

Bianca's dream reminds me.....

Bianca's dream reminds me of a cat story.

Our youth pastor drove about 10 of us to a concert at a church about an hour away from our city. Coming home about 3 or 4 of us starting asking Pastor Diane to pull over at a Interstate highway rest stop so we could pee. She had to correct a couple of boys who were very immature at 12 or 13 with their comments. Something about girls having inferior plumbing. Diane, who was in college, gladly pulled the van over at the rest stop and the four of us ran for the toilets. A bunch of the worst-behaved guys got out and seemed to run into a wooded area to mess around in. Me and my friends got ourselves 3 open toilets, right next to one another in this really small bathroom. We were seated peeing away when one of the boys yelled "Suprise!" into the doorway and tossed this cat at us. I was on the middle stool as it slid in front of me. I reached down and picked it up to pet. It looked scared. Des, to my right, was the first to finish to finish and she flushed. That freaked out the cat. It dug its back claws into my thigh for about 2 inches and it drew some blood. My pediatrician ended up giving me a shot and cleaning the wound. Even today the scar brings up an occasional question from boyfriends.


Babysitting Experience

There has been requests for babysitting experience stories. So here goes:

One of my first jobs was to care for this boy Lance. He was 4, perhaps too energetic. He had a hard time sitting still. Whether the toilet was at his house or one of the public ones we used. He would jump on and then off and the process was one that scared me, because once at home he scared me by pooping while he was standing up straight, spreading his legs, to sit down again. So the middle part of the crap was hanging from its middle over the front of the seat, with the smallest part falling into the bowl. Obviously that took some cleaning on my part. I remember one Friday evening at his house after that happened. I yelled at him and told him to learn to sit still like a normal person.

The next morning I was still in bed when he came in and woke me up. OK, I overslept, I guess, but Lance wouldn't give me a break. So I got up, made him some breakfast and when we were done, I didn't need to remind him that we had 10 a.m. tickets to a circus at the regional event center. I wanted to crap. I could have done it with little effort, but I knew we had to get to the bus stop for the ride to the arena. We almost missed the bus and the one connection we needed to make. On both legs of the trip, Lance was hyperactive and then some. I practically had to restrain him in his seat because I didn't want the driver to yell at us. That had happened once in the past. The driver had cussed at my boy, and was very mad. Lance stood from his seat and let off a couple of noisy and smelly farts and turned to me for a laugh. I knew I couldn't show amusement because I would pay for it later. Meanwhile my morning poop was knocking.

So when we arrived at the arena, I headed directly to the ladies room. The place was so large and there was no one around I trusted to watch him, I accepted that I would have to take Lance in with me. It was the best decision I could make. There was probably 10 or 12 toilets, most but not all had privacy doors, and I ducked into a private toilet with Lance in tow. His eyes were starting to get the best of him and I latched the door and lined him up nose against the black paint. I told him he had to stand that way while I went to the bathroom. The seat was down, there was some splash on it, but I pulled my underwear and jeans just as low a necessary, and I slid my butt onto the seat. Luckily, I wasn't seated longer than 30 seconds as my crap quickly vacated. Lance turned a couple of times to get a look and once faked a cough, but I righted him nose-against-the-metal.

I don't always do it from the seat, but I wiped that way this time. My crap was semi-soft so it took me probably 5 or 6 wipes. I wasn't as critical of the cleaning that I would normally be. But I felt keeping Lance engaged in conversation was the most effective way to keep him occupied. I was right. It worked. We later shared a 32-ounce soda and large popcorn container. During intermission, he said he had to go down and pee really, really bad. So we made a trip to the nearest ladies room. I wisely raised the seat and with both of his hands to guide his pee, he got most of it in the bowl. But a couple of times while he was waiting for his stream to start, he got diverted from it by some door slams and other noises near us. I reached over and flushed for him. My hand got wet from his inability to concentrate. But I know it could have been worse. His attention span was challenged again at the sinks. But we got through it and I let him live! Caring for Lance bought me a lot of new clothing and extras for my room.

DSK: at my school the girls restrooms were all a little different. Each however, had some toilets with privacy doors but many rooms did not.


Re: Danny

I enjoyed your story of using that summer camp bathroom. I'm glad I never had to experience what you recounted, that being said. I'd definitely have wanted to get Amber back in some way, maybe shave her head in the middle of the night.

I've always hated a lack of privacy in toilets. It was because of my experiences in middle school. Had I not seen a student being bullied for using a doorless stall, I might not have been afraid to use them. I'd have been embarrassed to use doorless stalls and open toilets, for sure, but not afraid. That poor kid was pelted with paper towels soaked in urine as the bullies called him a faggot. I was embarrassed to use normal doored stalls back then, but did so anyway because I knew that generally, no one would bother me to an egregious degree(I could tolerate snide remarks made about me relieving my bowels or kids talking about it to others, but assault is an entirely different matter). Given the quantity of food I always ate, I often had little choice but to poop in a public restroom since to wait until I got home would cause significant discomfort/pain. I'd literally pooped with my classmates in the same room during grade school hundreds of times, but behind the relative privacy of a normal stall with a door. On only one occasion did someone go as far as to kick the door in on me in 2nd grade, and a few times a kid would go up to the stall I was sitting in and step on my feet in 6th grade, but that was the worst of it. But I did not ever want to experience that sort of harassment I saw that poor kid in the doorless stall undergo just for needing to poop. I couldn't help that the school administrators were sickos who felt it was somehow okay to strip kids of their toilet privacy and expose them to this sort of harassment. Holding it in for hours waiting for school to let out to avoid using doorless stalls for many hundreds of days caused me a lot of pain in middle school and high school, and maybe even damage to my insides. Lots of stinky farts in class as well. It's not healthy to hold it like that. But I knew that if I used the doorless stalls and other students came in, there was a high likelihood other students would impose unwanted consequences. In fact, the few times I saw someone using a doorless stall in my middle school, they were bullied by other students.

The half stalls I used at another school during a bout of diarrhea when I was 14 with a crowd of people in the boys' room was relatively luxurious. All people saw was me from the torso up and my pants at my feet with my ankles exposed, so it wasn't all that bad. They didn't see my penis, butt, or wiping technique because the cubicle and door covered my midsection as I sat. I really had to go and holding it was not an option. It helped that there were plenty of teachers in the room to keep the other students in check, and no one bothered me about it as I loudly exploded into that commode. A lot of people looked at me through the mirror as they washed their hands though. I was very embarrassed, but I didn't feel at all afraid to use that toilet and did so without hesitation. I felt the same way about peeing in urinals; I hated it, but did it anyway whenever I needed to and had done so thousands of times with other people present in the room. The level of privacy between the two was comparable.

I found out later in life that the standard doored stalls provided a very false sense of security and privacy, given all of the creepers that I caught spying on me through the gaps in the cubicle, through the next stall via a hidden hole drilled into the partition, or by shoving a phone under the partition to snap a picture. It made me consider that such events probably happened far more times than I was able to observe them. I'm fairly sure somewhere out there on the internet are pictures of me sitting on a toilet in an Oklahoma rest stop, because some creeper followed me into the Mens' room, sat in the adjacent stall, and slid his phone under the partition. I kicked the phone away, but I heard some pictures get snapped, and the guy fled. Having a massive log of crap hanging out of my butt with my pants on the floor meant I was in no position to give chase. At the time, I looked like a 15 year old boy, and that drew such people to me like moths to a flame because they had no idea I was in my late 20s.

