
Just Another Girl

Story time and a reply to Trekkie

It's been a hot minute since I've posted here, but I figured that I'd like to start contributing again. I've got a lot of stories that I want to share - but not all at once, obviously - and I've really missed being a part of this beautiful community of people. So I am officially back!

I have a recent story that involves me and my best friend. She knows about my interest in toilet-related matters, and one day while visiting her, she asked me whether I would like to watch her. I of course jumped at the chance, and so we went into her bathroom and shut the door. (Moderator, I hope that none of this oversteps any boundaries. I will try my utmost to abide by the rules).

She pulled down her dark blue leggings and black underwear and seated herself on the toilet. I asked her what she needed to do, and she responded that she only needed to pee - she had done her poo earlier that day before my visit. (If she hadn't, I would also have been okay with it. I'm not squeamish in that regard).

It took several seconds before I heard the light tinkling sound that indicated that her bladder was starting to empty. Over the next several seconds, the sound turned from a tinkle into a strong gush that lasted for a surprisingly long time before eventually dying down and ending with a few little drops. She let out a sigh of relief and then said, "Did you enjoy that?" I smiled and replied in the affirmative. After wiping herself, she stood up and pulled up her underwear and leggings, and we exited the bathroom.

I felt very privileged to have been witness to something like that. Not everyone is comfortable sharing their bodily functions with others; yet she was more than happy to invite me in to be privy to such a private moment. I hope to return the favour soon!

To Trekkie: I have been a reader here since 2010 (although I only started posting in 2015). I have read through so many of the old posts from years ago and I remember all of the people you mentioned! I loved Lawn Dogs Kid and Kendal - they had such a special relationship and they wrote so eloquently for their age. I also really enjoyed the stories by George and Moira, Donna and Lauren, Tony, Nicola, Kim and Scott, Tailwagger, Shy Little Babe, Carmalita, and Electra. They were so amazingly descriptive and their writing style made you feel as though you were right there with them. I wonder if any of them are still interested in this type of thing...and if any of them ever stop by here occasionally? They were absolute gems!


Fun survey I found

Where have you gone before? (so to speak...)

Have you tried:
-Change rooms in clothing stores?

-On the front door step of a neighbour you don't like?

-In your living room? (Or all around your house)

-On public transit?
>Wearing diapers & going while you're sitting next to your fellow commuters.

-In a Mens(women's if you're male) Room?
-In the urinal of a Mens(women's if you're male) room?
-In the woods?
-In your front/backyard?
-In the garden of your front/backyard?
-With some friends?
-On the side of the road, just off a busy highway with other cars going by? (But NOT in one of the lanes. "Safety first", you know...)
-A mall parking lot after you've just done some shopping?
-In a large potted plant somewhere in your home?
>I tried that a few times.
-In a friend's pool?
-On a beach?
-Perhaps in the park near a jogging path you use regularly?

Anthony T

Accident Questions

I've been a longtime lurker on this site, but this is my first time posting. I've always been fascinated by stories of adults pooping in their pants, largely because it seems like such an exceptional event. While anyone can fall victim to an untimely case of diarrhea, for many years I actually had trouble believing that an adult can get to a point where they "just can't hold it" and have an accident with normal, solid stool. That was until I witnessed an unfortunate situation on a long flight, where a young woman was repeatedly denied use of the restroom (due to takeoff, turbulence, etc.), and ended up having an enormous accident in her pants just before she could reach the lavatory. I'll tell that story next time, but in the meantime I have a couple questions for everyone.

1) Why is having a an accident (especially a poop accident) such a "full body experience." Everyone here seems to describe the uncontrollable trembling, heart pounding, hot flashes, etc. at the moment when they lose control, not to mention crying.

2) Have you ever seen someone caught short on a plane? It seems a fairly likely place for such an event to occur, given it is one of the few places where we can't fully control our restroom usage, and there are long periods where you can't leave your seat.

Thursday, January 14, 2021


Feeling flushed

Hi guys
I didn't really know where else to share my experience and I stumbled across this forum.
My husband has always been obsessed with flushing the toilet while his seated and he always tells me about how good the splashing water felt up his butt or he tried it on a new toilet at work and the flush was so intense , he sometimes even records videos of himself doing it crazy.
Anyway last night I was in a rush I was running late for gym class and I had a strong urge to pee so I quickly ran to the toilet that we have downstairs by the hall and I didn't bother to close the door in fear of not making it , just as I had started to pee my husband appears by the door looking at my on the toilet he had a mischievous grin on his face and before I could stop it he flushed the toilet on my butt, instantly I felt a surge of cold water splashing up my crack into my butt hole I didn't just get a little splash my bum was soaked by the end of it and he was laughing at me.
I feel a little paranoid that I could get some infection up my butt from the water do you think its safe or I should be concerned, iv read through other peoples stories on here who flush while seated bit it only ever mentions a little sprinkle

Hey!! Long time, no see!! I could have posted this any time in the last year since all this Covid craziness started.

