
Princess Toadstool Peach

It is Potty Time for Baby Peach and Baby Rosalina P1

Hey there everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach. And today I am potty training Baby Peach and Baby Rosalina. They are so cute and easy to potty train. Both of them wear nappy pull up diapers and very excited to learn about the process of going wee-wee and poo-poo in their potties. And what better is to show how it's done using my toilet. I walk over to my toilet, lift my dress, yank down my panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and sits on the toilet adjusting my legs and squatting on my lucky footstool. As I relaxed and let all the wee flow out of my bladder vagina (TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dripdripdrop!) Then I started to go poo! (PAAAAAAAARRRRRPPP!! PLOP PLOP SPLUNK PLOOP!!) Then I grabbed some toilet paper, wiped my vagina and then my bottom front and back, threw away the paper, stand up, lift down my dress and pull up my panties and then flush the toilet. Best of luck I can do it! Bye bye now!!

David P

Replies to Jasmin K and quick story 'pooing at work'.

To Jasmin k: First things first I must apologise for leaving you hanging Jasmin K, you went into so much effort for my survey and I did not respond, really am sorry Jaz just been busy with work and life and stuff. Thanks for going in so much detail, I can't believe you have done 10 inch long poos, maybe I have done one or two of them in my life but not as hard as yours. Like a coke can, wow that is something no wonder you struggle to push them out. I am amazed though of your determination not to be beaten by a poo even if it is really big. Go on Jaz, do show your poos who's boss! yeah the same as me then my poo is usually light brown and occasionally dark brown almost black at times. Do you think going up on your tip toes helps the poo to come out when it is long and fat and hard to push out? I know Abbie used to always describe going up on her toes and pulling her bum cheeks apart but I don't know how much that helped. Perhaps both Abbie and yourself should do a proper squat as it is supposed to help but despite knowing that, I still sit and just push when I need to push. Think squatting does not do that much for me? People say do not push when you do a poo but what are you supposed to do? I always need to at least do a few pushes to get started anyway.

I have a quick story from the other week. I had tried to have a poo before work but despite straining nothing but a pebble would come out, by the time I had driven to work and got to my desk I felt the need to go. I decided I did not need it that bad and wasn't sure if it was just a fake urge as I get them from time to time. At break I thought if I still feel the same at lunch I will have a poo as I am not sure if I need it just yet so I decided to hold. I went to have my lunch and actually felt like I did not need it anymore, what a result. So I ate my packed lunch and went back to my desk to work. About two hours after that my lunch was working hard on my bowels and I really needed to go. I kept farting and smelling to relieve the pressure. The managers were hovering in the room for ages and I just wanted them to piss off so I could go leave the room and go for a poo without feeling like I was being watched. Eventually after a long time they left the room and I decided to head to the toilet. When I got there the bathroom, a single unisex was already occupied and a girl was waiting to use it as well. I waited and waited and still nobody came out. I joked with the girl about how long we had to wait. Nobody came out. I could feel the head of my poo threatening to come out and my belly in knots. Eventually we had to go to a different set of individual unisex bathrooms over the other side of the office. She took one of the bathrooms and I took the other. I hated the thought of having to do what felt like what would be a big, smelly and noisy poo at work but luckily it was a single enclosed unisex. I sat down on the toilet expecting the poo to come out the moment I sat down but no I had to actually work at this for it to come out, I held my breath and pushed and pushed and out came this big log. Ploop. Did not take too long luckily. Then I farted really loudly and was worried people would hear from outside. Then I kept straining and pushed out a few more mushy poos and started to wipe my behind. It was really messy and took ages to wipe. I decided to flush then and finish wiping in two halves not to block the toilet. Eventually I washed my hands and returned to work. This whole ordeal probably took about 15 minutes but I felt loads better after passing that load.

The second story comes from today, this is just a quick update as yet again tried to go for a poo before work but nothing, not even a pebble It was dry as a bone in there. So I took myself off to work. By mid morning I felt bloated but did not feel like I needed a poo, I did not have an urge. After lunch I just kept on seeping really stinky farts, once one had come out the next one was threatening to seep out of me. I had no choice but to keep farting these silent and stinky farts all afternoon. But still no urge. On the way home I pushed a little too hard for my fart and actually felt the head of a poo up there and I did not even know I needed a poo. Anyone else get that weird thing happen? When I got home I went straight up to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. I sat for a while waiting but nothing came out, so I knew I needed to push. So I held my breath and began to push and felt my anus opening up. The poo felt wide and hard. I know people keep saying that putting your feet up on a foot stool is supposed to help but I still just sit and decide to push if I need to. Sometimes I go up on tip toes. Luckily it came out with a few gentle pushes and sploshed into the water, it was probably about 5 inches long, light brown and hard. It also smelt very strong. I wiped, it took only a couple wipes and flushed and had dinner. I still feel bloated now.


Reply to Princess Toadstool Peach

Hello princess Emily here sorry to hear about your constipation issues. I know it sucks. I get a lot. Thank God you got it out. With an enema. I've tried those a couple times they don't work, but what I have found out and looked up. I had to Google it couple weeks ago. And I was super super constipated, and didn't know what to do no matter how much and how hard I pushed it would not budge so I had a technique called splinting. It's a digging technique. It works very efficient. I don't know if you've heard of it or if anyone else has heard it in here where you sit on the toilet seat scoot back, spread your legs and insert a finger into your vagina and against the lower back wall of it you should feel the hard lump which is the poop and then press your finger on it towards your hole and that should evacuate and pop it out it worked for me and very efficient. Have you heard of this method or anybody else? Let me know



Re: Kate B Worsening Incontinence

Dear Kate,

I read with interest your recent posting on this forum. With your kind indulgence, I'd like to share my own experiences and insights regarding incontinence. I must emphasize that I am not an expert but I believe that my insights have some relevance.

