
Victoria B.



So I read Kristi's post about her cousin with Crohn's disease and decided to ask Robyn's mom about Remicade. She's a rheumatologist and not a gastroenterologist, but I was surprised to find out that she's also prescribed in the past for patients with autoimmune forms of arthritis like ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis. Turns out that Crohn's, like ulcerative colitis, is also an autoimmune disease and Remicade works in Crohn's disease patients by suppressing an overactive immune system that attacks healthy tissue and good bacteria in the small and large intestines.

However with IBS the pain and poop problems aren't caused by troubles with the immune system. I've undergone some of same testing that is given to IBD (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's together are called inflammatory bowel disease) and celiac disease patients but I've tested negative every time and haven't had a colonoscopy or barium enema because there's never been blood in any of my stool samples, I've never noticed it in the bowl on or toilet paper after I've pooped and I don't get nauseated or throw up often, maybe once every two years if even.

Someone gets diagnosed with IBS only when their doctor has listened to them talk about what's wrong, physically examined them and then gotten negative results on blood, urine and stool tests to rule out celiac disease, IBD or a parasitic infection. The letter appended onto the acronym IBS is what generally happens when the patient poops: A for Alternating like me, C for Constipation and D for Diarrhea. The reason why IBS patients have to do those same tests is one of the most evil secrets about the human body: you can simultaneously have both IBS AND Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.

I'm glad I don't have to deal with that!


Raccoon Man (Coonie)

To James

Hey James, first i'd like to say I'm a fan of your stories, and I hope to hear more in the future.

I do have one question/comment though. You've talked about how your brother was prone to constipation, unlike yourself who was more prone to accidental and semi-accidental soft poos in your pants. And it made me wonder if maybe he would have been better off if he was encouraged to let his out in his pants before they got so hard and backed up

It seemed like he stank just as bad anyway, and he would have felt a lot better not having to go. Also, if going in his pants was an option, so to speak, I suspect he would have had better luck becoming regular and staying that way. Even if some of those regular movements were in his undies

Anyone have any thoughts? James or otherwise


Public Bathroom Complaints

Hi. I've been reading this site for ages but haven't posted a single thing for years. Quite frankly, this site is the only one I have ever come across were people can discuss this taboo subject.

Now to my question:

Has a person in the next stall of a public bathroom ever been rude and complained that your bowel movement was too loud, too smelly, or something else? If so, how did you respond?

Take care,


Maho, translator is Mina

Dear Kristi

I write to you because I have kindred spirit with girl in line for loo behind you, who is pretty and have a brown hair.

When we found out Lovely Victoria is OK, we were relief, and we ran to loo because of react from stomach. So I and Hisae did big dump, then Mina and Kazuko did same, then flush, then me and Hisae again, then Kazuko and Mina again, so two big brown watermelons in our loo. Then my 3 crushes finish but I was girl who hadn't gone in a week, like you said, so 3 crushes did conclusion of dump, then I sat down and did watermelon again.

You were kind woman to not criticise girl with brown hair. I understand her feeling. I needed to do and do and do more until empty.

(Now it is Mina writing.)

I and Kazuko and Hisae looked at Maho who hadn't gone in a week. She sit there, she was so beautiful. (OW!) We were so happy she could do and do and do never-ending.

(Now it is Maho, and Mina translates.)

Things what Mina say is pants. (OW!) I am not beautiful. My 3 crushes are beautiful because they look at me so warm eyes. That night in the bed, I cried long time, I was moved so much. Sweet Kazuko put arm round me and console.

(Now it is Hisae, and Mina translates.)

There is big pinch mark on left half of Mina's bottom, and origin is fingers of Maho. There is big pinch mark on left half of Maho's bottom, and origin is fingers of Mina.

(Now it is Mina writing for everybody.)

We are happy that you were ready to let brown hair girl go first because she was doing poo dance. We hope we can be kind like you to person who has emergency!!

Love to you and Steve and everyone.