So when this was all supposed to be temporary, my family and I hunkered down as much as we could. Our eating habits weren't the greatest with lots of chips and fried food. Not so good for the digestive system. So as you can imagine, it lead to constipation at least once.

My first dump that I recall then was seven days or so in the making after some mediocre sessions. I went in feeling like it would be fine since I finally had something decent for dinner. Wrong!! A lot of straining and even some sweat involved. But it came out eventually. If anyone recalls the first Austin Powers movie in the bathroom and Tom Arnold, well... it was kinda like that except with a real dump instead of an assassin. Surprisingly, it went down because it was a powerful dual-flush toilet, but the plumber did have to come a few times due to leaky pipes. Hmmm.. I wonder how that happened?? *whistles

Lorenz: Great answer, thank you! Peeing in a fountain sounds fun, Darsolea is very confident.
Flynn: Congratulations on your transition!
1. Is it better to use a toilet seat cover or cover the seat with TP?
Seat cover
2. Is it better to squat over a public toilet or sit down (with safety!)
Sit. Girls can still pee standing up, though.
3. Is peeing in a sink a good alternative to peeing in a public toilet?
Only if it's like a family restroom with just one toilet, then Absolutely, otherwise no.
4. What's it like talking to other girls in the bathroom? Hehe
Kind of uncomfortable.
Finally, should I get another potty chair after I transition? I have been thinking about revisiting the concept and I think a potty would be better suited for a girls' body since a penis makes the splash guard a bit troublesome. Anyway, I hope you all have a nice New Year. Keep going, and keep wiping! Absolutely! Potty chairs are the best!
1 What is the weirdest place you've peed in?
In a droor at my friend's house.
2 What is the oldest age where you felt comfortable peeing right in front of a friend with your penis in full view? Meaning not at a urinal, but in a regular toilet or out in the open.
Still am today!
3 Do you remember seeing other boys peeing in preschool or daycare? How many? Any funny stories?
Yes, I'm a girl so only outside, but we once dug a whole for people to pee and poop in, peed in a little cardboard box, in a hollow tree stump, and the middle of a circle of people facing out to give us a privacy screen.
4 Did you ever see any girls peeing in preschool or daycare? What did you think about it when you saw it?
Same as above.
5 Did you ever pee with another boy at the same time in the same toilet? Or in a urinal? Or in the woods? Did you make your peepee streams cross? Was it your friend, brother, cousin, etc. What was said?
I tired this with my friend jack a few times.
6 Are you circumcised or uncircumcised?
I know this survey is for boys, I'll see if I can get Jack on here to answer it.
7 How old were you when you saw a penis that looked different from yours? (Circ or uncirc). Did you ever witness a friend's foreskin being pulled back or show your friend how you pulled yours back?

8 When you peed, did you try to aim for the water to make louder peeing sounds or did you try to hide the sounds by aiming for the side of the bowl?
It depended on what I wanted.
9 How old were you when you learned to pee without pulling your pants all the way down?
Since I'm a girl, I was like 14.
10 Did you get to teach another boy how to pee standing up? Was it your brother, cousin, friend, boy in preschool, etc? I've only taught girls, of course.

Laurie and Marie: I've read Car mom's stories in the old posts and loved them! Does anyone else have car peeing stories?

Urinal survey: Choice 1: long, flat vertical wall of porcelain or steel that you pee against. My pee often goes down, so this is best for me.