Let me begin by sharing my own background. I am a senior citizen (just turned 74) who is disabled by cerebral palsy. I hope my age is not a "turn off" and, although I'm old enough to be your father, I'm not going to lecture you about going to the bathroom. But, as a disabled person. I have had some exposure to people who are incontinent including my wife who also has cerebral palsy.

I have posted about my experiences in this area on this forum for more than 20 years. Briefly, my earliest acquaintance as a youngster was a neighbor who was born with spina bifida. He was paralyzed from his waist down and bowel and bladder incontinent. Because we lived in the same neighborhood, our mothers were friends and over time I learned a lot about his bathroom issues.
We both attended a segregated ("special") school for the disabled where there were other youngsters with spina bifida (SB) and the same bowel and bladder issues. The school covered grades K through 12, all of the SB children wore diapers and were changed (or changed themselves) throughout the school day. I'm going back to the 50s and 60s. These kids used the same bathrooms that everyone else, used so, for better or for worse, their incontinence issues were very much out in the open. The youngster I previously mentioned and I sat together on the same school bus for a number years.

In college, I had a roommate who was a quadriplegic and he too was incontinent as a result of his spinal cord injury. He wore an external catheter and leg bag for his urination and he was engaged in a bowel management program (yeah, that's a thing) that enabled him to be accident free and do his BM in the toilet on a daily basis.

So, I just wanted to share a little more. Based upon your posting and looking at this from 30,000 feet, so to speak, I'm guessing that you have some kind of neurological impairment that's adversely affecting your bowel and bladder control (I know, duh). Several possibilities come to mind. You may have had an injury as a young child that may not been seen as serious at the time, but has impacted your bowel and bladder control. On the other hand, there is form of a spina bifida, known as spina bifida occulta, which often goes undiagnosed and while it doesn't present the usual manifestations of spina bifida (paralysis, etc), it does entail incontinence. There are other possibilities, too. Your posting does not mention what medical interventions have been pursued for managing your incontinence.

Let me get to the point: I'm wondering if you have ever been seen by a neurologist and if the underlying cause of your issues has been identified. Furthermore, I'm wondering if you could benefit from working with a physical or occupational therapist on a bowel management program that would enable you to have a bowel movement at a time and place of your own choosing on a regular basis and ultimately become free of bowel accidents (or at least minimize their occurrence). Keep in mind that individuals with spinal cord injuries or defects deal with this every day and live very productive lives with few accidents. But, the key word here is "management." You probably cannot be "cured," but with the proper guidance you may be able to learn how to manage your bowel movements and not the other way around.

One more aside: I went to school with a girl who had spina bifida. Upon graduating high school, she went to college, had a double major in accounting and mechanical engineering (go figure),
worked as an auditor for the IRS and married and had a daughter. In addition, she was a very accomplished wheelchair athlete and equestrian who traveled extensively nationally and internationally.

Finally, your posting has a special sadness to it when you talk of how this has affected intimacy between you and your husband. I understand. My wife began losing her bladder control about eight years ago and in spite of all of my "clinical" understanding, I wasn't the most patient person at the beginning. Ultimately, incontinence has to viewed as just another form of disability and I hope you and your husband can come to this understanding and acceptance.

Kate, I hope this helped in some small way and that pursuing some medical help will be of benefit to you. I'm here to listen.


Anna from Austria
@Chakamami You guys are great. Thank you very much for your nice words.

It is not that bad then if only the person using the cubicle can see the screen.

I still would feel a bit uncomfortable by such a screen though. I would not be very cool to get informed how long I am already sitting on the toilet. I am aware that I always need quite some time to defecate but I have never been curious how much time I need excactly.

greetings from Austria




Response to Vol's Survey and Tricky (Bodily Function Stigma)

Vol's Survey

1. How long does it take you to poop?
Usually between 5 and 10 minutes.

2. How much do you go when you poop?
It depends. Sometimes it's a little bit, sometimes it's a lot.

3. Describe what your typical poop looks like.
Lately, I make little "rabbit poops." A bunch of little round pebbles, each between an inch and 2 inches wide, dark brown in color. Sometimes I make long, light brown poops that are around an inch wide. And then occasionally I make poops that look completely different.

4. If you have to poop away from home is it more important that the bathroom is clean or private?

5. Is pooping something you look forward to, something you dread,.or just part of your day?
It's just part of my day, I don't usually give it much thought. If I'm constipated I look forward to it, if my stomach is upset I dread it.

6. What's your favorite place to poop other than your own home?
I rarely leave my home so I don't have many opportunities to poop outside the house. I enjoy pooping on road trips at truck stops because they tend to be clean and spacious, plus if I'm driving taking a poop gives me a little break which is always nice. There's a routine to them. Park the car, walk to the bathroom, "drop the kids off at the pool," buy snacks or drinks, fill up my tank, and leave. When I'm on road trips, I really enjoy stopping to use the bathroom. I "mark my territory" in some place far away from where I live, it's kind of funny.

7. What's more embarrassing, poop smells or poop sounds?

8. Tell me a little about your last poop.
I took a poop a few hours ago. It was a collection of light brown, short logs. I always have a pre-poop fart when I sit to poop (and even when I'm just peeing I usually fart). My poops were way smellier today than they usually are. It took maybe 5 or 6 wipes to clean it. It was surprisingly messy. I have been letting the stinkiest farts rip since I took that poop, so I imagine I'll probably be back in the bathroom soon.