Given how much I poop, I have a lot of embarrassing stories. SOMETHING happens at least once a month involving my need to poop, and this has been the case since I was a teenager. I have clogged public toilets possibly hundreds of times in my life, and having to explain that to low wage employees has always been awkward. A significant number of times I've found there was no toilet paper after I'd already pooped and had to ask someone for some. I've been intruded upon by opposite sex janitors or employees while pooping in public restrooms. I've been intruded upon while sitting on the toilet at friends' houses mid-dump or while wiping and/or have even clogged their toilet some of those times. No less than five times I left a massive pile in the toilet of someone's house or a public restroom only for the flusher to stop working, which meant other people got to see what came out of me(my dumps are monstrous by most peoples' standards). I even got caught on camera leaving a massive foot-wide 5+ lb mound in a parking lot behind a dumpster in an emergency because the restroom at the convenience store was out of order and I was on the verge of filling my pants. But none of those events made me a shameless shitter. After I was forced to use doorless stalls and open toilets a few times with other people in the room, any reservations about pooping with an audience vanished. This is even in spite of the fact that on one occasion, some creeper propositioned me while I was sitting on an open toilet at a park and then stared at me, which made me feel violated. It's rather liberating to be able to poop anywhere the need arises. I'm now a shameless shitter.

But damn, none of this would be nearly as bad as having someone pull on me what Amber did to you.


For Danny

Danny, thanks for posting your summer camp experience. Sounds very embarrassing, but I'm glad that you got over it and were eventually able to deal with the main bathroom. I bet I'm not alone here in wanting to hear more of your stories, embarrassing and not embarrassing alike.


I took a poop at a gas station today

Today I did a long winter bike ride, and stopped by a local bike shop to pick up an order for some parts that I had the shop make for me. As I was making my payment, I suddenly had to take my afternoon poop, typically second of the day, out of what is usually 3 or 4 in total. I asked the owner if I could use her restroom, and she told me that while it was usually open to the public, it needed repairs. The turtlehead was poking, but I was able to clench it shut.

About a mile down the road, I stopped at a gas station. I went into their Mens' room to find a one-urinal two-stall arrangement. Both stalls were in use.

I could see a very clear silhouette on the floor of the occupant in the stall nearest to the urinal sitting on the toilet due to the lighting inside the room. I could hear their turds plopping into the water. There was enough detail in the silhouette that I could tell the occupant was a child or adolescent. It was rather awkward.

As I waited for a stall to avail itself, my insides continued to churn, and the turtle's head came pounding yet harder. As I was letting out a fart to relieve the pressure, two more people came into the Mens' room, an old Mexican man and a teenaged white kid. Both were waiting for a stall as well since neither went to the urinal, forming a line behind me. The kid sniffed the air and wretched, having smelled something foul, whether it was my fart or the smells already present in the room or perhaps a combination of both.

I saw the silhouette of the occupant in the near stall rolling the toilet paper and wiping their butt. After about 2 more minutes, the occupant of the near stall pulled their pants up, flushed, and exited. Sure enough, it was a teenager, some Justin Beiber-looking kid of roughly 14 years old.

Since that was now the available stall, I took it. I latched the door, dropped my pants to my feet, sat down on a disturbingly warm toilet seat, and proceeded to sound like a bilge pump. There was lots of gas interspersed with loud plops. I hurried the drop operation in the interest of making the toilet available to those in line, and it took me about 2 minutes to push it all out, but I spent the next 3 minutes wiping. It was a messy one. The quality of the toilet paper left a lot to be desired, as the cleanup job was akin to using wax paper to wipe Nutella out of silk. The poop was nothing spectacular, about normal size for me, but was easily one pound of matter or more, and was messy. When I flushed, it left a bunch of greenish-brown smears all over the toilet bowl. I was glad to get relief, and also glad I didn't clog the commode(as has happened in public places many times before).

When I exited the stall, sure enough, both people who came in after me were still waiting in line for a stall to avail itself so they could poop. They got to see the whole show if they looked at the floor, and they certainly heard it because it was loud and gassy. I was also the only one in there making noises with my butt as the occupant of the neighboring stall was silent.

The Mexican took his turn as he was next in line. As I was washing my hands, I could hear the Mexican exploding out diarrhea and see the kid in the mirror squirming. It was obvious that both of them really needed a toilet. Whoever was in the handicapped stall was taking their sweet time as they were there before I came in, and other than a cough and a foot tap, I didn't hear any noises at all from that stall for the 5 or so minutes that I occupied the stall adjacent to it.

As I turned around from the paper towel dispenser to head outside, I caught a glimpse of the silhouette of the Mexican man who took a seat after me. The amount of detail was sort of disturbing. The silhouette of whoever occupied the toilet didn't leave a lot to the imagination, so I basically took a shit in front of two people today. Pooping here was almost as awkward as using an open toilet in front of someone. Almost. At least the floor didn't act as a mirror, as that has happened to me before.

Mina Hisae Maho Kazumi

very shock

We had huge shock on Wednesday evening. We logged in to toiletstool site but we got large page in red and white said "Somebody might be using this name to get personal information" so we didn't log in. We were very shock and we all cried. We went to loo, because when we get shock, we do diarrhoea, but this time we didn't do. Only we had many o-nara, it is mean fart. So we took turns on green loo, after one of us do o-nara next one sits on loo. About half an hour we did that, because very very gassy. Hisae did a small motion, perhaps it was when she sat on loo fourth time. And all time, we were crying and crying. We love and love this site and people in this site, so so much. We don't want this site to end. Our love really strong I think. Maho said, if she find person who use this site bad way, she scratch face and pull hair and kick. And after we finish multiple o-nara, her kiss to us feel like angry kiss.

On Friday evening we decided try again. And everything OK!!! We are so happy!! We cried again, but this time we didn't go to loo. Only we danced and hugged and kissed and caressed bottom. Then yesterday morning we did wonderful group motion. Beige loo was busy for about 70 minutes. Hisae is now like other three, she stays on loo more than 10 minutes and does many waves. And goes usually only once in a day. (But she is quick when she goes alone; now this is not happened often.)

Kristi, we welcome you back. We are sorry to read, you had a depression. We hope you are feel much better now. We are happy you have so nice husband and so nice best friend, and you did beautiful motion together. We are maybe like Emily, or maybe half way between Emily and Steve, because when our crush does beautiful motion, we are turn on little bit but not so much "enjoy", because our feeling is more love than enjoy.

(But we think Steve enjoys because he loves you.)

Motion doesn't smell like rose garden, but when beautiful person does that motion, then it is beautiful motion with beautiful smell, we think. Kristi, please tell to Emily when she feel bad about smell. You can say it like it is idea of you, you don't need tell about us. It is OK a plagiarism.

We hope everybody this site is happy, no depression, no embarrass accident, no illness.

Love to everyone.

Your Very Own Kazumi Maho Hisae Mina (typist is Your Very Own Mina)

Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Im Back!!/Another constipation experience

