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Michelle S. I was with a girlfriend at a mall; its was a pretty hot day and I was wearing a halter top and white shorts, pretty tight ones, not too short, but kinda cute. We had had a lot to drink and were going from store to store, and I was aware that I had to pee, but nothing out of the ordinary, and not real badly. We hadn't bought much, and actually weren't planning to, until we ran into this great sale. The store was pretty crowded and my friend and I were trying things on, getting other things, and it took quite a while. I had to pee more, but again nothing I usually had problems with. Finally we finished, got our stuff and got in line to pay. It was then that I began to have to pee really badly, and all of a sudden. I remember standing there for some minutes waiting as the line moved slowly but steadily. By the time it was just about our turn I kept moving from foot to foot, and said to my friend how badly and all of a sudden I needed to pee. We agreed to head for the toilets just after we paid, and they were close by. I wasn't very comfortable, but not very concerend either. By this time I was really figeting (sp??) and could barely sand still, yet I wasn't worried since I knew the toilets were less than 30 seconds away. My friend was beginning to look at me a little strange, but I told her that when I had to pee sometimes it came on real strong and suddenly. She said she understood. We left the store and I almost ran to the toilets, but they were being clearned!! I couldn't believe it, and by this time was desperate since when I have to pee badly the closer I get to a toilet, the more I have to pee. I didn't know what to do since the other toilets I knew about were down the escalators and across the mall.I told my friend I was really desperate and afraid I was going to wet my pants. She looked at me and said kinda loudly, "You going to wet your pants?!" A few people looked at her and me, and I must have turned slightly red, but at that point we were off and almost running to the escalators. I was holding a big bag in one hand, my purse over my other shoulder, and thinking I really wanted to hold myself, but in public was afraid to.

I ran first and got on the escaltor which had people on it, but not too many. I couldn't stand still and asked people to let me by. One more floor down I kept telling myself. I really felt I was about to loose control, and kept imagining what I'd do if I really started to wet my shorts. I began to have flashbacks to other times I had to pee real badly or wet my pants, and that sure didn't help at all. Getting onto the second escalator I felt a dribble, and stop and crossed my legs thinking to myself, 'oh shit...'. I got in control, and almost began to push people in front of me to keep going. Someone said something like, 'dont be so rude', and my friend said, 'she's gotta pee real bad, let her through.' That got some more looks, but I was more concerned about my fading ability to control myself. I began to panic. I managed to ge down the escalator without leaking too much more, but I knew I was in trouble....this had happened before and I was about to soak myself.

The toilets were now at the other end of the mall, not all that far, but far enough. I began to run, and people began to look at me and my friend. Then my purse slid over my arm and bounced on the ground, opening up and a few things fell out. That was it. I stopped, but felt it coming. I crossed my legs and bent over, my friend picking up my stuff. I felt the first large spurt, and look down. I couldn't see anything wet, but felt that sudden warm wetness soak my panties. Without thinking I grabbed myself between the legs as I felt the next spurt. Then I felt my hand get wet. My friend at this point said my name, ".....can you hold it...we're almost there?". I looked at her god knows how, and then felt the next, well, not spurt, but it just poured out of me....I shook my head and looked down....My shorts were now getting wet and I could feel my legs wet too.

I sort of went blank and just stood there, spreading my legs some and just peed. I could actually hear the pee on the floor, and feel it in my shoes. My friend kept saying, "oh, no, can't you stop...just hold it." But it was impossible, once I start I can't stop. I don't actually know how long I stood there wetting my shorts, perhaps only 30 seconds, but it felt forever. At some point while I was peeing I looked up and realized there were quite a few people who either had stopped and were looking at me, or were walking slowly. Some were giggling, a few really starring, and one little girl said, "Mommy, that girl is wetting her pants. Mom, she wetting her pants!"

I finally finished and stopped, but I was frozen to that place, dripping and really embarassed. People were still looking and there was a big puddle around me. My friend pulled my arm and led to me to nearest exit, dripping along the way for a while. I certainly got more looks and could feel my butt getting wet as the shorts soaked up the pee. Once outside there were fewer people and I stopped to inspect the shorts were wet half way up my rear, and somewhat up my front. I hadn't realized it until then but my panties were almost completely visable through the wet material and I mentioned this to my friend, who said something like, "Joanne, you put on quite a show in there....yup, your panties certainly are clear, right down to the lace." I blushed. She continued, "I can't believe you totally wet your pants in there....I can't believe it." I asked her not to tell anyone since I was pretty embrassed and dind't want this to get around. She didn't. We drove home, and I don't think after that anyone saw me. I washing the clothes when I got home, and no one in my family knew since no one was home. But it turns out that in school the next day a whole lots of kids knew since a guy who worked in one of the stores saw me peeing my pants from inside a store and told people. I got teased a whole lot for weeks. Well, that turned out longer than I expected. I guess its ok.
