

To Thunder

Thanks you for your message. I told to Hisae what you say about bacteria. She doesn't know if it is allowed in Japan or not. Are you from Australia? I remember "Thunder from Down Under" in before post.

When I was high school, and hiking, I did a huge diarrhoea in woods, my friend shielded me. It was unschedule. But urge came suddenly very much. I went off hiking course with friend, then pick up speed, go into bushes, pull down panties and 10 seconds later there was big brown mess on ground like motion of cow and same size. My friend did a gasp, but she promised tell nobody, and she kept promise. 15 minutes later I found stream and washed hands.

Catherine, We hope Zoe is quite better now! We are happy she did big big motion when she went to loo. Because better to push it out than keep it in. Maho's father said to us. He is doctor.

When I get stomach bug, I also want to eat, so I eat bland food, just like Zoe. My friends are same. We understand her very well. Kiss to her and your all family. (On Internet, kiss is safe, no bacteria.)

Love to everyone.




After reading posts here about other poop-shy persons, I've realized I've come across as too much nagging and annoying when trying to get my boyfriend to talk about his constipation problems, so I've tried a different approach and had som success today.

I heard him wake up and go to the bathroom for a pee, and he stayed there for a while after, but gave up after a while. I stayed in bed as I had no rush to work. After a while I really needed to go to the bathroom myself, so I got up and walked over to the bathroom for my morning poop. After breakfast he went back to the bathroom and sat there for a while. When he came out I suggested a short walk. It's raining here, but always nice to get out a bit, especially as he's working from home. When we got back, I made him some coffee and came over and put it on his desk where he had already started working. He got surprisingly happy for this small gesture! I don't know if it was the coffee or the walk, both or neither, but soon after finishng he went over to the bathroom again. After several minutes of shuffling and clearing his through, I heard a very dry fart. Soon after some very tiny plops started to drop. There was a pause and a much louder plop sounded through the door and I even heard him kind of sigh after. After waiting for a bit he wiped and washed his hands. As he came out of the bathroom I asked him "Almost a workout session?" kind of jokingly. He smiled sheeply and and chuckled "yes..". I felt encouraged so I also asked if he felt better and he said "Like a new man". Might not seem much for people on this forum, but for us it was a big step forward.


Woods dump

Hey everyone. Hope you are all doing well.
So the other day when I was coming home from getting groceries, there was an accident on the street that leads up to where I live. Well, I couldn't get around it, so there I sat. It was a pretty bad accident so it was taking them a while to get enough of it cleared to get traffic moving again. That's when I got the overwhelming urge to shit. So, I got out of my car, walked in to the woods with baby wipes in my pocket(I knew I wouldn't be holding anything up as the paramedics had just arrived as I was walking towards the woods). So I found a nice spot to go and pulled my pants and panties down, squatted and let loose. This was no ordinary dump, as it was massive in size, and it came out like a raging river. It was more than I thought it was going to be based on the initial feeling when it came on. I'm just glad that I went when I did, because if I had to wait til I got home, I would've had a huge mess in my car to clean up. So I got my baby wipes out, wiped my ass, and it took quite a bit of them to get the job done.

I got my clothes pulled back up, went back to my car and waited for another half hour until we finally got going again.

Anyway, hope everyone is having a good year so far.

Bye bye for now.


Jry's half-stall story

Jry: thanks so much for returning to share your story! I read and enjoyed every word, although I certainly feel for you being in such an embarrassing situation. That restroom setup you describe is crazy. I wonder if it still exists in that form. Part of me wants to have the chance to shit in a partly exposed setting like this - not a doorless stall where there's clearly no privacy and everyone knows it, but in a half-stall where there's a mixture of privacy and visibility and in a restroom with plenty of traffic so I'm not the only one using it. Please keep sharing!

Opal: well I'm not sure the age range you consider a kid, but yeah she is young, she's 12, (but she was 11 at the time of those) and yeah she pretty much feels the same way you do about having a good long poop, she's always told me how nice it feels after doing a big load, or her frustration when she don't do much and yeah I do agree with her even though I rarely have good long ones my self. also now that you mention it I'm pretty sure most of her poops aren't tapered either.

I have noticed her letting out more and more over time.

Thinking back I remember one time a few years ago when I first started noticing how big her loads are, when she was 9 and I was had just started taking a bath, she really had to go so I let her in and she rushed over to the toilet and dropped her panties and then pulled up her skirt and then held her butt with her hands a few seconds then as I she got on the toilet I saw a big poo poking out, we chatted as I sat in the bath and her on the toilet, she didn't really take long, so I told I'd flush it when I was done filling the tub, anyways when I when to flush it I saw one big poo, then 2 or 3 really long thin ones all coiled up around themselves, it all flushed ok just took a couple of flushes.


Dear Opal

Thank you for kind words! I am on this site many years. Almost my poop stories are friendship and love stories because I live with three lovely friends. But when I start this site, I live alone, it is ancient history now.

I search a bit my old stories, you can find pages 2548, 2550, 2553, 2616, 2800. And there are more. There is trilogy of Kazuko page 2419. If you type "Kazuko" and search, you can find many stories.

I hope you enjoy to read.

Love from Mina

P.S. I born in Japan, but I am "Japanese Korean" Maho too. Hisae and Kazuko are Japanese.


Tried my hand at peeing in cars

There used to be quite a few post on the subject of peeing (or even pooping) in vehicle - especially cars - and I love those BTW. I hope more people will do it and post. I've been interested in trying it myself for a while, but skeptical where they claim the smell isn't much (if you only pee). I've really wanted to do it. However I occasionally have passengers, and how would I explain that? I'd bet others have had the same thought holding them back.