Shannon: Your new years story is one of the BEST I HAVE EVER SEEN! Tell me, how did you clean the sink bath and bucket, and whose idea was it to pee in naughty places like that? I doubt I could convince others to join me. Also did you just leave the garbage can full of piss? That's sexy but kind of nasty!:D


to Catherine/other replies and story

Hi Catherine! I had sent a post on news year day or so with a reply to your story from christmas, but i guess it didn't come up! luckily i write my posts in notepad ahead of time so i dont accidentally prematurely post them so i was able to just go copy what i had written to you! it was:

Catherine- oh my God. I love you so much lol. You're so bad for doing that, in a good way. That sounds like it was so much fun and felt so good, I'm glad you did that for yourself. A nice warm Christmas present wrapped up in your undies :) I'm also glad you managed to stay in control long enough that you didn't mess yourself until you were in private. You could have lost the gamble and had an accident in the kitchen in front of your family! Though I'm sure you wouldn't have minded. Anyway, it's great to hear from you, thank you for that story! Have a happy and safe new year, to you and your family! Oh wait, speaking of hit the jackpot with Alan lol. Between him and Deb's husband I'm feeling jealous that I dont have a strong partner who would be so amazing about it. Maybe you guys are onto something about my coworker I feel so weird saying that. I have actually imagined the prospect of going out with him before, like casually, not like I had a crush on him or anything. But he's fairly cute and a really good guy, and I'm over 30 and can't be too picky, so of course I've given some thought to it I dont know. I'll just let things play out as they will. The girl I'm currently hanging out with is lovely and she was so nice when I peed in the bed a couple weeks ago so there is always potential there too.

here are some other replies i had written too.

Trina- hello there! If you're jealous of my Christmas eve accident you should take a page out of Catherine's book and just treat yourself to a staged accident ;) also, I'm sorry you peed your pants when you were so close to making it, that's always frustrating. Have a happy and safe new year!

Deb- hi Deb! That sounds like it was a rough couple of days, I'm sorry you got such bad diarrhea. Your husband sounds AMAZING. what a blessing for you. Its great how he takes it in stride and just helps you out whenever you poop your pants, regardless of the situation. I've had partners and friends who acted repulsed and off-put when I've had accidents around them, and it just made me feel horrible about myself. People who just help you are saints!

Emma- hi Emma! Welcome. I'm sorry you had an accident at the gym, it sounds like it was a really bad one. I'm happy your partner was supportive and helpful though in your time of need, that's what really counts. Feel better!

Trekkie- hi trekkie! Lol I'm glad you enjoyed my story, I try to be descriptive whenever I write about anything. As for your questions- I don't wet myself too often. That bedwetting was very random and I'm still not sure why it happened, I think its literally just because I had a dream about peeing so it like triggered me to go or something. That being said, I have had some memorable pee accidents, particularly that one I posted about here once where I was tipsy while getting on a tour boat, and I wet my jeans in front of my friends and many strangers. As far as the time I pooped and peed in the car on my way to meet my friend, there isn't really a lot more to it than what I wrote. I was just stuck in the car so I couldn't get to a toilet, and I wound up pooping first. I remember it was thick and soft. I held my bladder for another 10 minutes or so before I gave in and just wet myself too since I was already a mess anyway. I cleaned myself up in a McDonald's bathroom lol.

Wendy M.- that's actually pretty funny about what happened to your friend! Tell her you have it on good authority that she's not even close to being alone in the pooped-undies-on-Christmas category, if what has been posted here lately is any indication.

Kristen: I'm so sorry your ibs has been flaring up so bad lately and caused you to have a major accident in your dads car. I also pooped myself in my dads car like a week before Thanksgiving so I feel your pain. Seat cleaning and all. I hope you find some relief from your ibs, maybe there is a medication that can help?

Now for two quick stories. so we are 10 days into 2021 and so far i think i'm on pace to have a worse year than last year lol, as i have already had two accidents. one was yesterday when the fed ex guy made me poop my pants! Lol. I had just gotten home from work and taken my shoes off, and i was needing to poop pretty urgently and just about to head to the bathroom when my intercom buzzed and it was the fed ex guy. he had something i'd been waiting for that needed to be signed for so i HAD to go down and sign for it. i put my shoes back on and i rushed down there, signed for my package, then the guy starts making chit chat. i tried to be polite and reply to him but i REALLY had to go, and i just started heading back up the stairs as he was talking. i hurried as fast as i could, but by the time i got back up to my apartment door, my underwear felt a lot warmer and heavier...i had pooped pretty much the whole way up the steps. it was a somewhat solid load, it filled up my undies like a little football, with a little mush on top, and i stunk up the stairwell. i just held my breath and prayed i'd make it inside before anyone came out into the stairwell and pinned the smell on me... luckily i did. Anyway when i got inside i just opened my package and took care of a couple of things since i didn't need to poop anymore, and i cleaned myself up and changed my underwear a little while later.