Hello again fellow posters! Alot has happened since i last posted nearly a year ago! For those who dont remember me, my boyfriend Josh suffers from IBS C which causes him to have a pretty hard time going poop mostly every time he needs to go. Weve been dating about 2 years and I help him go alot of the time which usually consists of me encouraging him, helping him try in different positions, and giving him suppositories and more recently vaseline when a bm is being extra stubborn, then helping him push until he is done. He doesnt really have a regular schedule and can go 2 to 5 days without pooping, and he never poops twice a day (unless he gets some out, takes breaks inbetween, and goes a little at a time over several sessions thru out the day) Usually he doesnt poop at work because its hard for him to go, and he doesnt want to clog the toilet, so he waits until after when i can help him and he isnt rushed. If he cant hold it until after work and its bad, or he goes a little but cant finish it, we usually either meet somewhere or come home on lunch and ill help him. We moved in together about 8 months ago and are finally settled which is why i havent posted, on top of being super busy! This story happened over the summer on a road trip to a relatives wedding. Josh hadnt pooped in a couple days before we left. The first night in the hotel he didnt go either. After breakfast the next day he told me it was time to poop so we headed back to our room. Josh led me into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I sat on his lap as he began to push and try going. After a few minutes he started pushing harder and increasing the lenghts of his pushes so i guessed this was going to be a harder poop for him. "Is it hard"? I asked. "Yeah, really hard and it hurts too" josh replied. "Keep pushing baby, you can do this" i encouraged as i hugged him and rubbed his back. He pushed another few minutes but his poop wouldnt come out. "Im having a pretty hard time, can you help me squat?" Asked Josh. He got off the toilet and into a squat while i spread his cheeks and held him up. Of course when we packed, we both forgot the vaseline and suppositories too. "Im hoping i wont need them, but theres definitely a chance" josh said mid push. I was watching him push and could see the tip of his turd stuck in his butt. It would get stuck at the widest part then go back in once he stopped pushing. I encouraged him with each push but after 10 minutes he wasnt able to get it started. "Looks like youll need that suppository, babe" "yeah i think i do, i cant do it" josh pulled his boxers and pants up and since it was almost check out time we packed up the car and headed out. "We can just drive and find suppositories later today" josh said. "This is going to take me a long time so ill probably wait until our hotel this afternoon" i asked him if he was sure, and he said yes, especially because if he used a suppository he wanted to make sure there was a bathroom nearby. About half way to our next stop we needed gas and lunch. We stopped at a wayside off the highway. I had to use the bathroom also and told josh he should try to poop for awhile since we were here. Pretty much all the waysides have family bathrooms with a single toilet so josh and i went into it together and locked the door. I peed first and then he sat down on the toilet with me on his lap. I held his hands as he began trying to go again, but he didnt have any luck this time either and gave up on it after 10 minutes. "Ill just poop at the hotel once we find a suppository" josh said. "Im sorry i havent been able to help you go!, i feel bad for you, you must be uncomfortable!!" "I am, but ive dealt with this alot so its whatever" josh repied. We ate lunch, gassed up and took off. We arrived around 5pm to our destination and checked into the hotel. We headed out right away to go find some suppositories and dinner. Every place we checked did not have any though, but luckily we found some vaseline so josh reluctantly agreed that would have to work. We ate dinner and headed back to the hotel. We headed right to the bathroom once there and josh took off his pants and boxers and knelt in front of me so i could apply the vaseline. I asked if he was ready and he said yes. I slowly applied the vaseline around his butthole and then began to work it inside also. I could feel his very hard poop right at his hole. I did this a few times then asked if he was ready to try again. "Yep, lets get this over with!!" He sat on the toilet and began to push with me encouraging him. He pushed it out as far as he could then sucked it back in several times to try and let the vaseline start lubricating the turd. After 5 or 10 minutes he told me "its not going to come out with me sitting down, i need to squat or pull my knees up to my chest". He got off the toilet and layed on his back in front of the bath tub and i put a bunch of toilet paper under his butt in case his poop started to come out. "Im giving you more vaseline before you start pushing again" i applied mote vaseline on his hole and also around his poop. "Ready to try?" I asked. "Yea i am, i hope it comes out now!" He started pushing on his back with me holding his legs up. I had a front row view and watched as his poop tried to come out again. It stayed stuck awhile with josh complaining that it was hurting to me and me comforting him. "Its right there, josh. Push really hard and focus on me, you can do this hon" i coaxed. Josh gripped my hands tightly and really concentrated. Another few pushes and it began to slip past his hole. "Come on babe, keep going, your almost there" "ow, ow, ow, ow" josh moaned as his poop was coming out. "I know it hurts babe, keep pushing, its coming" i coached. I also kept putting more vaseline around his log to try and help him. This thing was thick, and looked painfully dry. Josh kept pushing and pushing with me trying to coach him thru the rest of it, when the log picked up some speed and came out finally. Josh layed back against the tub to catch his breath. "Whew, that was hard!! Josh panted. "Thank you for helping me!" "Of course babe, im just glad it came out especially not finding any suppositories!" Josh got up and looked at his poop. It was a single log and was very big. "No wonder it was tough, look at the size of it" josh said. The tip of his poop was huge. "No wonder it didnt want to come out" i remarked. He wiped his butt as i wrapped the log in toilet paper and put it in the toilet. It was hard and heavy, and about 18" long. We relaxed in the hot tub for awhile before watching a movie and passing out. Josh pooped once more on the trip with me sitting by him, and it was difficult but nowhere near the struggle of this one. I have a few more ill share with you when i have time!! Take care everyone and i hope you all are pooping without too much trouble!! Xoxo Kenna


we helped each other poop on the first date

I ended up what I like to call "pooping on the first date" with a guy I met on a dating app last weekend. I'll call him Nathan. Nathan is my age (mid twenties) and lives near me. We've been talking online for about a month and decided to have our first proper date last weekend. We went out for dinner and then hung out at his apartment for a while afterwards. The dinner was uneventful but nice. I ordered lasagna and he ordered a steak. Things didn't get interesting poop-wise until we got back to his apartment. We had been snuggling on his couch for a little while when his stomach started growling really loud. I didn't want to acknowledge it at first but it kind of became the elephant in the room. I asked him if he felt ok and he said he was fine. His stomach was still going crazy 5 minutes later so I asked him if maybe something at the restaurant didn't agree with him. He joked that he hadn't pooped for a few days so it was probably just his stomach trying to make room for all the steak he just ate. I asked if he felt like he could poop now and he said no. Then I asked him if he wanted me to help him and he blushed. I explained to him that I get constipated a lot and have gotten pretty good at dealing with it which makes me pretty good at helping other people through it too. He asked me if I was constipated right now and I said yes, I hadn't pooped in 3 days. "Maybe we can both help each other out then," he offered and I agreed. We gently massaged each other's stomachs while we cuddled which felt really nice. His was hard and distended. I asked him if it hurt and he said it did a little bit. After a few minutes of this, he moaned under his breath. "Mmhh." I asked if he was ok and he said he could feel something moving. I asked if he was ready to try to poop. He said yes, then he asked about me but I didn't need to go yet. I asked if he wanted me to come with him so I could keep rubbing his stomach. He blushed again but eventually said yes so I followed him inside and shut the door behind us. He sat down on the toilet and I sat on the bathtub next to him. I gently massaged his stomach while we waited. After a few minutes, his back arched and I felt his abdomen muscles tense up. He grunted softly as he pushed. "Nnnnh! ...... Nnnnnnh!" I held out my hand and told him to squeeze it if he needed to. He grabbed it and squeezed hard as he pushed for longer this time. "Nnnnnnnnnnnnnh!" I asked him if he'd gotten anything out yet. He said he could feel it poking out a little. I pressed on his stomach for a few minutes while he rested. Then he tensed up again and grunted. "NNNNNNNNNNH! DAMN!" I asked if he was ok. He said yes, but that his shit was really big. "Let's see if you can do it in one more push," I encouraged. He took both of my hands and squeezed hard. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHH!!" Sure enough, the turd plonked into the water. He panted for a while as I continued my stomach massage. I asked him if he felt empty and he said not yet. He tensed again and pushed once more. "NNNNNNHH!!" Another plonk was heard in the water, followed by 2 more that came out effortlessly. He pushed again to see if anything was left and produced 2 or 3 small turds. He said he felt done so I stepped out to give him privacy while he wiped. He thanked me when he came back to the living room. He rubbed my stomach again on the couch for a while until I felt like I may be able to go and we headed back to the bathroom, this time with me on the toilet and him on the tub. He continued rubbing my stomach. I then felt the need to push so I did. "Nnnnnnnnh! ......... Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnh!" The poop was right at my back exit but wasn't poking out yet. He rubbed my stomach more intensely while still being gentle. I moaned as the poop slid out further and stretched my asshole quite a bit. "Ohhhh!" He asked if I was ok. I said yes, but it hurt. I leaned forward so he could see my situation. He asked me what he could do to help. I suggested that he give me a bear hug while I sit backwards on the toilet. He agreed so we got into position. He was on his knees right behind me as I sat with my legs straddling the tank. He wrapped his arms around me and pushed his forearms into my lower stomach. I leaned back into his chest as I pushed. His chin was on my left shoulder and he encouraged me the whole time. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNH!" "You're doing good! You're almost there!" "NNNNNNNNNNNNNHH!!" "It's almost out!" "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNH!" "One more big push! You can do it!" "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHHH" The turd splashed into the water. Nathan rubbed my back while I caught my breath. He asked if I was done and I said yes. The truth was I could feel more poop way up inside me, but I didn't know how hard it would be to get out and I needed to make sure I still had enough energy to drive home soon. He left me to wipe in private and when I rejoined him, I thanked him. He said it only made sense after I helped him out. We talked a little while longer before I headed home for the night. That was a really interesting experience for me! Nathan is a great guy (not just in regards to pooping) and we're planning on hanging out again soon!