More recently one of my cars has developed rust where the body meets the subframe. Essentially the car is doomed, and I have no choice but to scrap it. Unfortunately because while old, the car is rather nice and I like driving it. But the engine/transmission will soon be hitting the ground if I keep driving it. So the car is doomed for the scrapyard.

Now since the car IS doomed either way, why not try out peeing in it? In the case I'm worried about the junker judging me, I could at worst use an enzyme spray meant for pet urine and/or blame some stupid neighborhood kids "who must have thought it was funny to pee in cars". So I've been doing it once it gets dark (don't want neighbors to see me). And to my surprise, I can't detect any odors over a tiny bit of muskiness (which could be the body warping now, letting in rain up on of the windshield where the trim is pushed out). Maybe it would be different if I did my morning pee, which should smell worse.

The first time I did it, I sort of simulated the way a girl would pee in it, sitting over the seat and forcing my genitals to point downward (highly awkward). I didn't do it again for 4-5 days and didn't open the car either. I wanted to see how it would be if I gave it no fresh air. I've peed in it 3 more times since, simply opening the door and peeing on the seats. The seats are cloth BTW. Tonight (a few minutes ago) and last night among them. I've used only one of the seats so far - the driver's side rear. I think next time I'll sit down and pee forwards, which will hit the driver's seat from the back and obviously get the floor wet too. I could get too used to this.

I have to poop currently, and am considering pooping in the car. But that's gonna be more mess than I might feel like cleaning. The pee evidence seems to disappear on its own but poo doesn't! Too much trouble for me unless it felt really solid... but if a girl said she wanted to poop in there then I'd encourage it instead.

I guess I could consider peeing in my currently driven car too? It is a cheaper car in the first place than the one I'm peeing in now. This also has me thinking... how to get girls to use my car as a toilet. I'm thinking of signing up as an Uber driver and only operating during the common drinking hours. I don't even care about the money LOL. Picking up drunken women for a ride and if anyone has the telltale signs of "needing to go" then I could be "cool about it" and offer to pull down their pants and let it out. I could say it is "very easy to clean with my tools" and "it happens a lot so don't worry" just to make it seem okay and without giving away that I WANT them to do so. I could even carry toilet paper with me that I have "just in case", which could really seal the deal especially if they have to poop.

Speaking of poop, I kinda have to poop and I hate toilets. Should I go visit a neighbor's driveway, or drive to a parking deck etc? I'd love it if some stranger's car was unlocked... but I'd likely set off an alarm instead. Hey I don't steal anything, but I'd like to leave something behind instead! I don't have the balls to do that though, but it sure sounds fun.

Curious Cody

Toilets When Flying

Last week Keci and I were at the airport to pick up her mother who had been out of town. The flight was late in taking off and it had to do some circling of our airport to land. So the 9 a.m. landing got pushed back and farther back. Both Keci and I didn't have the time to use the bathroom at our apartment before taking on the morning traffic. During the drive I could see Keci had a crap that was aknockin' I offered to stop at a gas station but she said she was pretending she was back in high school and this one old witch of a teacher wouldn't excuse any student. At the airport I dropped her off at the first entrance and as I was circling through the parking garage I was envisioning her on the toilet blasting away.

She texted me the gate number from the toilet. As I got to the gate, I got another text from her saying she done a fill (full bowl) and then found there was no toilet paper. She was waiting for someone to take one of the adjacent toilets and give her some. Finally she came out and flashed me that look of satisfaction. Then it was my turn. She made a reference to my overbearing mother in reminding me to wipe the seat and wash my hands. I wanted to give her a loving insult, but there were a couple of very impressionable kids coloring near us. I had to wait 5 minutes for a toilet to open. While I was doing that there was a guy behind me in the line that was joking about sitting on an open urinal and doing it there. Another guy said he had seen that happen at a sports area. Once I was seated, I dropped my crap within a few seconds, followed by two wipes from the seat. Then the radical behind me got his turn.

Our wait was uneventful until Keci's mom's flight finally landed. We got a text from her to hurry downstairs and get her luggage. She said "I don't want my anus to raise my rent since the warehouse is full."
Keci explained her mom can pee but not poo on a flight. I know where Keci has gotten her openness about bodily functions.

Anna from Austria


Reply to Simmee

Until recently I have never experiecened Steel toilets in my life because there weren't any near me. But that changend. There is a big park in my hometome were I go often for Jogging. The old toilet Building there had normal toilets. But the tore it down and build a new toilet Building there this time was steel toilets. I did not notice that until Monday because due to Covid I have not visted the park quite often.

On Monday during my Workout I had to pee so went to the toilet Building and was schocked that the new one had steel toilets. At first I wanted to sit down because it all looked so new and clean and I did not want to soil the toilet when I do a squat pee. So I tried to sit down and it felt really Cold and uncofortable. Luckily i could finish my pee rather fast and leave.

I hope I never have to use the toilet in the park again. If even a quick pee was super uncofortable it would be unthinkable to spend a few minutes at such toilets when doing a poo. I hope I will never have to go their for my number 2.

That's it for today

Greetings from Austria



Welcome to Our Home, Stomach Virus

Be careful what you wish for! Recently, I wrote that I did not have anything interesting to write about. Well, yesterday it happened. Our kids are back in school full time, which means exposure to all those illnesses. You would think that with masks, hand sanitizer and extra opportunities for handwashing that we would come out unscathed. No. Not this time!

Our Zoe came home sick yesterday. She's the petite, athletic red-haired daughter in middle school. As soon as I saw her, I knew she did not feel good. She told me that some other classmates had the virus and had been out all week. She told me that they had both vomiting and diarrhea.