9. Anything else you'd like to add?
No, not really.

To Tricky:
I'm not surprised that lady you were with had that reaction (not wanting to date you because you pooped on the first date), but I have never understood that attitude that she had. I don't think I've ever judged anyone I've dated for taking a little long in the bathroom while we're out, and I hope they have never judged me for that. It's a green flag if your date makes a joke after pooping or farting near you, a red flag if they don't want to hear about it.
Bodily functions can be funny or even endearing. They make us human. I don't think it's healthy when people try to convince themselves that their partner is more than human by denying that they sometimes pee, poop, fart, burp, or have periods. I'm in a relationship, but if someone I was dating acted grossed out after I took a break to poop while on a date, or if I accidentally let a fart out around them, I'd strongly consider leaving them. If knowing my bathroom habits made someone less attracted to me, I would not want to be with them. You may have dodged a bullet when that lady said she wasn't interested in you.

About Rippin' Rhonda

Me and my friends knew this freshman girl at our high school as Rippin' Rhonda. She was science smart and often offered to help us on a extra-credit laboratory problem. She was in our last class and immediately after the dismissal bell rang we went with her right outside our classroom to our lockers. Hers was at floor level and she would squat for 2 or 3 minutes, sometimes more, in her tight blue jeans or shorts as she went trough the clutter of finding what she needed. Then she'd put it in her backpack and we'd follow her one floor down to the science lab. But there was always one stop more. She'd stop in the bathroom, sometimes moving pretty fast through the double-size entrance without a door into the bathroom.

We'd stand, backs to the wall, quietly listening to what was going on 9 feet or so behind us. We'd hear the creak of the privacy door as it swung, the plop as her butt dropped to the seat and within a minute or 2 we'd here the plops and splashes into the toilet. Then she'd yank at the paper roll and we could hear most of her wipes. Then we'd hear her flip the seat up and then the flush. A few times when she was washing her hands we could hear a toot or two.

As we got to know her better my friend Russ brought up about what we had heard. She joked that we were the F*****' Perv 4, but when we went to a fast food place for a snack after we were done with our work, we joked about the name we had given her, Rippin' Rhonda. So as we studied together more we found that her stepfather was often blaming her for clogging their apartment's toilet. So that explained her late day shit
before going home.

Sarah: I enjoy your stories. You said the seat was dirty but you still used it. Why? Did you wipe it off with TP before seating yourself? Did you consider using a toilet paper shield between yourself and the seat?

Elvia: When you use the guys' bathroom in a public place do you find it to be dirtier than the ladies? By what characteristics?

Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

Survey of Vol-san

Hi Everyone, we hope you are all very fine.

Today we don't really have story so we do survey of Vol-san. We like survey. But old timers this site maybe bore. New people maybe don't bore...

Key: H = Chae (Hisae), K = Kazumi, Ma = Maho, Mi = Mina

1. How long does it take you to poo?

About 10 ~ 15 minutes (K, Ma, Mi) about 7 ~ 12 Minutes (H)

2. How much do you go when you poop?

A lot. Maybe when we look in loo, large brown melon there. But we flush and sit down again so another large brown melon. Maho' motion is usually hard so we can count plops easily, usually it is about seven but sometimes more. After big poop, we all of us produce small pieces for about 5 minutes.

3. What your typical poop looks like?

Already we answer! Large brown melon. Very light yellow-brown (Mi), very light red-brown (H), medium brown (K), quite dark brown (Ma). Sometimes change colour.

4. Away from home, more important clean or private?

We don't have this problem in Japan. Most public loos clean and private. Easy to find clean private loo in supermarket, station... So difficult to answer.

5. Look forward or dread or just part of your day?

Look forward AND just part of our day. Never dread. Poop is healthy very much. If someone dread, we advice, think about health. If you hear lots heavy plops or long bururururururu under you, say to yourself. "I am very healthy woman/man"!! (Annie you are healthy really!!)

6. Favourite place to poop outside own home?

We don't have favourite. Any place is OK if it is clean and fairly private and have enough loo paper. But when we all want to poop, place with four empty cubicles next each other is best! Also place not crowded, so we can sit there long time and do huge motion.

7 Smell or sound is more embarrassing?

Both of them not embarrassing at all! "If somebody try to embarrass to me because of my horrendous fragrance or huge plop sound, I bite and kick that person" (Ma) (Ma hear Mi type this and kiss Mi her back of neck. Because Mi is typist.)

8. Tell me a little about your last poop.

We did all together in beige flat. All of us 10 ~ 15 minutes. Hisae first with Kazu next her to massage and caress, than Kazu with Mina, then Mina with Maho, than Maho with Hisae and Hisae gave Maho very good massage. Four huge double melon like Mina write above. Four horrendous fragrance. Four warm hearts burning with love for 3 crushes. Lots of kiss and hug and caress in green flat after finish our wonderful motion.

Old timer know this but for new people we explain: We live in two flats. Loo is separate from bathroom. Quite small room, but enough space for one person beside person on loo. Other two women at door, of course it is open. Weekend we poop all together, but weekday, no time, so two people poop together in beige flat and two people in green flat. We all like to poop after breakfast in morning. It is our habit!! Sometimes Maho does not need to poop, also Mina but not often.

9. Anything else?

We hope you enjoy to read. And we hope you get many answer from wonderful people in this site. We welcome you. This site full of very wonderful people so we are happy always to read their lovely posts. Some posts not so happy and we cry, perhaps you will cry too, but it is OK to cry for person we love.

Love to Everyone.



