

Natalie's Story

This happened to my wife Natalie several years back just before we became engaged. We spent a week at her parents' house in Connecticut with her sister's family. The visit was pleasant, and everything went well until the morning of our departure for Boston. I went up to her bedroom to retrieve her belongings for the car. Her parents were traditional, so we stayed in separate rooms. I knocked on her bedroom door and she invited me in quietly to join her while she got dressed.

After a few minutes together, I began to sense that something wasn't quite right. Natalie had a stressed look, like somebody drained the energy out of her. "Honey are you ok?", I asked. She paused for a bit before answering, and seemed a little embarrassed. "You know how my Mom's cooking often affects me? Well, I've been bound up for most of the week and yesterday was a particularly bad day. So, last night I took a stimulant laxative that I found in the bathroom, figuring that I'd get relief before our trip home today. I woke up with a sudden urge early this morning and had to make a desperate run for the bathroom. I thought I was going to have an accident, but when I got to the toilet, I wasn't able to go. I felt the need and my ???? felt bloated, but I couldn't do anything. The feeling hit me again about an hour ago, and this time I was able to do something, but not nearly enough. I still feel bloated and full and terrified that this might hit me again during our drive home."

I held her again and tried to offer some comfort. I assured her that there were plenty of rest stops and that we could always pull to the side of the road if her needs developed suddenly. She gave me a tight squeeze. I went on to tell her that we would be totally alone and that it wouldn't be the end of the world if she needed to have an accident. I assured her again that I loved her and that I would not be bothered if this happened. She squeezed me again and told me how much she loved me.

We had a nice farewell breakfast and Natalie showed no signs of her predicament in front of her family. We gathered our final belongings and climbed into the car for our trip home. Earlier, after what Natalie had said, I moved an old blanket to a spot directly behind our seats, just in case.

I felt a sense of relief as we pulled out of the driveway. I feared that Natalie might postpone our leave until her situation cleared, and selfish as it was, my needs to be alone with her were through the roof. She seemed relaxed as we began our drive, and by the time we reached the thruway she was asleep. I couldn't help thinking about things as I drove, and I had the worst desire to ask her how she was feeling, but waking her up would have been really inconsiderate. Besides, leaving her asleep would provide her the best chance of making it home without incident. Reflecting back now, however, I probably should have let her know as we approached each rest stop.

About a half-hour from reaching home, I started thinking that our ride was going to be uneventful. But then she woke up. "Where are we?", she asked. I told her that we were less than 30 minutes from home and asked how she was doing. "I'm starting to get a funny feeling in my ???? again. Is there a rest stop nearby?" I told her that we passed one about 10 miles back but that another should be coming up soon. She didn't respond. We drove another 5 miles and she began looking uncomfortable and I heard her insides do a loud gurgle. Then we saw the sign: "Rest Stop 3 Miles Ahead". She asked, "Can you drive a little faster? I'm starting to have cramps."

I drove as fast as I could without going too far beyond the speed limit. When I pulled into the rest area, she asked me to drive her up to the door. By then she had removed her seatbelt and had her purse in hand. I heard another growl as she jumped out of the car. She walked toward the door in obvious discomfort and disappeared inside.

After 20 minutes I began to wonder if she was in trouble and needed help. However, just as I got out of the car, I saw her walking back toward me. The look on her face confirmed my suspicions. I walked to meet her, gave her a hug, and told her it will all be ok. But she hadn't had an accident after all. In fact, it was a repeat situation from before. After much struggling, she was able to pass a stool, but it was hard and painful, and gave her very little relief. I was now becoming worried, and I knew she was too. We sat in the car and talked for a few minutes.

She then asked me, "Do you know anything about suppositories?" I told her that I had used the glycerin ones a couple of times in the past. "They are not supposed to stimulate, and don't normally cause cramps. Instead, they draw water into the intestinal tract to cause loosening." "Would you mind stopping on our way to buy some?", she asked. I told her that I saw a drug store on the other side of the complex we were in and that we might as well stop there now.

I drove over, and she stayed in the car while I went inside. I returned to find her suffering through another cramp. I showed her the little plastic container of white "bullets". "How long do these take?", she asked. I told her that I thought about 20 to 30 minutes but that it could vary. "Would you like to risk it and have me give you some now?" She said, "Yes. I'm miserable. We're almost home and I'm willing to take the chance of the unthinkable. I just want to get relief before it turns into a medical problem."

We left the store and eventually found a side street that offered total privacy. I parked the car and walked around to her side with the suppositories and some wet wipes. She lifted her skirt and slip, pulled down her shaper panties and pantyhose, and rolled onto her side. After my successfully inserting three "bullets", we regrouped and resumed our drive home. I also prompted her to drink a bottle of water to help her body hydrate.

Shortly after we returned to the highway, she asked me, "Is it normal to feel an urge this soon after taking suppositories?" I told her yes, but the real effect will take a while longer. "Hold on as long as you can to give them a chance to work." I could tell that she was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. "I should have just waited until we got home," she added.

A few minutes later she began shifting in her seat again and started fumbling with the zipper on the side of her skirt. She pulled the zipper down, removed her skirt, and pulled the old blanket onto the seat under her slip. I thought she was going to have an accident right then and there, but she managed to hang on. She remained deathly quiet for the next few miles, and I could sense the tension in her body increasing.

We were only a few miles from the house when she asked me again to please hurry. She said that she'd just had a little bit of an accident and was trying to hold back from having another. I told her that it was ok to let go in her pants and reminded her that it was just the two of us; no one else would ever know. She refused, however, to give in when she was so close to the toilet.

I opened the garage door, pulled in, and closed it again to keep our privacy. She stepped out of the car with an ultimate look of desperation. As she waddled carefully toward the door, she lifted her slip and grunted, "Oh God!"

When I got the door unlocked, she ran into the house and down the hallway clutching her behind. But she exploded before reaching the bathroom. When I caught up with her, she was sitting on the toilet, still in her panties, spurting diarrhea, and bawling her eyes out. I walked over and gave her some words of reassurance along with a tight hug. She held me back, really tight, and eventually stopped crying.

It took about 10 minutes for her insides to settle and for us to get her fully undressed and into the shower. After helping her with that, I took on the rest of the cleanup but there was no way to save any of her delicates. I was amazed at how much she had been holding inside her and incredibly thankful at knowing she would now be ok.


