

Crapping in public bathrooms

Sorry I haven't posted much in the past few months. I've been very busy with college and the child care work I do to pay for it. But I continue to read what's being posted. I especially remain interested in the differences we as a society have about the ease with which we are willing to crap in public toilets when we're away from home as opposed to holding it to later.

My grandma and I remain pretty far apart on the topic. I think back to when she had me for three weeks while my parents took a cruise my dad had won. Grandma was surprised that most of my craps at age 7 were away from home. She kept saying that I was at the age where I should start regulating myself. After a few miss starts that meant I had to take more seriously the need to regulate my body. That meant getting up earlier in the morning, eating breakfast early, and allowing adequate time for my bowels to move. I don't remember the first time the topic became an argument but we were either at a gas station or the mall. Then a couple of days later we had just gotten to the park for a play day. She made a much bigger deal of me excusing myself to the bathroom than my parents ever had or would. She talked about how filthy the toilets were, that only creeps would use them, and she used a couple of other words that would often just cause me to not say anything and hold it.

When I had an emergency need, she might take me by two or three bathrooms before we came to one that was suitable for me to use. Then, just as I was about to run for the stall, she would do an inspection.
Usually that included her wiping down the seat, then putting down a seat tissue for two while I would be dancing around afraid of having an accident. When I didn't sit still enough on the toilet, and sometimes crunched the papers up under me, she would get more angry and give me another mini-lecture. As soon as I became old enough to go in on my own, I got less stressed. Then the problem was I was never sure when she would come in and check up on me. If I hadn't met her standards, and I was already in violation of her rules by not planning ahead and regulating myself, I got an even more stern lecture. Once when I was at a carnival with her and my best friend Francine, she caught us coming out of the portable toilets. Each of us had just peed but Francine couldn't believe how gram's anger escalated over a simple pee.

Mikes survey:

1) How many times a day do you crap?
Sometimes once or twice a day at school. Sometimes I have to cut a sit short because we have only ten minutes between lectures and there is always a shortage of toilets available in many of the classroom buildings.

2) Does your poo plop loudly into the toilet?
It depends on which bathrooms I use. The toilets in the student union are my favorites; the size of the bowls is different in the arts and sciences hall and there's more plopping and splashing.

3) How long do you spend on the toilet to poop?
Usually no more than 5 minutes.

4) Do you ever get splashback when you poop?
Yes, but I try to avoid it by sitting more gingerly and forward over the front of the toilet so my drop is not directly into the water. This is especially a problem at the park where I hang out a lot while doing my artwork.

5) Do you prefer wooden or plastic seats?
By far, plastic ones. While they can be colder in certain weather situations, the plastic is the easiest on my butt. Back in the day, I got slivers a couple of times on the wooden ones at camp.

6) What is your favorite kind of poo to have?
Not hard but moderately soft. Anything softer is a wiping nightmare, and reminds me more of gram's lectures and criticism.

7) Do you ever put tissue in the toilet bowl in public to stop plop sounds?

I enjoyed your story. What did that mother tell her children about using the public toilets? I bet it didn't come close to the stern order that my grandma would consistently throw my way.

Jasmin K:
What inhibitions do you have going to the toilet in front of your BF?

I live in the countryside. Near our house there is a plot of land owned by a young couple. They plan to build a house when they can afford it. They have been living there in a van for some months now. Yet there is no water supply or sewer. The only option when they need to go to toilet is to do it somewhere in the nature.

Behind some particular bushes I have spotted fresh and old poop and used toilet paper. That is where I think their toilet is. The man usually goes to work in the early morning but the woman usually work by her computer in the van. At lunch time I have often seen her heading for the bushes with a roll of toilet paper in her hands.

One morning when I was on my way to school I accidentally walked in on her as she was squatting. I think we both got quite surprised and even though we both smiled I think it was embarrassing for us both.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Replies to Jry and Carin

Pretty similar to your mate by the sounds of it. I go in there, drop my pants sit and let nature do what it's meant to. I just sort of relax I guess and out it comes after a minute or so. Normally one single "deposit" I think! I normally take the chance to catch up on my phone or if one of my magazines has arrived recently I might take that in for a read. Normally stay sat for 10 mins or so before cleaning up. Maybe a bit less in the morning if I have somewhere to be!

Can only speak for my senior school in Wales but for the lads at least, taking a crap in school just was not done. If you were caught having a shit it would be all round the school within minutes if the wrong people saw you in there. Taking a piss was fine but if anyone worked out you were doing anything else it was embarassing. Never knew what would end up on snapchat and people would throw paper over the dividers and stuff. Add to that they would be pretty gross with piss everywhere, and people would sometimes piss on the toilet roll for the bants so it was best avoided. I never used the school toilets for a crap the whole time I was there. Never needed to use them.

I think the same policy applied in general when you're school age - home is best. I remember an Explorer Scout camp where I had been putting it off and on about day 3 or 4 of the camp we had been out for the day abseiling and I had made the decision while we were out that I needed to go when I got back to the camp. The camp was on a farm and there was only one lads toilet down in the farm buildings. Not long after we got back I headed down to the farm buildings to find about 6 lads queued up outside. We had clearly all been putting off going and reached our max capacity at about the same time! People knew others were waiting and deliberately took their time when they were sat for the lols to annoy those of us at the back of the queue!