Hisae Maho Kazuko Mina




I'm sorry. I wish there was some way for you to find relief for your IBS.

1. What is the biggest dump you've ever seen?

Honestly... the biggest dump I've ever seen came out of ME. I'm trying to think of something else but truly I just take massive ones.

Biggest one ever? Hmm. I deposited the longest log in human history at the Cincinnati Airport. There's a post about that on here. But the thickest and biggest (and the most painful) was when I had been on Vicodin for a week due to a leg injury. I hadn't gone for 6 days which is unheard of for me.

Steve was a hero that night. It was horribly painful but I had to get it out of me. Lot of tears and a lot of straining. Steve was just a really good cheerleader and was very supportive.

2. Was it done by someone you would expect to take massive dumps? Or was it done by someone who you would never have suspected had the capabilities?

I don't think anyone would look at me and think that I poop the way that I do. But like I said, I don't think there's any correlation.

3. Are you yourself someone who poops proportionate to your size (in your own opinion of course) or do you poop more or less than you think you should based on your size

I think I answered that above.

I eat a lot of fiber. That may account for it.

I haven't always been this way. There have been times when I'd sit down to poop, push and push and push, and get a decent dump. But I'd feel like I didn't get everything out of me.

Nowadays, when I'm done, I'm done. I'm empty.
I also get a quasi-sexual feeling when a big poop comes out of me. If you research the vegus nerve, you'll read that taking a big poop can actually stimulate an orgasmic feeling.

I have had issues with clogging hotel toilets. They're often not powerful enough. So then you have to either leave them, which is what I'll do if we are just spending one night, or call the front desk.

Steve has taken the "blame" on every occasion. I haven't asked him to, but he steps up and says that he clogged the toilet.

Tyler: So Steve actually posted about our rendezvous. It's not up here yet so be on the lookout!

As for a time when Steve has been supportive: There have been DOZENS of times when I've needed him in the bathroom and he's come to my rescue.

I'm going to repost a story that best shows his love and support:

About four months ago, I was sick. Really, really sick. I had thrown up several times. I was lying in bed, incredibly weak. I don't know what it was that was wrong with me. At some point I just fall asleep from exhaustion.

I woke up at midnight with a full bladder. I try to roll over and get out of bed and end up falling on the floor. My husband wakes up immediately and comes to me. I'm not hurt from falling, but I really have to pee. I asked him to help me get to the bathroom so I could pee. He said that if I wanted he could get me a glass to go in. I said that I thought I could make it to the bathroom. So my husband helps me to my feet and walks me to the bathroom. I'm so unsteady on my feet that he has to actually turn me around so I'm facing the right way. Then he's holding me up so I can get my shorts down. Finally I slowly sit down. He's holding my upper body up. I start to pee... I can feel the relief, but I'm not hearing my pee hit the water. I look down and see that I'm sitting at the absolute front of the toilet. My pee is going all over the toilet seat and is splashing onto my poor husband. I started sobbing... and he's being so comforting. Telling me it's okay and that he should have gotten me sitting farther back.

So I'm sitting there, having peed all over the place, and of course, OF COURSE my body can't just be done.

99 percent of the time I enjoy pooping. (I've read that pooping triggers the vegus nerve in the body which can cause pleasure... even an orgasm).

This was not one of those times. I already felt messy from peeing all over myself and my husband. I just wanted to be done. But my body had different plans. I couldn't have held it in even if I wanted to. And I'm sitting too far forward on the toilet, so my poop isn't going into the water. It's hitting the front of the bowl. And then I started peeing again. I'm trying to scoot backwards but to little avail.

Finally, I THINK I'm done. I'm crying my eyes out while my husband is reassuring me and telling me that he loves me. I'm too weak to do anything. My husband gets two wet washcloths. He carefully wipes me. I'm really messy in the back. He gets me clean underwear and shorts.
He helps me up. Helps me get dressed.