Toilet Schedule

I noted Steve A's comments etc. I use to be as regular as clockwork but now I can go for a few days with no, or minimal, results and then poo four times in one day . To control things and to stop my poo turning to rock I take osmotic laxatives. Also I deal with incontinence and wear disposable undies for the purpose. I have got use to and accept my situation and have long since given up on a cure but rather interested in day to day management.?

Michael W.

Dried Apricots (A remedy for Constipation?)

To Lavah, Abbie, Jasmin K and MJ all of your stories were awesome.
I enjoyed reading them.

To everyone else, I'm back with another story. This one takes place in December 2019 before the pandemic. Anyways, I had just got back on my insurance so that I can get back on my medication bcz I have Insomnia.
One of the side effects of this medication is constipation. So a week after I had started taking this little did I know I was constipated and did not know until after the third day without going. So I tried to have a long sit on the toilet for up to an hour like Jasmin K and I pushed and strained and squeezed my brains out while I was reading my book on the toilet and I even had my feet on the stepping stool. Sometimes I would put my book down and massage my belly and I also did some rocking back and forth and it was no use. After spending an hour on the toilet I gave up. I remember reading some old stories on this forum which was helpful to me. Punk Rock Girl said that she tried Dried Apricots and they worked for her. So I was like sure I'll give it a try. I went to Kroger and bought a small bowl of Dried Apricots.
When I went to work I ate them on my break and then almost an hour after eating them I started having gas. And I was farting like a machine gun. Like every 5 minutes I was letting them rip. And they were loud. Luckily not many people were on my shift. I felt some pressure coming to my back door and then I bolted to the bathroom. I locked the door and yanked my jeans and boxers down and sat on the toilet and let it all explode out of my butt. I sighed in relief and cupped my chin with my hand and relaxed. I dosed off but I didn't stop pooping. It just kept coming and coming. I was happy in the moment cuz it sucks when you can't go. When I looked at my phone I realized that I had been in the bathroom for almost 40 minutes. By then I was just letting out little squirts with some tiny farts. I was pushing them out too. Somebody knocked on the door and I said "Occupied!" And then I wiped my butt with toilet paper and pulled my pants and boxers back up and flushed and then I washed my hands and left the bathroom. Sara was asking where I was and I told her. She laughed and said she was gonna send a search party for me.

So there is my story. And my experience with Dried Apricots, I would have to say it was the best diarrhea I ever had. I'll share another story later, until then Happy Pooping Everyone.



To Abbie: as always nice story again. Sounds hard work! It is so bad to see you struggling to poo still, since you was doin so well with it.

The other day I didn't have a poo in 4 days. Then the urge came on, I just sat and let the turd come out on its own givin push to keep it goin It came out slowly and plopped down. When I wiped there blood on paper. Painful.

Accident prone

When was the last time you pooped your pants?

For me it was yesterday morning, I often hold it too long and it was busy putting off the need I was doing the dishes, desperately clenching my butt when my body forced a push and it messed myself while scrubbing. It didn't faze me to much as I have had literally hundreds of accidents in my life but I was dismayed to realize the sloppy mess was creeping down my legs. After I finished the dishes in started the clean up, I grabbed the baby woes we keep on hand for such incidences, kicked the rug out of the way and slid my pants off and started wiping in the kitchen. There is in a way and odd satisfaction in making such a mess while cleaning up another. I wiped out my underwear as best I could and threw them in the laundry, if I'm home alone I don't bother to try to make it to the toilet. Ive been doing that since my 20s when I realized that pooping my pants its actually stress relieving in a way.


Comments / Replies

Lots of great contributions to the board recently, thanks to all for taking the time to share.

@ Ms. Orthodontist - great set of stories. I really enjoyed the little details and well-thought out descriptions. The "stink lair" term is perfect. Your story about the movie theater is quite interesting, and it's definitely within the realm of possibility that your neighbor enjoyed your performance. I also agree that stinking up a large public restroom is among the least embarrassing places, and it can be quite satisfying. I have a few notable stories that might of interest. You also asked about how long people hold it. I tend to go every second or third day more recently, but never experience constipation. I pass mine quite easily and am done quickly, unless I decide to linger.

@ Catherine - Enjoy your time away. I agree with your sentiments that "bigger is better".

@ Asha the Weirdo - welcome and thank you for sharing both of those stories. Those were both fantastic. Looking forward to reading more from you.

@ Megan - Haha, yes. School trips seem to be occasions where these types of things to tend to happen. I think it's because people get thrown off of their schedule. I can recall three stories from those days where something similar happened to classmates of mine and once where it happened to me. I never saw the results of others as you did, but I do know one girl (9th grade at the time) took such a huge dump that her and her roommate got switched rooms, as the bathroom could not be fixed by the onsite team. As you mentioned, some of us boys thought it was hilarious and amazing.

@ Victoria - I relate to your incident of clogging the toilet at the grocery store. I've been in that "shituation" more than a few times. Sometimes I've had people waiting and other times I managed to escape, if you will. I empathize and sympathize with the emotional turmoil it causes you and I'm sorry you were so mistreated at times as a younger person in similar incidences.

@ Brandon - Great story about Naomi. Curious to read more.

@ Carlie B. - good to see you post again. Your lady friend seemed good natured and free-spirited about your substantial contributions. As an aside, I'm a fitness/health/wellness hobbyist and I can tell you that your experience is not that uncommon. Challenging physical exertion can definitely lead to a good clean out, as I've seen with many people over the years. Pre-pandemic, I used to cover a couple closing shifts at a local gym in exchange for a membership (not my full time job). I could workout at the same time, so it was a good deal for me. Part of closing procedure was to make sure all the bathrooms were in order and ready for the cleaning and maintenance to come in overnight (no leaks, damage, Orms left behind, etc.). I would need to flag certain stalls for special attention from time to time in both the men's and women's locker rooms. That is to say, not sure if anyone will put two and two together because maintenance staff doesn't usually see who the clients are and resolving such issues are a part of the job description. Who knows though?

@ MD Dan - Really enjoyed your candor in both stories. Thanks for sharing.

@ Anna from Austria - I relate and I think many others do as well, air refreshers provide little in the way of relief of smell and often creates a mix that is even less savory.

@ Erin B. - Interesting story. Only once did I have a job where it seemed like many people were on the same schedule and the limited bathrooms became quite crowded. It was commonplace for more of the senior staff members to talk shop between toots and plops. It was quite an unusual experience for me. I often would lose my train of thought as those things were happening, in the rare occasion I was in there long enough for someone to strike up a conversation.


