
Karen C.

Feeling sick today, diarrhea and just Bluugh!!!

hi readers, don't know whether i'm sick or not but my stomach does'nt feel good. Yesterday at work i ate bbq and lots of potato salad someone brought,, i had massive blowout diarrhea this morning and a little later i threw up all last night's supper. i called in sick from work today. i feel like throwing up some more but i just can't, nothing else comes up i just dry heave,,,i was up all last night with diarrhea. i ate some oatmeal with a glass of milk for a late breakfast but i still feel sick and afraid to go out,, i ate a whopper and vanilla shake earlier at lunch thought it might make me feel better but now i wish i could at least just throw it up or poop it out, my stomach feels so awful and yucky and full. ,, i have food in the house so i was thinking maybe going for a nice long walk around the park then a nice long bubble bath then some cold sweet iced tea and chicken pot pie or cream of mushroom with green beans. thinking of self inducing myself to throw followed by enemas whaddya guys think? On the positive side when this is over i can fit into my old size 10 jeans again, whoope.


Watching My Friend Poo for the First Time :)

Hey guys! I'm sorry it's been a while. I just had to share this story! I was hanging out with my friend Makayla last weekend (it was only our third or fourth time hanging out), and we were in her room just hanging out. Makayla is a year younger than me, she has olive skin and black hair. She is not fat by any means, but she has very thick thighs, perky breasts, and a very ???? bottom (she does crossfit). We were bored and wanted something to do, so I suggested we go out to eat. She agreed and said it sounded like a great idea. I told her I wanted to put on some makeup before leaving the house, and she said me too. We both went into her bathroom to get ready. While we were standing in front of the mirror, Makayla grabbed her stomach and groaned, "Oh man I have to poop". She waddled towards the toilet, pulled down her sweatpants down to her ankles, and plopped herself down onto the seat. There was a very soft grunt from Makayla, followed by some very loud crackling and a plop into the bowl. I tried to make conversation to make it less awkward, but I could not think of anything to say. Makayla grunted again and there was another crackle into the bowl. After a few seconds, the strong poo smell hit me. She let out a loud, echoing fart. We both laughed. There were two more plops, and she began to wipe. She remained seated while she wiped, which made me sad. I wanted to see her creation in the toilet. Right as she reached for the flush, I said, "don't flush yet, I have to pee. I'll just go on top." She looked at me laughing and said, "No, I don't want you to see my poop!" She then flushed and didn't stand until the flush was finished. She stood, pulling up her pants, and walked to the mirror. I was surprised that she was open enough to poo in front of me, but a little disappointed that I didn't get to see it. I walked over to the toilet to pee. I sat down, pulling my shorts down to just above my knees. As the stream started, I accidentally let out a light toot, which was amplified by the bowl. Makayla asked, "are you pooping too?". I blushed and said, "no, that was an accident!" I finished, wiped, stood, and then flushed. We finished getting ready and went out to eat, and not much else happened. I have to admit, I liked to watch Makayla relieve herself. I will definitely be hanging out with her again, and I will post my stories here!

quick question: i realized that there is another natalie who sometimes posts on this site. should i change my name so that my posts are easier to find?


To Just a Mother and Lavah - Constipation

Dear Just a Mother, You should have your daughter see a doctor, even though the enema worked. Constipation can happen in children, but nine days is quite a long time, even a dangerous amount of time between bowel movements. She needs a doctor. Also, doctors need to prescribe something to relieve constipation of that nature. Giving an enema to a child without the consent of a physician can be dangerous.

Dear Lavah, 6 days is a long time between bowel movements. Suppositories are laxatives. I don't want to recommend a product on this forum, but in the long term, if constipation is your "normal," then your doctor can help you with options to relieve it. Get plenty of exercise, drink water, eat fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Eliminate junk food and sodas. Feel better soon.

- Becc


Answers to Jonathan's survey

1. Gender: Male,16
2. How often do you pee? at least 5 to 6 times a day
3. How often do you poop? once a day, sometimes once every 2 or 3 days.
4. When sitting on the toilet, how far do you pull your pants or underwear down? At home, to the floor; Away from home, just to the end of the the stool so my crap will hit the bowl.
5. After you poop, does the bathroom smell bad? At home: no, because I
flush it immediately so my younger sister won't get on my case about
the smell; away from home, I don't care and a lot of the toilets are
stopped up anyway.
6. When sitting on the toilet, are your legs together or far apart?
At home, farther apart; at school close together because most stalls
don't have privacy doors and some of us get singled out for the size
of our organ and if we're holding it down into the bowl.
7. Do you stare into the bowl when you are finished? Not much.
8. Have you or a friend actually called a person on a cell phone while
on the toilet? Yes. Me and a female relative were on the toilet at
different airports at the time. Her flight had been delayed while I
was waiting for her.
9. Do you stand or sit to wipe? At home, yes. Other places, definitely
10. Are you afraid to defecate in a public bathroom with others around?
Definitely, but I'm trying to get better by not placing toilet paper
on the seat before I sit down. It makes me different than most of
the other guys at school and has caused me to be harassed because
there is very little privacy.