So Gassy

Hi guys. Not much to say on this post about the bathroom as for the most part this evening I've had gas. Just before logging on, I farted a few times quite audibly. To Adrian: sorry you had food poisoning! I understand the embarrassment with the poop leakage. It was a surprise to find the circumstance surrounding the accident was the same as mine from last year. Sneezing with the combination of a diarrhea escape is no fun. I used the middle stall for my bathroom trips at dayhab. Once the other day after I finished up, one of the clients came into the bathroom having a bad coughing fit. She went into a stall, took deep breaths etc until she felt better. It didn't sound like she used the toilet. Maybe this person was sent to the bathroom with the concern from staff that she was sick. The client was fine afterwords. Once while asleep on the couch, I had a dream about a small cat that would come to me often, and even walk around the house. I could think about her hard enough to make her appear anywhere including the bathroom. My dream of a walking cat came true today in the form of a robotic one. It doesn't follow automatically, but could if you placed it right behind you just before walking. However, I wouldn't want this cat going in the bathroom with me due to the very nice fur. Also, if she got soaked due to an overflowing toilet etc, I'd be sad to lose her meows. Bye.


I think I've mentioned this before, I'm 15 years old and in high school. Sometimes my 14 year old sister Ellie and I go to the woods that our house backs on too and pee out there. We've discovered peeing in the woods when I was 8 and she was 7, ever since then we do it as much as possible. I'm good friends with Ron, I have a crush on him. I'm thinking of asking him to walk in the woods and maybe pee there. I've seen him poop twice, it would be super awesome if we were there and he pooped. I would also love to watch him poop in the toilet again too. I've seen him do it before, but I'll tell that story another time


Embarrassing experience at school

This is a story from when I was in middle school. I usually pooped every morning after breakfast before I went to school. I almost never got constipated

One day though I did not get the chance to relieve myself in the morning as usual. After breakfast when I usually have my morning dump, my big sister was hogging the bathroom. I was running late so I had no choice but to skip my morning poop. Begrudgingly I went to school, hoping that I wouldn't have to go at school since it's pretty embarrassing for me.

During the morning lessons, even though I felt some weight in my lower stomach, I felt mostly fine. It felt weird because most days I would have already emptied my bowels at this point. Then during recess my urge went away, I was thinking that I would be fine the whole day.

But as it turned out, nope, my stomach was complaining during the next lesson. I couldn't concentrate properly as my attention is shifted towards my urge to poop. And to make matters worse, when I had to poop I started passing gas, which is impossible during class.

I still believed I could endure it, so I tried my best to hold it. I also let out some silent pre-poop farts by spreading my butt cheeks a bit. Thankfully no on really noticed it (at least no one said anything).

As the lesson goes on though, I realized it would be impossible to hold it. People would know that I was acting weird, or worse they would realize I was farting non-stop, or even worse if I went in my pants.

So I swallowed my pride and asked the teacher "Miss, sorry I'm not feeling well, may I go to the infirmary?". I didn't want to say that I needed to go to the restroom since when I returned to the classroom and I took a long time, everyone would know that I just pooped, a social-suicide for a middle schooler.

Thankfully the teacher allowed me to go, but she said that I should have a friend accompanying me since the infirmary was pretty far. My teacher asked my friend Leslie who sat next to me. I was happy since I was a good friend with her.

We started walking towards the infirmary, and then out of nowhere Leslie said "Annette, you actually need to poop don't you?" I was shocked and I immediately got flustered "W-wait, what do you mean?" I replied. "It's pretty obvious since I was sitting next to you, also um... I could smell it haha..."

My face went red like a tomato from embarrassment, I thought I was being completely discreet. Leslie then said "Don't worry, I won't tell anybody, so lets go to restroom. I can tell that you really need to go." I just nodded and went along with her.

The restroom is empty since it's during lesson time. I took the first stall, locked the door, and pulled down my pants and panties. Just a few seconds after I sat down, my poop starts coming out with some farts. I was enjoying the relief then I realized that Leslie is standing right in front of my stall.

"Umm, Leslie can you wait somewhere else?" I said. She replied "Don't mind me, I don't care about the smell."

Knowing that she just told me that she could smell my production made me blush again. "Well I do mind, would you please wait somewhere else?" I said, only then she moved away from in front of my stall.

It didn't take long for me to finish up my dump. I pushed a few more logs until I felt completely empty and relieved. My stomach is feeling a lot better after that though I was pretty embarrassed that Leslie was around and could hear (or smell) me pooping.

I made Leslie swear to not tell anyone about it then we returned back to class, Leslie saying that I was feeling better after seeing the nurse. Well, at least the part of me feeling better is true.

So that's my awkward experience back in middle school. Does anyone here have a similar experience?

Also with regards to planes, whenever I'm on a plane I go to the washroom and have a big poo in an airsick bag. (They store them there.) The problem is piss. Mina and friends, to you have any ideas for what to do about pee if you have to have diarrhea in a airsick bag?

I was the one who asked a few months ago about babysitter stories. Among the babysitters here, have you ever used the toilet in the presence of a someone of the opposite sex? If so, what was the experience like and what led to it? And for those who have multiple such experiences, which were the most memorable ones?


Reply to Audrey

Hi Audrey, I don't have much to update. You asked about going in the sink? It's really not that hard, I just hope my booty up on there and sit on it like a potty :)



I'm back

Hi everyone.

It's been several months since I posted. This is in large part due to me dealing with severe depression. I have not been myself for awhile. But I think I'm seeing light at the end of the tunnel.

There have been two people who have been here for me when I needed them the most. Those two people are my amazing husband Steve and my best friend Emily.

Despite my mood swings and general sadness, Steve has been a rock for me. When I've needed someone to talk to, or to hold me when I cry, or to be with me when I ventured out of the house (I've been very isolated), or to make me laugh, or to make love to me (that always chases the blues away at least for a little bit)... he's been there for me. I love him so much.

And then there's Emily. Emily was in an abusive marriage just a few years ago so I have often felt like I don't have the right to complain to her about anything. But she calls me every single day to check in on me. And she just... listens. That's so much of what I need right now.

I'm not back to "normal" yet, but I'm feeling better than I have in months.

I should have been posting on here, because you people are so kind. But like I said, I just kind of isolated.

I do have a story. One of them involves my dear friend Emily. If you've been reading this page for awhile, you'd know that Emily and I are incredibly comfortable using the bathroom in front of each other. Like, really, really comfortable. It's not a planned thing (she doesn't "enjoy" watching me go the way Steve does, nor I her.) But if we're at each other's house, we never close the bathroom door. We just keep talking while one of us in on the toilet.

So about three weeks ago, I was still depressed, but I was having a slightly better day. I went over to Emily's and we talked for literally about six hours. (Actually, I talked for about six hours. She listened. That's part of why she's such a great friend. Back when she was going through her divorce, it was the other way around: She talked, I listened.)

Well, during the span of those six hours at her house, that dump that I had not taken in the morning needed to be taken. And of course being the lady that I am, I told her that I needed to go take a massive crap.

