
Princess Toadstool Peach

Everyone needs a big sleepytime nap after a good wee/poo

Hey there everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach. And today I am very sleepy after digesting my big lunch YAAWWNNN!! But 1st before I get to bed I might as well go to the bathroom to have a wee and also a poo too in the toilet so without any worries about it I light a candle and then head upstairs to the tallest tower where my bedroom and my bathroom is. As I make my way to the bathroom I close the door shut and turn on the lights then I walk over to my toilet, lift up the toilet lid, lift up my dress, pull down my panties to my ankles as my bladder tingles, give my bottom a little wiggle and finally sit down on the toilet adjusting myself I'm not sure if I have to wee 1st or poo 1st but just to make sure…I rest both feet on my footstool so I can do my most royal of business in the shape of a squat then I rub my pubes a little until I feel my most royal of bowels growing stronger and hot gas builds up inside me I feel a lumpy long 5 inch thick poo peeking out of my bottom as I sat there and pushed to let the whole lot out of there spreading my bottom cheeks wide open. OK bottom do your thing! (PLUNK SPLASH PLOOP PLOP!!) Then I feel my bladder tingling so while I pooed I opened up my vagina floodgates to let the wee flow out "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSShhhhhhh!!!" Wow I must of nearly filled my entire toilet with my bowels. Never mind time to wipe! I use flushable wipes for my bladder vagina right between my legs after my wee and I use toilet paper for my bottom front to back after my big poo. Then after I break wind, I get up, pull my panties up, and lift down my dress then I flush the toilet. It goes down perfectly well almost too well! Then I wash my hands with liquid soap and warm water, dry and then I head off to my bedroom for my long deep sleepy time nap snooze. them I put on my nightcap, say my prayers, flop into bed, stick my feet out the sheets and blankets, settle myself as I ???? up all of the pillows then with a big yawn and my eyes turn heavier counting sheep, blowing out my candle as I prepare to fall fast but also deeply….ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzZzzzzzz!!

David P

To Jasmin K

Happy new year Jaz. I read your recent survey and have to say well done for getting that very big and long knobbly poo out you must feel better now, but if you want to get your constipation sorted it is probably best to go when you feel the urge and not wait so long that it dries out so much. I know at work it can be hard to find the time and or embarrassing, my work has a single uni sex toilet and not individual cubicles and you often smell poo in there after going in after either a man or woman so I got a bit more confident and decided this will be my year I would open my bowels at work. So far I needed to go and had a bit of nerves for it but decided to go on as planned and let out my smelly logs. I needed to go again the same day as my bowels have been a bit off lately since christmas but decided to hold it until I got home.

When I was a kid I wouldn't go for a poo for maybe two or three weeks at a time, did lots of straining, had prolapsed rectum and basically was afraid to go and have a poo so I witheld for a long time and was on constant stool softeners as a kid, you know the movicol? but now constipation is rarely a problem, so you can get over it with the right guidance and support if you can get it, it just takes years to clean out your bowels and break the cycle. The poos you are pushing out are going to be much older than 5 days like you think they are in fact they are probably 2 weeks old inside of you, as you are not fully emptying each time you go - well that was what a doctor told me as a child when I had to go the hospital for chronic constipation anyway. I was so scared to poo as a kid and had a bas phobia of opening my bowels, I am amazed that both you and Abbie were never afraid to go for a poo and be there pushing and straining and grunting hard and not mind the pain, would you mind talking about how you managed to get over any fear of pain as you did a poo?

Also, I read an article about rectal prolapse and thought of you, it said if you leave it untreated for a long time it can actually get 'strangulated' and cut off the blood supply and cause bad infections so please please get it treated if you haven't already. Please let me know how you are getting on?

And if you are reading Abbie, please let 2024 the year you come back, how are the poos?

David P


Response (I was wrong I don't know what I was thinking)

Hey, I don't know why I said Napoleon's Kiss, I meant Poseidon's Kiss lol. I'm embarrassed


Responses and Questions

Hi all you beautiful people! Kristi here.

Took a nice poop this morning. I think my body is back on schedule after the holidays. It came nice and easy and I felt much better. Little more wiping required than usual.