Really bad teacher

This story happened to me a few years ago during a school trip. now I'm a first grade teacher I was 27 at the time and the school had arranged for us to go on a school trip to a museum in the city. We had a group of about 30 kids with us and there were 8 of us teachers from the school who had volunteered to go. Now from early on before the bus journey there I wasn't quite feeling well as I was on my period and suffering from bad cramps and an upset stomach but I had no opportunity to go the toilet when we got there the urge seemed to go away so I ignored it and continued my day showing the kids round the museum. After about 2 hours I was feeling quite uncomfortable and the principal who had came with told us that we were going to split up into groups of 3/4 and visit the rest of the exhibits about two minutes in after going off with my four kids I started to feel really desperate and realised I was going to have to go the toilet. I rushed off looking for another teacher to mind my kids as I went the toilet but I couldn't find anyone. "Come on" I said "were just going to take a bathroom break" as I escorted them to the nearest toilets. I now debated on what I was going to do as legally I'm not allowed to leave them unsupervised. But I couldn't bring them in with me so I told the very sticktly to wait here and don't move. But as I turned around I could see them already wandering off. There was no museum staff to help me and feeling I had no choice I told them to come in with me. Now there were 2 boys and 2 girls with me. I went into the toilets to see a row of stalls and a seperate door at the back which was a larger room and was a disabled toilet. Rather than risk losing a kid I pulled them inside the disabled toilet. I imediatly ran to the toilet pulled down my jeans and knickers and sat down quickly before unleashing a wave of dihoera into the bowel. The kids burst out laughing as They watched, I was completely embarrassed. I tried to keep my big thighs close together so they wouldn't get a view of my fanny but one of the boys looked right between my legs and gasped. "Eeee what's that?!" He said pointing at my vag as the kids started to stare at it. I quickly covered my lady parts with my hands. But the others kept asking to "let me see I want to see". "Your a man" exclaimed the boy. "What?" I said back a bit angry and puzzled. "Only men have hair there" he said referring to my got to be honest rather untidy vergrown bush of pubic hair, the result of about eight months not shaving. By now I was completely humiliated and kept telling the kids to look away and give me some privacy as I kept farting and pooing. But it was difficult as the children could hear the constant splashes and wet farts prompting them to giggle loudly. It was then that they noticed my sanitary towel in my knickers. It was very bloody as I had changed it since the night before and I suffer really heavy periods. ( I know I should change it more frequent). " your hurt" and "you cut yourself" they kept saying. I couldn't at all tell them what it really was so I told them it was a larger plaster that fell of the cut that the boy had seen before. "Okay but how come you got hair" said one of the girls. "All women have hair there it's natural" "my mommy doesn't" she replied "well then your mother removes it". The little girl seemed completely shocked. I now being finished wipe my bum which I must admit was very messy and I was about 5 minutes just cleaning up back there. The kids all watched as I'd given up telling them to look away after they'd just seem my very well used sanitary towel and now they could see the evidence on the toilet paper as I wiped. I pulled my jeans up quick so they wouldn't get any further views of my "front bum" as I had to call it at one point. Needless to say I left teaching afterwards as it wasn't quite for me after suffering the privacy invasion. I now though keep my lady parts well groomed just in case another group of annoying first grades catch me on the toilet again.


Responses and Today's Big Poop

Hello. Mary is getting her shower so I thought that I would write. Do you think that I should tell her about this forum? I think it's cute that Emily and Molly can write together. I just don't know if Mary would be open to this. She would be mad that I wrote about her accident and toilet habits. OK, maybe not then.

Mina, Thank you for saying hello. I hope that you feel better soon. It sounds like your roommates are kind and helpful when you are sick.

Elphaba, I hope that this forum is a safe space for you to share your struggles. Being the only tomboy in a house with seven beautiful, feminine women, maybe I can relate a little. I definitely identify as female, but maybe I know the pressures of fitting a stereotype. Maybe that's not the same, but I do care. I support your right to use the bathroom that you feel comfortable using, even if that alternates between the men's room and women's room.

A Survey from Jonathan in British Columbia:

1)List you age and gender: 21 (almost 22), Female
2)How often do you pee? I really don't count, maybe 6 times a day??? I drink a lot of water
3)How often do you poop? Once daily, almost without exception
4)When sitting on the toilet, how far do you pull your pants and underwear down? At home, to my ankles. In a public restroom, to my knees. When wearing a dress, usually to my knees and then lift the dress or skirt.
5)After you poop, does the bathroom smell bad? It has a moderate smell. Some can be pretty bad, but most of the time it is not too overpowering.
6)When sitting on the toilet, are your legs close together for far apart? Together, but not too close together.
7)Do you stare into the bowl when you are finished? Always.
8)Have you (or a friend) ever called a person on cell phone while on the toilet? No. I never use my phone on the toilet. That is MY TIME!
9)Do you stand to wipe or sit to wipe? I stay seated and lift my hips.
10)Are you afraid to defacate in a public bathroom when people are around? No.

This morning, my poop was pretty big. We had an eclipse party yesterday afternoon, and I loaded up on barbecue, baked beans, potato salad, salad and some fresh vegetables. Some of our classmates hosted. We were in 100% totality. Maybe it was the extra food, coffee this morning and a little bit of nerves for class, but when I sat down, it was wide, firm and it just kept on coming. It was a pleasurable feeling and an easy cleanup. Flushing was a different story...

- Becc


To Elphaba

Today I looked your post about "wrong toilet". I was shock very much. How they decided that you are male, if you are transgender? Even in Japan there are many men look like woman, and many woman look like man. If you wear woman's jeans, I think difficult to decide you are man.

Perhaps if you say, "I'm not a man, leave me alone" they don't shout to you? I wonder about your voice. Is it very low? That might be problem....

Once I went to concert, a harpist was a woman, but she look like man, so I had to check programme to see her name.

In Japan, someone like you can use disabled toilet, because we call "minna no toilet", it means everybody's toilet. Men and women use same one. Sometimes they are separate, but often there is only one for both gender.

I think things get better and better for transgender and I hope soon you feel a comfortable in any loo you choose.

I think everyone on this site give you a support. Maho and Hisae and Kazuko give.

And me too.

Love from Mina and HMK

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Emily & Molly great story at least you waited until after the eclipse.

To: Just A Mother at least she was finally able to poop and I bet she felt great after.

To: Mina great story about your desperate poop it sounds like you had a lot to get out a good cleanout and I look forward to your next post thanks.

To: Jake great catch.