My toilet fear (reply to Carin)

Carin asks an interesting question of why boys can be afraid of pooing in school toilets. This was certainly the case for me. I soiled myself regularIy at school because of this fear, which I think was at least partly due to the lack of privacy afforded by the cubicles, which had a big gap at the bottom of the door and were also open at the top; I was worried in case another boy climbed onto the seat in an adjacent cubicle to peer over into mine and would potentially see me on the loo and notice any stains that were present in my underpants (light discolouration would sometimes remain in heavily soiled white or pale blue pants despite my mum's best efforts to wash them, and pretty much all of my pants were white or pale blue...although I did have a red pair because I remember hiding them when they got heavily soiled, but I digress!). There was no way I was ever going to risk this occurring so I would keep my underpants pulled up at all times, even when I wanted to poo, and whenever I felt the urge I would try to hold it in as discreetly as possible. The urges would generally begin not long after arriving at school, so there would be a long time to hold it, and sometimes the urge could become so strong that the effort of holding would make my eyes water. Crossing my legs wasn't always possible as it looked too obvious, and sooner or later the dreaded moment would arrive when the poo poked out too far and after 'pinching' would be in my underpants, and then would be squashed against them when I sat down. Sometimes the pressure from my bowels would then be relieved and I would be able to hold off any further urges for the rest of the school day, but on other occasions this pattern would repeat itself a few times an hour or two apart.

Inevitably, it wouldn't be long before it got around the class, and I would hear 'have you smelt Peter?' or even, shamingly, 'Peter's pooed his pants!' being whispered. The most awkward moments would happen when I had to leave my seat, during break times for instance, when everyone had to leave the classrooms and go outside. Afternoon breaks were the worst because by that point I might have been dirty for a few hours, and the smell of stale poo emanating from my bum would be pretty pungent. I would usually stand with my back against a wall to minimise the chances of other kids smelling me but nonetheless I would often attract attention and a fair bit of teasing.

On one occasion I even pooed in my pants a second time on the way home from school, while being bullied for smelling; it was several hours after the first poo, which had now become cold, clammy, and pancake-like and which now got pushed away from my bum as another firm little log came out. I stopped walking and the bullies thought I was crying and so left me alone but actually my eyes were watering from the effort of trying to hold this log back. It now felt so much more noticeably bulky and conspicuous and I imagined everyone's eyes transfixed by the bulginess of my bum as I hurried home.

Looking back it seems odd that I would put myself through all this rather than simply go to the loo, but I think there were a number of other factors at play in addition to my school toilet phobia.

Did anyone reading this have similar experiences?


Almost Blocked Work Toilet

This story took place last Friday.

I woke up on Friday feeling rather nauseous, which I put down to having had eaten a large meal too late the previous day, but otherwise well. At work, I was finding it difficult to concentrate on my work as I was focusing on the growing discomfort I was feeling. By lunchtime, I had finished the task I was currently working on, and in addition to the nausea, I also felt like I needed a poo. I usually go once a day or every other day, and I hadn't been the previous day, so that certainly wasn't helping. I decided to go now before starting anything else so I could concentrate better on my return.

I made my way to the bathroom area, which has bathrooms for men and women with cubicles, and one unisex room with a single toilet. I chose the unisex room as it had more space and I wouldn't be disturbed while I wasn't feeling too good. After locking the door, I seated myself and quickly began to poo. Two logs came out in quick succession and made decent plops as they fell into the water, accompanied with a fierce pee. A third poo followed soon after, which was smaller and only made a small plop. I could still feel more, so I started to push and was rewarded when my fourth poo started to emerge. I could only push a little bit at a time because I would start to feel queasy if I pushed for too long, but the poo soon sped up and finally dropped into the toilet with a satisfying floomph.

I took a look at what I had done before wiping, and I had completely filled the bowl, with not a drop of water visible between all the poo. No wonder I hadn't been feeling well if all this was inside of me! The longest log was curved around most of the side of the bowl in a C shape. Another log filled in the gap in the side and most of the inside. This one looked smooth on one end and grew more knobbly on the other, so I think it was the fourth poo. The remaining space was filled by the other two smaller poos, which were right next to each other. I wiped using the last of the toilet paper on the current roll, which I only now noticed was almost finished, pulled my trousers and underwear back up and flushed.

The flushing was taking an unusually long time, and had less suction than usual, so I was concerned but unsurprised when the flush ended and the C poo stubbornly remained, turned on its back so that one end was now poking out of the water while the other was pointing into the pipes. Luckily for me, this toilet came equipped with a plunger, which I made use of before trying to flush again. The second flush struggled similarly to the first, but to my relief, the last poo did get flushed away this time.

I did feel better after this, and I was better able to concentrate better on my work, but it still took another hour or two before I felt that I had fully recovered from whatever was ailing me that morning. I had never needed to use a plunger before until that day, and it's also the closest I've come to blocking a toilet. If that ever does happen, I would rather it not be in public!