I still love to post from the toilet, but lately my poops have been coming out really fast and I haven't had time to type a lot. I don't mind typing short posts, but after 15-20 minutes my legs fall asleep (does this happen to anyone else?)


To my airport questioner:

I will get back to you in a separate post. My Cincinnati story is a long but fun story to tell.

But I will tell you this:
Yes, I sit on airport toilet seats, just butt on seat. I've found that airports tend to be cleaner than the average public restroom.

And as far as using a stall to pee: It's really okay to sit down to pee if you're a guy. Steve has done it at home if I've just cleaned the bathrooms (I don't TELL him to do it, that's just how he is.) No one is going to know, or care.

I take all steps possible to avoid having to go on the plane. I have had to several times, usually to pee but a couple times to poop. It's really uncomfortable. My body structure could be called "petite" I still feel claustrophobic in those plane bathrooms.


I love a good shower pee! Although I usually don't do anything to aim it. I just let it go. Usually most of it trickles down my leg. Feels really good with the hot water on me.

Although, I do occasionally squat down and practice if summer is coming (we love to go camping).


Q1) How many times per day do you usually poop?
Once or twice.

Q2) What time each day do you usually poop?
Normally once about an hour after I wake up, and then sometimes at 9:00 pm or so. But I can go at any time. Depends on eating.

Q3) After you finish pooping do you wipe standing up or sitting down?
USUALLY all wiping is sitting down. Two exceptions:
1. If I'm getting in the shower right after, I don't wipe at all.
2. I let my husband wipe me occasionally (he says he likes it!). In which case I'm usually standing.

Q4) If you wipe while seated, do you wipe from front to back OR back to front?
After just peeing it's just a quick front to back. One or two swipes.

After pooping: I don't think this is technically the "correct" way, but it's how I learned. I start with my butthole. I wad the paper up and just get that part clean. I'm very careful not to let that piece of paper touch my urethra or vagina. After I'm clean back therethere, THEN I go front to back and get everything. This gets the pee residue and any remaining poop.

I've never had any infections so I guess what I'm doing is okay.

Q5) How long does it usually take you to have a bowel movement?

2-3 minutes, including peeing and wiping. Add another 30 seconds to wash my hands. Sometimes it's quicker than that.

I poop faster than a lot of girls pee.

Sometimes it takes longer, but I'm not one to sit on there for 20 minutes waiting. If it doesn't come in 5-10 minutes with gentle pushing, I stop trying. But most of the time it's extremely quick.

Q7) Have you ever pooped in a stall with no privacy door? Where was this at?


I was an athlete in high school. My school had doors on its stalls, but several other schools didn't. When we'd travel to those schools, we'd have to use those stalls. It was embarrassing at times, but many of my teammates pooped in them too, so that made it easier.

Q8) Do you poop with the bathroom door open or closed when going at home?

Unless we have company, open. My hubby likes to watch. Open door means he's welcome. If I didn't want him in there I could close the door, but I can't remember the last time I did.


1. For the ladies: If you're PEEING in a public restroom, how far down do you pull your pants? And if you're in a skirt, do you pull it up or down?

For me, if I'm just peeing, and I'm in jeans or slacks, I pull them down right above my knees. (Sometimes an unexpected poop comes which changes things...)

I VERY rarely wear a skirt unless it's part of a dress, but if I'm in a skirt, I pull it UP (panties come down to above my knees.

2. For everyone: If you're POOPING in a public restroom, how far down do you pull your pants?

For me, jeans/slacks come down a little BELOW my knees. I like to be able to spread a little more. If I'm needing to push a lot, I might pull them down to my ankles, but I don't prefer that.

If I'm wearing a dress, it really depends. Usually the skirt comes up, but it depends how tight it is.

3. Have you ever pooped and clogged a toilet at someone else's home?

I'm very guilty of this. Hasn't happened for awhile, but I actually did this at a New Year's party 2 years ago. Fortunately it was at a close friend's house. I didn't want to go poop in the bathroom everyone was using, so I asked Becca (whose house it was) if I could go upstairs. I was a little embarrassed, but Becca is a great friend and we've pooped around each other, so it was no big deal.