Zoe is really brave and independent, so she doesn't get upset when she's sick. She went to the toilet and vomited twice, the second time being a very productive vomiting spell. Then the diarrhea started. She told me that she had never pooped so much at one time in her life after her first bout. She said the second was just about as much. Before bedtime I went to one of the competing pharmacies to pick up some Depends in different sizes just in case.

It was a good move because during the middle of the night Zoe woke up in the night and before she could get to the toilet she exploded in her Depend. I heard her start the shower and so I bagged up the trash. Poor Zoe. She handled everything like a trooper. She hasn't thrown up again, but she has been to the toilet twice with diarrhea, but insists on continuing to eat some bland food and drink Pedialyte.

I will keep you updated. I told Alan that if I get the virus I will be sure to let him watch me have diarrhea with a dress draped over the toilet!

At the same time, I don't want to get sick!




Hey Iris

Iris: I didn't know you had pee shyness. Luckily for me, I can pee in the stall with an audience just fine. By any chance if you read the post I wrote earlier today, I ment to say that the Walmart bathroom was dirty not the one at the Japanese place I ate at in Austin. I've not done a yucky poop in Austin in a while, so it felt extra good. I also love doing my bodily functions. Pooping is my most favorite. If I could go like a bird and excrete both 1 and 2 from the same hole, that would be doubly awesome. Must get to the bathroom to monitor the bathtub and brush teeth, bye.


Reply to Tiana and a Mommy poop story

OMG I love your story!
My mum and I spent many times in the bathroom together while one of us was on the toilet pooping and peeing. We are both pretty noisy when pooping she tends to be more gloppy than me. She used to come in and sit down in a hurry when I was in the tub when I was little. The toilet is right next to the tub so I was really close to her butt when she was unloading.
I know I've said it before, but she loved her big messy, smelly, noisy shits, and so did I!
She would close her eyes lightly with a smile on he face as she savored the feelings in her butt and enjoyed the sounds and smells of a much needed dump.
I do remember one time when she had a more solid dump. She sat down while I was in the tub. She let out a bassey fart that echoed in the toilet, followed by a sigh of relief. She normally sat back on the seat and you couldn't see her poop come out but this time she was leaning forward a bit because of a ???? ache. I saw her anus slowly dome out as a large log began to emerge. She relaxed and pushed in stints. It was knobby and made crackly noises as gas escaped around it. After about 2 minutes the piece broke off and plopped in the toilet. I saw splashes come up and wet her ass. Her anus was still wide open so I knew there was more in there. It kind of gaped open as the new piece inched out and she began to grunt.
She said "Oh sweetheart I don't like this poop!"
This was unusual so It made me kind of fearful as a little girl that Momma wasn't easy about this poop like she usually was.
I asked, "Why Momma?" She said " because It really hurts momma's butt hole. It's so big and it doesn't feel good like our poops usually do.".
Not knowing what else I could do, I said" Please come out poop! Stop hurting my Momma! You're too big!"
She began laughing and leaned over tub to hug me. I watched as her butt leaned over on the toilet with her log now sticking out about 4 inches and just hanging from her poor stretched anus.
She hugged me and leaned back up straight on the toilet as her turd suddenly went from knobby to smooth and soft. It sped up as it slithered out, followed by a very loud belch of gas and some of her more normal poop spray. I saw her spray the bowl as it happened and to this day I just find that so satisfying! I shouted "Yay! Momma's poop is back!". By this time I was ready to get out and dry. I got out of the tub and wrapped myself in a towel to begin drying. Then I came and stood between her legs, and I hugged here as she sprayed out some more poop before being done.
It was very smelly, but I still love messy, noisy, smelly shits because of my Mum! Give me some Mexican food and I can mess up a toilet just as much as she does! When we eat it together, we both look forward to seeing the toilet soon!


update and comments

To Catherine: i have liked reading ur stories recently. Funny story about your old boyfriend u dumped, pun intended cuz of his obsession with ur bowel movements. I see now you are more regular and a soft type 4 pooer.
To Jry: Nice update and post. Abbie is also my fave poster, her stories are always so enjoyable to read but like you said as much as she is fun to read I also feel sorry for how hard and difficult her poo is. It sounds a real issue every time she goes.

A lil update bout me, i am no longer constipated and back to usual every other day pooin, but i must express I feel very jealous of the size of loads guys and gals can produce on this site. my poo is never as big, but now is soft and easy again i have recently had fun puttin my feet up in a higher position, not pushing and just lettin the poo come out on its own. I enjoy bending forward slightly lookin down and watching the poo slither out. Anyone else do this?


Accident walking home from town

I was walking around today today and I really had to poo so bad but I didn't want to go in a public toilet. I thought I could wait until I got home but I didn't have enough money for the bus fare so I'm had a to walk. I could feel the pressure in my bowels iincreasing by the minute and I knew I wasn't going to make it home in time. I thought about doing it in some bushes but there weren't any around and even a there was I was scared someone might see me so I tried to hold it. I got about half way home when I felt a cramp in my stomach and an overwhelming urge to push that I couldn't ignore. I just had to go so bad and I found myself doing it in my knickers. I was so embarrassed but the relief was so good I didn't care any more. I'm not sure if anyone knew I was pooing myself and it felt so good especially after holding it all morning.
When I got home the flat was empty so no one knew what I'd done and I got cleaned up and showered and disposed of my soiled knickers so there was no evidence of my accident when my flatmate Sarah got back in front work.


My first time using a doorless stall

First, I will explain a bit of context to this terrible toilet tale.