Monday, March 15, 2021


Hi Danni

Danni: Sorry you had to have so much help pooping. I bet if your poop often came out too easy like me, you'd take advantage of that. Here's something interesting about poop. Although humans would get seeriously ill if they ate poop, not rabbits. I'm not talking about the hard peble poops, but the soft kind they eat out of their bottoms at night (secrotropes). I tried my best at spelling that, lol! The fact that a type of poop can be beneficial to the health of a living creature is so cool. Also, I'm glad people love reading my posts. Today's poop was really soft, especially after my beer. I did my poop after listening to my keyboard recording I've had for 2 years. While browsing the Internet some days ago, I wanted to read something crazy. I decided to see if anyone had flushed their USB thumb drive down the toilet. Sure enough, some people have. Due to an aging browser (running a program called Keysoft), I wasn't able to click on the link. One person on the limited info I could find asked if it would survive the sewer water, but I bet it just would get crushed in a landfill after being screened out of the poop/pee mess. Yesterday before getting the process for a new ID done, I was asked about diarrhea etc during Covid questions. I bet some of you have been asked this, too. Bye.

Steve A

A Change in Bathroom Habits (Question)

How often do your own bathroom habits change? More like pooping more than one time day or skipping a day or two without going?

Last week, I've had a few days where I went more than my usual "once a day". I generally eat a well-balanced diet, could eat some more fruits and vegetables, but I take daily supplements as well. Furthermore, I also drink water 99% of the time because soda, juice, and milk doesn't quench my thirst like water does.

My best guess is that it all depends on how much you eat in a day, along with certain types of food that we eat as well.


Quick question

Hey everyone. Hope everybody is well. Just wondered if you have a poop before you go in the shower do you still wipe your butt or do you just wait until you get in the shower to clean yourself.


My doctor visit

I went to the doctor today. I discussed with her my long time issues with fecal incontinence and my recently developing bedwetting problem. She gave me a referral to see a gastroenterologist, but initially diagnosed me with IBS and also said my issues sound stress and diet related and recommended a therapist. I do have pretty bad general anxiety and I feel stressed a lot of the time, but I can't really tell if it's been any worse lately to be causing me to wet the bed. She also recommended doing kegel exercises like Catherine said. Ultimately she seemed pretty resigned to the idea that this happens due to stress which seems a bit of stretch to me, but we will see what the other doctor wants to do and what they say too.

In the mean time I will attempt to start a new accident-free streak. Ironically, on my way home from the doctor I accidentally pooped in the car again. I was at the light one block from my building when I just couldn't hold it in anymore and had a soft accident in my leggings. It was like cake batter and it bubbled out loudly and it really made a mess, spread all through my underwear and stained through to the car I have to do the charcoal treatment in my car yet again so it doesn't smell like a portapotty in there... Anyway, thats the first time since my accident at work where I've pooped my pants. It wasn't a really big deal, no one saw me, but the cleanup was tough :/ in other news, I haven't wet the bed since that night with Alexis last weekend, but i also haven't been sleeping well, partially due being afraid im going to wet the bed.



Accident Prone

To the people on here that are accident prone, good luck. I hope you find a treatment for your condition if a medical diagnosis is given to you so you'll feel better. If I had incontinence of the bowel, and exercises/diet didn't work, I'd go for a colostomy if needed. That would sure beat wearing diapers, or worrying about trying to hold it. Another procedure that might be less invasive is called ACE. Basically, you have a hole in your abdomen in which you give yourself an enema to flush the poop out of your system. This is how some people paralized from the waist down have had to do. Hope this helps anyone. Bye.


Pooping in games

My nephew is having me to play a game called road to grambys. Idk what it's about yet, lol, but there's something that happens that reminds me of a couple of the members here. In this game, you go on a really long road trip. For some reason, the devs decided to add pooping as a game mechanic. You'll be running around and just randomly drop a turd. The first time I noticed this was when I went to hop out of my car and found a pile in the seat.

I have some other stuff to talk about irl, but I am currently occupied by my nephew playing the game I just mentioned, haha.


Showering off your poo?

During my 9th grade year of high school I had PE at 9 a.m. That was the time back then that I would have my morning crap. So I would get out of 1st hour right at the dismissal bell and run my barely 4' body down to the other side of the school, hoping to get on a toilet during what I remember was a 5-minute suit up time to change into my gym shorts, shirt, and get out into the gym and line up military-style with the 22 others in our squad. Anyone late after the whistle was blown would cause their squad to run a penalty lap or two in front of the others. So the sit down time for my crap was about 1 minute. Often my soft crap would readily come out in less than 30 seconds. That was fine with me because there were no doors on the stalls and just having a toilet vacant was an answer to my prayer. I don't like to admit it but I had to just jump off the toilet and pull my shorts up as I started the run next door to the gym.

After a few attempts during our after class shower-dressing 5 minutes, I found just the hot shower wasn't enough to fully clean me and substitute for my not having wiped earlier. I would have to wait for a toilet to become vacant and go in and do 2 or 3 wipes. Even then the little squares of toilet paper were inadequate and often my middle right finger would pierce through the paper. And to make matters worse, my next class was science and that was two floors up a busy staircase. The highlight of my day was the leisurely pee I took during 4th hour study hall. Showering, no matter how good, did not work for me then and I have only bad memories of my experiences now.


Hi Bianca

I do enjoy public bathrooms too and I do like to poop in them. The only thing is I'm a morning pooper so I always poop at home and rarely get to poop in a public bathroom. The only thing I don't like about it though is I just have to be a bit careful when I pee while I'm sitting before I poop because I obviously don't want my penis to touch the toilet. But sometimes I just go in a stall just to listen to others poop. I know that sounds kind of weird but I do like to do that. How about you?
Just wondered if you have any good stories of you being in the ladies room and hearing other women coming in and having a really loud and nasty poop while you're in there. I remember years ago at an old job when I was on my lunch break I had to pee before I woke t back to work. The men's room was quite small. You walk in and it had one stall and it was right next to the door when you walked in. It also has a rack on the wall.of the stall and it would have magazines and newspapers in it. I've pooped in there a few times. The urinal is right next to the stall. One day I walk in and as soon as I get in I see feet and pants pulled down so someone was sitting in there. I go to the urinal to pee. While I'm peeing I hear this man turning pages of a newspaper and letting out little squirts of diarrhea with the typical diarrhea fart sounds. I could tell the guy wasn't feeling well because each time he would let a bit of poop out he would moan a bit and sounded like he was in pain. And I'm right next to him while I'm peeing. It was a bit difficult for me to pee at this point because being attracted to men just knowing there is a guy right next to me with his pants down... well my mind is going 100 miles am hour. But I was able to pee. The guy probably squirted four or five times while I was peeing. After I was done I go to the sink to wash my hands. After I'm done the guy lets out the biggest diarrhea explosion ever as I'm drying my hands with a paper towel. He let out a huge sigh too as though he was so relieved. He must have had a lot inside of him because it came out a little bit at a time and then suddenly the big explosion. So because of where the stall was I had to walk past it to exit the men's room. And man did it stink. He continued turning the pages of the newspaper so I always wondered how much more he had to do and how many times he had to wipe. Even after I poop I sot for a bit longer to make sure I'm done especially when I have a stomach ache like that. But thats one mens room story I will never forget.



