend to get a bit farty when I have to do a poo - as I think many people do - but can hold it in if I'm in a situation that requires me to do so. However, that isn't always the case; if I need to go very badly I may accidentally let out a few rather nasty silent but deadly ones before I can stop myself (normally my farts aren't all that bad but just before a poo they stink - even by my own standards).

5. Why do we feel that time slows down as we're waiting to use the bathroom when we really have to go? Example: Bella Jean's Bookstore Story
I don't know - it's probably psychological, or perhaps it happens because when we don't have to go and are relaxed and comfortable time passes quickly, but when we do have to go it isn't enjoyable, which makes time drag. Also, perhaps unconsciously we are trying to make the time go more slowly so that it's more time until we have an accident. I don't really know why though.

J.A.G ~

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