Well that's all for now.

Sincerely Brandon T

PS. I love this site

Was good everyone. Im new here lol, I saw other newbies to this site tell a bit about their selves so I will too. My name is leena im 15 and have a twin brother and a brother that a year older, We have pretty good bms and love to share them with each other they find it funny but i dont share mine with them anymore unless its like amazing sorry i dont really know how to explain lol. So today I was in the downstairs bathroom pooping, i left the door cracked so it wouldnt smell that bad. the house was pretty much empty my mom was cooking and my brothers we're outside playing football with friends. I sat on my toilet let out a crackling fart, I've been gassy today a soft turd landed in the toilet with a small thump. A few more came out right after another making a louder splash. Boy did it stink like hell in there, I slightly pushed and another load came out splash splash plop with a loud fart, I think im gonna have diarrhea due to my turs softness and my gassyness. I looked up and the window is right by the bathroom, One of my brother's friends looked over my way I like fell off the toilet so he didnt see me. I actually laid on the floor for about a minute to be safe, I got back up I felt empty so i wiped so much poop was on the toilet paper it was gross i flushed accidentally left some skid marks whoops and went back to netflix lol.


Just moved into school

Hey everyone it's me again. I just wanted to send people stuff and tell a story

To Abbie: Sorry you've been so backed up lately, has it gotten any better?

To Lavah: I hope your constipation is getting better. I too am suffering right now so I hope it goes well.

Now for my story:

I recently just moved into college, which is located in Philadelphia. Everything about it has been great. Everything, except one thing. I had to poop while I was moving in, and I lost the urge to go. I didn't get it back until half an hour ago, and this is how it went.

I was eager to sit on the toilet, because I thought it would be an easy poo. I sit down and I don't feel it moving. I give a small push and feel nothing. Then another slightly harder push. Next I was straining as hard as i can. I'm trying not to grunt, and my face turns red. In the end I only pushed out two little pebbles, and I still feel bloated. If anyone has dealt with constipation in college please let me know. Goodbye and happy pooping!


replies and questions

Abbie - hope things get back to normal soon. I haven't really had any problems with constipation myself before but it does sound painful! One of my friends gets really embarrased about people hearing her poo. She will go from toilet to toilet on campus trying to find one that's empty, so nobody will hear her go!

Natasha - sounds embarrassing! I guess it must have been pretty shocking to suddenly realise you were weeing in your leggings!

I've got a question for guys - I know myself and other girls sometimes leak when desperate for a pee. Does this ever happen to guys?


I'm sorry you had that experience. That is terrible for someone to invade your privacy like that. People don't respect the fact that your pussy is a special thing that only YOU get to decide who sees it. Again as a boy and as a human I am sorry that happened to you. I hope your pee was at least reliving. I should also note I understand how sucky it is to be cursed with that curiosity of women using the toilet. This site is an extremely healthy way to deal with something like that. It humanizes it and takes the awkwardness away. I am glad the situation didn't escalate further and I hope you never see him again. I think that situation would have been different if you had been with him a while and he actually cared about you.

I took a poop the other day sitting backwards as always that came out
straight. part of it was sitting out of the water. I pushed it in with toilet paper and it formed a C shape. I was proud of myself.

This morning I took a poop that was mushy and light brown and smelled like rancid garlic because of the 6 pieces of pizza I ate at pizza ranch last night. it slowly sputtered out. it was nice.

to Emily and Molly and other women on this site that rip a lot of farts, do you ever find yourself desiring to let one rip when you butt is all gassed out?

Thursday, August 24, 2017


Wednesday replies

Sorry I've not posted just lately. Life has tended to get in the way a little.

Lavah. I hope your constipation has resolved itself. Sometimes it may need a little help in terms of food and drink, a laxative or, at worst an enema. If you're worried I'd seek medical advice with your GP or a practice nurse but usually it's not necessary.

Willow. I was sorry to hear about your experience with that John at your office. It's not at all how a gentleman should behave. Whilst it's natural to be curious about other people peeing - especially members of the opposite sex - common etiquette demands that proper consent is secured (ideally within a well established relationship) before the privilege (and it is a privilege) is sought or granted.

My answers to Jonathan's survey
1)List you age and gender 50 plus and male
2)How often do you pee? 9-10 times a day
3)How often do you poop? 2-3 times a day
4)When sitting on the toilet, how far do you pull your pants and underwear down? Below the knees
5)After you poop, does the bathroom smell bad? Occasionally. It depends on what I've passed.
6)When sitting on the toilet, are your legs close together for far apart? Apart.
7)Do you stare into the bowl when you are finished? Yes
8)Have you (or a friend) ever called a person on cell phone while on the toilet? No
9)Do you stand to wipe or sit to wipe Stand
10)Are you afraid to defacate in a public bathroom when people are around? No, but I prefer to do #2 at home for hygiene reasons

Just a Mother. Not pooing for 9 days is highly unusual although I'm glad your daughter's situation is resolved. Much of what I've already said to Lavah is, I think, relevant. However I'd be interested in what your daughter's been eating or, more to the point, what her normal diet is. I'd try to sneak in plenty of fresh fruit and veg if you can and make sure she has plenty to drink.

Blob, I remember the long hot summers of 1975 and 1976 very well which rather dates me. I suppose it dates us both. Sadly we've had nothing like it since. I rather hoped 1977 would be hat trick but it wasn't to be and the Queen's Silver Jubilee was rather a washout. Your girlfriend was very brave to pee in the middle of the road - especially in those days.


Pooping with chemistry teacher

Pooping with chemistry teacher

As requested, here is my account of when I pooped with my chemistry teacher. This was a few years ago so it won't be as detailed as some of my other posts, but it still sticks strong in my mind!