The other accident happened last week. I was in the car after work and i needed to go to the bathroom but i also needed to stop and get money from the bank. i pulled into the bank by my house and went to the drive thru atm, figuring it would be quick and i would get home in time. wrong. there were two cars ahead of me, and it was like both of them were taking out a freaking personal loan or something on the atm because they were taking forever. i dont get it, you just put your card in, get money and leave. its simple. but these people were dragging it on and on, and by the time i finally got up to the atm, i knew i wasn't going to make it home. i pretty much just gave up holding it in and as i was using the atm, i relaxed and filled my underwear with a soft pile of mushy poop. it felt immensely relieving, and the initial moments of sitting in the warmth were oddly euphoric. the bliss wore off quickly once i smelled it, then when i started thinking about the clean up. i then lifted my butt from the seat and tried to drive the rest of the way home like that because i just had panties and leggings on so i was afraid of the mess soaking through into my seat, which has of course happened more than once before and its a real pain to get the smell out of the car when that happens.

These were two accidents i realize that i could have avoided if i just used the toilet at work before i drove home. but i am still just too stubborn to do's like why stay at work extra time to use a communal bathroom when i could just go right home and use my own bathroom? i mean i DO make it home MOST of the time lol. it's worth the risk of using my underwear by accident to try and make it home i guess.


So this is my first post. I've actually viewed this website but never had anything to post until now. I'm staying at my best friend's house for the weekend and her mom fixed tacos for supper. The tacos were very good, her mom is an excellent cook. After dinner, I went with my best friend to her room and we talked for a bit before I went to shower. After I showered, my best friend went to shower and I went downstairs.

I found my best friend's mom, who I will call Ella in the kitchen. She greeted me with a smile and I thanked her for letting me stay. She told me I was always welcome and gave me a hug. After the hug, we talked about various things until she let out a loud fart...on purpose. I immediately burst into laughter and she watched me laughing with a smile on her face. The fart smelled horrible but for some odd reason, that just made it funnier.

She said nobody wants to be around her on taco night due to her being so gassy. I told her I didn't mind and she let out another loud fart and this time, we both laughed. She said she almost pooped her pants with that fart which only made me laugh harder.

After that, she mentioned she better go to the bathroom and she winked at me and told me I probably shouldn't go to the downstairs bathroom for the rest of the night lol.


Accident at work

Hello, my name is Deb.

So, I still haven't had any signs of my period starting whatsoever. It's been nearly a month and a half since my last period which at this time in my life, is quite unusual. The last time this happened, my period was crazy heavy when I did finally get it.

Anyway, yesterday at work I had another accident in my pants. I was feeling fine but then my bowels flipped over and I had a sudden rush of diarrhea that needed to come out. To start, I had to go down to the main level to the mailroom. Since our office is under lockdown, it's quite a bit harder to get around, even with a keycard. Normally I can just go into the mailroom and get the mail for the tenants on our floor. Nowadays I have to wait for someone in the mailroom to get everything, then they put it into a plastic box and I take it from there. 1

As I was heading down the elevator I started cramping up. Then as I was waiting in the mailroom I had a sudden rush of diarrhea. I clamped my butt cheeks with everything I had but the cramps were just terrible. Finally the lady in the mailroom handed me the box and I grabbed the mail from it. As I went to turn and leave, I let out some mushy diarrhea into my pink hipsters. It came squelching out. It wasn't a lot at this point, but I had definitely pooped my pants a little bit. I could feel the mess slipping around in between my butt cheeks.

I got on the elevator still holding on as much as I could as to not make my accident any worse. I got back to our floor and put the mail on the desk. My coworker Jenn, could tell that I needed to go to the ladies room. As I turned from the desk I let out another squelch and pooped a bit more into my panties. I got into a stall and carefully pulled down my jeans and then my hipsters. I sat down and let out a huge rush of mushy diarrhea. I looked down at my panties and I had definitely made quite a good mess in them. More than I had realized actually. They were a mess from the gusset and towards the back and they were stained through as well. At that point I realized that I forgot to grab my purse. I cleaned myself up and wiped out my panties as much as I could.

I went back to my desk at the front reception area and carefully sat down. Jenn asked if I was okay and I told her that I was fine. I didn't want to make a big deal of the fact that I had an accident in my pants. A few minutes later I grabbed my purse and looked through it. A shiver went down my back as I realized that I didn't have any clean panties or pads with me.

At lunch time I went to the downtown mall and bought some panties to change into. As I was shopping I had another rush of diarrhea and pooped more into my panties. They were already a mess anyway from my previous accident a few hours earlier.

Anyway, that's my most recent story.

Thanks for reading!