Accidentally sent a buddy a toilet pic!

I have a buddy that I text with daily and we talk about all sorts of stuff, including using bidets and squatty potty. We both have one and love them.

I was on vacation and was texting while I was on the toilet (as most of us probably do, lol). I was lamenting that I was a bit backed-up because I didn't have a squatty potty while I was dumping out at the airport. My buddy responds "tiptoes!" I take a side pic of my legs up on my toes, but with my jeans and striped briefs down around my ankles and calves. Just for fun, because we've sent pics like this to each other before. Just being silly.

Well I was also texting with another buddy of mine at the same time. Switching back and forth between texts.

Well when I tried sending that first buddy the pic, I ACCIDENTALLY sent the pic to that other buddy! I realized it right away and immediately sent another text saying "oops! Sorry, I sent this to you accidentally. I was trying to readjust myself and sent this pic! Please disregard. How embarrassing."

I didn't hear back from him for at least an hour so I thought I freaked him out. Fortunately he did respond back with an LOL. Whew! Gotta be careful! I mean, it wasn't a sexual pic, and it only showed my jeans and briefs and bare legs, but still…


Reply to Abbie

Hey Abbie

Glad to see a post from you and hope you are well. By the way I also use both words pants and knickers for underwear!

I liked your story about your shopping trip and going to the loo when you got back, it must have been really difficult holding it in when Lucy was so close to you and weeing ferociously!

You mentioned you were lucky to not have spurted in your underwear, does this often happen to you? i'll admit it happens to me quite a bit when I'm desperate and it's a sign of real emergency!!


Jasmin K

Replies and latest poo

I though I would post today as I'm at my boyfriends flat on my own as he got called into work at 7am as someone didn't turn up and as he is looking up the career ladder he though it a good move. The 2 guys he shares with, all separate rooms I might add kept me entertained this morning or should I say I entertained them on the promise they don't tell BF. They have gone out so I though I would post.

Abbie. Seems your constipation is getting worse. As well as pressing the skin between bum and front entrance when your straining you could try 'splinting' my friend Chloe showed me and it does help. Put 2'fingers in the front and press back and down it pushes the poo towards your bum hole. Also if your bum domes out when you strain use a finger either side and press back up, that is better if someone will help you as is the splinting thing. I also find a pair of high boots or high heel shoes are better than a foot stool. You can move your legs to where you can get most pressure from straining into your bum or if you need to part your legs to let someone help.

David P. I can't have you stuck with that poo handling image in your head. So first a description of me. 5'9" average build, strawberry blond long hair, skin tight leather look or shiny leggings or short skirts, make up eyes etc ( think bimbo - BF calls me that ) . It wasn't that difficult to check. I googled to find out how it would appear , coffee ground appearance or black specks in the poo. So all I did was put the colander thing in the toilet bowl, (it was used when we were kids to see how much poo we did and we sometime use it now,) when my poo had stopped being black and sat down straining for my morning poo. Some pebbles and a knobbly hard log later I stood up wiped pulled my white knickers up lifted the colander into the hand basin and literally squished some of the pebbles and broke the log up squished and looked. No black bits / blood bits inside the poo, only blood was on the outside of it as it came out after my bum started bleeding.
You must has been proud of the log you did at school to pick it up and look at it. I tried to avoid going at school, it wasn't so bad in junior school, I only went on the toilet for a poo at school if I hadn't managed to do it at home ( me and my sister were made to go on the toilet every morning before going out to school and had to sit there straining hard for 1/2 an hour, if we did it that was ok if we didn't we had to go back that evening until we did it or were allowed to get off the toilet. So when I did do it in junior school it was only if I had bad ???? ache and or a sore bum and doing a bit eased it. But I had to work out if I would still be able to do a poo at home that evening so most times I witheld it. Soiling my knickers was not as bad as not doing a poo which got a punishment. At secondary school I did once when I first started go for a poo I was straining so hard but was teased by some of the slags saying did you do it and I made the mistake of saying no to which they laughed and said you need to try harder then. It was 3 girls all stood round a cubicle with an open door where one of their friends was on the toilet obviously straining to go and they were cheering her on to strain harder and with each plip she made they cheered. It wasn't until I was 12 nearly 13 before I went at school and I started to arrive at school early and go straight on a toilet and have my morning try at school. Mum decided to relax the morning poo at home rule because time and would belief if I'd done it or not at school by checking my knickers. I know as I got more relaxed about pooing at school I would often leave what I had done if it was a good one for the next occupant to see, especially if I had strained so hard I had splattered blood and mucous stuff down the back of the toilet and left a big hard log sticking up in the water. I would carefully drop the TP in so it didn't hide my poo.