When I was about fifteen I did something known as work experience, it's basically a small unpaid job you do for a week or two to give you an idea what it will be like when you leave school. My ideal job is working at a chemistry lab so working at the school one was perfect. I knew the staff already, I knew my way around and I didn't have to travel any further to get there. The person looking after me for the two weeks was my chemistry teacher, Emma. Someone I had been taught by for the last 4 years. We knew each other well and I felt very comfortable around her. Let me describe Emma, she was in her mid 20's as the time, nearly 6 ft tall with a very athletic figure, due to the running and cycling she did in her free time. Long blonde hair always in a ponytail (which I love!), nice sized chest and a very pert rear.

We was finishing our lunches together when she said "I'm bursting for the loo, have I showed you where they are yet?" I shook my head and she got up. "C'mon, I'll show you where they are." I got up and followed her. To my surprise, I had waited outside the toilets pretty much every time I had a lesson! It looked like a small storeroom or something, a door that needed to be opened with a key and no signs on it at all. But when Emma opened the door it was completely different. A small bathroom with three stalls, and opposite it a mirror with three sinks.

Emma took the middle stall so I went into the one to her right, next to the frosted glass window. I pulled my trousers to my knees as I sat, hearing her do the same next to me and then heard a loud hissing as she started peeing. She wasn't wrong about being desperate. I hadn't been at all that day so my wee started only moments later. We both went for quite a while and as my wee tapered off I started pooping. I was trying my best to hold it, managing to slow it down to a crawl but it was still coming out. I couldn't believe it! Was I really about to poop next to one of my teachers?

A few seconds later I heard a quiet splash from Emma, she was pooping too! This was all I needed to hear and relaxed. Straight away my poop started coming out of me quickly and there definitely was no stopping it. It fell into the toilet with a loud splash as Emma dropped one of her own every few seconds.

We went for about five minutes and Emma reached for the toilet paper first, me not far behind. We left our stalls together with a smile and washed our hands before returning back to work.


Pooping at abandoned house

Hi everyone,
My name is Dom and I posted last summer about pooping in my yard. Yesterday, I had a very interesting experience pooping in the yard of a different house. A few houses down the street in my neighborhood, there is a house that no one has lived in for a few years due to foreclosure. The backyard is mostly fenced in except at the front so it's fairly private. Last night after dark, I went for a short walk around my neighborhood. Towards the end of the walk, I felt the need to poop. Instead of heading home to poop, I thought it would be fun to poop in the backyard of the abandoned house. Since no one else was outside in the neighborhood, I walked into the overgrown backyard of the house and squatted on the concrete back patio. I peed first and then let out a long windy fart. I felt my anus open and a long poop slid out onto the patio. There was a slight poop smell where I was squatting. I stayed squatting for a bit to ensure that I was finished and then stood up and pulled up my underwear and shorts since I didn't have anything to wipe with. I quickly left the backyard so that no one would see me and walked home to wipe my butt. Has anyone else pooped in their backyard or someone else's?



Hi guys! At some point in school, I met a deaf girl named Katy. I never had many bathroom experiences with her as a child, but was in the bathroom with Katy sometimes. Katy was also visually impaired, too,and also had a tracheostomy. I think she was born with a medical condition called CHARGE Syndrome. The letters stand for symptoms of the condition for people who don't know. Sadly due to Katy's hearing loss, she couldn't hear her bathroom noises, but I have no doubt she enjoyed sleeping in complete silence every night. I also met someone by the name of Patsy who is hearing/visually impaired, but unlike Katy, she is impaired enough to need Braille, and wears hearing aids. I don't know if Patsy can hear her potty noises much without her aids, but I bet they amplify her toilet noises greatly. Hope you enjoy this, great day to all the poopers/peeers out there.


haven't pooped in 6 days...

Good evening, all. Someone (sorry, I can't remember who) asked me if I've tried enemas and suppositories to help relieve my constipation. My doctor gave me the same advice with those as with laxatives and said I should only use them if absolutely necessary or else my body will develope a dependency on them. I've used them both a few times, mostly when I was in my early teenage years and desperately wanted to get my poop out before a school dance or something. I've been given enemas during doctors appointments a few times in the last few years, but other than that, I can't remember the last one I had.

Anyways, sorry I haven't posted a story in awhile, I haven't had much time. My constipation has been acting up lately. As I'm writing this, it has been 6 days since I've pooped. I've tried several times, but have had no luck. My stomach has hurt all day from being so full. I have a free schedule tomorrow, so I plan to sit on the toilet until I'm able to go. I'll post the story on here afterwards.

That's all the news I have for now. Apologies for such a short post.


Just for a Piss

At my company, there is a man in another department than mine. He has the common name of John, along with many other Johns. I was surprised when he asked me out to dinner. I didn't know him very well. Anyway, we went to a spruced up coffee shop. I made sure I peed before he picked me up. We talked some while eating. I found him rather dull. I went to the ladies room and peed. He took me home. Thank you, goodby, and left. No kisses, no nothing. The next day, I saw him in my department. He seemed to be lurking around me. I could not think of any business he could have that long there. Eventually, I went to the ladies room. As I went into a stall, I saw him come in the bathroom. I was in the habit of not locking the door, but this time I should have, but didn't. As I pulled down my slacks and panties, I saw his feet in front of my stall. Oh, oh. Here comes trouble. I sat down and started to urinate with my legs half opened. Right away, he opened the door and asked "Can I watch your piss coming out of your pussy"? I yelled "No. Get out of here", but he just stood there and watched. "Is that the only reason you took me out, so you can watch me urinate"? His answer was a weak yes. I never had anything further with him after this.

After School Emily and Molly

After the Eclipse Emily and Molly

Hi, friends of the Toiletstool forum! This is Molly writing on behalf of us both!

We hope that everyone had an enjoyable day watching the Eclipse. We live in a zone that was over 90% covered. We had a great time watching but are a little envious of those who saw it in the total coverage area!