The toilet and the floor are gross. My piss is all over the floor and the toilet. The toilet is full of my brown skid marks. (I pride myself on keeping a clean bathroom, so this is upsetting me greatly.)

I'm on my way back to bed while my husband is getting ready to clean the bathroom... and the urge hits me again. Bad. I yell for my husband, who comes running. "I have to s*** more", I tell him. He doesn't hesitate. He picks me up and carries me into the bathroom.

I don't want to sit on the nasty toilet again. My husband pulls my shorts and panties off. I start looking for somewhere... anywhere... to poop.

And this is the grossest poop confession I'm probably ever going to make on this forum: I barely had the strength, but I was able to pull myself up on the bathroom counter. And I then proceeded to deposit a six-inch long log right in our bathroom sink.

In. The. Sink.

I collapsed into my hubby's arms. And then a strange thing happened. I started to laugh. I actually started to laugh at the whole situation. My husband starts to chuckle as well, and says, "Kristi, you just took a s*** in the sink."

And the log in the sink? It was the kind of turd that usually is the FIRST thing out of my butt under normal circumstances. Not the last thing.

My husband again helped me get clean and got me to bed."




Public Toilet Survey/The BEST Toilet

Now out of college and as a teacher at my old high school, I have a survey that I think could be of interest to our group. Here goes:


1. When away from home will you go out of your way to find the best toilet to urinate or move your bowels in? Why? What is BEST? How do you judge that?

2. How do you feel about single toilet, family or unisex bathrooms as an alternative to the much larger and public ones?

3. How large was the largest bathroom you have ever used?

4. What is the most comfortable bathroom you have ever used?

5. For what reasons would you reject a bathroom?

6. As a babysitter, former baby sitter or someone with child care responsibilities who made the choice (the child or you) about what toilet will be used.

7. What is MOST important to you in selecting a public restroom stall?
a) proximity and availability
b) a privacy door
c) clean seat
d) an especially higher (handicapped) or lower (kid-friendly)
toilet height.
e) adequate toilet paper
f) clean, non-clogged bowl
g) other (explain)

I'll start:


1. Because I've been in school for almost all of my life I take the closest available toilet. I'm pretty efficient, can crap in 90 seconds or so and do my piss in half that time. Its down and out with me.

2. I will take the single toilet bathroom when it is open, especially when I'm in places such as gas stations and bars.

3. When traveling a few years ago, I used an airport bathroom that had something like 40 toilets, 20 on each side of a wall with sinks and dryers. I had to wait about 10 minutes for my turn, but it beat taking my dump on my upcoming flight.

4. The most comfortable public bathroom I used was in my junior high. The school was very modern and had toilets at three different levels of height. Being less than 4' tall then, I appreciated sitting with my feet firmly planted on the floor.

5. If someone has puked in one of the toilets. The sight and smell cases me to do a quick exit for another bathroom. Also, if a previous user has been very messy in dealing with her period. I would think that would be taught and practiced at home.

6. I continue to pay off my college loans by babysitting and my 12 years experience has been to let the child select their toilet. But in several cases as they are pulling down their clothing, I do point out if they are lacking toilet paper.

7. For me, still physically challenged as being much shorter than many of my high school students, a lower-height toilet when I can find one is inviting. I'm getting better though because my feet now when seated are only about a half inch off the floor. I'm making progress don't you think?


Survey Answers!

As I'm writing this I have to pee but I really don't want to get out of bed. I'm sure everyone can relate! Thought I'd answer some surveys.

Lindsey's Survey:

1. What is the biggest dump you've ever seen?
It was at school years ago. It was a single piece the size and shape of a really big potato. We couldn't believe a human could do something that big.

2. Was it done by someone you would expect to take massive dumps? Or was it done by someone who you would never have suspected had the capabilities?
I never found out who it was! There was a lot of speculation around the school as to who the culprit was but we never learned for sure.

3. Are you yourself someone who poops proportionate to your size or do you poop more or less than you think you should based on your size?
I think I'm pretty much proportionate, but I am 6'1".