All of the boys restrooms in my middle school were multi-use and had no doors on the stall partitions, and within the locker room bathroom was a stall-less toilet in full view next to two urinals, which was even less desirable a choice. All of the boys' restrooms in that school had no doors separating the room from the hallway, leaving the only private and secure places a male can theoretically crap being the nurses office and the two locked/off limits single-occupant faculty toilets. This lack of closed doors on the entrances and doors covering the fronts of the stalls was supposedly to prevent smoking and lewd behavior by students, which were terrible reasons not to have at least some modicum of privacy.

There were roughly 300 boys at that school, so the school nurse's bathroom got a LOT of use until the nurse stopped giving permission to those who weren't sick. There were complaints by both students and parents about the lack of stall doors after a few students were bullied for having to poop in the open stalls. Instead of adding stall doors to the boys' rooms as needed, the principal instead restricted access to the nurses' bathroom afterward, requiring the nurses' permission and her key to unlock it, not really solving the problem of no guaranteed private place to crap at school of any kind during an emergency. At a school meeting in the gym, the bitch even told all the male students to "grin and bear it".

On a given winter day, I unfortunately had a bout of the flu and/or food poisoning from some terrible spaghetti dinner my grandmother cooked the night before(the same type that caused me problems years later when I was forced to explode in a half stall in a crowded restroom at another school). The 3-minute breaks between classes resulted in the students making a lot of noise in the hallways from conversation and movement that drowned out any bathroom noises from being heard in the halls, but three minutes is not enough time to defecate and wipe nor is it desirable to crap with your pants down exposed to a crowded restroom that always fills up each break, with most or all of the toilets being used at the same time by someone for urination.

I got a hall pass from my P.E. teacher, dreading the task at hand.

I first tried to make use of the private single-occupant restroom in the nurses' office, but it was locked. The nurse was not around, and I had no more time to lose. The locker room was already filling with students due to gym class about to finish up, and I didn't want to poop fully exposed in front of 30+ students. I started walking back to the locker room, resolving to hold it. I didn't make it to the locker room.

The meltdown was seconds away and I couldn't wait anymore, and I ran to the nearest boys' room clenching my butt cheeks together with my hands, while feeling a significant amount squirt into my underwear.

For the restroom I chose, anyone standing outside when breaks were not in session could hear everything going on inside because the halls were quiet and the restroom had no outside door, just a partial wall blocking view of three of the five urinals. Two of the five urinals were in view from the outside hallway to anyone walking by. One could hear a kid quietly peeing into a urinal from 10+ feet away from the door while walking by, if it wasn't during break and the hallways were quiet. None of the doorless stalls were visible from the outside hallway, fortunately. But, everything can certainly be heard from this echo chamber of a room.

I didn't have the luxury of checking for other occupants or TP, because I was seconds away from exploding diarrhea shit everywhere. I barreled into the furthest stall at the end of the room, and planted my ass down onto the porcelain. A side partition kept me from view of those who may be entering the restroom, but not from the view of any who may be looking into the mirror by the sinks.

I sat there, dropping sticky, stinky, wet brown Bettys for the duration I was seated with my discolored briefs around my ankles. It wasn't going to be long before the bell rang and the room filled up. I tried to hurry. I was also prepared with the almighty Hall Pass in case a teacher or other faculty walked in on me. I heard footsteps and a bucket rolling, but thought nothing of it, and continued to blast away. I continued to sporadically blast away for another 3-5 minutes or so.

Toilet tissue was present, thankfully, but due to lack of use, the toilet paper roll made very audible squeaking noises as I rolled it. My briefs had about 1/2 ounce of brown and orange liquid shit in them as they sat in my pants pulled to the floor around my ankles, and I cleaned them as best as I could, to no avail. I considered them a loss, but I had no spare pair on my person, and knew that my grandmother would not accept me throwing them away given her lack of money, so I decided not to remove them. I then wiped off from my butt a sticky layer of slime that looked like festering vomit, pulled up my pants, and assessed the damage.

The toilet was loaded with what looked like a frothy brownish-green swamp mud, with bright orange chunks dispersed within it. The smell was overpowering, almost intoxicating in its pungency, distinguishing itself as a vile mixture of rotting broccoli, baby food, orange-scented disinfectant, rancid deep-fryer oil, and cheap dog food. The odor very obviously wasn't present before I entered it.

I flushed, got out of the stall, glad to be at least successful in being visually unobserved by another person while machine-gun pooping diarrhea in a panic. That was a mild anxiety-inducing experience in and of itself, but I was still successful in not being seen by anyone...

...or so I thought.

A skinny black female janitor in her early 30s was standing in the at the entrance on my way out of the doorless stall.

I washed my hands and as the janitor asked me "Are you feeling okay?", but I didn't answer. She knew what I did...

The bell rang a few seconds after I left, before I could even get the hall pass back to my P.E. teacher. I get her the hall pass before I made it into Honors Literature, late. In class, a classmate at the other end of the room said "It smells like buffalo chips in here." A bunch of other students laughed, some held their noses, but I was never identified as the source.

A shower and a new change of clothes got me feeling better once I got home, aside from my grandmother examining my dirty underwear, saying to my aunt that I was "too lazy" to wipe my "own ass." She really had no idea of my plight that day...


Reply to Mina

Right now I am sitting on my favourite public toilet relaxing in the hope of doing a poo . I note Mina referred to farmers using human waste as fertiliser. I understand it is a very good fertiliser , however, it carries some serious bacteria and diseases so it is no wonder that it is now not allowed. The next storey is about the female truck driver who lost her job because of doing a diarrhoea outside in the view of another person who complained. This is if considerable interest because I have never done a poo under such urgency where there is no alternative. Have you had to take an u scheduled dump in public???? Now back to why I am here . Just did a big poo!