Today was the first day back for teachers in our school. Classes do not start until next Monday where we live. After hours of getting our classrooms ready, we joined other teachers outside in the school parking lot to watch the event.

Of course, by the time the event was nearing it's climax, we both realized that we needed to do our daily number two's! I could tell that Emily was getting uncomfortable, and I was too. We both made it to the girls restrooms near the school office. We took stalls next to each other. My number two was long and soft. It came out pretty quickly and snaked around the bowl.

Emily's crackled. She said that it was a thick, cucumber shaped log with a lot of cracks on the surface. Her number two made a loud ker-plunck sound. We both cleaned up and rejoined other teachers, talking about their experience with the eclipse.

Not an exciting story, but I imagine we were not the only human beings holding back a load during the eclipse!


Emily and Molly


Question for all

Anyone ever pooped and farted loudly in a public bathroom and felt embarrassed? If yes, share your story. It can even happen in the opposite gender's bathroom.


Public Library Bathroom

My name is Jonathan. I am 18, skinny and 5'9 and live in British Columbia,Canada. This experience happened three months ago, while I was studying for a Chemistry final. It was the weekend and I decided to study in the library to prepare myself for the exam. So there I was studying for my finals on a weekend. Across the table from me were two boys, probably around twelve or thirteen years old, doing their homework. I assumed from the athletic wear and provincial champions shirt that they played hockey and had practice in the afternoon (the hockey rink and the library are in the same complex). After sometime of studying. I decided to call it a day and go home. However, my body was calling me to the bathroom. I needed to take a number two. After packing my stuff, I left the library and walked to the bathroom, which was just adjacent to the ice rink. The two boys who were at the library came ran in as I was casually strolling into the bathroom."Come on Brian! Game starts in thirty minutes!", one of the boys shouted. "Luke,it's going to be quick," the other boy said. Luke ran the the urinal. I saw him pull the front of his shorts down (I think that athletic shorts do not have flies). Since there was only one urinal and one stall, I just stared at myself in the mirror waiting for Brian to get out of the cubicle. I heard a stream start from Luke. He wrapped up quickly and ran out of the bathroom without washing his hands. From the cubicle, I could hear grunts and pushes. Just by the looks from under the stall, his running shoes were angled towards each other, and it looked like Brian was pushing with all his might. Then a heard a wet fart, some toilet roll ripping, and a flush. The stall opened and he walked out and washed his hands. It was my turn to relieve myself. I locked the cubicle door and hung up my backpack. The smell of Brian's fart was so bad I could smell it just as I entered. I felt that I was just going to make it worse. Undoing my khaki short and pulling down my blue and white American Eagle boxers, I sat on the toilet. I peed a bit just as I sat down. After waiting for some time,I had the feeling that a ball of poo was just about to exit my bottom. I do not grunt and let gravity take it's course. I sat there thinking of what I have do to when I get home. Just to say, I plan my day while I am on the toilet (whether it is peeing or pooping). When my poo finally came out, I took lots of toilet paper and wiped myself REALLY well. After pulling my boxers and shorts up, I flushed and left the bathroom.

Thanks for reading!

1)List you age and gender
2)How often do you pee?
3)How often do you poop?
4)When sitting on the toilet, how far do you pull your pants and underwear down?
5)After you poop, does the bathroom smell bad?
6)When sitting on the toilet, are your legs close together for far apart?
7)Do you stare into the bowl when you are finished?
8)Have you (or a friend) ever called a person on cell phone while on the toilet?
9)Do you stand to wipe or sit to wipe
10)Are you afraid to defacate in a public bathroom when people are around?

Just a Mother

Very constipated daughter

Yesterday, my seven-year old daughter was complaining that her stomach really hurt. I ran through the checklist of things that might cause it, and finally I realized, maybe she just had to poop. I asked her "When was the last time you went #2?" She stopped and thought for a moment and said "Um... last Friday, I think." Yesterday was Sunday, so that meant nine days since she last went.

I told her I would give her an enema. She asked "What's that?" I told her "It's a medicine I'll put up your bum, and it will make you go #2." I administered the enema and had her sit on the toilet. I told her she might have to go very badly, but to make the medicine work right she had to hold it for fifteen minutes. As expected, it started to kick in before the fifteen minutes were up, although not much. "How much longer do I have to hold it?" I looked at the clock, "About a minute and a half"

Finally, the time was up and I told her she could go. She released a big deluge of farts and wet, loose poop and some diarrhea. She kept on pooping and pooping. I had no idea anyone, let alone a small seven-year-old girl could poop so much, but I suppose that's what nine days worth is like. When she finished, she wiped some, but it was mostly useless. I had her wait and even stay on the toilet because she'd probably have to poop more very soon. She did try to flush though, and the toilet choked a little and didn't fully flush. "Mom, I did too much #2 and the toilet didn't flush." she explained. I assured her "It's fine. I'll take care of it when you're all done."

Sure enough, she had to poop again just a few minutes later, and twice more after that, the waves about three minutes apart. After five minutes had passed and she hadn't had another wave, I had her get in the shower and get cleaned off that way, as wiping would never do anything. Meanwhile, I set to unclogging the toilet. Between what was left over from her first and biggest wave of poop, plus the two other smaller, but still substantial, waves, there was a lot of poop in the toilet. Probably more poop than I've ever seen in any one place in my entire life. Unclogging the toilet was certainly a chore.

My daughter pooped again later in the night, but it was probably a more normal poop, as she took care of everything, wiping and flushing included, herself with no complaints or requests for help. Today she seems to be back to normal and feeling much much better.