We were in heavy conversation mode; I was talking to her about the anxiety that I was waking up with every morning and dealing with throughout the day. So as I'm sitting down on the toilet in her downstairs bathroom, she sits down on the edge of the bathtub. Which is just a few feet from the toilet. Our knees are practically touching.

We didn't stop our conversation. She was telling me some ways that she dealt with her mental health during her first marriage. I keep right on talking while I pee a little but I let her take over the conversation when my butt starts to produce. I felt a nice log slide out. Then another one. Then another.

As I'm pooping, I notice Emily squirm a little as she's sitting on the tub. I ask her if she's okay. She smiled and said, "I'm fine. I do need to pee."

I asked her if she wanted to trade places; she said, "That's okay. You finish."

As it turns out, I was finished. I wiped and we both stood up at the same time. My poop flushed down leaving some skid marks. We've both left plenty of skid marks in each other's homes so I knew she didn't care. I sat down on the tub edge where she had been sitting while she sat on the toilet. We keep talking as I hear and see her yellow river.

Then she farts in a way that I think even surprised her. She said "Excuse me" (which she doesn't need to say around me... I've probably seen her poop 50 times and vice versa.)

Then after she stopped peeing she sits there with a facial expression that tells me she's evaluating whether she has to poop.

She leaned forward, then smiles and says "I have to crap too." "Go for it", I say.

(With me just having taken a pretty big dump and with Emily now pooping, the bathroom isn't exactly smelling like a rose garden. Good thing neither of us cared.)

Anyways, we go right back to talking, although she pauses a few times mid-sentence to push. After several plops, she peed a little more, then reached for the toilet paper and announced that she was done. She stood up (I snuck a peek at the bowl... I'm sure she felt a lot better), flushed, and washed her hands. We then continued our talk in the living room.

I love all of you. I will get through this.



Got sent home from school once in 6th grade. My bladder was not cooperating that day but my teacher was convinced I was trying to get attention. As if. I didn't wear pullups at the time and I was hsving a super "off" day and I had had not one but 3 accidents that day. I kept being told to wait when I asked to pee-pee. The waiting wasn't horribly long-20-30 minutes but my bladder simply wasnt having it. My first wetting was during recess. I had to pee and ended up going in my pants while we waited in line to go back inside. One of the other kids saw my silent tears and the puddle between my legs and yelled KK's peed her pants again. I broke down in tears and was sent to the nurse for dry pants. During history, I got one of my famous urges. Belly began to hurt, dribbles and my bladder fighting to let go. I asked my teacher to go pee-pee and she said wait. I was already leaking badly. I teared up and said but I have to pee-pee now. 5 min later, I was going on my chair and it looked under my butt and ran off the chair onto the floor. I was really upset because my teacher was mad and called me a spoiled, coddled child. Not only was I sent to the nurse for clean pants but I was also sent to the principal who scolded me until I was weeping. All during gym class, kids were making fun of me. In the locker room, Girls kept making jokes, don't stand next to KK, she'll pee on you and stupid stuff like that. I thought id be fine til after school so I kept my head down and drank very little so my bladder wouldn't get too full. Well, wasn't a perfect solution. By my last class of the day, I suddenly realized I had to potty again. I desperately didn't eant to ask to go and call attention to myself but after a few dribbles culminating in a golf ball size wet crotch, I raised my hand, my other hand holding my vagina. My teacher rolled her eyes and said, nasty, try going in the toilet this time. My class laughed as I left the room trying to hide my wet patch. I dribbled more then more. I was about halfway down the hall before my bladder just wouldn't cooperate anymore and I was full wetting down my leg, piss drooling out my pants leg ans soaking into the carpet. I ran and hid in the bathroom, so ashamed. When I didn't come back within a few min, instead of someone coming to find and comfort me, my teacher called my mom. My mom was the one who stormed into the bathroom and pounded on the stall door, telling me to come oyt immediately. She was so angry. She handed me my dry pants and told me to get changed and we were going home. When we got in the car, she said I was going to be paddled harder than ever for "acting like a baby" and "embarrassing" her and my dad. I was paddled until I had bruises on my bottom. I felt so helpless. My bladder had acted up worse than ever that day. I was sent to bed for the rest of the day with no supper. When my dad got home for super, he came in and paddled me again and told me I'd "better quit acting like a freak before it was too late." When he left the room, I realized I'd dribbled some during my spanking and my crotch was wet. That night I fell asleep after turning on my alarm loudly so it would wake me up at 3am to go potty. I was so glad my night diaper would be dry in the morning. No such luck. I slwpt through the alarm and woke up in a swollen pullup as usual.


to Veronica

I liked your stories, could you share some of the times you've seen guys have accidents that you referenced in your first story?


New Poop scenes

Hi all,

I was wondering if there are any new pooping scenes out there whether its in a movie, tv show or music video?




Pooping outdoor when hiking

I have been a scout (girl guide) since 2017/18 when I was 12 years old. I have taken part in hikes lasting for more than one day a couple of times. Then we have been camping in the wilderness without any ordinary toilet available. I find it easy to pee outside, but it is not that easy to poop. I have had a tendency, without really thinking about it, to put aside the urge. But typically on the third morning there is no way around and I just have to go. The urge then is so strong that I almost feel a pain in my belly.

Even though I think I often succeed to get away from the others without anyone noticing it, I always have a feeling that everybody knows what I am about to do. I tend to walk several hundred meters before I find a suitable spot. Then I look carefully around, behind bushes and stones, to be sure that nobody else is there. When I am totally sure that I am alone I place myself at the most sheltered place before I pull shorts down and squat. Usually the urge is so strong that I do not need to strain. If I have been keeping it for typically three days, I first release one or two shorter and possibly somewhat hard "plugs" and then immediately there comes a much longer and softer "cable". I have certainly never measured the length, but I think typically the plugs are 5-7 cm long and 3-4 cm thick and the cable can be type 30 cm long and 3 cm thick. It is all done in less than one minute. Wiping also mostly is easy, only two or three wipes are needed.

I have to admit that I often do not take time to cover the poop, even though I should hate if anyone saw it and knew it was my poop. I put the paper in between stones etc. Before leaving the spot I look around to be sure that still nobody is coming, because I don't want anyone to know where I have gone to toilet. The feeling after taking a big dump is really good.

I think I have pooped outdoor more than ten but less than twenty times. I am quite sure that nobody has observed or spotted me while I have been pooping. I should have felt that like a catastrophe. Perhaps a silly thought, but I don't want anyone to know what it looks like when I am pooping. It has nothing to do with a fear of nudity, more like it is a very private situations which I like to keep secret without involving anyone else. I am not that vulnerable when it comes to peeing.

Once I met one of the boys of my group out there only type 30 meters after leaving my poop spot. I saw him just before he spotted me and I saw he had like toilet paper in his hands which he quickly put in the pocket when he noticed me. He smiled and asked if I was out for a morning stroll. Luckily I had my camera and I said that I had been out there taking some pictures. I think he also was out there to take a dump but I am not sure.

Only once I have spotted another person actually pooping outside. That was one of the male leaders. I went in on him while he was squatting behind a huge stone. I think especially he found it very embarrassing and I certainly went quickly away. Afterwards he came to me and apologized for what I had seen and said that he hoped I just could forget it. Yes, I said, that is not a problem. We all do, don't we, he said and I responded just with a smile. Poor guy, I thought. He was so stressed as I never had seen him before. I have never told anyone in our group of this, but, well, I often recall the situation with a tiny smile when I meet him. I also think that he is reminded about what happened when he meets me.

In our scouting group nobody talks about pooping when staying outdoor. Everyone carry a small supply of tp for personal use. I have not even discussed pooping when hiking with my best friends. But obviously we all do it. It is amazing to see that we all probably have different strategies to avoid being caught with pants down!!