I've been reading the forum with interest lately, there have been some great stories lately

To Lavah - I bet that was such a good feeling to finally poop that one out. I was almost willing for you reading that story. How long did you grunt for each time? Was it a knobbly turd or just big and smooth? Have you ever helped Kelsii poop?

Abbie - I enjoy your stories with Lucy - which one of you two grunts the loudest? Have you ever helped each other go?

Last week I found myself unusually a little bit constipated I guess. I hadn't gone for about a day and half (pretty unusual) really, but what was really odd was that I hadn't felt the need to go. I was starting to get a bit worried!

At the end of the second day, I could feel my stomach feeling a bit heavy, so I decided to take a magazine to the toilet and see what I could do, and if anything happened. I sat down and peed a little.

I started to read and 5 minutes had passed but nothing had happened. I felt like I wanted to try to poop and so adjusted myself and gave a little push nnn nnn, but no movement. I did however let out quite a fart pfft which relieved the pressure feeling a little. I could feel that there was a turd that wanted to come out so I pushed again nnnnn nnnnnn and once again, nothing moved.

I went back to reading for a little bit, before I could feel the pressure really building in my bum. I pushed again, harder, nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn this time making audible grunts, nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn and slowly began to feel the turd move. I gave up hope of reading and really began to focus, grunting once again uuhhgggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhh nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. I honestly had never had to push so hard in my life.

Bearing down again nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I could feel the tip of the turd crowning and it was obviously a big one. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I continued as the turd continued to crown ever more. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I pushed and finally a resounding 'pppllooop' in the toilet.

I looked down and could do see this sizeable turd in the bowl. I pushed a little more nnn nnnnnnnnn nnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnn and a few smaller, softer turds came out and I felt a lot better.


Surprising Dump

I am a custodian at an office building. I work the late shift from 3pm to 11pm. It is a quite busy place except for after 5pm, but a few workers stay late. at around 8pm I go around the buildings on all floors mopping the men and womens restroom. I have met some people at work before, one of them was a young attractive lady named hannah. We would talk often, and I think she is pretty cute, but I am married with 2 children and am very faithful. Anyways while I was turning the corner on the 3rd floor. I saw her leave the restroom, she didn't see me cause she was walking the other way. Went I went in, oh man it stunk so bad and I saw that there were a ton of skidmarks all in the bowl. Next time I talked to her, I did our usual conversation about the weather and her job, but in the back of my mind I will always remember the poop that she did and if she only knew that I knew about it too


Steve's Question

To Steve A: My bathroom habits only seemed to change after graduating the ????. For me, a boost in confidence, and a more advanced free will of independence while their had helped. I think I had the urgent ones every now and again during my training, but it had improved from what I remember. I hardly ever skip a day of pooping, but I go more frequently with loose stuff a lot now. My poops often feel like they fall apart coming out (maybe a 6 on the bristal stool chart). I can have small denser ones in between. ???? was such a better place than the ???? I'm at now. Although I love the fast toilets etc, it doesn't prepare me for a job. I know that slowly, things will improve like Mom says, but patience is hard sometimes. It was nice to read a new question from you. I have such a need for learning etc, I did so again today. Thumb drives wear out after so many read/write cycles (from experience tapes do the same from playing and rewinding). This got me thinking that maybe toilet components wear from hundreds of flushes, too. You can't preserve your toilet by not flushing, but at least you can protect data through limitted memory stick usage. Bye.


Am I abnormal & weird ?

Hi. My name is Tiana and I'm 10 years old. I asked my Mum if I could post on this site. I always want to stay safe on the internet. So Mummy had a look and after about half a minute I got a very unexpected reaction. She started to cry and then when she had calmed down a bit (and I thought she was going to say no) she said "This site will be safe as houses for you" and gave me permission ! So here I am ! Mummy says she will explain why she cried after my post.
Let me describe myself. I am only just over 4ft tall and weigh about 4st. I have shoulder length wavy red hair. I'm the smallest child in my class and look about 8 or 9 years old, even though I will be 11 at the end of May! I am very lucky to live in a really nice large bungalow with Mum, her partner Eleanor and my step siblings Steve who is just 17 and Louise who will be 12 on Tuesday. Louise and I share the biggest bedroom in the bungalow (because we have to share) and it has an en-suite wet-room style bathroom. Louise and I love each other very much and get on very well, including being nude in front of each other and going to the toilet in front of each other.
So my question is am I abnormal or weird because I really like to watch Louise on the toilet and I think she likes to watch me ? Our normal daily routine when we get up is that we both go in the bathroom in the nude. I sit on the toilet to have a wee and Louise cleans her teeth. I then get off the toilet and go under the shower and Louise sits on the toilet and has a wee and poo. I watch her having a poo and she watches me washing under the shower. I like to listen and hear her plops and tinkle, although that can sometimes be difficult with the noise of the shower water ! When I've finished my shower, Louise usually decides that it is then time to wipe her bottom from behind her back and she wipes her front bits from between her legs. After that she gets under the shower and I clean my teeth and watch her in the shower for a short time. When I've done cleaning my teeth, Louise is usually still under the shower, so I leave her to it and get dressed and dry my hair if I've washed it.
At night time, we get into our night clothes and then go in the bathroom together. She sits on the toilet and has a wee while I clean my teeth and then we swap over, except I always have my poo now before bedtime. Of course there is no shower to mask noises except the scrubbing noise of Louise's tooth brush. She gets the tooth paste on her brush, puts it in her mouth and then turns to face me, to watch me on the toilet. Normally I wee first and she scrubs away. But once I get my concentration face on, her brushing gets slower and even pauses while she listens for my plops. As soon as I reach for the toilet paper, she usually turns and spits out the paste and then gets some mouth wash and then watches while I finish wiping myself.
We've had this routine ever since we moved into this bungalow together about two years ago.I'm not unnerved or embarrassed by her watching me and she doesn't seem to mind me watching her from the shower. I'm just a little concerned about liking being watched and perhaps worse, liking to watch Louise. Am I abnormal and weird ? What do you all think. Please don't be mean to me. I can happily take criticism, but I don't like it if it's rude and nasty.
Right, I'm going to find out why Mum cried now. I'll be back again in a few days if anyone wants to leave me any messages.
Love from Tiana x x


Just took a dump in two bathrooms

Hi all. Loving this forum.