16,000 at a concert

A few weeks ago when I made a visit to my grandparents, I did several things with Faith. She lives next door to them and years ago grandma was Faith's babysitter back when she was really young. They live in a larger city and grandma treated me and Faith to a concert at the Muny. That's what they call their big auditorium that has about 16,000 seats. We had to take a city bus downtown because her dad had been drinking heavily and my grandparents don't like driving at night. So when we got into the arena, which was already filling up, Faith said she had been holding her crap. So we went into the hugest bathroom I have ever seen. There were toilets after toilets in two long lines. Then the sinks in the other room. There must have been 30 or 40 of them. We found two available toilets that were next to one another. The door creaked badly on mine, but I hurried and seated myself and got my pee going right away.

Listening and watching below the panel next door I could tell Faith was having trouble. She said the latch on her door was broken. She couldn't keep the door closed. More people were arriving and like us visiting the toilets first. I told her she could take her sweater off and hang it over the door. She swore and said while that would show that the toilet was in use, the door was easily swinging inward. I don't think she had ever used a toilet without a privacy door before. My pee ended and I told Faith she could come over and take my toilet. She was at the door within seconds. I let her in as I was still pulling my sweats up and tying them. She slithered around me, there was a blasting fart and with her jeans and underwear at floor level, she dropped herself fast onto the seat. The first splashes came immediately. As I moved closer to the door to give her more space, I noticed a 2-inch turd just to the left of her foot. She swore pretty loudly when I showed it to her. I grabbed for the toilet paper to pick it up. There was none.

There was more noise as more users came in. I saw Faith grab her thighs, and she rocked forward and backward a few times. She said the big one was coming out. Then with a sigh I could tell she was done. I told her I would go out and get her toilet paper. It was way down and on the other side of the room where I found an open toilet and I wound a good amount of toilet paper on my hand. I took it back to Faith and she was happy to get it. We enjoyed the concert and made a quick stop to the bathrooms afterwards to pee. That meant waiting in a line for about 10 minutes. Then we had to hurry to the bus stop. If we missed the last bus of the night, there was no other way for us to get home. We made it.



Germane to my post on page 2645, another instance of a crowded men's room at the airport. I was up way earlier than normal to catch my flight this AM, so no need at the house to go, to early! By the time inarrived at the airport, it was about that time! Lots of people all around, including the restrooms. Lots of folks using the restrooms. Toilets flushing and men and women waiting outside for there traveling companion. I followed a fellow in the men's room that had just left his girl and baby outside the door to the men's room. At TIA, there are restrooms off the curbside heading into the airport. No time to wait for the gate with this load! I rolled my carry on baggage past the family sitting waiting for the fellow I followed in the men's room. The chairs for waiting are right next to the men's and women's room, strange set up as there is no privacy. Approaching the open hall way into the rest room you could clearly hear the stall door shut from the fellow that just entered. His girl was sitting on the chair with the baby, and glanced up as I walked by. I glanced back and went in. There was three stalls I think, a handicap one and two others. Even though I prefer to take the handicap one,( love the sink there if you need some help with some moist towels to clean up) none the less, I took the stall on the end, next to the fellow that I followed in. He looked to be in his mid twenties maybe, and he took the middle stall. He was already sitting when I undid my belt and sat down. I usually put a toilet cover down or paper some times, but these bathrooms are spotless, so I just sat down. He was farting and dropping loose shit, as I just sat there for a minute to catch my breath. Than as he stopped dropping shit, I started with a nice long crackling log that slipped into the bowl with not much sound. It's been about 2 minutes so far, and I just let a big fart escape with a few more pieces falling out. My neighbor is farting and squirting again. It's been about 3 or 4 minutes now. A couple of men came in to pee, but just us two in the stalls. We both are quite now, I am starting to wipe. No sound from the other stall right now. Leaning forward, sliding my feet back a bit and leaning on my toes a bit; my first wipe, (TIA has nice soft TP btw!) my first wipe was as usual, dirty. No folding of the TP on the first wipe, dumped right in the bowl. Second wipe, streaky, but ok to fold, third wipe was better, another pull of paper, 4 wipe looked good. Right as I am flushing, my neighbor is pulling paper. I left the stall, washed my hands. It sounded like my neighbor wiped a couple of times with a couple of pulls of paper. I left as he was washing his hands and walked out. I am sure we both entertained his family. I could hear her with the baby, she could absolutely hear the toilets and god knows the farts and things. When I walked out of the entrance, she was looking right at the entrance, maybe thinking her boy was the first one out, but she had a surprised look that it wasn't me she was expecting, and glanced away.The other fellow was right behind me by a few seconds and I heard her say that he took to long because she had to use the restroom and for him to watch the baby. Until next time...Best to all! Steve

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Stacey great desperate poop story.

To: Annie From Taiwan another great story.

To: Not Saying it sounds like you both were desperate.

To: Abbie that's good hopefully you get back to normal soon.

To: Lauren it sounds like you were very desperate and had to poop a lot.

To: Sarah it sound like your teacher really had to poop pretty bad and bet she felt better after.

To: Jessica B another great story.

Well that's al for now.

Sincerely Brandon T

PS. I love this site


angel delight in the midnight

I told you I would tell about urgent motion, in last post. So here is story.

Not so happy in beginning. because I had very bad dream in night. In the dream, a man hit Maho when she was with me and said "you dirty girl, why you wear short pants, it is offence!" and hit and hit her. Then behind him I saw my old colleague Kiwa! I wrote about her earlier post. She was laughing, Maho fell to ground and she laughed more. I jumped to her with rage.

Then I woke up. My body was sweat all over.

And I didn't feel good my stomach. I tried to relax, but pain got more and more worse. Finally I decide, get out of bed, go to loo and do cowpats, maybe heavy diarrhoea.

Because it took long time before I decide, go to loo become urgent very much. I wonder, do I poop my pyjamas? I waddle to beige loo. (I learn "waddle" on this site.)