Big poop not long after breakfast

Got up this morning, went pee and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. I had oatmeal (slightly runny and spicy) with bananas and chili pepper or powder taste (my caregiver is Taiwanese but lives in Canada). After breakfast I took my medications and went downstairs (my caregiver was sleeping since she stays up all night and some of the morning to cook and clean). Shortly after coming downstairs I got the urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door (it closes all the way now), walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a big solid poop. It was solid and there was a lot. Finally when I was done I grabbed the toilet paper from the Walmart bag, took some, put the roll back into the Walmart bag and first wiped my front then wiped my butt really well. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a solid poop in there that took up a lot of the toilet bowl. Like one big thick log. Damn. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands well, turned off the tap, picked up the Walmart bag, turned off the light and left the washroom. Went to my room, took off the outside flip flops (remember my caregiver wants each person who lives here to have 2 pairs. One for in your room and a pair to wear around the house), went into my room, put those flip flops on, dried my hands on the towel and now writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and staying warm.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Another big poop

Just wrote on here not long ago about my big poop after breakfast. Well I got the urge to poop again a few minutes ago so I grabbed my Walmart bag (with my toilet paper etc in it), went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, went outside my room, closed the door, turned off the light, put those flip flops on and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door (I appreciate that it closes properly again), walked to the toilet. Pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out semi-soft, semi-solid poop, one big log. My second poop of the day. Whew. Once I was done I reached into the Walmart bag, took out the toilet paper, took some, wiped well. Put the dirty paper into the toilet and the toilet paper into the Walmart bag, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. A big poop was in the toilet, taking up most of the toilet. Wow. Second big poop today. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands (though I saw there were pieces of rice in the sink that I went to tell my caregiver about after taking a picture. Another tenant here washed his dishes in the sink but moved the drainer thing from the sink. My caregiver keeps it there to catch dirt, toothpaste, food, etc, grabbed my Walmart bag, left the washroom, turned off the light and went to my room, tossed the Walmart bag on my bed, dried my hands and went upstairs to tell my caregiver about the sink (and show her the picture from my phone). I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Re: Radu; Survey on clogging toilets

Q1: How often do you clog the toilet with your poop?

A1: At home, once or twice a week. My deposits are sometimes too much for low-flow toilets. I poop 3-4 times a day, typically 1-foot-long 2-inch-wide Bristol type-3s/4s, but if that gets interrupted and everything builds into a larger delivery than normal, the risk of a clog is high. I keep a bent coat hangar and a plunger near my home toilet. I take most of my craps in public toilets, but I clog them less frequently because they have more flushing force. On average, I clog a public toilet once every 2 months.

Q2: Have you ever clogged a friend's or family member's toilet with poop?

A2: Yes. Scores of times.

Q3: Have you ever had someone discover that you clogged your toilet? What was his and your reaction to this?

A3: Ever since the age of ten, something like this has happened at least 3-4 times a year. I think the most memorable event was when I was 24. I used the toilet at my apartment when my girlfriend was over. It clogged. I didn't have a plunger. At the time, I wasn't comfortable broaching the subject with her(this was before I used the toilet in her mother's RV), so I put the lid down to hide it and went to the local dollar store to get a plunger, hoping it would stay hidden until I had what was needed to address it. I told her I'd be back soon. When I got back, she let me know about the massive pile of shit that greeted her in the toilet when she decided to take the opportunity to use it with my absence. She was mad that I didn't give her a heads-up, because she did not want to see or smell that. I plunged it, but she decided she didn't need to go afterward. I think she was too embarrassed to poop at my apartment at the time, although after I used the toilet in her mother's RV to poop, she started using the one at my apartment for the same purpose.

Q4: Have you ever clogged the toilet at work or school and someone found it out? What was the reaction of your friends/co-workers to this?

A4: Many, many times. Possibly 20+ times. My most memorable incident was where I was in the middle of a big poop in the first stall of my office's Mens' room, and the cleaning lady knocked on the door, taken from "Poop at the office" on page 2880:

"One particular incident, I was interrupted in the Mens' room as I was dropping a massive 2 foot log as big around as my arm that got stuck in the toilet and wouldn't flush. She was waiting outside the door after I finished and I explained the toilet was clogged. She saw me in the parking garage later that day and started laughing. She knew I was the source. She started up a conversation on the subject of the office plumbing and I apologized for the clog and explained that I eat like a horse. It was probably hilarious to her given how thin I am. At the time, I looked like a skinny 15 year old kid even though I was more than 10 years older than that. She was understanding and non-judgemental, and said that my eating habits "explained a lot". She'd probably caught me on the crapper 15+ times by that point, and was always waiting outside by the door. "

Another memorable incident occurred when I was 16. I'd changed to a new high school after moving Junior year, and it actually had doors on its stalls. I'll tell that story in depth at a later date, but 3 of my classmates were in the room chatting it up while I went into a stall to poop. They were still in the room when I flushed the toilet, and it flooded.

Q5: Has anyone ever been impressed by the size of your poop? What was his reaction?

A5: Yes. At a former workplace, the cleaning lady had to deal with it post-clog. I was a scrawny man-boy of about 125 lbs and she was perplexed how a shit so large could come out of someone so small. Then she saw the heaping plates of food I had during a thanksgiving luncheon and commented "that explains a lot."

Q6: Have you ever been proud of clogging a toilet?

A6: Only at home, because no one else has to deal with it.

Q7: Is there anyone in the world whose toilet you would like to clog? Who?

A: No.