To Eileen

Hi hope you are doing ok I have just got off the toilet after a really big poo. I haven't been since yesterday so this evening a strong urge to go came I quickly made my way to the toilet pulled my jeans and underwear down and sat. I started to wee a little and realized when I pushed it was a very big load the tip poked out and hurt with being so big and firm it slowly eased out feeling bit painful but also good at the same time it fell in the water with a flomp. It was like a plug as straight after another few poos plopped into the toilet in rapid succession by now I felt very relieved and was empty I began to wipe myself and noticed a little blood on the paper the toilet was very full biggest was probably 9 inch and others were around 6 inch plus some small soft bits luckily the toilet flushed ok I just got the brush to clean the marks my poo had left.
Talk to you soon love mike xxx


National Championship Explosion


Just a quick post! Alan and I stayed up late to watch our favorite college football team play last night. I made some party food, including nachos and bean dip. We also enjoyed a couple of beers, which we never do on a week night!

Let me tell you, we both had some of the nastiest, explosive shits we've had as a married couple this morning! Our bathroom reeked with foul poop odor! You know I never use the "s" word, but these were shits, not bowel movements!

I think it was a combination of party food, beer and only five hours of sleep that created this mess!

I hope everyone is well today!

Love to all!


Remember how in my last post I mentioned that my best friend's mom, Ella almost pooped her pants? Well she did on Sunday night!

She was driving me home on Sunday night and we were talking when a notice a devilish smile appear on her face and a sudden horrible smell entered the car. She started to giggle and I couldn't help but giggle too despite the horrible smell. A few moments later, another fart came out of her but this one was audible and also sounded...wet.

The horrible smell came back and I noticed Ella wasn't smiling or giggling or laughing. Her face was red and I realized why. She had pooped her pants.

I didn't know how to react. I thought it was funny but I didn't want to see rude by laughing. She sighed and said "Well at least I have an excuse to not talk to your parents."

That made me laugh and she started to smile a little too. When we got to my house, I once again thanked her for letting me stay and we shared a almost mother-daughter moment despite the fact that she had poop in her pants and the smell was horrible lol.


Kids visiting opposite sex's bathrooms

I continue to find it interesting on what little kids see or think they see when their parent takes them into the bathroom of the opposite sex.
Tom and Thunder, among others, have made interesting observations.

As for me, I remember dad taking me into the mens room on 5 or 6 occasions. The bathrooms were probably moderate in size, but to the young child, they were as big as at an international airport. Dad always made me take his hand, and since I wasn't as athletic then, he definitely was pulling me from seeing too much. As we walked by the urinals I saw so many different things: some had both hands on their prize, some had a hand extended to the wall and practically holding them up, and as I've figured it out over the ensuing years, some paid a high price for their sweats, because they had to partially drop them to get rid of their pee. One little boy, about my age, caught my eye because his clothing was on the floor, he was standing on his tip-toes and barely getting his prize up to bowl level.

On the other side of the aisle, guys were seated on the toilets doing their poos. I remember seeing one old man, which his legs in a v-shape, a wad of toilet paper in one hand and his other hand up his nose. Of course, there was something worse than stench going into the much larger rooms because most of the toilets had doors removed. Then suddenly we'd stumble on an open stall, if the seat was up dad would dash in, drop it and motion for me to take my throne. He would block the doorway and give me privacy, although he would almost always said to make sure I did a total wee, because once the game started or the movie, my luck would run out. I have never been able to figure out what he meant by that. I remember on a couple of times, I would then take guard duty at the entrance while he took his prize out and peed or dropped his jeans and crapped.

With more doors being removed from public toilets all the time, I can't see this lack of privacy being corrected any time soon. But, memories are made of this, I guess.


Caught Short and Public Toilets

I refer to recent posts about unloading bowels not in a toilet when the situation demanded. A sensible idea it is too . A few months ago I and my partner were on a bush walk and heading back to the car when the urge hit my partner. Where the car was there were public toilets and , we will call her M said she would have to make a dash for them as it was urgent . I told her not to risk it and just go in the bush. M did not take up my offer and when she entered the cubicle she lost it and there was poo everywhere and undies written . The consequences was on toilet written off ! If she had have gone into the bush, drop her pants and undies and release the results would be much better. Two weeks later we were walking elsewhere and she got the urge but did not again use the bushes but made it to the toilet without a minute to spare. I suggest readers should consider the above !!!!