Lucky, pyjama trouser still clean. I pull down panties, also clean. and sit on loo and bururururururu big speed and long time. I quickly and quietly close door, because smell and noise wake up Kazuko, maybe. Then burururururururu again and then wee.

Then I flush. Lucky thing is, flush in our loo not noisy so much.

Then bururururururu again. I thought, how many times I do this? I still feel funny my stomach. My bottom say to me, stay on loo!!




Buu. Buu. Buu. Buu. many times. This one is not puree but pieces.


Nothing happen for 5 minutes. But I don't feel finish. So I sit and sit. Then suddenly, Burururururururururururu. Very big one! What is happen to Mina? Do I faint when get up from loo? (New people in this site don't know, I am professional fainter, and sometimes I faint after do a diarrhoea.) But I don't want to wake up Kazuko.

Relax about 5 minutes.

Bururururururu. I start to feel better little bit.

Suddenly door open and Kazuko's head appear to me. "Mina what is happen? Are you OK?"

My bottom answer, bururururururururu.

I said Kazuko, I have bad dream, and when I wake up it is stomachache. Also I say, I worry because I do so much poo, I feel weak! and after I say, my bottom open again. But this one feel like last one, maybe I do little pieces and then finish. My stomach not so bad now.

Kazuko's pretty head disappear, then appear again with glass of tea. She say me, "drink this on loo. Then you stronger!" Kazuko is so sweet woman. I love her!! Sorry I say same thing many time.

After I drink, Kazu take away glass and I do topping of angel delight, few small pieces. Kazu come back and I say, "I finish". So I wash my bottom long time because maybe very dirty, then Kazu kneel next me and wipe, so soft touch! And she flush for me, only once is OK!! and help me up and hold my arm, I waddle back to the bed. I don't faint!!

Kazuko lie down next me and sing song in little voice so I go to sleep. I don't wake up until morning come. And in morning I am fine and have big breakfast as usual and I can go to work, so I make up face while Kazuko is busy on loo, she do and do and do! I think beige loo is not so hungry that day. How many cowpats she eat??! But when I say to Maho, she say, "green loo also not hungry, because Hisae give huge breakfast, I worry loo crash through floor!" and Hisae hit her.

Sorry this is not interesting story, but I hope it can answer to question of Alex.

Shoutout to everyone. Emily Molly, 2 x Anna, Becc, Optional person, Victoria, Stacey (I think my motion also come like garden hose) and every one and every body. Love from your very own Mina and MKH.

Lavah. Jess and Becc: Thanks for your kind words, it really means a lot.


Country bicycle ride.

About 40 years ago before I had a car of my own, my girlfriend and I would go out at weekends on a pair of bicycles, she had to use her brothers bicycle that had 6 gears. The country roads were empty of cars and we could go for miles without seeing anyone.
On this day we were riding along a road with a number of bends in it and tall hedges on both sides with out any breaks in them, not even farm gates. As she was faster then me she would often be ahead of me. As I came around a bend I saw her bicycle on the ground in the middle of the road, I thought she had come off it, but as I got near I saw that she was squatting with her jeans and knickers down having a pee in the middle of the road, she looked over to me and said that as she had to wait for me to catch up she had made use of that time to have a wee wee. I said did you know that your piss stream is running down the road and under your bicycle. When she was done and had pulled up her things she picked up her bicycle and wheeled it to the side.
I said now you have peed I with have one also so that we do not have to stop again. I peed into her puddle so that anyone coming up the road would see only one stream. So I got my thing out and knelt so as to stop any splatter and peed into the middle of her pee spot, causing the combined stream to run farther down the road. When I was done I put it away and we continued on our bicycle ride.
How I miss the long hot summers of my youth.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Today I was in my flat nearing the end of writing my essay. As I checking that the all the references in the body of the essay were also in the bibliography I was really starting to need a pee. By the time I got two thirds through the list I was so desperate that my right foot was bouncing up and down. I really wanted to finish my essay before going to the bathroom and in the back of my mind I was counting down the references that I had to go however my body had other ideas as with only three more to do I knew that I had to go NOW! So I bolted to my bedroom door and raced across to the bathroom. Shutting and locking the door I then undid my jeans, grabbed the waistband along with my red panties and in one swift movement tore them both down to my knees. Sitting down on the loo my pee then gushed out of me and loudly hit the water. As I was reaching the end of it I involuntarily farted and as I did so I felt what I thought was a small turd fly out of my bumhole. But actually when I stood to wipe I saw it was several blobs of dark brown unformed poo that were floating on top of the pale yellow water and a huge skid mark on the back of the bowl. I finished wiping and threw the paper into the toilet before flushing. I had pulled up my panties and jeans to my waist when the flush cycle finished and I noticed it hadn't removed the skid mark so before buttoning up my jeans I got the toilet brush and scrubbed it away.


a few recent trips to the loo

Hi guys,

I've been away for the weekend at a friend's wedding. They were a friend from home who's a couple of years older than me, and the wedding was in a city about an hour away on the train.

I went over to the city on Saturday afternoon catching the train just after lunch. I felt a need for a wee at the station but as my train was on the board I figured that I'd go once I got on. I found my seat and put my bag away, then went to the loo, but there was a sign on it saying the toilet did not work if the train was in a station. I guess it needs to be powered by the train moving or something. Anyway I sat down and the train set off a few minutes later. I got up and went to the cubicle and locked the door, I looked at the seat which was absolutely drenched with wee. I didn't fancy searching the rest of the train for a loo so I pulled my jeans and knickers down and 'hovered' over the toilet, trying to aim my wee into the bowl without adding to the mess! It was certainly a challenge with the train swaying around the whole time!