Anyway. Yesterday (Friday) I made a huge effort to do a big poo as I'm spending the weekend at BFs flat. I had peed a bit in the night which for me is a sign I'm constipated I had my routene after breakfast sit and did some pebbles and an 8 inch log, went to work and admittedly had a sweet eating day so came home, had belly aches and new I must have a lot of poo as I had leaked a little pee in my knickers so had put a pad on at work. I went on the toilet and strained and strained and I felt a huge pressure in my bum, kept pushing hard and a log edged it s way out but seemed to stick half way. It felt knobbly I kept straining and eventually it splashed into the water. I strained hard again and after a couple of farts and mucous splattering another smoother formed log came out. I wiped, took 1 wipe and then suddenly I did a long pee, I didn't even feel I needed a pee. When I was in the shower I peed again. As I got dressed I decided to wear my rubber thong as my bum was bulging and it helps to keep it in and a pair of the tena silhouette knickers as I was meeting BF in town and as we would likely have a quick drink I though if my bladder is being awkward better to be safe.
Any way BF is back so time to go
Jaz K


Updates on Me and Public Toilets

I did mention that my attendance in public toilets is during school hours, however, on Friday two boys...sounded quite young and were speaking a language other than English approached the next cubicle, whilst I was ensconced in my middle cubicle.
the poor lad started grunting like nothing on earth as he spoke to his friend....he sounded so constipated...unfortunately I did not understand what they were saying, however, the conversation was punctuated with grunts and gasps. I did not hear any poo hit the water...however, it might well have...I hope he got good relief...I think his parents need to give him some medicine!
This all adds further evidence that most male attendees for the purpose of a BM seem constipated!!!
As for me I did not have much of a poo on Friday and woke up early hours of Saturday with a pain in my ????. I take say, 5 to 7 times per week my osmotic laxative but on this occasion got out of bed and took Colyxl & Senna X 3. In the morning, after sleeping in, and there being no action I took my osmotic laxative and a couple of hour later took another dose...later that afternoon I had two reasonable poos that splattered the toilet bowl...I was farting a real lot, far, far more than normal. I woke up in the early hours of Sunday morning for a poo and I did about five trips after that to the toilet during the day.
This morning straight from bed for a BM....on the way to work at my public toilets...another BM and a BM at work at 1 pm!
Sometimes in my life I do not go...other times I do not stop.
I am feeling much better though.


Thanksgiving Weekend

Hi everyone,

My name is Deb and I'm back with another story.

A quick update first though…

The supplements that my naturopathic doctor recommended, along with some tweaking to my diet has really helped to settle down my bowels. They are much more predictable in that I'm not having to go all throughout the day. I'm typically now going in the mornings and emptying out my bowels. I'll sometimes have to go two or three times, but then I'm empty for the day. My poops are still quite soft most of the time.

My periods have also settled down somewhat. They are still really heavy, but I'm not having a 10 day period every two weeks. They have now stretched out to three weeks and eventually I'll have just one period every month or so. I still have diarrhea before my period starts and then during the first few days, so that still sucks. At least I'm making some progress, but my naturopath says that I have at least another five years of peri-menopause ahead of me. Lovely.

For Thanksgiving weekend my husband, daughter and I went to my parents house in Grand Bend.

We drove up on Saturday morning. My husband and I went down to the beach for the sunset while our daughter stayed with my parents. We got back to my parents and they had ordered in some pizza. The rest of the night was uneventful.

On Sunday morning we had breakfast. I was able to poop a bit on the toilet before we left. It was more of a medium load, but I felt empty. I got dressed in a long sleeved t-shirt, pink full-cut bikini panties and a pair of tan snug-fitting capri pants. My husband, daughter and then I walked down to the beach. We took our daughter's stroller with us in case she got tired from walking.

We walked around the beach for a while, found and found a good spot to sit. After we were there for about an hour, I started to get a heavy feeling in my bowels. I was starting to think that I needed to go again, so I told my husband that I was heading over to the washrooms.

As I was walking over the beach, the need to go was apparent. I felt everything in my bowels start to drop down. I turned the corner to the washrooms and pushed on the ladies room door. It didn't budge. I tried it again, it wouldn't move. I looked at the sign on the door, "Closed For The Season - See You In May!" I could believe it. It must have been because I was so close to a toilet and my bowels knew that relief was literally on the other side of that damn door because the need to go became a thousand times worse. I almost started going right there.

I was doing everything not to panic and better yet, to not completely poop my pants. It was only a matter of minutes because time was desperately running out on me. I found my husband and said, "We need to go." He said "Why? Are you okay?" I said, "No, the toilets are closed and I really need a toilet." He said, "What? They're closed? Already!?!" I said, "Can we please go, I need to hurry back."

So, we started walking back. Our daughter was a bit tired, so she agreed to go in her stroller which helped us go a bit quicker. Unfortunately none of the shops were open up and down the strip because it was still too early for a Sunday morning.

As we were walking back up the strip, I let out a fart and it felt sticky. I moaned and said quietly, "Oh god." My husband asked, "Are you okay?" I said, "I don't think I'm going to make it. If I can get to the Tim Horton's, I'll stop in there."

Another minute later it happened...

I stopped walking and let out a really wet sounding fart and then started pooping a very soft and mushy load into my pink full-cut bikini panties. It immediately ballooned out in my panties and I could feel it spread all up my back and through my panties. I let out a gasp when it happened. I reached behind me and I could feel the wetness already leaking through my tan capri pants. It was a major accident and I felt like I still had to go. I took a few steps and tried holding the rest back, but it all just came pouring out no matter how much I tried to hold it back. My husband looked at me and said, "Oh Deb, I'm so sorry". I didn't know what to say so I said, "Let's just keep walking."