As to my best friends I really don't know when they poop when hiking. I have seen them pee lots of times. Once I heard one of the boys, who likes to be a bit "cool", saying when we were walking like "I will lag a bit behind because I have to drop a deuce, and stay away cause that won't be a nice view." Another time I went to pee behind a boulder just after one of my friends had been there. Obviously she had pooped because there was fresh waste and newly used paper there.

I sometimes also go for day hikes with my father. He is very relaxed about these things. He may readily say type "Oh, I have to go to the toilet" and then he takes the roll of tp from the backpack and heads for the bushes. When back he says type "Always good to get it done." I have only peed when hiking with my father, never pooped. He hides very well and I have not actually seen him squatting.

Once at a car trip in the country side with my grandparents we had stopped at a resting area. My grandfather went over to the toilet block just to discover that it was locked (due to corona-restrictions in spring 2020). I heard him say to my grandmother that he needed to go really bad. She suggested that he should take some paper napkins from the lunch basket and find a suitable spot in the surrounding forest. He did. Afterwards they did not mention the incident.

That was a lot on outdoor pooping from me. I hope that others also can add on with cool stories.

Emma two

Nothing to wipe with

It's been a while since my last post but I'm back now.
I'd been constipated for a few days until I took some laxatives this morning. I went out for a walk in the woods with Sarah after lunch and after a while I was really feeling the need to have a poo. It was freezing cold and I didn't fancy having to pull my jeans and knickers down in the cold weather but it was either that or poo and wet myself. I asked Sarah for the wipes she had in her bag and she said she didn't have any with her. She said I'd have to go anyway and wipe myself when we got home. I didn't want to get skid marks in my knickers but it would be a lot worse if I pood myself.
I pulled my jeans and knickers down as Sarah watched and squatted by a large tree. As soon as I relaxed I peed what felt like a gallon as a big pile of soft poo piled up under my bottom. It was such a relief to get it all out and I was surprised about the amount of steam that was coming off the pile. I wasn't too happy having to pull my knickers and jeans up without wiping my bottom but I had no choice.
We made our way back to Sarah's car and as we we're driving home I could feel the stickiness between my cheeks and I smelled of poo. Sarah remarked about it and I told I would take a shower as soon as we got home.

Emma two

Girl in the woods

I was out walking in the woods this morning and I was overtaken by a young girl who was obviously in a hurry and she was holding her bottom as she ran into the bushes. I could smell poo and as she passed me I saw some diarrhea running down her legs. When I got to the bushes I kept walking to give her some privacy. It took me about fifteen minutes to get to the other side of the woods and I turned around to make my way home. I had a look in the bushes and the girl had left by then. She left her knickers on grass and they were full of diarrhea and by the amount she'd done she must have been really desperate. I couldn't see any tissues so I guess she had to go home with a dirty bottom and judging by the mess in her knickers her bottom would be just as messy. I felt for her because I've been there myself and and I know how embarrassed she must have been.

I wet my pants today. It was a pretty unusual incident. I was at my gynecologist for my ywarly. The Dr was running late but I didn't mind. I drank my water bottle and the was called back. I had to then wait in the exam room. Out of the blue I had to pee-pee. The urge was overwhelming. I tested up and held my vagina hard. I desperately needed to put my pullup back on so I could go potty but I was literally doubled over. I couldn't walk. I managed to sit back down and a dribble escaped. I nearly cried. I knew the bathroom was too far away even if I could put my clothes back on. I dribbled again just as my Dr walked in. I started to say I needed to pee-pee but she interrupted and told me to lay back. My belly hurt SO bad. I tried again but she startled me as she reached in. I lost control as she pulled her hand out. Pee-pee was pouring out of me. I was openly crying as I soaked the exam table. When I was done my Dr helped me sit up and comforted me. She knows I have urge incontinence but she's never witnessed it. She helped me wipe up the floor wherre my pee had run off the soaked table. She asked me some qus3stions about my accidents and I told her that I usually wear a pullup but it hit me too hard to put my clothes back on.



@ Jennifer - Meant to write you back on this earlier. First, it's obvious you care about your husband a great deal, so I just want to recognize that.
I hear you regarding the constipation troubles with your husband. Even for many men, pooping can be quite a private act. He could be embarrassed about it or raised under the pretenses that pooping is a shameful act. Constipation can be especially embarrassing for anyone if they need to grunt and strain, so that could add to his dilemma. I work in a building that has a bunch of different firms but a shared bathroom facility on each floor. There are a handful of men who seem to struggle with constipation on a regular basis. They will go quiet and wait for people to leave before they keep struggling, in very much the same fashion that people describe with women and pooping in public. Your husband might be one of those types of people.
Regarding support, are you open with him about your habits or is he not interested in them? That can be a good icebreaker if he's receptive. If he's not interested, you may need to give him a little space, as much as you want to help. I am guessing you realize this already. My wife and I are open with each other about our pooping, but not to the same extent as others on this board have with their partners. I don't write about her because I imagine she wouldn't want me to share about her. However, we both communicate if we need to go, if something off, constipation (rarely happens to me, more frequently to her) or diarrhea. The house we rent is old and the acoustics aren't good, so it is audible if someone has diarrhea or even loud gas. Usually, the other will open the door / ask from outside the bathroom what happen, i.e. what caused this, and is there anything that can be done to help. We're both health conscious so we like to know if there is a food that cause digestive issues. It sounds like this level of interest in him would probably exacerbate the problem and instead he wants his privacy. Sometimes the best way to be supportive is to honor his wishes, unless you have an otherwise open relationship about bathroom stuff. Then, I wouldn't know why he's being private on this matter.

As to some of your other questions and comments about diet, protein, and fiber. Protein, carbs, fats, and fiber are all key components to my diet, and I don't exalt one over the others. More specifically, I eat ~210g of protein per day. Over the course of the year my weight fluctuates between about 190lbs(85kg) - 210lbs(95kg), depending on my lifestyle and fitness goals. I find that the high protein, 1.1g per pound of bodyweight, helps me reduce muscle loss when I am on the lighter side and helps build strength / muscle back when I switch protocols. However, protein is NOT the ruler and there is nothing inherently masculine or macho about protein. It's just one of several macronutrients found in food and just one component of my eating plan. I eat about 100 -200g of carbs per day, mostly from green vegetables, sweet potato variants, or bread alternative like almond flour bread. I get the rest of my calories from fat. Personally, my body responds much better to a higher fat diet than a higher carb diet. I've been successful with both, but I get more training / running aches and pains with lower fat. Now, I also eat a lot of fiber because I find it's vital to help keep things moving with a higher fat and protein diet. I eat about 80-90g of fiber per day. As an example of one meal, I will do a post-workout shake in the morning. This shake includes a bag of frozen spinach (about 15g), 4 scoops of protein powder (7g), cup of frozen raspberries (6g), one tablespoon of psyllium husk (2g), and then a few other ingredients that have a marginal amount of fiber. I think that's about 30g of fiber altogether. I consume this shake with couple pills of digestive enzymes to make sure everything gets digested without much trouble. There is nothing inherently not manly about vegetables or fiber. I see protein and fiber as two instrumental parts of my diet. They are not competing elements, especially since fiber is often very low calorie.

You also wrote at one point about your own dietary fiber consumption and size of your productions. Not that it matters at all, I would venture that it's probably quite large based on the amount of fiber you get per day from vegetable sources, especially if you only go once per day or less. There are other ways to tell if you want to confirm for yourself. This may seem beyond obvious, so I apologize for "man-splaining", but toilets are specifically designed to "accommodate" the production of most users. You may find if your offering outsizes the toilet in some dimension or capacity then probably a safe bet that it's on the larger size. There are also some places where you can see pictures of others if you wanted to compare, though, I understand that may not be of any interest. Of course, you can always ask your husband as well… just kidding. Don't do that unless you guys are open like that. :)

@ Tricky - Okay, I am working on a few stories. I am not the best writer, so I usually will write a first pass and then comeback to fix the spelling, grammar, and fill in the details. So, stay tuned, I didn't forget. I also hear you regarding low-flow toilets. It's not low-flow when it requires many flushes, kind of defeats the purpose. Honestly, the bowl usually requires greater attention afterwards as well. I am not a fan of them.