I clogged the toilet once at a Super Bowl party like 4 years ago (insert "Taking the Browns to the Super Bowl" joke here.)
(If you're not from the States, the Super Bowl is the biggest sporting event in the country; it's American football. A lot of people will gather together to watch it.)

That time I clogged the bathroom that everyone was using. I really, really didn't think I had pooped enough to clog it, but every toilet is different.

Steve, my hero, told the homeowner that he was the culprit. Steve plunged it and it was fine, but he was grinning at me the rest of the night!




Timmy & me pooping together

Today at school Timmy and I wanted to poop together. And surprisingly, at the same time, in the lesson! I felt like I wanted to poop, and raising my hand, I asked to go to the toilet. The teacher allowed it, but as soon as I got up from my desk, Timmy raised his hand and also said he wanted to go to the toilet. Fortunately, he was also released. We both went to the bathroom. On the way, Timmy asked if I was going to poop and I said yes. He said he was going to poop too. When we entered, the toilet was empty. We both occupied the toilets next to each other, and began to poop. Although there have been cubicles in the toilets of my school for a long time now, it was still very clear heard how defecated. I started pooping first. I felt a little poop start to come out of my ass. Timmy, meanwhile, was farting and pushing. My poop came out and fell into the toilet with a splash. Timmy immediately said,
"Oh, I hear you pooped?"
"No, I just made the first poop," I replied. "That's not all."
"Well, then, you pooped the first poop!" Timmy said. Then he farted loudly, and I heard a splash, apparently he also pooped. Immediately there was another splash, Timmy had already defecated two poop. I pushed, farted loudly, and also defecated another poo. She also landed in the toilet with a splash. From Timmy's side, I also heard a splash of poop. I defecated another poop and finished. After wiping, I got dressed and flushed. Timmy immediately asked:
"You'll wait for me, won't you?"
I agreed to wait. While I was waiting, I listened to Timmy pooping. He farted a few times. Then I heard a strong crackling sound, and realized that Timmy was still pooping. Soon there was a splash, but the crackling did not stop. Soon there was another splash and a loud sigh of relief. Tommy farted loudly, and I heard two splashes one after the other. Then I heard Timmy grunting, pushing. I heard his loud farting and then a splash.
"I've almost pooped," Timmy said. "There's not much left!"
There were two splashes, then the sound of pushing. I could already smell Timmy's poop. Timmy could be heard pushing for a few seconds, then there was a splash. Timmy breathed a sigh of relief. I heard two more splashes. Then Timmy pushed again. There was another splash and a long sigh of relief. I think I heard fifteen splashes, but I'm not sure. I heard Timmy tear off the toilet paper and start wiping himself. Then Timmy said:
"I'm already getting dressed!"
Almost right after that, I heard the sound of flushing. If I'm not mistaken, Timmy flushed the water five times, apparently he pooped a lot. Then he left, I also left my cubicle, we washed our hands in the sink and ran back to class.


To PJ and Anna

PJ, as a semi-regular skidmark person, I will tell about my personal experience. My skidmarks mostly stem from poor wiping if I don't have time to do a proper job. The second most frequent cause is working up a sweat. When that happens, I run the risk of a very faint brown stain in the seat of my undies. Complicating matters is the fact that I'm prone to wedgies. I know I'm a very weird guy but I like the feeling and look of my wedgie butt. I will only pull underwear out of my crack if it gets irritating and that doesn't happen often.

As to farts, it almost never leads to a mark on my undies. Even when it feels like liquid is being sprayed out, there's usually nothing when I go and check. A lot of forum visitors write about sharts but that hasn't been a significant problem for me. I can't recall more than a few times my underpants were impacted by this. But since I turned 50, my body has learned a new trick. Turtleheading! It's not because I'm desperate for the toilet. I can have just a slight feeling of an impending bowel movement. I might release a quiet fart or two. But then with little warning I feel a turd penetrate my butt cheeks for a split second before getting sucked back in. This has happened at least twice last year. The last time it left a spot on my striped panties because I had a wedgie at the time. It's very easy for a turtlehead to touch cloth when the fabric is right there!