Re: Simmee, Steel Toilets

I've used these sorts of toilets before. You're referring to the kind with no seat I assume. The only locations I've ever used them were public parks, and more often than not the toilet would be without a stall around it or in a doorless stall in a room with multi-user access. It's hard to say whether the emotional discomfort from the lack of privacy or the physical discomfort provided by the lack of a seat is worse. I take long bike rides, eat lunch at convenient locations(such as parks), and sometimes my innards signal it's go time immediately after. Given how large my deposits tend to be, I don't delay, and oft times I have no real choice in the matter. The consequence to eating like a horse is being forced to poop like one too, and my skinny 135 lb frame can only hold so much...

The most physically uncomfortable incident involved using one in a city park with an open-ceiling Men's room, adjacent to a similar Womens' room. There was a doorless entrance with a wall to block those outside from seeing in, but inside was a urinal, sink, and toilet all exposed, with nothing to contain any sounds. It was as close as one could get to pooping outdoors without actually pooping outdoors. I've used this restroom to poop twice, both during emergencies, and the second of those times it was 100+ degrees outside. The toilet seat didn't feel as hot as a stove burner, but it was certainly uncomfortable to sit on. It helped that the toilet was in the shade provided by the restroom's wall. I have another story involving the use of this toilet where I got walked in on by an on-duty cop, had nothing to wipe with, and had him hand me some toilet paper from the adjacent Womens' room, as I sat there all exposed.

I've also used steel toilets in doorless stalls at 4 different parks. Once I sat on a seatless steel toilet that was sufficiently cold that it felt wet. It wasn't really wet(I wiped it down first), but it felt like I was sitting in some strangers' urine. It was not a pleasant feeling, but I had to go pretty badly that particular time, and got walked in on and seen by multiple people as I pooped.

The most emotionally uncomfortable use of a seatless steel toilet occurred due to factors outside of anything intrinsic to the toilet being steel and seatless. In summation, some creepy pervert came in and propositioned me as I was taking one of the biggest dumps of my life. That was probably one of my worst restroom experiences ever(I have many bad experiences), but I'll tell that story another time.

Do you know where seatless steel toilets are most commonly found? Prisons.


Hi Shannon!

Shannon: I'm so happy that the Depends helped contain your accident while shopping. Until you figure out what's going on, I'm glad you have something to fall back on that will help you with your confidence. I've read that incontinence can lead to social anxiety and depression and those suffering from it tend to isolate themselves. It does not sound like that's true for you, but I really worry about you!

Prayers and well wishes as you work with your physicians for a path forward! All the best!




Austin Poop

Today I went poop at an Austin Walmart. Before this, I pooped a sludge consistency at home earlier. The bathroom at the store seemed big with a couple of sinks which were automatic just like the toilets. I had stinky sludge poo in this bathroom. We then went to a Japanese restaurant in that same city in which the shef did a trick with fire, etc. When Mom went to the bathroom there, she said it was dirty. I don't really know much about that bathroom, other than it didn't seem as big as the Walmart one along with the above condition. Instead of my usual favorite DVD, I brought a dog film with me I'd had for almost 6 months. However, since the ending is inconclusive, I decided I'd had enough of it after coming home, and distroyed it. Just imagine how disappointing it'd be if a toilet film left you in suspense like that. If this story was about toilets for instance, I'd have the conclusion on the same film so that watching one disk would complete the story. That is, let's say both halves of the toilet documentary were the same lengths (around 54 minutes) then they wouldn't necessarily need to be split in 2 parts. I'm sure the lengths of both parts of the dog documentary were the same, so the guess is the producers just decided to split it. Stranger still, it seems part 2 is a whole different show as it wasn't in the same case. If I filmed about toilets and split it, I'd at least put parts 1 and 2 in together. I once heard the history of toilets on the internet, so maybe a DVD about them is out there. At least what I heard about toilets was a full episode rather than having 2 parts which of course, made it easy to enjoy. Mom might find that strange if a toilet documentary exists, but I'd play it in private anyway. Bye.


Shout Outs!

Victoria B: I hope that you are well and miss hearing from you!

Trina: I hope that you are well! I do miss hearing from you. Please write soon! I love my fellow SPAS!!!

Carlie B: Please write soon. I hope that you are enjoying some huge logs!

Sarah E: I hope that all is going well for you! Please write soon!

Love to all!



For Shannon

I know what you are saying about just peeing yourself when you already wear diapers. I was in the same boat. I had to participate in hours long phone meetings, and it was hard to hold it. After some accidents I made sure I was always diapered. But then there was no reason why to struggle anymore and I often ended up wet and sometimes more.

It was just more convenient. No shame in that, I was unable to leave and would not be able to hold it anyhow. Just do what you have to do


To Shannon

I wear incontinence disposable undies and find they are a life saver !! It is better than having soggy cotton undies and have to scrub the crotch due to me being the king of skid marks . I have a leaky bladder and also , sometimes, have trouble wiping my bottom, hence skid marks . Also I tend to get skid marks when constipated which is often . Years ago I would have been horrified and disgusted at what had become of me, yet life goes on . I do not engage in certain activities that involve dressing rooms or changing in front of other people and I am careful about staying over at other peoples houses. Due to my medical condition the government pays for my undies , which as opposed to entitlement, I am grateful for. It is interesting how one adapts to circumstance!

Thursday, May 06, 2021


Answers and thank-yous

Hi everyone, it's me again. I want to give a quick thank you to everyone who answered my question about pee shyness. I didn't expect much of a response but you guys surprised me. You're awesome.