Jaded Jarrod

Bad Memories

Coming back from a long drive with my girlfriend and a visit to her parents a few states away, Tally started getting upset with her bowels since they hadn't moved for the four days we were gone. Interstate rest stops are OK I guess and I presented her with a 70 mile choice. A stop or holding it in until we got to the next city. Tally reluctantly gave in as I knew she would do, but not without the usual complaining. I was especially concerned because her 5-year-old daughter was in the back seat and the next generation of complainers was being trained.

Tally tried to talk Mia from going in, reminding her she had wee-ed at the gas station about an hour before, but there was no talking Mia out of it. After about 10 minutes the two of them came out with Mia running ahead and bragging about her mom's experience on the toilet, how big it was, without privacy door, the flusher not working, and how the sinks were stopped up and not working. Complaint on top of complaint from my two favorite ladies. So after waiting for Mia to lie down and fall asleep on the back seat, I told Tally what had happened to my best friend Ethan about 11 years ago when we had just started middle school.

I wrote about it on Page 1855. See my study partner left class to take a crap. He completed it and when he went to get up he found he was fully stuck on the toilet seat. Some combination of super glue and paste had been spread over the seat and he was hopelessly stuck.
How to get him unstuck was an issue, a rescue unit was called, and the toilet seat was disconnected from the toilet, and he and it were put on a wheel chair and he was taken to the hospital where he was
finally pulled off it. He had abrasions on his skin and other pains that lasted for several days. Our teacher burst out laughing when security and a vice-principal came to our classroom to get Ethan's belongings. Through a police monitor, I guess, word got out to the community and neither Ethan or the school liked the attention the media attention brought.

Tallie was appalled to learn of what happened and that I too had crapped in that same toilet about 30 minutes before Ethan did. Her crap in the I-35 bathroom all of a sudden became a lot less important.


Desperation at the pool

Hi my name is Katie I am 16 years old 5"7 I weigh 120 pounds I have dirty blonde hair with brown eyes I've been told I have a cute little butt with b cup breast I stumbled onto this site and I really enjoy reading the stories on here and I wanted to post something that happened to me last summer with close friends we all made sure to be safe and cautious with the virus going on.

Me and three of my friends decided to head out to a public pool near her house I was wearing a cute black bikini before we got there we had some food from this place that was selling tacos they were so good but by the time we got there were starting to set in it was a good 30 minutes after we got there I know I would need to visit the ladies restroom we were sunbathing so I excuse myself there were a few others at the beach but it wasn't super busy

I made my way to the ladies restroom holding my stomach letting out farts when I open the door to the ladies restroom I was surprised it had two toilet out in the open with a sink to wash you're hands out in the open so you can see the other user in front of you on the left toilet a girl with her red bottoms at her ankles was sitting there and I could hear her pee hitting the toilet water bellow

I was standing there blushing crossing my legs I ask her shyly is it ok if I use the other toilet I ask looking at the other toilet seeing how she might want her privacy but she said I could go ahead and use it I quickly thanked her as I pulled down my bottoms to my ankles and was peeing by this point she had finished peeing but remained seated so she might need to poop but was waiting for me to finish peeing and leave before she continued I let out a fart as my pee stream ended and I sit with my legs slightly open so she could definitely see that I was pooping and I saw her blush as she started going aswell eventually we both finished going we wiped and left at the same time it was so embarrassing but it was fun in a way I had another adventure at that same pool later in the summer

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


Stupid Auto Correct

Hey everyone. First off, I am currently sitting on my toilet having a long pee and is now being followed by a big poop. Anyway, from my last post, it's supposed to be Dinner Plate, not sinner place. I have no idea where that one came from other than auto correct. Anyway, time to wipe my ass and get to work. Man that poop really smells bad, 4 nice small logs to start the day. Happy pooping and peeing to all


Public bathroom urinal survey

This became an interest of mine I think about 8 years ago when my babysitter Ianne, who was a high school student, would take me out along with her two younger brothers, Tyron, 6, and Zac, 5. Ianne was trying to get them out of the ladies bathroom and into the men's. But Tyron and Zac messed around a lot and Ianne heard several complaints from them about the urinals she ordered the to use. So she wrote down the urinal styles and complaints.

So here are the urinal styles:

Choice 1: long, flat vertical wall of porcelain or steel that you pee

Choice 2: a channel of drains set into the floor along the base of a

Choice 3: a trough urinal mounted on a wall or floor and you pee
against a wall.

Choice 4: an individual urinal mounted on a wall

Choice 5: individual privacy screens or panels that separate each
user and give him privacy from seeing the wares of others.