Kristi + Steve's Survey:

1. Have you ever had to go so badly (pee or poop or both) that you cut someone in a line for a public restroom?
I don't think so. I'm too awkward!

2. Have you ever let somebody cut in front of you because they said they really needed to go?
Yes, often. Once I was in a McDonalds full of drunk people at 2AM and I let four or five people in a row go in front of me because they were all desperate!

3. Thoughts on port-a-potties? Not a huge fan. The locks don't always work either.

4. Would you rather have diarrhea or be constipated?
Diarrhoea I think. As long as I stay near a toilet.

5. Brand of toilet paper you prefer?
I don't mind

6. Do you pee in the shower?

7. Have you had a poop accident as an adult?
Not yet!

8. Do you generally enjoy pooping?
Generally I don't mind it!

9. Are you able to poop in a very crowded restroom?
Only if I really have to go.

10. Could you poop in a busy restroom if the stalls had no doors?
Only if I was desperate.

11. If you poop once a day, is there a particular time that you poop? Usually around late morning.

12. Have you ever had a peeing contest with someone?
I wish!

13. Have you ever had a pooping contest with someone?
See above

14. Do you ever check on your "progress" while you're pooping
Yes, all the time!

15. Have you ever taken a picture of your poop and shared the picture with anyone?
I'd be lying if I said no, but it makes sense in context!


Lindsey's survey

1. What is the biggest dump you've ever seen?

Aside from my own bowel movements, the biggest one I've seen recently was in a shopping mall. After two full days without taking a dump, I went to the ladies. I took a stall and sat, and pissed first. I didn't rush things, and let my load ease itself out. I leaned forward and had to push a little, and it felt so amazing to feel my butthole expand as a massive turd snaked out. It just kept sliding out and finally snapped off-it was so big it splashed my ass with water. As I was wiping, another girl came in. She was breathing a little heavy and took the stall right next to mine. Her jeans dropped to her ankles and she sat hard on the toilet and ripped a deep fart, immediately followed by crackling as her dump emerged. She sighed loudly, and the crackling continued. I heard her moan and say "Ughhhh oh my GOD!" as her log dropped into the bowl with a splash and she pushed out a series of smaller turds. She wiped and left without flushing, and when I took a peek in the toilet I could see why. A massive, thick turd with smaller ones on top of it-the big one was at least fourteen inches or so, and about as thick as a Coke can. The three smaller ones were about five inches apiece. It dwarfed my own, which was just a single log about fifteen inches long and thick.

2. Was it done by someone you would expect to take massive dumps? Or was it done by someone who you would never have suspected had the capabilities?
She had on these really nice zip-up leather boots with pink jeans, and I saw her a little later outside smoking. She had a name tag, so she must have been an employee in one of the stores. She was 5'0'' tall and voluptuous, tiny but sometimes tiny girls can produce serious dumps. My sister is 5'1'' and she clogs the toilet regularly.

3. Are you yourself someone who poops proportionate to your size (in your own opinion of course) or do you poop more or less than you think you should based on your size?

I'm fairly tall for a teenage girl (5'11''), and full figured. I think my bowel movements are about right, as I'm very active and eat healthy.


My incredible pooping wife

So as a follow-up to Kristi's desperate-but-holding-it-for-me story:

Kristi had been texting me for hours about how she really had to go but wanted to wait for me to get home. Some of the texts were a little too graphic to post here as she was talking about what she wanted to do AFTER she was done pooping.

Eventually she said was going to take a dump at 5:30, with or without me.

I got home at 5:24, threw down my laptop bag, and ran upstairs.

I find my amazing wife lying on our bed reading a book. She looks at the clock and tells me that I just barely made it home.

To the bathroom we go. I pull our bathroom chair up to the toilet. She pulls her pants down a little bit and sits down. I pull the chair up a bit closer. At this point I'm about a foot away from her. She looks at me, smiles, and says "Hi!".

Then I hear a gentle trickle of pee combined with a small echoing fart.