Thunder - Thank you for your reply, I understand that I am being shy over nothing and it's something that is completely natural, everyone does it. I guess I enjoy my bodily functions? I mean they feel nice but it's not something I have given much thought.

SquatSpotter - Thank you for your suggestions, I agree that they will help keep the noise down but I think I would find it even more difficult to pee into a cup or similar.

Taylor - I will try not to fret about it. I would have thought Others peeing next to me would actually help because they are doing the same thing and masking my sound but it appears to be the opposite.

Rosalynne - Thank you!! Your story about Bethany has helped me a lot. I hate asking to go to the bathroom so I never do it, I'll try and talk to someone and see if I can get a pass that excuses me. I never thought about putting some toilet paper in the bowl to hide the sound, I assume it's just placed at the bottom of the bowl, sat on top of the water?

As to what has caused my pee shyness, I think it comes from when I was much younger. I hated people knowing I needed the bathroom so I would hold it, and if my parents asked if I needed to go I'd say I didn't. This resulted in frequent accents until I moved to secondary school, and a lot of bullying. The side effect of this was when I DID use a bathroom, students would sort of congratulate me in a really patronizing way, it put me off using them altogether.

I would be able to use a single bathroom at a gas station if nobody was waiting outside and I think I would manage to use a portable loo because all the noise would hide everything. I've been at this school for nearly 5 years and I've never crapped here once, I always go at home. Public places I cannot do it unless I'm alone, just like my pee shyness.

Thank you so much for such a helpful answer, I cannot possibly say how much that short story about Bethany has helped me. I will keep you updated.

Much love,


Steel Toilets

My friend Jaylynn, who attends the same community college with me, and I both like to bike. There's a series of trails in our city where each ranges from beginners to advanced and both she and I like to challenge ourselves on the more demanding ride.

Since I've had a problem with re-occurring bladder infections, I remain under doctor's orders to double my fluid intake every day. Cranberry juice is basic as is the usual morning coffee and luncheon soda. Jaylynn jokes that my need to piss has at least doubled, perhaps even tripled. And then there is 3 or 4 water bottles.

Because of my need to hydrate, I have to piss every 45 minutes or hour. That means a pit stop for us. For some reason, Jaylynn thinks it is because there's been more vandalism of the toilet rooms located about a mile apart, and some federal money available, the normal porcelain toilets have been removed. They are replaced in several of the locations by totally steel units. They are 50% less comfortable to sit on. I've seen movies where toilets like this are used in prison cells.

A couple of times when it has been over 90 degrees out, the seats are as hot as "low" on the burners on our stove. And on a colder day over Christmas break, the steel is freezing. When I was taking a shit beck in February, Jaylynn kept warning me to hurry up because my butt might stick to the steel. That is easy for her to say because in all the years I've known her I don't ever think I've seen her seated on a toilet anywhere for longer than 30 seconds. Sorry Chick, I don't have that talent.

The non-normal toilets cause me problems. Overall I feel better without the severe bladder infections of the past, but the need to piss every hour is a problem.

Anyone else out there who has been victimized by uncomfortable toilets? What has your experience been like?


A friendly question

Amber: how old is your little sister? I mean, I imagined her as a kid, but maybe I'm wrong :) I sometimes do poops that are more than a foot long. Those feel great when they're done because I get that super relaxed, cleaned-out feeling. I get frustrated when I can't poop very much.
Lavah: it would be nice to have a friend that close, that we even felt comfortable helping each other in the bathroom! Yeah, pizza apparently causes constipation because of All. The. Cheese!
Laura: I don't know how often you read this forum, but I loved your story about your daughter's friend Sarah! I also am a chubby sixteen-year-old girl. I do enjoy hearing the plops, too! And I wouldn't mind if someone enjoyed hearing me do it as long as they were nice about it.
Annie: this is late, but to tell the truth, you've experienced one of my main fears in public bathrooms! Don't worry, I wouldn't laugh at you.
Mina: it's especially awesome to have a friend here from Japan! I'd love to hear more of your stories. Poop stories are the best if they're also friendship stories!
To close, a friendly question for all of you: well, sometimes I do really big poops and then they aren't even tapered at the ends. I think I inherited this from my dad. Do you think this means he and I have bigger than average anuses? If so, is there anyone else here who has the same thing going on? No shame, we all poop and all of our poop stinks!
Hugs and sweet wishes,


Re: Jry

Thank you for sharing that experience. Sounds awkward. I have a similar story from when I stopped at a rest stop off an interstate highway. A long bout of driving also made me constipated, as I'd been eating nothing but restaurant food and hadn't defecated in 24 hours. I'm used to eating a very high fiber diet and normally make 3-4 large BMs a day, and I felt bloated and weighed down as a result of not going.

As I passed a sign notifying me of a truck stop ahead in 2 miles, the turtle's head immediately started poking in anticipation of release. I pulled into the rest stop at the exit.

I waddle to the restroom as this cleaning lady is in the way mopping the hall. She was this old lady that resembled Tom Anderson's wife off of Beavis and Butthead. The interruption cost me a few precious seconds that caused me to wince in pain. Each footstep threatened to ruin my underwear. I finally made it into the Mens' room to find that it is crowded. Not only is it crowded, but it was an atypical accommodation. The stalls were only about waist tall and I could see a burly trucker dude from the torso up as he was sitting in a cubicle. The urinals, sinks and mirror were directly in front of the toilet cubicles, and I could see this trucker in the mirror from the torso up.