Soft easy log

Hi everyone. Got the urge to poop again a few minutes ago (I think the 3rd time today!) so I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door (stomach was gurgling and the urge was strong), walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Relaxed and peed first (quite a gusher) then pushed gently and filled the toilet quickly with quite a bit of crap. It was semi-soft, semi solid. Somewhere in the middle. Stomach was gurgling like crazy. I was done within about a minute. It stunk too lol. Reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, took some off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and wiped my front first (front to back) then did a good job wiping my butt to avoid skidmarks on my darkish green boyshorts (they're old but are still in good shape with no rips). Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a big semi-solid, semi-soft thick poop in the toilet. P.U. lol. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands well, turned off the water, picked up the Walmart bag, turned off the light, went to my room. Tossed the Walmart bag on my bed, dried my hands on the towel, put my bedroom flip flops on and now writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy. Please enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Urgent splattery poop

I've been back and forth to the washroom most of the day. First thing this morning, after breakfast and lunch and now had the urge again. I grabbed my Walmart bag, hand sanitizer (since there's no soap in the washroom), went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet. Pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet and relaxed. Peed first then watery mushy poop splattered into the toilet quickly. Reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the last 2 chunks of toilet paper, wiped my front first (front to back) then wiped my butt really well especially since they're light purple/lavender coloured boy shorts. I don't want marks on my underwear and my caregiver will mention if she sees marks either from my period or the other end. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. The toilet was watery with chunks. Yuck. Flushed the toilet, picked up the Walmart bag and left the washroom. Tossed the Walmart bag on the bed, took the outside flip flops off, came back in, put those flip flops on, dried my hands on the towel and now writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Please enjoy the rest of your weekend and be safe and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Monday, February 12, 2024

Reply to Becky

Don't hate yourself for something you can't control. There's literally nothing you can do about it. When we don't drink enough water that can also cause urgency. Without enough water urine becomes more acidic and irritates the bladder in a way that makes it feel more full than it is. You might want to talk to your doctor about water consumption and how often you're peeing. They may be able prescribe or suggest something. OK, so maybe there is one thing you can do about it, lol. But beyond that, it's just a fact of life that when you gotta go you gotta go.

Actually, I do have a second suggestion, since you mentioned diapers. A more dignified alternative to diapers would be an external catheter. But I suppose that's just a matter of perspective, you might not see that as more dignified.


Re: Thunder; Bathroom Privacy & other subjects

I've pooped at the house of every girlfriend I've ever had. If I have to go and there's a toilet available, I'm simply going to use it, unless told not to by the owner for whatever reason.

One girlfriend I had in high school, I pooped in an adjacent bathroom from where we were watching a movie with her older sister. They paused it, which meant there was no noise to silence the noises my ablution generated. I'd been holding it in all day from school because there were no stall doors, and it became an emergency.

Another girlfriend I had shortly after landing a job in another state, lived in an RV with her mother and kid. I had to use their restroom to poop once, and got barged in on by a little boy, exposing me to both her and her mother. I've also heard her poop at my apartment a number of times, and she's heard me as well.

One girl I dated for a single night. She prepared a lavish meal for me and I finished it off. And it forced me to have to take a poop at her place. I couldn't find the toilet paper and asked from inside the bathroom where she kept it, and she got irate and told me where it was hidden. That relationship didn't work out, because apparently it's extremely rude to poop on a first date and she let my female coworkers who set me up with the date know all about it. Those same female coworkers and I heard each others' bathroom noises through the vent placed between the adjacent mens' and womens' restrooms in our office multiple times and didn't understand what the big deal was with her.

But no girlfriend I've ever had was readily comfortable pooping or peeing in view of me. I gave them their space and respected it, and they did the same for me. Of course, due to time and circumstances, many things about our toilet habits got revealed to each other just in the course of mundane events.

In my case, I've been seen on the toilet by far more strangers that were female than by any girlfriends I had. Whether it was being in a single-occupant restroom at a gas station and having to crack the door open so the female clerk could hand me some toilet paper due to there being none, getting walked in on at a park restroom by a woman looking for toilet paper while I was seated on an open toilet, getting caught on the back of a Greyhound bus in the bathroom with no TP and being handed some paper towels by a cute 20-somthing lady sitting nearby, getting intruded upon at a party by a girl looking for her car keys while I was pooping, being seen sitting in a doorless stall by a female cleaning lady, among all sorts of other scenarios.

In contrast, a former girlfriend has seen me on the toilet twice(once in her mom's RV, and again at a friend's apartment when I had no toilet paper and asked her to bring me something to use), and the rest of them not once. Nor did I ever see them on it.

To Hala: I know what you mean about feeling dysregulated. Sometimes when I've had accidents I've had what I would almost describe as flashbacks to the beginning of the day, when I'm getting myself dressed and imagining a normal day. Never when you put on clean underwear to you anticipate having an accident in them a few hours later! I have sometimes felt weirdly detached from my earlier in the day self after an accident, thinking about the day that began normally but took an unexpected turn for the shameful. Anyway, it's hard but actually as others have said it happens, and to many many people too, it's no reflection on you as a person. Time will help you feel better about it.