So about an hour ago, I was sitting at my laptop. I've been working from home for about a year now due to COVID.

Anyways, I'm still in my pajamas when my coffee catches up with me. So I head to the bathroom... just to pee.

So I sit down and take a nice relaxing tinkle, when all of a sudden I realize that I don't just have to pee. So I do some pushing, and am able to poop a little. Not bad, but not one of those really satisfying poops. I wipe up and get back to work. I figure I'll probably have to take a dump again later in the day...

As it turned out, "later in the day" was about 10 minutes later, tops. At this point I'm downstairs (I'd used the upstairs bathroom before). And it hits me. Not "I could poop if I wanted to." Not "I should probably go poop soon." No. This was "I have to poop NOW."

So I rush into the downstairs bathroom. Basically rip my pajama pants and panties off (and the door is wide open. My fiance and I don't live together. He's seen me crap though). My butt hits the seat and I proceed to just take one of the biggest dumps I've ever taken.

There was no pushing required. My body did all the work. And WOW did it feel good.

There was no plop. I stood up and looked in the bowl and realized why. This poop completely missed the water and was coiled around the bowl. They're was no way this was going to flush down.

I say back down, figuring it was time to wipe. I was wrong. I immediately felt the urge to poop more. Once again, no pushing required. And no plop again. I stood up and saw this second poop sitting on top of my first one. Wow.

I sat back down wondering if I was actually done. After a few minutes I concluded that I was indeed done pooping. I stood up to wipe since I didn't want to risk touching my crap (I'm not germ-phobic or anything, but I'd rather keep my hand clean.) I washed my hands and then pondered how on earth I was going to flush all of this poop.

The first flush did nothing. Ditto for the second flush. I ended up using a plunger to break apart my doings and eventually I was able to flush. Of course, the toilet was clogged and it took me another 20 minutes to get it unclogged.

I don't want to break any forum rules, but I have to say that it felt really, really good in almost a sexual way.

I've got another story to tell but it can wait.


Victoria B.

Responses to M and Taylor

Just a few quick replies this time.

To M: I always wash with my bidet and then get in the shower as soon as I'm off the toilet. In other words, no, this a butt that goes unwiped after a pre-shower poop.

To Taylor: Please do. Hope Jennifer is doing well!


MD Dan

Sick Client

I was on another site visit yesterday, this time to a house that was being lived in with one of the rooms being remodeled. The plan was to meet the homeowner on site and then go about my business taking a look at things. I called the homeowner to let them know I was on my way. A woman answered the phone after half a ring. Her voice sounded a little weird and she was definitely distracted. I told her who I was and let her know I was headed over shortly. She asked how long until I got there. I told her I was about 10 minutes away. She said, "Ok, just knock on the door really loud." There was about a 4 second delay before the call disconnected and during this delay I thought I heard what sounded like a mountain of wet poop falling into a toilet and a loud fart. She was probably on the toilet and thought she hit the end call button, then lowered the phone to her lap because the sound was very clear and close to the phone. She then probably realized she didn't hit the button and quickly tried again. This peaked my interest for sure.

I got to the house, ready to knock loudly as requested, but the door swung open before I could reach it. The homeowner was there to greet me. She was a very attractive Hispanic woman in her mid 40s, wearing professional clothing (nice teal blouse, tight grey trousers, professional looking short black pumps). She had long black hair with blonde highlights that fell over her shoulders to her chest. She let me in, we briefly touched on the job and what she wanted done, and then she abruptly said, "Do you need me to be here with you...?" and kind of trailed off as if leaving unsaid, "If you don't NEED me here, I'd really rather be somewhere else, if you don't mind!" I told her I didn't at the moment but I might have some questions in a bit. She quickly said "Great! I've got to attend to. I'll be upstairs. Just shout for me if you need me. be on a call so I might not answer right away. Just wait for me if I don't answer." With that, she walked rather briskly up the stairs and disappeared around the corner. I heard a door slam shut quickly afterwards and what sounded like a bathroom fan being turned on.

I completed what I needed to on the first floor within 10 minutes. I headed upstairs to the 2nd floor because we'd need to do some work up there in the walls as well. I'm not sure if she understood this or not, she didn't really give me the chance to get to that part. When I got upstairs, I immediately smelled a foul odor from the hallway bathroom. The fan that was on didn't appear to be doing much. And if it was, I can't imagine how it would have been without it. I could her the client moaning a little bit and felt bad for her. I then heard a fart blast incredibly forcefully into the toilet. The kind of fart you have when your body is purging your bowels but the only thing left is gas and a little bit of liquid. She moaned some more and muttered some things in Spanish. I quickly finished up what I was doing in a few minutes and headed back downstairs. I called out to her from the bottom of the stairs. She yelled back, "I'll be there in a minute!"

Two minutes later I heard the fan shut off and the door open (no toilet flush, she was probably trying to hide the fact that she had been on the toilet for the last 20 minutes). She stayed at the top of the stairs and asked if I had any more questions for her. I said I didn't and that the office would be in touch with her. I did have some things to go over but I could just as easily do it over the phone or through email and wanted to let her be since she clearly wasn't feeling well. I do hope she felt better and it wasn't anything serious.

Thanks for reading and bye for now.


Pooping with Cleaner

I note Taylor's post and I have pooed in public toilets when the cleaner has been present and a couple of times it has been a female . I have no problems going number 2 if there is a female cleaner because there is a phrase I use " if you put your finger into the cocky's cage you have to expect to get it bit. ". I just conduct myself how I normally would and that may involve grunting!!! On a different but similar subject, I have a friend who is a female and she is n the cutting edge of her profession and it was then almost all men . She became very use to using the men's toilets!