I was already not very fond of using public restrooms simply for the fact that at the time, I looked like a 15 year old kid and I had some negative experiences with pedo-creeps trying to check me out in them(I was 23 in age). The compromised privacy of those short stalls only made things worse.

I had a choice to make. The turtle's head was poking out and my anus was dilated. I probably could have held it for a 10-15 more minutes, but I knew it would be foolish. I very much wanted to avoid having to take an emergency stop at the side of the highway with my pants down and cars passing by, and saw that as a potentially worse alternative, and certainly didn't want to soil myself.

I took a seat and shut the tiny little excuse for a door and dropped my pants to my ankles. As I sat there making rude noises, me and the 5 or so other dudes in the bathroom could see each other in the mirror as they were washing their hands. It was awkward. The trucker dude using the cubicle was wiping and quickly finished up.

Two college-aged white dudes walked in and went to the urinals in front of me and one commented "That kid looks like Harry Potter." I was farting up a storm as a turd was slowly snaking its way out of my lower orafice, centimeter by centiimeter, push by push, and then the other white dude commented, "That dude stinks." The other commented back "Man, I couldn't do it. I'm not that brave." As they were finishing up at the urinals one commented "Poor kid must have really had to go." All I could do was try to avert my gaze and pretend they didn't exist as I loudly continued to void my bowels. They neglected to even wash their hands, probably wanting to get out ASAP and not have to look at me through the mirror. I now had the place to myself, or so I thought...

As the rock solid and compressed morass is mid-way out, I hear footsteps entering the room and a ladies' voice: "Housekeeping."

I announce "I'm in here!" right as I see the old cleaning lady I saw earlier walk in. We see each other through the mirror and she immediately turns around, saying "Oh dear! I was told this room was empty." as she left more quickly than she entered.

The restroom had no actual door to the outside, just a wall for visual privacy that forces one to zig-zag to enter, so anyone waiting outside could probably hear everything. I heard what sounded like sweeping by the entrance. I sit there pushing for another minute or so, farting up a storm, the sounds echoing around the room as the large morass forcibly spread my butt cheeks apart and smeared itself all over them as it slowly and somewhat painfully slid out. I heard what sounded like a trash bag rustling outside and then a spray bottle being used. It took a lot of effort to push the last of it out, and a loud fart accompanied each push. The turd finally hit the water with a loud *BLOOSH*.

It was an awkward next 5 minutes as I sat there wiping up a mess. I kept wiping, and wiping, never seeming to get clean. It was like trying to get peanut butter smeared into carpet cleaned off with nothing but toilet paper. I noticed that it was now quiet outside as I kept wiping. Then I heard the cleaning lady knock on the wall and ask from outside "Are you about done in there?" as I was rolling more toilet paper, trying to finish. I responded: "I'm almost done."

I eventually finished and then flushed. To make matters worse, I ended up clogging the toilet. The massive solid poop was too large to go down, even though the commode was one of those high-suction industrial models that could swallow a small child, and even though it managed to suck down most of the toilet paper. It plugged the drain hole, stretching all the way to the edge of the toilet bowl. I washed my hands and left the stall as the commode was spilling water and who knows what else all over the floor. She was waiting by the entryway as I awkwardly let her know the toilet was clogged as I left the restroom.

I drove off. I don't envy her job in the least.


Benefit to farmer

I forgot to write Hisae's saying in post of high drama. So now I write. Sunday, Hisae said with growl, "Why you forget?" I wanted to say "Chae you also forget" because she watching me when I write, she didn't pinch my bottom this time although she always pinched before.

But I didn't say. I didn't want to say. Her eyes were twinkle even she was growling. So I showed sorry face to her. Then I turned round and pulled down panties and bent down. So she spanked. I shouted "Aaaaah" but it was sham, because spank was not painful. I heard little noise behind me, so I turned a bit, then Kazuko spanked. Then Maho spanked! So I said "Aaaah" three time, but they were sham all of them. I like spank from my friends, so I am happy, they always spank both cheeks same time it is even better! (I learn "cheeks" on this site, thank you toiletstool for new vocabulary for me.)

Now I tell you Hisae's saying. She is from very countryside, more countryside than me. In place where her family live, many farmers. So she said, "why farmer is so angry? Human turds is very good fertiliser for farmer's crop. Instead of angry, he should pick up and mix with earth in cucumber bed."

It is very true. I remember story which my college friend Yuuki told me, about her mother, in very south of Japan where no big cities are. Yuuki said, when her mother was little girl, in her small village, at corner of one field farmers dug 2 pits with fence in between, one for girls and one for boys, and little children, under age 9 she said, when it was good weather and no school, instead of doing motion in toilet, they should do in pit, then farmer can mix with earth. Pits were not so deep, about 30 centimetres. So children didn't scared.

Yuuki's mother and her friends liked to go to pit together. They squat in line, two girls face to each other. Pit was long so enough space for six children. Then they did their motion. Boys were other side, and they did, but boys were quick because liked to play football so they didn't want to stay long time. Boys talked a bit with doing their motion but girls talked a lot, so they stayed long time and talked and talked and talked, and because they squat long time, intestine gets feeling and more motion come out. And more and more.

I understand that feeling!!!

Farmers said, girls more useful than boys in morning, but later in day, girls' pit empty but boys' one had something, so equal, only timing different.

After age 9, children prohibited to do that. Maybe "healthy shame" like Catherine said. Actually when they were little, boys sometimes looked over fence, and girls too, but never laugh, because feeling of doing something for farmers was strong very much. So they said over fence, "are you doing well?" something like that.

Yuuki said, now those pits are not there. Custom stopped.