As she's peeing, she motions for me to give her a kiss, and of course I do. We kiss for about 15 seconds before she gently pulls her head away and says, "I've gotta push a little." She unzips her pants a little more and spreads her legs out a little more. She then leans forward and we hold hands. The look on her face is just indescribably cute. She's so pretty. And so beautiful all over. Then she lets go of a another quick fart, followed by a longer one. She tells me that she's a little gassy.

Then I hear the distinct sound of her starting to poop. I stood up and gave her a hug, and then I heard a nice big plop in the toilet.

She leans back and breathes a big sigh of relief. I ask her if she's done. She replies, "Not even close to done." She stands up and we both look into the toilet. For some people it might be considered a big poop, but for my wife (who is a tiny little thing), it's not much. It wasn't really a log. It was more of a chunk.

She sits back down again; within about 3 seconds I hear the sound of poop coming out of her. Then I hear that familiar sound of her poop sliding into the toilet. Not really dropping but just sliding. Which is how she normally sounds. Then comes another slider. And a third. And a FOURTH!

She lets out a massive sigh of relief again. Then she stands up and we take another look. And I'm seriously amazed.

My girl had to go so bad. I can't imagine holding that much in. And she had held it in for me to watch. I was... honored.

I asked her how long she'd been holding that in for. She just shrugs and says "A day." Crazy. I ask her if she's done (I couldn't imagine that she wasn't done now!) and she says yes. I ask her if I can "do the honors" (wipe her) and she says yes. I grab a handful of paper and gently wipe her the way she prefers: Clean her butt hole first, then go front to back until I get two clean wipes in a row.

Once she's all clean, I wash my hands, and she then asks if she should try to flush. I tell her there's no way it's going to flush now.

I thank her profusely for the "show". (I also needed to piss, which I do on top of her massive load. ) I close the lid and we then go to the bedroom, where I do my best to show her my appreciation for her willingness to indulge my love of watching her go to the bathroom (and she... well, let's just say she continues to please me. It was a mutual physical expression of our love).

I don't think I'll ever be able to tell Kristi how much I love her (and for a million more reasons than just the fact that she poops in front of me.)


Response to Kristi

Hi Kristi. I enjoyed you story about you waiting for you husband to come home to poop. I liked it because I love being in the bathroom while my wife is pooping and love it when she's in there while I'm popping. We are both morning poppers so it happens fairly often. She has pooped whole I'm sitting in the jacuzzi. The jacuzzi in our bathroom is right next to the toilet and I love being there having a conversation with her while she takes a poo. She is gorgeous and she looks amazing on the toilet with her pants down.

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Kristi great set of stories it sounds like you had some pretty good poops.

To: Emma Two great story about your big poops I bet they felt pretty good and great stories about all your previous poops as well.

To: Pooperlady great story.

To: LEA great story it sounds like Zoey had a really good poop and had to poop alot as well.

To: Mina & Friends as always another great story it sounds like you guys had some great poops.

To: Elphaba great set of stories.

To: Jasmine at least you made it to the toilet and so did those other women and avoided some messy accidents.

To: Cammie great story about your big poop in the bath.

Well thats all for now.

Sincerely Brandon T

PS. I love this site

Saturday, September 18, 2021


Too Kristi

Hi Kristi! That was a really interesting story about you waiting 2 hours to poop so your husband could watch. Which I'm glad you have such a loving husband! Could you possibly explain in detail (what's allowed of course) everything that happened as soon as he came home from work? And I am curious to know hear a story of when Steve held and comfort you while you were pooping. If you are interested in sharing?