Big solid ish poop

Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had watery oatmeal with bananas, hot sauce, green leafy vegetables and yellowish orange balls (dunno what they are). Breakfast was a little unusual but good. Took my medications after breakfast, went downstairs (my caregiver was in her room so I already thanked her when she gave me breakfast) and went downstairs. A few minutes after coming downstairs I got the urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put THOSE flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a lot of solid thick poop-one big log. Only took about 30 seconds but it was a lot. Reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, took some, put the roll back into the Walmart bag and wiped my front first then wiped my butt really well. Tossed the dirty toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up, turned and looked in the toilet. Wow! This was thick, solid and covered a lot of the toilet! Damn. Flushed the toilet and it went down fine surprisingly. Went to the sink, turned on the tap, washed my hands really well with soap and water and turned off the tap. Grabbed the Walmart bag from the floor, turned off the light, went to my room, tossed the Walmart bag into my bed, dried my hands on the towel, went outside my room, changed my flip flops, went back into my room, put THOSE flip flops on and now writing this while listening to music. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



huge dump after eating mexican food and gas station poo

i had a big dinner of burritos and tacos. the next morning i woke up with a strong need to take a dump. i farted a few times while getting out of bed. it smelled bad. i went to the bathroom and thankfully nobody was using it. i pulled my pajamas and panties down to my ankles. sat on the toilet. i relaxed and a huge log started to slowly come out without pushing. it was thick and soft. it felt amazing coming out. it continued to slide out on its own. when i was almost done it broke off. the last few inches came out after. it was yellowish brown poo. the big log was 7 or 8 inches. the small piece was 2 inches maybe. i felt very relieved. it smelled horrible. i went to wipe and found my butt messy. it took a lot of paper to get clean. i had timed myself. i was in the bathroom for 10 minutes. i left feeling much better.

today i had to take a shit while getting gas. it was a single unisex bathroom. was dirty but not to bad. i pulled my jeans and panties down and sat on the seat. i did a short piss. i had to push to get my poo started. the poo was coming out in small pieces. i had to push each little piece out. the pieces got softer each time. it smelled really bad. after a few minutes i was done. i looked and there was a hefty pile of dark brown poo in the toilet. i wiped. while wiping i accidentally did a hot wet fart onto my hand. wiping was messy. when i flushed it left some skid marks in the bowl. i had timed myself. i was in the bathroom for over 8 minutes.

Princess Toadstool Peach

A bit Constipated pushing the Poo outta of my poo hole

Hey there everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach. And today I'm sitting on my toilet panties around my ankles adjusting myself and squatting gently hoping that I can do a big poo today. But sadly I feel like I need to go but nothing is happening. It looks like I am quite blocked up! I tried everything! Laxatives, prunes even bowel movement medicine and squatting on my footstool. But sadly I cannot poo only wee because that comes out of my vagina bladder in a snap! (TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssshhhh!!) And also there's some gas farting out of my poo hole. (PAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRPPPPP!!!) If only there was someway I could…(DING!!) Of course I remember someone said something about an enema that I could use! A enema is when you inject some liquid into your bottom poo hole. OK I got one for emergencies! Here goes nothing! (STAB!!) Ooo that feels painful but at least I can try and go! Ready and DUMP!! Push, PUSH!!! (SPLUT PLUNK SPLASH!!!) Phew I thought that would never ever come out! Thanks again Audrey and don't worry I won't use it often. In the meantime I gotta wipe my privates see you later. Bye bye now!

How I Learned to Shut Up About Toilet Use

This happened with I was 9. It was in the summer. My friend Michelle was being punished at the last minute so she was going to be about a hour late in joining me for this bike ride we had planned to another friend's house. Mom tried to keep me in that morning too since I had been stopped up for I think it was 3 days. But I wanted to ride and promised I would come in and have my Number 2 when the time came. In about 15 minutes and about 2 blocks from home my Number 2 came on fast. I was across the street from this gas station, somewhat adventurous and I decided to do my dump there. So I walked into the office, saw the womens toilet door open, and I hurried in. The single toilet had its seat down and there was about a 2" by 3" log in it. I didn't want to waste time with an explosion about to happen so I pulled out a seat paper that I slapped down. I dropped my underwear and jeans and pushed myself onto the seat. There were a couple of taps on the door. All I could say was that I was almost done pushed with all my strength. My whole body and hair was wet from the exercise. Finally my semi-hard piece splashed into the bowl, although the hard push hurt me quite a bit. I was lucky there was a decent amount of toilet paper. Dumb I know, but I had to push super-hard on the flusher. It still didn't work. I kinda felt bad but I wanted to get out to there ASAP. I opened the door and was surprised that the person who had knocked didn't wait. A mechanic was walking down the hallway playing with some rags and I told him about the toilet being clogged. He just smiled and walked away saying something about it not being his responsibility. A week later me and Michelle stopped in there to buy a soda to share. That mean mechanic looked at me and told the guy next to him that I was the one who screwed up the toilet. Me and Michelle were afraid to go back in there after that.


quick poo

i was giving a passenger a ride when i felt the need to take a shit. after i dropped them off i stopped at a burger king i saw on the drive. i went into the bathroom. it was lunch time and the bathroom was busy. only the first stall was open. i took my seat and did a piss. i pushed and a small dry log quickly came out with a loud noise. it plopped in the toilet water. i then did a loud fart. i wiped and it was easy. i timed myself. i was only in the bathroom for 4 minutes. when i was in the bathroom i heard peeing. there was a poo smell when i came in so someone was pooping.


Dear Anna

Thank you for the post! Actually "tell everybody" is not really true because the screen were inside each cubicle. So only the person who sitting on the loo and defecating can see the screen. And lucky thing is, the screen have no sound.

And Anna, we love you. Always you say so beautiful things to us.

Hugs and kisses from Chakamami


Dear Thunder

Thank you for kind words. We love you!

Maho had trouble with haemorrhoids because she was often constipate. Now her problem is not so bad. Her father, he is doctor, also say, never force motion. But OK to sit and relax.

So now we never force. We sit on loo long long time and meditate, just like you. After some meditate, mierda come out from us. And after more meditate, more mierda come, and many times, until all out and in loo.

We seem that we have very long intestine, so our motions very huge. That is reason why we need long long time. (Mina read this site that Japanese motion is second biggest in whole world.)

We hope you have more easier time in loo than before. And we wish you a good health.