To Anna, sorry your new year isn't off to a better start and you had to trash a pair of white panties. I suffered my worst skidmark ever in a pair of gray briefs last year because I had to catch a train and there wasn't time to wipe. Luckily it came out in the washing machine.


Huge poop after breakfast

Good morning. Got up this morning, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a soup (homemade, made by my caregiver) made with beans, etc. Was very good and I took my time eating. After breakfast I took my medications, grabbed my Walmart bag and water jar and went downstairs. Took off the flip flops outside my room, turned on the light, closed the door, put those flip flops on and went into my room. Very soon after that I got a major urge to poop so I went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom

Turned on the light, closed the door most of the way, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out an incredible amount of semi-solid poop. Seemed to keep coming. All I could think in my head was WOW. Finally I pushed out the last part, sat there for about 30 seconds then stood up and turned to look into the toilet. WOW! This thing was massive, taking up most of the toilet bowl, was semi-solid and darkish. Damn. No wonder I have felt uncomfortable. I'm not 100% empty yet but hopefully lunch will produce another huge crap. Took some toilet paper (she gave me a roll last night. Everyone here has to keep toilet paper in their rooms and only take it with you if you're going to the washroom), wiped first my front (front to back) then wiped my butt really well. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, flushed again, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands with the bar of soap on the dish in there. Whew! That was a hell of a huge poop but it was much needed. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Am I the only one still waiting for the year's first poop?

I'll be honest. I'm sooo constipated now, haven't gone in six days. My mom doesn't want to give me laxatives tho, so I'm eating a banana so that the load can come out easier. I know it will be massive so I just pray I won't clog the toilet...

Princess Toadstool Peach

A royal bathroom toilet survey for my friend Audrey

Do you like using a toilet or potty better? If so what's your special way you begin your your poos? How do you always know when a poo poo or a wee wee wants to come out? Have you ever tried using a stepstool? Are your BMs are even bigger and fatter than mine? Do you like using toilet paper or flushable wipes better to clean up your privates? What ideas do you have in mind to make my weeing and pooing more fun?


Big soft poop about an hour after breakfast

Got up this morning, went pee and brushed my teeth (stomach felt very full but not ready to poop yet) and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a spicy ish soup with beans, an egg, bananas that were cooked, etc. After breakfast I took my medications, took my water jar and Walmart bag and went downstairs after thanking my caregiver. Surfed the net, went on Facebook and listened to music while I waited for my stomach to digest. Finally a few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took off my bedroom flip flops, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put on the flip flops out there, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom (literally right across from my room). Went into the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my dark pants and black underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out quite a bit of soft poop. Just one big easy poop. Was done within about a minute. P.U.! Lifted myself slightly off the toilet and looked in. Wow it filled a lot of the toilet! Took out the roll of toilet paper (she has started giving other tenants and I that), took not too much (enough to wipe), put the roll back in the Walmart bag, hung it on the door and wiped well. Yuck. Once I was clean I tossed the paper in between my legs into the toilet. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. Wow! It was big, soft and took up most of the toilet bowl! Flushed the toilet, washed my hands, took my Walmart bag, went outside the bathroom, turned off the light, went to outside my room, took off those flip flops, turned on the light, went into my room, put on THOSE flip flops and now on my bed writing this and listening to music. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

Many words, Mina have to search

Happy New Year to Everyone Lovely Toiletstool Friends!

Actually in Japan not so happy. Big earthquake in centre of Japan, and plane crash in Tokyo. We four bad girls are OK. Earthquake was quite far from us.

Christmas Day, we had nice buffet dinner in hotel, we had vouchers because Hisae's job connect with that hotel. After dinner and lots drink, (Mina not so much, but lots eat)we went to loo to do huge wee.

In that hotels loo room six cubicles so we didn't need wait. Many zzzzzzz sound, then suddenly (Mina think hard)... Plop! Plunk! Ploop! Splonk! Splash! Sploop! Splat! and horrendous fragrance which we realise Chae is being very busy her bottom, not only yoni. Mina work hard to find seven suitable words. Thank you Princess Toadstool Peach, you're helpful very much, you gave four useful words. Mina have to increase English vocabulary.