Yesterday I was at the mall and I had to go sit in the men's room for a little while because I had a stomach ache. I had an IBS attack. While I'm sitting in the stall this other guy walks in and goes into the stall next to me. It's a fairly big bathroom with lots of stalls and most of them were open but he decided to sit next to me, which I don't mind. As he's walking into the stall his phone rings and he answers it. I figured he would tell whoever called him that he's in the bathroom and will call back or just say he'll call back. Or maybe wait to get off the phone after he's done doing his thing. But he answered the phone and while he's talking he takes down his pants and sits down while he's taking. It kind of sounded like a business call but not quite sure. He sits down on the toilet and has diarrhea. He is as talking to the other person and them you would hear nothing, I guess the other person was talking. During the silence the guy would have a fart or big diarrhea blast. This happened a few times. He would also sigh pretty loudly and pretty much didn't try to hide what he was doing. The person he was talking to had to know where he was because you could hear urinals and toilets flushing as well as the hand dryers. Also too there was me in the next stall having my episode because my stomach was in pain. While the other guy was talking to him I blew up the toilet again. The other guy was on the phone for about 10 minutes before he hung up. After he hung up he let out a big blast of diarrhea then wiped his butt. After he got off the phone he let out a big moan because he sounded like he was in pain. After he left I sat I'm the stall for another few minutes before I wiped. Between me and him that part of the bathroom stunk pretty bad.
Has anyone ever done that before, talked on the phone with someone whole pooping in a public bathroom? If that were me I think I either would have told the guy I would call back or just tell him I'm in the bathroom and I'll call back. Especially in a public bathroom where everyone can hear you talk while you are crapping. I have talked on the phone while using my own bathroom at home. I have talked to my wife many times while sitting on the toilet at home and she has done the same thing while she's sitting in the bathroom for a while. What would any of you done and have you done that before, talked to someone on the phone in a public bathroom while taking a loud dump?

Have you ever been plopping at work, and had a fellow work mate plopping on either side?


Quick Story + Survey

That's very interesting about your point of little or no correlation between how big someone poops and their own size/appearance. To your point, the biggest poop I've ever seen other than my own was done by a very petite Asian college student who came out of a stall I was waiting for at a bar back in college. She had left a giant log and clogged it. I did wonder if she was also a big dumper like myself or if that was a special event.

I see people on here like surveys so I'll make one for others to answer!

1. What is the biggest dump you've ever seen?

2. Was it done by someone you would expect to take massive dumps? Or was it done by someone who you would never have suspected had the capabilities?

3. Are you yourself someone who poops proportionate to your size (in your own opinion of course) or do you poop more or less than you think you should based on your size?

I already answered 1 and 2 in my brief story above. For 3, I think I poop bigger than most would expect. I'm tall and thin, but I doubt others would expect me to take dumps as big as I sometimes do.

I hope all is good with others on here. I have had a fairly uneventful week. I was away on vacation this past weekend and clogged my hotel toilet three times! Hotel toilets are always so bad. To be fair, one of the times I had taken a very big dump, so can't fault the toilet for that one, but the other two were average sized at best! Anyone else have trouble with hotel toilets?


Sitting, standing and looking

That question being asked about pooping and scooting forward or standing to look into the toilet before you're done was an issue with me as I was growing up. I think I was about 6 when I had a friend Robette with me over a couple of days while her parents were out of town. We were in the bathroom together. She was sitting on the tub while I was pooping and was surprised I was up and down several times looking at my production in the bowl. For Robette, the craps came a lot easier and she could get through one a lot faster, with more confidence, without even looking between her legs as she sat. I so admired her.

Later when I was in about 3rd or 4th grade my Aunt Nellie babysat me during summers. We'd be out a lot from the beach to movies and on shopping trips. She monitored my bowels more. I remember in public places like the bathhouses at the beach, she would ask if I was going to pee or poo before she walked me to the door. She would stand there, expect to hear splashes into the water and would ask me 2 or 3 times during a sit how well I was doing. I would stand, look between my legs into the stool and tell her how many pieces I had laid. Sometimes she would ask me to describe when I had last moved my bowels and where I was, her apartment, or when we were in separate stalls at places like McDonalds.