Kazuko said, never she tell that story to her mother. Her mother go through roof and fly in sky. (Her mother is city woman, but her grandmother born in countryside.) Kazuko is now recover completely. Today it is good weather so we dry futon and go back to routine. This week I sleep in beige flat with Chae. But tomorrow is last public holiday, we call "Golden Week", so we have breakfast together in beige flat and then all use beige loo maybe, this morning Maho didn't do motions so tomorrow she will do, she says.

I hope everybody is happy and no corona, and find way to live good life until we are all vaccine and have freedom time again. And enjoy comfy time on loo, do lots motions and feel good.

OK, I stop to write. "Chae, you can pinch my bottom now because I finish." So she pinches, and Maho and Kazu also pinch. I like pinch!! My 3 crushes say I am their lovely (???) baby.

Love to everyone.

Your very own Mina and 3 crushes


I hate urinal troughs

About 15 years ago I was at a state park/campground.

During a morning hike, I had to take a poop. I stayed overnight and did not take my evening poop, and really had to go. I drink a lot of water and go through a gallon a day, so I'm usually peeing every hour or two, in addition to eating like a horse and having 3-4 BMs a day. So no evening poop means an emergency th next morning. I was about to dig a hole in the woods and go outdoors when I found a single seater outhouse on the trail. I latched the door, dropped my pants all the way down, and took my seat as the door covered everything but my feet/pants/ankles, and had a softball-sized cutout at eye-level as I sat for light.

It was a lot of matter and was coming out slowly. 3-5 minutes passed. I could see through the cutout in the door while I sat as a family with a late 20-something husband, 30-something wife, and three kids roughly between ages 5 and 8 formed a line about 10 feet away from the door. More minutes passed as they waited patiently for me to finish up and avail the facility for their use.

My offerings finally started to drop out and made a soft but audible *plat plat* noise in the dirt 30+ feet below me, interspersed with some muffled flatulence. It made the kids laugh hysterically as they ran a running commentary on the noise and began imitating it. The kids were trying to get a glimpse of me through the hole in the door. One of them said, giggling, "A boy's in there pooping!" They probably didn't see much, but could clearly tell I was young-ish and a male by what they saw of my face. The wife/mother told them: "Be respectful. You're here to do the same thing. Do you want everyone to laugh at you?"

I realized there was no toilet paper and asked for some. The wife was kind enough to come over and hand me two packets with wet wipes in them from under the door. I thanked her, and wiped. They did the job well and the cleanup occurred in less than 30 seconds. It was mildly awkward to exit and let everyone see who I was after they'd heard the sound of my turds dropping in the pit below, the muffled farting, witnessed me ask for wiping material, all while seeing my pants and underware at my shoes with my ankles bare, but in truth it was little different than using a stall in a public restroom with others in the room, something I'd done perhaps thousands of times by that point.

After I exited, she also provided me a blob of hand sanitizer as their oldest boy of about 8 entered the outhouse and shut the door. I thanked her as I saw his shoes hanging above the ground in my peripheral vision as he was sitting there. The other two kids, a boy and a girl who both looked about 5 or 6, were giggling at him. I heard their mother scold them "It's not funny. You do the same thing." As I was walking away, I heard a comment about this being the "best bathroom" here to take a poop. Thus far during my stay here, this was the only bathroom I'd used, other than the outdoors to pee.

I ate lunch a few hours later.

The need to do both #1 and #2 materialized at the same time soon after. My need to pee was very urgent, as I was about to burst, but my need to poop was not and I assessed that if it must, it could likely wait until I was scheduled to get home since I'd already pooped that morning.

I decided I'd let the restroom environment dictate my course of action. I'd never been in the main restroom building and was about to see what made the single-seater outhouse the preferred choice for that family.

I proceeded to the restroom building and was greeted with the site of a urinal trough and two open vault toilets, with some old, bald, fat, bearded white man sitting on one of the toilets, the one nearest to the trough. He was looking forward, seemingly minding his own business, and I pretended he wasn't there.

I decided I'd do #1, but #2 was out of the question, being that I prefer not sitting on the toilet in view of others, and was not too enthusiastic about doing so in the open mere inches from another person. I could feel the turd knocking on my back door, but it was not an emergency or anything that couldn't wait at least another another hour or three. My poop at the outhouse earlier that morning was enough awkwardness, and this would have been on a whole new level.

I was anxious. I never did like peeing in front of other people either, and this place offered me zero privacy. If someone walked in, they'd get a full side profile view of what I was doing. I whipped it out and started letting out a strong stream, doing my best to ignore the man sitting on the toilet.


The relief was immense. I'd probably drank about 2 liters of water by that time that day and had only urinated once in the morning, during the hike, and didn't need to when I used the outhouse.

About 30 seconds into it, I noticed the man on the toilet was making not a sound. No farts, no grunting, nothing. I stared straight forward and tried to ignore the blurry image of him in my peripheral vision as I continued urinating. Some 30 seconds later, piss still streaming out, he then spoke:

"Damn kiddo! I bet your dick gets HARD. Do you mind if I come over and rub it for you?"

I looked over to my right to see this creeper who is sitting on the toilet staring directly at my midsection with his hand massaging his crotch, while I'm awkwardly standing there with my right hand on my genital member with a warm liquid forcefully streaming out of it.

I stopped the flow and accidentally got piss splashed on my hands in my rush to zip up and got the hell out of there. I also saw that the man was visibly pleasuring himself, of which I'll spare the gory details. It is one of the few times in my life I remember deliberately not washing my hands after using a public restroom. It is probably for the best that I decided not to poop there. Had I not used the outhouse that morning, I'd likely have had no choice.

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