Three crushes wait for lovely Chae to finish (Chae please kiss Mina after she finish to write) so we did some o-nara, it is fart in English, we make nice musical noise.

Two days later in flat, many Plunk Ploop (total is about 40 maybe), but we tell story another time. We hope everyone is well (Mina has runny nose) and no flu.

Love to Everyone.



Massive turd half an hour after breakfast

Got up this morning, went to the washroom (peed then brushed my teeth afterwards), wiped, flushed then went upstairs for breakfast. Had soup with an egg, seafood, ginger, beans or peas and other stuff. Needless to say after breakfast I was very full. I took my 9 AM medications (have to take them at 9 AM, 5 PM and 9 PM. 9 AM and 5 PM ones after meals since they're very strong and can make me dizzy), grabbed my Walmart bag and went downstairs after thanking my caregiver. I took the flip flops off outside my room, went into my room, put those flip flops on and surfed the net for a while.

Finally I got a major urge to poop a few minutes ago so I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door most of the way, grabbed the toilet paper, put the Walmart bag on the doorknob and walked to the toilet. Pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed out a lot of poop; one semi-solid thick poop that seemed to keep coming. Finally it came out and laid in the toilet (no splash or thud). All I could do when that came out was sigh with relief. Still not 100% empty (should be by the end of the day). Wiped my front first, put the TP in the toilet and stood up to look. WOW! This thing took up most of the toilet bowl! Damn. Flushed the toilet and the beast went down no problem surprisingly. Took some toilet paper and wiped my butt really well. Once I was clean I tossed it into the toilet and flushed it again. Pulled my pants and underwear up, grabbed my Walmart bag, left the washroom, turned off the light then went to my room. Washed my hands with the hand sanitizer my caregiver gave me and that's that. Phew! That was a hell of a huge poop but it felt good to get rid of it. Maybe after lunch I can go again (yay!) I have always had huge poops even as a kid-a skinny girl who ate a good amount but loved swimming, etc. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Huge poop quite a while after breakfast

Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door, went to the washroom, went pee & brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had soup with an egg, banana (cut up), rice and beans. Took a while to eat. After breakfast I took my medications, thanked my caregiver, grabbed my Walmart bag and water jar and went downstairs to my room. Was on my cell phone surfing the net for quite a while until I got the urge to poop. I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, stepped outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the doorknob, grabbed the toilet paper, put it on one of the glass pieces (where we put toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc. My toothpaste and toothbrush is on the right side on another glass piece), walked to the toilet. Pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a lot of fairly easy to push out poop. No pain, no scratching. Finally I was done. Whew! Leaned forward, took the toilet paper out of the Walmart bag, took some, put the roll back and wiped well with the toilet paper in my hand. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet when I was done. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet.

It took up most of the toilet bowl and even went into the hole. Damn. No wonder my stomach has been feeling uncomfortable lately. Flushed the toilet and it went down no problem. Flushed again just in case. Nope, no problem! Washed my hands well with warm water and soap, turned off the tap, grabbed my Walmart bag, stepped outside the bathroom, turned off the light, went to my room, tossed the Walmart bag on the bed, dried my hands now writing this and listening to music. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Please be careful.

Happy peeing and pooping!



It is 2024

The night before last I went to a restaurant during the course I needed to have a wee, so I went to the toilets and it was one male and one female toilet. Both were in use. After minute or so, the men's toilet became available at our came lady and apologised that she was desperate and the leg is toilet was in use. I did my did not take that and then came out. There was another lady, waiting. She said she would use a men's toilet because the ladies toilet was still occupied. Maybe the late maybe the person in the toilet might've been having a poo ? She then proceeded into the men's toilet.
This shows the impracticality of having segregated toilets in this instance. The toilets are lockable so they're totally private munch in there so I think we need to do away with men and women and just have totally gender neutral.
What do you think?

Hey everyone. I just discovered this website and I'm here to let you all know I'm pooping. Thanks for being here with me.