After the wedding itself there was a sit down meal etc and I felt the need for a wee coming on, but I didn't want to leave halfway through as it would have been a bit rude. I held on through the rest of the meal and the dessert and people finally started to move around as the plates were cleared away. I waited a few minutes so I didn't look desperate then excused myself. I walked out into the hallway of the venue and wandered down the corridor a bit, before I saw a sign towards toilets. I followed it along a bit more, and then up a flight of stairs, at the top of which was the toilets! As soon as I saw the toilets my bladder contracted and I felt I was on the edge of leaking, so I burst into the toilets, into the cubicle, yanked my knickers down and threw myself down on the toilet, letting loose a strong and hissy wee. I shuffled forwards on the loo to lock the cubicle door which I hadn't managed to do given how desperate I was! The stream kept on going on and on and on, I pushed and it became even more ferocious! Eventually it died down and I sighed deeply at the relief. I then sat for a minute and pushed again, at which point another stream came out for a few seconds. I reached for the loo roll... and there wasn't any! I hatched a plan and pulled my knickers (light blue, lacey) to just below my crotch and let my skirt down, with this done I flushed and shuffled to the next cubicle, which I locked, lifted my skirt up and knickers down again. I could feel a few drops had run down from my un-wiped bits to the tops of my thighs, which was annoying, and there were a couple on my knickers. But I wiped up properly and then managed to pull my knickers up, and returned to the reception.

This story happened about 2 years ago when I went on vacation with my girlfriend and her friend Sidney. Now my girlfriend is only about 5ft 2 but she is a curvey girl with big thighs and bum she is also very pretty brunette, while her friend was of a similar build and also very pretty. Were all about 27 and we were visiting china but not a major city in China we were more in a rural area. It was my girlfriends idea as she wanted to learn about the locals way of life etc.. and get away from busy cities. So we were staying over in a small village and our house (if you can call it a house) had no bathroom at all instead there was a number of small communial ones located around the village. Some of them were no more than small sheds with two holes in the floor while others had a more building like structure made out of concrete. Now I had never seen heard or discussed going the toilet with my girlfriend or anything private like that so to me I seen this trip as an opportunity to perhaps even see her on the toilet. I had to wait a day to make my move but at some point during the day I heard my girlfriend say to her friend that she needed to use the bathroom. I waited a couple of minutes and then followed her over without her noticing. There were four stalls in this toilets as it was the most developed and conventional bathroom in the village but the toilets were merely holes in the floor which you squated over. Furthermore there was huge gaps about a foot high between the stall walls. I came in tight behind her and seen her go into the second stall along. So I walked past to the third stall making sure she couldn't see my shoes from under the door. I could hear her undoing her jeans so I crouched down on the floor ready for my first ever glimpse of her axe wound. I was starring under the wall waiting when suddenly I saw her bum a come down to my eye level and I must admit I gasped at what I saw. I couldn't even see her fanny as sprouted in front of it was a massive hairy bush of pubic hair! I could believe my eyes. There I was expecting a bare fanny or at least a well trimmed one but it was clear by how untidy her bush was she has neglected to shave for probably a year! On top of that now that I was only a foot away from her lady parts I noticed that the immense amount of hair continued underneath into her bum crack. She was hairier than me. I could also see some dark black stubble on her legs as well. I stayed there transfixed on this sight when suddenly she left out a wet fart and I could get the distinct sound of crackling. She was pooing! This was defiantly more than I was asking for as I'd expected only a polite little wee but with that I could now see a long soft column of poo dangling out her back door. As it dropped I expected to see it disappear into the hole but it instead landed on the floor a few inches from the hole. She'd missed! She quickly adjusted her positioning just as more was coming out. This time it landed in the hole. As she squated there I could hear her grunting obviously straining for the next load I looked at her hands. One was rested on her big chunky thighs whilst the I could she twisting her pubic hair around her finger! As if they weren't curly enough! More soft poo dropped from her now stretched bum hole which then broke off. Now I could see a small piece no more than an inch long right in her bum crack as she moved up and down trying to get it out. I couldn't believe it it was stuck. She squated there her bum hovering for about 20 seconds with nothing happening as I could hear her grunts. But it wouldn't budge. To my surprise she reached for it with her hand before then quickly retracting her hand and then rummaging in her handbag which was on the floor next to her. She then seemed to try and stand up with it appearing her thighs couldn't quite take the strain of supporting her for this long duration of time and as she did so I saw the poo get squished between her bum cheeks. Now I could see the inside of her right buttock was covered in poo with some infused in her bum crack hair as well! This was one disgusting girl. But then I seen her with toilet paper in her hand feel around her bum hole and then pull the little bit of bum out in her bum hole. I then seen her start to wipe up but couldn't help but notice the real mess back there which I could see on the toilet paper. Despite this she only took 2 wipes whilst half standing up. Obviously not enough to clean her back door as I could still from a foot away see poo smeared on her bum cheek and in her mass of curly black hair. She then squated down again and bursting out from her overgrown bush I could see a stream of urine. It was only a short stream and afterwards she took one wipe of her fanny but I could still see some wee dripping down from her pubes as she pulled up get knickers and jeans. I then wondered what she was going to do with the poo on the floor but to my amazement she unlocked the door and left leaving the piece of poo the floor. I looked under the stall door and seen her leave without even washing her hands. I went over to her stall to inspect and she'd left s real mess behind as she hadn't even flushed. I waited about 5 minutes before leaving as a Chinese man entered. When I got back she asked me were I'd been and I said I'd just went for a stroll around the village but had just been the toilets just now and someone had left a piece of poo on the floor I said with a level of disgust."that's foul" said my girlfriend horrified. She was quite a good liar to be honest. Anyway I'm still with her till this day as I couldn't let a little matter such as hygiene get in the way of us. However at one time though my will was tested as later on the vacation I accidentally walked in on her friend having a pete with her legs wipe open. Now she didn't forget to bring a razor!

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