Choice 6: peeing in an individual toilet

For the guys, please answer the following questions:

1) What did your parent or babysitter or teacher say about the choices available?

2) Which one seemed the easiest for you to use? Why?

3) Which one seemed to be the scariest for you? Why?

4) Do you remember any accidents, or other experiences?

5) About what age did you start being more conscious about exposing your wares to those going to the bathroom next to you? What was said? What changes were made in your routine?

6) What "bribes" or incentives did your parent, sibling, babysitter
try to get you to change your ways? How well did it work?

7) What type of bathrooms (park, gas station, swimming pool, movie theater, etc.) caused the most confrontation? Why?

Ianne and I remain friends. Over the Christmas holiday, when she was back home from graduate school studies, Ianne and I met for coffee. As I do, she remembers Tyron and Zac as being a handful, so demanding, and perhaps future pervs!

So this is my first post. I've actually viewed this website but never had anything to post until now. I'm staying at my best friend's house for the weekend and her mom fixed tacos for supper. The tacos were very good, her mom is an excellent cook. After dinner, I went with my best friend to her room and we talked for a bit before I went to shower. After I showered, my best friend went to shower and I went downstairs.

I found my best friend's mom, who I will call Ella in the kitchen. She greeted me with a smile and I thanked her for letting me stay. She told me I was always welcome and gave me a hug. After the hug, we talked about various things until she let out a loud fart...on purpose. I immediately burst into laughter and she watched me laughing with a smile on her face. The fart smelled horrible but for some odd reason, that just made it funnier.

She said nobody wants to be around her on taco night due to her being so gassy. I told her I didn't mind and she let out another loud fart and this time, we both laughed. She said she almost pooped her pants with that fart which only made me laugh harder.

After that, she mentioned she better go to the bathroom and she winked at me and told me I probably shouldn't go to the downstairs bathroom for the rest of the night lol.


Desperation at the pool

Hi my name is Katie I am 16 years old 5"7 I weigh 120 pounds I have dirty blonde hair with brown eyes I've been told I have a cute little butt with b cup breast I stumbled onto this site and I really enjoy reading the stories on here and I wanted to post something that happened to me last summer with close friends we all made sure to be safe and cautious with the virus going on.

Me and three of my friends decided to head out to a public pool near her house I was wearing a cute black bikini before we got there we had some food from this place that was selling tacos they were so good but by the time we got there were starting to set in it was a good 30 minutes after we got there I know I would need to visit the ladies restroom we were sunbathing so I excuse myself there were a few others at the beach but it wasn't super busy

I made my way to the ladies restroom holding my stomach letting out farts when I open the door to the ladies restroom I was surprised it had two toilet out in the open with a sink to wash you're hands out in the open so you can see the other user in front of you on the left toilet a g


Poop Fantasy

Hi folks on this wonderful site! Last night, my recent poop fantasies came true in a dream. I had fun inspecting sewer cleanouts for big poopy/nasty clogs. I had become this obsessed plumber who carried around one of those large electronic drain snakes everywhere I went. I'd also be interested in the toilets too, flushing each and every one. The cool part of the dream was that when I found a dirty cleanout, I'd feel a sense of excitement, and eagerness to get to work. I guess I've been having these fantasies as a blind person, because of lack of productivity. I bet if their are any blind plumbers doing tasks using certain accommodations, I bet they're having fun unclogging poop etc especially if they love the idea as much as I have. As I've said before, the use of a sewer snake may not be realistically possible for someone with my condition, but other tasks such as manual unclogging of a toilet certainly could be. What I mean by this is maybe the manual plumbing tools could work. Even in my imaginary poop etc unclogging fantasies, I try to have an attitude where just about anything is possible when you put your mind to it. As far as my poops go for today, it was chunky. The smell was like how it is sometimes after drinking prune juice, but I didn't have any today. Supposedly my multivitamin can make my poop smell a little weird? I bet all of you have poop fantasies, and sometimes changes in poop smells from things such as supplements. While on my Ipod, I had fun today listening to a show about kids going to a high school called Degrassi. I've not heard poop sceines yet, (am on season 8) but their have been moments of people in the bathroom talking, etc. Hope you all enjoy. Bye.