Now, I know that I have written many times about some really bad accidents that I have had in the past, but this one was right up there among the worst. I had gone so much that the mess leaked out of the leg homes of my panties and was seeping down the insides and back of my legs. It was so obvious that I had majorly pooped my pants, the mess had enveloped my entire bum area. There was nothing I could do to even hide it because I didn't have anything to tie around my waist. Walking back to my parents took forever. At least it felt that way. I had this massive load of mushy diarrhea-type poop in my pants and I was still letting out more as we walked.

We finally got back to my parents. My dad had left for his guitar lesson. My mum greeted us at the door and asked how the beach was. When she saw the state of me, my pants specifically, she felt really bad for me. I finally broke down and started crying. Here I was, a grown-up, 45 year old woman who has just massively pooped her pants. My mum said, "Oh sweetie, don't worry about it. Let's just get you and your clothes cleaned up." That itself was a major chore. It took me almost an hour to get showered and cleaned up.

That wasn't quite the end of it….

On our drive back to London, I started getting crampy. I didn't feel like I had to poop though. I shifted around in my seat to help alleviate the camps when I felt a huge gush between my legs. I thought to myself, "Oh no!" I looked down and sure enough, my period had started. I had totally soaked through my light blue hipster panties and jeans. I said to my husband, "You're not going to believe this, or maybe you will, but…. I just got my period." He said, "Oh honey. Do you want me to stop?" I said sure. So we stopped at the Tim Horton's in Lucan. I had a sweater with me so I tied it around my waist and grabbed my purse. I got into the ladies room, went into a stall and pulled down my jeans and panties. What a mess! I had totally soaked through everything. I didn't have any extra pants or pants to change into so I put on an extra heavy overnight maxi pad and pulled everything back up.

Luckily the diarrhea has stopped and my bowels have eased up. My period was really heavy last week and lasted nine days. I had another leak through my pad and pants at work last Wednesday.

So there you have it, my most recent pooping accident story along with yet another surprise start to my period.

Thanks for reading.


I live in the countryside. Near our house there is a plot of land owned by a young couple. They plan to build a house when they can afford it. They have been living there in a van for some months now. Yet there is no water supply or sewer. The only option when they need to go to toilet is to do it somewhere in the nature.

Behind some particular bushes I have spotted fresh and old poop and used toilet paper. That is where I think their toilet is. The man usually goes to work in the early morning but the woman usually work by her computer in the van. At lunch time I have often seen her heading for the bushes with a roll of toilet paper in her hands.

One morning when I was on my way to school I accidentally walked in on her as she was squatting. I think we both got quite surprised and even though we both smiled I think it was embarrassing for us both.


my most recent period poop (reply to Rachel)

Hi, Rachel. Sorry to hear that you have painful period poops too. They're no fun. You asked whether I need help having my period poops. Sometimes, yes, but other times, no. Sometimes the softer poop is able to force the harder poop out easier which allows me to get it out without help, but it causes me a lot of pain when that happens so I always appreciate having someone around to comfort me. Sometime, though, the harder poop just won't budge even with the softer poop behind it, and that is often when I do need help if it's too hard for me to pass on my own. You asked about my most recent period poop as well. It was more comparable to the first scenario I described where the poop came out easily but painfully. I had woken up with cramps which was how I knew my period had come. I was about 4 days constipated already. When I was getting ready for the day, I started getting cramps that felt more like poop cramps than period cramps, so I made my way to the toilet. No one was around, so I was on my own this time. The cramps were intense as I sat and held my stomach for a bit until I felt a ton of pressure in my lower abdomen. I didn't even need to push as a massive turd slid into my rectum and started inching out. It moved so slowly and it really hurt my butthole and my stomach. I doubled over and moaned as it came out further and further, making my eyes water. Finally, it plonked into the toilet. I had maybe 10 seconds to recover before a smaller, softer log came out. This one moved much faster and was gentler on my butthole, but my stomach was still in agony. A few more similar logs came out followed by some mushy poop and I was finished. I'm thankful I was able to manage this one on my own, although it would have been really nice if my sister or one of my friends could have been there to let me squeeze their hands or hug them while the hard log was coming out. Thanks for your questions, Rachel! Happy pooping to you!


Replies + Story for David P

(Note on my spelling: I seem to intermittently switch between British and American English… it's because of my laptop settings. Apologies for that).

James: Many thanks for your stories, which again I really enjoyed. Thank you for clarifying what "near-misses" are for you. I find it interesting that once the new toilet block was available, you did try to use it if you were desperate. I wonder… did other students also find the old toilet block intimidating, and also avoided going for a poo there? I think I recall you mentioned your friend also avoided going for a poo there (maybe I am mistaken in this belief), but I am not sure if it was a common occurrence at your school that the boys and girls held it in because going at school was very intimidating and gross, perhaps. And… on the food poisoning you experienced that made it first a constipated lump followed by diarrhoea, I did not know that was caused by food poisoning, but I recall having experienced something similar once or twice in my life. Who would have known! Again, thank you for your stories!