One time i was on lunch and so i was in my car in the back parking lot. All of a sudden i saw appear out of nowhere a woman who was walking. She was most likely cutting across the parking lot and heading toward to bus stop so she could get on the bus. She was probably in her late 40s or early 50s. Simple but attractive in her own way. But then i saw that she didn't walk to the bus stop, she instead went over to the alley and stopped between a building and a tree. Then she did something surprising. She figured she had enough privacy, so she began to pull down her pants so she could have a pee. I couldn't believe it. I decided this was an opportunity i couldn't miss. I gently called out to her. I didn't want to embarrass her or make her uncomfortable. Of course she quickly pulled up her pants. I said, no it's ok. I todd her that I've had to do exactly what she was going to do. That made her smile and she started to warm up to me. Thats when i told her that if she wanted she could go ahead and come in and pee in my car instead. She though about it for a minute and then she said, ok. I told her that she would have a lit more privacy that way. She smiled and said, yeah. Then she came over and i let her come in and sit down in the back seat. I told her she could go ahead and go whenever she was ready. She said, in the seat? and i said, yeah just go ahead and go in the seat. She just smiled and said, ok. Then she pulled down her pants again and she sat back down and then she was quiet for a few seconds. Then she began to pee. I heard it in the seat and i also heard her sigh as she relaxed. I could tell she really had to go. I didn't mind one bit that she was relieving herself in the back seat of my car. She peed quite a lot too. Then when she was done she thanked me and then she left and went to the bus stop. Soon the bus came and she got on. I never saw her again, but I'm glad i was able to have that opportunity. Take care!


another story about my friend helping me poop

Hello, all. I've chimed in with replies here and there recently, but it's been a long time since I shared a story. As I've said, my constipation issues have been acting up a lot more than usual over the last couple months. This is a story from about a month ago when I was having trouble pooping and my friend Kelsii had to help me.

Kelsii's pipes burst during a snowstorm so she stayed with me for a few nights at the beginning of February. (I've written about Kelsii on here before. She's familiar with my constipation issues.) It had been about 5-6 days since I'd pooped at this point I think. On the second day of her stay, I was getting pretty uncomfortable. There wasn't much to do so we spent the day watching movies in our pjs. Around lunchtime, I told Kelsii to help herself to whatever I had in the fridge while I headed to my bathroom to see if I could poop. I spent the next 20 minutes straining on the toilet with my feet propped up on the bathtub but I couldn't go. I heard Kelsii put her dishes in the sink and then heard footsteps approaching the bathroom. "How's it coming, girl?" she asked. "It isn't," I said as I got up and met her in the hallway. I hadn't told Kelsii how constipated I was, but she knows me well enough to know when I'm this backed up. "Let's see what we can do about that," she said, taking my hand and leading me to my bedroom. She had me lay on the back on my bed while she massaged my ????. "Mmmm..... Mmmmmmmmm," I moaned as my ???? grumbled underneath her firm palms. "Good, good," she cooed, "I think it's working." After half an hour or so, I started to feel pressure in my rectum and suggested we move to the bathroom. We started out with me on the toilet and her across from me on the edge of the tub. She continued rubbing my ???? while I tried some gentle pushes. "Nnnh.... Nnnnh.... Nnh.... Nnh." No luck. My ???? was gurgling a lot at this point which really hurt but nothing was coming out. Kelsii had me spread my legs wide and had me bend over a bit. She let me squeeze her hands as I kept straining and grunting. "Nnnnh...... Nnnnh...... Nnnnh...... Nnnnnnnh." Still nothing. I got frustrated at this point and asked Kelsii if we could take a break. We went back to my living room and watched another movie. Kelsii was asleep by the end of it, so I put on another one. Halfway through the second one, I started getting stomach cramps again. I decided not to wake Kelsii and went to the bathroom to try on my own. I started by squatting over the toilet with my feet on the front of the seat. "Nnn... Nnnnnn... Nnnhhh," I grunted quietly. I started to feel my butthole open as a large turd began poking out. It was huge and it went back in when I stopped pushing. I tried again with more force. "Nnnnnnn..... Nnnnnh!...... Nnnnnnnnnnnn...... Nn.. Nnh..... Nnnnnnnnnnnnnn!" I felt it disappear again. Every time it went back inside me, it sent a wave of cramps through my stomach. I situated into a normal seating position on the toilet and doubled over in pain with my forearms pressed into my ????. I decided to call for help. "KELSII!" I shouted. Within seconds, she was by my side. "Did you poop?" she asked. "No, but I think I'm about to," I replied, "It just huuurrtss!" I moaned. "Shh, I know," she said as she stroked my hair and sat back on the bathtub's edge. "I'm here, girl, I'm here," she kept saying. She had me spread my legs so she could see my progress. "My dear..." she said sympathetically when she saw my situation. She instructed me to push as she rubbed my ???? with one hand and the small of my back with the other. "Nnnnh.... Nnnnh!... Nnnnh... Nn!" "Push HARD, Lavah," she reminded. I sucked in a deep breath and tried my hardest. I was grunting through tears at this point. "NNH!... NNNNNNNNNNH!....... NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHH!........ NNN... NNN... NNNN..... NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHH!.... NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHH... It's just not coming out!" I wailed. Kelsii reached both hands around me and spread my buttcheeks for me while I kept straining. "NNNNNNNNNNN..... NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN....... NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHH!........ NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHH!!!" My stomach went crazy as the turd started to move. I gripped my ???? and doubled over again. "OW!" I sobbed. "It moved!" Kelsii announced! "Keep trying!" I was in agony. Kelsii suggested I sit backwards on the toilet so she could bear hug me. I did as I was told and bore down again with Kelsii's forearms pressed firmly into my ????. My grunts were more like low moans of pain at this point. "UUUUHH!... UUUUNNNNNNH!..... UUUUUUUUUUUUHH!.... OH!... UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNH... AH!... AHH!... OH GOD.. UUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!" It was moving out slowly and painfully. I leaned back into Kelsii. She pressed down hard on my ???? as the poop made its way out of me. "AAAAAHHHHH!! OWWWW!! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" The turd landed in the bowl without a sound because it was already below the water. I took a minute to catch my breath and stop crying. Kelsii stayed with me and gently rubbed my ???? as I pushed out some more stubborn turds. None were as difficult as the first though. After 40 more minutes, I was finished. I took a nap while Kelsii cooked dinner for us. I pooped again later that night and it took a while, but I didn't need Kelsii's help this time.