By 5th or 6th grade, mom took me to the pediatrician because I was going 4 or 5 days without craps. She talked to my teacher, who said she could only do certain things to encourage my use of the toilets at school, so I think mom misunderstood the doctor and started using enemas, which my grandma believed in, or more often laxatives if I came home from school without success. That's when if I was passing only a few balls of crap, I would stand after each one passed, and look at its size, hoping of course that it would have been larger. The laxatives helped with the particularly larger doses so much that by 15 minutes into class I had to make a run to the toilet. My standing and looking at my craps increased, but I also had to put more attention on cleaning myself. Some of my classmates seemed surprised that even with no privacy doors I would stand, look into the bowl, sit, stand again and wipe and wipe. Even then, my underwear was nowhere near totally clean. And also, I got to feeling bad about taking the last of the toilet paper, knowing that my classmates, waiting and watching, were going to be pissed.


Shitty day

I had just turned 20. And I was out to eat with friends the day after my birthday. We decided to go to a Mexican restaurant on the opposite side of town from my place. So we sat down, ordered our food, about halfway through the meal I told my, now ex-girlfriend, that I had to go to the bathroom. So I got up went to the bathroom. Pulled up my skirt dropped my panties, sat down and started farting up a storm. No poop was actually coming out it was just farts. After a while I felt like I had gotten all my gas out. I wiped, just in case, and returned to the table. We finished eating and we're walking to the car when I felt the need to fart again, thinking it was going to be a regular fart, I let rip. Diarrhea splattered into my panties. Not enough to fill them but definitely enough to wet them. I bit my lip and told my ex that she had to take me home, 'why?' She asked, cause my stomach is upset. I replied. I told her that I had just sharted, and this girl, who I had been dating for two months, told me she wasn't letting me get in the car, and essentially told me to ???? off, and left me there in the parking lot. I had to go and ask one of my guy friends and his girlfriend to take me home. They both felt bad for me so they decided to drive me home. On the way there, I was in the back seat curled up in a ball with my head on his girlfriend's lap. We get halfway there and I sat bolt upright and asked him to pull over into the nearest gas station cause I wasn't feeling well. He did so and I got out of the car, went to shut the door, and lost control. I filled my panties to the brim with liquid diarrhea, it was running down my legs and was everywhere. I was so overwhelmed I just started sobbing. The friend's girlfriend got out of the car and started helping me clean myself off enough to get back in the car. She took off her underwear and let me wear them. We got back in the car and left, leaving my decimated panties in a garbage can. They dropped me off at my place, they walked me to the door and while waiting for my sister to open the door, a little more diarrhea came out and I soiled my borrowed panties. My sister opened the door, I pushed past her ran upstairs and into the bathroom where I pulled down my soiled panties and let loose on the toilet. That was a very bad day. Cause not only did I ruin two pairs of panties, one of which wasn't even mine, but I also broke up with my gf.

Victoria B.



So I read Kristi's post about her cousin with Crohn's disease and decided to ask Robyn's mom about Remicade. She's a rheumatologist and not a gastroenterologist, but I was surprised to find out that she's also prescribed in the past for patients with autoimmune forms of arthritis like ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis. Turns out that Crohn's, like ulcerative colitis, is also an autoimmune disease and Remicade works in Crohn's disease patients by suppressing an overactive immune system that attacks healthy tissue and good bacteria in the small and large intestines.

However with IBS the pain and poop problems aren't caused by troubles with the immune system. I've undergone some of same testing that is given to IBD (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's together are called inflammatory bowel disease) and celiac disease patients but I've tested negative every time and haven't had a colonoscopy or barium enema because there's never been blood in any of my stool samples, I've never noticed it in the bowl on or toilet paper after I've pooped and I don't get nauseated or throw up often, maybe once every two years if even.

Someone gets diagnosed with IBS only when their doctor has listened to them talk about what's wrong, physically examined them and then gotten negative results on blood, urine and stool tests to rule out celiac disease, IBD or a parasitic infection. The letter appended onto the acronym IBS is what generally happens when the patient poops: A for Alternating like me, C for Constipation and D for Diarrhea. The reason why IBS patients have to do those same tests is one of the most evil secrets about the human body: you can simultaneously have both IBS AND Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.