Lewis: Thank you very much for answering my questions. If I may ask… what is a normal dump for you like? You mention you sit down, take your phone out and it sort of happens. Is it normally a big piece that just slides out? Or do you have to push it? I have a friend of mine who says he sits on the toilet for about 10 minutes, and just plays on his phone and he feels his poop sliding out but does not do anything to rush it. And… lol, I did not have the American Pie image in my head until you mentioned it, and it was quite funny! Glad it was not that desperate a situation… it might have been terrible. Please keep posting if you feel like it, would love to read more of your stories.

David P: I see, yes, that age difference makes it more uncomfortable, in my experience. If you manage to poo in public, then it would be better, as the others who might be near you are complete strangers. Then again, given your constipation issues, I would suggest you try going for a poo whenever you feel like you are able to, so they do not get worse.
May I ask… do you recall what made you fear going for a poo in public or near others? Was it a childhood experience or did someone make fun of you? And… what is it that makes you the most uncomfortable about pooing with others nearby? Is it the sounds? The fear of being seen? The smell? Or something else? When I started going for a poo at the same time as some friends in public restrooms, and realizing that they make the same noises and movements and so on, and that they did not care or mind, I started getting over my discomfort of going for a poo in public.
You requested a story where I have tried out some of the suggestions. I have one about suggestion 2) of putting toilet paper inside the bowl so it mitigates the splash. If you are leaving soon and feel like you would benefit from my other stories, please let me know and I will share the most relevant ones in my next post.

This story takes place when I was… 21 or 22, probably, at the university I went to. In this particular academic period, I had 2 free hours between 12 pm and 2 pm, which I used to have lunch and meet with some friends. On this particular day, only my friend Alec and I went to have lunch outside of campus, as the others were busy. Lunch made me want to go to the bathroom soon after, and I could feel it would be a big one given the way the pressure felt in my rectum. It is a difficult sensation to describe, but it felt like a dull pressure of increasing intensity which was ever so slowly knocking on my sphincter. We came back to campus with about 30 minutes to spare before our next lecture, so we went to hang out to a lounge area in Building 1 of the campus, which was a long, four-story building. The lounge area had a restroom next to it, so when we reached the place, I instinctively headed to the restroom and was a bit surprised to see Alec still walking with me instead of heading to the couches in the lounge area. I asked him if he had to go to the bathroom as well, and he confirmed so, although he did not specify what he needed to do, so I assumed he just had to pee.

I opened the restroom door, and saw the three stalls towards the end of the room, one of which was the handicapped one to the left. Unless the other stalls are taken, I prefer not to use the handicapped one, because there might be someone coming in who might need it, so I always head for one of the regular stalls. I instead took the middle stall, but before entering, I heard Alec say, "Oh, I thought you just had to pee", so I turned around and saw a hesitant look on his face. "Well… erm… no", I replied, shyly smiling at him. I then understood he had to poop as well, but was reluctant to do so with me in the next stall. He checked the time on his watch, and then decided to go to the next stall. I entered mine and closed the door behind me.

At this point I should clarify something. For the four or five years previous to this moment, I had begun feeling more comfortable when pooping with others whom I trusted and were nearby, or with complete strangers. And in my dorms, I had gradually gotten used to pooping in the communal restrooms, and since I got to know quite a few guys there, I did not mind it. However, I still felt quite uncomfortable pooping with people I knew but not considered particularly close. In this case, I considered Alec my friend but within our group of friends, he and I were not particularly close and in fact this was the first time he and I would be pooping together.

Back to the story… I quickly pulled down my pants and underwear and sat down, letting some farts out. Then my pee stream started. Next to me I heard Alec taking some toilet paper and wiping the seat with it, and then some more toilet paper which I did not clearly hear what he was doing with. As I then heard him start pulling down his pants, I began relaxing my sphincter and felt a big, solid log start moving. It was not emerging yet at this point, probably because I was still peeing, but I did feel it start moving towards the exit. But my self-consciousness made me tense up a bit, as my body still felt somewhat unsure of letting go with Alec in the next stall. To take my mind off these concerns, I asked Alec what he had done with all that toilet paper. "Uhm… well…", he muttered. "When I know someone is in the next stall, to silence the plopping sound, I grab a bunch of toilet paper and put it in the bowl and hope that it will mitigate the sound". "Oh!", I exclaimed, as my sphincter began relaxing again, "I did not know that!". And, with that, I started grabbing some toilet paper, scrunched it up in a sort of cushion and followed his example.

By this point, Alec had seated himself on the toilet and, based on what I could see from my stall, he did not have his legs particularly spread. His pants and underwear were probably around his knees (I could see his feet and lower legs, and neither his pants nor underwear were at ankle-level, but not mostly straight so as to suggest he had him at his thighs or just low enough to go). I heard nothing coming from his side, and my pee had finished by now. At this point, there was silence from both of us. I began feeling that the big firm log was finally about to emerge, and my sphincter began surrendering to the force of the poop. A very faint crackling sound accompanied the log as the head poked out. I was not pushing poop out yet, in part because having others listening to me sigh and grunt was one of my "fears" when others were near, so I simply kept relaxing and was letting gravity and my rectal and anal muscles do the work. Next to me, I heard Alec sigh once, then twice, but nothing more. I saw him slightly widen his legs, so I knew he was probably not having the easiest of times in there.