Love from Chakamami


Huge urgent poop

I got up this morning, put on my glasses, grabbed my Walmart bag and phone and went to the washroom (pee) and brushed my teeth. Afterwards I went upstairs for breakfast. Had a bowl of rice, bananas, beef or pork and chili peppers in some kind of soup. Took my 9 AM medications after breakfast, grabbed my Walmart bag, went downstairs (already thanked my caregiver when she served breakfast), took the flip flops off outside my room, went into my room, put THOSE flip flops on and surfed the net for a while. Finally after a short time (about 10 minutes ago) I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, went upstairs (since someone was taking ages in the downstairs bathroom) and went to the washroom upstairs which is next to my caregiver's room. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the floor, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet.

Peed first then pushed out a huge poop. Only took about 30 seconds. Whew! What a relief! Looked in the toilet paper drawer, saw 2 rolls, grabbed one for myself (remember each of us needs to have toilet paper. Most guys here can work but I can't due to the part of a brain ????our and occasional seizures). Took some toilet paper off the roll, wiped my front first then my butt really well. Last thing I want is skid marks. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. WOW! This thing took up most of the toilet bowl and was really thick and looked fairly solid. Dang. No wonder I have been feeling so uncomfortable. Flushed the toilet and it seemed to go down no problem. Flushed the toilet again to be sure. Yup. Went downstairs to wash my hands since there was no towel upstairs and I didn't want to use my caregiver's soap. Went downstairs, washed my hands well, came to my room, changed the flip flops outside, put on the bedroom flip flops, dried my hands on the towel and now writing this. It was a hell of a huge poop but it was much needed. I'm not 100% empty yet but hopefully everything else will come out later today. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Gruesome Twosome

Sometime in 2012, I was out of town for my job. I hadn't pooped all day when normally I'd have gone three times by now given the quantity and type of food I consume.

It was about 6pm when I got back to the office(The same one in my "Poop at the Office" story on this site). As I was filling my timesheet out, I felt that the train had arrived at the station and was about to leave. It was something massive and weighty, and I could feel it try to force my sphincter open as I waddle-walked to the Mens' room.

At the Womens' room, the cleaning lady had the door propped open and her cart there. She recognized me and said "Hello. Working late tonight?"(she'd intruded upon my restroom visits probably 30+ times by that point and eventually developed a habit of cleaning that Mens' room at noon during lunch break to avoid opening the door and bothering me mid-poop). There was also another lady with her, a younger 20-something half-white, half-latina girl who was being trained for the job. I asked the older cleaning lady if she was about to clean the Mens' room and she said "Go ahead and go." as she smiled at me.

This happened before perhaps a year prior where she told me to just use it, and I ended up holding her up for 20 minutes, and after the 10 minute mark she kept knocking on the door every 2 minutes trying to rush me, and I felt this was going to be an awkward repeat of that same situation. "I'm going to be in there a while. I think I'll use another floor." I was standing perfectly straight and walking like a puppet, in effort to prevent a breach. My need was urgent and I think she sensed it. She laughed and said, "Oh, don't worry. Use it. We have two more floors we can get."

So I went in. I could hear through the vent her directing the new employee on everything in the Womens' room that needed attention as I latched the first stall door, lowered my pants, planted my butt onto the toilet, and started pushing out this big, hard, thick, smeary mess of a log. It was impacted because having been on another long road trip, my body got bunged up all day. The only time my body gave the slightest hint of wanting to go that day, I stopped at a rest stop, only to find that the two sit-down toilets were entirely in the open, and I held it because people followed me in and at the time I was not comfortable with pooping fully in the open. It was only when I got back to the familiarity of my office's restroom that it all wanted to rush out. Fortunately, it was without the flatulent fanfare and just loud crackling, which I doubt the two heard through the vent.

As they finished up the Womens' room, I heard them talking through the vent between the two adjacent rooms. "We'll skip the Mens' room for now and come back later." "Is it because that boy's taking a crap?" The older of the two started laughing "He can hear us. Don't embarrass him." "Oh my." I decided to be funny. I yelled "Yup. I heard that." They both started giggling as I heard the cleaning cart get dragged to the elevator, and a loud beep as it opened.

Eventually, I was in there for a good 20 minutes. It was bad. I struggled trying to push this hard, impacted, column of shit out of my ass. It was solid, lumpy, and unbroken. My abdominal muscles were worn out trying to push this thing, my sphincter felt sore, and it STILL wasn't even done yet. Every push, it would come out perhaps a few millimeters, and took effort and was accompanied by pain.

I heard the cleaning cart roll outside the door. "Don't forget to knock first before entering. Even if it's a holiday and no one is here."

I think she said this because of the day after Thanksgiving a few years prior, I was in there taking an epic day-after-Thanksgiving dump and she didn't knock and walked in and started cleaning because she thought no one was the building. Which was the second time she'd seen my shoes, pants, and ankles under a stall. I stopped wearing headphones in the bathroom at work for a reason.

I felt the end of the heavy turd making its way out as gravity started reeling it in, right when I heard the knock on the door and the door quickly opening.

I said "I'm still in here."

Right then and there the last of it dropped into the water.


I then heard the older cleaner say "Sorry!"

They quickly shut the door.

"Well, he did say he'd be in there a a while." "Oops."

As they were chatting and started walking away, I looked into the toilet bowl at my handiwork. The log was as thick as my arm and went all the way into the drain of the toilet bowl, stretching out all the way to the rim then around in a coil pile, and then the tip going back into the water. As one continuous log, it would have easily been 2 feet or more, and was almost as big around as my forearm. And it stunk. I was afraid to flush it, because it might flood the floor, and I hadn't even wiped yet.