M: I love using public bathrooms. I don't mind having an audience in the next stall either. Love how you described your poop session. Mom doesn't always flush the toilet, so I flush after her. She does this after a pee. Although I can't see pee in the toilet, I certainly don't want to smell it in their. One old rap song from the 90's has this noise that reminds me of a hair dryer. Sometimes, I have heard Mom blow dry her hair in the bathroom, and the pitch of the noise in the song reminded me of what I heard in their. I believe the song is called Flavor In Your Ear. While listening to the song on the radio, I loved that a sound from music reminded me of something I heard in a bathroom. Bye.


Accident while shopping

Hi everyone, my name is Deb.

After work today, I had to stop for a few groceries. My period had stopped a couple days ago, so I wasn't wearing a pad, just some hipster panties with lacing on the legs and waist as well as a pair of nice fitting jeans. I had some cramps before I left work, but I wasn't able to do anything on the toilet before I left.

While I was walking through the grocery store, I suddenly had to go. I tried keeping my butt cheeks clenched, but the pressure became too much. A little bit came out at first, but then a few minutes later the urge to go just got too much and I started pooping my panties. It came out with an audible squelch and I gasped when it happened. Two more waves came out as I was heading to the checkout. As I was walking I could feel the mess spreading through my panties and jeans. It was very obvious that I had just pooped my pants. I had to go a fourth time as I was loading my bags into my car. Sitting down was particularly awful this time because of how mushy the mess was.

I have pooped my pants many times before as I have written earlier, but this time I went from zero to 100 in a matter of seconds. There was nothing I could do to hold it back. This isn't the first time I have had this happen. Sometimes I get a sudden rush and it's coming out with no warning at all. Others it's more of a build up and I'm left stranded without a bathroom in sight.

Cleaning up sure felt good, as it always does.

Thanks for reading.



To Victoria B

Fantastic story! Running or walking seems to get things moving for me too. I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoys a little company while answering the call of nature.

I really like those unisex toilets where they have everything including a sink and a drier. There are some near me that I would love to use but the place is currently closed due to COVID. I will make sure to use them ASAP. I know what you mean about the cheap toilet paper. I think they do it to save money but you end up using twice as much just to get yourself clean.

Thank you for sharing :)


Eyes watering while pooping

Hi all, just a quick question that came into my head. Jennifer told me yesterday that when she poops her eyes water a little, does anyone else experience this? It's happened to me before when it has been particularly large but she says it happens every time.

Thursday, March 11, 2021


To M And Everyone

I see the questions have been turned on me! I suppose I should have answered them first before asking everybody else. How rude of me!

An introduction to me: Hi, everybody! I'm Danni 25 Female. I'm a moderately tall curvy woman. I like reading stories about people helping each other on the toilet. Most of my life I've had someone help me when I needed it. It started as my mom, as I got older it was my big sister, then it became my best friend, and now it's usually my boyfriend.

I don't remember the first time I had help. In our house it was always normal for mom to come in the bathroom to check on my sisters or I and dad would check on my brother. If we were having a hard time they would help us out.

In my case help usually meant stomach rubs, hand holding, and encouraging. Sometimes if it was a really stubborn poop we would get a suppository. If the poop was too large and there wasn't room for a suppository, then it would be removed manually. Nowadays I've taught my best friend and my boyfriend how to give help the same way my parents did so they do it.

Often I'm the one who will ask for help but if I've been in the bathroom for a while then my boyfriend will offer.

I only need help a couple of times each month usually. It was more then that when I was in college but my diet is much better now.

I don't feel embarrassed about it. I'm used to people seeing me on the toilet. It can be a little painful sometimes especially if it has to be removed manually. It hurts much worse to pass big hard poop on my own, so I prefer the help.

I've helped my little sister before. She suffered with constipation the most out of all of us growing up. Unlike me she would get very embarrassed and upset about it and I would tell her stories of times where mom helped me to make her feel better. I've helped my best friend a few times too. That's how I got her to start helping me. I also help my boyfriend ever now and again. I enjoy helping people poop. I know how bad it feels to sit on the toilet by yourself trying to go for a long time.

I hope more people answer this survey!
Danni xxx


Reply to Bianca

Hey Bianca. It's great to be here. I'm actually sitting on the toilet right now taking my second big dump of the morning. I didn't poo yesterday so I think I had a lot backed up in me. It stinks in here! I'm in here all alone. I enjoy people in the bathroom with me as well. Do you like to poop in public bathrooms? I do. I actually enjoy when I'm in there and a guy sits in the stall next to me and takes a shit. Does that happen often with you when someone sits in the stall next to to you? Thank you for the response Bianca I hope to see more from you.

Victoria B.

To Taylor

Hello all!

Taylor, I loved your most recent story. Having an audience for a poop, especially one that knows I'm pooping, is something that gives me a *buzz* as well. Just yesterday I had a similar situation while out running.

I was, liked I said, out running and enjoying the much warmer weather we've been having when I noticed that my bowels were about to move as well-whether I wanted them to or not! The distance between where I was at the time and my building was longer than I would've been able to handle and the thong between the two cheeks of my rear was a reminder of how narrow the margin of error was. A full accident in a thong and leggings made even messier by having to get home on foot would leave both of them ruined and thrown in the dumpster!

Fortune provided me with a nearby grocery store that had public bathrooms where I could relieve myself. I seized the opportunity and dashed the few blocks to safety, visibly desperate and in departure need. A near face plant as I ran into the hallway beneath the sign saying RESTROOMS was avoided and my choice of the two unisex bathrooms on offer was made for me because one of them was occupied. I yanked the door open, locked it and prepared myself for the first public number two in almost a year.

Given that the reason why it had been so long was still present I exercised caution and grabbed a seat cover from the holder that was for some reason on the wall with the door, opposite the toilet and sink and well out of reach for someone about to sit down. Clenched, I put the cover on the seat and tore my turquoise leggings and black thong down to my knees before throwing my behind onto the toilet and making myself comfortable.

A pleasant sigh escaped while my bladder let go of a few squirts of pee as critical mass at the back door was approached. I felt myself dome as the first log crowned and slid its way out, landing with a nice splash. My breath felt warm inside my mask and I inhaled for a second push. There was another answer at the back door and as another turd crackled out suddenly there came a knock on the door-that is, the real one! The person in the other unisex bathroom must have been pooping as well because now a third person needed the toilet as well!