@ Sofie - Glad to hear my advice helped a little. The other thing that could help is a fiber supplement. I am sure you are already aware of these things, but it may be worth trying a few. Many times they can help things pass easily and completely with little wiping afterwards. However, fiber can also cause gas and discomfort when first using it. Go slowly or you could end up with disaster pants if you take too much too fast. I also will say the wedge of toilet paper trick ("butt tampon") is a good one, sounds like things got a bit messy anyway.

@ Anthony - Great story, you did well to communicate the scene and emotions. I would say that the flight attendants and other passengers should have accommodated that poor woman a bit better than they did. I used to fly quite a bit for work, and it was not uncommon to see people with urgent bathroom needs on the plane. In my experience, many times they would allow that one person to queue in the area with the attendants or allow someone to switch seats / find an open seat nearby. You're right that was probably one of the worst days of her life and it's too bad that she suffered ridicule on top of it.

@ Lexy - Great first post, introduction, and thought your Memorial Day story was a memorable one. Personally, I relate a great deal to your predicament/talent, as that is the case for me, and I know a number of people like that as well, both male and female. One of my sisters and a couple aunts seem to produce a strong, outsized stink that can envelope several rooms in our house, as do a couple women I used to train with. One was often quite gassy and I soon learned her smell. She really had no qualms about letting off pressure in front of anyone in our training group. She would often say that she felt "farty" and that was her way of offering forewarning. There are also a couple men I work with who can easily stink up a public restroom. I worked with them long enough to know who who at this point is. One in particular is probably the strongest smell I come across on a regular basis. He is a large human, probably about 6'6 250lbs and I think he struggles with loose stools a lot because his smell has a sick element to it many times. I also contributed a few stories about myself with similar effect, including one during a work function dinner where I stunk out the men's room at high-end steakhouse. Interested to hear more from you if you are so inclined to share.

@ Cal K. - Welcome to the board and enjoyed both of your posts so far. I relate to wanting a private place to go and also the feeling of a great dump. I think everyone can relate to that.



Embarrassing Summer Camp Bathrooms

Hey all. My name is Danny and I found this site a few months ago. I am 38 years old. I've really enjoyed reading Tricky's stories which have encouraged me to finally go ahead and post. Bathroom situations can be very embarrassing so I figured I should start with my most embarrassing story that I have from summer camp when I was a kid.

This story is from the summer of 1995 when I was 12 years old. Every summer for three weeks when I was 12-14 years old I went to a summer camp and this was my first summer there. When I went there it had about 300 kids both boys and girls aged 12-15 years old. It was okay, but the bathroom situation wasn't great.

The camp was old having been built in the 1950s but it did have two sets of bathroom buildings. One bathroom was pretty big near the main lodge and had showers. Unfortunately it didn't have stalls around the toilets. There were just eight toilets lined against the wall completely in the open. Some guys weren't embarrassed at all about taking a dump in the open but at the time at 12 years old I was. The other thing about this bathroom was that there was a separate girls bathroom conjoined with it on the other side but the wall didn't quite reach the ceiling so everyone in both bathrooms could hear everything which made it even more embarrassing.

Because of all that with the main bathroom I usually used the only other bathroom building in camp for bowel movements. It was a similar structure but smaller with only four toilets also with no stall walls or doors, but it was about half a mile from the other bathroom, Lodge, and cabins so it didn't get used a ton. The only thing near it was the camp swimming pool.

Whenever I needed a huge dump I would go to the second bathroom because it was usually empty.

One day late in the evening most of the kids were in the lodge watching a talent show so I thought it was a good opportunity to run off and empty my bowels. I really had to take a dump because for dinner that night the camp served chilli. I have no idea why they thought that was a good choice. Anyway my stomach had a lot of pressure and as I was walking to the second bathroom I kept blasting loud farts. I had been holding them in earlier because there were too many other kids around.

I wasn't desperate but I did walk a bit faster than I usually would. I passed by the fenced in swimming pool which meant I was very close because the bathroom was only about thirty more feet. As I walked I continued to fart and hoped that no one was in the bathroom.

I got to the bathroom and to my relief no one was in the boys room. There were just four empty toilets. I waited a second and listened to make sure no one was in the girls room and after about a minute of hearing nothing I decided to go for it.

Before I sat down on the toilet I made sure there was toilet paper. Luckily there was one last roll left sitting on the back of the middle right toilet. The counselors usually restocked it in the middle of the night. I picked the toilet with the last roll and peeled my black basketball shorts and white briefs underwear down to my knees and sat.

I immediately let out a gigantic fart and my bowels started to empty like soft serve. I hadn't pooped in a couple days so the chilli must have kick-started my bowels into action. As I continued to fart away and the soft serve stopped it got a bit harder so I had to push because I still felt full.

All of a sudden I heard a noise outside and I stopped the gassy blasts to listen. I was thinking 'great some other guys are going to come in and interrupt my peaceful poop' but it turned out to be worse. The bathroom door swung open and to my surprise it was a girl camper named Amber and right behind her was her summer camp boyfriend Josh. They were both a couple years older than me. I think 14 or 15.

Amber was very pretty with golden blonde hair and very popular at the camp but she also had a nasty attitude and was a mean girl. Josh was athletic and was the tallest kid at camp at 6'0. He was also popular but didn't have the nasty attitude reputation that Amber had but he followed her around like a puppy dog.

As I looked on horrified at Amber in the doorway I noticed she was holding a pack of cigarettes. Kids weren't suppose to have them at camp but they snuck them in and the second bathroom was a popular smoking spot since it was so isolated from the rest of the camp.

Right as the door had swung open I was startled and let out a huge echoed fart into the toilet. Amber had a disgusted look on her face and belted out "Gross!" as Josh stood behind her snickering. I immediately pulled up my shorts and underwear to cover my privates.

Amber waved her hand in front of her nose and looked right into my eyes and demanded "Okay kid time to go!" which made Josh laugh. I was blushing red from embarrassment and responded back in a timid voice "I'm not done yet. You get out. This is the boys bathroom." Amber glared at me annoyed that this 12 year old first year camper was interupting her smoke break.

Amber walked right up in front of me and the toilet I was sitting on and whipped her hand past my head and I flinched. I thought she was about to hit me but when I opened up my eyes I saw that she had grabbed the roll of toilet paper and was holding it. She walked to the door and threw the roll outside. She looked back at me and said "Finish out there or else I'll tell Josh to beat you up!"

I didn't have much choice. I still hadn't finished but I didn't want any trouble either so I squeezed my butt cheeks together and carefully pulled up my underwear and shorts. I started to walk for the door and Amber cracked a smile and whispered something to Josh. Josh stepped in front of the door blocking my path with a serious look on his face, shrugged and said "Sorry kid." Then he got me into a headlock and I got really afraid he was going to hurt me but instead I felt Amber reach her hands down into the back of my shorts and yank the waistband of my Hanes branded white briefs underwear up my unwiped butt. She slapped me on my ass and said "There kid, that'll teach you to not argue." Josh let go and I ran out of the bathroom hearing them laugh hysterically.

I was able to make it to the other camp bathroom and finish my dump but my white underwear had huge skid-marks. For the rest of camp that summer I just used the main bathroom because it was safer and it actually helped me not to be a shameful pooper. I didn't have anymore problems with Amber and Josh but what they did to me got around camp although I didn't snitch to the counselors because it was too embarrassing. Some of the other older camp girls who didn't like Amber actually asked if I was okay once they heard about what happened and told me not to be embarrassed because Amber was a bitch.