I felt my poop stop moving, as the widest part was coming and stretching me. I knew I needed to begin pushing at this point, but I was kind of hoping Alec would do something first so that I would be encouraged to start pushing. Fortunately, just then, I heard a crackling sound from Alec's stall, which kept coming… and coming… and coming… and then a muffled *flooomph* as his poop dropped into the bowl, landing on the toilet paper. Alec released his breath with a not-so-audible "Aaaagh", which was what I needed at that moment to start pushing. Although my poop was wide and firm, it was smooth, so I decided to push it slowly and gently instead of going for a big hard push. This kept my own crackling noise going on for like 20-30 seconds interspersed with some airy farts, as my poop crept its way out at a steady pace. It finally dropped into the toilet paper cushion, and it made a *flooomph* sounds as Alec's had.

In my case, I felt fully done, so I looked at the massive beast I had birthed and began wiping. In the next stall, I did hear Alec release a couple more poops which must have landed in the water space left after his first turd "sank" the toilet paper. They made muffled plop noises, and then he began wiping. I finished wiping first and went to the sinks to wash my hands, while Alec joined me a minute later. Once we went to the lounge, however, Alec would reveal to me that he had not in fact finished pooping, but still felt more "stuck somewhere up there" that he was unable to get out. I told him that he should try to go again but he said he would wait until after he got out of his 2 pm lecture. In any case, I thanked him for his advice, and I did think it worked fine, particularly because what would have been a very noticeable *PLOOMP* which he would have definitely heard and made him realize the size of my poop landed mostly quietly on top of the toilet paper. Other noises, such as the crackling and the sighs, could not be very well dealt with because of the stalls… they had enough space between the floor and the walls/doors, and between the top of the stalls and the ceiling, so that these noises could be heard. But if you have a private bathroom in a house, that should not be much of an issue.

I hope this story is helpful to you, David P, but I can post more if you feel like they would help. Please also, if you can, give us an update on how you are dealing with going for a poo over there in that house (or during your work trip).

Keep the great posts coming, everyone!


Reply to LEA

Haha yeah I'm sure it must've looked quite adventurous! Maybe there was someone down there in the valley looking up the mountain and thinking "what the hell is going on up there?". There was nobody else on the trail otherwise we definitely would've been loud and giggly enough to catch everyone's attention. Unless it's a common sight on hiking trails and everyone just shrugs it off, but somehow I doubt that haha!

Yeah, I feel like immediately after the first coffee is more common and in fact Anna is exactly like that too. It's just me being due later and after more coffee, not sure what's going on there. So Anna is a morning girl as well, but Bee not at all. She generally went for a poop a bit before dinner or even after dinner in the evening. So we all went at slightly different times during the day, which was good because we didn't have to wait for someone else to finish in the bathroom. The apartment we stayed in only had one toilet so it could've been a desaster if we all had to poop at the same time! I think it's pretty uncomfortable when I have to wait when it's my usual time to poop. It's always a bit different but with my morning poop it's much better to get it done right then instead of waiting it out. Since Anna went for her poop immediately she usually did it before we left for the hike and depending on how quickly we got going I went before we left as well or a bit later on the trail when we were a bit out of civilization. I didn't want to specifically wait for my poop though, so we left when we wanted and I just adapted. In total I had an outside poo twice and Bee also had two, but in the afternoon on the hikes that went on for a bit longer. We were prepared for everything though and had wet wipes packed so it all worked out. Because of the different times we pooped we never did it simultanously though so it was always two girls waiting for the third to finish, so no pressure haha! But no, it's gotta be done and we all understand that, so there wasn't really pressure. I was glad the others took my backpack though, I'm sure having to balance that on my back as well while squatting down wouldn't have helped.


Extremely Embarrassing Story

Today, I have a story that I was debating on sharing or not. Had it happened around anybody else than who it did, it would easily have been one of the most (if not THE most) embarrassing poop related stories of my life. But I figured since this is an anonymous forum, I would go ahead and share it. I still feel some embarrassment sharing it.

As I've mentioned in the past, my wife and I both have a farming operation together. We are in the middle of corn and soybean harvest, and of course, I start to feel sick from a condition that is caused from breathing in dust from moldy grain (lesson learned for next time)! The past couple days I have felt pretty rough, but early this morning I had a particularly bad incident. My stomach started to feel off last night, and I had to rush out of bed to the bathroom several times with bad diarrhea. I made sure to grab a big glass of water to keep myself hydrated through the night. Well probably about 7 or 8 this morning, I was still in bed, and my wife, Anna was half asleep. She gradually started to wake up. I felt a pressure buildup in my stomach like I needed to fart. Well, instead of just letting out gas, I let out a squirt of liquid diarrhea while I was laying in bed with my wife right next to me! She looked over at me, knowing full well what happened, and said "oh honey, I'm so sorry, let's get you cleaned up!" Well let's just say that the bed sheets were soiled. I got up and started heading to the bathroom, when I noticed that I was leaking liquid poop on the floor! Anna told me just to keep going and get to the toilet. I got to the bathroom, and just sort of slumped down on the toilet, and had poop that was more like the consistency of a liquid than a solid, like "butt pee" as I've heard some people on this forum call it.