My normal move of replying with a knock of my own when I'm using a using a public bathroom was out of the question because the door was at the furthest point opposite from where I was seated. I was going to have to talk this time. "Uh, almost, um, done!" I said in the way that only people on the toilet speak. If the person waiting didn't already know I was pooping by words or smell then they soon got reinforcement in the form of three nice plops that echoed one after another in the bowl. I like to give my audiences a nice show, what can I say? I was done and it was time to wipe but first I should have given up and made this one a two-flusher but social courtesy interfered: I wanted the person waiting in the hallway to know that business was being gone about as quickly as possible and so I right away set about unrolling some toilet paper to wipe my front.

As I was rolling it off I noticed that the width of the paper was unusually thin but thought nothing of it until I began wiping my vulva and almost gave myself a paper cut-this stuff was awful! Resigning myself to the amount of paperwork waiting for me on the back end I strategized. Because it was so narrow I decided to split the job into three: hole with one handful of paper, one cheek with the next and then other cheek. The feeling of self-consciousness was undeniable as the person waiting was subjected to the sounds of buns being wiped and they were taking a lot of work too! It was at least five or six rounds of wiping before I felt clean enough to stand up and get dressed again.

Disappointment struck again when I looked at the bowl and my heart sank. No plunger + two big logs + three medium-sized pieces + a ton of toilet paper was a good recipe for a clog and when the flush did indeed prove insufficient to clear the bowl I smiled ruefully beneath my mask. Having someone know I was pooping was fine. It made the terrible wipe job more bearable. But having to tell that same person that I plugged up the pot? That was a prospect that had my on the edge of tears as I splayed my hands out beneath the automatic dispenser for soap. "You're grown, you accept your body, you hurried to help someone in need, you would have plunged and you care too much to provide the public with toilet paper like that" I thought while carefully washing and drying my hands. It was the moment of truth. Time to face the clogsequences.

I opened the an empty hallway! The other bathroom must've been vacated and then reoccupied in the time between wiping and washing my hands! I could escape culpability for the clogged toilet and I did, leaving the store almost as fast as I had entered!

Love to all,


To M

M: I've not seen you here before. Welcome! I love your story about you helping another guy with diarrhea. That's amazing he went for 30 minutes. When I have diarrhea, it only takes me about a few minutes to go. I may not get my whole bowel cleared, but go in quick short sessions. I don't mind people in the bathroom with diarrhea/mushy poop, neither does it bother me being alone. Once during an online burping contest between the father and son, they did silent farts. One of them mentioned it during the video. Eventually with all the burping and farting, the father said "You don't want to smell what's going on in this room right now". The son said, "Our farts and our burps". I love imagining at night taking a 2 and a half minute walk through a forest when listening to my tropical melody, but during the day I hear some pretty gross stuff. For those of you who didn't read the post, M was responding to a survey from Danni. She's a new poster. Anyway, my poop report today was mushy sessions with one solid in between. Other than that, it still felt great. My farts from last night smelled of onions kind of. I remember years ago my poop smelled of onions. That's all for now, bye.


Replies to Josie, Debbie and Shannon

Hello! My name is Deb. I just wanted to reply to some posts...


Hello! Yes, I do tend to get diarrhea with my period. It usually happens before my period actually starts and sometimes continues for the first few days of my period. It can be really bad at times and as I have written in the past, I have had many accidents. It all started on the day I got my first period when I was 12 years old at school. I had diarrhea during lunch and pooped my pants really badly. I then got my first period and bled through my pants. My mom had to come to school to pick me up. I wrote about that here quite a while ago.

Otherwise I have had accidents in pretty much every place and situation that you could imagine.


When I read your story about having diarrhea on our maxi pad, I could totally relate. That has happened to me so many times that I've lost count! What type of pad where you wearing when you had your accident? What type of pads do you usually wear and how heavy do your periods get? Do you normally have diarrhea with your period? I always try to carry spare panties with me for such a situation.


My dear Toiletstool friend... Of course I can totally relate to your story of when you pooped your pants at work. I'm so sorry that happened to you. It always sucks no matter when it happens or who is around when you have had an accident.

As for me, I have my period yet again and as usual, it's really heavy. I bled through my pants at work today and didn't realize it at first. It was my friend Tracey who noticed my leak while we were in the kitchen talking. I could feel that I was gushing and needed to change my pad, but I was too late. I didn't have any extra pants to change into either so I had to tie my sweater around my waist for the day.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, March 09, 2021


i guess now i'm a bedwetter too :/

I'm still blushing as i type's like 11:30 in the morning on sunday, and i just got back to my apartment. i spent the night at alexis' last night....and i wet the bed. i've been so worried about not pooping my pants around her but now i've wet the bed with her twice... it's hard to pass that off as an isolated occurrence. she certainly thinks that bedwetting is just a thing i do in addition to my bowel problems...and now i'm worried that it is.

I feel sooo bad. Obviously she wasn't prepared for her adult girlfriend to pee in her bed so it's not like her mattress was protected or anything. I feel so guilty. But this is really starting to concern me! I feel like i have it bad enough already but now i'm starting to bed wet? This is the third time now that it's happened recently and i don't know what to do.

Everything seemed fine last night. I didn't drink or anything so i was sober, and I don't remember needing to pee when i went to sleep. I just woke up this morning around 7:30 and as soon as i moved i knew that i had peed in my underwear. they were all cold and soggy and so were the sheets. i sat up in shock and i just cringed as i looked over at alexis, and I realized i was going to have to tell her that I wet HER bed. It was sooo of frickin embarrassing... I shook her awake and I mumbled to her that i had an accident and that i was sorry. she wasn't sure what i was saying at first and she sat up. then she saw my wet underwear and the wet sheets... she sighed and said "oh no, baaaabe...." I couldn't tell if she was mad at me or if she felt bad, and i was super on edge.

Anyway, she didn't say a lot, she just quietly stripped the bed and brought the sheets to the laundry room while i took a shower and put dry clothes on. i was too embarrassed to give her my wet underwear so i just took them home in a plastic bag to wash myself. it felt so awkward the whole time i was there... finally i told her i wasnt' feeling good and wanted to go home, and she didn't really protest at all and she let me go home. still have no idea if she's mad or not.

Has anyone here ever wet someone else's bed before? it's like doubly embarrassing.


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