LC: Thank you for your interest in my stories. This was only the fifth time I had a solid accident, so it's not like this is a habit :) Yes, in many ways it was staged, simply because I put off going, both intentionally and so that I could finish cleaning the kitchen. But when I did make it to the bedroom, the defecation was involuntary, as I had the urge to go in the worst way, both from some minor stomach cramps and the missed bowel movement on Christmas Eve. Alan and I had a conversation about this not too long ago, and I shared it on the forum, at least a brief summary. He witnessed me have an accident four years ago and said that it aroused him. I would say the load was the size of a grapefruit. The only difference in this "solid accident" and the others is the mushy poop at the end. The others were completely firm.

It sounds like you had a major BM at the bakery! Congratulations on that! Glad to have you back!

Flynn: I don't know what advice to give about transitioning since I'm both biologically female and female in gender. But, I'm not a stickler for toilet paper or seat covers unless the toilet appears dirty. Victoria B would be a great one to ask about actual toilets and their seat shapes. I always sit on the toilet, again, unless it's filthy. I've never peed in a sink. I don't advise that :). The biggest adjustment you might have to get used to is simply sitting to pee. I'm not a pee fan. I do envy that guys can just open their fly and go in a matter of seconds. We have to do the same amount of work for a pee as we do for a poop, and that can be annoying, especially if you have had a lot of water that day. I wish you all the best!

Shannon and Trina: What did you think of my story! Love to my fellow SPAS. Reading your stories inspired me!

Love to all!



Doorless Cubicles and.

I note Josie's problem with the doorless situation. At our office we have doors but the divider walls and doors are very low so if you are very tall you could see over the top. The ladies toilets do not have a window and the air suck out system is not effective and the smell of shit from the ladies toilet wafts down the corridor. In Australia there are very few doorless toilets, I have used a couple

How many of you wear boy shorts and unisex underwear, especially the guys?

End Stall Em

Answers to questions raised

I'm a courtesy kiosk employee at a regional mall, a college student, and I have a live-in boyfriend Spencer whom I've known for about 10 years. So my answer to Flynn's questions are based on my experiences, such as those described.

1. Is it better to use a toilet seat cover or cover with seat with toilet paper?

I've been a bare-butt-on-seat girl since I was about 6 and my dad would still take me into the mens room when we were out shopping and at games. Love dad dearly but I was often in pain and distressed while he laid the toilet paper carefully over the seat before he let me sit down. Somewhat surprising, I guess, that I'm engaged to Spencer who lays toilet paper down before seating himself at our apartment. He's adamant about it but I'm not going to change him.

If a person refuses to sit butt-down, I say using a toilet seat cover is far superior to wasting toilet paper in covering all four sides of the seat. Some even go beyond that and build a nest. I wonder if three or four of our guests are deprived of toilet paper to wipe with after such a situation. Our physical plant manager also complains about clogs caused by the nest builders too.

2. Is it better to squat over a public toilet or sit down?

I say sit down and don't worry about it. Too often, squatters don't have the aim they think they have and they mess up the seat. Also, regarding squatting for hard craps can overheat those if they have winter clothing on and push hard with a mask on.

3. Is peeing in a sink a good alternative to using a public toilet?

I say NO! Sitting on a sink, especially if it is of an older variety and perhaps not properly secured on a wall, could lead to a fall and even a greater tragedy. There's also a health department issue in many cities and states that is being violated. In addition, it is just outright gross unless it is handled discreetly. Open, public urination can result in a misdemeanor offense and ticketed. I've had a couple of complaints about it at our mall, often during high-traffic situations during the holiday season.

4. What is it like to talk to other girls in the bathroom?

In high school it was out of control, with a lot of drama and time wasted, that might have been a contributing factor to some of us getting bladder infections from holding our needs. In college now, it is less of an issue, although I've heard some foul language when a person sits on the toilet too long and there are several others waiting their turn. I say if you're going to be longer on the toilet, don't use a single or two-stall toilet on the main floor where there's a lot of users. Same goes for use of the toilets closest to the food court at the mall. Because I'm in uniform at the mall, and I often carry a walky-talky, I have more questions directed at me when I'm on break and using the toilet.


Doorless Cubicles and Privacy

I note Josie's problem with the doorless situation. At our office we have doors but the divider walls and doors are very low so if you are very tall you could see over the top. The ladies toilets do not have a window and the air suck out system is not effective and the smell of shit from the ladies toilet wafts down the corridor. In Australia there are very few doorless toilets, I have used a couple in my time but that is all . I would have no problem with sitting on a doorless toilet and being seen , so long as the person who saw me did not know me, I note Aunt and Elineora have been caught short and had to do unscheduled poos . Although this has never happened to me in that context, once again it would not bother me if I was not seen by someone who knew me ,

Sunday, January 10, 2021

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