In the meantime, my poor Anna cleaned off the floor where I had made a mess (which luckily wasn't as big as I thought), and took the sheets off our bed. I felt so bad that she had to do that. While I was on the toilet pouring out what liquid mess was left inside of me, Anna came in and said "don't worry at all, honey. I have everything cleaned up, and I know that everybody has accidents sometimes." She had a look of concern and care on her face as she gave me a kiss and told me "I'm here for you!" I told her how sorry I was and how much she meant to me. I have witnessed her have a couple of minor accidents in her pants over the whole time I've known her, but nothing like this. I haven't had an accident like that since I was a young kid. When I got done, I noticed that I had dirtied up the toilet seat, so I grabbed a cleaning wipe to clean it up with. I had to jump in the shower to get myself fully cleaned up. I will say that when we vowed to be there for each other "in sickness and in health", we definitely meant it! Without a doubt, I would do what Anna did for me if the roles were reversed. She did not make me feel one bit embarrassed about what happened, and she agreed not to tell anybody about my incident. I have an absolute gem of a wife and am thankful for her every day!


October accident

My name is Susie. I'm new here but I've read posts on this forum for forever, LOL. I'm 22 and I just graduated from college and moved with my fiance to Boston where he's starting grad school. (He doesn't know I visit this site. Shhh!)

Since it's almost Halloween I wanted to tell a story about an accident I had when I was 8 years old. It was a few days before Halloween and the days were getting shorter. My parents were away for the evening and my sister Sophie, who is ten years older than me, was babysitting me and my brother, who was 10 at the time, and my brother's friend Mark who was over too. By "babysitting", that meant that she spent the entire time on the phone with her friends and basically ignored us. My brother (Jeff) and I were supposed to walk our dog, but Jeff made me do it myself. Which was ridiculous, because our dog weighed about 40 pounds and I probably only weighed 60 pounds or so myself, so when he pulled, which he did all the time, it was all I could do to keep from getting dragged across the ground. And it was dark outside, and scary. Our usual route took us along our street about a quarter mile, through a park and to the other entrance and then home on a side street. Going into the park the path passed under some low hanging trees so it was dark even in the daytime.

I begged him not to make me go by myself. I also had to pee, but he said that we were supposed to walk the dog before my parents got home so I should pee when I got back. You walk Sam then, I said, but he just laughed and said Mark didn't want to go and he had to stay home with him, otherwise it would be kind of weird leaving him alone with our sister. So Jeff kind of shoved me and the dog (Sam) out the door. I had no choice but to go. I was wearing cute pink sneakers with ankle socks and blue jeans, and a yellow top.

So Sam and I went. My need to pee was getting more and more urgent but I was pretty sure I could make it home. But what I didn't know was that Mark and Sam had decided to scare me so they followed us!

We turned into the park and Sam wanted to sniff around and I tried to pull him along so I didn't have to stay in the scary part, but Sam wouldn't budge. I heard some noises behind us, which I later figured out were Jeff and Mark, and I got even more scared so I pulled at Sam's leash even harder and finally got him to come with me. We ran through the dark path and came out into the open and I breathed a sigh of relief. Just then Jeff and Mark snuck up behind me and shouted "Boo!" I screamed and Sam bolted and yanked the leash out of my hand. And suddenly I realized I was peeing.

There was nothing I could do to stop it and I just stood there and peed and peed. I was crying and Jeff and Mark were laughing and Sam had stopped and turned around because he realized what the sound was.

When I finished peeing, my panties and jeans were soaked to my ankles and even my shoes were filled with pee. Jeff realized then what had happened and knew he was in trouble. He took the leash and he and Mark walked ahead of me as I shuffled home, my legs spread apart because I didn't like the wet jeans chafing my legs. It was really gross and my shoes made this squelching sound and my legs were beginning to sting from the pee in my pants legs. I just cried and cried.

When we got home my parents were already back. I told my mom I had peed in my pants and that Jeff made me do it because he scared me. Jeff denied it; he said that I had just peed myself because I was lazy. But my mom didn't believe him, and one of the reasons was that Mark backed me up, because he's a really nice guy and he felt bad about what they'd done. So Jeff got grounded for making me take Sam by myself and for scaring me, and Sophie got in trouble too, for ignoring us; my parents were going to pay her $25 for babysitting but since she didn't watch us she didn't get paid.

In the end it was okay. Mom took me upstairs to give me a bath and took my wet clothes (even my top got pee on it) and washed them. I never forgot Mark's kindness, and he didn't either, and after I graduated high school we started dating, and now he's my fiance who I just moved to Boston with!

Sorry this is kind of long. I had some other accidents I can tell about some other time.

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