To Bianca

To Bianca-Aww thanks! I have always been a huge pooper, since I was a little girl (I'm 37 and 5'11" now so I'm far from little anymore lol). I ate well (very healthy and enough food) but didn't often drink water because I complained that water was gross (I drank a lot of juice instead-the canned ones you get from grocery stores and make in a jug with water). I would often have huge poops after a few days or a week of not going then would clog the toilet. Now as an adult I drink a lot of water-partly because I'm on so much medication and partly because I'm thirsty so I go a lot easier.

Teaching 11-year-old to crap away from home!

I'm a high school freshman. I've started babysitting and child care since my parents are struggling financially. It can be good money, but it is also a challenge. See I pick up this 5th grader at his grade school on Friday afternoons and he's with me overnight and all day Saturday. His parents are paying me well to broaden his horizons. Taking him to community events, carnivals and activities such as ice-skating at our city's mall. The problem is he won't even consider taking a crap anywhere away from home. When I pick him up at school he has been holding a crap in for hours. He won't sit down at school. As we walk home and stop at Wendy's for a snack he won't sit for his crap there. I took my second crap of the day there. I regularly crap at school first thing in the morning and sit for three more pees every couple of hours. But this boy is totally freaked out by sitting on a toilet away from home. I know his parents are separated and probably going to divorce once they can afford to. What can I do to break him of this painful and I would think harmful habit. I guess I feel an accident may be just ready to happen.

Thank You.


Very easy poop

This afternoon for lunch I had a semi-spicy soup or stew with mixed vegetables, an egg I think, toasted bread on top and after lunch I had an apple and 3 pieces of chocolate. Been taking sips of warm water for the afternoon, not too much otherwise it will fill me and make me not so hungry for dinner (my body is like that). A few minutes ago I got the urge to poop (the second time today). Grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom.

Turned on the light, closed the door most of the way (doorknob is still not working), put the Walmart bag on the door, took out the toilet paper out of the Walmart bag and walked to the toilet. Pulled my dark sweatpants and black boy shorts underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first quite a bit then pushed out quite a bit of semi solid poop. Took up about half of the toilet bowl. Second time today I've pooped, easily. Yay! When I was done I took some toilet paper and wiped first my front (still on that time of the month) then wiped my butt really well until I was clean. Tossed the dirty paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a pretty big, semi-solid poop in the toilet (though it was fairly easy to come out so there was no straining etc). Flushed the toilet, washed my hands, grabbed my Walmart bag, turned off the light and went to my room. Turned on the light, took my flip flops off outside my room, went into my room, put those flip flops on, dried my hands on the towel in here, took off the light sweater (too hot in here so I'm wearing a light shirt, sweatpants and underwear. Yucky. Too hot in here. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Are public toilets jinxed?

For me it seems that my increased reliance on public toilets the past 3 months has caused me to leave a record amount of skid marks in my underwear. Last week I took a crap three days at school. I'm a junior but only 4'11". My last class is in the Y-wing of the school. I think it is about 85 years old and the toilets are among the highest I've ever used. When on the toilet my feet are off the floor. My sit is so uncomfortable, but the bathrooms in all 6 wings are closed immediately after school. In order to use one in an emergency I have to get a security team member to let me in. Usually its a man and I just don't feel good about him waiting outside the doorway for me to finish so he can secure the door. He's given me a couple of strange stares and if I'm in there for more than 5 minutes I suspect he knows I'm crapping. So I push and exercise my legs as much as possible to make my crap ASAP. I wipe from front to back while seated and look between my legs on how well I'm doing. I've begun waiting for 2 completely clean sheets before I get off the toilet and pull up my clothing. Because of my relatively smaller size, I have to go to the side of the toilet to flush and it takes me sometimes 3 or 4 tries with my hand to get the flusher to work.
Then when I get to my boyfriend's house and I pee there I look at my panties and find the skid marks. He's made a couple of complaints about something he calls peeing shit. That means the seats are dripping from previous pissers who are too dumb to lift the seat before they open up. He craps a couple of times a month at school, but swears he's never had skid marks in his underwear. He's shown me his underwear a couple of times when I've asked for an inspection. I guess he's leveling with me.

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