I'm glad I don't have to deal with that!


Kazuko Mina Hisae Maho

Dear Caro, Dear Elphaba

We are happy you can use toilet which you want to use! You will be happy in Japan because many places have unisex toilet, actually it is disable person toilet but there is notice on door says "anybody can use this toilet". Most people who not handicapped (which is better, handicapped or disabled? I feel handicapped is better because it is good meaning in golf.) these people try to be quick in unisex toilet. Then handicapped person is easy to use.

In Mina's family, men sit down to wee. We saw on TV, it is cleaner because if a man stands, little drops of wee fly to floor around loo bowl, then loo become dirty. Mina's grandfather, age 77, has problem of prostate, he like to wee with sitting down and then use loo paper. Like woman. If he doesn't wipe, his underwear don't smell good, he said. But he complain, in supermarket only one loo for man to sit down. So he use handicap loo and try to be quick, he can use paper. But always when he goes to shopping he goes to loo before leave house. So go to loo in shop is not often.

Mina is respect her grandfather very much. He really cares about clean.

I hope that Caro and Elphaba can go to loo female style comfortable, if best way to do that is use female loo then we wish you a good luck every time.

Maho has message for lovely Kristi, but we write it next time.

Love to everyone.

Hisae Maho Mina Kazuko


Reply to Tom W

Hi! I don't think I have weed on my pants or skirt badly while squatting. But it's definitely much easier on a toilet because I don't have to pay attention. I know what you mean but even when I try to push the last bits of wee are just drops and don't go far. So I don't know how to avoid it. Maybe if I put my butt higher while squatting but that's difficult.

Yes my sister Myra is two years younger then me. When we were on the summer trip she didn't struggle with squatting. But she has already done it before just not for doing a poo. She also found it way easier with a dress then pants. And yes we could help each other that's good.

I don't like holding my wee a long time. It makes me nervous especially in school. So I go like every break if I have to. But I know some girls never go. I don't really know why because it's not a bad thing and our school bathroom isn't gross or something like that.

Kung Poo

This is Hard

I've been upping my fibre intake for health reasons and it has a pleasant side effect on my poops. They have been progressively getting firmer and harder, and they require a little eeeee and ahhhhh to squeeze out. I love it, and I cherish my pooping sessions.

This brings me to the topic of hardest poop you have done. I asked this to my wife, Jodi, and she reminded me of the time we travelled and we were staying in a hotel, one with an open concept toilet, of course. She said she had not pooped for 2 days, and because we were on holiday, we were eating everything in sight. It was 11pm when she suddenly said she had to poop.

I remember she was wearing a bathrobe provided by the hotel. It was white, and underneath she had her panties on. She rushed to the toilet bowl, lifted her gown, pulled her panties down, sat. She turned towards he glass wall, through which I was looking through, enjoying the side view of her sitting on her the bowl, and she said, "Very hard!"

And this time I knew it was the real deal. Her faced scrunched, it turned red, her teeth bared, and she PUSHED, pausing with an "aiiiieeeee" sigh, then inhaling again and scrunched her face once more. And then her eyes went big and and her mouth made an O shaped and she went oh oh ow ow and she lifted up her bum and I knew why she's hurting so much 'cause this turd is the size of a coke can and she's bravely pushing it out ignoring the pain.

The turd head is out, and she's fully stretched, and she knew she has to give this her all, so she grabbed the back of her knees, leaned forward so her forhead is between her knees, and as of she's pulling up on her knees, and gave the push of her life, and this coke can turd mercilessly bashed right through, and it got thicker which made my wife cry out OWWWWWWWWW.

The turd tore right through, tapered off, and it made its way into the bowl with a huge splash!

My wife sat for a while, releasing little softer pieces of poop before she felt totally released and relaxed.

I remember that that. The activity we had later was unforgettable.

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