I sat back down for the cleanup job. If it's going to clog, I'd rather have a clean butt first before having to flee the water that was possibly about to saturate the floor. In the past, I made the mistake of flushing while still on the toilet, only for it to flood.

The cleanup job was horrendous. It took me 5 minutes of wiping with perhaps 15-20 repeated passes to get everything off my butt. I didn't like the situation, but I was confident it would clog and I've been there done that with that particular older cleaning lady waiting outside before. Embarrassing, but probably not as bad as before.

Miraculously, it all flushed down. Well, not all of it. The entire toilet bowl was saturated with brown smears, and some errant nuggets broke off the log and remained floating. I flushed again. Some nuggets bounced right back up to the surface, floating defiantly. And again. After the 3rd flush, the nuggets were gone, but about half the smears remained and the bowl was still a filthy mess. This was about as good as I was going to get it. This was far from the first time I left smears for the cleaning lady to address after she was waiting outside the door, but it was still embarrassing.

I exited the Mens' room with the cleaning cart by the door and both cleaning ladies were sitting in adjacent chairs by the elevator as I walked to it to head to the ground floor.

They both looked at me as they got up to walk to the Mens' room. The older one asked "Feeling better?" I said "Yeah." The elevator opened up and I went in. After the doors closed, I heard the older lady tell the younger one "You're going to run into him a lot."

The following day, I was in the parking lot walking to the building. I saw the younger lady with the cleaning cart loaded with supplies. She saw me, smiled, and started laughing. I think the previous day's restroom visit left an unfortunate and awkward first impression. Oh well. I'd been through worse.

A year or so later, it became a pattern that during a 15 minute break at 10 AM, I'd head to the cafeteria to eat a post-breakfast snack I packed. Typically, blueberries and mixednuts. The younger lady would always be sitting in the same room across the table from where I sat. By that point, she'd probably caught me mid-crap in the Mens' room about 10 times, typically about once a month or thereabouts. And many of those times, she'd clean the adjacent Womens' room while I was farting and plopping away or wiping, and therefore heard my noises more than once through that obnoxiously placed vent. As I walked to the table to have my snack, she commented, "Right on cue. You're quite the regular visitor." and smiled at me. I interpreted that as a joke about my bathroom habits, and responded, "I'm sorry you're always catching me in the bathroom. I eat like a horse." She then said, "I see that. Don't worry about it. You have your job, I have mine." She was never rude to me while waiting for me to finish in the Mens' room, unlike the older lady who trained her.

I had a very strange stool this AM. It was some what spherical about the size of a large bouncy ball. It looked like a black knot of sorts. And it floated. The rest of the stool did not float and was normal. This was all by itself. Any ideas? I have a picture

This story relates to what Anna from Austria was saying about younger women being more open about pooing

After a lunch of fish and chips from the staff canteen I started to need a poo and thought that I might go after I had done a few tasks. However, I got so busy that I couldn't step away to go to the loo and eventually when I was able to visit the bathroom I had a long pee but the need for a poo had gone away. Fast forward to when I was getting off the bus outside my town's shopping centre (I needed to get a few bits) and the need was growing again so I made a detour to the loo's. The nearest cubicles to the entrance were occupied so I made my way down and went into the third from last one. After hanging my bag onto the doors hook I lower my work trousers and black panties before sitting on the toilet. I had thought this would be an easy poo but actually it took a lot of effort to get out the first log. As I was taking a break, two women came into the bathroom. One of them said to the other "I'm going into this one" and I noticed the shadow of someone entering the cubical to the right of mine. About thirty seconds later the hand dryer went off but underneath this sound I could make out several plops. Another minute went by and a voice calls out "I'll wait for you out here" to which the women next to me calls out "you done already?". Her friend answers "yeah" and the woman say's "I thought we both came in here to shit". Her friend then say's "I couldn't go". A few minutes go by and the woman waiting by the sinks say's "You nearly done? ". The woman next to me replies "not yet" and her friend replies "are you wiping your bum yet?" to which the woman answers "in a minute". However, a few seconds later she says "Grace, I'm out of paper, can you hand me some". Trying to be helpful I pull of some loo roll and go to pass it under the cubical but her friend gets there first. The woman thanks her friend and then say's "I don't need that all that, I didn't shit that much". Soon I hear her toilet flush and her unlock the cubical. After she washes her hands, she and the friend stay in the bathroom - I think trying out makeup; I heard the one that had been next to me say "this lip gloss is nice". Throughout all this I've been trying to poo but have had no luck. Then I sensed something moving and let out a zipper fart before another small log plopped into the toilet. After wiping with the paper already in my hand I get redressed and walk out of the cubical to wash my hands. As I was doing so I surreptitiously looked over to the women who were by the mirrors on the left-hand side wall and thought that both looked to be in their early twenties. I then see one of them (not the one who had pooed) look towards me. As I'm washing my hands the women start to walk out and once I was done I started to walk a couple of feet behind them. Once we reached the main concourse I kept going straight on while the women turned to the left but just before they went out of my line of sight I saw the woman look at me again. Now I'm not sure, but it's possible that they waited for me to finish to see what other woman had been pooing.


Used the men's room again.

We were out this morning and when we stopped for a restroom break, neither of the stalls in the women's had any paper in them. I asked my husband and sons and the one stall in the men's room had a little. So I slipped in and used it instead. My husband and youngest stood guard right outside the stall, and my oldest stood near the door in case anyone was coming.

I've had to be more mindful about if there's paper or not since my kids got completely out of diapers. I don't carry around baby wipes anymore that can also be useful in emergencies!

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