The other following summers I went there were fine and I had no problems. I never saw Amber and Josh after that first summer because that was there last summer being in the oldest age group.

Anyway that is my first story. I was hesitant to share but after reading other people's embarrassing stories on here (especially Tricky's stories) I felt better about sharing it. I have some other embarrassing and non-embarrassing stories to share so let me know if you enjoyed this one. :)

Crystal aka Maria

What comes in will come out

Had a great date night with Marcus last night first time in months, our pre Valentines Day time we do every year. So my Step mom kept the children while we went out.
So prepare for the day I got up around 7 got the children ready and out the house by 8, while Marcus gave the twins the bottle that I pumped for them, while I took the older ones to school,
Got back home almost 9 had picked up my dress and accessories for the night. When I get home I put them away and go to prepare breakfast for the two of us, yogurt and fruit, eggs and toast, and I fixed him some bacon, though it was tempting but I knew better. So after eating, I decided to take a bubble bath, got undressed and slipped on my slippers and got my bath robe on and decided to start washing some clothes, and came back upstairs and went in the bathroom and decided hey why not I took off my robe and laid it across the towel rack and took a seat and peed and started to pass gas some and gave me little nudge a solid missile came out and splash just one piece and I felt wow done, tried wiping nothing on it, got up and the toilet flushed and I got in the tub soaked in the nice comfortable water, till almost 11 . I got out and got dressed in semi dressed, pj dress slippers bed robe and bandanna tied around my hair. I rejoined Marcus with the twins, So he can do what he has to do. So around 1 we took a nap till 3 and he picked up the older ones while I went out and got my hair done, decided to get it done in straighten out and had few hi lights streaks, came home like 5 ,ordered DoorDash for the children and got the bottles set up done at 7, was getting ready, got my stuff out and grab from shoe rack heels without the heels red kind, and got my polish out clear , both my hands and toes and my panties for the night and bra set and wore red dress to my knees and put on my heels and I was set and Marcus came out with his hair shaped up nice black and tux and red vest and white shirt and all three color tie and his spatzs. So the children were whistling when my step mom came and on our way out she tells me don't go get pregnant now. So we go to dinner everything was very tasty but I knew it was going to bother me later, as the night wore on we took a walk in the mall after dinner, I started to feel the rumbling and Marcus saw it he said hey it's okay babe if you want I can keep you company I said you are a amazing man I love you and got on my tippy toes and kiss him and he passionately kiss me back and said only reason cause I have a amazing woman. So we found a unisex bathroom and, we lock it and he goes get paper towels and takes soap and water and clean the toilet for me and goes to dry it for me and get new paper towels and lays them on the toilet for me, side note few years back I got splinter on the toilet on my buttocks not knowing that it was a hidden chip before it was to late and precautionary, now so I hike up my dress and pull down my panties around my knees and sit . Very quickly a gush a warm mushy poop starts falling out of me , I look up Marcus and he has a sad look on his face, and after many minutes we here that the mall be close in 5 minutes and I wasn't nearly done and it just kept coming so I was finally done and flushed the toilet and we saw it was a lot and I let my panties hit the ground and Marcus helped me undressed and i clenched my cheeks hard as I could and he picked me up and put me on the sink and grabbed bunch of toilet paper and washed my booty best way possible and after 20 wipes I was clean, and tossed it in the toilet and he helped me down and I got redressed and final call one minute to go, we washed our hands. We made it out and we got stopped and the mall cop said gross next time get a hotel room and he us out of the building and as we left. Marcus started to laugh, I started laughing to and on our way home we dropped off to Walmart inside the restroom just to make sure no reside and we bought some bath soap and towels and went to the family bathroom and I refreshed myself afterwards got dressed and got home and went the back way and went we snuck upstairs, and to the story let just say I love being his wife


question for Centalia

Hi Centalia. The restrooms you describe remind me of our in high school. When the door to the restroom opened you could see the guys sitting on the the two toilets. You described being able to see into the girls restroom from your art class, did the girls restroom have doors on the toilet stalls?


Odd Day

It started as usual with multiple pooping sessions. These were all soft poops, and happened occasionally throughout the day. However, my insides felt grumpy after a pint of ice cream most likely from eating too fast. I felt like I needed to rest for a while until the stuffed up feeling in my belly went away. There was even a few moments that I thought I needed fresh air, but at least the ice cream dinner combo didn't need to be flushed down the toilet. I'm glad things started moving through normally again with relief of symptoms. All I had later was some more soft poop, and farts. I don't think I ever felt as full as I did, and I hope I don't get this after a meal again especially if a huge poop urge hits. Have a great day everyone. Bye.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022


Bidets and Enemas etc

Dear All. I need some advice. My occupational therapist has suggested a bidet that is fitted to the toilet to help me with cleanliness. In the country I live in bidets are rare so I do not have a lot of knowledge on the subject. Anyway I have just stayed at a posh hotel which had a bidet fitted to the toilet. One of the choices was an enema which squirts water directed at your hole and I wondered how effective it is? The second point is it squirts water then hot air to clean the noted area. I tested this and despite it all I still had some poo there. I note Hisae talks about a washlet? Does anybody have any ideas? Thsnks


Coin laundry accident

Me and my friend D'Shannon see each other once a week at a coin laundry. We both go to the same large high school. We are the oldest in large families, each headed by a single parent.

Sunday morning I was already sorting my family's clothing when D'Shannon came running in. She had a large laundry bag slung over her shoulder and she threw it my way as she ran down the aisle to the back of the big self-service laundry. She ran square into the ladies' room door and you could hear her swear, but when I looked up she was ducking into the mens' room door which she quickly slammed shut.

After about 5 minutes in there I texted her and asked if she was OK. She was on the toilet when she replied in some more swear words and said she was having problems on 'both ends.' I asked if she wanted me and she said yes. So I want into the back of the laundry and into the bathroom, the size of a closet. She was halfway on the toilet. There was splashed urine over the front of the seat where the cut-out often is plus large smears of crap along the side of the seat, on her inner thigh and she had a least a couple ounces of soft crap in the back of her tattered white undies.

It took me about 15 minutes to get D'Shannon calmed down and to stop crying. I helped her take her jeans off and carefully helped remove her undies. Not only was the smell bad, but she said she had taken a laxative the day before at school when she was 5 days overdue for a crap. She had also peed herself on her 8 block walk to the laundry. To make it worse, a couple of dogs had gotten around her, probably because of the bag she was carrying. Her family lives in a small apartment and one of her kid sisters, Alison, is really snotty and mean when D'Shannon has to plea to use the bathroom. She was desperate and had stopped at two gas stations, but they wouldn't let her in. I reached the conclusion that a family that suffers from constipation can have some big problems when there's only one toilet.

With no toilet paper or towels available in the mens room I had to make several trips to the ladies bathroom in helping D'Shannon clean up. Then she got flustered again when a man pounded on the bathroom door and asked when he could get his chance. I shouted that there had been an emergency and he could use the ladies room. He got more upset and said he would call the police and teach us a lesson.

We finished up, got our laundry and took it a couple of blocks over to a coffee house. We had a nice conversation and I sprung for refills. I don't know what it was but at that point D'Shannon excused herself for what she called Round 2 in the bathroom. She said she was now thoroughly cleaned out and wouldn't need a laxative again for some time. I know she has been criticized for sitting on the toilet at school for as long as 30 minutes trying to have a crap. She gets some rude comments when she finally opens the door and walks out. Since we had to sacrifice her undies and she feels jeans are too rough on her privates, I'm planning on buying her a couple of packages of undies for her birthday next month.

When we went back and did our laundry, both D'Shannon and I needed a couple of pee breaks. What goes in must come out, I guess.

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